a-friend-spinel · 1 year
Hi all. So…you may have noticed that I have been inactive for a while. On all my roleplay blogs.
I’ve gotten busy this semester (though that seems to happen every semester) and haven’t had the time or motivation to reply to threads. I apologize for going mia.
It’s been getting a bit…well, cluttered checking all the blogs I’ve made. So…I made a multimuse blog and will probably be moving all roleplaying there. It’s @olivesgardenrp. I’m just finishing getting it set up. It’s gonna be low activity for now. Check it out if you want
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
Horrific Headcanons
Send a symbol for a headcanon about my muse. All horror/angst/scifi related.
✘ Have they ever committed a murder? ▼ What is their greatest fear? ✿ Would they ever trust dark or wicked magic? △ Name one thing from their past that they regret. ✂ If they had to choose one weapon to carry forever, what would it be? ☣ Would they kill someone close to them if they had to? ☢ Would they survive an apocalyptic situation? ❣ If someone had the power to bring them back after death, would they want them to? ☠ Do they fear death? ♱ What do they think awaits them after death? ¿ Are they easily frightened? ╳ How would they react to seeing a loved one become possessed? ☹ Name one person they would kill for. ☼ If they had the choice to be immortal with one other person, who would they choose? ☎ How would they react to receiving a phone call from a deceased love one? ★ Do they have a favorite scary movie? Book? Show? ♣ Do they believe the world is made up of good and evil? ♥ Have they ever acting out of heartlessness? ☾ What is their favorite and least favorite thing about the night? ψ Do they think they deserve punishment for their wrongdoings? ϟ Have they ever gotten pleasure from causing others pain? ♚ Do they consider themselves to be evil? ♒ If they could choose how to die, how would they want to go? ™ Are they possessive? ✔ Are they holding a grudge against anyone? ◯ Do they believe in ghosts? ✦ Who is their favorite villain? ☄ While watching a scary movie, are they the one clinging to a friend or being clung to? 웃 Do they believe in aliens?
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
Horrific Headcanons part 2
Since it’s one of my most popular memes, here is a part 2 to THIS meme, all about RP muse headcanons that are dark, angsty, or horror/scifi-related!
😇 Does your muse pretend to be innocent if they’ve done something wrong? 😈 Are they a deceitful person, and do they see themselves as such?  👁 Have they ever been a stalker, or been stalked themselves? 👀 What is the most disturbing thing they’ve ever seen? 😴 Would they ever choose to die in their sleep? Why or why not? 😡 What would someone have to make them lash out in violent anger? 🎃 If they were to play a mean trick on Halloween, what would they do and who would be their target? 👥 Is there anyone they wish they had never met? 🤡 Do they have any phobias or irrational fears? ❌ Would they consider themselves easy to corrupt? Already corrupted? 🤞  What is one of the biggest lies they’ve told (or their most recent lie)? 🥀 How would they handle the death of a loved one? (optional: specify person) 🔫 Would they ever sacrifice someone in order to save their own life? 💣 Name one dangerous experience they survived. 🍗 Have they ever wondered what human tasted like? Or do they know? 🎵 If they were going to torture someone, what music would they play while they did it? 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 How would they react if the person they fell in love with turned out to be a criminal? 😍How would they react if the person they fell in love with turned out to be non-human? 😪 Name one thing someone could say or do to make your muse cry. 🦋Would they choose to die if it meant they’d come back as someone stronger? 👄If your muse had the ‘kiss of death’, would they ever use it?    🗣When is the last time they yelled at someone in anger? 🍼 Would they have a family with someone who was not of the same species/human-ness as them? 👤 If they could switch bodies or lives with any one person, who would it be? 👽What would they do if they witnessed an alien ship crash landing? 🤑Would they commit a brutal murder if it meant they would become rich? 👣Do they believe in Bigfoot? What about other legendary creatures? 💥If the world were ending, would they be satisfied with their life? 🔥 In a fire, they can only save three things (including people). Who/what do they save? 🍷 What would they do if someone slipped them a slow-killing poison? 😱When was the last time they were shocked or startled? 🦉Could they stay calm lost in the woods all night by themselves? 🐲Were they afraid of monsters under the bed as a child? 🎧How would they react after hearing an unexplained sound while home alone? 🏡How much would they have to be offered to live in a haunted house for a month? 🙀Do they believe animals have extra senses that people don’t? 🔪What do they think is scarier: a killer with a gun, or a killer skilled with a knife? 👻If they were a ghost, what methods would they use to haunt someone? 🔮They have a premonition that something terrible will happen to them. How do they handle the situation? 🔭Do they have a fear of the unknown and things they can’t explain?
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
Last year… on this day…
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
tell me 5 things you'd put in a pentagram to summon me and I'll tell you if it would work or not
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
The feeling is mutual.
*he chuckled still, smiling at geranium’s bow, lightly bowing in turn as he hummed.*
*One could always have more friends, especially those who are, or at least seem, innocent. The saviour looked at the gem with a kind smile, before looking back to where he thought metro was before, his expression lightly turning to focus as he tried to think on what could have happaned.*
Geranium followed his gaze and frowned as she remembered her friend was missing. She stepped over to the area to look for any clues as to what happened, but then turned around to face Max.
“Where were ya before ya showed up here? D’ya think Metro coulda ended up there?”
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
That’s a nice name.
Though if you prefer it so, i’ll call you by your nickname. *he smiled at her, a soft chuckle escaping him, instinctively holding out a hand as a greeting.*
She grabbed onto the hand with a tight grip. “Okie dokie! I gave it to myself, so I like it a lot!”
She shook his hand enthusiastically, then released her grip and backed into a bow. “It’s a pleasure to officially meet you!”
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
*The saviour shrugged back.*
I sure wasn’t playing with spells before this whole situation happaned, and if Metro was sleeping, doubt he was casting spells either… hm.
Sure seems so indeed, thus is Fatum’s will.
*…and then something clicked to him.*
O-oh!, Gods, do pardon me, what’s your name? Metro told many tales of his interactions with you but he never mentioned your name! That, or i wasnt paying attention, heheh…
*He rubbed the back of his head with his hand in slight nervousness. He should have asked that sooner, he thought.*
“Oh!!! It’s Geranium!” she cheered. “Or Spinel. Geranium’s my nickname!”
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
Geranium shrugged. “Sometimes weird things happen for no reason! Unless one of you did the spell by accident.”
An Intriguing Swap
*It was mostly an ordinary day; Wake up, Go on a Mission, Go out for Tea, and then see where the day takes You.*
*Well, Metro sure didnt expect the day to take him to the calmest moment he had in Months.*
*He was lying down at a hill, looking at the sunset sky, and listening to the soft coos of distant pidgeons. The atmosphere was extremely calming to the mind and soul, Metro eve begining to softly purr in comfort at the whole atmosphere. His mind would begin drifting into depressive thoughts of self-death, however he would not dwell on such thoughts over his focus on the calming atmosphere - for once.*
*He did sense a faint aura of magic begining to swirl around the area, however over his focus on the present, he didnt realise it, in fact, he was begining to fall asleep from the warm, comfortable feeling, before dissapearing in a flash of light.*
*All was Quiet, yet not for long as another flash of light appeared - a short shout of suprise following, as someone fell to the ground.*
*Max Solus, The Voltronic Hero, stood up and looked at the surroundings, his vision blurry, yet able to put together he sure as hell wasnt at his previous location anymore, as he hums, rubbing his head*
…hm… uh, Where am i…? *He muttered, humming to himself.*
*To say that he was Confused would be an understatement.*
// @a-friend-spinel, @dimension-hopping-valentine, also open to whoever else wishes to rp!
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
She shook her head. “Nuh-uh, don’t think so. I think he was asleep.”
Her expression turned thoughtful. “Do ya think it was dimension stuff?”
An Intriguing Swap
*It was mostly an ordinary day; Wake up, Go on a Mission, Go out for Tea, and then see where the day takes You.*
*Well, Metro sure didnt expect the day to take him to the calmest moment he had in Months.*
*He was lying down at a hill, looking at the sunset sky, and listening to the soft coos of distant pidgeons. The atmosphere was extremely calming to the mind and soul, Metro eve begining to softly purr in comfort at the whole atmosphere. His mind would begin drifting into depressive thoughts of self-death, however he would not dwell on such thoughts over his focus on the calming atmosphere - for once.*
*He did sense a faint aura of magic begining to swirl around the area, however over his focus on the present, he didnt realise it, in fact, he was begining to fall asleep from the warm, comfortable feeling, before dissapearing in a flash of light.*
*All was Quiet, yet not for long as another flash of light appeared - a short shout of suprise following, as someone fell to the ground.*
*Max Solus, The Voltronic Hero, stood up and looked at the surroundings, his vision blurry, yet able to put together he sure as hell wasnt at his previous location anymore, as he hums, rubbing his head*
…hm… uh, Where am i…? *He muttered, humming to himself.*
*To say that he was Confused would be an understatement.*
// @a-friend-spinel, @dimension-hopping-valentine, also open to whoever else wishes to rp!
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
Geranium beamed. “We’ve met!!! Or, sorta...” She wrung her hands together in a nervous gesture.
“Do ya...remember me? What was that big flash about?”
An Intriguing Swap
*It was mostly an ordinary day; Wake up, Go on a Mission, Go out for Tea, and then see where the day takes You.*
*Well, Metro sure didnt expect the day to take him to the calmest moment he had in Months.*
*He was lying down at a hill, looking at the sunset sky, and listening to the soft coos of distant pidgeons. The atmosphere was extremely calming to the mind and soul, Metro eve begining to softly purr in comfort at the whole atmosphere. His mind would begin drifting into depressive thoughts of self-death, however he would not dwell on such thoughts over his focus on the calming atmosphere - for once.*
*He did sense a faint aura of magic begining to swirl around the area, however over his focus on the present, he didnt realise it, in fact, he was begining to fall asleep from the warm, comfortable feeling, before dissapearing in a flash of light.*
*All was Quiet, yet not for long as another flash of light appeared - a short shout of suprise following, as someone fell to the ground.*
*Max Solus, The Voltronic Hero, stood up and looked at the surroundings, his vision blurry, yet able to put together he sure as hell wasnt at his previous location anymore, as he hums, rubbing his head*
…hm… uh, Where am i…? *He muttered, humming to himself.*
*To say that he was Confused would be an understatement.*
// @a-friend-spinel, @dimension-hopping-valentine, also open to whoever else wishes to rp!
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
Geranium tilted her head and smiled softly at his expression.
“My friend looks like you. You made the same face just now.”
She stepped closer.
“…Metro? Or…Max?”
An Intriguing Swap
*It was mostly an ordinary day; Wake up, Go on a Mission, Go out for Tea, and then see where the day takes You.*
*Well, Metro sure didnt expect the day to take him to the calmest moment he had in Months.*
*He was lying down at a hill, looking at the sunset sky, and listening to the soft coos of distant pidgeons. The atmosphere was extremely calming to the mind and soul, Metro eve begining to softly purr in comfort at the whole atmosphere. His mind would begin drifting into depressive thoughts of self-death, however he would not dwell on such thoughts over his focus on the calming atmosphere - for once.*
*He did sense a faint aura of magic begining to swirl around the area, however over his focus on the present, he didnt realise it, in fact, he was begining to fall asleep from the warm, comfortable feeling, before dissapearing in a flash of light.*
*All was Quiet, yet not for long as another flash of light appeared - a short shout of suprise following, as someone fell to the ground.*
*Max Solus, The Voltronic Hero, stood up and looked at the surroundings, his vision blurry, yet able to put together he sure as hell wasnt at his previous location anymore, as he hums, rubbing his head*
…hm… uh, Where am i…? *He muttered, humming to himself.*
*To say that he was Confused would be an understatement.*
// @a-friend-spinel, @dimension-hopping-valentine, also open to whoever else wishes to rp!
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
“Mhm! I’m a-okay!!!” She gave a thumbs up and a big smile. “As long as you are.”
But...that didn’t really mean everything was okay. Where was Metro? And if this was Metro...what happened?
Her smile faltered into a more bittersweet expression. “You’re a lot like my friend, and I thought I saw him here before the big magic blast thingy. So I’m lookin for him...buuuuut I can get to know you too!”
An Intriguing Swap
*It was mostly an ordinary day; Wake up, Go on a Mission, Go out for Tea, and then see where the day takes You.*
*Well, Metro sure didnt expect the day to take him to the calmest moment he had in Months.*
*He was lying down at a hill, looking at the sunset sky, and listening to the soft coos of distant pidgeons. The atmosphere was extremely calming to the mind and soul, Metro eve begining to softly purr in comfort at the whole atmosphere. His mind would begin drifting into depressive thoughts of self-death, however he would not dwell on such thoughts over his focus on the calming atmosphere - for once.*
*He did sense a faint aura of magic begining to swirl around the area, however over his focus on the present, he didnt realise it, in fact, he was begining to fall asleep from the warm, comfortable feeling, before dissapearing in a flash of light.*
*All was Quiet, yet not for long as another flash of light appeared - a short shout of suprise following, as someone fell to the ground.*
*Max Solus, The Voltronic Hero, stood up and looked at the surroundings, his vision blurry, yet able to put together he sure as hell wasnt at his previous location anymore, as he hums, rubbing his head*
…hm… uh, Where am i…? *He muttered, humming to himself.*
*To say that he was Confused would be an understatement.*
// @a-friend-spinel, @dimension-hopping-valentine, also open to whoever else wishes to rp!
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
Geranium, in turn, stepped closer to the Metro-not-Metro.
“Hiya! I saw ya there and then there was a big flash and then...” Her voice trailed off and she tilted her head at the person whom she didn’t really recognize and who didn’t recognize her.
“...Are ya alright?”
An Intriguing Swap
*It was mostly an ordinary day; Wake up, Go on a Mission, Go out for Tea, and then see where the day takes You.*
*Well, Metro sure didnt expect the day to take him to the calmest moment he had in Months.*
*He was lying down at a hill, looking at the sunset sky, and listening to the soft coos of distant pidgeons. The atmosphere was extremely calming to the mind and soul, Metro eve begining to softly purr in comfort at the whole atmosphere. His mind would begin drifting into depressive thoughts of self-death, however he would not dwell on such thoughts over his focus on the calming atmosphere - for once.*
*He did sense a faint aura of magic begining to swirl around the area, however over his focus on the present, he didnt realise it, in fact, he was begining to fall asleep from the warm, comfortable feeling, before dissapearing in a flash of light.*
*All was Quiet, yet not for long as another flash of light appeared - a short shout of suprise following, as someone fell to the ground.*
*Max Solus, The Voltronic Hero, stood up and looked at the surroundings, his vision blurry, yet able to put together he sure as hell wasnt at his previous location anymore, as he hums, rubbing his head*
…hm… uh, Where am i…? *He muttered, humming to himself.*
*To say that he was Confused would be an understatement.*
// @a-friend-spinel, @dimension-hopping-valentine, also open to whoever else wishes to rp!
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a-friend-spinel · 2 years
Geranium was so, so happy to see someone familiar! She had been spending time on her own before she caught a glimpse of Metro on the hill, and that just made her feel sad and confused. So she was really, really happy to find Metro again, and she started to run over.
A flash of light. Geranium stopped and watched for a minute, confused, before thinking it meant Metro could have been in danger. She ran faster to help!
But the person standing on the hill when the light subsided wasn’t Metro. Or, it was, but...different? He was looking all around like he didn’t know what happened either. He didn’t notice Geranium yet.
An Intriguing Swap
*It was mostly an ordinary day; Wake up, Go on a Mission, Go out for Tea, and then see where the day takes You.*
*Well, Metro sure didnt expect the day to take him to the calmest moment he had in Months.*
*He was lying down at a hill, looking at the sunset sky, and listening to the soft coos of distant pidgeons. The atmosphere was extremely calming to the mind and soul, Metro eve begining to softly purr in comfort at the whole atmosphere. His mind would begin drifting into depressive thoughts of self-death, however he would not dwell on such thoughts over his focus on the calming atmosphere - for once.*
*He did sense a faint aura of magic begining to swirl around the area, however over his focus on the present, he didnt realise it, in fact, he was begining to fall asleep from the warm, comfortable feeling, before dissapearing in a flash of light.*
*All was Quiet, yet not for long as another flash of light appeared - a short shout of suprise following, as someone fell to the ground.*
*Max Solus, The Voltronic Hero, stood up and looked at the surroundings, his vision blurry, yet able to put together he sure as hell wasnt at his previous location anymore, as he hums, rubbing his head*
…hm… uh, Where am i…? *He muttered, humming to himself.*
*To say that he was Confused would be an understatement.*
// @a-friend-spinel, @dimension-hopping-valentine, also open to whoever else wishes to rp!
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a-friend-spinel · 3 years
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