a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
May raised a brow at the god before her. It took some effort not to let her gaze skim over his well-toned muscles, but she managed. The truth was she was never the ambassador or diplomat type. Coulson or Daisy would be better suited for that, in her opinion. Why SHIELD ever put her on the Welcome Wagon was beyond her. She heard many agents say the same thing, but she never let it get to her. “Diplomacy isn’t exactly my strong suit,” she responded.  “That’s the problem,” May said, giving the horse a weary look. She wasn’t afraid of horses, but her infamous moniker was whispered around enough that supporting the claim would, in fact, solidify the nickname. There was little she disliked more than that name. 
“Nor is it mine, unfortunately it’s required of a prince.”  And of a king, a role he meant to take as soon as he felt ready to leave Midgard to its own devices.
He chuckled and stroked the horse’s nose, “Very well, I will not force the acquaintance.”  A tall youth was approaching to the side of them, wearing a touches of Asgardian armour with her jeans.  “I think he is about to be taken away from me anyway,” he said, nodding towards Aslaug.
Old is New Again
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
“I suppose you do not.  It is hard to miss, it makes me quite hideous,” he could tease too.  He ran his fingers through her hair, “You must truly love me to put up with such a sight!”  His thumb brushed over her cheekbone, he could see how tired she was.  She had travelled far, and then, well, he gave her little opportunity to rest.
She knew him too well not to worry there might be some thread of his own worry beneath those words. Sif pulled away from his embrace, but only so she could climb to lay kiss upon his scarred brow, and stay there a moment, moving only so she might watch his eye. She wanted his gaze for this. “You are never hideous to me,” she said with low and heart firm words. “It would take far more than scars to make you so.” Deeds alone could do such a thing, terrible ones, ones she trusted he would never do. Sif swore her words with a slow kiss to his lips, a hand at his jaw to lead. You are beautiful to me.
He smiled, his palm flattened against her cheek as his heart soared as they kissed.  “I know.  I am unbearably lucky,” Sif had never lied to him, why would she start now?  He kissed her forehead.  “My love,” he murmured into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her, and held her close against his body.
Landing: Open
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
She brushed away his hand, gently, surely, but still she pushed away his attempt at soothing and let her hand rest on her chest in emphasis. “He is not to be trusted,” she said softly, but firmly. “You know this, Thor. I know he is your brother and dear to you, but we both know how many times he has betrayed that trust,” she warned. She would be honest and firm with him, there was nothing else she could be with good conscience. “You must be careful. More than careful.”
His heart caught when she pushed his hand away, but he understood that she needed to express herself firmly.  He replied with an even tone.  “Will you believe me when I say that I am not trusting him?”
He sighed, trying to figure out exactly how to describe how he was treating the situation.  “Loki has betrayed us many times.  But he also stood and fought Hela with us.  He has not fallen into ill habits in the years since.  I am not unguarded, but I am affording him the opportunity to continue in the manner he has since conducted himself.”  He paused, “If he can use this opportunity to mitigate some of the damage he did to this planet, more the better.”
Well Meaning
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
Thor knew there was information missing here, but he also knew that Loki was not about to provide it.  It was reason to be suspicious, but he decided it might also be reason to keep his brother close.  Still, it was a lot to ask for him to keep Loki here.  Loki would have to prove himself exemplary as a guest in this place.  “It is good to see you, Loki.  Try not to take it too personally that I will be the only one who will probably say that on this planet.”
“I expected little else,” Loki laughed softly. “In fact if they acted differently I would be extremely suspicious. You and mother are more than enough for me. I need no one else’s approval.” That wasn’t entirely true. A part of him would always yearn for his father’s admiration, deep down, though he would rather feast on shard’s of glass than ever admit it. “It is enough that you are glad to see me, brother, and now we have our future adventure to look forward to.”
Thor gave a small nod.  He still had his questions, but he hoped that time would answer them.  For now, he wanted to go to Sif, prepare her as best he could for the news he knew she would not be pleased by.  “Then I will look forward to seeing you later, brother.”  A small polite bow at an incline that declared them peers, and then he departed.
Hello, Brother
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
Thor nodded, “Hand to hand, and what you would call traditional weapons.  Swords, bows, spears, knives, axes.  If you want someone to fight for you, you have to show that you’re willing and able to do what’s expected of them.”  Or at least, that was the case with Asgardians.  “I could assist if anything like that is needed.”  Over a year in captivity had made him eager to act, to assist in any way he could.
“You any good with kids or just adults?”  A legitimate question.  There would be a world of difference between letting kids climb you like a jungle gym and teaching them skills.  The latter requiring a great deal more patience and tolerance.   
“We could totally set you up to train adults.   Just was thinking if you would be any good with the kids.   The xmen that came are used to teaching their mutant kids how to use their gifts but that’s not the same as this.”  Clint shrugged.  He had no problem with the mutant community.  Just wanted to give all the children of Haven useful lessons in fighting.
Thor gave a small shrug, “Either.  Asgardian warriors enter training young.  I would try to make time to work with recruits.”  Depending on what his father needed him for and what tasks called for his attention, he managed to find the time.  “Just send me where I’m needed.  I’m good at that.”
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
“Yeah, I remember the first time, his spear went through my chest.” Coulson snapped back, “not that any one of you give a damn about that.” He rubbed his face and said, “so please, do me a favor and talk down at me as if I’m some sort of child. I’ve been through shit the past six years myself. But I’m a mere mortal.” Coulson gestured to himself. “I’m sure what I went through is NOTHING compared.” 
Coulson shrugged at the apology, “it’s fine. In an encampment of hundreds of people, many that I know, didn’t bother to tell me anything. I’m glad to see where I stand.” 
“You may choose to interpret my tone as condescending.  I imagine you would prefer that I would rise to your anger and sling barbs of my own in return for yours.  But I am not angry, I am sorry, as I have said.  You can accept that or not.”
Clearly Phil needed to scream at someone, and Thor was as good a candidate as any.  Telling Sif had taken priority over telling Coulson, though he didn’t intend to share that with Coulson.  The mortal didn’t care about anybody’s trauma but his own at the moment, and that fact was why Thor couldn’t really bring himself to raise his voice.  It felt hollow to argue his own difficulties when Phil was lashing out with self-righteous sarcasm.  Thor had only spent two years imprisoned for attempting to come to this planet’s aid.  “So, if my apology means nothing, what now?  Would you like to engage me in physical combat?  Shoot me?”  After being slashed across the face with a spear forged in the bowels of Hel, a gunshot might tickle.
thanks for the heads up
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
“I hope you will continue to feel safe, Chuck.  If there is anything I can do to aid you in feeling safe in future, you need only ask.  And I feel confident that Lady Sif, who is here with me and is also a friend of your father, will offer the same.”  Thor smiled warmly, “Because you also have me as a friend now.”
Chuck grinned and said, “I really appreciate that, and you can consider me a friend too. I may not be able to do much, yet, but if you ever want to play with my dog, you’re more than welcome to.” She ran a hand through her wavy red hair and continued grinning.
He gave a small bow to her, “The first steps are important as any other in our journey.  I think you are off to a great start, Chuck Coulson.”  He gave one final encouraging grin before he left her.
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
“I would like that. For as flawed as we Midgardians are, I think both parties could benefit from it. Only recently have the Midgardians even realized other life forms exist and it has created this fear. Of course the fear of the living dead has taken precedence. But one day I’d like to see a new SHIELD and a new Asgardian king working together and learning from one another,” May said before adding dryly, “That was my best attempt at a Coulson speech.”
May took a step back farther from the horse. “Motorcycles, yes. Horses–no.”
He thought it considerate that she chose to use the Asgardian word for her planet.  It made him certain that May was one of the right people to be an ambassador for Earth, she would easily adjust to calling her home Terra like much of the galaxy did.
“It was an eloquent speech, Coulson or no.  We may have an ambassador in you yet,” of course, getting this planet back on its feet was important.
He chuckled at the step backwards, “Just think of them as motorcycles with a personality.”
Old is New Again
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
He resolved to kiss the spot later.  He had missed too many battles with her, he did not intend to let her fight alone again.  He stroked her hair, pressing his lips to her hairline.  “Goblin claws are filthy, I am not surprised it festered.”
He knew that she admired scars, rather than being repulsed by them.  Still, he was a little unsure about his new ones.  Especially the one over his eye, it seemed to take up so much of his face.  He knew he looked very different now to when they had last been together.  He pulled her closer, if possible, and rested his cheek against the top of her head.  He knew – or hoped – that she would think he was being foolish.
She hummed an agreement and her hand stilled to find rest at his neck.  With the warm peace they had she was slow with any reply. “I suppose I don’t need to ask where your new scars are,” she said easily, drowsy and perhaps teasing a little. That wasn’t wholly true of course, he certainly had more than just his eye, but neither of them had any other scar so vital. The change in his appearance was only proof of his bravery to her; she accepted him fully, and didn’t see the scar and false eye as anything to diminish him. Scars were to be worn proudly, that one included.
“I suppose you do not.  It is hard to miss, it makes me quite hideous,” he could tease too.  He ran his fingers through her hair, “You must truly love me to put up with such a sight!”  His thumb brushed over her cheekbone, he could see how tired she was.  She had travelled far, and then, well, he gave her little opportunity to rest.
Landing: Open
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
He listened, taking in the events of her day as if they were the most interesting story he had heard today.  “My day has not been without its complexities,” he began when she asked the question.  It was time to come out with it all.  He stroked his fingers through her hair, “Have you heard that Loki is here?”  It was best to begin with what information she had.  That way he would not repeat what she knew, and she would not be blindsided.
Sif went very, very still.
“He is here?” she asked although lips moved soft and light, and head tilted only slightly, the tension was tight in stomach. Her eyes went a little unfocused as her mind started its calculations of what that might mean. This changed so many factors in their stay upon Midgard. “And why is he here?” she asked calmly, the tension starting to peek through to her voice, just a fine thread pulled taut against false serenity.
“He says that mother sent him to assist me.  I cannot imagine that is the only reason he is here, but he has not been forthcoming with more than that.”  He could feel the tension in her, and picked up a comb from beside the bed in order to run it through her hair, hoping the simple gesture would do something to soothe her.  “I think he wants my assistance with something, but with what I could not say.”  He knew that this fact would do little to soothe her.
Well Meaning
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
“I dunno man.   I’m not one of the people running this place.  That’s a question for them.   Though . .”  A thoughtful expression forming on his face.   “Y’know, you would come in handy for some of the folks around here that are learning to fight still and have a bit more than average strength.   Ever do some teaching?”
Thor’s good nature and patience would come in handy with some of the normal beginners too.   “I mean heck, it would be safer for you to even take some of the baseline beginners.  They can come up with all sorts of stuff by accident that might take a normal instructor out.”  Clint occasionally sported the bruises to prove it.  
Thor nodded, “Hand to hand, and what you would call traditional weapons.  Swords, bows, spears, knives, axes.  If you want someone to fight for you, you have to show that you’re willing and able to do what’s expected of them.”  Or at least, that was the case with Asgardians.  “I could assist if anything like that is needed.”  Over a year in captivity had made him eager to act, to assist in any way he could.
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
Thor knew there was information missing here, but he also knew that Loki was not about to provide it.  It was reason to be suspicious, but he decided it might also be reason to keep his brother close.  Still, it was a lot to ask for him to keep Loki here.  Loki would have to prove himself exemplary as a guest in this place.  “It is good to see you, Loki.  Try not to take it too personally that I will be the only one who will probably say that on this planet.”
Hello, Brother
A grin spread across Thor’s face, he was glad they could come to this agreement.  He wanted the rift between them to heal as best it could.  
“Well, I will have a word with Storm.  She seems to be the highest authority here, she will want some kind of assurance that you mean well here.”  He paused a moment, “Thank you, for meaning well here.”  Thor was certain that another betrayal would be Loki’s last, but he also dreaded the chance that such a thing might come to pass.  Loki was willing to kill Thor, Thor had never found the resolve to murder his brother.
“Then assurance she will have.” Loki promised. This was his chance to prove his sincerity to his brother, and in so doing he hoped to secure his help. It was no simple task that he needed him to undertake, and one that Sif was sure to object to. But Thor would never turn him down without good reason, especially after he helped him take care of these humans he was so fond of. “I’m here to assist brother and that is what I will do.”
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
He resolved to kiss the spot later.  He had missed too many battles with her, he did not intend to let her fight alone again.  He stroked her hair, pressing his lips to her hairline.  “Goblin claws are filthy, I am not surprised it festered.”
He knew that she admired scars, rather than being repulsed by them.  Still, he was a little unsure about his new ones.  Especially the one over his eye, it seemed to take up so much of his face.  He knew he looked very different now to when they had last been together.  He pulled her closer, if possible, and rested his cheek against the top of her head.  He knew -- or hoped -- that she would think he was being foolish.
Landing: Open
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
May smiled, “So humble.”
“Asgard seems like a beautiful place. I wish I could have visited. And I’m sure all of the livestock had to be strong to withstand Asgardians and their whims. Your father’s army was of legends, quite literally.”
May was able to hide most of the disappointment from her face when she learned there was still no mission for her. “Important training, indeed then. These men will be our future first line of defense then?”
“Perhaps when all of this,” he gestured around to indicate the outbreak and ensuing destruction, “is over and I take my place as King of Asgard, I may be able to make the borders less impassive.  I want Asgard to interact with the Galaxy, not stand aloft, separate from it.”  Much of the universe lived far shorter lives than Asgardians, and so it was easier to separate themselves, to avoid entanglements with those who would live and die in a Asgardian heartbeat.  But hiding away meant that they didn’t make progress.
“Yes, they are the first among what I hope will be many to learn these skills.”  As long as they kept finding and began to breed the horses, this was far more sustainable than any motor vehicle.  “Do you ride, Agent May?”
Old is New Again
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
She gave a soft chuckle, and kissed his cheek for good measure as she settled into his lap, wrapped arms around his shoulders. “I killed a stray creature or two, but otherwise things were thankfully quiet. I think with all the preparations for expansion we’re doing a good job of keeping them further out,” she said as she combed fingers through his golden hair before brushing it back over his shoulder. “Before that was rather average. I trained, I spoke to a few people.” Sif gave a half shrug. “The day has been fine thus far.” She traced a stray piece of his hair, tucking it out of the way of his face before her eyes fell back to his. This type of intimacy was addictive, each gentle moment something craved and treasured.  “How has yours been?”
He listened, taking in the events of her day as if they were the most interesting story he had heard today.  “My day has not been without its complexities,” he began when she asked the question.  It was time to come out with it all.  He stroked his fingers through her hair, “Have you heard that Loki is here?”  It was best to begin with what information she had.  That way he would not repeat what she knew, and she would not be blindsided.
Well Meaning
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
“Yes, several times over, I imagine…. but it was fun just the same,” Loki smiled at the memories. Deep in his heart, he longed for those days more than he would ever admit out loud. Their younger years when they were inseparable. A team.  Even with all Thor’s egotism in his youth, Loki never hesitated to give his advice and everyone knew that if there was anyone’s words that the thunder god would give credence to it was his brother. 
The god of mischief, he might have been but there was never a doubt in time of need or battle whose side he was on. Never a question of his loyalty. Those days, of course, were long gone and he had no one to blame but himself. Deep down he knew that. But such truths hurt too much, he much preferred to blame his troubles on Odin or the Titan than the path he rushed down so foolishly that brought him to his current state.
“Then it settled,” Loki smiled. Her dimples deepening when Thor agreed that an adventure would be in order. “We will help the Midgardians with their infestation and then enjoy one last escapade before you become kind.” 
A grin spread across Thor’s face, he was glad they could come to this agreement.  He wanted the rift between them to heal as best it could.  
“Well, I will have a word with Storm.  She seems to be the highest authority here, she will want some kind of assurance that you mean well here.”  He paused a moment, “Thank you, for meaning well here.”  Thor was certain that another betrayal would be Loki’s last, but he also dreaded the chance that such a thing might come to pass.  Loki was willing to kill Thor, Thor had never found the resolve to murder his brother.
Hello, Brother
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a-nogodofhammers · 5 years
“They really are.   Makes me wonder what they are getting up to out there.   I mean, there are coyotes around here, similar enough for their to be hybrids.    Might have to be careful of anything that we think is a dog.”   Wild animals were just that wild.   While many could be raised to be comfortable with humans so of those feral instincts would mean they always remained dangerous.
‘We have a vet around here.  I’m sure they could tell you what to look out for.   Coyotes kinda filled in the spaces that wolves used to be.”   Clint considered as Lucky spat the stick out at Thor’s feet again.  “Huh, wonder if they will be able to make a real come back now out west.”
“Domesticated animals communicate differently to wild ones.  I may be the right person to find you dogs.  But I will also converse with your veterinarian for further advice.”  He picked up the stick, pausing as he thought for a moment, “I do remember the ancestors of your dogs.  They still looked very much like wolves, but their temperament was far more friendly.  A warm fire and certainty of food does wonders for behaviour.”  He chuckled and tossed the stick again.
“Is there anything else you think is needed here that hasn’t been addressed?  Something I may be able to help with?”  He asked.
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