a-garden-of-flowers · 13 hours
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Extremely Exhausted Starters
“You. Rest. Now.”
“You took five steps and need to sit down again?”
“I’m absolutely fine, I just need to sit down.”
“I just need to sit-what do you mean I’m already laying down?”
“Your eyes aren’t focusing. Just close them for ten minutes.”
“Write one sentence on this piece of paper, and then I’ll let you up.”
“I just need a breather, that’s all. Maybe ten. No fifteen.”
“We’re both so exhausted we can’t even argue about not being exhausted.”
“When I said I needed five more minutes I meant it more like hours.”
“… no… I’m tired… let me sleep… I don’t want to get up.”
“We need to get out of the heat, you’re starting to look sick.”
“You can’t hide those shaking hands from me. You need to stop.”
“I’m just a little cold, I’m okay, really. Let me sit with a blanket or something.”
“Moving…? No I’m good thanks.”
“Gravity has a hold on me of which I have not the strength to break.”
“Was… was that actually there? That wasn’t there was it?”
“I’ve had no energy for three days.”
“You worked yourself so hard that you’ve been sentenced to three days of bed rest.”
“Listen I can… I can get up. It’s fine.”
“If we’re both in this state, we both really screwed up somewhere huh?”
“I have energy for exactly one more person of favourable standing, and going the hell to bed. With or without that person, bed is happening.”
“You’ve struggled to move anything for the last hour.”
“This is what happens when you over exert yourself.”
“You were almost dead from pushing it too far!”
“I went a little overboard sure… but I’m still alive. So shh.”
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Dominant Sentence Meme
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" Have you been spanked before?" " So I bought a tail plug today…" " You’ve been a bad ____ today. " " I’m going to hurt you." " What’s your safeword?" " I want to choke you." " Pretend you don’t like it for me." " I want to make you bleed." "You know, when you freeze a knife, the lightest touch feels like a cut." "It seems as though you need some extra obedience training." "Don’t come until I give you permission." "Eat on the floor." "I brought you lingerie." "Tell me what you want me to do to you." "Let me get the camera." "I want to mark you." "Bend over my knee and be still while I spank you." "I want to fuck you in public." "Wear that shirt again tomorrow. The one I came on." "If you keep talking, I’m going to gag you." "If you beat me, you can top." "You get aroused too easily. Let me fix that." "Put on a show for me. I have new candles for you. The wax should be hot now." "Have sex with them while I watch." "Welcome to my playroom/dungeon." "Are you a painslut?" "Let’s try the toys I bought." "I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve this time." "We’re going to try chastity play." "What positions are your favorites?" "Rewards are for those that behave." "You’re pretty when you’re blindfolded." "It’s called sensory deprivation. You’ll feel touch all the stronger." "It’s a collar. It’s tug-proof." "Call me while you’re in the meeting. I’m going to talk dirty to you." "You forget that you’re my toy." "Spread your legs and thank me for each smack." "Spend the rest of today ready for me at any moment. Lick my boot." "Do I need to retrain you?" "Your nipples look sore now. Should I soothe them?" "Have you ever heard of fireplay?" "Write a post about tonight. Tell everyone about it." "Cry for me. Your tears are all the pay I will ever need." "Beg. Go ahead. I'll allow it." "This is a friend. They are going to watch. Behave for them." "Allow me the honor of stepping upon you." "You may sit upon my lap." "Who’s your daddy?"
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a-garden-of-flowers · 19 days
You know damn well I’m slapping Enji with that fish 🐟
He yelps, and jolts backwards, flames flaring. He is..so confused. "What...the fuck?"
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a-garden-of-flowers · 19 days
Send me 🐟 to slap my muse with a dead fish
Because why not?
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a-garden-of-flowers · 26 days
You know what we need? More FatMight content. Either as a ship or as friends. Why aren't there more fics or art of them? T^T
Cuz people are godless demons with no taste.
Or because they never interacted in canon really.... LMAO...
Have one of my older doodles I never bothered to clean up much or post...
touch starved unstoppable force meets squishy immovable object
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a-garden-of-flowers · 26 days
(I'm screaming, I'm crying LOOK AT THEM AHHHHH)
your fatmight is 😩👌💞💞💞 there isnt enought fatmight in the world
Thank you!! Have a doodle!!!
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Toshis too big for boyfriend shirts usually.
If only we could see them together in canon for once... theyre both so fun and goofy and sweet... Horikoshi stop being a demon.
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a-garden-of-flowers · 30 days
"Do you trust me enough to let me leave a mark?" "The sting of the cut excites me more than anything." "I want to feel your nails digging into my skin." "Every scrape tells a story." "A little pain can be so intoxicating, don't you think?" "I crave the sensation of your blade against my skin." "The sight of your blood excites me beyond words." "Let me make you mine, mark by mark." "The pain is fleeting, but the pleasure lasts." "I want to see my marks on you, always." "Scrape me, cut me, let me feel alive." "The sight of your scratches makes my heart race." "A little blood adds to the thrill, don't you agree?" "Feel the burn and embrace the pleasure it brings." "I love the way you gasp with each scratch." [SCRATCHING] The sender gently drags their nails across the receiver's back. [CUTTING] The sender carefully makes a small cut on the receiver's forearm. [ABRADING] The sender uses a textured cloth to rub the receiver's skin, creating a series of tiny abrasions. [BITING] The sender bites down on the receiver's shoulder, their teeth leaving indentations and slight scrapes. [SCRAPING] The sender drags a rough edge across the receiver's thigh, creating a line of superficial cuts. [PINCHING] The sender pinches the receiver's skin with their nails, leaving small red marks that linger. [GRAZING] The sender lightly grazes a sharp object across the receiver's chest. [MARKING] The sender uses a piece of broken glass to create a small cut on the receiver's leg. [DRAGGING] The sender drags the blunt edge of a knife across the receiver's stomach. [CLAWING] The sender uses their fingernails to claw at the receiver's back, creating a series of parallel scratches. [PRESSING] The sender presses a serrated edge against the receiver's arm. [SCRITCHING] The sender scratches the receiver's neck with their fingernails.
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a-garden-of-flowers · 1 month
@depressedhatakekakashi (did you see this?)
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ogle your eternal rival no jutsu
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a-garden-of-flowers · 1 month
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Have a Toshi-loaf to help brighten your day!
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a-garden-of-flowers · 1 month
Desire and dominance
"Beg me to stop, or I'll keep going." "You know you want it, don't you? To feel every single hit." "How does that feel? Does it hurt just right?" "You're not allowed to come until I say so." "Can you handle more, or do you need a break?" "Tell me how much you love the pain." "The more you beg, the more I’m going to enjoy this." "Do you like the way it feels when I tease you?" "You’ve been a bad [boy/girl/pet/etc.]; now face the consequences." "Let me hear you cry out, it only makes it better." "What are you willing to do for a little relief?" "Every whimper just makes me want to push you further." "Do you need to beg more convincingly?" "How long do you think you can last?" "I’m just getting started. Are you ready for more?" "This is just what you deserve." "Can you handle the intensity, or is it too much for you?" "Tell me exactly what you’re feeling." "You won’t get any mercy from me." "You look so vulnerable and delicious right now."
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a-garden-of-flowers · 1 month
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So.. I’m fixated on a new show
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a-garden-of-flowers · 3 months
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*Insert sound of Midnight cackling in the background*
When I thought about BNHA action figures, the logistics of Mic’s hair was the first thought that struck me. Then I went straight away and drew this, even if it is stupid.
Like my mini comics? Maybe buy me a kofi!
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a-garden-of-flowers · 3 months
PROMPTS FOR THE GRUMPY VS SUNSHINE TROPE *  assorted dialogue for that great dynamic between a guarded character and a warmer character, adjust as necessary
do you ever stop smiling?
life sucks. get over it.
no one ever listens to me. at least, not until you showed up.
i didn't ask for your opinion.
there are more important things i should be dealing with.
i don't talk about my feelings with anyone.
that was a little uncalled for.
i didn't mean to talk your ear off.
i work better on my own.
what did you say to them to get them to listen?
i don't want to talk to you. in fact, i don't want to talk to anyone.
can you just leave me alone?
i never said i would help you.
you can't just talk your way out of problems.
everything was fine until you showed up.
now if you'll excuse me, i have better things to do.
what's so great about this place, anyway?
my opinion doesn't matter anyway.
i don't have time for "fun."
i just want to get this done and go home.
that's never been up to me to decide.
do you stick your head into everyone's business, or just mine?
if it's all the same to you, i'd prefer to be alone.
no one asked you to get involved.
i don't have a choice. it's my duty.
you're interrupting me again.
can we talk about this another time?
you've been listening to me talk for an hour now.
how do you stay so positive all the time?
i'm perfectly content just the way i am, thank you very much.
can't you see they're taking advantage of you?
i wish you would just listen to what i have to say.
i have to try and stay positive. it's the only way we get through this.
nothing good can come from constant negativity.
i believe in myself because no one else will.
i've seen what happens when the bad outweighs the good.
we just have to stay strong.
you never know what someone is going through.
i am capable of more than you give me credit for.
i don't think you're a bad person.
there's so much more to life than this.
you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
have you tried being nice to them?
a compliment goes a long way.
i choose to be kind.
i just don't see the point in staying silent.
i'm just trying to look out for you.
there's no need to be rude.
we could work together as a team. did you ever think about that?
if you need my help, i'm here for you.
you should smile more often.
i wish you would just be yourself.
for what it's worth, i like who you are now.
we don't have to fight all the time.
being soft is not a weakness.
i want to make this work between us.
despite all that, i'm still here for you.
if you ever want to talk, i'm here to listen.
you're not as bad as you make yourself seem.
i've never seen you that way.
i've come to care about you.
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a-garden-of-flowers · 4 months
god i love making animatics in my head i wish drawing was real
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a-garden-of-flowers · 4 months
He jolts a smidgen as the water hits his back. He had been expecting it, but the sudden temperature change still surprises him.
"Well no. But you feel obligated to, yes." Not a real question. Even if it's mostly phrased as one.
"I shouldn't need help. I should either be fine, or die quietly without bothering anyone any more." The last thing he says is so quiet it would be hard to pick up.
♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth [for either aizawa or toshi]
Toshinori had been declining in health lately. His condition getting worse. When asked he says it will pass, but his smile is not convincing.
He dosent really know.
"You don't have to do this." He says softly. He sat on the seat in the tub, shivering. He had a lot of trouble holding his own body heat. "I do appreciate the help though, I am not ungrateful. Still. I would never ask this of a friend." His hand guarded his scar. He wasn't even doing it consciously.
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a-garden-of-flowers · 4 months
Manhandling symbol starters
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
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