a4wsome4fu0ck · 2 months
Hello everyone - we're aware of the new response Quartelz gave out. Here's the link if you haven't read it.
Conclusion, there was no provided evidence for anything Quartelz said than one screenshot, and you can take that as it is. She still apologized and overall, everyone wants to move on from this, so that leads to the second document.
We had finished our second document on the same day, but decided it was for the best to leave things alone, since if we upload the document now, it will feel as if we're adding more fire to a dead flame. But we did want to at least post the screenshots of the first and last section, since we believe some understanding is made clear on our end. Screenshots are below.
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This blog will no longer be used, and we will say nothing on the apology since it is up to the victims of the situation to decide if they are to forgive Quartelz or not.
Netherless, thank you. Goodbye.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 2 months
I know you guys don't want to do a response without Quartz' first, but I feel like she's just taking advantage of the fact that everything's gone to a halt. She's done nothing in this time period but make fully rendered week spent animations and drawings. She's slowly gaining platform again for her lesser medias via Tiktok and Tumblr, because they show up on my page. It's been months and she's shown no actual progress and it'll probably take a full on year or two before anything is given out.
I'm sorry I sent a message like this, I don't mean it as an intent to rush you guys. I'm just saying that it looks like things have been swept under the rug yet again and there's nothing being done about it.
Hello everyone - we're going to use this ask as a quick update post.
We're aware of Quartelz silence on this treatment still. We would like to tell everyone that we know the lack of reply, and the return of her on Tumblr, still animating, etc.
Our progression of the document is slow, but we are still chipping away at it slowly. We ask you remain patient, even if it has been quite a while. This document includes very heavy topics and we are trying to approach it carefully.
Timing as of now, Quartelz has yet to reply in roughly 7-6 months, 5 months if you are going by the YouTube community post.
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We thank you for the patience and support this community has been giving, to us and to victims.
Remain respectful, do not go out of your way to send harassment, to the victims, third party, Quartelz, and please stay open minded. Thank you.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 4 months
Hello everyone - We are aware of our inactivity the past few days. We'd like to take a post to come out and say we are going to wait for Quartelz to respond. We've come to realize that our time limit to Quartelz response was hasty, and we want to make sure Quartelz is able to respond fully and responsibly without feeling pressured or rushed.
However, this doesn't take away the severity of this situation, and Quartelz stance with this situation. While helping questions to help clarify was needed, it’s been a quite some time and feel like we need to hear Quartelz side before talking about the situation any longer from the severity.
Our second document will still be worked on, and we are no longer responding to inbox questions. The inbox and our message system will still be opened if needed to send any crucial evidence or concerns, but will no longer be posted.
Thank you for everyone's patience - please have a good New Years, and happy holidays.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
You guys still alive lol? It’s been a while since the last update. No pressure because you have your own lives on top of working on the second document. But it’s been getting very quiet on your tumblr just making sure you’re all good.
Hello Anon! We appreciate the concern, and we are all well. Private matters are taking more time than our second document which is why it seems more quiet, but we can assure we are still here.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
This is private shit, get a grip and get more proof you pieces of shit
Hello Anon, we ask you stay respectful. Make it known Quartelz made this situation public herself and we are here to clear the airs. Thank you.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
Hello, I really hope that this doesn't come across as disrespectful or frustrating because I don't want to cause any confusion or problems. This is just my opinion, which I hope you can respect. To be clear, I read the entire document. If I’m allowed to now ask why you would create a second doc? I’m aware that Quartz is trying to ignore these "warnings" about her response, new information is coming out for you guys to share you’re opinions and options, and that people are picking apart even the smallest details of what she has done or is doing (e.g. her art style).
Overall, it seems pointless to create a second document; sure, some people will reblog it here and share it on other platforms, but after that, she won't say anything at all. It was a bit of a stretch to give her a deadline mainly because it didn't work. She won't reply and will carry on with her life. And don't worry; I know how much pain she caused others, and for that, I sincerely apologize. I hope everyone is recovering and doing well. I'm not siding with her. I've just been thinking about this for a while. I appreciate all of your time and work. best of luck on the second doc. - ����
Hello Anon! Do not worry, all points of views are all respected. We will listen to everyone’s opinions on this situation, since we will remain respectful and understanding to everyone.
The second document will reflect more on the serious issues on the first document that showed a bit more flaws than our first one. We wanted to make it clear that the issues that most are confused are brought more properly into light, and serious new evidence brought to us.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
Hello, psychology student here, You can call me Flower (i know i sent a message but i accidently sent it) I've been a fan of Mel since her Pastel Asriel(?) era and have been on and off of her content until recently when i was reading some comments regarding the drama (before they were deleted). Only just found this account out and have read some of the replies from here. I would like to say that from the doc Mel does show some abusive behaviour such as manipulation and lying. Of course Orange isn't in the good either since they cheated. Both aren't angels in this "drama" but I would like to point out how (from what I've seen here and her youtube) Mel's community has been brushing off a lot of Mel's behaviour. With the SA claims it's understandable if she feels unconformable wanting to talk about this, same with orange, but there does need to be evidence with these claims I hope the 2nd doc does discuss more of the evidence the first doc lacked (i understand the reasons but it would help a lot for imo everyone) and that mel would open her side of the drama
We are hoping for this when the document is released. We are going for more clarity on everything, and we will all try our best to make this as clear as possible since we absolutely agree that these topics deserve much more light and attention.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
Small little update thing, it seems that Streamline is now aware of the situation with Quartelz! I don’t know if they’ll make a video on it, but it’s good that they’re informed.
Yes we are aware! Thank you Anon.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
GoatCatto is being extremely insensitive to this situation. While yes they are absolutely allowed to criticize the document, calling the document laughable straight to 🍉’s face is disgusting considering the things that have happened are anything but laughable.
They say they agree that 🍉’s actions are disgusting, but then also say that it’s laughable. They cannot seem to pick one or the other.
Also, the fact they found all of your accounts is creepy. I don’t care if they said it was easy to find them, it’s an invasion of your privacy and a little bit dangerous in my opinion, especially considering the death threats and gore that have been spread to victims.
It’s sad because I used to like their content before this and thought they were becoming more mature when reviewing drama, I guess not.
I know that this is not as important as 🍉 herself, but it’s still concerning that they are spreading hate towards the document, instead of just criticism.
Hello Anon! We appreciate the awareness. We would like to inform that it is okay that others view differently about this situation, and everyone will have their own point of view. Unfortunately some people will not hold respect for all people in this situation, but it is the least that this community can do.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
I hope the team / admins of this account are doing well! :D Make sure to take breaks for yourselves and not tire yourselves out too much with this next document!
Thank you Anon! We can assure people are well, we are rather busy and the document is still in process.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
the way she literally live streamed AGAIN
It is up to Quartelz of what she decides to choose with her personal time. Unfortunately it may degrade her reputation further.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
Do you have a archive of the copycat meme?
Yes, it is in the YouTube playlist in our channel.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
Hello! I’m a new anon; and I have been in 🍉’s server for a year now. I remain in it to see her side of the story and any art she makes. I don’t support their actions and I plan on leaving soon.
However there is an issue I have noticed. Any and all talk of the situation has been completely killed off. As well, if anyone goes against 🍉 they are warned by their friends and told that they’re working on their own response. However 🍉 has just been drawing doodles, setting up storyboards and playing games. There is no sign of a response ; just reminders they’re making one.
I don’t think 🍉 cares.
Hello Anon! We ask kindly you do not stalk Quartelz server if the reason you are there is to stalk.
For Quartelz, it is up to her if she decides to respond or not. It is her responsibility, and her reputation. All we ask for is an apology.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
To the anon asking why Red is saying to not make copies of the doc theyre reffering to the one made about them and their partner not this doc
We see what you mean, thank you. We agree that if a document is made public, then you must be okay with the fact people are going to take whatever they may since it is in a public eye.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
You guys should seriously try contacting Ponder Sprocket to maybe cover the second document or just the situation in general. I don’t know if you have already or not. But if you haven’t then I think you should.
They’re a very good art commentator and they’ve already dealt with GoatCatto once. So they could probably cool down any misinformation that happened because of the stream.
We will keep this in mind, thank you.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
No way fucking GoatCatto has something to say about this situation… 💀
Not to be rude but did they not learn their lesson from the fucking Sashley drama they tried to commentate on 4 years ago, and then 1 year ago?? That’s actually so insane, I do not want to hear it from them.
Acting like you have SO many gaps in your evidence, even though it’s like one or two claims without screenshots to back it up. And they’re treating it like you’re just as bad as Quartz is for that? Nuh uh…
I get that the document is for discussions like those to happen, but they were so disrespectful in the comments, their community post, and sometimes in the live itself. They make good points but overall are rude af. Surprised they have so many people agreeing with them.
The document is up to debate with all groups, and if this specific person has their own personal opinion, then there is nothing we can do about it, however we do agree that we remain respectful and kind about all groups in this situation, no matter who you choose to support or not support, or support or don’t support either. We ask there is still a mutual respect.
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a4wsome4fu0ck · 5 months
Hiya, I agree with most of the anons about the person who was “reviewing” the doc, I’d like to mention a ick and concern of one of the person that had commented in their comnunity post.
Which was how it was easy to find the people that were victimized in 🍉’s doing. Basically tracking them down? That, in my opinion it’s a huge invasion of privacy to the people that wanted to stay anonymous and not associate with the situation anymore.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/972610659328073900/1183110851725623318/IMG_0071.png?ex=658724d8&is=6574afd8&hm=552c58fccc02fab59e979e4d6721aaa34a5d72aced21af2cd5cebdb20012d3ee& (Screenshot)
Otherwise, that’s most of my main concern.
Unfortunately yes, we are aware that the victims names are identities are easy to figure out. However the reason was not to be a surprise on who these people are, the different names are meant to help the victims not have their exact names tied into it for personal preference.
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