aak501 · 4 years
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I decided to make an info-graphic in Piktochart using Occam Razor’s blog post titled “Five Strategies for Slaying the Data Puking Dragon” 
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aak501 · 5 years
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aak501 · 5 years
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aak501 · 5 years
My Elevator Pitch
I’ve always thought about what my “elevator pitch” would be… would I talk about accomplishments, my personality, my flaws? Well, maybe not my flaws. Regardless, an “elevator pitch” needs to be a short one or two lines that pack a punch, so you can leave your mark on the person you told it to. This pitch needs to be memorable and concise. So, what would be my “elevator pitch” you ask, well mine would be “Antonela Kacaj, a 3rdyear student at Ryerson University working towards a major in Biology and minor in French. I speak 4 languages, have incredible work ethic and can get the job done”! The reason I chose this as my “elevator pitch” is because it is short but effective enough to the point that the individual listening to my pitch is intrigued and wants to know more. I started by introducing myself, so they know my full name and then give a little insight on what it is I do. In this case, I am currently a full-time student, so I stated what university I go to, what year I am currently in, and what my major and minor are. I then had to think of something intriguing about myself that could leave the individual wanting to know more, and boom… it hit me… I’m quadrilingual! So, I decided to state that I can speak 4 languages because that is something that tends to attract people, they always want to know what languages I speak and how I came about learning them all. Along with that I decided to state that I have an incredible work ethic and can get the job done. The reason I included these two statements are because 1. Everyone likes to hear that and 2. They are true! So, there you have it, my elevator pitch!
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aak501 · 5 years
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aak501 · 5 years
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aak501 · 5 years
Proper Google Syntax
In this blog post, I will show you a list of questions and how you would properly search them in Google so that we can achieve the best search results possible. 
1. How would you search for an exact word or phrase?
The best way to search for an exact word or phrase on google is with quotation marks around the word or phrase. For example; if I wanted to search what the word epidemic means, I would search it as so, "what does epidemic mean?". 
2. How would you search for something on a specific site?
In order to search for something on a specific site, you would press Command F and type what you are specifically looking for in the search bar.
3. How would you correctly search for a definition?
To correctly search for a definition, you would put the word that you need defined, in asterisks. For example, if I needed to define the word biomass, then I would type "define *biomass*" into my google search.
4. How would you search for a specific product available within a specific price range?
To search for a specific product within a specific price range, you would type two ".." in the search. For example you would search, "barbie doll $15..$25". This will show you all the results for a barbie doll within the 15-25 dollar price range.
5. How would you search for a specific filetype?
In order to search for a specific filetype, you would type the filetype at the end of the search. For example, you would search "Hunger Games JPG"
6. How would you include or ignore words in your search?
To include or exclude words in your search, you would add either the plus sign or the negative sign after the word.
7. How would you find sites/pages similar to an existing one?
To find similar sites to an existing one, you would type the word "related" prior to typing the word of the website. For example, "related:www.nba.com".
8. How would you confirm the exact form of a quote even if you were missing some of the words?
For this, the best option would be to type as much of the quote as you can remember and type the word quote at the end. Google will then provide you with all the quote search results that resemble the one you're looking for.
9. How would you search for pages containing two connected words?
To find pages containing two connect words, you would type the words joined by a hyphen and wishing quotation marks. For example, you would search "dog-friendly".
10. How would you search for social media content containing a specific tag?
To search for social media content containing a specific tag, you could search using a hashtag. For example, you can search "#nbafinals" on any social media platform and this would provide you with all the content posted under this hashtag.
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