“I don’t want to be so sad. I read that you should think of your emotions like everyday objects. I tried it out with a ballpoint pen. I held it, and I pretended that it was my sadness. I rolled it back and forth on my palm. See, it moves! I dropped it. See, it’s just a thing I can drop! But I still felt sad afterward.”
— — Sylvie Baumgartel, from Song of Songs: A Poem
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"What became of her?"
The girl shrugs. "Stories stop," she says.
– Joy Williams, State of Grace
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the thing is i will never forgive jkr for a lot but especially her sending harry back to the dursleys every summer “for his own protection” and the message that sent to kids
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“The things we love destroy us every time, lad. Remember that.”
— George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones (via perrfectly)
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Catherine Pierce, “The Mysteries”
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Nikita Gill, Night Songs to Aphrodite
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bedrooms are like. ok this is where i will travel the universe every night and cry and laugh and live my most authentic life which no one else sees
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The Tree of Life (2011)
Dir. Terrence Malick / DP: Emmanuel Lubezki
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Growing up feels like your skin no longer fits. Like you just want to crawl out of that thinly stretched space and lay down in the grass and sob for hours. Instead, I am in a cafe eating lunch and trying not to scream. Looking around wondering if anyone else in this building is doing the same thing, wondering if they ever have and, if so, how they got through it. Maybe I would calm down if I just had the assurance that other people have looked in the mirror and no longer recognized themselves.
— Kalyn RoseAnne Livernois, from Ten True Things
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i love it when a new month begins and the tumblr girlies start posting poem excerpts about current month
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Happy Fourth of July moodboard
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“Margaret Atwood says, “if you get hungry enough (…) you start eating your own heart.” Mine ate me. What does that make of this hunger?”
— i’ll bite the hands that feed me, Grace Moloney
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“That’s one of the reasons I never wanted to get married. The last thing I wanted was infinite security and to be the place an arrow shoots off from. I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.”
— The Bell Jar, Chapter Seven, 1963
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Blue Apatite Sphere 🌍💙
Available at verbenalune.com
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