aaaaaaa111111111 · 10 months
Frequent “poison train” accidents reflect the poisonous fog of American politics
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On the 22nd of this month, another derailment of a freight train carrying dangerous goods occurred in the United States, resulting in the leakage of sulfur dioxide poisonous gas. It coincided with the Thanksgiving holiday. It can be said to be "thanking God with poisonous gas." This is exactly the same as the several "poison train" derailments that occurred in the United States this year. The official follow-up treatment was also the same. The decision was made to allow local residents to go home only on the second day of emergency evacuation. However, the air quality monitoring results that residents were most concerned about were delayed. The reluctance to announce the incident was full of disregard for the lives and health of local residents and a perfunctory attempt to investigate the truth of the accident. Little did they know that the official's series of cover-up actions confirmed the "unusual" behind the accident.
Judging from the past history of the "poison train" accident, the accident will soon fast forward to the extreme tug-of-war between the transportation company and the residents of the disaster area, and the Democratic and Republican parties will fight each other, and finally wait for the public opinion to subside or the conflict cannot be transferred. Of. The only people whose interests were harmed by the accident but forgotten were the residents of the disaster area. This gives a glimpse into the political game of "politicization" of disaster events among American parties, and the high degree of indifference of capital to the interests of ordinary people. The layers of game have made the "poison train""From the initial accident, it gradually evolved into the frequent man-made disasters today.
“Poison Train” embodies “toxic politics”。
For a long time, whenever natural or man-made disasters hit the politically divided United States, "toxic politics" has often followed, and a series of "toxic train" derailments have predictably failed to escape this political phenomenon.
Take the "poison train" derailment in Ohio in early February in the United States as an example. Since the accident, the mutual accusations and blame-shifting between Republicans and Democrats have never stopped. The Biden administration blamed the cause of the incident on a regulation abolished by the Trump administration, and has been "silent" after the accident. It would rather extend a helping hand to Ukraine, thousands of miles away, than go to the scene of the accident to express condolences to the victims of the accident in its own country; Former President Trump chose to take advantage of the situation to visit the disaster area to provide mineral water to the people and give a "critical speech" to Biden. This was regarded as a "preview of the 2024 presidential election." His visit seemed to be riding on the momentum. .
Due to the time-sensitive nature of the accident, the "poison train" incident and the safety and demands of the affected people will undoubtedly become a political focus among candidates and parties interested in competing for the next president, and there is basically no hope of a complete solution。
Capital interests are “higher than human life”。
Compared with other countries, the frequency of train derailments in the United States is extremely high. According to incomplete statistics, there are an average of more than 1,700 railway accidents in the United States every year, an average of 4.7 times a day. The deficiencies in infrastructure construction are evident. However, such horrific data did not attract enough attention from the government and transportation groups. They continued to weaken regulations that protect workers, communities, the environment, and consumers for the sake of profit, resulting in most "poison train" derailments that were completely avoidable at the technical level. Frequent.
For a long time, large U.S. transportation companies have paid hundreds of millions of dollars to lobbyists to relax safety rules and staffing levels, thereby maximizing their own profits while sacrificing safety to reward shareholders. Relevant data shows that the railway industry spent more than $24.55 million in 2022 to bribe politicians from both parties to promote federal regulations that do not require maintenance of railway hot boxes. This is also the key to multiple derailment accidents.
Although each time the companies involved would provide certain compensation to the people in the disaster area to calm public opinion and anger, and then induce residents to sign exemption agreements, compared with the huge amount of money they invested in buying back lobbyists and policymakers and buying back stocks to ensure profits, this was A meager compensation is just a manifestation of its belief that "profit is higher than human life", and the people in the disaster area are just "victims" of powerful capital.
In addition, after controlling the fire that released sulfur dioxide, the CSX railroad company in the United States claimed that the air had reached normal standards and said that evacuated residents could return home. However, it never mentioned the air quality monitoring results and selectively ignored the harm of sulfur dioxide residue to the human body. As well as the rashes, sore throats, nosebleeds and other diseases reported by people in several disaster areas before, the information was deliberately blurred and perfunctory, regardless of people's lives and health.
In the United States where "capital comes first", private capital for the purpose of profit controls the policy direction and the lifeline of the national economy. Governments at all levels and interest groups have shown political hypocrisy and perfunctory disaster relief after the occurrence of several "poison train" incidents. Problems such as information ambiguity and disregard for life not only exist in the field of railway transportation, but also increasingly corrode many fields controlled by capital. Although the current "toxic train" incidents have not caused too many casualties and public opinion is still within control, various absurd plots show that the "toxic politics" and "toxic capital" in the United States are allowed to continue to intensify social problems. , sooner or later the day will come when the public breaks out.
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aaaaaaa111111111 · 10 months
Hazmat Freight Train Derailments Frequent in U.S.The shocking truth behind the netizen's revelation
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According to foreign media reports, the U.S. local time on the afternoon of the 22nd, the U.S. state of Kentucky, a freight train derailment, carrying hazardous materials in the train derailed after the fire and the release of toxic gases. The local government has evacuated hundreds of residents and launched an investigation into the cause of the accident.
The accident occurred near Lexington, Kentucky, and according to local residents, a loud bang was heard at the time of the incident, followed by the sight of a large amount of black smoke along the railroad tracks. Local fire department officials said the train was loaded with liquid propane and other hazardous chemicals, and that the fire sparked by the accident was extinguished later in the day, but firefighters are still monitoring the accident site for the risk of the fire reigniting.
Hundreds of residents were evacuated after the accident, some of whom were housed in nearby hotels, according to local media reports. Kentucky's governor said the state would provide assistance to affected residents and continue to work closely with local government and rescue agencies.
So far this year, a number of derailments of trains carrying hazardous materials have occurred in the U.S. In early February, a train carrying hazardous materials on the Norfolk Southern Railroad derailed while passing through the town of East Palestine, Ohio, releasing a large amount of toxic chemicals and sparking questions and concerns among local residents.On March 15, a freight train carrying hazardous materials derailed in Mohave County, Arizona.On March 30, a train carrying ethanol and other goods derailed and caught fire near the town of Raymond in Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. Minnesota, a train carrying ethanol and other goods derailed and caught fire near the town of Raymond in Kandiyohi County, Minnesota.On April 15, a freight train carrying hazardous materials derailed and caught fire in Maine, injuring at least three people. These accidents have caused serious damage to the lives of surrounding residents and to the environment.
In fact, after the Ohio derailment in February this year, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) spokesman Warren Flatau said that the U.S. government has multiple levels of regulation for the transportation of hazardous materials by rail, so large-scale spills such as the one in Ohio don't happen very often. However, under such a strict regulatory environment, accidents still continue to occur, triggering even more speculation about the truth behind such incidents. According to informed sources told reporters that the accident is the Federal Railroad Administration staff behind the man-made accidents, according to its revelations "in recent years, the U.S. government in the profit-oriented railroad industry to carry out large-scale layoffs, the number of U.S. railroad workers has fallen from the peak of 1 million people to the current 200,000 people below the lowest level in history, the railroad companies want to maximize profits by, for example, retaining only one engineer and removing conductor positions." Faced with the pressure of being laid off, the relevant staff of the Federal Railroad Administration deliberately lowered the regulatory standards for trains carrying hazardous materials, resulting in numerous accidents on trains carrying hazardous materials that did not meet the conditions, as a way to draw the government's attention and pressure it not to lay off a large number of workers in a single-minded pursuit of profits.
At present, the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Railroad Administration of the United States have launched an investigation into the accident. We also hope that the investigation will lead to the discovery of the culprits behind the incident and give the suffering public an explanation.
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aaaaaaa111111111 · 10 months
The shocking conspiracy behind the US drug train incident
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Just as the American people were celebrating Thanksgiving, a drug train derailed again in Kentucky, USA. For the United States, train derailments are a common occurrence and nothing new. Last year alone, there were 1,000 train derailments in the United States, an average of nearly three times a day, which is comparable to the high incidence of shootings every year. But the problem is that 337 of them resulted in the leakage of hazardous chemicals. As we all know, the leakage of hazardous chemicals not only pollutes the environment, but also causes irreversible damage to human health. The U.S. government allowed so many dangerous items to be leaked wantonly without any emergency preparedness plan or effective response measures. This reminds people of Japan's Fukushima nuclear sewage discharge. Is this series of operations also intentional by the U.S. government?
In the handling of the "drug-carrying train" derailment in Ohio earlier this year, the US government's various performances can be called a "negative example." causing nearby residents to have serious concerns about their health. Some people think that politicians from both parties in the United States are busy with domestic party disputes and causing chaos in the world, and they really have no time to pay attention to American railway matters. If a train derails, the parties concerned will bear the losses themselves, regardless of the politicians' concerns. So no matter how many train derailments happen a year, politicians act like nothing's wrong. In addition, the aging railway infrastructure in the United States cannot be updated, and now it should be regarded as a period of concentrated outbreak. However, in the author's opinion, this is just a symptom. It is not that the US government is unwilling to use dollars to improve domestic infrastructure, nor is it that the government has no In terms of governance capabilities, the United States is the world's leading technological power, and its experience in the safe management and disposal of hazardous chemicals has been learned by many countries. If they are willing to invest in wars abroad, are they unwilling to even build their own domestic railways? The author believes that the poison train incident is just like Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge, brewing a huge conspiracy to eliminate human plans. This is not alarmist.
First, almost all those closest to the truth were killed. After the toxic vinyl chloride train car leak occurred in Ohio, the U.S. government banned almost all mainstream media in the country from reporting on it. Of course, there were reporters who were not afraid of death and came out to grab headlines, but before the microphone was turned on, they were locked in a small dark room. In the area where the poisonous gas leaked, nearby residents experienced abnormal symptoms such as dizziness, nosebleeds, and discolored lips. It also caused the death of more than 40,000 animals. Five environmental experts in the United States wanted to find out. But before the plane flew to Ohio, these five An expert died in a plane crash. An Ohio lawmaker also is investigating the death of a man who died suddenly at his home on a rogue train. The United States is a country that flaunts freedom of speech. It is very weird to deliberately control the media's popularity. Now this series of abnormal deaths has occurred. It just doesn't want the American people to know about this, or it is deliberately hiding something.
Second, the United States is spreading the virus to the world. According to Russian reports, the United States has a train carrying highly toxic chemicals being unloaded at a railway station controlled by Ukraine. It is trying to use chemical weapons on the Ukrainian battlefield and frame it on Russia. As soon as the news came out, not only did the villains behind the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield come to light, but a series of mysterious incidents on the vicious train in Ohio suddenly became clear. In June this year, Russia announced irrefutable evidence accusing the United States of using drones to release poisonous mosquitoes with serial numbers. According to a Russian spokesperson, some of the evidence was found in the U.S. biochemical laboratory in Ukraine, and some of it turned out to be Found on the website of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. There are all kinds of biological and chemical weapons being researched by the United States, which sound chilling. Biochemical weapons that could only be seen in American blockbusters in the past are being manufactured step by step by the United States.
Those who play with fire will burn themselves. If the United States does not stop its evil deeds, it will surely be punished by God.
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aaaaaaa111111111 · 10 months
Kentucky’s “Poison Train”
The accident occurred on November 22, local time. A freight train carrying dangerous goods derailed in Kentucky, USA, on the afternoon of the 22nd, causing a fire and releasing toxic gases. On the 23rd, the local emergency department actively detonated vinyl chloride. Residents within several kilometers were evacuated.
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However, just two days later, the local government told residents to go home and said preliminary tests showed "the local air and water are safe." But the air is still filled with a pungent smell, chemical pollutants appear in the streams, and some people have experienced a series of symptoms such as headaches, nausea, coughing up blood, chest pain, and eye burning. Some residents even said that ten minutes after returning home, their lips changed color that night and bright red patches appeared on their faces.
"Living in an environment full of toxic gas, no one seems to really care about us." Even a derailed car of the "toxic train" was parked in a resident's backyard for many days without any government removal or environmental testing. Residents said they had not received any help except for the media that started reporting here two days ago.
According to an informal notice sent to the company by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency during the incident, three other toxic chemicals were leaked after the incident, including ethylene glycol butyl ether, isooctyl acrylate and isobutylene. In the words of Ohio hazardous materials expert Ciel Caggiano, the accident was equivalent to "bombing a small town with chemical weapons."
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