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The awkward half, the fuck what am I even doing, no don’t do that. God, stupid duck -.-
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The good side, the flirtatious side, the one who gets what she wants.
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Basically why I don’t think I should be allowed to dress myself
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My thoughts are plagued by memories I couldn’t even describe.
It’s not like day dreaming I feel like I’m really there, and instantly I snap back into reality. But for a moment I’m somewhere else, I’m still me, sometimes different. It’s like my dreams are forcing themselves out at me in my day to day. This is how I’d expect to get my memorie back, the same way they broke away. Jumbled and confusing. Sometimes I do something and it’s my from a different life, or someone else I’ve known forever? But it’s an inner voice that rarely made their opinionated views openly, but when they did I had knowledge of that life and why, the exact reason they had this opinion and I’m like “holy shit I’ll take your advice okay, not stupid, I knew that” I knew that. Like I already knew that happened I just, forgot.
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yeah i take hits – i take hits all the time, i’m all bloody nose and broken teeth. i can’t help but fight, you know. laying down to die just isn’t my style.
get out of my way.
- abby / day twenty-one of napowrimo
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“I’ll cry if I want to, motherfucker.”
— Alex Dang & Dante Douglas - “The Shotgun Cabinet” (CUPSI 2016)
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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i want sleep
Oh it’s fine I do this kind of stuff all the time... yeah all the time three years ago!
Worth it though. Chad is fucking smexy.
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Welll today actually
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Fuck imma be hella sore tomorrow::
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Have you ever thought to think that maybe slavery has never actually ended? Think about this for a second. Let’s say you’re running a country and you realize the stupid ones do what you say and don’t question it. You realize the stupider they are the more you get them to do. Over time you realize if you let one or two of them start reading into things and wondering how the world works, the rest of them begin to wake up and then suddenly your profit makers want “rights” or to go live off in their own country(I’m talking about that god stuff in Egypt) so it takes forever to find a new way to separate and divide this new “united nation” so one dominate side can reclaim an easy living lifestyle while forcing others down. Let’s say you passed this lesson on to your kids and they left home and started new kingdom and taught their kids that lesson. Then suddenly the red headed step child(America)is like “well they have a nice shot” (reffering to the time they helped with the American revolution, aka cut moms hand off screaming f*** y**!) I bet you when the queen of England dies so will the monary and the royal children will turn it into a democracy. And now we are just like “f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f***, oh yeah how did the second part go? Separate and divide. I got this!”
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Hush now sweet child
The sun will set into darkness, and rise again with equal fire as the day set beforth. One day my galaxy will collide with another, spinning and tagging with all the stars as planets shatter into one another and the gas giants swallow each other whole. It’s coming straight for us in another 3 million years, how many times will our civilization rise and fall again? Will we escape or be another forgotten chapter like those before in the epic tale of the universe. Will the story of humanity be told or die with the cosmos into eternity?
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So anyways... update of the butterflies which have just been non stop today.
The sweaty palms thing has been going on since chad first asked for my number but like “fuck, blush.” I gave him my number ajdkfjskjdbekdhsjf
It’s just like, I like this guy. And just. I can’t calm down. I haven’t been like this in a while.
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Man I f I had followers man they’d be shaking their head.
So there’s this boy. Well guy. And he’s cute. Yeah really cute. My opinion. But I also have a problem of falling for anyone who shows interest in me, or if someone ever points out that “I should be with someone” the feeling start coming. But sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s what I really want, if it’s what “she” wants, if it’s other people influence, as I’m very easily influenced by others as well as carrying their traits with me with lists of justifiable reasons that really don’t make sense. His name is chad too. Like. It’s such a short name. But my fucking god I’m certain he has fed hair and if that didn’t turn me on already he’s got a killer smile and he’s a great conversationalist. It’s weird when when people call me an extrovert, he’s an extrovert. I’m like that girl who to shy to even admit she’s the one whose been stalking his work for the last few days like. I’m a fucking creeper man. I don’t know what to even do. Fuck. I’m the person you talk to but somehow I missed half of what you said and I just nod and pretend like I know what you said throughout the entire conversation repeating the words I actually hear you say like “oh yeah the cars.... they are yeah uh huh, that sucks...”
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when your gf won’t tell you where your stupid uncle is:
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Latin phrase of the day
Carpe diem.
It means seize the day.
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I remembered another thing from childhood which further reinstates my beliefs
Calling out to the wind. Sitting in it. Starring at the sky every time the wind blew like its trying to tell me something.
Perhaps it always has been.
Only now I’m finally listening again.
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Make a wish
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