Is this a cat or a dog
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Watch: Jessica Williams also explained how the message has been in Beyoncé’s music all along.
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Watch: Here’s the moment things finally got heated between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton at the debate
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The common wealth created by social labour comes in an infinite variety of use values, everything from knives and forks to cleared lands, whole cities, the aircraft we fly, the cars we drive, the food we eat, the houses we live in and the clothes we wear. The private appropriation and accumulation of this common wealth and the social labour congealed within it occur in two quite different ways. First, there is a vast array of what we would now consider extra-legal activities, such as robbery, thievery, swindling, corruption, usury, predation, violence and coercion, along with a range of suspicious and shady practices in the market (monopolisation, manipulation, market cornering, price fixing, Ponzi schemes etc.). Second, individuals accumulate wealth by legally sanctioned exchanges under conditions of non-coercive trade in freely functioning markets. Theorists of capital circulation and accumulation typically exclude activities of the first sort as excrescences external to the ‘normal’ and legitimate functioning of the capitalist market. They build their models of capital circulation and accumulation on the presumption that only the second mode of private appropriation and accumulation of social wealth is legitimate and relevant. I think it is time we overthrew this convenient but profoundly misleading fiction promoted by the economics textbooks and recognise the symbiotic relation between these two forms of appropriation of both social labour and the products of that social labour.
David Harvey, Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism (2014)
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Watch: Bernie Sanders slams Hillary Clinton for her stance on Wall St. donations.
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This is south korea right now. S.korean Government and police are killing the protesters with spraying capsaicin mixed water.
The protest was about being against the imposition of state-approved history schoolbooks and it was a legal/peaceful protest but police started to suppress it
They are spraying those god damn water canons INSIDE an ambulance with injured people.
And i thought S.korea was the “democratic” one….but nah
Now I don’t know if i’m living in North or South…
#prayforsouthkorea #prayforkorea
korean broadcasts are being controlled right now. We need international help to stop this mess.
I’m sorry to ask this but Please spread this news through sns and hopefully, we will get some articles
Its our only hope. Thank you for caring
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Revolution in Seoul: Tens of thousands spill out onto the streets in massive anti-government/anti-Park Geun-hye protests
Around 80,000 anti-government protesters took to the streets of Seoul in the city’s largest demonstration in almost a decade.
The marches in the South Korean capital were organised by an umbrella labour union and various civic groups.
Although people had diverse complaints, they were united against the conservative government under president Park Geun-hye.
Demonstrators, many of whom wore masks and carried banners, took over a major street and marched between tight perimeters outlined by police buses.
Officers had strategically parked their vehicles to prevent access to roads leading to the presidential Blue House.
Things turned violent when the police clashed with members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions.
There were no immediate reports of injuries, but shocking photos have emerged of police firing powerful water cannons to disperse protesters.
Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2015/11/14/revolution-in-seoul-tens-of-thousands-spill-out-onto-the-streets-in-massive-anti-government-protest-5501224/
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Grown-ups are like that…Grown-ups love figures. When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you, “What does his voice sound like? What game does he love best? Does he collect butterflies? Instead, they demand: “How old is he? How many brothers has he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make? Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.
The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery (via ambism22)
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“Whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all humankind”
Quran 5:32 (via bonnniebennett)
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No gods, no states, no caliphate!
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PHOTOS: In Japan, police have dragged away about a hundred elderly protesters blocking construction of a proposed new U.S. military base on the island of Okinawa. The majority of Okinawa’s residents oppose the new base. The rally was held as the central government resumed building despite a lack of permits. Okinawa houses about 26,000 U.S. troops. Their presence has come under protest for decades. Watch and read more:
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Frida Kahlo at the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico City, 1940s by Manuel Álvarez Bravo
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Príncipe machista! No me cuentes cuentos!
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“Poverty, the existence of the poor, was the first cause of riches. This it was which created the earliest capitalist. For, before the surplus value, about which people are so fond of talking, could begin to be accumulated it was necessary that there should be poverty-stricken wretches who would consent to sell their labor force rather than die of hunger. It is poverty that has made the rich. And if poverty had advanced by such rapid strides by the end of the Middle Ages, it was chiefly because the invasions and wars, the creation of States and the development of their authority, the wealth gained by exploitation in the East and many other causes of a like nature, broke the bonds which once united agrarian and urban communities, and led them, in place of the solidarity which they once practiced, to adopt the principle of the wage-system. Is this principle to be the outcome of the Revolution? Dare we dignify by the name of a Social Revolution that name so dear to the hungry, the suffering and the oppressed - the triumph of such a principle as this?
It cannot be so. For, on the day when ancient institutions splinter into fragments before the axe of the proletariat, voices will be heard shouting: Bread for all! Lodging for all! Right for all to the comforts of life!”
— Peter Kropotkin | The Wage System (1888)
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