a-smolpuppy · 3 years
Hello, I have recently found your blog and I really enjoyed your writing and read everything on it and was wondering if you have any recommendations for similar blogs? Also I saw that English isn't your first language and wanted to say you are really good at it.
Thank you, I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog 🥺💜💖💗💘🖤💞💓🌸🌹 And thanks for your opinion on my English 😽
I wanted to answer your question for Star Wars because I'm mostly writing about it right now and I thought you were talking about Star Wars. 😸
Honestly, I don't know that much, I've seen a few blogs. Probably you've seen them before. There are not many blogs that write Yandere Star Wars. But I did some more research before answering your question and I found a few more blogs!
@diablo-writing this / this / this (Two of them are incest. I don't write about it but I read sometimes, more in my FAQ/Warnings. Anyway, these are some really hot headcanons! 🥵 I'm into breeding kink and housewife kink and just omg 🔥)
@that-yandere-life this
@yandereaffections this
@falling-heights this
I don't know if there is a blog that I missed. Hope you enjoy with them! 💜
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
|| escape.
⟼ you want to leave?
a/n: a slice of the yandere and mini tiny series. please read with caution.
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instantaneously refuses. almost more crueler when he realizes your intentions. you're treated so preciously when he's with you minus never being allowed to leave. surely spending your entire time imprisoned with him was worth never having a second to yourself.
he's treated you so kindly, and here's what you had in mind? you want to leave? his teases become more relentless and merciless and he locks you up more securely, if it were even possible. "Only a moment apart," you reason (a normal request), but truthful or not, it doesn't matter to him. he couldn't handle a moment from you. you certainly don't get to flaunt being able to live without him. as far as he's concerned, you can't.
a tad demeaning, "do you really think you can make it out there without me?" says these to try and convince your staying was the best choice and made in your own head even when it ultimately is up to him in the end. you never had a chance. he'd never let you leave.
very much a tell you, "we'll see," but never actually will. never intentionally leads you on your freedom, but isn't very strict on keeping you otherwise. so it's a dull, watered-down hope in your gut. "sometime if you continue to be good," he says, and you have been good. so surely, a couple more days? he said so.
is similar to din, in a sense he wonders, "can you make it?" if anything, he'll actually let you go wander alone a couple weeks but always remain unseen a few paces behind.
the smile on his face is genuinely gentle even when the thoughts in his head are genuinely not. it's satisfying to him to see you crawling back. as he predicted you would, he pushed everyone else you had away after all. he loved you, and let you go. and now you're back where you started. you must adore him, don't you agree?
absolutely hysterical. what's interesting and different about him is he defaults to taking any frustrations out on others, and not you. he'd be crushed if anything happened to you especially by his hand.
blames others, questions you on who else you'd rather be seeing. "you turned them against me, you won't take them from me," deal. the most he'll do to you is getting you unconscious somehow, and only then to place and lock you somewhere secure to deal with whoever needs handling alone. he'll be back soon enough, hopelessly in love and reminding himself in his delusion of your exact same love for him.
the sympathy one, "please trust me. I'm doing this for your own good!" locking you up and talking to you through the door, it does hurt him. but he's willing to put up with it, willing to let you put up with it, if it meant a chance to talk some sense into you. can't you see he needs you to be safe? his parents, gone. his aunt and uncle, gone. not you too.
no. you needed a bit of time to better understand what was happening. when he passes his sister and she wonders where you are, he smiles, easily. "they weren't feeling well." right, of course, you weren't yourself. you were unwell. it's why you came up with wanting to leave. the cold'll pass in a couple of days, and it couldn't be back to normal soon enough.
immediately goes quiet. the silence is almost unnerving. and then suddenly whatever isn't being held down starts flying, every which way. you're cowering in the middle of the room, a little off towards the back wall, but you're easily able to tell the objects are meaningfully and purposefully getting nowhere near you.
and as quick, the items stop and fall. he continues to say nothing as he grasps your wrist, leading and then closing the door to your shared bedroom behind you. nowhere near as uncomfortable as a prison, but you can't say the same for your mental. you can hear your beloved slashing anything poor enough to be there right outside the door. he'd never hurt you, he loved you. as he deemed you loved him, of course.
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
I just found your blog and I’m in love with your writing!! 💕💗 I especially love the yandere ones you’ve made, you’re honestly so talented and I hope you have an amazing day 💕💕
ahhh! thank you so much friend 💞
it's been a while but hopeful your days are amazing as well :)
finding motivation is tougher these days but thank you for taking the time! 🥺 you didn't mention a favorite character you had, but the next post is for you!
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and thank you too for the support on the page everyone 💞
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
You're not around here for a while, I hope you're okay. 💗
ahh, wow, hullo friend 💕
you're so kind checking despite any troubles on your blog 🥺 I am unsure what happened but you're on my mind and you deserve the world 😊
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
|| when he wants.
⟼ what happens when you aren't paying attention to your favorite?
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when the bounty hunter wants you, he's much more flirtatious. it's a tad amusing sometimes because he's so serious under the suit he wears. to the outside world it isn't incredibly obvious, but you're on the inside aren't you?
he's much softer as well, especially if you like it, anything to grab your attention from whatever you're doing.
you're attending a dinner business meeting together. you normally don't accompany Boba on safety reasons, but unbeknownst to you, he'd been trying to grab your attention to no avail.
it wasn't on purpose, you were so busy. so when he pulls your seat out for you, you glance over momentarily stunned before sending him a charming smile. "thank you," you say, so sweet. again, you're unaware, but Boba is incredibly pleased. finally, it's what he's been wanting.
a much shyer individual, the Mandalorian. he likely understands what he wants and its easier to get you to understand by saying it outright, but he can't get himself to do it. he craves your touch and attention, so he's walking much closer and attempts to spend more alone time with you. he tries to impress you sometimes when he realizes you're watching.
he's shooting impressively at targets some ways away. they fly quickly, but he's quicker, and then it's over. he turns to you, and when you gaze at him with awe, he's so relieved the helmet hides him. there's no helping the pride surging in his chest or the smirk on his face as a result. it's really nice when he has your attention and managing to pull such a stunt while he does. he's never going to get tired of it.
I do believe he gets more forward, especially if you're into it. he's a little more bold in leaving lingering touches and whispering his naughty thoughts in your ear (it's sometimes better than transmitting them to you because he nibbles on your lobe when he does).
playing with him goes one or the other, and being so perceptive, he can do as you crave. he's either yes please, give me what I want or he increases the tension.
"ignoring me dear? getting a bit bold aren't we?" his voice low as he passes you in the hall, whispering breathily into your ear. "no need to worry- you'll come to your senses once I teach you your lesson very soon."
it's a bit amusing once more because, as much as I see him having two reactions to being needy, it's a 60/40 split. a little more than half the time, he's much more curt, forward, and flirtatious with you.
there are times though where he's like... a lost puppy. trails after you, pouts when you don't pay attention to him, says anything passive-aggressive to anyone holding onto you too long...
he's pouting again. as someone who insists on being treated like an adult, he's quite cute when he glances from the person who has your attention and back to you, crossing his arms with eyes fliting about impatiently. when you smile at him, he relaxes (until you turn away again and you hear a huff behind you).
each of them are interesting- I think the less little Skywalker tries, the smoother he is. it's when he overthinks is where it doesn't go so well, but when he reminds himself what you like and crave, he's good.
he can be very eye-catching when he isn't trying to be, which is entertaining because it catches himself so off-guard when you respond. he doesn't realize it's because of something he does without really trying, then he gets a little cocky [] because woah, but then he's also like but I feel the same about you []
he's likely handsomely leaning against a doorway or wall, scheming to get your attention when you walk over. he looks down at you with a sweet smile and you lean upwards to kiss him. he meets you halfway, shamelessly pleased by the attention, and it quickly gets heated before you're both forced apart to breathe. he stares at you wide-eyed and then adoringly with another smile. you really do take his breath away (figuratively and literally).
the knight is a very soft person who can't convey himself well. so in other words, he sort of lingers around you, trying to say how much he wants you without being too commanding (yet). he does want to tell you, but he doesn't know how, and therefore it comes out a bit rougher than he'd probably intended (I'm not sure you really mind though). he's learning.
you catch his eye whilst walking through the base and there's something there. "come here," he says. it's rough, but spoken softly, and needily. you make your way towards him and his gaze follows. you wrap your arms around him as soon as you're able, thinking it's what he needs, and you couldn't be more correct. he immediately returns your touch and it's like he's melting in your arms. he needed this, he needed you.
bonus! MAUL
Darth lords are likely not used to the ability to express emotions. he's so used to suppressing them, he can't quite identify the most recent sentiment. it's definitely a desire, one to be near you, so it's soon to the point where you're rarely seen without him as you fulfill your duties in the daytime. one day, "what's wrong love?" and he's like... "I'm not sure."
you're certainly not expecting such a response. "you're not sure? are you alright?" you say gently, and when he hears the concern on your voice, it encourages him to be outright with it. "I... find discontentment when your attention is drawn elsewhere." pay attention to me, is what he realizes he wanted, but he doesn't have to explain further when you giggle and apologize on being so busy today. you're all his, you reassure, and he hopes you can tell, he's all yours as well.
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
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⟼ sewing a design onto my drawstring bag ^^
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
Was that a yandere Kylo blurb????????? And a daddy Kylo as well... damn! I hope to see more of your work around here. 💘
⟼ tysm friend! I was worried yandere and daddy were too far apart, but I happen to like both. thank you on taking the time, really! I appreciate it and appreciate you 💘
a little more on daddy Kylo ^^
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when I said he'd be a good daddy, it's true. he craves everything it means, the trust and dependency (it's something his character sort of needs). he wants to be relied on, and to rely on you if it makes any sense?
I can't speak too much as mostly a little, but I think daddies (and mommies) slip into their roles sometimes too. like being a daddy to you is a good break for him from the world, as good of a break as you entering your space. he'd love to be your daddy fs <3
his favorite esp is if he's in the space and you react. y'know when they realize you're being little and then they respond in like daddy mode- it's the other way too. he's like in daddy mode and when he sees you respond to it his heart melts 😊
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
Hi, if you don’t have a lot of  requests, can you do another yandere!Anakin please. 
⟼ hi friend <3 I can certainly try, pls enjoy and thanks on the request and so nicely too ^^
there isn't enough yandere Ani is there? ty to those who write it on this site 😊💝
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the first, or at least you hope think it’s the first, is when you got dangerously close to being sent to the medical bay (on an accident, no less).
a worker had been attending to machinery regularly maintained by some droids when they tripped the wrong switch. the giant fans near you started turning but you are mindful, and walk a safe distance away before they really begin to rotate. if you’d been wearing anything loose, or perhaps been caught off guard, it could’ve pulled you in.
truth be told, you could’ve gotten terribly hurt, but the person is quick to make it right and head towards you with a sincere apology. both you and they are reasonable and understand it to be an honest-to-maker mistake, a human accident.
Anakin is... not so reasonable, but it hasn’t really come to light yet, has it? he’s quite good at hiding it or perhaps the council simply don’t care for him not like you do.
you don’t hear from said person again. it’s interesting because you are looking for them- maybe they were avoiding you thinking you were upset, and you wanted to clear the air. you think it’s your fault when you can’t find them.
it isn’t.
the second time is more concerning than the last. you are a kind, attractable person. you have admirers, and admire others.
you’re walking nearer to a screaming match down the hall. you can feel it, but much more to the point perhaps, you can hear it. they must really be fighting.
Anakin’s anger. was it always there, bubbling beneath the surface? why haven’t you felt it before? because it could never be aimed at you. you almost enter the room to stop the fight but something, something stops you.
long enough to hear the reason why they’re arguing.
“stay away from them.” it’s Anakin.
your admirer, one you maybe admire as well you note, doesn’t recall you ever mentioning a lover. you were far too loyal to cheat, so it must be Skywalker making words up.
“they were never yours,” they respond, steadily, as if attempting to gauge what they needed to say, and say it correctly.
and you can’t hear or see anything, being outside of the room behind a closed door and all.
you can feel. Anakin knew you were there; he always knew where you were. it was him who had stopped you not a moment before.
Anakin’s smirk, and his single thought coursing through as he transmits it to you.
you were always his.
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
|| indulgence.
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⟼ respective image credits, more sith!obi? temptation.
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“i heard jedi couldn’t have attachments,“ you whisper beside the man, uncertain.
the other man, who you understand to be vader, turns incredulously.
“jedi? we’re not jedi,” lord vader exclaims, head held high with a confident grin before returning his gaze to the marching troops below. you can see them too through the thick glass lining the high platform you’re all on.
“we’ve changed for the better, haven’t we, my master?”
“they were holding us back,” he’s quick to add as a bitter afterthought before your stranger finally joins in.
“it’s almost amusing,” the master laughs. it’s a nice sound. he raises the large mass of training droids beneath the platform effortlessly with a slow movement of the wrist, two fingers outstretched.
“they claim balance, yet teach only certain aspects of the force?”
“it’s never mentioned the jedi and sith to truly be two sides of the same coin,” the man beside you takes a step forward.
towards you.
“i never knew what i’d been missing out on,” he continues, taking your chin in his hand and watching you with an indeterminable look. you like the shiver it sends down your spine, and so does he. “or perhaps i did,” he smirks.
“i just never knew it could be so good.”
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
|| yandere.
⟼ more practice pls enjoy and read at own discretion ty c: does anyone want a maul blurb, too?
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legit nowhere to hide if you catch fett's attention. i think it's a bit paradoxical because he likes the chase but it's a gamble whenever you're apart. he does not enjoy any prospect of putting you in possible danger
he's pretty respected as a hunter so he's got contacts practically everywhere, you're done. offers no real reasoning if you find yourself confined, and he isn't acting, really. he sees nothing wrong with what needs to be done to have you to himself for a long time. the world out there is too much on someone like you, luckily you have him by your side. always.
on contrast, said mandalorian chances nothing when it comes to you - you're likely locked up as a result. is he good at the bounty job? yes. you're not a paycheck though, and rather din's precious baby
he grants you very little freedom but tries to be soft on it. explains on anything you question, especially not letting you out because you're going to get swiped. likely what happens is you manage to convince him to go somewhere with you. anything threatening you (small or otherwise), convinces him having you stay put is best, and repeat. he trusts you, adores you even. it's everyone else he cannot be bothered with.
likely the calmest one known to mans. while he's the least inclined to act out, i do think he's very good if he did. very meticulous and responsible, but the charm and wit he possesses easily explains why he never needs resorting to such extremities. he'll have you go to him, and by the time you could've noticed, he's pushed everyone else around you away
he feels guilt slightly when he smiles at your dependency on him. the exhilaration is addicting however, and he's a good force-wielder, but... well, don't you need him to be there with you?
one of the most probable, if not the most. he's been depicted as willing to go to the ends to not only keep you from harm, but to himself. as one, i think it's the same personality tuned to eleven. he's possibly more willing and careful on a private relationship since it fits with what he aims for the most
a bit dangerous because he's so passionate. if you don't return any feelings immediately, likely a delusional one. he's convinced you'll love him eventually if he pushes it because he loves you so.
does it need to be said? soft. i do think little skywalker possesses the capacity to be one but in the keeping you safe sense. you're a weakness to him, others realize it's very easy tempting him in anything if it meant you'd be protected. he's aware enough he'd go mad if you were hurt, so he'd go miles to prevent it
pretty dampened. it's only really seen when your life is in danger, anyone deemed a threat is met with the powerful, scary hero who isn't above using any resources at disposal. maker forbid anyone manage to lay a hand on you. they don't live very long to say so.
another believable one. he shares having anger with the grandfather he idolizes, and he's got a lot. a surrounding majority is destroyed when temper is lost, picture what could happen if anything happened to you. very possessive but treats you softly overall
it depends the number of times you try escaping, really. disobedience is shrugged, he's much more patient dealing with you because he does love you and genuinely believes you love him (if it takes a bit of time). attempting to escape reminds him, the harsh reality you might not love him at all.
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
|| handle me.
⟼ owner luke and puppy girl, read at own discretion plsss & ty.
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you’re seated obediently on the ground, feeling cute in your pajamas and collar as luke moves about the room. he’s working hard to repair the droids beside you with bare hands.
warm hands. you can’t get over them when they pet your head or rub your tummy…
or squeeze your body or cup you through your clothes.
you’re panting softly and whimpering pitifully as you make the mistake of remembering the last time you two played together (which wasn’t very long ago at all). he hadn’t fingered you then but now you were craving it - you loved his fingers inside you.
luke is a good owner; he glances over immediately as he hears your whimper. “good little pup,” he praises since he’s unable to touch you at the moment, his beautiful hands dirtied up from the machinery. he assumes you want attention, some pets and not playtime attention, and reassures you.
“i’m almost finished okay? promise,” and gets back to it.
you nod obediently because you’re a good puppy for lukey but it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stop daydreaming. you picture his hands petting your head before moving to grip you through your clothes. he doesn’t bother to remove your panties and rubs circles on your nub through the soft, cottony material-
meanwhile lukey’s finished up, and while he does glance appreciatively at the job he’s done, he’s eager to give you the attention you crave as you’ve been very patient today.
having finished washing his hands, he’s in the middle of drying them on the small towel he’s holding as he kneels in front of you and notes the daze in your eyes. it makes him smile because you must trust him to be so deep in your head.
gently, as not to startle you, he places a hand on your head and begins to pet the way you like it. blinking rapidly for a second, you remember where you are, very pleased at the attention. sure, you daydreamed in the middle, but you got through (without even looking for any relief!)
he’s a bit startled when you jump up so quickly to meet him, paws at his chest and puppy licks to his face before chuckling with a handsome smirk and half-hearted protests. “alright alright,” he laughs. “down girl.”
it takes him a moment to realize your rubbing against his knee.
“did… did watching me work…”
he stops, realizing he was saying what he was thinking out loud and tries to word it in a way you’d appreciate more in this state- “did you like watching me work baby?”
you gently give a playful shark bite to his wrist.
“my little puppy wants to play with her bone huh?”
and while you’d love that, you’ve got to take it one at a time, moving from the wrist to daintily nibble at his fingers. he curiously watched you before his eyes widen at the same moment his irises darken in realization.
he knew how much you loved his hands.
“want to feel my fingers inside you puppy? pet your soft little insides?” he lets you continue to nibble on his fingers before shoving two digits into your mouth, the other hand rubbing delicious circles on your pussy. you’re starting to lap at his fingers when he pulls away, your eyes are wide and glossy at the loss, to raise an eyebrow and order-
“woof!” 💕
as soon as the bark leaves your mouth, you’re rewarded. he’s quick to push your panties to the side and slip the two fingers you had sucked into you. he doesn’t need to wait or work you up any more, wet enough (he felt it) from your daydreaming.
you moan so needily in response and watch as your daddy’s bone 🦴 twitches under his trousers at the sound.
“good girl.”
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
|| temptation.
⟼ meeting sith obi-wan kenobi (when you're too lazy to think of a darth name so you attempt to write without it).
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"hello there."
you spin, your attention on the troopers momentarily forgotten as it latches onto the man standing some ways away behind you. a handsome man.
his eyes glow yellow, a hypnotizing almost tempting burn, drawing you into the gold. it's sheen is accentuated underneath that dark hood.
your signature suddenly spikes when the troops move to surround you, a safety measure to protect their dark lord when he raises a single hand.
"leave us."
"sir, yes sir."
and as quickly as they had appeared they were gone. leaving you with a stranger.
he approaches, his steps assured but not deafening, confident but not intimidating as if the thought that too much force might scare you away. and it might have.
but the stranger is hypnotizing, oh so hypnotizing.
you're not from here. the most you've heard of the jedi and sith are from stories, and despite now being under the supremist rules of the victors, they mostly keep to themselves.
"are you lost, delicate flower?"
he questions smoothly, a little closer than what's normally allotted with a stranger, yet again not enough to be overbearing. as if he were aware of the power he held. as if he knew how to properly wield it.
you can't help but answer, admitting a soft response in affirmation as his hand raises to near your face as if to touch and stroke your cheek. it hasn't yet. you almost let yourself lean into it.
to help him.
he smiles at you, before shaking his head gently at the ground with closed eyes. the smile manifests itself into a lovely smirk soon enough, and it's almost overwhelming how attractive you find it.
you both turn towards the voice of another good-looking young man approaching the handsome master from behind.
your stranger responds, yet his eyes remain glued. to you.
"i've finished checking the perimeter. nothing."
and the man with the hypnotizing yellow eyes faces forward assuredly, as if what his apprentice had said made his next decision. it had.
"let us head back to the temple then. the chancellor is surely waiting."
he's walking, and the apprentice, he's walking too sparing a quick glance as he passes you with a raised eyebrow but otherwise saying nothing. he stops though, when you both realize the one ahead had stopped walking.
the master glances evenly over his shoulder to catch your eye directly.
"come along, my petal."
do you?
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
|| fluff.
⟼ 😊 small practice writing star wars daddies.
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a teasing daddy. fast in catching what gets you flustered and therefore does them more often. enjoys seeing you blush because he likes having the control in a sense. having an effect on you fuels his pride ❣️
pretty baby, he’d chuckle with the index underneath your chin and thumb at your cheek. you’re blushing, and he shamelessly loves it when you blush, especially since he can make you do so with a helmet on (he’s free to smirk for as long as he likes in it)
i think he’s actually very soft. there are moments of demands, behave and you’re too little so don’t do that, but he’s overall affectionate and caring. observant like boba, but more in noting what makes you smile 💕
he’s looking down at you with no words, and when you glance up at him, smiling, he’s an actual puddle. his heart cannot take it, and with a shake of the head and a beautiful chuckle, he’d call your nickname affectionately
he really adores and is very responsive to you. it honestly depends on your personality as a sub and what you need or prefer in him as a dom. whether obedient or a brat and you want a daddy or tamer, such versatility makes him an ultimate space daddy lol 💞
overall defaults to babying you tbh. come now little one, i don’t think you’re old enough to do that yet or don’t you think daddy knows what’s best for his little one? when he’s putting you to a nap
dis one’s definitely incredibly encouraging. believes in you with all his heart and entire being. squishes any insecurities you have, and looks for them to do so. he’s in tune with your needs like obi and learns what you respond to best 💖
you can do it because you’re my baby 😊 and tell me if you run into any trouble and i’ll deal with them. because if someone is giving you a difficult time, it’s not for his sub to deal with
soft. a light daddy, like obi with less rules. he’s perceptive and adapts well to any situation you play into but is a bit goofy. much prefers positive to negative reinforcement 💘
not don’t do this, he’s if you behave for me today, we’ll do whatever you want. okay baby and at first he means ice cream but you’re like anythinggg and he’s like... okay, yes, anything because he’s too soft for you and your face
as protective as expected, i suppose. he lost so much, and despite him realizing it was mostly due to him pushing others away, he’d be a good daddy. he likes dealing with issues himself so having someone unconditionally stay with and depend on him is reassuring 💝
i put these rules in place because i don’t want you to get hurt and low-key thinks you negotiating with him is so adorable, he almost outlawed it as supreme leader
one more hour?
he says your nickname in a light scold
bedtime story, then? you question softly
you receive the softest smile and you’re already running off to choose your book
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a-smolpuppy · 3 years
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^^ sketching with a small stuffed animal friend.
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