a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Wednesday, 15th of March, 11:50pm
I keep forgetting to write but I guess that's because I really don't have anything to say. It's the same old same old.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Saturday, 11th of March, 12:47am
I nice peaceful and productive day. I was worried at first because the power was out when I got up but it came back before the estimated time so it was all good.
I feel like I've made major progress on my project and I've also enjoyed some leisure time with a new game I bought the other day.
Spirits are high for now 馃檪
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Friday, 10th of March, 12:07am
Why is the t a wizard worm?
End of the week in approaching. Friends have made it home safely and things are quieting down. My social media break also ends with the week. Part of me doesn't wanna go back haha. It's nice to not worry about moderating a discord server or seeing endless brain-dead and doomposting on twitter. I should've stopped twitter earlier, I checked it a few times in the before the week. I can probably break from that longer but I should get back to the discord. It'll be nice to talk to all the regulars again.
Aight, off to sleep then.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Wednesday, 8th of March, 11:57pm
Fun but busy day today. The past week has been busy but very enjoyable. It's that feeling of catching up with old friends you haven't seen in years but it feels like nothing has changed and no time has passed.
I'm very tired today so I'm going straight to sleep. It's almost midnight so k don't need to worry about falling asleep before midnight. Ah, but I'm not sure if it needs to be 12am or 1am... Daylight savings confuses things. Welp, let's just hope it's late enough to not trigger waking up at exactly 3am or 4am (again I can't remember the daylight savings but I have a feeling it would be the 1-4). Is that normal to happen? Even tho daylight savings changes the hour by one it's still basically the same thing. If I fall asleep before 12am I wake up at 3am exactly without fail. Perhaps this phenomenon is why 3am is an especially spooky hour in superstition. Because people mysteriously wake up at that time.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right (or when some unseen force makes you do so at 3am)
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Wednesday, 8th of March, 12:19am
Good day. Tired now.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Tuesday, 7th of March, 12:20am
It was a busy day and the next couple are also going to be busy. But I don't feel overwhelmed and completely drained. I guess I really just was in a depressive slump back then and the social interactions just made it worse.
I've got stuff to do tomorrow and gotta get up early so I'll leave it here. It was a nice day.
I find I don't really write down what I did in a day but I suppose this diary is more to document how I'm feeling. That and.im too tired to type out everything today.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Sunday, 5th of March, 11:51pm
I know, I didn't write yesterday. That's because I forgot until my head hit the pillow and then I didn't have the energy to lift it.
I've been busy the past couple days. We have friends over for most of the week. These friends are old ones from back in my home town, they're practically family.
So yeah. Been busy with that and not too much I feel the need to write about. I've also taken this opportunity to break from social media as much as possible.
I had terrible sleep last night but hopefully I'll have a better sleep tonight.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Saturday, 4th of March, 12:15am
Nothing of note today.
Restarted my project for the umpteenth time. I'll get it eventually. I've atleast done one part that I can keep.
Jaw still hurting. I had a better mood today atleast.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Friday, 3rd of March, 12:07
I forgot to write yesterday. I didn't forget the day before, I was just too tired to write. The mental tiredness is coming back and so is the jaw clenching pain. It's so stupid. I get two months of depression and then only like two weeks of normal? That's unfair. Maybe I really should get in to see the phych.
Anyway I'm kinda tired again today so off to sleep I go. Or atleast try to sleep. How long does the average person take to fall asleep? Because for me it's always been about 2ish hours to fall asleep. Insomnia's a bitch I guess.
Goodnight. sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right.
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Tuesday, 28th of February, 12:05am
Had a lazy day today. Decided to restarted the work on the project again because of a new pivot. This time I'm doing it in such a way that hopefully will allow for easy pivots and future changes.
Against lazy day. Nothing to talk about. Aside from the absolute joyous serotonin boost I get from seeing my pet be so damn cute. I love his derpy lil face!
Good night. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Monday, 27th of February, 12:23am
When I woke up this morning I accidentally dismissed my alarm instead of snoozing it so I couldn't snooze for as long as I wanted. If I did go back to sleep I would've stayed asleep until noon so I made myself get up. Atleast I had a little extra time in the day to do things I guess.
Time to sleep so I can do more stuff tomorrow.
Good night. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Sunday, 26th of February, 1:32am
Messed up on my project today and had to start again but I'm not upset in the least because it means I get to move forward with even more knowledge and skill. I'm in no real rush to get it done any time soon. I have all the time I need and I'm enjoying the work.
Nothing else of note to really add to today's entry.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Saturday, 25th of February, 1:09am
I don't feel like reading manga but I don't know how else to stave off boredom until I feel sleepy enough to sleep. It's odd that I don't feel sleepy already actually. I didn't sleep much last night because of the heat and I woke up early and wasn't able to fall back asleep because of the same unchanged heat so I just got up early and had a coffee. Thankfully it's less warm tonight, a cool change came in during the evening. I'll fall asleep soon I'm sure.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Friday, 24th of February, 12:14am
Another simple and uneventful day. The most eventful thing was probably clearing out the pantry because of a small weavil infestation. It starts small but if you don't get on top of it it'll be everywhere. They were mostly in one pack of bird food and the rice but I also threw out some old cereal just to make sure we got rid of em all.
Otherwise I've been feeling pretty chill. My art project is pivoting here and there but I make progress in improving my skills with each attempt and restart so I don't mind.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Thursday, 23rd of February, 3:29am
Almost forgot again. I'm still awake probably because I sleep in so late today. I only slept in because the dreams were very frequent and vivid last night so they kept me trapped in sleep until the afternoon... I can't be the only one who gets physically trapped by dreams can I? And they're never good dreams either. It's really annoying. I wish I didn't dream at all.
Today I was thinking how I hadn't felt horny in ages an how my poor vibrator went from being overworked to being neglected. I suppose my libido comes and goes in waves like my depression. But just now I found myself thinking very sexy thoughts and getting quite aroused. At first I was lamenting that j couldn't use my vibe this late at night or while my sister is home at all but then I remembered I can use my hand. I had completely forgotten that I could play acaustic haha. I think I have the motivation to write a short horny fanfic now. I can't sleep right now so I might as well.
Good night. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel is right (and are able to) 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Wednesday, 22nd of February, 1:58am
I almost forgot to write again tonight. Only writing now because it's too warm to sleep. Still, I'm tired and have nothing of note to write about. I'm just trying to keep up the 'daily' aspect of a daily diary.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
0 notes
a-quiet-daily-diary 1 year
Tuesday, 21st of February, 12:04
馃挌馃馃枻 Happy aromantic awareness week 馃挌馃馃枻
Yes, I'm guilty of not writing yesterday. I forgot again.
We'll my project is coming along nicy and I'm pretty excited about that. The first chapter of JoJoLands is great, I can't remember if I mentioned that in an entry already or not. And life is pretty chill right now.
It's kinda funny finally being out of the depressive slump now and looking back like "Yep, the past two months I was depressed as fuck lmao". It is frustrating that depressive episodes can last so long and it begins to feel like it's the only mood you've ever felt. You can definitely tell once you've come up out of an episode. Let's hope we can keep this high going for longer than two months - to make up for the depressed induced procrastination.
Goodnight. Sleep tight. Wake up when you feel it's right 馃挅
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