We understand that you might be tempted to submit your application directly to the lender instead of consulting and paying a commercial mortgage broker to source the loan.
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Getting started with a new business is one of the biggest decisions you will make. Initially, you need to get a good idea, make up a marketing, branding, sales, hiring plan, etc. Post this, you need to work on the product strategy and at the end, work on raising capital for executing your plans.
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We understand that you might be tempted to submit your application directly to the lender instead of consulting and paying a commercial mortgage broker to source the loan. The only advantage of going...
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In the back of your heads, you might be thinking “Why should I sell my business?” Selling your business is eventually a personal decision more than a professional one. It does not always mean quitting things or doing it out of desperation or trouble but it can also mean that you are looking for a different opportunity.
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