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another take of this meme but with tht one foaming guy & aang
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aang haters are so insane cause you’re literally hating on happiness personified????????
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he is literally just a guy
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who is five apples tall
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and needs his sleep
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I'll never stop praising Aang's design. His design is so beautiful and UNIQUE
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The tattoos and monk clothes (best outfits in the series btw)
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The SCARY avatar state with the GLOWING tattoos and eyes
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Damn look at cosmic Aang!
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And he's cool asf even with hair
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Great design, nothing can change my mind.
Aang’s character design was made by 2 korean men btw, ki hyun ryu and il kwang-kim ❤ also his original design is based on a black-chinese boy named arjuna kisu!
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finally started atla after 10+ years of telling my friend i would
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huh? lmao since when is Aang “ugly” ??? be so fr 😂 y’all rlly think that because Aang shaves his hair, something that is a real life cultural practice, that that makes him ugly?
like yeah, Aang is a fictional character, but he was intentionally modeled after *actual* culture and an actual ethnic group. and recognizing that is important to understanding not just his character but the show itself. not only is his culture and practices modeled after Tibetans, but the genocide of his people is also taken from real life history. The communist Chinese gov has committed genocide against Tibetans; over 1.2 million have been killed since the late 50’s.
Aang is in every way, a Tibetan coded character. and speaking on actual culture by saying it makes someone ugly to practice it makes you look like a racist. and don’t even tell me y’all don’t comprehend that his character is inspired from such, because he’s called a monk repeatedly, and it’s common knowledge that each nation takes inspo from cultures around the world.
and you know what? I find it really funny. really, really funny actually, that NO ONE ever calls any other character ugly or makes fun of them based on the cultures they’re inspired from. it’s only ever Aang.
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I always see the "sunshine" character reduced to someone who is simply happy and bubbly all the time and I was thinking about how I wanted a sunshine character who is sunshine but because they choose to be - because they wake up every day and choose kindness
and then I remembered aang exists and that want has been filled
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The thing about Katara is that she was angry.
She was angry that the Fire Nation killed her mother.
She was angry that her father left them.
She was angry that she was the only Waterbender left in the south pole.
She was angry that the only person her age was her brother, who constantly disregarded her interests and her role in the tribe.
She was angry that what little waterbending she knew, had to be self-taught and how she struggled with that.
she was angry that a twelve year old instantly picked up what had taken her a long time to learn.
she was also angry that her tribe wanted to kick that twelve year old into the wilderness over a mistake.
she was angry over the earth-benders the fire nation had captured and put into a metal box.
she was angry.
And she knew she was angry.
Because she knew her own anger, she was the first to empathize with Aang when he got angry.
And it was because of it she could tell Aang forcing himself to lock his emotions up was not the answer.
Because she knew her own anger, she kept herself under control in the dessert, when everyone else was a mess.
Her anger empowered her. where anger was a tool of self-destruction for firebenders, for her it was what helped her push forward.
It was her anger that freed Aang.
It was her anger that helped her stand to Pakku.
Her anger was her strenght.
She was angry. And this was neither a mistake, nor a writing flaw.
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rewatching atla rn and discovered something
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imagine how different the world of avatar the last airbender would have gone if sokka had decided to be misogynistic to katara in a slightly different spot
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Headcanon: When he hits his teenage years, Aang starts fucking with his friends by making up all sorts of wild stuff that totally happened 100 years ago. Toph always says "he's not lying", but at this point the Gaang knows that The Gremlin Supports Lying For Fun, so Aang always suggests going to Bumi to confirm whatever bullshit he's spewing this time. And he always does.
The Gaang figures that Aang must be somehow coordinating this with Bumi, because no matter how absurd the lie is, Bumi is always 100% on board and can elaborate on it seamlessly. They keep trying to find out how Aang and Bumi are coordinating the lies, going so far as to intercept Aang's letters to Bumi to check for secret codes, but they can never find anything.
And the truth is that they're not coordinating. Bumi just rolls with whatever Aang comes up with because it's hilarious and Aang is his buddy.
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my little character study of aang.... because i love him more than anything
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Loving aang with bumi bc im still salty about it
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ppl who have beef with a fictional 12 y/o meet me in the PIT challenge
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It was probably arson
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Katara writing about Aang for a kofi request :’)
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Hello! Just wanted to mention that I have an AO3 which I actually update although it’s not for ATLA at the moment. Check my pinned post for more!
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