aaimagine · 3 years
a bit late but happy new years! rekindling my love for ace attorney truly made 2020 bareable, and I hope to continue to share my love for it through writing this year. thank you guys for the support up until now ♥️
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aaimagine · 3 years
woah... it has been quite awhile guys. I actually returned because I was ruminating on the announcement about tgaa being translated, and lo and behold I remembered I had a blog!
It's crazy to me I started this around a year ago. Even though I've physically abandoned this blog, I haven't abandoned you guys in my heart! I will be back! i am still here :) school during a pandemic has not been kind to me but I have faith I will be writing soon (willing this into existence!)
But in the mean time please feel free to sprinkle in some headcanon requests if you'd like. even if I don't have time right now, I'm hoping that will motivate me --but not overwhelm me!
also, if you'd like, stop by my inbox and say hi!! talk about anything ace attorney elated to me at all, I want to keep my ace attorney hype on for as long as possible until I can write!
a bit late but happy new years! rekindling my love for ace attorney truly made 2020 bareable, and I hope to continue to share my love for it through writing this year. thank you guys for the support up until now ♥️
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aaimagine · 4 years
a bit late but happy new years! rekindling my love for ace attorney truly made 2020 bareable, and I hope to continue to share my love for it through writing this year. thank you guys for the support up until now ♥️
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aaimagine · 4 years
Hey can I request Klavier and Apollo with a reader who’s full of support and will fight anyone (literally) who tried to bring them down in any way possible? Thank youu ♥️ ~ pho anon
Hello, sorry for this being months late.. nonetheless! Wahh hello pho anon! This is super adorable, no problem! <3
I did not incorporate physically fighting because I misunderstood the request a bit late, whoops! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Klavier and Apollo with an extremely supportive s/o
Apollo is pretty rowdy himself. When someone insults him, he has no qualms about standing up for himself or having a witty comeback
But you know your boyfriend very well, and he does have his days where negativity does get to him
People joke around about how you're kind of like his little attorney. You're always coming to his defense when someone has something to say- even as a joke! It flutters him a bit over how protective you are, really.
If someone has something to say about him in court, you know to hold yourself back for the sake of his career. However, during recess, everyone around Apollo will find it a bit funny how you have to be restrained and not verbally attack the people insulting him.
Even if you aren't a confrontational person by nature, or even shy, and exhibit these things it warms Apollo heart. He's not the type to idly take shit thrown at him, but to have someone who feels the same sentiment really boosts his self worth.
If it's people like Klavier, and you realize slowly that the rude remarks are all in a joking manner, you still stand your ground while having a little fun with it
Klavier is also someone who has proven that he doesn't take insults without having a retort.
But, sometimes he purposefully holds back just to see you run to his defense. He's pretty smug about it too (towards the person on the receiving end of you assault)
Secretly though, it is also a source of comfort for him. As a child he didn't have anyone to stand up for him against his brother, and seeing you do it so earnestly makes his heart race.
If its bandmates, who he frequently butts heads with, you might be a little annoying to certain members *cough daryan cough*. I can see small conflicts arising from this- but they're soon nonexistent as everyone learns what happens when you mess with Klav's girl. (Its hilarious, really. Everyone is suddenly the best of friends when you're present)
All in all, though he may tease you for it sometimes, knowing that you care for him that much means the world to him.
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aaimagine · 4 years
Glad to see that requests are open😁! Can I request Phoenix and Miles with a foreign!s/o who sometimes has a few struggles with the language or the customs? Hope you're safe and healthy
Hello! Thank you for the wishes, I hope you’ve been safe and healthy yourself!
Phoenix and Miles with a foreign s/o 
Keep reading
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aaimagine · 4 years
Glad to see that requests are open😁! Can I request Phoenix and Miles with a foreign!s/o who sometimes has a few struggles with the language or the customs? Hope you're safe and healthy
Hello! Thank you for the wishes, I hope you’ve been safe and healthy yourself! <3
Phoenix and Miles with a foreign s/o 
💙 Phoenix
Phoenix would be indifferent to the fact that you’re foreign. It’s impressive to him because, wow, you sure do know a lot of things he doesn’t know! Especially the languages! But, nothing past that. He fell in love with you, and that’s all there is to it!
He never minds explaining things to you. He’s found that he’s had to do it a lot in the past (with sheltered Maya and Pearly), so he’s a bit used to it. He actually has a lot of fun with it.
He’ll never make fun of you or lie to you, but will tease you when the situation isn’t something serious. It’s something that’s done mutually.
He gets a little... childish around other friends when he’s explaining foreign customs you tell him about your country of origin. He’s so smug about it, but also beams with pride (internally) when you are impressed with him.
He’s no grammar police, so he won’t ever tease you for messing up words or phrases, but will correct you so you can be informed! He’ll never do it in front of others though.
He’s very sweet about everything. If your struggles with the language and culture are something you’re insecure about, he will always be there for you. He won’t ever let anyone insult you and always reminds you how amazing you are! Being bilingual (or even more than that) is a skill that is not easily learned. 
He’s also the type to learn about your own customs and takes learning about them very seriously. Your identity is what makes you, you. He will even memorize dates of holidays and other important events to celebrate with you. 
💖 Edgeworth
Miles is probably not that surprised about your knowledge of languages and different cultures, as he has been travelling frequently since his childhood due to school and work. 
If you know some of the same languages, he enjoys that he can speak with you in many tongues- from a practical aspect, he will never get rusty if he has to travel for work. He also just thinks it’s really cute to hear your voice. Scratch that, he’s very impressed with you! He’ll just never admit it.
If you make a mistake while speaking, he will correct you. He isn’t ever malicious about it, but he would find it rude to you if he didn’t do so. If this is something that upsets you, you might have to bring it up to him. He is never, ever, embarrassed by you though.
Though a bit awkward and inexperienced in the emotions department, he will always reassure you that your skills are something quite amazing. He would know, having to learn one (or possibly more) other language(s) growing up. 
He honestly isn’t the type to even crack a light hearted joke when teaching you about his own customs or language. He knows how hard you worked to learn about things here, so he will take it 100% seriously.
He will also frequently ask you to share about your own culture and language. Like Phoenix, he will always remember and learn about things that are important to your identity as well. 
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aaimagine · 4 years
Hey can I request Klavier and Apollo with a reader who’s full of support and will fight anyone (literally) who tried to bring them down in any way possible? Thank youu ♥️ ~ pho anon
Hello, sorry for this being months late.. nonetheless! Wahh hello pho anon! This is super adorable, no problem! <3
I did not incorporate physically fighting because I misunderstood the request a bit late, whoops! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Klavier and Apollo with an extremely supportive s/o
Apollo is pretty rowdy himself. When someone insults him, he has no qualms about standing up for himself or having a witty comeback
But you know your boyfriend very well, and he does have his days where negativity does get to him
People joke around about how you're kind of like his little attorney. You're always coming to his defense when someone has something to say- even as a joke! It flutters him a bit over how protective you are, really.
If someone has something to say about him in court, you know to hold yourself back for the sake of his career. However, during recess, everyone around Apollo will find it a bit funny how you have to be restrained and not verbally attack the people insulting him.
Even if you aren't a confrontational person by nature, or even shy, and exhibit these things it warms Apollo heart. He's not the type to idly take shit thrown at him, but to have someone who feels the same sentiment really boosts his self worth.
If it's people like Klavier, and you realize slowly that the rude remarks are all in a joking manner, you still stand your ground while having a little fun with it
Klavier is also someone who has proven that he doesn't take insults without having a retort.
But, sometimes he purposefully holds back just to see you run to his defense. He's pretty smug about it too (towards the person on the receiving end of you assault)
Secretly though, it is also a source of comfort for him. As a child he didn't have anyone to stand up for him against his brother, and seeing you do it so earnestly makes his heart race.
If its bandmates, who he frequently butts heads with, you might be a little annoying to certain members *cough daryan cough*. I can see small conflicts arising from this- but they're soon nonexistent as everyone learns what happens when you mess with Klav's girl. (Its hilarious, really. Everyone is suddenly the best of friends when you're present)
All in all, though he may tease you for it sometimes, knowing that you care for him that much means the world to him.
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aaimagine · 4 years
Thank you guys for the requests! Im going to close the inbox now because they've been piling up. I hope to start writing over this break, thanks for your patience.
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aaimagine · 4 years
Hello Peachy! This is Mimi from aaimagine! I'd like to please request headcanons for Phoenix Wright with a best friend (who hes crushing on) being an older sibling figure to Maya :3c. Thank you and good luck with your blog!
aaaa- hey mimi! i hope i wrote these well 👉👈 i’m super nervous, but i hope you like them anyway!! hopefully i wrote everyone correctly.
- - - - - - - - -
Character(s)  - Phoenix Wright
Prompt - Phoenix having a crush on his best friend, who Maya sees as an older sibling figure + some Larry trying to be a wingman, because why not?
Genre - Fluff, Friends-To-Lovers
Pronouns - Neutral (They/them)
Warnings - N/A
- - - - - - - - -
When Phoenix figured out that he had a crush on you, it was a bit, uh- shocking for him- He became a bit awkward around you for a little bit, but put a stop to that really fast.
Why? Well, because turns out, Maya can sense that stuff from a mile away, and when she does, she’s RUTHLESS about it.
It doesn’t help that you’re almost like a sibling figure to Maya. You two are practically joined at the hip, y'all talk whenever you can, you give her advice, all that stuff.
If she- or, hell, anyone else- finds out that he likes you, HOO BOY, he doesn’t even wanna think about it.
Mostly because you guys are practically best friends, and he didn’t wanna risk losing your friendship if you didn’t reciprocate his feelings. He just had to wait out this stupid little crush...
Of course, even after all his efforts, Larry seemed to sense that something was wrong one day while they were hanging out after work, and asked what was wrong.
Phoenix knew he couldn’t hide it forever, so he told him. Larry was surprisingly chill with it.
He then offered to be his wingman. Phoenix declined, but Larry persisted. So did Phoenix. Eventually, they both just left and went home.
Little did Phoenix know that, not only was Larry STILL planning on being his wingman, but turns out, the next day, when he came into work, you and Maya had planned to hang out at a new burger joint nearby, and guess who was invited? 
Yeah, that could NOT have been at a more inconvenient time.
And of course, he accepted.
After a very long day at work, the three of you walked to the burger joint and ordered your food. 
Phoenix ended up sitting beside you, which couldn’t have been worse. He was just focusing on hiding his face so neither of you could see the blush on it.
Maya asked what was wrong, like, twice, and he just said nothing was wrong. You were a bit worried as well, but didn’t say anything.
After chowing down on your food- Phoenix lost his appetite, for obvious reasons, and gave his burger to Maya- you guys went back to your apartment/house/whatever you live in
You all decided to binge Steel Samurai- since you and Maya love the show and Phoenix had no other ideas-
Eventually you asked Phoenix to come outside with you, saying you needed to tell him something. He was a bit nervous, but followed you out the door.
‘This is it- they figured it out- i’m finished-’
“Phoenix, I think i’m in love with you.”
“...wait, what-?”
Yep, turns out you liked him back.
He confesses that he’s liked you for a while as well, now back to his usual relaxed self.
Then- suddenly-
“Hey S.O! Hey Nick!”
“(sigh) Hey, Larry...”
Larry proceeded to not-very-discreetly talk to you about how “cool” Phoenix was, until you eventually told him that you and Phoenix already confessed to each other and how he wasn’t even being a GOOD wingman.
He pouted and left, Phoenix being kind of horrified and embarrassed at his friend’s stunt.
You patted him on the back and gave him a peck on the cheek, and promptly regretted it, not because of something Phoenix did, but because you could hear Maya squealing from the doorway, and judging by the fact that the poor guy’s face was red as a tomato, Phoenix probably did as well.
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aaimagine · 4 years
i hope you’re doing well!! stay healthy and remember that you always come first 🥰❤️ (lunarwritesaa)
Hello Lunar! I've been keeping in touch with your blog!! Thank you for these kind words 🥰🥰 I've been holding them to heart! I hope you're also doing well these days 💙💙
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aaimagine · 4 years
i hope youre having a good week!!
This is so late but thank you! I'm doing my best currently! I hope you are well too! 💙💙
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aaimagine · 4 years
Heya! If slots are open still I'd totally love to request domestic headcanons with dhurke and his s/o raising his two kids together! General domestic headcanons with the family altogether :,) (u know who
character: dhurke sahdmadhi
warnings: none
genre: fluff
a/n: yes!!! anything for you, my friend!
[requests are open, rules are pinned]
If there’s anyone in the entire world who you could choose to live with, you should choose Dhurke. 
He is the PERFECT person to live with. 
He is not only respectful of your space and belongings, but he will literally do any household chores. 
He absolutely adores cooking. Imagine Dhurke in an apron. 
He knows a wide variety of dishes and always makes sure to keep the pantry stocked with the best ingredients. And they’re usually really fresh too. 
And on nights when no one in the house is terribly busy, all four of you come together and pick some dish to make all together!
Apollo tries to bail halfway through, but Dhurke reprimands him about how cooking is “an important thing to know how to do for your future partner!”
Which Apollo hates hearing because Dhurke says that all. the. time. 
Nahyuta, on the other hand, love to assists in the kitchen. He’s always eager to learn new things and is always willing to help cook. 
Dhurke always tries to have the boys help out with basic daily chores so that way they can be better prepared for their future!
He doesn’t want his sons to move out and not know how to do laundry.
So he often forced them to help out around the house!
Since they’re kids, they often complain about doing chores. But it’s all so they’re better equipped for the future!
They eventually come around and start complaining less when the two of you ask for their help.
Mostly because you bribe them with ice cream afterwards.
Dhurke doesn’t need to know that.
Anyway, the boys actually do tend to do a lot without you asking them.
They’ll clean the dishes, make their beds, throw laundry in the hamper. They’re very responsible!
Nahyuta more so than Apollo. Apollo really never cleans his room but Nahyuta’s is spotless.
Pizza nights are an absolute must in your household.
They’re a perfect opportunity for all of you to sit around, enjoy some food they you didn’t have to prepare (even though it’s fun, cooking takes a lot of work and energy. It’s nice to have one day where you don’t cook) and watch some movies!
Usually some kids movie so the boys will actually sit around and enjoy it.
However, every time you have a pizza night, the boys fall asleep halfway through the movie. Every time.
Usually one boy is curled up in your lap and the other in Dhurke’s.
His heart explodes every time this happens.
He just looks down at his family and is like??? How’d I get so lucky.
He plants a kiss to the side of your head and just thanks you for being in his life.
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aaimagine · 4 years
You like prosecutors huh? Then can I get some muhfucking uuuuuuuh sweet Simon Blackquill running into his defense attorney love whom he'd left behind while in prison? "I'd forgiven you a long time ago." for the prompt?
a/n: o bby, i love them prosecutors more than i love andy capp’s hot fries and probably snackoos if they existed. and that’s saying a lot. 
turned out longer than i meant it to, whoops.
simon just happens to be one of my favs alongside of edgeworth and nahyuta.
It was always a humorous thing to him that the courthouse was so hasty to empty once the exhilaration of a trial wound down to a gritty, messy close. Often enough, the public participated in the gallery with their jeers and rattling voices, perhaps more interested in continuing him as a spectacle rather than a prosecutor. To him, it made little difference; to him, the trial would have met the same inevitable conclusion even without their garrulous insertions.
The folder tucked against his side held the same weight as all the others. At this point, his recent work had become menial and lackluster, but he had noticed that slight glint in Edgeworth’s eye upon their previous meeting. He kept that in mind because it meant something was going to happen, perhaps something worth the investment, and that alone set off needles in his fingertips and along the back of his neck, reacquainting the eager squeeze in his chest.
Something already felt different after this case, indescribably so. The air felt fresher after each case, no longer ensnared by the haze of malodorous breaths and stickiness of sweat in the air. Even the intertwining hallways in the courthouse seemed wider, less clustered- dare he say it, barren.
Keep reading
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aaimagine · 4 years
Could i have a klavier x reader headcanon, where like the reader is really insecure and thinks everyone hates her? thank you so much!
No problem! I love Klav, and I'm happy to receive a request for him <3
klavier with an insecure s/o
I am a firm believer he is an avid worrier. He takes note of a lot of your mannerisms and is perceptive to when you are feeling this way.
You don't show off your true emotions, you say? It doesn't matter! When it comes to his loved one his observance skills rival those of Apollo and Trucy!
It really breaks his heart, though. He makes sure to not only voice his love for you constantly, but also show it to you. He knows how insecure feelings can effect a person, so he tries his hardest to get his love across to you.
He showers you with hugs, kisses, any type of physical affection that you like-- you name it!
If PDA helps, then he's already glued to your hip! If you're a bit shyer to that, he will make sure you are smothered with love in private.
When he feels that your feelings are going a little too far, and his actions aren't reaching you, he will always pull you aside and give you a firm talk. He's ready to console you however you need be. If you need to cry he'll pull you close and stroke your hair. If you need to vent, he'll listen and speak his mind on your thoughts, reassuring you that it's not the case at all.
If you're feeling that way about others, he will hear you out. He usually can tell if it isn't the case, but if another really does hold those feelings towards you, he'll waste no time to tell you that that person does not matter, and you should focus on all the people that do like you, not just the one that don't.
After all's said and done, though, he needs you to understand that many people love you, especially him. And that as a human being there are going to be people who dislike you, thats just how life is. It's fine to have these feelings resurface from time to time, it's only natural, but you have to trust him.
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aaimagine · 4 years
hi im the anon that requested barok van zieks a while back, and i just wanted to make sure you didnt forget :) id like a scenario (or headcanons if u would prefer) of him with his super cuddly lovey dovey s/o. thank you! :)
No I did not, don't worry! Sorry It's taking so long. I'll answer these as headcanons in the meantime :) <3
Barok Van Zieks with a cuddly s/o
Honestly, it's a surprise in itself that he allowed someone as himself to have a s/o. You mean the world to him, even though your relationship would 100% have to be in private for your own safety.
Just as he fears you will be targeted for affiliating with him, you fear for his life just as much. It's not easy being the secret partner of one of the most hated men in the British empire.
That is why, even though he feels he doesn't deserve it, he allows you the respite of being overly indulgent with your actions.
He's bad at reciprocating due to his weighed consciousness, but he allows you to do as you like. When he isn't working, he will even reciprocate (only if you had told him how you wanted him to beforehand).
If you run up to him and hug him as a welcome back, he may stiffen the first few times, but as it happens more and more he finds himself thankful. He is safe, he is okay, and he gets to come home to you.
He will only passionately amd fully kiss you on the lips during rare moments, but if you express that you want more from him he will remember to kiss you on the forehead as a greeting.
If it is you doing the kissing, he'd prefer it not in excess outside of cuddling. He gets a bit flustered and dislikes that he feels that he isn't returning your energy.
PDA was never an option, obviously, but the only time he will not allow these actions is when he is working, or if he is upset, which tends to be after losing cases during a trial that was obviously bribed.
In those moments, you must let him cool down. Who knows? Maybe he'll find himself yearning for your touch and pampering after he gathers his thoughts.
You being that foil to his rough and guarded exterior eases him from a lot of his inner demons!
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aaimagine · 4 years
I have gotten a couple of anons these past weeks, and I just wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten anyone's asks! My motivation has been running low as of late, preparing for school and such, so I haven't had any impulses of creativity. I will get to them though! I love a lot of the asks I've been getting, you guys all have such cute ideas. Worry not, I'll be gradually coming back. Thank you, I hope you all understand <3
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aaimagine · 4 years
oooh, you write dgs stuff too??? could i possibly ask for some headcanons... ryuunosuke with a male s/o, perhaps the s/o works in a cafe or a flower shop.... tender pining and tropes, just good soft gays 🥺 tysm
Yes of course! I love Ryuun, he's such a sweetheart <3 Thank you for enabling my gay ass!! (also sorry for answering out of order, I'll get to my other asks soon!)
naruhodou with a male s/o café AU headcanons
It's canon that Ryuunosuke does not take a lot of notice in women, so it would not be surprising to anyone to hear that he's been staring a little too long at the waiter of the café the inhabitants of 221B frequent.
He's honestly not subtle at all, with his darting eyes and stutters whenever you take and return their orders. At this point, common customers could all look forward to -or roll their eyes at- the boys who have obvious feelings for each other.
Ryuun being oblivious to your feelings was slightly understandable, but YOU being completely blind to his feelings drives your co-workers crazy. (They leave you be for now though, allowing drama to ensue)
When he comes with the gang, it's a little funny to see holmes (with his fatherly, well meaning yet embarrassing ways) hype up naruhodou on his feats. Ryuun stands stiffly trying to deflect each complement while you just stand there giggling.
During the periods he doesn't work on cases, he makes sure to visit your job daily. Oh, not to see you in particular of course, he just really loves the tea there. Yeah! (Sure, jan. Says the man who lives with Iris Watson herself.)
It took him awhile to work up the courage to come by without his friends though. He typically only came with another person.
At first he was too shy to do it. If you paid close attention you could see him walking up and down the street a few times before he steeled his resolve to get in. He had to convince himself there was nothing to be worried about, the poor sap.
Once he finally sets this new routine though, he ends up staying there for hours on his daily visits, studying there as a change of pace. The first few times were you simply greeting him, but the more he comes, the more you find yourself interacting with more.
During the off times where the crowd dies down and there are no new customers, it leaves room for you to idly chat with him. You both learn a lot about each other during these windows of time, and it's precious to both of you.
On particular day, he had visited early in the morning rather than his usual afternoon slot. The day was slow as it was midweek, so you decided to chat as you cleaned the tables.
It started with a quip about what he was reading. It then blossomed into a deep conversation about your pasts. Your co-workers, getting a little tired of the obvious pining, decide to cut you some slack and push you in the right direction for once.
Or... that was the plan. Before you could excuse yourself for a second to put back your cleaning supplies, a certain co-worker was already two steps ahead and took them out of your hands.
"You should take your break now, loverboy. If you don't go now me and the pals in the back think you're gonna pass out from how nervous you look. Your cheesiness bad for business, actually. Why not take the day off and go out with your-"
Before they could finish, another co-worker cut them off and told you you were free to go for the day. Your face was hotter than the tea you served and you didn't think you could face Ryuun after that moment.
Without turning, you started to apologize. Before you could finish, you were cut off with an--
"I- I'd love to take you out!! ... I-If thats okay with you!"
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