Martin nodded slightly as he thought about what to prepare. "Yeah, it is and to be honest I'm sure that if I hadn't found out I'd still blame myself." He took a breath as he thought about the man responsible for the death of his mother and father. "Would you believe me if I said that Norman Osborn was the man behind it? I know that it sounds crazy but trust me when I say that it's true. My parents brought me to Oscorp for medical consultation due to a medical condition I had while I was just a young boy. I'd rather not talk about what happened, it's far to painful to talk about." He walked towards the pantry area so he could get the ingredients that he needed. "Like in anything you have to weigh the risks with the benefits of your actions. However the more you mess up the more changes will occur, which means the risks outweigh the benefits." He hummed softly as they spoke about his friend, taking his mind off the other topics they'd been talking about. A faint hint of a smile began taking form on his features as he thought about her more. "It feels better than just good, it feels amazing just like when we first met when we were younger. Everyone fears that which either can't be understood or that which is hard to explain, it's not just reserved for humans. I've seen mutants and even supes who do just the same. Fear is something that everyone feels at least once in their lives and if they deny it then they are lying."
Martin returned with several ingredients and placed them on the counter before looking over at the knives trying to pick out the perfect one for the job. "If it doesn't then we just keep moving forwards until it finally does. And don't let things get you down to much or you'll find that things will start to seem bleak."
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Martin glanced over at her and forced a small smile to his face. He hated the memory of that day and yet he couldn’t forget it, at least now he knew who was mostly to blame for their deaths. “You don’t have to apologise, it’s something that I don’t talk about normally. I’ve only spoken about this with four other people… Oh yeah I’ve stopped blaming myself, I now know who truly was behind it and although it was a accident I’m not sure I could ever forgive him for it.” He nodded slightly at her words and sighed softly. “Yeah and what if when you went back you accidentally altered it in a way that would alter the current you or even erase it completely? There are so many variables in something like that and even the tiniest bit of change can cause a butterfly effect and that’s something that I don’t even want to think about. That is another good reason why I’d rather not have anything to do with time travel… the thought of finding out something that makes things infinitely worse than they already had been isn’t a pleasant one either.” He slowly composed himself and began to cool down as he thought about his ‘friend’ more. “Indeed, she does make me feel happy… along with a few other things that I’d rather not say. I haven’t really told anyone else yet since most people fear mutants or see them as monsters, which is far from the truth. Doesn’t everyone deserve happiness though? I know it can be hard to come by but when you find what makes you happy it’s a wonderful feeling.”
As soon as he was done washing his hands he moved to the side to dry them. “I can’t deny that. There’s so much craziness going on now that it can be a bit hard to handle.”
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Lexi nods, “Hey, at least it’s a little bit of closure, right?” She smiles slightly. “Sometimes there’s things you just can’t forgive and it’s reasonable to have those things. So don’t worry too much about forgiving, even if you can’t.” She shrugs slightly. “Exactly. Too many things could change even just with a slight thing. It’s way too risk and honestly scary as hell.” She shakes her head. The woman can’t help but smile as Martin talks about his friend. “Hey, as long as it’s good feelings, that’s all that matters. People fear what they don’t understand, sadly.” She hums in thought, “I mean, yeah, but you get what I mean when I said you deserve it. And sometimes that’s a person.” She smiles softly.
She moves towards the sink and washes her hands. “Yeah, hopefully it calms down soon..” 
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Negative had stepped out to take a breath and take a moment to gather himself after his little 'talk' with one of the members of a rival's gang had gone south. When he initially saw the young woman he stayed in the shadows and started to follow after her, wondering what would bring someone to his turf. Perhaps she was in trouble and needed a place to hide or perhaps she had no idea of his existence which wasn't uncommon. He let Martin take over as soon as she called out to him and as he walked out of the shadows he smiled softly and looked at her with a worried expression.
"There is no need to be hostile young lady. I was just taking a walk to clear my mind and I ran into someone who needed my help. I had no intention of hurting you, that I swear."
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it was late at night, Laura had caught a group of mutant hunters and as always she expected to do what she always did, guerrilla warfare, attack, hit fast and hard and leave before they know what hit them and more importantly, before reinforcements can arrive but it seemed like they were better prepared like they were expecting her, she was still victorious but she had killed too many of them, an amount she hadn’t reached in recent years, she had managed to escape from them around dawn but the evidence of the fight was still on her and so she waited, hid until she healed and then waited some more, enough so that she could go back using the dark to keep people from noticing the blood on her clothes.
She was going through alleys and roofs, she was walking through an alley when her enhanced hearing picked up something.
“Come out.” She called out. “I’m not in the mood for a fight…” But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t get into one if needed.
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He bit his inner lip as she tightened her grip on his hand and he looked down at her. Martin could understand where she was coming from but at the same time he feared the possibility of Negative taking full control, destroying everything that he cared about before letting him take the blame for it. He thought what she was saying over for a little bit until they were at the café. He nodded ever so slightly before opening the door for Melody.
"That happens to be harder than you'd think love, he can be very persistent when he wants something done. I can try doing that but you have to promise me that you won't let him corrupt you the next time you come in contact with him. I know and I'm truly sorry that I put you through hell like that, I had no control over that however. If I was to lose you I'm not entirely sure what I'd do... well other than try to raise our son to the best of my abilities. Well I could think of a few others things we could do but if you really want to get something at the café I can't complain. We could always watch the 'riffed' versions if you'd like that better."
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The string of profanity that was escaping Mister Negative was actually surprising, it was in Mandarin but it still conveyed his point. Although the hole in the wall also did that as well, today made all the other bad days that he'd had seem pleasant in comparison. As he started to simmer down he heard the door to the room opening slowly and turned slightly not even bothering to switch back to Martin. However when he saw who it was he let out a relived sigh and took a breath.
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It seemed like ages since he'd seen Melody and in a way he wasn't wrong to think that. Most of the time Martin was the one who spent the time with her and honestly it made Negative a little jealous. He also had feelings for her even if there were some underlying motives playing a part in the feelings that he had.
"My love, it's been far too long since we've spent time with one another. This is a most welcome distraction from the bullshit that's been going on."
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Martin glanced over at her and forced a small smile to his face. He hated the memory of that day and yet he couldn't forget it, at least now he knew who was mostly to blame for their deaths. "You don't have to apologise, it's something that I don't talk about normally. I've only spoken about this with four other people... Oh yeah I've stopped blaming myself, I now know who truly was behind it and although it was a accident I'm not sure I could ever forgive him for it." He nodded slightly at her words and sighed softly. "Yeah and what if when you went back you accidentally altered it in a way that would alter the current you or even erase it completely? There are so many variables in something like that and even the tiniest bit of change can cause a butterfly effect and that's something that I don't even want to think about. That is another good reason why I'd rather not have anything to do with time travel... the thought of finding out something that makes things infinitely worse than they already had been isn't a pleasant one either." He slowly composed himself and began to cool down as he thought about his 'friend' more. "Indeed, she does make me feel happy... along with a few other things that I'd rather not say. I haven't really told anyone else yet since most people fear mutants or see them as monsters, which is far from the truth. Doesn't everyone deserve happiness though? I know it can be hard to come by but when you find what makes you happy it's a wonderful feeling."
As soon as he was done washing his hands he moved to the side to dry them. "I can't deny that. There's so much craziness going on now that it can be a bit hard to handle."
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Martin nodded in response and sighed softly as he looked back at his childhood. “For the most part you’re correct… Although some childhoods were more complicated than some. When I was seven I witnessed my parents die, it was awful and I blamed myself for what happened every day for most of my young life. My foster parents tried to keep me from blaming myself when they realized just what I was going through but they never imagined that I’d witnessed something so awful.” He lowered his gaze towards the floor as he thought about it more. “There are certain things I wouldn’t want to change about now but at the same time there are certain things that could do with a few minor changes to them. I don’t think I would ever want to go back now that I think about it, having to relive that day in my memories is bad enough.” He shrugged slightly and glanced back at her for a moment. “Yeah, I also hope she won’t. She’s a great woman and… even though she may or may not be a mutant I’ve started to have some feelings…” He trailed off as he felt his cheeks warm up slightly. “Even if it’s just a few minutes every so often it is worth it.”
He entered the kitchen and immediately walked towards the sink to wash his hands. “Good point, the present is hectic enough without the fears of what’s to come and the regrets of the past.”
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Lexi nods in agreement, feeling a pang in her chest when he mentions that he watched his parents die at such a young age. She knew apologies wouldn’t do anything, but it’s all she could do. “Oh, absolutely. I’m sorry you had to witness such a thing, and I hope you don’t blame yourself as much, or even at all, now.” She offers him a warm smile as she listens to him speak. “I get that.Even the smallest changes could alter things in ways we can’t even imagine or understand. And i agree, living the trauma and having to remember it is painful enough, and what’s to say that if you go back you won’t find something out that could make it hurt worse?” Lexi raises a playful eyebrow as she watches the man’s cheeks heat up. “Hey, mutant, human, supe, as long as she makes you happy, that’s all that matters.You deserve some happiness.” She nods in agreement. 
She lingers behind him for a few moments, waiting to use the sink once he was done. “Especially lately.” She sighs lightly. 
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Martin looked up at Vought Tower and took a breath as he slowly began to walk towards the entrance. Normally he would avoid going there like it was the plague but he wasn't getting anywhere with his 'research' on Vought. Negative had told him from day one that it was bad news and that was one of the things that they could agree on, but the evidence that he was looking for he couldn't find. As he walked through the doors he forced a small smile to his face as he walked over to the front desk and gently leaned up against it. He took a breath and took a small step backwards before he finally spoke.
"Excuse me, I know I technically don't have an appointment but would it be possible to speak with Dr. Essex? I know he's a busy man and I can understand that being as I normally am as well but I need to speak with him as soon as possible." He shifted his weight slightly as he looked at the person behind the desk. They probably assumed that he was here to complain about one of the supes but that was far from the case but he didn't want anyone knowing his true reason for dropping by.
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As soon as Martin saw Randall start to lose his balance he rushed back over to him to make sure he was okay. When he steadied himself Martin took a step back and breathed a sigh of relief. He hated seeing him like this but he wasn't sure if asking him about the cause of his drinking would be the best thing. For all he knew it could trigger some painful memories that the other had been drinking to keep from remembering.
"We've all had those kinds of days before but normally they get better as time goes on. Life is always hectic but there are times when things calm down and when that happens it gives you time to reflect on the events of the past. Indeed, but it was originally your idea to meet here... I don't think it was a bad idea but at the time you didn't completely know what the conversation was going to be about. But if you want we can postpone this meeting until another day if you don't think you can do this while intoxicated."
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A faint string of curses escaped Randall as soon as he found out what had been the cause of the pain that so many people, himself included, had felt. Even though it had been due to a mutant attack he couldn't find it in him to hate them since his son, his niece and perhaps even his grandnephew were mutants, which was something that only a few people other than himself knew about. He leaned back against the wall and took a breath before slowly lifting the bottle to his mouth, finishing the contents of it only to shatter it after it was empty.
"How... how the fuck is any of this fair? If that attack had been done by a Supe then would the response be the same or would it be over looked because 'everybody loves' those fuckin' assholes? If things were different than maybe shit like this wouldn't have happened..." He trailed off and placed his hands in his pockets before walking away from the wall. His eyes narrowed slightly as he placed some money on the bar before slowly walking towards the door. He stopped for a moment before silently cursing. "If a young man comes in lookin' for Randall tell him I went home because I was tired of waiting for his ass."
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Hearing that he could be meeting someone special brought a small smile to Martin's face. The thought of it being their child made the idea even more pleasant even though it was hopeful optimism at best that it was him and not some distance relative that had come to New York to visit. He gently took her hand in his before glancing down at her. It had been ages since they had gone to the café and to be honest he wasn't the biggest fan of the place, even though they did make some pretty good drinks as well as some of the best pastries and sweets.
"Yeah, he's the darker part of me... and sometimes the things he tells me are terrible. But I guess if you think that he could be helpful then I guess I could occasionally take advice from him... but only if it is beneficial. It's been awhile since we've had a date like that, I have to admit that I've missed it. When you say 'watch some movies' what do you have in mind?"
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The string of profanity that was escaping Mister Negative was actually surprising, it was in Mandarin but it still conveyed his point. Although the hole in the wall also did that as well, today made all the other bad days that he'd had seem pleasant in comparison. As he started to simmer down he heard the door to the room opening slowly and turned slightly not even bothering to switch back to Martin. However when he saw who it was he let out a relived sigh and took a breath.
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It seemed like ages since he'd seen Melody and in a way he wasn't wrong to think that. Most of the time Martin was the one who spent the time with her and honestly it made Negative a little jealous. He also had feelings for her even if there were some underlying motives playing a part in the feelings that he had.
"My love, it's been far too long since we've spent time with one another. This is a most welcome distraction from the bullshit that's been going on."
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Martin nodded in response and sighed softly as he looked back at his childhood. "For the most part you're correct... Although some childhoods were more complicated than some. When I was seven I witnessed my parents die, it was awful and I blamed myself for what happened every day for most of my young life. My foster parents tried to keep me from blaming myself when they realized just what I was going through but they never imagined that I'd witnessed something so awful." He lowered his gaze towards the floor as he thought about it more. "There are certain things I wouldn't want to change about now but at the same time there are certain things that could do with a few minor changes to them. I don't think I would ever want to go back now that I think about it, having to relive that day in my memories is bad enough." He shrugged slightly and glanced back at her for a moment. "Yeah, I also hope she won't. She's a great woman and... even though she may or may not be a mutant I've started to have some feelings..." He trailed off as he felt his cheeks warm up slightly. "Even if it's just a few minutes every so often it is worth it."
He entered the kitchen and immediately walked towards the sink to wash his hands. "Good point, the present is hectic enough without the fears of what's to come and the regrets of the past."
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Martin shrugged slightly as he thought about how much had changed since he was a child and honestly he wasn’t entirely surprised. “Even if you’re joking about that it’s actually rather true. But that’s just one of the many things that has changed since we were all children… for the most part.” He sighed softly and glanced ahead. “One can only hope that it ends up turning for the good in the end but only time will tell. Sometimes being hopefully can give you the strength to go on with life or to continue doing whatever you were doing before things went bad.” As he stopped just outside the kitchen and turned to her before frowning slightly. “You wouldn’t be the first person to have that fear, my friend was also worried about becoming desensitized to it as well but then I reassured her that wouldn’t be likely even though I wasn’t entirely certain if that was the case. Even if you can’t help people while you’re at work as long as you make time I’m sure you’ll be able to make a difference in at least one person’s life.”
Martin nodded in agreement before opening the door to the kitchen. “That’s correct, and another good bit of advice would be to not looking forward to the future and fear what could happen. If anything it could turn out to be better than the day at hand.”
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Lexi nods softly at the man, “Yeah, things have changed. They used to be much simpler when we were children…” She sighs. “Of course, hoping and even trying to just make it even a little better helps. You can’t go back completely but perhaps you could get close to how it used to be, maybe.” The woman chews her lip nervously as she listens to him talk about his friend. “I hope so. And you’re right. I’ll definitely work on trying to carve out some time and helping some people.” She tucks some hair behind her ear.
She smile softly and nods, “Of course. Just being in the present is all you can do to keep yourself from going mad.” 
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Martin took a moment to take in his surroundings before hesitantly approaching the counter. He took a breath before ordering himself a drink and began to wonder why it had taken him so long go there. Sure he tended to drink at home more times than he did when he went out but with how hectic the day had been it was worth it. As he waited for his drink he glanced towards a male who was leaning against the counter. For a couple of seconds he debated on walking over to speak with him or not before actually doing it. As he approached him, Martin sighed softly and glanced at the counter.
"I know we don't know each other but I must admit that I am curious. I've heard so many rumors and stories about this place that I couldn't help myself but to finally check it out. Is it true that most of the patrons come here so they can watch someone who's supposed to be really good at gambling gamble?"
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Martin had been so busy as of late that he'd rarely had the chance to go out but tonight he was going to break the cycle. As he stepped out of F.E.A.S.T he pulled his jacket tight and took a breath as he looked around trying to get an idea of where he could possibly go without having to go to far. It had been awhile since he had been out without it being for work or a family related situation so he decided to throw caution to the wind and go somewhere he'd never been before. He'd heard his girlfriend talk about some sort of bar or was it a pub... that had opened a couple years back and he thought why not check it out. As he entered the establishment he slowly removed his jacket and looked around feeling rather out of place which was a surprise in his mind.
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At the mention of some 'little developments' Negative looked at her in a curious expression as he walked down the stairs towards her. He hadn't expected her to keep secrets about their child but if she only wanted Martin to know about it then perhaps it was for the best. Although the more he thought about it the more curious he became. Why did she seem a little worried about how he would be okay after hearing what she had to say? "Melody, you know you don't have to keep things from me. But if you think it would be better to tell Martin about it directly then I can understand. Although if it possibly has something to do with him developing powers that are more like ours then I'm sure he will understand. It won't change the fact that he loves him and can't wait to be in his son's life."
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Negative was about to give Martin control back until he heard her comment and he looked at her with a raised brow. "There isn't much to catch up on, it's been pretty dull lately on my end. Normally I wouldn't turn down a date but he needs this more than I do. Just hold off on telling him until you two get back to your place, he'll understand why you were hesitant to tell him." He looked at her curiously after hearing that he was starting to sound like her uncle. "He would indeed, now I'm not saying that he has something planned but tonight may be a little more special then you expect. Oh do I now, well with that I'll hand control back over to Martin then."
A couple seconds later Martin looked at her with a soft smile as he caught up with her and gently pushed some hair out of her face before quickly sneaking a kiss. Then he took a breath and glanced at the door for a moment. "Did he convince you that we needed to take the day off so we could spend some quality time together? He always seems to know when things are getting to stressful and when I need to take a break. So what are we going to do?" He questioned with a curious expression.
The string of profanity that was escaping Mister Negative was actually surprising, it was in Mandarin but it still conveyed his point. Although the hole in the wall also did that as well, today made all the other bad days that he'd had seem pleasant in comparison. As he started to simmer down he heard the door to the room opening slowly and turned slightly not even bothering to switch back to Martin. However when he saw who it was he let out a relived sigh and took a breath.
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It seemed like ages since he'd seen Melody and in a way he wasn't wrong to think that. Most of the time Martin was the one who spent the time with her and honestly it made Negative a little jealous. He also had feelings for her even if there were some underlying motives playing a part in the feelings that he had.
"My love, it's been far too long since we've spent time with one another. This is a most welcome distraction from the bullshit that's been going on."
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Martin took a step backwards and motioned for him to follow him before walking out of the bar. Even though he wanted to talk to him about his niece and the future of their relationship the scent of alcohol that was coming from the older male was a bit stronger than he was used to. To say that this man was in no condition to drive was quite the understatement the fact that he could stand up straight and walk as if he was sober did surprise him. As he made his way to his car he kept glancing back to make sure that the older male was still standing.
"Randall I'm not trying to get on your good side, I'm just trying to be nice. You look like you've had a long day, I know that it's almost dinner time and even though our initial meeting was supposed to be here it seems like a better idea to talk about the future of my relationship with your niece over dinner rather than drinks." He responded as he waited for the other.
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A faint string of curses escaped Randall as soon as he found out what had been the cause of the pain that so many people, himself included, had felt. Even though it had been due to a mutant attack he couldn't find it in him to hate them since his son, his niece and perhaps even his grandnephew were mutants, which was something that only a few people other than himself knew about. He leaned back against the wall and took a breath before slowly lifting the bottle to his mouth, finishing the contents of it only to shatter it after it was empty.
"How... how the fuck is any of this fair? If that attack had been done by a Supe then would the response be the same or would it be over looked because 'everybody loves' those fuckin' assholes? If things were different than maybe shit like this wouldn't have happened..." He trailed off and placed his hands in his pockets before walking away from the wall. His eyes narrowed slightly as he placed some money on the bar before slowly walking towards the door. He stopped for a moment before silently cursing. "If a young man comes in lookin' for Randall tell him I went home because I was tired of waiting for his ass."
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Martin shrugged slightly as he thought about how much had changed since he was a child and honestly he wasn't entirely surprised. "Even if you're joking about that it's actually rather true. But that's just one of the many things that has changed since we were all children... for the most part." He sighed softly and glanced ahead. "One can only hope that it ends up turning for the good in the end but only time will tell. Sometimes being hopefully can give you the strength to go on with life or to continue doing whatever you were doing before things went bad." As he stopped just outside the kitchen and turned to her before frowning slightly. "You wouldn't be the first person to have that fear, my friend was also worried about becoming desensitized to it as well but then I reassured her that wouldn't be likely even though I wasn't entirely certain if that was the case. Even if you can't help people while you're at work as long as you make time I'm sure you'll be able to make a difference in at least one person's life."
Martin nodded in agreement before opening the door to the kitchen. "That's correct, and another good bit of advice would be to not looking forward to the future and fear what could happen. If anything it could turn out to be better than the day at hand."
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“That to is a possibility that I had considered but I wish that not to be the case. It’s one of the few concepts that I grew up with and to be honest it’s one that everyone should recall but as they say ‘times change’ and although sometimes the change is for the better and sometimes it’s for the worst. ” A faint sigh escaped him as he thought about it. “It is, isn’t it. Oh yeah that’s exactly right, if we had more of it than maybe things would be a little different.” He nodded slightly before taking a quick breath. As they passed a few of the residents he smiled softly and greeted them as he continued towards the kitchen. “It… it must be awful know that kind of information. But then again we all know at least one thing that we wish we didn’t or perhaps something we wish we could forget.”
Martin hesitated for a moment as he thought about everything that had been said. “No matter what happens that’s how it’s always been or at least that’s how it’s always felt. It’s sad but it’s a fact of life now, and even if things change now it’s still to late to take back what has happened.”
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Lexi smiles thinly as she nods in agreement. “They just don’t raise them like they used to anymore.” She jokes. “Yeah, trust me, I wish it was for the better, but maybe somehow the bad can be turned into something good down the road.” She smiles shyly at some of the residents and waves awkwardly. “Yeah, it… part of me fears I’ll become desensitized to it too… and that’s something I don’t want to do. Part of me wants to help those people who come through the tower but part of me knows that helping would cost me far too much.” She sighs softly. 
She nods in agreement. “Yeah, it won’t do anyone any good looking back and regretting it.” She shrugs slightly. 
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It had started off like any normal day for Martin. He'd woke up, had some 'fun' with his girlfriend, taken a shower, gotten dressed and headed to the F.E.A.S.T shelter but that's where the similarities ended. On his way to the shelter he stopped by one of the few jewelery shops that happened to be a couple blocks away from the shelter. As he left the shop he slipped the small black box into his pocket and took a breath as he recalled what his girlfriend's uncle had told him.
As he began to head towards the shelter he started humming to himself a little as he tried to get into the spirit of things again. He took a moment to think about when he should go through with the asking of the question that had been plaguing his mind for a couple years and slowly began to imagine each possible outcome. However a few moments later he was brought back to reality when he felt someone slam into him.
"Oh... um my apologies, I didn't see you there. I should have been paying more attention, your not hurt are you?" Martin apologized as he checked to make sure that the other person was okay before checking to make sure he didn't accidentally lose the ring he'd just bought.
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There was a momentary silence as Negative took in what she was saying and for a couple seconds he thought about just how much Martin had learned from him. He shrugged slightly and glanced at the floor in front of him for a moment as his smile began to grow slightly. He was honestly taken by surprise when she hugged him and yet he hugged back before sighing softly as she pulled away. "That we are my love, I'm sure that there are things about you that Martin knows about you that I don't and vise versa. He's known about him for roughly seven years and he was a little jealous that I'd been able to physically meet him before he could. Oh... I've told him a lot about him but I didn't tell him that your thinking of sending him to that school you went to if he starts to exhibit abilities like your's."
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He took a breath before walking down the hallway towards the staircase leading down to the first floor. "So the usual place it is then. As soon as we leave here I'll give Martin control again and you two can enjoy your 'date'. You know he tries to be a good boyfriend and perhaps one day he could be a wonderful husband, but who knows what the future will bring."
The string of profanity that was escaping Mister Negative was actually surprising, it was in Mandarin but it still conveyed his point. Although the hole in the wall also did that as well, today made all the other bad days that he'd had seem pleasant in comparison. As he started to simmer down he heard the door to the room opening slowly and turned slightly not even bothering to switch back to Martin. However when he saw who it was he let out a relived sigh and took a breath.
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It seemed like ages since he'd seen Melody and in a way he wasn't wrong to think that. Most of the time Martin was the one who spent the time with her and honestly it made Negative a little jealous. He also had feelings for her even if there were some underlying motives playing a part in the feelings that he had.
"My love, it's been far too long since we've spent time with one another. This is a most welcome distraction from the bullshit that's been going on."
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"That to is a possibility that I had considered but I wish that not to be the case. It's one of the few concepts that I grew up with and to be honest it's one that everyone should recall but as they say 'times change' and although sometimes the change is for the better and sometimes it's for the worst. " A faint sigh escaped him as he thought about it. "It is, isn't it. Oh yeah that's exactly right, if we had more of it than maybe things would be a little different." He nodded slightly before taking a quick breath. As they passed a few of the residents he smiled softly and greeted them as he continued towards the kitchen. "It... it must be awful know that kind of information. But then again we all know at least one thing that we wish we didn't or perhaps something we wish we could forget."
Martin hesitated for a moment as he thought about everything that had been said. "No matter what happens that's how it's always been or at least that's how it's always felt. It's sad but it's a fact of life now, and even if things change now it's still to late to take back what has happened."
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“Perhaps it’s because they’re too afraid and it causes them to think ilogically. That is one concept that seems to have slowly faded out and that isn’t alright. If there was a way to reinstate it then maybe just maybe things would be different.” Martin shrugged a little and smiled softly. “Sometimes she brings her son with her. He’s a great kid and he always tries to help out, honestly it’s nice to see that some of the younger generation are willing to help out when they can.” A curious expression crossed his face as he looked at her with a raised brow. Something about how she’d replied to his comment about Supes possibly getting away with murder did concern him. “If I did know what went on with them I’d probably wish I hadn’t found out.”
Martin began walking again as the forced smile started to seem a little more genuine. “Indeed that’s what it seems like and to be honest sometimes it’s easier to just take things day by day. That’s one of the reasons that I continue to do it, if I can make a difference in people’s lives then it’s all worth it in the long run. Making a positive impact on the world is something that we should all try to do but most have ‘better things’ to do.”
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“Could be.” She admits with a shrug. “I agree. But then again, perhaps it’s a concept that’s too far gone in this day and age, or maybe the little glimmers of it could be enough to start a spark to get it normalized again.” She smiles softly. “That’s awesome. We need more of that in society.” Her smile slips again. “Trust me, there’s not enough of anything to get rid of some of the things I know. No matter what I try, some things are just stuck there..” she closes her eyes and shakes her head slightly. 
Lexi nods softly. “Taking it day by day is all we can do. And sadly, you’re right. People are just too caught up in the selfish aspects of things to sit back and realize that things could be so much nicer if they even did one act of kindness each day. It’s a shame.” She sighs softly. 
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The cursing should have given away who had been approaching the door but as Martin opened the door he was surprised to see Randall looking upset. He forced a small smile to his face and took a breath as he entered the bar knowing that he was more than a little late but there was a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why. He'd been caught in traffic but he'd been honest about wanting to meet up with him to discuss something rather important.
"Randall I sincerely apologise for being late but the traffic was horrible. I know you're upset but I can make this up to you, I know a nice place to eat not that far from here and it would probably be a better place to talk than a bar." He stated with a soft sigh. There was no guarantee that he'd take him up on his offer but if he did then all hope was not lost.
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A faint string of curses escaped Randall as soon as he found out what had been the cause of the pain that so many people, himself included, had felt. Even though it had been due to a mutant attack he couldn't find it in him to hate them since his son, his niece and perhaps even his grandnephew were mutants, which was something that only a few people other than himself knew about. He leaned back against the wall and took a breath before slowly lifting the bottle to his mouth, finishing the contents of it only to shatter it after it was empty.
"How... how the fuck is any of this fair? If that attack had been done by a Supe then would the response be the same or would it be over looked because 'everybody loves' those fuckin' assholes? If things were different than maybe shit like this wouldn't have happened..." He trailed off and placed his hands in his pockets before walking away from the wall. His eyes narrowed slightly as he placed some money on the bar before slowly walking towards the door. He stopped for a moment before silently cursing. "If a young man comes in lookin' for Randall tell him I went home because I was tired of waiting for his ass."
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Negative took a breath as he thought about what she had said, in truth he had no idea if she was right or wrong but honestly he wish he knew. He wasn't entirely sure what to do or say but after a few moments he let out a soft sigh. Even though it was the first time he'd been called a monster it wasn't the first time he'd felt like one. "Sometimes the world paints people like us as monsters so they can feel justified by their actions. Things tend to be like this sometimes, no matter the outcome people either want you to be perfect or for you to a monster. Thinking about it humans are just basically monsters who don't even realize it until someone calls them out on it. Someone could look like a perfect angel and turn out to be the monster in all of history and we'd be none the wiser until someone called them out on it."
Negative had lost his parents at a young age and the foster family that had taken him in never really made him feel like he'd been part of the family making him wonder if he had done something wrong. Up until he returned to New York he never really felt like he belonged anywhere then Martin started F.E.A.S.T and he knew he could use that as cover so he could work on his revenge plot. "Perhaps one day people like us will be able to live a 'normal' life but until then we have to do what we can to make the best of the situation."
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Mister Negative cursed to himself as he pulled his sword from the stomach of one of his Inner Demons before looking down at the male as he writhed in pain on the floor for a few moments. As soon as the wounded male pushed himself off of the ground Negative sheathed the sword and left the room leaving his Inner Demons to their own devices while he dealt with the fact that Macklin had failed him. This was one of the few instances where he'd been truly disappointed by someone under his 'emplyoment'. As he left through the secret passageway he'd installed in the F.E.A.S.T. shelter he knew that the next time he crossed paths with Macklin he would be punished for his disobedience. He stopped as he exited the secret passage and looked up at the sky before taking a moment to think about what to do. He shrugged slightly before heading towards the street as his stomach began to growl, normally he would have let Martin take back control and ate at the shelter so he could spend time with the residents but not tonight, not after what had happened. Tonight he was going to break the cycle and 'treat' himself after having to break up yet another fight. As he wandered the street looking for a place that had decent food he heard someone behind him and he took a breath.
"If you were smart you'd have found someone else to mess with. I'm not having such a good day and quite frankly I don't feel like having to deal with another fight. So unless you're here to discuss business or you're looking for information I would suggest that you leave." He stated calmly without looking to see who it was.
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