Very relatable.
See a stick, and go bonkers!!
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I did a thing! Well, more correctly I got a thing - a little poodley thing. This is Renwick and he will be dusting off Cricket’s old service dog in training role and stepping into her former shoes (although we will need to size them up for him since he has much bigger paws). But we’ve got a bit more time to just do puppy things until he steps up to the big leagues of service dogdom aka the wide and scary world of public access training. On top of that we also hope to dabble in a few sports provided he enjoys them (barn hunt, dock diving, and rally just to name a few). I am so excited to have a little canine fluff around the house again and I cannot wait to see this boy grow. 🖤
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So after 9 months I finally got Cricket’s ashes back. On the same exact day I learned which puppy I’m going to be picking up in less than two weeks…so that’s…a bit wild. I feel bad I can’t even clear out a space for her in the house because I’m literally packing up everything to move within the next few months. But at least she’s home.
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Nefja had to wear a muzzle on our walk. Why?
Is she aggressive? Maybe. Is she a sh*t eater? Maybe. Is she going on a murder spree? Maybe. Is it because trying to eat bees isn’t considered a healthy diet? Maybe.
When you see a random dog with a muzzle on you never know why he’s wearing one. But do you need to know?
The owner is taking good precautions for something and is keeping everyone around and the dog itself safe just in case. Do you need to know more? I understand the curiosity though.
Ok, now the story time part. We were in a nature reserve with mandatory leash rules. No specifiactions to the length just…leash your damn dogs, Karen.
So we walk on the trail and a woman with 3 off-leash dogs comes our way, sees us and Nefja wearing a muzzle. I stop, call Nefja into a heel on the outer side and watch the woman get into a mini panic to collect all her dogs while Nefja was wiggling her butt off because there was an Aussie.
When we walked past she yelled what a poor dog I have because she has to wear a cage on her face. I doubt she understands masks muzzles.
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Old dog people: why aren’t any young people interested in preserving my breed? :(
Also old dog people: blue lives matter, Trump 2020, actively discourage new people from joining their breed community
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i spent that entire day just begging troja to stay out of frame so I could get at least one good photo of sparty
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Dayan, 11 months old.
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Labrador go brrrrr
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For reference the top 2 times shown are canicross men’s world champion and  junior world champion respectively.
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name change: smoldog-bigbork -> a-little-over-zealous
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So I’ve been looking after this dog that showed up at my moms house because I’m lonely as hell. Got him an embark breed test...what the fucking hell do you mean
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the most effective means of preventing dog homelessness are 1) providing material support to impoverished and marginalized pet owners and 2) preventing and addressing behavioral issues before they become cause for relinquishment 
but that’s far less fun and takes way more effort and human compassion than self-righteously chirping “adopt don’t shop!” 
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Slash looking grown
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Literally like 15 min after I posted this I got a call from an Aussie breeder I had applied for - I am officially on their waitlist for a puppy that’ll hopefully be here by spring
Boy I sure would love to have a dog and therefore stop having to worry about Getting A Dog
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Boy I sure would love to have a dog and therefore stop having to worry about Getting A Dog
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