abbeolivia · 2 days
A Debt of Vengeance Part XIV
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI Part XII Part XIII
**Well…I never thought this tale would go on as long as it did…but here we are! I want to thank everyone for all their support, love, feedback, and questions. I hope you have enjoyed this tale as much as I have enjoyed writing it. And thank you for being so patient in between chapters: would you believe it’s been a year and a half since Malchior and Sybil first met? Anyhow: I hope the ending is everything you all could want and more. Thank you - L. Wyvernic**
The now-empress reclined against the mountain of silken pillows and rubbed the grand swell of her stomach. There were so many questions swirling in Sybil’s mind, so many things that didn’t make sense. She watched at Malchior turned away from the door as the two other women left and silently walk back to the large pallet where she lay. Kneeling beside her he placed his hand on hers and for the moment they both felt the baby ready to be born, neither saying a word.
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abbeolivia · 2 days
help from the doctor
She’d been in active labor for hours now, her contractions strong but no longer progressing. They came three minutes apart and had been for the past six hours, not speeding up even chemical dilators. Stuck at just barely five centimeters and a week and a half overdue, Abbie felt hopeless. She was sweaty and tired, even though she’d had a bath that morning to try and ease her discomfort. She hadn’t bothered to put any clothes back on. Her husband had arranged for her to have a private room at the hospital’s birthing center, the best in the state, as an apology for the fact that he was abroad on business and would miss the birth. Though at this rate she’d be in labor forever and he’d make it after all. But for all the awards and renown the hospital had received, it wasn’t improving her situation.
The doctor walked in then, his long lab coat handsome on his tall frame.
“Hello, Mrs. Caldon. Slow going still, it seems?”
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abbeolivia · 2 days
Beach House Birth
Disclaimer: 18+, Sex during Labor and Birth, Birth,
The summer breeze trickled through the tall seagrass. Colors of pink, yellow, and blue filled the sky. Shay sat on the back porch, her eyes skimming over the horizon. The sun was setting over the ocean, the the day before was coming to a close.
Two days late. She thought to herself. Of course this baby will be stubborn like their father. She mused.
“Everything okay out here?” A soft voice whispered in her ear. She learned into the comfort of the voice, closing her eyes in pure bliss.
“Just thinking about how I made to the end of the day.” She murmured, rubbing a hand over her large, overdue belly. She let out a heavy sigh, “probably stubborn like daddy.” She said with pursed lips, shaking her beard with a grin on her face.
A wicked smile appeared on the man’s lips. “What can I say? I’ve got resilient swimmers.” He placed walked around the rocking chair his wife sat in and placed a large, firm over hers. He stood silently looking down where his child was resting. His face full of raw emotion. “Thank you. You have given me everything I’ve ever wanted. Hopefully I can be a decent father.” He laughed nervously offering her a hand to help her up. She took it, struggling to maneuver the rocking chair.
“You’ve been an amazing one so far. You worry too much, baby. Don’t think about it, let’s just take it day by day… It’s getting late.” Shay smiled looking at the clock. She secretly loved how nervous Aiden was to be a father. He was confident in every other aspect of life; yet when it came to fatherhood he nearly paled at the mention of it.
“You want me to help you wind down?” Her husband casually said, guiding her to the couch, easing her into it. He pushed the wooden coffee table further back so he could get on his knees in front of her and began to massage her body.
Shay knew what her husband wanted. He didn’t want to miss his nightly ritual of worshiping her pregnant body. He loved the belly, he was going to miss it, they both were.
She pulled him down with her, brining him into a kiss. “We made this baby.” She said her voice thick with emotion. “Now make love to me.” She said, her eyes filled with hunger and desire. They had a very healthy sex life up until this point, and she clearly had no plans of slowing down.
He silently rejoiced as he planted a long kiss on her forehead. He pulled up her sundress, exposing her swollen belly. He kissed and rubbed it, whispering sweet coos to his child and wife. His hand gravitated towards his wife’s warm opening. He took his time, rubbing around her opening and back down to her thighs before slipping a finger inside. She gasped, sliding deeper on the couch, welcoming him in her warmth. He began rubbing a thumb over he clit while using his other hand to rub the base of her belly.
“That’s right. Remember this feeling when you’re pushing my baby out…” he had come to her early on in her pregnancy and confessed he had wanted the delivery to be private and a sensual experience and was thrilled when she wholeheartedly agreed. “and you’ll feel it again when I put another baby in you…” he happily signed, inserting two fingers into her. His wife went feral, moaning and clenching down on his hand.
He felt himself begin to get hard, yearning for one or two more times inside her. “You like that, baby?” She nodded in silence. “You want me to -“ he abruptly stopped pulling out his hand as his wife suddenly gasped.
He stared down at her for what felt like hours. Could it be time? Or maybe just those Braxton hicks again. She was two days late though… he thought.
She had sat quietly before whispering softly, “that was a contraction, baby.” Her bright eyes looked up at him with a terrified look on them. She was scared and needed reassurance. With Aiden
His eyes shot open, placing both of his hands on his wife’s belly protectively. “Baby…” he looked deep into her eyes, waiting for some kind of indicator of what to do. She took a few deep breaths, rubbing her naked belly with her eyes clenched shut.
Aiden was amazed when Shay suddenly started batting her eyes at home. “Did I say I wanted you to stop?” She smiles sweetly, motioning her head in a way to tell him, his job wasn’t finished yet. His heart began to speed up, he turned his attention to his wife’s opening, and knew his time was limited. He quickly removed his pants and tossed them to the side. Shay chipped up, “help me take this off, please.” Indicating her sundress. “I want us naked for the whole birth.” She blushed looking away quickly. That’s my girl. He thought to himself.
He reverently removed her dress, watching her full breasts pop out, begging to be sucked. He took a step back to admire his heavily pregnant wife, naked and ready to birth his child. Their child. Her face suddenly began to scrunch again, this time she let out a quiet moan she looked up at him with urgent eyes and he knew she needed to be fucked. This primal connection between the two of them was sacred. Neither of them needed to speak.
He watched her body contract while he stroked his member that was growing harder every second.
He pulled his member out and looked her in the eyes, she grabbed his hand and gave it a quick squeeze before he slowly guided his head in. Shay leaned her head back with a slight “O” in her lips. He took that as the indicator to push the rest of himself into her as her moans filled his ears. He was going to miss watching her full breasts bounce with their movements.
She contracted once more and he once again stopped to check on her and she practically ordered him to go harder. He squeezed her milk-filled breast, pushing some of the liquid out. He almost came then, watching his pregnant wife take his cock, with her enormous breasts, wet pussy, while also battling the occasional contraction. God, I want put another one in her right after this. He thought to himself.
Her voice brought him back to reality. “Twist them baby, they’re so full with milk.” He did indeed tend to her breasts. Sucking the milk out, fondling them, twisting them until she cried out. He loved his wife, understanding those breasts no longer belonged to him, but the child she would soon be delivering. He wanted to remember them this way, before they became swollen and used as a food source. He would find them even sexier them, he knew that as much.
A few contractions later his wife began to shake under him, he felt her pulsating and smiled hearing her sexy moans. Her response triggered his and he released himself for one last time inside her. They sat quietly for a moment, both hands lazily stroking her belly.
They both wanted to enjoy their final moments as a family of two.
Throughout the labor he often touched his wife, her face, thighs, legs, breasts, belly. He touched it all, embracing the labor and admiring his wife’s amazing body. He verbally told her how sexy she was, how confident she was, how he had never loved her more than in this moment right now.
“Shhh… breathe.” He whispered in her ear as she cried out in pain. She was sitting on her back legs, her arms resting around his neck as she rocked her body back and fourth.
“Can you check me?” She pleaded, leaning back against the headboard for her to expose her dilated pussy. He slowly put a few fingers in her, she gasped at his touch.
“You’re about seven centimeters, baby. Close!” He said, rubbing her folds as she leaned back in distress. He put two fingers in, tracing her walls, feeling what labor was doing to her. She began to contract again and he inserted another finger as she battled her own body.
“More… more…” she pleaded as she gasped in pain. Her husband did not disappoint, he pushed his fingers deeper, almost as if he was looking for his child. She finished once more as he played with her clit and sucked her nipples.
He noticed as she transitioned to active labor she needed less of his support. She knew what she was doing and he found it so sexy. She told him where to rub her back, when she needed water, and then finally when she was ready to push.
What seemed like hours and hundreds of contractions later, Shay looked at her husband and whispered, “I want to push in the water.” Her water had not broken yet, so hearing this brought worry to his mind.
“Let’s get you there and then I’ll check you, okay?” They had a birthing tub ready for her in the corner, he slowly helped his wife up and she leaned into him as they stood in the dim lit room together, swaying back and fourth. He took in her smell, and thought about how in a few short hours, they’d be a family of three.
“Aiden-“ she gasped and stood back as they both watched a transparent liquid fall onto the floor. Relief flooded him before he soon realized his wife would soon be pushing. His wife doubled over in pain, grabbing his shoulder as she hunched over. “Oh.. it’s happening.” She took deep breaths. He didn’t even bother to check her, he knew the time was close.
They moved her into the tub where she leaned back with a slight smile on her face. Aiden was moving the tripod over from the bed, he was pleased with himself that he had captured most of the labor process for both of them to watch later. He watched his wonderful wife breathe through contractions, never screaming like he imagined she would be, almost as if she was born to do it.
“Baby…” she breathed out before scrunching up her face. “Come feel.” He had gotten into the tub with her and had been rubbing her thighs, waiting to stimulate her until she was ready to begin pushing. She guided his hand up to her body and into her opening when he felt something hard and soft. He yet out a yelp as he realizes his child was closer than he thought.
“Are you pushing?” He questioned.
“I’m just letting the baby move down with the contractions. I can feel it, though.” She said closing her eyes as another contraction came.
This continued on for a few more contractions before she let out a cry. She was beginning to bulge. “Baby… baby you’re doing great. Oh… there you go. Just like that.” He coached her, rubbing her thighs under the water. Aiden’s eyes were huge as he admired his wife’s opening, embracing the head that was trying to escape her. “You’re doing it babe, you’re having our baby!” He was so immensely proud of his wife.
“I need to be rubbed.” She said bringing her own hand down to her entrance, and began rubbing around the small dollop that was exciting her, he stopped her.
“Please… let me.” Their eyes met and she understood he had been waiting for this moment right here. She nodded, placing her hand to his cheek. “I… I want to do this part.”
“Bring your baby into this world.” And she began pushing, their eyes fixated on one another. He began rubbing her clit, with one hand with the other rubbing around the folds. She was pushing down, suddenly overwhelmed with sexual stimulation and adoration for her husband. “Aiden, I can feel it. It’s coming out of me!”
Aiden watched as his wife began to stretch, a dark mass protruding from her center. “Dark hair!” Was all he could make out before focusing in on the baby coming out of his wife. “Push baby!”
He looked up at his wife who looked completely exhausted. He suddenly felt bad for all of the orgasms he had given her, she should have been saving his energy. That is before she said, “Keep rubbing baby. I need it.” And he fell in love with her all over. He went to town, worshiping her clit as she continued to push his baby into his hand. “Ugh….” She leaned back in between a contraction. The head continued to stay where it was, despite her enormous efforts. She had sweat around her forehead, and sat with her eyes closed, leaning against the tub.
Aiden continued rubbing but thought of an idea.
“Give me your hand.” He whispered. She opened her eyes, weakly moving her hand down to meet his, he guided it to her entrance where their child’s head protruded out of her. “Now give little pushes.” Her eyes swelled with tears as she gasped in surprise. She moved her fingers around the head. She followed his instructions, grunting with every push, she felt with her hand and her body moving in sync. The tears began to fall from her eyes as she kept her hand in place, feeling the hair and skull exit her body.
“That’s right… just like that… everything is fine, we’re not in a rush. “ Aiden continued to work her folds, stretching around the head while simultaneously rubbing her sweet spot. Suddenly her moans turned into screams as the head continued pushing out of her, coming to a sudden full crown.
“Wait, wait, wait!” He protested, moving his hand to keep the head still. “Baby, slow. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.” And keeps us from the hospital, he thought to himself. She grunted, begged, and pleaded with him as he held his hand steady. He looked at her longingly, pushing her hair back with his free hand. “You have never been more beautiful than you are right now in this moment. Push my baby out of you. Remember when I was rubbing your clit like this earlier?” He began to furiously move his fingers around her clit as she began to push, her moans filling the room. He watched her face change from pleasure, pain, and happiness all within a few moments as she buckled under his touch.
Shays face was red and strained as she huffed and puffed. Her opening was stretched to the max as Aiden watched it move with every breathe. She had her hand cupped around the head and he had his hand placed on top of hers, they both felt it coming out of her inch by inch.
“Need… to… push!” She moaned as she bore down. She reached down with both hands, welcoming the head as it popped out of her. “Baby! I’m splitting open. Please, oh!” She began to panic.
Aiden gasped and checked for the cord while reassuring her she didn’t tear and to let the baby adjust and turn. He held the head in his hand for a moment, realizing just how fragile human life was. He stared at his wife, watching her strain and pant.
“You’re good baby.” He said, his voice full of emotion as she started panting. “Push our baby out!” He cheered.
“Aiden…” she grunted, she shifted trying to move towards him. “Help me up,” she gasped “I want to… get into all fours. Want to get out.” She began attempting to lift herself up out of the water. Aiden jumped up and grabbed a towel. He stared in awe at his child’s head hanging in between his wife’s legs. He saw it’s little features as it began to turn. He was so turned on sexually and emotionally seeing his wife strain with his son or daughter.
She was crouched low, the head hanging out of her. Shay’s hand was cupping the head, her fingers exploring just as he was as doing. He was amazed at her beauty and determination. He couldn’t want to watch her do it over and over again.
“Hurry babe. I need to push!” Her eyes urgently pleaded as she reached towards him for help. He hurried her up and she got down on all fours, grunting and moaning. He acted quickly, suctioning the baby’s mouth and checking to ensure he had grabbed the towels.
She had no idea what came over her, only that the urge to push was so primal, so raw, she couldn’t ignore it. She felt herself blossoming open, as if she would never close back up again. She chanted over and over in her heard, this is what my body was made for.
Aiden watched his wife spread wide open as the shoulders began to leave her body, he helped guide his child into the world as his wife gave one final push and moan, sliding his baby into his waiting hands.
“Oh…” he gasped, feeling the weight of the world suddenly in his hands. His wife turned over, urgently seeking her babe. He placed the baby into her arms as they both began to weep.
“It’s a boy.” His wife swooned. Aiden sprang into action, grabbing the towels and placing them over his son and wife. Sitting beside them looking down at the life they created.
Once they got done admiring the newest member of the family, Shay announced she wanted to birth the placenta in the water before showering off.
During this time he held his wailing son, watching and cheering on his wife as she strained one last final time. They chose to leave the placenta attached for a bit longer as they sat in the bed as a family of three.
“Look at what we made.” Aiden said in awe. Staring at the his wife as she looked down at their son. “I am so proud of you… I don’t deserve you.” He shook his head in disbelief.
“Oh god… that was the most amazing experience ever. Shay murmured as she kissed their newborn’s head. “Let’s do it again…. Just like how we did it now. I want to have as many as we can.” She said after a few moments, he had opened the windows to let the fresh air in, the sound of the ocean lingered in the background. The sun was rising and rays of sun kissed his wife’s head. He grinned in total disbelief.
“Oh, don’t tempt me for a good time.” He said, kissing his wife’s temple. “I’ll give you as many as you let me.”
“Deal.” She sighed happily.
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abbeolivia · 16 days
Request #351.12 Fill
351.12. i’d like to request a story where a woman is so heavily pregnant, two babies weighing down on her bladder and she goes to the pool to relax and relieve some of that pressure. when she gets in the pool she goes into labor and gives birth in the pool. lifeguards try to get her out but can’t because she’s a) too heavy to extract on a backboard and b) they don’t wanna hurt her or the baby by pulling her out. would appreciate if others dive under to check if she’s dilated
back at it again with a super late request fill, you can find more of my fics at @bumpsandpushes ♡ ♡
Margot Hollingsworth II had been far too pregnant for far too long. Of course her dearest husband sprang for every expense to ensure her comfort over the past nine months, but there’s only so much that weekly seaweed wraps and Swedish massages can do for the pain of carrying around such unruly twins. Their constant kicking and somersaults had her exhausted, and the weight of her bump had her back constantly aching.
Her one solace was being in the water, where she was able to float and relieve her back pain while the gentle movement soothed the babies inside her. The Hollingsworth family had been part of the most exclusive country club in the state for generations, and she was able to enjoy their luxury spa treatments, nonstop gourmet snacks, and the unchlorinated, spring-water filtered pool every day for the last month of her pregnancy. The staff were used to her constant presence and one of the poolside cabanas was always set up with extra pillows and towels just for her, with her drinks and snacks constantly replenished before she even needed to ask– a pregnant woman’s dream.
“Good morning Mrs. Hollingsworth, how are you feeling today?” As she approached the pool gate, one of the young lifeguards greeted her and gallantly offered his arm to lead her to the cabana. Margot was always forgetting the help’s names but she believed his name was Timothy or something similar. However, she remembered his face as she always appreciated the friendly belly rubs he gave her.
“I am doing well, how is the pool looking today?” With his help, she gingerly sat down on a padded pool chair and waited for him to arrange some pillows in a satisfactory pile before she leaned back in her seat.
He crouched down beside her and gently rubbed her bump as he spoke, smiling up at her relaxed expression. “The temperature is nice and warm, just as you like it, and it looks like you’ll have it to yourself for the next little while. We’ve got the wait staff bringing you your favourite tea set with an assortment of finger sandwiches and fresh scones–today’s flavours are preserved lemon and thyme.”
There was a reason Margot loved coming here, the staff tended to her every desire before she even asked for it, giving her the first-class treatment that her prestige deserved. She felt the muscles tighten under Timothy’s hand and she winced, arching her back against the pillows.
“Madam, are you alright?” He paused his movements in concern, and she fixed his hand with a glare until he continued rubbing her again. Margot closed her eyes and breathed until the ache subsided, feeling the lifeguard’s stare on her the whole time.
“Yes, of course I am fine. I have just been feeling some pains all day and I cannot wait to get into the water and relax,” she replied, dismissing his concern with a coy smile.
The cramps had been coming and going steadily since early that morning, but her due date wasn’t for another week and her obstetrician was one of the finest in the country so Margot was confident she had time. The tension in her back was getting to be very painful though, and she decided to get into the pool to relax rather than wait for her tea spread to arrive. She reached for Timothy’s hand to assist her in standing back up, but he grasped her shoulder to halt her.
“Mrs. Hollingsworth, are you sure you shouldn’t be resting, or maybe seeing a doctor?”
“I do appreciate your concern, but I am well aware of my limitations and what my body needs. Now if you wouldn’t mind escorting me to the pool steps?”
Looking abashed, the lifeguard assisted her out of the lounger and walked her to the edge of the water. Margot noticed him watching her wade deeper until the water gently flowed over her bump, and she smiled at him before going further into the depths to relax.
It felt like hours had passed as she simply floated in the water, relaxing as the babies slowed their movements and the regular aches became much less intense against her back. Eventually she decided that she wanted to get into the shade to reapply some sunscreen and hydrate–with how much her skin had been stretching during her pregnancy, Margot was taking great pains to maintain her flawless complexion. As soon as she started climbing the steps of the pool she began to feel so much heavier, the buoyancy of the water no longer assisting her in carrying the weight of her bump.
“Excuse me, young man? Would you be a dear and escort me to my seat? I forgot how heavy my belly was outside of the pool,” she asked a pool attendant while cupping one arm around her bump, her dewy tan skin on full display in the petite bikini she wore. The man blushed, striding over to her with his eyes locked to her bump as he offered his elbow.
As they reached her cabana, she handed the attendant her bottle of sunscreen and leaned back in the sun lounger with a cup of tea in hand, expecting him to rub the cream over her exposed skin. His face only grew more flushed as he applied it first to her arms and legs, then over her rounded middle.
“Mmm, that feels fantastic, you’re excellent at this,” Margot couldn’t help but to sigh at the sensation of his strong hands spreading the lotion over her tender and taut skin. Her eyes slipped closed and the babies within her kicked gently against the young man’s hands. His fingers brushed against the cups of her bikini top, causing her nipples to pucker a bit at the sensation, and his wide circles around the swell skimmed the waist of her bikini bottoms only inches above her swollen pussy. Her luxury brand of sun cream was very expensive, but Margot didn’t complain about how he kept squeezing more and more onto her skin, not when the massage was so calming. He rubbed firmly over her bump, and Margot couldn’t help but to shiver every time his calloused palms brushed against her protruding navel.
However, this tender massage didn’t alleviate the pain of being out of the water and she could feel the pains return worse than ever before. She couldn’t help but to moan, but the pool attendant interpreted this as being a moan of pleasure and gave her a smug grin before intensifying his caresses. Margot focused more on the sensation of his steady hands than of the rising tension of her muscles and relaxed into his grasp when it was over, melting like putty into the massage. His hands wandered more and more, squeezing her ass and gently kneading her breasts, but it distracted her from the recurring pains so she just enjoyed the feeling.
This continued for a while longer until the pains became too strong for even the sensual massage to help so she sat up in order to immerse herself back into the pool. The man’s hands pulled away from her bikini top, and Margot couldn’t tell if it was still wet from the pool water or if he had inadvertently caused her to leak milk into the fabric.
“Help me back into the pool, I need to float again.” She reached her hand out imperiously, expecting him to escort her back into the water and he smirked in amusement as he obeyed her command.
Freshly sunscreened and hydrated, Margot was ready to relax. Being able to float and relieve the pressure on her back allowed her to fully zone out and she began practicing the meditative breathing her up-scale maternity guru Colette had taught her. Centering her mind, she let the waves of pain and pressure wash over her as she ignored them with self-focus. Mindfulness and bodily detachment were two techniques that Colette emphasized and all the other mums at the country club swore by her methods, so Margot let the water wash over her as she pushed all thoughts of pain from her mind.
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed as she drifted in the pool but she wasn’t able to ignore the pain any longer as her belly began to tighten. Margot attempted to twist her back to ease the pain and immediately began sinking like a stone, too shaky and stressed out to continue floating. The pressure made it difficult to even swim straight and she was mortified as she was forced to start doggy-paddling.
Margot rarely regretted her actions, but the pressure had been building and now even the water wasn’t soothing her regular pains. She attempted to swim towards the steps, but every kick in the water sent waves of pain up her spine and she could barely make it to the edge of the pool without losing her breath. Gripping the tile, she inched her way down the perimeter until she reached a pool ladder.
“Oww, what’s happening?” The twinges were coming faster now and getting stronger, and Margot was fairly sure that she’d been having contractions and not just the Braxton-Hicks she thought they were. Her plan upon starting contractions had been to call her husband to take her to the exclusive luxury birthing centre where she could relax with her doula masseuse and get an epidural, but her phone was in her cabana at the other end of the deck.
She caught her breath as the contraction subsided and began to practice the lamaze breathing that Colette had taught her. Inhaling deeply, she braced herself to climb the pool ladder but immediately dropped back down as soon as she breached the surface. The pain was already awful, but the water had been helping tremendously with the pressure and there was no way Margot was going to be able to force herself out of it to reach her phone.
“Mrs. Hollingsworth, is everything alright?” Crouching in front of her was Timothy, looking concerned as she gripped the ladder railings tightly. “Do you need assistance getting up the ladder?”
Margot glared at him bitterly, making him look away. “I’m doing fabulously, just practicing my maternity stretches. The water is great to relieve tension.”
The lifeguard didn’t look convinced, and she caught his eyes darting below the water to where her bump was rising and falling with each laboured breath.  “Are you sure? Could I help you with anything at all?”
She struggled to twist her expression into a calm smile, one that wasn’t convincing in the slightest. Before she could respond to him, another contraction slammed into her and she maintained all of her focus on keeping the smile on her face.
“Mrs. Hollingsworth?”
“I’m fine! Go away,” she snapped, her smile becoming a grimace as her façade slipped even further.
Not wanting to get in trouble with such a prominent member of the club, the lifeguard walked away nervously, leaving Margot to drop her head and groan with relief and pain. The next contraction hit before the last even ended, and she could feel the need to push beginning to grow.
“Oh god..oh god…” Margot couldn’t help but moan in frustration under her breath, the pain was becoming unbearable and she could barely keep herself afloat without hanging onto the railings on the pool ladder. The pressure had been building lower and lower, and now she couldn’t tread water with how spread apart her legs were.
“Ffffff...fuck fuck,” she whined, bearing down ever so slightly against the pressure between her legs. The feeling got worse as the first baby moved further down within her, but the strain of pushing felt so natural and instinctive that she did it again as the next contraction hit.
She wasn't able to hold her legs open wide, as the gentle waves would make her legs drift back together, and bracing her feet against the wall just moved her whole body backwards. It was difficult to push properly while floating, and Margot felt herself getting more frustrated with every contraction. She let go of the railing to grasp one of her thighs for leverage, making it easier to push but her weak grip on the ladder caused her to briefly slip under the surface. Both hands on the railing, she pulled herself back up, spluttering from the water she'd inhaled while pushing. Her coughing was interspersed with grunts and moans as she tried to bear down with the contraction, making a scene as she kicked up water in her attempts to spread her legs.
"Mrs. Hollingsworth, are you okay?"
The lifeguard was back, even more nervous than before, and Margot finally lost her temper with the young man.
"Do I look okay? Stop... ugh... asking s-stupid questions and do somethiiiiing!"
"Come, get out of the pool," he said, reaching a hand down to Margot and receiving a nasty glare in return.
"If I could get out of the pool, I would," she snapped, tucking her chin to her chest as she pushed again. The mortification of having a fit lifeguard watching her give birth was being outweighed by her desperation and she just grunted at his next few questions, too focused on her own body to actually listen to his words.
Finally he decided to enter the pool to help, splashing Margot further as he jumped in. He swam up to her, laying a hand on her bump and feeling the tension in her muscles as her belly contracted.
“Has your water broken?” His expression was horrified as he treaded water in front of the labouring woman, and she screeched through gritted teeth as she pushed again.
“H- how would I know? Nghhhh… I’m in the fucking pool, Timothy, it’s not like I’d notice more water! Ohhhhh ohhh hhuhhh…”
His expression changed from horror to a tinge of disgust, and he surveyed the water around him as if to try and avoid her fluids. At the sound of another moan, he looked up and saw her grimace, watching as she pushed again. There didn’t seem to be anyone else remaining on the pool deck so there was no one else who could help Margot through this.
“Timothy, do something!” She screeched, panting heavily to catch her breath between contractions. Her face was wet with a combination of sweat, tears and pool water as she stared up at him pleadingly.
Not knowing  how to assist, the lifeguard just stammered for a moment. “Actually my name’s Thomas, I-”
“I-ughhh I don’t care what your name is! Nghhh- mnnnnhhh… I need you to go under the water and cheECK MEEE!”
The lifeguard gave her an alarmed look, but she grunted again and she struggled to hold back her urge to push. Her hips jerked and sloshed water towards him. Margot could feel someone moving behind her, and a pair of legs slipped into the pool behind her for her to lean on. She draped her arms against either thigh as she leaned her head back against a muscular abdomen, finding the warm skin more comfortable than the metal handrails she’d previously been using to hold herself up. Looking up, she saw the smiling face of the pool attendant who had been doting upon her bump, and he reached a hand down to caress it again as she gripped his leg in pain.
The lifeguard in the water glared at his coworker before diving under the surface to check on Margot’s progress. Despite his reluctance he pulled her bottoms to the side and slipped two fingers within her, feeling around unfamiliarly before brushing his fingertips against something solid.
“Uh, Mrs. Hollingsworth, I think I felt a head? There’s something in there,” he said shakily, dodging as her leg jolted towards him.
“Fuck, get it out!! Ohhhhhh oh AHHH!” Her screams were piercing, and he ducked his head under the water again to muffle the noise.
She pressed her head back in pain, and she could feel a bulge beginning to grow behind her as she groaned. Opening her eyes again, she looked up to see a wry smile on the pool attendant’s face as he acknowledged his arousal in this moment. Unable to move away while in such pain, she leaned back again and tried to enjoy the feeling of his hand against her belly while she pushed.
Looking through the water, Thomas could see the fabric of her bikini bottoms beginning to bulge out between her legs. Reaching out, he brushed his fingertips against the swell and Margot bucked her hips against him, the bulge growing ever so slightly. The baby’s head was trapped within her stretchy maternity bikini, and he skimmed her hip to find the bows tying them closed.
He gently tugged the strings on either side of her waist and the fabric floated down to the pool floor, leaving her bottom half bare and her pussy exposed to him. Her lips were swollen, bulging outwards from the pressure of the baby’s head, and Thomas could see her thighs trembling, sending little ripples through the water. He let his palm rest against the bulge, feeling as the head continues to shift down with the force of her pushes. Feeling lightheaded from the combination of holding his breath so long and the alarming sight in front of him, Thomas allows himself to breach the surface of the water to take a breath. He gasps to fill his lungs again and he dives back down to avoid the sound of Margot’s pained cries.
Knuckles going white on the thighs of the pool boy supporting her, Margot pushes again, grunting at the effort of getting this baby out. The pressure in her pelvis is being overtaken by a new pain, a burning stretch between her legs where she knows the baby is beginning to emerge.
Under the water, the other lifeguard runs his fingers around the baby’s head where it is just barely visible, watching as Margot’s belly tightens and her lips stretch even further.  Though the water muffles the noise, he can still barely hear her groans as she struggles to push. The water around him becomes cloudy as the head continues to slip out, her lips stretching thin around the head.
“Ohhh fuck oh my god, why now?” Margot thrashes in the water as she pushes, her only source of comfort is the pool attendant caressing her tightening belly. One of her hands leaves his thigh, trusting his support to hold her steady, and she lets it float down to rest between her thighs. She can feel the lifeguard’s hands hovering awkwardly around her, but she runs her fingers along the bulge there and can feel it growing as she pushes again. The burning sensation grows almost unbearably, but there is a primal relief in pushing that she is unable to deny. As the current contraction ends Margot is able to catch a breath and lean back against one of the muscled thighs of the pool attendant behind her.
“Thank you,” she sighs,  trying to regain her strength before the next contraction hits her. She can feel her pussy swell with the pressure of her baby’s head and though she wants desperately to push it out of her, the fear of tearing stops her from giving in.
The next contraction is unproductive. The pool boy caressing her is encouraging, praising her as she pushes, and she can feel the young man in front of her as he gently massages her labia and perineum. However, the unexpected speed of her labour hasn’t allowed her pussy to stretch as much as she’d hoped and she can feel her skin reach her limit before the head slides back within her again.
Simply allowing her skin to stretch with the force of her baby’s head, she breathes deeply until the next contraction, encouraging her lifeguard to massage her skin to soften it for her next push. The pain comes suddenly, surprising her mid-breath and leaving her panting as she pushes instinctually and breathlessly. It’s more intense than any of her previous contractions and she feels the burn get more intense as her hole stretches wider and wider.
The lifeguard in front of her, Timothy Thomas pops his head back up, his expression excited and nauseous. “The head is almost out, keep going, ma’am!”
Margot pushes even harder, holding her breath as she focuses all her energy down into her bottom, bearing down against the pressure deep within her. The stretch hurts more with every second and she feels like she’s burning hotter and hotter until she feels a tap on her inner thigh underwater and reflexively stops pushing.
“Stop, I think you need to wait with the next contraction so you don’t rip anything!”
She would ignore this advice but for the fact that she heard her maternity guru give her the same advice in her birthing sessions, so she forces herself to breathe high in her chest and ignore the desperate urge to push and the burning between her legs. The pool attendant supporting her provides more firm rubs to her bump and she focuses on the sensation, feeling his thumb rub over her protruding navel sensually. As the contraction grows stronger she finds it harder to resist the urge to push, but the gravelly murmurs of her aroused pool boy are able to distract her. Though she didn’t think anyone could enjoy the sight of her giving birth, his personal attention is bizarrely soothing and she can just barely stop herself from bearing down.
When the contraction stops she almost sobs in relief, feeling her skin stretch around the head and knowing that the widest part of it has passed through her. Her lips are throbbing and twitching around the head and she feels a bizarre sense of excitement for the next contraction as her whole body anticipates the opportunity to push this baby out. This primal urge is overwhelming, her heart is pounding in time with the throbbing of her pussy and the only thing she can feel is the reassuring feeling of hands against her inner thighs under the water.
“Nghhhhhh ohh fuckk… oh mygodddd” Margot pushes harder than she ever thought possible, feeling her face grow hot and her lungs deflate as all her bodily energy is centered between her legs to get this first baby out of her. Almost ready to give up and feeling lightheaded from her pushing, she feels a slight pop as the head slides out. Her hand between her legs cups it, swatting away the lifeguard’s hand in order to gently run her thumb against the delicate features of the baby’s face.
Now that the first hurdle has been passed, Margot feels a sense of ease with the next contraction as pushing has become a familiar sensation to her. The feeling of hands rubbing encouragingly against her inner thighs as her pool attendant supports her weight is enough to help her push the baby out, feeling the shoulders rotate and slide out in one fluid motion.
“Oh my gooooddddddd,” she moans, reaching her hands out as Thomas surfaces again, handing Margot her firstborn so that she can cradle him to her chest. He has a sweet face and his wails are the sweetest sound she’s ever heard, resting her head against the pool boy’s thigh as her shaky arms hold him tight against her breast.
She watches his lashes flutter and his fists squeeze open and closed before she begins feeling the next contraction, startled by the pain before remembering her first baby’s twin is yet to be born. Margot panics for a moment, unsure as to where to rest her baby before the pool attendant above her gently cradles the child, holding it as Margot clutches his muscular thighs once again.
The pushing now feels instinctual, like what she was born to do and what she was always meant to do with her body. The contractions are coming faster and she has no idea how long it has been since the first baby was born, time is flowing backwards in her mind. The panic has turned to a sense of peace, the only thing on her mind is her babies, her body, and the two young men supporting her as she gives birth in this pool.
As she pushes she can hear whimpers above her head and she can’t help but focus on her firstborn baby, being held just above her head by the pool attendant supporting her. The sound of his cries encourages her to bear down, both because she wishes to hear her next baby’s cries but also because she feels a need to finish birthing soon in order to hold them both in her arms. Her pushing seems to go on for hours and she’s not sure how long it takes her, her pussy already tender and sore from the first birth.
While her slit only burned when she started crowning with the first baby, the sensation remains while she pushes with the second and she’s unsure how far she is with the second. The lifeguard between her legs only surfaces to catch his breath, never remaining above water long enough for her to ask how things are going. Margot feels like nothing is happening and can’t help but to cry out, irrationally frightened that her second baby will be stuck inside of her forever.
The young man supporting her leans down, holding the baby in his arms against her breast to allow it to suckle against her. His arms press against her torso as he supports the baby’s weight, keeping them both steady against him. As she feels her milk begin to let out as she nurses, her contractions increase in strength as the oxytocin flows through her nervous system. The pool attendant’s arms are wrapped around her, holding the baby against her chest, and she squeezes his legs tightly as she pushes again.
The bulge is growing faster than before, her vulva stretched out and sore from the baby she birthed seemingly moments before. She can’t help but to vocalize deeply as the burning arises again, crowning with this next baby as the head stretches her even wider than she was before. Despite her desperation, she can feel the head slide back within her, not fully out enough to keep her open. She pants between the contractions, trying to keep her cool until she is next able to bear down and get this baby out of her.
“Mmmmnngghhhhh fuck fuck, ohhhhhhgggghhhh”
She can almost see stars in her eyes as she pushes, lightheaded as she puts all her breath and energy into getting this baby out. There are spots in her vision as she bears down, but she feels the gush of the head slipping out of her and gasps, catching her breath now that she knows that she’s almost done.
“Come on baby, you can do it, so close,” says the pool boy behind her.
Despite the head emerging faster than her previous baby, she can feel the shoulders sliding out of her much more acutely than before as they slowly rotate and move inch by inch through her walls. Her breath hitches with each push but they move forward until the final push and the baby slides out all at once, causing her to gasp at the sudden emptiness within her.
The lifeguard in front of her surfaces again, holding her newest child in his arms and assisting her as she rests the baby against her chest tearfully.
“Hi baby, I’m so happy you’re here,” she weeps, pressing a kiss to its head.
As she murmurs sweet nothings to her baby, the lifeguard swims away and returns with an inner tube, lowering it into the water and assisting her into it. The pool boy helps her cradle the other child, assisting her in holding one in each arm as they gently tug her to the steps of the pool.
Paramedics pull a stretcher onto the pool deck, having finally been called by one of the country club employees, and pick up Margot’s belongings to bring with her to the hospital. They gently assist in getting her onto the stretcher, then get the twins settled into her arms.
“Wait, hand me my purse before we leave,” Margot asks, handing one of the babies to the paramedic in order to free up her hands. She fumbles into her wallet and pulls out a wad of bills, reaching towards the lifeguard and attendant to hand them the cash as she’s wheeled away. “Thank you so much, I will be speaking to your manager about what wonderful employees you are.”
The young men look at the money, rolling their eyes at the $8 tip they received, and walk back to the pool to start cleaning it before the afternoon guests could complain.
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abbeolivia · 16 days
Maybourne Manor
Hi everyone! This was a fun one to write. As always, it's super self indulgent and written over several months. I would very much love to know what people think of it!
Written by @pregnancyismykink :)
“Harder, please Master, harder.” You cry out as he snaps his hips, every part of your body singing with pleasure as he fucks you in the cramped space of the downstairs closet. The shelf rattles under your hands with every thrust and you can’t help the moans escaping your lips.
            “Yes yes yes…Sir please!”
            He makes a strangled noise behind you and the grip on your hips tightens, enough that you’re positive you’ll have bruises tomorrow.
            Your arms shake, your strength leaving you as your body gets closer and closer to release. He thrusts up harder, your feet almost lifting from the floor. His fingers dig deep into the dips of your hips and suddenly he’s buried deep, searing hot warmth flooding your insides.
            He stops moving, much to your dismay, but you don’t dare say anything against it. After all, you were just a house maid.
            He leaves soon after, leaving you to clean yourself up, and as you walk out of the closet, you can still feel his cum dripping down your thighs.
            Henry and Mary Maybourne were a wealthy couple living in the countryside. Maybourne Manor, a large three story mansion with over 100 acres of land, was the talk of the town on any given day.
            When the couple found out they couldn’t have kids, they graciously decided to open their doors to many of the children without families, orphaned by the combination of the plague as well as an ever raging war with the neighboring country.
            You happened to be one of the lucky ones who’d been welcomed with open arms. You had been 12 when your parents passed, as well as both of your brother’s and your younger sister. Mrs. Mary and Mr. Henry were so very kind to you, opening their house to you without hesitation. And you felt indebted to them.
            You learned from the servants in the house how to handle the duties around the manor: cooking, cleaning, gardening and even nighttime duties for Mrs. Mary. Mr. Henry had his own servants, and it was unseemly to have a female waiting on a man.
            But as you got older and you started filling out, Mr. Henry’s eyes seemed to wander a little more, and a little longer. Especially once you turned 18.
            At dinner, when you fill his goblet, his eyes wander over the breasts that had rounded out on your chest, barely contained. The corsets you were made to wear didn’t help that of course.
            And at night, when you’re busy helping Mrs. Mary undress, you can feel his eyes boring into you from the bed, undressing you with just his gaze.
            You were 19 when he first pulled you into that downstairs cupboard. He shushed you, caressing your face and promised to take such good care of you if you behaved. And behaved you did.
            You lost your virginity in that closet. Bled around him as he fucked you without remorse. And you’d enjoyed it.
            You very much still enjoy it, and it appears so does Mr. Henry.
            “Child, pay attention.”
            You feel a sharp slap to the back of your hand and jump, looking down at the now ruined dough. You smile sheepishly, setting the milk jug back onto the counter.
            “Sorry Miss Gerty. I’ll start a new batch.”
            Miss Gerty shakes her head but doesn’t say anything further as you move to grab the ingredients once more from around the room. The heat of the oven must be getting to you, as well as the early morning fog, for you’ve been feeling rather unwell the last couple of days.
            You put the flour and sugar on the table and try to adjust your corset, pulling at the strings to loosen it some with no luck.
“Cursed thing,” you mutter to yourself, yanking on the tight waist. You swear it didn’t used to be this tight.
You’re forearm deep into kneading the new dough when Mrs. Mary walks into the kitchen.
Miss Gerty straightens, plastering on a fake smile. “Mrs. Mary, what a pleasure it is! What can I do for you this morning?”
You straighten your back, watching the two converse, but you awkwardly smile and bow your head when Mrs. Mary makes eye contact with you.
“We will be throwing a ball at week’s end. I will be hiring some extra help to assist you in the kitchen. Mr. Lotty will discuss the menu with you.”
While Mrs. Mary is speaking with Miss Gerty, you can’t help but notice that her eyes never seem to leave you. They wander over your breasts, a longing sort of look in her eyes, but it’s gone in a flash and you ignore it, sure you must’ve seen it wrong.
She leaves after a few minutes, but you can’t help but feel like she has something on her mind.
That night, as you’re loosing the strings of Mrs. Mary’s corset, Mr. Henry is nowhere to be seen. You keep quiet, doing your duties, but as she finally steps out of the last layer of clothing, she sighs and turns to face you, a look of contemplation on her face.
“Is there something the matter Mrs. Mary?” you ask, keeping your voice soft.
She doesn’t answer, just steps closer and pulls the end of your braid, her fingers gentle.
You don’t know what’s happening, but if you’ve learned anything in all the years of working here, it was that silence was always the answer.
“You have grown into a fine young lady,” Mrs. Mary says finally, her voice quiet, her fingers brushing over the top of your breasts.
It’s a miracle you keep your soft moan from escaping your lips. Your breasts had been extra sensitive lately, especially your nipples.
She dropped a finger to the middle of your corset, pulling on the strings in the front.
“I’d like to see just how well you’ve grown in our care, if you don’t mind.”
It wasn’t a question and you knew it. You were caught, and as long as you never had to leave the Manor, you didn’t care what they did to you. You would enjoy whatever they gave.
You untie the laces on the front, pulling them out and loosening the corset, breathing easier as it falls to the floor. You were only wearing two layers under it, and you slide the shoulder straps off your shoulders and drop the fabric to the floor at your feet, revealing your naked body to your mistress.
“Hmmm, yes. A fine lady indeed.”
Her fingers trailed over the swell of your breasts, down over the curve of your waist, over the slight pudge of your lower belly, and around your hip and to your ass, cupping the heavy globe in her hand.
“It’s no wonder my husband has taken a liking to you.”
Your head shoots up before you can think, eyes wide in shock. Mr. Henry had made you swear to keep this secret…
Your heart raced. Would you be fired? Would they kick you out?
Mrs. Mary seems to sense your fear and raises a brow, scoffing. “You didn’t really think I had no idea what my husband was doing every night, did you?”
The blush that covers your cheeks is enough of an answer.
“It’s a shame of course,” she continues, pulling the tie from the end of your braid and undoing it so your thick brown locks fall over your shoulder. “He should’ve shared.”
Before you can process what’s happening, she leans down and wraps her lips around one of your oversensitive, perky nipples. It makes you jump and a soft moan falls from your lips, leaving you flushed and embarrassed.
Mrs. Mary shushes you, a thin pale finger to your lips.
“I want to enjoy you too. I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
You don’t really have a choice, but even if you did, you would choose to go along. Feeling her fingers on your breasts as she pushes you back against the bed, her soft warm lips caressing your shoulder and then down your chest and stomach…it was incredible. So different than when you were with Mr. Henry.
The backs of your legs hit the bed and you stumbled, Mrs. Mary using a tight grip on your hips to keep you from tumbling to the floor.
“Careful now,” she whispers, pushing you more gently back towards the bed. You sit on the edge, heart racing, unsure of what exactly was going on, but Mrs. Mary’s fingers dipped between your legs, in the same area Mr. Henry liked to play with, and your jaw dropped on a gasp, your head falling back.
Warmth blossomed between your legs, something you hadn’t felt before, at least not this intensely. Your breath stutters as Mrs. Mary’s fingers leave you only to replaced with something even hotter, and wet.
“Mrs…” you whisper, but she shushes you again. You look down, your legs spreading on instinct, as Mrs. Mary’s tongue pushes between your folds. It sends fireworks through your body, making you tense up.
“Mrs. Mary…please,” you gasp out, not even sure what you’re begging for.
“Hush now child. I’m going to take care of you.”
And take care of you she did. She pushed you back onto the bed, letting your head fall back onto the plush mattress. You could hardly even focus on the exquisite linens underneath you as Mrs. Mary’s tongue and fingers did so many things to you. And it wasn’t long before you felt a burning warmth deep inside, something you’d only ever felt in pieces with Mr. Henry. It swells and burns in your stomach and hips, making your hips buck up into Mrs. Mary’s mouth, and she hums, pinching something between your folds that sends you over the edge.
Your entire body feels like it’s on fire and frozen all at once. The pleasure sparking on every inch of your skin, leaving you so incredibly sensitive as Mrs. Mary’s fingers run over your breasts and back between your legs. You whimper as her tongue presses against that spot again, legs trembling and body aching for more.
“Stay with me tonight. Henry won’t be back until morning.”
It wasn’t really a question and you knew it, but you still stuttered, sitting up slightly.
“Mrs. Mary I couldn’t. This…this is your bed. I couldn’t intrude.”
Mrs. Mary sighs and shakes her head, sitting up, her fingers still distractedly running over the soft skin of your inner thighs.
“Nonsense. Stay.”
You didn’t have a choice. And you didn’t really care.
“Yes, mistress.”
For two more months you handled your chores, pleasured Mr. Henry, and pleasured Mrs. Mary. Neither of them wanted you to tell the other, and you were pretty good at keeping your mouth shut. Though, you were sure both of them already knew.
However, a few weeks after your first time with Mrs. Mary, you started falling ill. Nothing life threatening, and it didn’t keep you from sharing the bed with both of your masters, but it was concerning, nonetheless.
You were in the kitchen one afternoon, setting the table for yet another of Mrs. Mary’s famous masquerade balls, when a sudden bout of nausea almost knocked you to your knees. Your stomach cramped and you cursed, putting your head on the counter, trying to breathe through the nausea, but the heat of the kitchen was just too much and you ran out the servant’s entrance, falling to your knees at the side of the chicken coop and lost all the contents of your stomach.
There wasn’t much to begin with, and the acid burned the back of your throat as you retched, holding your stomach in hopes that it would subside soon. The corset wrapped around your middle certainly didn’t help.
You pulled at it, loosening the laces. “It didn’t used to be this tight” you thought to yourself. Before, you could at least fit your fingers under the tight fabric, but now that was a fight. Despite not eating much, your stomach has been getting a slight pudge to it.
“Get it together.”
You took a few breaths, feeling better now that the nausea was gone, but the burn in the back of your throat grew worse. You needed some tea and some rest, but right now you didn’t have time for either.
You rinsed your mouth out with the well water, spitting out as much of the bad taste as you could, before heading back inside to the bustling kitchen to finish preparing the food for tonight’s banquet.
You dressed moderately for the occasion, a simple beige dress and dark brown corset. The laces were loosened much more than you usually allowed, but the nausea from earlier still hadn’t gone away.
A white mask adorned your face, matching that of all of the other servants’ masks as people wandered around the dance hall, chatting and laughing. You stood dutifully by the banquet table, in charge of making sure none of the plates went empty.
Maidens and young men waltz around the room as the music sways and you find yourself smiling softly at the sight. It’s beautiful, and one day you wanted to be the one dancing on the floor instead of standing by the tables, but you knew that was an impossible wish. Instead, you greeted the people as they approached, explaining every dish with care and an eloquence you’d only learned from being Mrs. Mary’s servant for so long.
Late into the night, with many of the patrons stumbling around drunk, you felt a hand on your waist.
You startled, turning to find a man much taller than you, a deep black mask covering most of his features except for his mouth, which was turned up in a slight smirk. The coat covering his chest was made of rich gold embroidery with a deep black fabric that seemed to shimmer in the candlelight.
The man smiled, his teeth gleaming in the light, and you felt yourself grow weak at the feeling of his arm around your waist.
“Would madam care to take a walk?”
Even dressed in your nicest gown, even with your hair done up the way it was, there was no way this man mistook you for one of the maidens attending the party. But his words, the soft lilt of his voice, the burning of hunger in his eyes…it was intoxicating.
“I’m to attend the dining table all night, sir. I must turn down your offer.”
Even as you said it, you regretted the words. Just for one night, you wanted to waltz, sing, and indulge in the revelry. Just once, you wanted to be a normal girl, not a willful servant of the most popular people in town.
The man frowned slightly, his hand still lingering on your waist, but then he looks around, his beautiful green eyes wandering the room before falling back on you.
“I think a few minutes won’t hurt. The attendees are all too drunk to notice your absence anyway.”
It was true. Most of the people attending the banquet had either left or made their way outside into the courtyard, leaving just a few stragglers and drunkards around the ballroom. Before you can even give your answer, he’s leading you away from the party and towards one of the many connecting hallways.
He picks one of the less well-lit ones, taking his time but keeping his hand firmly on your lower back, guiding you around like he’s been here for years. You follow along, enjoying the warmth of his hand on your back, the attention welcome.
With all of the banquet celebrations, you hadn’t been able to see to Mr. Henry or Mrs. Mary for a week, so you were craving that closeness. This stranger would do nicely. You liked his voice and the warmth he provided was inviting.
He turned another corner, stopping before a small wooden door, and you wanted to laugh. It was the same closet Mr. Henry liked to frequent.
He opened the door and hurried you into the small, cramped space, not wasting any time as his hands started to wander over your body.
“Been waiting too long for this,” he whispers, his lips playing with your earlobe, sending shivers down your spine.
His hands start fumbling with the laces of your corset, pulling them out roughly as his mouth moves deliciously over your neck and now bare shoulder. The corset comes loose, falling to the floor, and the shoulder straps of your gown soon fall too.
Your breasts fell out of the gown, bouncing slightly as he played with them. Even now it still surprised you how large they were. They’d always been round and heavy, but they sat a little lower these days, your nipples darker and much more sensitive than they’d used to be.
The stranger seemed to like that fact as his lips wrapped around your nipple, making you gasp and moan, hips moving forward into him. He hummed softly and his tongue brushed over the sensitive tip of your nipple and you jerked, fingers digging into the man’s shoulders.
You’re so lost in the feeling of his velvet tongue on your nipples, you don’t feel his hands under your skirt until the chill of the room brushes across your now bare legs. He makes quick work of your undergarments, tossing them to the floor in the same place as your corset, and his fingers start playing with the slick wet heat between your legs.
Your body jerks as he presses 2 fingers into you without warning, splitting you open. You clench around them, enjoying it all too much but also wanting something more. Something bigger.
A gasp falls from your lips as his bulge presses against you. Still clothed, he was still much larger than Mr. Henry, and the idea was exciting. Even Mrs. Mary’s makeshift toys hadn’t been this big.
He pulls his fingers out of you and you whine, fingers clenching and pulling at the dark velvet of his jacket, but he shushes you softly, capturing your lips with his own just as the tip of his bulge presses up against you.
Your mouth falls open and he pushes his tongue in, your head falling back as he starts pushing you hard against the wall. He starts pressing his hips up against you and it feels so good you almost beg him to never stop.
You wrap an arm around his shoulders, fingers digging into the nape of his neck and the other finds a grip on a nearby shelf, holding on tight as he presses his member deep inside you. It’s so tight, so incredibly hot, but you bounce on him, wanting all of it in you as fast as possible.
“Please sir,” you pull back, begging quietly, wrapping a leg around his waist and pulling him closer. He’s only buried halfway and you look down to see the deep veins throbbing inside you.
He groans, burying his face in your shoulder, one hand squeezing your breast and the other holding your leg around his waist. He starts moving faster, his thick and heavy member pressing so deep inside you, so much deeper than you’ve ever felt anything, and your body seizes too fast.
Your grip on the shelf and his nape tightens as your body tenses, mouth falling open as your head falls back against the wall, hips moving uncontrollably as he finally presses himself the rest of the way in. You clench and throb around him, feeling him twitching inside you, the warmth spreading through your whole body despite the chill of the room.
“Such a sensitive one, aren’t you,” he mutters, chuckling.
“Yes sir, please…keep going.”
He grins and moves in again, his teeth playing with the sensitive skin just behind your ear and your body curls in, too sensitive but also wanting more.
He takes his hand from your breast and puts both hands on your waist, holding you tight as he starts to forcefully fuck you. Your back hits the wall and your grip on the shelf grows weak, but you never once ask him to stop. He’s not Mr. Henry, you can make noise.
“Yes, yes, aaahhhhh please!”
The noise is honestly lewd, the squelching of your fluids mixing with that salty white cum that seems to only come out of men. He lifts your leg higher, putting it over his shoulder, practically making you do a split as he spears you, his member digging so very deep.
“Look so good like this,” he grunts out, his forehead shining with sweat. Your breasts bounce with every thrust, pushing you harder and harder against the wall, and it doesn’t take long at all before you feel that now familiar warmth starting to grow again.
His breathing grows heavier in your ear, exertion clear in the huffs he keeps letting out, and you can’t help but match his hurried breathing, your chest heaving as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to that delicious warmth.
“Close,” is all you can moan, your voice hoarse. He changes angles suddenly and you feel sparks shoot through your body, your nipples tingling from the attention.
His fingers drop between your legs to play with that sensitive spot between your legs that Mrs. Mary likes to play with so much and it takes all of two seconds for you to start crying out, your whole body reacting to the release of all that built up warmth.
He keeps going, fucking you hard, and your thighs ache from tensing so hard. Fluid squirts out of you on every thrust, soaking the floor and the deep black fabric of the man’s pants, but you didn’t care. It felt too good to care.
He didn’t seem to care either because he just kept going and going and going until finally he tensed up, pressing his body all the way up against you until you were trapped between him and the wall, and then you felt his member twitch and grow hotter.
His moans echo around you, his breath caressing your ear as his hips keep making small movements, thrusting up into you every few seconds. You dig your fingers into the back of his neck, feeling so amazingly content.
“Sir, please…”
He doesn’t bother moving, his face sweaty as he turns into your neck again, sucking on that sensitive skin again. He lets your leg fall back to the ground and you gasp at the change of angle, feeling even more full now that your legs were both on the floor. You didn’t even try to pull off of him.
He drops a hand between the both of you, playing with that too sensitive spot and you jerked away with a gasp, a whine following after when he didn’t stop.
“It’s too much. Please…”
“Come on,” he interrupts, his voice velvet in your ears. “Just a little bit more. You can do it.”
You shook your head but didn’t try to move away, letting him do what he wanted. Your hips moved of their own accord, moving with and away from his fingers, but you couldn’t get far. It was far too sensitive but it still felt good. Good enough to keep you from fighting it.
“Just a little bit longer,” he whispered, catching your lips in another wet kiss. Mr. Henry never did that. He preferred silence too. But this man…
“When can we do this again?”
The question was quiet, a whispered hope, but the man smiled beautifully, his eyes glittering. “I’ll be back next month for Mrs. Mary’s birthday. Find me then?”
You nodded, spent and exhausted but still aching for more. His fingers swirled around the little nub and you groaned, tensing again and again as his fingers never relented. His member twitched inside you again and that was all it took before you felt that rush of release again.
“Promise me you’ll find me,” he whispers, his voice husky and low. You swallow, throat dry and aching from your moans, but you look up at him and nod.
“I promise. I’ll find you.”
He grins and pulls you in for another kiss, this one softer than the rest, and then he pulls out, making you twitch and clench around the sudden emptiness.
“I must get back before I’m caught missing. I look forward to seeing you again,” he said, fixing his clothes up and readjusting himself. The deep black color of the fabric made it impossible to see any evidence of your nighttime activities, and he knew it.
He turned and left, closing the door behind him, leaving you aching and full.
It’s only after you pull your undergarments and gown back on that you realize you hadn’t even gotten his name. He’d left you with nothing but a steady stream of cum leaking between your legs.
 “Have you been stealing food from the pantry?”
Miss Gerty gives you a stern look, her arms crossed over her busty chest. You were running late this morning because you struggled with your corset. It was nearly impossible to get on now, barely reaching the bottom eyelets for lacing.
Your stomach had certainly rounded out in the month since the banquet. You weren’t sure what caused it, especially since you’d actually been eating less recently due to the nausea.
“No ma’am. I swear it!”
Miss Gerty only raised a brow in disbelief, clucking her tongue.
“I don’t believe you, but you’re too good to let go. Don’t let me catch you stealing or you’ll be out on your ass, understood?”
You nod frantically, hands tucked into the folds of your skirt, the corset digging uncomfortably into your ribs.
“Get back to work. We have a lot to prepare for Mrs. Mary’s birthday.”
You nod again, keeping your head low as you get back to work, fingers shaking as you grab the ingredients needed to make Mrs. Mary’s favorite pie.
The preparations go well enough, and the party starts early. Guests arrive from all over, donned in fancy clothing and jewelry shiny enough to blind you. You are once again dressed in your nicest gown, the same beige gown you’d worn that month ago.
The dark brown corset didn’t fit this time though so you went with a lighter off-white colored one, loosening the strings as far as they’d go and still feeling it was too tight.
You’re still in the kitchen prepping the last minute dessert requests when Mrs. Mary finds you.
“You’ll work yourself to death if you keep going like that child.”
You startle, catching yourself and giving her a small smile and a dip of your head in greeting.
“Why aren’t you at the celebration?” she asks as she moves closer, her gorgeous gown of midnight blue stark in the dirty kitchen, her beautiful brown hair tied up into an intricate knot on top of her head putting your own side braid to shame.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Mary. Gerty asked me to prepare the last few dessert changes before joining the party.”
Mrs. Mary is close enough now to touch but you keep your dirty hands to yourself, not wanting to stain her gown.
She doesn’t seem to have any hesitations though as she reaches forward, putting a hand on your belly.
“Enough work. Come, I have a gift for you.”
She grabs your hand before you can protest and she leads you out of the kitchen, leaving you confused and anxious but happy to be out of the heat of the kitchen.
She leads you upstairs and past several doors before landing on one you’ve never seen before at the end of the hallway. She smiles at you and you give her a small smile back, unsure of what is happening.
But then she opens the door to reveal a bedroom, well furnished with a window overlooking the back gardens. The wardrobe sits open, clothes filling it almost to the brim. You have no words, still unsure why you were here.
“Mrs. Mary?”
She smiles again, tugging you into the room.
Your heart is racing, making your fingers tremble a bit, but you manage to stutter out a few words. “This…this is for me?”
Mrs. Mary nods, a big grin on her beautiful face.
“You’re carrying my husband’s child, so I am making sure you are well taken care of.”
You startle again, brows furrowing.
Mrs. Mary looks surprised, a chuckle coming out of her. “You weren’t aware? Look at how your belly has grown dear.”
She moves closer, putting her hands on your stomach, making your stomach clench at the touch. It had been two weeks since your last session with either one of them.
“I’m surprised you didn’t know. I had my suspicions early on, when your breasts were just so beautifully sensitive,” she says, pulling on the neckline of your gown until one of your breasts pops out. “And I’ve been sure of it since last month, when you grew ill and started loosening your corsets.”
She leaned in, wrapping her lips around your thick, dark nipple and you let out a small whimper, unable to hold it in. It was all too much. You didn’t know this would happen. Let alone this soon in your life. But…you didn’t mind.
She pulls off with a pop, licking her lips as she fondles your breast, squeezing and bouncing it in her hand.
“These have grown so much. I can’t wait to see how big you are when you are near your due date.”
You shudder at her touch, feeling yourself grow wet between your legs. Her fingers have always felt warm and amazing.
“And you should stop wearing these now,” she adds, pulling at the strings of your corset, letting it drop to the floor, much to your relief. “It’s not good for the baby.”
You can’t believe this is happening. You’re pregnant, with child, with Mr. Henry’s child no less. And Mrs. Mary is okay with it.
“Mrs. Mary…I—”
“Hush child,” she interrupts, a finger to your lips. “I can’t carry a child of my own, so this will have to do. And I will expect many children from you.”
You nod, wide-eyed but growing more and more excited by the second.
“Come now, let’s get you dressed in a proper gown."
By the time Mrs. Mary is done with you, you look radiant. She pulls a mirror over to show you how you look in the deep emerald green gown she put you in and you gawk at the image, amazed at how well your body has taken to the pregnancy.
Now that you know, you can see it all the more clearly. Your breasts have rounded out and sunk even lower, held up for now by the wide ribbon Mrs. Mary wrapped under them. Your stomach has begun to round out as well, and it’s especially visible in this gown. Almost like Mrs. Mary wants to flaunt your belly in front of everyone.
Your hips have thickened and widened as well, making the dress wrap perfectly around your curves like it was made specifically for your measurements. You weren’t entirely sure it wasn’t.
Mrs. Mary wraps an arm into yours, leading you out of the room and into the main hall, heading towards the bustling grand ballroom. Your stomach is alight with butterflies but Mrs. Mary soothes you with a few quiet promises to make you feel better tonight, and then you’re entering the room, immersed in the golden light of the room, living out a dream you never thought possible.
The night goes by too fast. You’re lost in the splendor of it all, dancing on the dance floor for the first time in your life. Mr. Henry steals several dances with you, seemingly aware of yours and Mrs. Mary’s conversation. You supposed they finally talked about the arrangements.
By the end of the night, you were flushed with exhaustion, aching from all the movement, and out of breath, but it was still the best night of your entire life. The lights, the people, the recognition in some of the other servants’ eyes…it was amazing.
You found a seat off to the side of the room, resting your aching feet until a familiar gentleman steps in front of you. Even though you hadn’t seen his face that night, his build was too perfect to forget.
“You look stunning tonight,” he says, his voice still dripping that warm enticing sound that goes straight between your legs. He’s not alone though.
Mr. Henry comes up behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder with a grin as Mrs. Mary comes up on the other side of the man.
“Doesn’t she? We chose well with this one,” she says, her hair still perfectly pinned up on her head.
Mr. Henry nods, a grin on his face and once again lost in how gorgeous he really is. The navy suit, dark and perfectly suited really brings out Mr. Henry’s eyes. And the stranger, his eyes glistening with knowledge of something you were unaware of, looked absolutely divine in his own dark brown suit, handsomely complimenting his eyes as well.
You stand from your spot, bowing your head to the three of them, just now realizing the once bustling room was now empty save for the remnants of the servants and the mess of the party.
“How can I help you?’ you ask timidly, unsure of yourself. You didn’t know they knew this man, the stranger who had pulled you into the closet and taught you how much fun it could actually be.
Mrs. Mary laughs, her eyes sparkling as she wraps a hand around your waist.
“Oh dear, tonight is going to be all about you. I promise.”
Your brow furrows but you don’t dare protest as she leads you from the ballroom and up the stairs, the men following close behind, to a very familiar room. The master bedroom suite, utilized by Mr. Henry and Mrs. Mary.
The door opens and closes, and then you’re alone in a room with all three of the people who have pleasured you in the last several months.
“I don’t…I don’t understand.” Your voice is quiet and shaky, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t intrigued.
Mr. Henry and the stranger take off their jackets and ties, warm smiles on their faces while Mrs. Mary grabs your hands and leads you to the edge of the bed.
“Dear, you have already given me the best birthday gift I could ever ask for. The child you’re carrying will be a legitimate heir to our estate. And Mr. Keely here would like for you to do the same for him and his wife. Once you have birthed this one, of course.”
She looks to both of the men, who are now stripped down to only their undergarments and you feel yourself grow warmer, now very much aware of what was about to happen.
Mrs. Mary continues. “You and Mr. Keely have already had the pleasure of meeting of course, and he is here to make you more comfortable with him. We thought it might be easier to accept his request if you were well acquainted with him first.”
She lets go of your hands to pull at the end of the ribbon, releasing it from where it was wrapped around your breasts all night. You feel them fall and don’t miss the way everyone’s eyes fall to them.
“You’ll be well rewarded of course,” she says, now untying the string at the back of your neck, loosening the tighter fabric there. You feel the fabric shift lower as she pulls it off your shoulders, revealing your naked upper body.
You’re practically dripping between your legs now, unable to keep from pressing them together to relieve some of the pressure there.
Mrs. Mary pulls you up so you’re standing and pulls your dress the rest of the way off, leaving you completely naked in front of her. Mr. Henry and Mr. Keely come up behind you now and you feel their bare chests press up against your back, making you tremble from the heat radiating off of them and the chill of the room on your bare skin.
“We’ll take care of you,” Mr. Keely whispers, his lips so close to your ear. Your body shudders and your eyes draw closed, lost to the way your body feels in the moment.
His lips caress the shell of your ear and you let out a small whine as Mr. Henry’s copies on the other side. Their lips, warm and wet on your ears, throat and shoulder are nothing compared to the feeling of Mrs. Mary between your legs.
Her breath is the only warning you get before her tongue presses into the folds of your dripping slit, and your legs go weak, but you don’t fall. There are hands on your breasts, squeezing and kneading, pinching and pulling at your nipples, leaving you gasping at all the stimulation.
“We’ll make sure you never want for anything,” Mr. Henry says now, his teeth brushing over your shoulder as his fingers pull roughly on your nipple. His hands are rougher, bigger, stronger, while Mr. Keely’s are softer, clearly well taken care of. A man who never had to do manual labor.
“And we’ll make sure you’re happy,” Mrs. Mary adds, her breath hot between your legs. You can’t see, can’t even open your eyes, but you don’t need to. These people could take everything from you and you would still drop to your knees for them.
The room is spinning, and you’re so incredibly warm. The feeling of cool sheets on your bare skin barely registers as they move you to the bed, situating themselves around you. Mr. Henry is underneath you, with you straddling his waist, his member poking your slick heat.
Mr. Keely moves behind you, his own member pressing against your ass, which you’ve never felt before. You don’t get a chance to focus on it though as Mrs. Mary appears in front of you, straddling Mr. Henry’s face. She smiles warmly at you, and then she draws you in for a kiss, distracting enough that you don’t scream when Mr. Henry finally presses inside you, his fingers reaching between your bodies to play with your entrance.
You feel fingers from behind playing in the slick dripping out of you and then they’re pressing to your ass. They press in carefully but insistently and you moan loud, clenching around Mr. Henry.
Everything is too much all at once, hands roaming all over your body, fingers in places you’ve never felt, and the feeling of being so incredibly full so new to you. Mrs. Mary’s fingers start to play with your nipples and you both let out gasps of pleasure. In a moment of lucidness, you see Mr. Henry using his tongue to pleasure Mrs. Mary, and her hips grind down against him much like your own are doing on his member.
Mr. Keely finally presses into you, and you cry out, the stretch something entirely new and near painful. But the pain gives way soon to pleasure, and then you’re even fuller. You take a little to get used to it but they both start moving in tandem inside you, sliding in and out, and you can’t take it anymore.
Your entire body tenses and you let out a gasping cry as you come, squirting fluids all over Mr. Henry every time he pulls out. It makes a mess but it only seems to spur them on more as Mrs. Mary moves in to pull one of your nipples into her mouth.
They don’t stop moving, making you shake hard from the pleasure continuously shooting through you. Mr. Keely and Mr. Henry find a rhythm soon enough, and as one pulls out, the other pushes in. It’s maddening but also incredible and you let your mouth fall open, not holding back your moans anymore.
Your nipples tingle, your whole body trembling and throbbing, and you lose yourself to the heat of it all. The hands on you, the members in you, the feeling of so much skin on your own. It doesn’t take long before you’re coming again, lost once more to the pleasure.
After that night, life gets much easier. You’re no longer required to work around the manor, instead now allowed to meander around the grounds with Mrs. Mary. She shows you around her gardens, the town, the market, and you even get to take a visit to the local lake. The feeling of that cold brisk water against your heated body was heavenly.
Months pass and you grow used to being so well taken care of. Mr. Keely visits every few weeks, and you’ve come to anticipate his visits, knowing it’ll lead to more nights with all three of them sharing your bed.
You’ve grown in the last 3 months as well. Your breasts and belly have rounded out spectacularly, and it drives Mr. Henry crazy every time he sees you. He likes to mess with you, wrapping his arms around your back and pulling your breasts out of their fastenings whenever he feels like it.
The first time he did it in public, you were embarrassed. People who had once been your equals, serving the table for dinner, watched as Mr. Henry groped and played with your breasts without a care in the world. But it felt so good and was so nice to be cared for in such a way, that you didn’t care. Mr. Henry could do whatever he wanted to you.
You’re asleep in bed one night, listening to the bugs chirping outside your window as the soft breeze carries into the room and caresses your bare upper half. You’ve taken to sleeping without clothes, for moments exactly like this and because it was far more comfortable than trying to force your growing body inside the tight fabrics inside your wardrobe.
Mr. Henry opens the door and you smile softly to yourself, keeping your eyes closed. He thinks you don’t know, thinks you’re asleep, and most of the time you really are, as he sneaks into your room and into your bed, using you.
He slips under the covers with barely a sound, already hard and naked, and slides himself right behind you, pressing his thick member into your slit and using you. You keep quiet as he does this, letting him do whatever he wants until he stiffens and comes, small grunts coming out of him as he makes his last few thrusts and pulls out.
He always leaves you dripping, a slick stream leaking out of you when he’s done, and while it means you always have to change your sheets, you don’t mind.
By the time you reach your ninth month, you’re glowing. Mrs. Mary parades you around town, showing off her surrogate, showing off the strong and healthy belly you have to all of the people wandering around.
Her friends gawk at you over tea, their hands always finding a way to your belly, touching you whenever they feel like it. It’s nice. To feel so loved. So appreciated.
It’s afternoon tea when you feel the first cramp around your middle. It’s nothing crazy, and it’s gone after a few moments, so you don’t think much of it. But they keep coming throughout the day, each one getting worse and closer together.
By the time you undress and get ready for bed, belly full from the day of feasting, your back is aching something fierce. You groan softly, leaning against the bed and swaying your hips side to side. It relieves some of the pressure and you keep doing it until the pain stops. You still don’t think much of it as you climb into bed, getting comfortable.
Mr. Henry visits you again in the night. He does his usual, climbing in behind you, pressing himself inside and reaching around to play with your heavy breasts. They’ve started to leak now, preparing for the babe in your belly, and he likes to make a mess of it.
He comes inside you and you sigh softly, unable to keep the moan from your lips. When he pulls out though, much more fluid escapes than usual and you stir awake.
“Mr. Henry? What’s happening?”
Your voice is hoarse and the lack of light in the room means you can’t see, but Mr. Henry smiles, his teeth gleaming in the bare light, and you groan as you feel another cramp clamp around your middle.
“It’s time."
Mrs. Mary finds you an hour later, laid up in bed and groaning through another contraction. Mr. Henry had called for her as well as a few other servants, candlelight now illuminating the room. Mrs. Mary looked just as overjoyed as Mr. Henry and you couldn’t help but feel excited.
“Oh, dear it’s time!” Mrs. Mary exclaims, climbing onto the bed to rub your belly.
It tightens under her hand and your face scrunches up as you breathe through it, taking deep breaths and letting them out.
The physician soon comes in with a small bag on his shoulder and you feel better seeing him here.
“The Maybourne heir is finally here,” he says, giving a small bow to Mr. and Mrs. Maybourne. You smile at him, nodding slightly back.
“Let me get a look at you,” he smiles warmly, moving closer to the bed. He climbs up onto it, between your legs, instructing you to spread your legs a little more and you do. He puts on a pair of gloves and you rest your head back on your pillows as two of his fingers press inside you.
It’s a weird feeling, but nothing new. You’ve had so many other things inside you this is nothing.
The pressure is intense though, especially when he presses down on your pelvis, palpating the area. You’re just about to ask him to stop when he pulls back.
“She’s doing great. 8 cm dilated already. It won’t be long now.”
For the second time in your life, you want to curse the world. The pain seizing your lower half is so intense and tight it steals your breath. Mrs. Mary has to remind your several times to breathe through the pain.
You’ve shifted now, on your hands and knees on the bed, belly brushing against the covers of the bed as you sway back and forth, little moans and whimpers escaping every few minutes. Mr. Henry rubs your back and wipes your hair out of your eyes, kissing your temple and calming you as much as he can.
It hurts so much, the baby’s head huge between your legs. The physician watches silently, only interfering to check on your progress. It took another 3 hours after his last check to dilate fully, and another hour on top of that to feel the baby slip out of your cervix and into your canal.
Mrs. Mary cups her hand over your swollen slit and you whimper, a tear escaping as another contraction comes.
“Push now, you can do it.”
You do what they say. You push with all your might, legs trembling when you finally stop pushing, the baby moving ever so slowly.
They say they can’t see the child yet and you feel exhausted already. But this is what you were meant for. You can do this.
With the next several contractions, you bare down hard, feeling the head slowly beginning to stretch you out. You feel the babe move lower and lower, your lips parting on a scream as the top of the baby’s head hits Mrs. Mary’s hand.
“Oh my,” she says, her voice soft. “Look at them. They’re so close. And a head full of hair.”
You hear the tremble in her words but you can’t focus on anything but the burn. It feels like the baby’s head is slicing you in half, stretching you so much more than you ever thought possible. You push and push and push, crying out as the baby’s head crowns more and more.
“You’re doing so good, love. Almost there.”
You heave, gasping for breath, but as the next contraction comes, you bare down again, screaming through it as finally, the head pops out with a jerk of your hips.
You almost collapse but Mr. Henry keeps you up, his hands warm and soothing on your sweaty skin. You can’t see what’s happening but the physician is checking the baby, his fingers pushing in past the baby’s head and you don’t even have the energy to complain.
The relief is short lived, another contraction seizing you all too soon, and you’re right back to pushing.
It takes another hour. Of pushing, screaming, crying, sobbing, and altogether misery, but the shoulders finally push past your tight lips and the rest of the baby follows easily in a rush of fluids.
You collapse forward, body spent and exhausted. Mrs. Mary exclaims it’s a boy and you feel your own tears matching hers.
“Henry, look. He’s absolutely perfect.”
Mr. Henry moves away from your side and you just breathe, burying your face in the pillow. But the physician doesn’t allow you to rest just yet.
“Turn over on your back dear. You need to deliver the afterbirth.”
You whimper but do as he asks, flipping over onto your back, your legs almost useless. He moves between your legs and presses on your stomach. Mrs. Mary thankfully moves up next to you with the baby boy in hand, and places him on your chest.
“It’s very important to get him latched early so he can be big and strong.”
You nod, so so tired, but the tiny chubby cheeks of your baby mesmerize you. He moves his little head, his hands balling into fists, but as soon as you push a nipple into his mouth, he takes to it immediately.
You jerk a little at the feeling, but he soon starts suckling and you lean back against the pillows, pushing whenever the physician instructs you to.
By the time you’re done, the baby is well fed, the bed has been cleaned, and you pass out from the exhaustion.
You stayed with Mr. Henry and Mrs. Mary for another year after Henry the 2nd was born. You breastfed him for the whole year, weaning him off more and more by the end of the year. He was the most adorable curly haired boy you’d ever seen, and Mrs. Mary doted on him so much.
Mr. Henry was already talking about how he was going to teach Little Henry how to ride, how to hunt, how to be a proper gentleman, and you couldn’t help but smile proudly at his words every time.
But now you’re standing outside the manor, dressed in traveling clothes, your bags packed around you on the steps leading out of the manor. Mr. Keely would be here soon to pick you up. For you weren’t done carrying, and you didn’t think you’d ever want to be. His wife was very much looking forward to a child of their own as well.
“Ba b aba!”
You turn around at the noise and grin as little Henry toddles over to you, his chubby cheeks rosy from the morning breeze.
Mrs. Mary follows close behind with a smile on her face, her eyes watery.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving. I don’t know what we’ll do without you.”
You smile, picking up little Henry and blowing a raspberry into his throat.
“I’ll be back. I would never leave Maybourne Manor for good.”
Mr. Henry comes out of the doors and you set little Henry down on the ground, watching him toddle towards his father.
“We’re going to miss you,” Mrs. Mary says, eyes watering even more now.
You grin and shake your head, moving in to pull her into a hug, squeezing tighter than necessary.
“Thank you…for everything you’ve done for me. And for giving me a life I never thought I could have.”
Mrs. Mary pulls back, sniffling and wiping her eyes as Mr. Henry gets closer, little Henry squirming in his arms.
“We’ll never be able to repay this kindness. Please do keep us in mind in a few years when Mr. Keely has a new heir.”
You nod, unable to speak through the knot in your throat. Your own eyes burn and you try to keep the tears from falling but you’re unsuccessful.
A carriage rumbles up to the stairs and Mr. Keely steps out, a grin of pure beauty on his face.
He waits for you at the door of the carriage, standing tall and proud. The driver starts loading your bags, and soon the only thing left to do is say your goodbyes.
“Thank you. Both of you. For taking care of me all these years.”
They both smile sadly, even Mr. Henry’s eyes seem to be glistening.
“No, thank you. For giving us everything we could’ve ever wanted.”
You hug them both, holding back your tears as you place a kiss on the top of little Henry’s head, and then you’re waving goodbye through the window of the carriage, the bumps of the driveway making your still swollen breasts bounce.
You stare as long as you can, until the Manor disappears from view, and then you turn to Mr. Keely, seeing him already looking at you.
“You’ve matured. And by God you are gorgeous.”
You blush, unable to hide your smile. His words always did things to you.
“I can’t wait to see you swollen with my own child this time,” he says warmly, leaning in to kiss at your throat. You shudder and sigh, leaning your head back so he can reach more of your skin.
He scoots a little closer on the bench, his lips doing magic to your throat as his hand pulls the hem of your gown up over your knees, his fingers brushing the bare skin of your legs, making you shake with anticipation.
It’s been a year since you’ve had this, and you wouldn’t refuse now.
“Mr. Keely~”
“Hmmm, I’ve got you,” he whispers, his fingers inching closer and closer before finally dipping past your undergarments and into your slick wet heat. You lift your hips a little as he pulls your panties off, his hands guiding you onto his lap.
His pants are tented and your mouth waters at the sight, knowing you’re finally getting what you want again.
“Fuck me.”
Mr. Keely laughs but does as he’s told, undoing his pants and holding himself up for you to sink down onto him.
This was your life now, and you would get as much out of it as you possibly could.
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abbeolivia · 16 days
Author: pregnantpussyexplorer
Chapter 1 – The forced birth of a young mother-to-be
Hal, Orc, Klitz were impoverished hobos who had lost their jobs due to the recent recession that had hit their metal works factory pretty bad. As they had lost all their assets paying off their debts, the abandoned factory in which they used to work was their only refuge. The factory had shut down a month after the recession and all the workers were retrenched. The group of hobos lived in the factory doing odd jobs and surviving with the little money they could earn from those jobs. These hobos had a dark side even though they looked like decent men. They were sadistic perverts who were waiting for a chance to lay their dirty hands on a pregnant woman and do all sorts of unimaginable acts on her. Hal and Orc were of normal height and weight and Klitz was a dwarf who looked like a five-year-old kid.
It was a cold windy night and the three of them were huddled around a fire warming their hands and discussing about pregnant women. In the distance across the street from their factory, an attractive young woman, with a heavily pregnant belly was standing beside a car looking around the street.
‘Guys look! A pregnant chick is standing over there across the street. Can you guys see her?’ exclaimed Orc, pointing in the woman’s direction.  
‘C'mon lads. Let’s see what she’s doing here of all places’ said Hal excitedly. Together, they marched towards the lady.
The street where the factory was situated was poorly lit and barely had any pedestrians walking past. Tonight, it was deserted save for the young woman, who was clutching her enormous stomach and looking around.  
‘Good evening Ma'am. Are you having any problems?’ Hal asked the woman.
The woman looked at the three hobos apprehensively and said ‘Yes, my car broke down and my cell phone is not working as well. Do you know if I could get a taxi around here?’
'Unfortunately, Ma'am, we’re poor men who barely have enough to eat let alone have a cell phone. So, we won’t be able to help you call anyone. Taxis rarely take this route. We’ll see what we can do to fix your car. Orc, Klitz go check on the car’ said Hal, giving the other two a sneaky wink.  
Orc and Klitz understood the plan and proceeded to the car behind the woman. Hal would keep the woman distracted and allow the other two time to sneak up behind her and use the chloroform Orc had in his pocket. Once the woman was knocked out they would bring her back to the factory to proceed with their sadistic plan.
'How come you were traveling down this street Ma'am?’ asked Hal.
'I took a wrong turn and got lost. I should’ve taken a taxi to the gynecology clinic instead of driving myself. I wouldn’t be in this situation if I had,’ said the woman anxiously.  
Behind her Orc and Klitz had prepared a piece of cloth with some chloroform on it and were slowly sneaking up behind her.
'If my friends are unable to fix the car, we’ll go get a taxi for you,’ said Hal, keeping the woman distracted.  
Orc slowly crept up behind her and covered her mouth and nose with the cloth.  
'Mmmmmmph’ said the woman as she struggled against her assailant. Within a few seconds, she was knocked out and trio carried her back to their factory.
Once back in the factory, the hobos shackled the woman’s hands and feet to a machine.  
'Can you believe our luck boys? A pregnant slut at our mercy to satisfy all our desires,’ said Hal gleefully.
'I can’t wait to get started on this knocked up slut. Just look at her attire. A tank top that barely covers her tits, belly jutting out and shorts so short she might not have been wearing it at all. Dressed more like a hooker than an expecting mother. I’m going to have so much fun punishing this slut,’ said Orc nastily.  
'I’m going to do all kinds of nasty things to her and she’s going to be screaming for mercy,’ laughed Klitz.  
'All right boys, get your stuff ready to torture her. She’ll be coming around soon I think,’ said Hal.
The three hobos hurried off to gather all the items in the factory to use on the pregnant woman. About half hour later, the hobos had gathered around the woman eagerly waiting for her to come out of her daze. As expected, the woman stirred and looked around groggily. She realized that she had been bound to a machine and started struggling against her bonds.
'No use, bitch. You’re ours now,’ sneered Hal.  
'HELP! HELP!’ cried the woman, hoping somebody would hear her and come to her aid.  
'No use doing that too. No one is going to hear you from here. All the exits are locked and the fun is going to start,’ said Orc.  
'What are you going to do? Please, let me go. I’m pregnant,’ pleaded the woman.  
'That’s the point isn’t it? The three of us love pregnant women and we are going to make this an unforgettable day for you,’ cackled Klitz.
'No, I beg you. Please don’t do this to me,’ begged the woman. 'Shut it, bitch! What’s your name?’ shouted Hal.  
'L-Lily,’ stammered Lily. 'Well Lily, it’s time to remove your clothes and see that wonderful body of yours,’ said Hal.  
Klitz took a pair of scissors from his toolbox and began cutting Lily’s clothes.  
'No bra and panties. What a fucking slut,’ said Klitz, removing Lily’s clothes to reveal her amazing body.  
Lily’s giant H-cup breasts flopped to her sides and her belly was a humongous mound with hair covering her pussy with large labia.  
'Juicy titties and a hairy pussy. Dirty little slut. What’s your age?’ demanded Klitz.  
‘I’m twenty-two. Wh-Why does that matter? Let me go,’ said Lily.
'Twenty-two? How come you’re pregnant at this age? You married already?’ enquired Klitz quietly.  
'I’m not m-married. I-I had a one ni-night stand at a college p-party,’ sobbed Lily.
'What’s that? You got screwed and got knocked up by some bastard at a party? That means you’re a filthy college slut who deserves all the pain we’re going to give you,’ said Klitz nastily.
'No please! What does that have got to do with you? Let me go!’ cried Lily.  
'No way in hell we’re gonna let you go. We’re gonna torture you so bad you’re gonna give birth right in front of us. As you can see we’ve prepared all kinds of nasty tools for this exciting birth,’ said Hal.  
'W-What?! No! Don’t do this please! I’m going to give birth in a weeks’ time,’ cried Lily.
'In a weeks’ time eh? Well you won’t have to spend a single cent on your hospital bills now that the three of us have decided to…. give you a hand,’ said Orc.  
'NO! NO! You can’t do this to me! I can’t give birth now!’ cried Lily.  
'Quiet! Now, why is your belly this big? Come to think of it, I’ve never seen pregnant women having a belly this huge. What did the gynecologist say?’ asked Hal, running his hand over Lily’s gargantuan belly that was sticking up like a hill top.  
'I-I’m g-g-going to g-give birth to triplets. The d-doctor told m-me that it m-might be a c-c-complicated birth,’ sobbed Lily. There was a small silence. The three hobos looked at each other in glee.  
'Triplets eh?’ smiled Klitz. 'What a coincidence. The three of us have got a baby each to deliver it seems.  
'Wonderful! Now, you said that there might be complications?’ asked Hal. 'I might not be able to give birth naturally and might need a C-section. Please let me go. I can’t give birth now,’ moaned Lily.
'Oh, that shouldn’t be a problem at all my dear. We’ve got all the tools and methods to help widen your cunt, cause contractions and drag the babies out,’ said Hal mercilessly.
'What?! Oh God this can’t be happening. What have I done to deserve this?’ cried Lily.  
'Enough talk! Guys, let’s get to work,’ said Klitz. Klitz grabbed a bucket and placed it near Lily.  
'This is to collect the sweet milk from your mammaries when I start milking you like a cow,’ grinned Klitz.  
'Let’s have a good look at your fuck hole where the three bastards are going to slide out,’ said Orc, spreading Lily’s thighs and peeling apart her labia.  
'Too much hair here. We need to trim it. Get the blade and scissors Hal,’ said Orc.  
'Time for a little haircut for your love hole,’ said Hal.  
'Be careful Hal you might cut off her clit,’ laughed Klitz.  
Hal slowly snipped the Lily’s wild pussy bush and shaved off the hair at the sides, leaving a small tuft right above her clitoris.
'Looks much neater now doesn’t it Lily,’ said Hal as Lily squirmed in embarrassment.  
'No don’t stare at my pussy like that!’ said Lily as the three hobos stared hungrily at her luscious clean shaved pink hole.  
'We’ll need to get that juicy pussy sopping wet to begin our birthing practice,’ said Orc.  
'I’ll start by eating out that pregnant muff,’ said Klitz and true to his name, he violated the tight, young muff of Lily with his tongue causing her to moan in pleasure.  
Lily could do nothing to push him away as Klitz ravished her pussy like a hungry animal while Hal and Orc spread Lily’s thighs apart. A few seconds later, Lily experienced a powerful orgasm that caused her to squirt out pussy juice all over Klitz’s face.  
'Delicious stuff,’ said Klitz, licking his lips. 'We want to taste that sweet pussy nectar too,’ said Hal and Orc in unison and both of them dived in.
Lily moaned and gasped in pleasure as her pussy orgasmed against her wishes, spilling out large amounts of pussy juice.
'Let’s take a look into her birth canal and see what’s it like,’ said Hal. Klitz grabbed a speculum from his tool box and slid it into Lily’s wet pussy, drawing a low moan from her. Klitz spread the speculum as far as it would go, exposing the insides of Lily’s dripping wet pussy. 'Wow! Look at that!’ exclaimed Orc, as the three of them peered intently into Lily’s cavernous pussy.  
'So, this is what it looks like inside eh?’ said Hal in awe.  
'Don’t look inside my pussy like that! Take the speculum out!’ cried Lily.  
'You would spread your pussy for a bastard to screw you but you wouldn’t want us to take a peek?’ smiled Klitz as he stuck his finger inside to stimulate the G-spot. Lily experienced wave after wave of orgasm as Klitz furiously rubbed her G-spot.  
'Taste the sweet nectar of a pregnant pussy lads,’ said Klitz as he licked his finger with relish.  
Hal and Orc stuck their fingers in and tasted the pussy juice oozing out of Lily’s pussy walls.
'Why can’t we see the baby in her womb?’ asked Orc, gazing into Lily’s gaping tunnel of love.  
'That’s 'cause the cervix is closed. See that pink button at the deep end? That’s the cervix. We’ve got to pry that open to look at her womb. I’ve got just the right tool for that around here,’ said Klitz, rummaging in his tool box.  
Klitz took out a small long instrument that looked like a plier with a screw across the handle.
'Ah found it! This, lads, is the cervix dilator. I’m going to stick this into her cervix and spread it open,’ said Klitz. 'No! Wait! What are you doing?!’ cried Lily.  
'Taking a look into your womb bitch,’ said Klitz.
Klitz slowly inserted the cervix dilator into the cervix hole squeezed the handles and turned the screw to pry open the cervix. Lily struggled against her bonds due to the unpleasant sensation of having her cervix opened.
'Fuckin’ hell! I can see something in there. Looks like the head of one of the babies,’ said Orc excitedly flashing light into Lily’s yawning birth canal.  
'Marvelous! There are indeed three babies inside this slut’s womb. Wonder how they could fit in there with so little space,’ said Hal in amazement.  
'True. The female womb is a thing of marvel,’ said Klitz.  
Klitz removed the cervix dilator and the speculum and said 'Let’s move on to the practice session. This will be fun lads.’  
Hal took out a bag containing an assortment of fruits and vegetables and laid them out on the floor. Bananas, cucumbers, bottle gourds and radishes were the items laid out.  
'Now, we’re going to stuff one of these into your snatch and you’re going to have to birth them out. We’ll start with the smallest first,’ said Klitz, taking the banana and sliding it into Lily’s pussy.
Lily squeezed her vaginal muscles to slowly push out the banana.  
'That was a simple one wasn’t it? Let’s see how you do with the cucumber,’ said Hal, spreading apart Lily’s pussy to insert the cucumber.
Lily panted and pushed the cucumber but it was too big and therefore moved quite slowly, causing her to fatigue.  
'Now this is what we don’t want to happen, do we? That’s why this practice session is taking place. If you become tired just for a cucumber, imagine popping out three babies in a row,’ giggled Klitz.  
Lily mustered her strength and gave another push and the cucumber slid out, glistening with Lily’s pussy juices.  
'Next up is the radish,’ said Orc, stuffing the radish roughly into Lily’s pussy causing her to squeal in pain.  
'It’s too big eh?’ said Hal, watching Lily laboring to push out the fat radish.  
'Yes, yes. Take it out. Please I beg you,’ panted Lily.  
'I don’t think so you fucking slut! Pop it out now!’ snarled Klitz, pinching Lily’s nipples hard and yanking at them.  
Lily screamed in anguish and contracted her vaginal muscles. The radish inched slowly out of her pussy, finally emerging covered with Lily’s love juices.  
'Alright now for the big one,’ said Hal, brandishing the bottle gourd in Lily’s face.  
Lily eyes widened in horror as Hal carefully inserted the bottle gourd into her pussy. Lily’s pussy struggled to accommodate the large bottle gourd but Hal stuffed it in. Lily’s pussy was stretched to its limit and could hardly eject the bottle gourd which was tightly wedged in the pussy.  
'Guess she needs some persuasion,’ grunted Orc, observing Lily trying her hardest to push out the fat bottle gourd.  
Orc took out a Violet wand and turned it on. The wand glowed pink from the electricity within it and Orc brought it closer and closer to Lily’s clitoris.  
'No! Don’t shock me with that thing! Don’t tou- aaaaaahhhhhhhhh,’ screamed Lily as Orc zapped her clit with the wand.  
Pussy juices flowed incessantly from Lily’s pussy as the bottle gourd began to move forward slowly.  
'Hey look guys its working’ said Orc, zapping Lily’s clit once more. The sharp zap from the wand made Lily’ orgasm so much that milk sprayed from her tits.  
'The mother’s udders are in need of milking I think,’ said Klitz. The three hobos brought Lily to a squatting position with her hands shackled over her head.  
'Now you can continue to birth out that bottle gourd while I squeeze the nipple nectar from those giant titties,’ said Klitz.  
Klitz grabbed Lily’s nipples and began to milk her naturals. Hal and Orc watched mesmerized as Klitz rhythmically pulled and yanked at her nipples to extract every last drop of sweet milk. Lily moaned and groaned as her tits were emptied of their contents. Soon the bucket was filled to the brim with yellowish white milk courtesy of Lily’s lactating mammaries.  
'I guess all that milking caused her to pop it out,’ grinned Klitz, looking down at the bottle gourd on the floor, pussy juice dripping on to it from Lily’s wet fuck hole.  
'All right boys lets torture the babies out of her,’ laughed Hal maniacally.  
'Orc, zap the fuck out of her clit. Make this slut cum me a river. Klitz, focus your attention on her tits and belly. I’m going to penetrate her pussy with this metal rod.’ Hal produced a short, fat metal rod from his bag and pushed it into Lily’s pussy while Orc shocked her clit with his wand.  
Hal pushed and pulled the metal rod harder and faster causing Lily to cry out in pain.  
'Please stop! No! It hurts so much!’ cried Lily, as Hal violated her pussy with the smooth metal rod.  
Meanwhile, Klitz had attached electro pads on her tits and belly and was fiddling with the electrocution machine. Klitz switched on the machine to send electric currents to Lily’s nipples and belly causing her to climax without stopping. Orc zapped her clit without pause and Hal furiously fucked Lily’s wet pussy without mercy. Lily struggled against her bonds and screamed in anguish as the combined tortures proved too much for her.
A few seconds later, Lily felt dull pain in her belly and copious amounts of liquid gushed out of her abused pussy.  
'What the fuck?!’ shouted Orc as some of the liquid splashed onto his clothes.  
'Her water broke. I think we’ve successfully induced labor in a pregnant woman, lads,’ said Klitz triumphantly.  
Lily was moaning and groaning as pain engulfed her belly. Massive contractions had started and her womb was getting ready to eject the fetuses out. 'No… please….it hurts so much. I need to get to a hospital,’ murmured Lily.  
'Hospital? A fucking slut like you is going to give birth here and that’s final. You understand bitch?’ snarled Hal.
'Let’s take a look inside her pussy and see what’s going on!’ said Orc enthusiastically.  
Klitz took the speculum and shoved it into Lily’s pussy and widened it as far as it would go.
'Her cervix has already dilated quite a bit. Allow me to open it up further for the baby to pass through,’ smiled Klitz eerily.  
Lily’s screams of agony filled the room as Klitz forced open her cervix wide enough for the three of them to get a view of the fetuses. 'Get a good look, lads. Take your pick and pull one of them out,’ laughed Klitz.  
'No! Don’t do that! Let me birth it out normally,’ panted Lily as another painful contraction occurred.  
As the three hobos peered expectantly into Lily’s yawning pussy that was dripping wet, another powerful contraction caused Lily to gasp in pain as the first of the triplets headed towards her cervix.
'It’s coming out! It’s coming out!’ cried Hal excitedly.  
Klitz took out the instruments that were gaping her cervix and vagina.  
'I want to go first,’ said Orc.  
'Have fun,’ said Klitz.  
'Be gentle with her,’ said Hal, giving a sneaky wink to Orc.  
Lily screamed in anguish as she pushed the fetus through her cervix.  
'The head is trying to get past the cervix,’ said Orc to the others who were eagerly watching Lily struggling to birth out her child with her hands tied above her head.  
Orc put his thick finger into Lily’s abused snatch, stretched it and watched the progress of the fetus’ head. Lily was panting hard and was feeling tired.  
'Oh god! I can’t push it out anymore! It’s too hard!’ cried Lily in agony.  
'Too tired? Maybe my violet wand could give you some encouragement,’ said Orc, shoving the speculum into Lily’s vagina and spreading it open.  
Orc switched on his tool and brought it closer to Lily’s gaping snatch.  
'No! No! Don’t use that! Don’t touc- aaaaaahhhhhh’ screamed Lily as Orc zapped her clit with the wand.  
'Wicked! Zapping her with my wand caused the fetus to move out a bit,’ said Orc to the other two hobos.
Orc zapped the Lily’s pussy walls and her G-spot with his wand. Lily had never felt such sensations in her life. Pain and pleasure was engulfing and her body trembled, sweat running down her huge belly and down her thighs. The fetus’s head slowly slid out of Lily’s cervix into the vaginal canal.  
'There we go! The head’s moved out. Push it out then you bitch,’ said Orc.  
Lily gave another push but it had little effect, with the head moving slightly.  
'Alright time for me to give you a… hand,’ smiled Orc.  
Orc slowly slid his hands into Lily’s pussy and tried to get a grip on the fetus’ head. Lily screamed and struggled violently against her bonds as Orc’s thick hands penetrated her pussy.  
'Let’s drag the bastard out, shall we?’ said Orc sinisterly.
Hal and Klitz looked on in amazement as Orc pulled and tugged at the fetus’ head causing it to crown.  
'Hey! What are you doing?! Don’t drag my baby out like that! Aaaaahhhhhh!’ cried Lily as Orc gave another enormous tug to pull the fetus’ head out of the vagina.  
Orc continued to twist and turn the fetus slowly, trying to dislodge the shoulders of the fetus.  
'Oh god! Pull it out! Pull it out!’ screamed Lily.  
Orc gave a huge tug and yanked the fetus out with a gush of fluids as Lily screamed in agony and relief at the removal of the fetus from her vagina.  
'It’s still alive after all that drama. Congratulations on your first birth, Orc,’ said Hal.  
'Yeah, that was fucking insane,’ said Orc, chopping off the umbilical cord from the newborn baby and placing it on a mat nearby.
'My turn!’ said Hal, rubbing his hands in glee.  
'Oh god! I think I won’t be able to birth out the rest of my babies. I’m too exhausted,’ panted Lily.  
'No problem. I’ve got just the tool to help you out,’ said Hal, taking a small three-armed mechanical claw from his bag.  
Hal opened and closed the claws menacingly in Lily’s face, who looked in horror at the claw.  
'What is that?!’ gasped Lily in horror.  
'This? This is going to wrench the second bastard out of your womb. First let’s see if you can pop it out without the help of my claw,’ said Hal cruelly.  
Not wanting to have the claw dragging her baby out, Lily tried her utmost to push her second baby out. A few seconds later, Lily realized that she was not experiencing any contractions. Beads of perspiration rolled down her body as Lily looked apprehensively at the claw in Hal’s hand. 'What’s wrong bitch? Why are you not ejecting the fetus out?’ growled Hal.  
'I-I’ve stopped having c-contractions. I can’t p-push them out,’ stammered Lily.
'It seems my claw has some work to do,’ grinned Hal.  
Hal stuffed the speculum into Lily’s pussy and opened up her cervix as far as it would go with the dilator.  
'This is going to be so much fun,’ laughed Hal, slowly inserting the claw into Lily’s gaping cunt. Lily felt as if her pussy was on fire as the claw inched slowly towards her womb.  
'Easy now…. slowly does it,’ said Hal, his eyes focused on the claw inside Lily’s birth canal. 'Got it! I’ve gripped onto the fetus’ head,’ exclaimed Hal as he gripped the fetus’ head with the claw. With measured and firm tugs, Hal slowly pulled the fetus out of Lily’s womb after removing the dilator.
Lily cried out in agony as Hal yanked the fetus past her cervix with an enormous tug.  
'Now it’s in the pussy. A few more tugs should cause crowning and it’ll be over,’ said Hal.  
'My baby! Oh god! It hurts so much!’ sobbed Lily, shaking her head in agony.  
Hal pulled harder to move the shoulders of the fetus past the cervix and gave another almighty tug to cause crowning, Lily’s pussy stretched to its limit.  
'Almost there, fucking slut,’ said Hal nastily, removing the speculum and giving another giant pull. Lily let out a piercing scream when the fetus’ head was wrenched out of her pussy.  
'Please! Please! Take it out!’ moaned Lily.  
'Whatever you say, bitch’ said Hal, wrenching out her baby from her tortured pussy with a huge tug. Pussy juices splashed onto Hal’s face as Lily cried in pain from having her baby pulled out.
'Two down. One more to go,’ said Hal, cutting the umbilical cord from the baby and placing it beside the first baby.  
Lily was gasping and panting from exhaustion. She could feel the contractions coming again, pain radiating around her giant belly.  
'My final baby is… coming out. I’m feeling contractions again,’ said Lily weakly.  
'You’re up next Klitz. What’s your plan?’ said Orc.  
'The final birth is going to be something special. Hal, Orc you’re both going to help me with this one. This slut is definitely not going to like what I’ve planned for her,’ said Klitz, with an evil smile on his face.  
'What’s the plan?’ asked Hal. 'Every pregnant slut’s worst nightmare – birth denial,’ said Klitz.  
'Birth denial?’ said Orc, his eyes wide.  
'Damn Klitz! You are one sadistic motherfucker,’ said Hal laughing.  
'B-B-Birth denial?! No! Don’t do that to me and my baby! I beg you! Please!’ cried Lily.
'Ignore this slut, lads. I noticed that there’s still some milk left in her tits. I will stick my hand into her pussy and prevent this fucking slut from popping her last child out. Orc, you will continuously zap her clit with your violet wand. Hal, you will milk her tits till it’s dry and then I will drag the third bastard out,’ said Klitz.  
Klitz put his hands slowly into Lily’s pussy and signaled Orc to zap her clit. Lily screamed in agony as her tortured pussy was penetrated by the thick hand of Klitz. Orc brought down his wand on Lily’s clit and zapped her mercilessly. Lily felt another powerful contraction and started to push her final child out.  
'It’s coming out soon. Hal, get ready to milk those titties dry,’ said Klitz.  
Lily continued to push the baby out hoping that her ordeal will be over soon.  
'Aarrgh…..hmmph….unngghhh,’ cried Lily popping her baby out of her cervix.  
'Now you are not going to birth it out until Hal has milked your beautiful breasts dry. While the milking is going on, Orc will zap your clit and I will push against the baby to prevent you from birthing it out,’ smiled Klitz evilly.  
Klitz could feel the head of the fetus and grabbed hold of it. He could feel the muscles of Lily’s vagina contracting to push the baby out but he resisted the push.  
'Let me birth it out! Please! Take it out!’ wailed Lily as Hal slowly milked her ponderous breasts. Klitz laughed as he pushed against the baby’s head denying Lily the chance to push it out.
Minutes passed with Lily’s uterus trying to eject the fetus but Klitz was able to overcome the strength of Lily’s contractions and pushed the fetus further into the womb.  
‘Nooooo! What are you doing?! You’re pushing it in!’ shrieked Lily unable to bear the pain.  
‘Oh? Did I? Won’t matter since I’ll be pulling the third bastard out of your womb,’ said Klitz , an evil grin on his face at sight of Lily’s horrified expression.  
‘The milking is done, Klitz!’ said Hal.
‘It’s over already? Shame it couldn’t last longer. Time to jerk the last bastard out. Savor it lads,’ said Klitz.  
Hal and Orc watched in amazement as Klitz jerked, tugged and pulled the fetus out of Lily’s womb. Lily screamed in agony spraying all three hobos with fluids and juices from her pussy.
‘That was incredible! Amazing!’ shouted Orc.  
‘Hal, remove the placenta from her womb,’ said Klitz.  
Hal inserted his hand into Lily’s ravaged womanhood and slowly moved up into her womb. Lily moaned and groaned as Klitz tugged at the umbilical cord that was snaking out of Lily’s vagina to loosen the placenta. Hal grabbed the placenta and removed it from Lily’s womb. Once Hal’s hand emerged from her pussy with the placenta, Lily gave a sigh of relief.  
'Did you think this is over? You are going to experience something that no woman wishes to even hear of. You will feed your three bastards now and we will give them away to an orphanage. From this moment on, you are our slave now,’ said Klitz, to a horrified Lily.  
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abbeolivia · 23 days
hippie dippie doo (vol 1: sunburst)
Belou Farms, CA
sunburst loved her, she lived in a commune in the thick of forests in northern california. she had moved here a year prior from her sleepy town in the midwest.
she was nineteen now and settled in her new home. like many homes in the commune it's was a decently sized trailer with its porch and tin roof. it was a simple life.
the folks on Belou Farms split work between the sexes. women reared the little ones and tended to the gardens, while the men usually went into the nearby town to work or did jobs within the commune. the idea that a woman's most nature role was to carry a child was common, and it was something sunburst loved about her new home.
she yearned for a child to swell her middle and give her new purpose. to allow her soft womb to protect the child inside. she'd often rub her squishy middle absently as if there was a sleeping child in there. so days after her nineteenth birthday, she sought out one of the leaders of the commune.
put on her sandals and headed down the dirt road that connected all of the community together. her ass shook with each step she took, her hips swung from side to side. those who passed by could see that her shorts barley covered her ass cheeks and her nipples peeked through the fabric of her tank top.
she was a woman on a mission. one of the elders of the group, his name was soul. he was one of the oldest members of their little group, pushing well past 50.
his trailer was a bit bigger, nervously sunburst went up the stairs and knocked on the door. soon it was opened and the man stood there, he was rather fit with a trimmed beard and a broad body.
the sight of him made sunburst squirm.
"hello my child." he said, "what brings you here today?"
she looked up at him and replied, "i wish to be pregnant, sir. my womb feels empty and i have barely been touched since i arrived."
he chuckled and reached out for her, he guided her into his trailer and brought her to the couch. he was in nothing more than baggy shorts and the thin silver chain he wore around his neck.
he had tattoos, sunburst wondered what they were for but didn't dare question. he could impart knowledge onto her after he finished seeding her.
his arm was over the back of the couch as he got closer to her. his other hand reached for her breast and pinched her hard nipple. the feeling made her moan. he chuckled, "i wouldn't mind seeding you, you are at a good age to have your belly swollen with seed."
"i want it, sir. i want to become a mother."
"you have learned so much." he chuckled, "you were so scared when you joined us. directionless. but i guess now we can take it to the next step." his hand dropped to her soft stomach, he rubbed it and purred in her ear.
sunburst weren't too sure how many times soul finished inside of her. her head was a blur by the end of it. her belly actually felt hard from all the cum that had pooled in the base of her womb. she learned a lot that evening.
by morning she looked like a mess limping back to she trailer. cum dripped down her leg as you walked and it stained the front of her shorts. they were ruined, but she'd be never wearing them again anyway.
the test came back positive when she took it weeks later. her belly was going to be swollen with her first child. soul looked happy too, he had already fathered close to nineteen child with other women, but to see such a young face beam at the feeling of her child kick made him happy.
it was an active baby.
she beamed when it moved or when she could feel it kick when her pussy was being fucked. she loved being a mother, it completed.
now, sunburst was now at the end of her pregnancy, her belly felt huge. the father of her child would come by and sink his cock into the bred cunt she had. he was over two times her age, but still could keep up with her mess of hormones.
she was hungry, horny and above all achy. but yet she yearned for the sweet release of a cock in her pussy. she knew labour was coming, but couldn't stop herself.
soul had her on her hands and knees as he thrusted into her. his balls slapped against her thick ass. she was more plushy now that she was becoming a mother. but the love handles and saggy breasts were a sign that she was doing her duty as a woman.
but when she climaxed, something felt different. when soul pulled out, her waters broke. they got all over the bed and the front of soul, whose eyes went wide.
she hollered into her pillow, "my baby!" as she gripped her belly. she made a pained noise as her motherly instincts told her to start pushing. soul rubbed her belly from between her legs. her pussy was bright red, angry in colour.
"that's it, sunburst. you're doing so well, you're having my child." he then rubbed at her opening to massage it. when he brushed her clit, birthing fluid spat out of her cunt and onto the bed.
"it hurts so badly! oh gods, it hurts!" she screamed into the pillow. her front half was pressed against the bed while her hips were raised as she laboured.
"every mama goes through that." soul said, "relax your body, do deep breathing. your baby will be out soon."
she whimpered and moaned, the feeling of soul's fingers against your clit felt nice. she could feel her baby shift inside of her. her nipples leaked milk as she felt her baby's head pass the barrier of her cervix.
it was a hard contraction, but the feeling of her child slowly coming out made her feel overwhelmed. she had been bred and seeded and now she was delivering the fruit.
soul even went as far as to rub his cock up against her entrance and clit, "that's it, good girl." he said, "that's a good girl. push, now, push. c'mon, get your child out."
the poor girl pushed and pushed, her head spun as she managed to relax enough that the baby began to emerge from her canal. sunburst howled in her trailer as she pushed with her contractions.
the way mother nature had designed her.
soul watched the beauty of life unfold as the poor girl birthed on her hands and knees like one of the sows in the farm. but this was the job of every woman in the end, to produce fruit.
he felt his cock grow hard at the pained noises of sunburst. a young woman delivering her first baby, his cock bobbed when he sank two fingers into his opening to check on the status of her child.
"here they come, sunburst." he said.
"oh gods, it hurts so much!" she groaned, not even noticing what he is saying. her belly appeared lopsided as more of the baby was pushed down her canal.
"breathe deeply, push c'mon mama. here come your baby." he watched her back arch as she hollered into her pillow. her mattress was stained with birthing fluids.
she puffed out her cheeks and deeply breathed as the head of her child began to emerge from her opening.
sunburst looked like the ideal woman, with her aching swollen belly and thick thighs. the way she was doing everything to bring her child into the world.
the baby had a thick head of dark hair and their poor mama was screaming as the ring of fire began. this was the toughest fight a woman could ever do.
soul felt pride that he caused this woman to have her first child. he supported the head and told sunburst to keep breathing. he winced when the shoulders began to emerge.
"he's almost out."
sunburst made a loud noise as with soul's help, the baby came out of her fully. her hips dropped when it was fully out. every manner of fluid leaked out of the poor woman's stretched cunt.
"it's a girl, sunburst." soul said as he held the little girl to his chest. he guided her with one hand to get onto her back so she could hold her daughter.
sunburst experienced the first skin to skin contact with her daughter. the baby screamed and sunburst looked at soul. she was a mother now, her duty within the commune was to have another shortly and then another, and raise them all.
as soul massaged the woman's stomach to get the placenta out, he made sure that all of the child his little sunburst sired would be fathered by him.
after all, she had many breeding years left in her.
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abbeolivia · 23 days
PM realiza parto dentro de barco em Humaitá no Amazonas
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abbeolivia · 23 days
a fruitful union (1)
content: fpreg, half-elf/half-orc offspring, hard labor, hard birth, praise
wc: 4145
When Eirian Estainfae had been told of her fate as the bride to feared Orc chieftain, Rhesh Kharr, she sat in shock for several days. At no point in her life had she considered her future husband would be anyone other than an Elf - let alone an Orc. 
She had never imagined it would be Rhesh Kharr, even in her wildest dreams. 
The night before her wedding to the Orc chieftain, Eirian’s mother came to her chambers, sending the servants away as soon as she entered. Myfiria was nearing her third millennium but still radiated grace and beauty. It was something Eirian always admired about her mother, something she always prayed she acquired from her.
With how she had been feeling lately, she doubted her own grace very much.
“My darling,” Myfiria cooed at her daughter, smoothing her hair away from her face. Eirian couldn’t help but feel tears burn her eyes once she looked up at her mother. “Oh, cry if you must, my dear. But cry here, in my arms, and not again from this night onward.” Her hand tucked a stray hair behind her daughter’s pointed ear, then slowly drew her fingers up under Eirian’s chin - keeping her eyes upwards, “do you hear me? Do not cry in front of them.”
Eirian sobbed, remaining in Myfiria’s arms until the sun rose. By then neither of them had any more tears to shed, simply comfort in silence. 
After her mother left, Eirian sat in her bed to wait for her maids to come in to dress her, bare of all clothing, and her long black hair hanging down her back, loose and slightly tangled. She began to lose track of time after that, her chest aching and her mind moving too slow for her body. One moment she was in her childhood bed chambers, and the next she stood in an opulent war tent, listening as her…husband explained…something she hadn’t caught the start of.
“...-thers, they will not bother you either, so you are free to go about the camp as you wish.” Rhesh finished saying, using the common language. His back was turned towards her, and Eirian finally noticed that he had removed his tunic, the broad expanse of his back exposed her eyes. 
After a beat, she cleared her throat slightly and stepped towards him, replying in the common tongue as a courtesy in return. “I appreciate that-” Eirian stumbled over her next word, at a loss of what to call him, before the silence grew a second too long, “husband.”
A muscle in his shoulder twitched and she rose her eyes from it before the motion captivated her again, as he turned to stare at her. Rhesh lingered in silence after that, his hard stare pinning her in place, but she didn’t look away. After a moment, Eirian noticed his brow quirk slightly, then his face returned to a blank mask. 
“...You look troubled, wife.” Rhesh replied, his eyes roving over her form, not even attempting to hide his lingering gaze. He then turned towards her fully and Eirian felt her cheeks burn. 
His cock pressed against the seam of his trousers and took no effort to hide it. Unabashed, he took two steps closer to her, and lifted up a hand to her cheek. His thumb brushed over her skin and Eirian stilled completely - except for her heart beating rapidly against her breast. His hardened, dark grey eyes searched over her face, looking for…something she couldn’t figure out. 
“I won’t hurt you,” he finally said, dropping his hand and walking away from her, barely brushing against her as he did so. Rhesh left the tent without another word. 
For the following week, he did as he promised. He didn’t hurt her. He spoke to her every day, common things. About how the food was, how comfortable her cot was, if anyone was bothering her. It was charming, and the start of a very tentative romance. 
He gave her time, and she felt like she could never repay him for it. His kindness showed through, but only for her. Every interaction she saw Rhesh have with the others in his warband, he was rough and near-cruel and it never stopped making her stomach turn. But then he would sit across from her for dinner and ask her about what she studied. 
As the days passed, Eirian began to speak more and more, opening up to her husband. Both emotionally and physically. 
Rhesh expressed his worries about their need to please both of their people and the reality of now being split between two nations. She listened, inputting her opinion, the stress of the last few elven councils she had attended. 
When Eirian began to speak about her sadness, Rhesh placed a large hand on her thigh, squeezing gently but not pushing beyond that. That was the moment Eirian realized that she began to fall for the massive Orc. 
From there, their touches were casual occurrences. She would reach for his arm while walking near him through camp. He would slip a hand around her waist while guiding her through the entrance of their tent. It was innocent, it was gentle. 
Surprising both of them, Eirian made the first move. She was in the bath, a tub set up in the middle of their tent while he was out on a patrol. Except Rhesh returned sooner than she expected, leading to him walking in on her, naked, wet, and flushed pink in the hot water. Her eyes caught his, and she swallowed her nerves, beckoning him to join her in the bath. 
Rhesh raised a brow, silently asking if she was sure - to which, Eirian gave him a slight smile and nodded. 
His armor was removed, something dropped from his body with every step towards the bathtub, but his eyes never left her form. When he stood at the side of the tub, he was fully nude and Eirian couldn’t pull her eyes away from his massive erection. There was no hiding it, and it made her belly twist in excitement at his unabashed nature regarding his attraction to her. Knowing he was turned on by her, and her alone, it made her crave him just the same. 
The bath was tight with the two of them in it, but when Rhesh pulled Eirian onto his lap, straddling his hips, did they fit in it more comfortably. Eirian was a blushing mess, but she couldn’t help herself, and grinded her hips down against his throbbing member. His growl was encouraging and, if that wasn’t enough, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down, his lips finding hers passionately. 
Eirian wasn’t a virgin when she met Rhesh but the amount of time it took to adjust to him was far longer than either of them expected. By the time she was comfortable, Rhesh swiftly set a quick pace, bouncing her up and down on his thick cock as she dug her nails into his muscled shoulders. Neither of them were quiet, his grunts and her whines were heard through the camp, but no one would comment on it later. 
When Rhesh pounded upwards, pulling her downwards at the same time, he rocked his hips against hers - then Eirian felt the warmth of his cum spill into her belly. She couldn’t help but whine, having sensed her own orgasm quickly approaching but when he stilled to cum in her, Eirian wiggled her hips needily. 
He grumbled into a chuckle, releasing her hip and reaching down to her clit, flicking over her sex swollen nub only a few times before she finally orgasmed. Her cunt clenched around his softening member and he groaned in approval, rocking his hips up to urge her orgasm to linger. 
From then on, their relationship shifted. 
They were friends, and now lovers - the two of them falling into a working marriage as a bridge between their people. 
However, the biggest bridge came when Eirian’s belly began to swell outward. Rhesh commented on it first, holding his hands over her lower abdomen and rubbing the slight pouch developing over her middle. As he did so, Eirian had the sudden realization, she had not bled in a while. No one ever confirmed the pregnancy, in fact, the two of them decided to keep their first child between them for as long as possible. A small act of rebellion against those that arranged their marriage without them. 
The problem came when Eirian was reminded she was quickly swelling with a half-orc child, and hiding her growing belly was harder as months dragged on. Someone finally caught a glance of Eirian and Rhesh together by a river, the two of them lost in each other, and not realizing a servant now had spread the word of her pregnancy throughout camp. From his war camp, it was quickly spread back to their home countries, and from there - a mess of missives and letters making demands of their unborn child. 
Pregnant and worried for her baby, Eirian cried one evening, the first time since the night before her wedding. Her hands were splayed over the expanse of her large middle, their child nearing full term now, at least with a normal Orc pregnancy. Elven pregnancies lasted longer, but considering the weight around Eirian’s hips, she realized this would not be like a normal Elven pregnancy. 
Silently, Rhesh came to her side and brushed the tears from her eyes, gently lifting her into his lap. He cradled her and held a hand over her belly, his thumb rubbing over her popped out belly button over her dress. There were no words spoken between the two, just her quiet tears and his silent support. 
The conversation about their first born needed to be addressed but for the night, the couple simply found solace in each other. From then on, it quickly became the two of them versus their own people to try and protect their future children. 
Eirian’s belly continued to grow, albeit slower than a normal Orc pregnancy, but just as big. Rhesh became concerned as the days drew on, his eyes and hands never straying from her swollen form in one way or another. His worry became palpable, the entire camp felt the pressure under his harsh orders. Everything had to be right, and Eirian had to be protected. 
Neither of them said it outloud, but they both knew that the Orc elders and the Elven council would be above subterfuge to identify the babe. Eirian knew that her uncle would pull no punches with this alliance, including swiping her first born if it meant he could manipulate the child of their union. 
Rhesh kept his camp in one spot for several weeks, not wanting to be on the road when Eirian began to labor. He wanted his camp set up so their tent was deep in the middle, making sure his men and personal guard were between them and those that posed a threat to his wife and unborn child. It made his men nervous but he was quickly becoming steadfast in his care, ignoring their comments of disapproval. 
After a long day, Rhesh finally came back to their tent. He had been out on a patrol, and after being waylaid by a group of river bandits, finally able to come back to Eirian’s side. She sat draped over their plush chair, specifically bought for her by her husband quickly after her pregnancy showed itself. Her legs were stretched out in front of her, her head tossed back over the chair, her dark hair messily thrown over one of the arms. Eirian rubbed her distended abdomen with both hands, a focused look upon her features. 
Her eyes fluttered open and she gave him a lingering look, one that told him everything he needed to know. 
“Our babe is ready?” Rhesh asked her, coming to her side immediately. He knelt beside the chair and took her small hand into his larger one. “Are you well, Eiri?”
Eirian released a long breath, continuously rubbing her stomach with her left hand. Rhesh squeezed her right, bringing it to his lips to gently press a kiss in her palm. She gave him a reassuring smile, “labor is taking a toll on me, I fear.” Her body tensed and she squeezed his hand tightly, attempting to control her breathing as she continued to speak through the pain, “it’s been…all day, I hadn’t expected…you…to be gone so long.”
The Orc held her hand, shaking his head, “I hadn’t either, forgive me. Do I-” he paused for a moment, letting her ride out the pain before continuing, “shall I get someone?” 
“No, no, please no.” Eirian shook her head, teary eyes boring up at him. “Do not leave me again. I just want us.”
Rhesh nodded, brushing away hair that stuck to her sweaty forehead. She pressed her head into his hand, giving him a tired smile. 
“The little one sits low, I think it’s almost time.” Eirian said, grunting and shifting in her seat. Her thighs were sitting wide apart, her massive belly jutted upward, the pressure on her hips intense and unable to be ignored. She groaned and tossed her head back, belly tensing as a contraction took over her again. 
“Fuck!!” She cried, the pain lingering for longer than before. Wiggling her hips slightly, she gestured for him to help lift her dress up. Rhesh complied quickly, shoving the fabric up her legs and pushed it over her hips and massive belly. Her taut skin was splattered with stretch marks, the soft pink flesh between her legs was darker, and swollen. Eirian spread her legs apart farther, gasping in slight relief as she was able to shift into an open position, the head of their babe sitting deep in her body. Rhesh grabbed on her legs and placed her foot on his shoulder, allowing her to push against it as she needed. 
Eirian gave him a grateful look, not pausing her focus as she felt another pain take over her lithe frame. On his shoulder, her foot trembled, her strength pressing against his and it was no match, even as she labored. 
“Breathe, Eiri,” Rhesh murmured, reaching up and caressing her thigh, “listen to your body.”
She made a noise of acknowledgement, a soft huff as she tugged the dress she wore up and over the rest of her body. Fully nude now, Eirian tossed her head forward and looked at her husband, whispering her discomfort, “...there’s so much…pressure…”
Rhesh nodded, sensing the strain on her body as she heaved heavy breaths, thighs now fully spread open to reveal her slit to him. Her foot on his shoulder dug into him, Eirian grunting as the pressure shifted even lower into her core, the weight of it causing her to rock her hips forward slightly and groan out, “fuck..fucking…pressure!” 
“Keep breathing,” he reminded her. In response, she gasped out a deep breath, eyes screwed shut in pain. “Good, good, again.”
Eirian continued to follow his instruction, even as a few minutes passed and several pains came and went. Her body began to arch with each pain, the tightness of her muscles around her middle making the movement nearly impossible to avoid. The foot not on Rhesh’s shoulder now draped over the arm of the chair, fully apart enough for her body to finally give her the urge to push with her next pain. The pressure between her thighs was too much to ignore and Eirian finally gave a grunt and pushed, her body wound tight and tense as her body began to strain. 
“Good push, Eiri,” Rhesh cooed up at her, reaching up to rub her other thigh, his fingers trailing over to her swollen womanhood, feeling every tremble in her muscles along the trail. “Good girl, good push.”
In the chair, Eirian groaned and pushed with her body, the pains now never letting up and the child sitting so deep in her core that she felt if she moved forward it would push the child back into her womb. “Nughhhh…” She moaned, pushing down hard. “Ah!”
For several long minutes, Eirian continued to push, making little progress, but still progressing. Rhesh watched her pussy turn a darker red and began to bulge outward. But as the next half an hour passed, that was the most progress she was able to make. His fingers rubbed the bulging folds softly, urging her to push as the next pain came and went and again very little progress was made. 
“It’s…it’s too big…fuck…” Eirian breathed, releasing her push with a whine. 
She brought up a very valid concern Rhesh had remained silent about for most of her pregnancy. The genuine fear of her body not able to deliver his child, their different sizes painfully clear to notice. If she wasn’t able to do this, if his child was too big and this hurt her…killed her?
Before he could consider his word to express his worry, Eirian began to push again, her body naturally trying to urge the massive child from her womanhood. 
She groaned and it quickly turned into a shout, crying out as she strained and pushed. Her pussy bulged out even more, and Rhesh cupped her lips, the head poking out just a sliver before sliding back in when she relaxed her body.
“Yes!” Rhesh encouraged, “I saw it, I saw our child, Eiri.”
After her mind was able to register his words, Eirian was able to release a breathy laugh, and immediately moaned as another pain began to build. In his hand, her folds pushed against his palm, the skin parting as the head was brought to just visible. This time remaining closer to her opening, the sliver of the head just in sight now and staying there.
The babe came down into a wide, wide crown, very slowly. Eirian whimpered and cried out with every push and urging down her body strained to do, fluid dripping out of her swollen folds with each time. The foot on his shoulder, lifted off, her hand coming up to grip the back of her thigh and lift it up and apart from the other. As her cries and grunts elevated in volume, Rhesh rubbed her skin as gently as he could to ease the pain but it didn’t matter, her pussy was burning. 
Eirian’s pushes lasted longer, and as the next pain began, she began to push down just barely and the head finally lurched free from her tight womanhood in a messy gush of her fluid. In surprise she cried out and reached a hand down over Rhesh’s, the both of them holding their baby’s head. Tears fell over her cheeks as she felt around the head and felt for the cord, remembering that small part of childbirth in the back of her head from her mother. No cord was present and she felt her body relax slightly, some of the worry and paranoia leaving her as she went through the action. 
The rest should be easier. At least, Eirian prayed the rest of it would be easier. 
With how far the babe had spread her entrance open, she knew the shoulders would be an issue if she couldn’t get them out with the help of her body. Waiting for the next pain, she felt the little one in her jolt, the sensation making her hips buck as she jutted them into both Rhesh and her hand. The babe nestled at her entrance even more at the action.
Between her legs, Rhesh smiled up at her with awe, the sight of his small, perfect, Elven wife in the middle of birth was just something he would cherish forever. She grunted and groaned and sweated and cried, but to him, right now - she was perfect. 
Eirian looked at him with watery eyes and gave him the smallest smile she could, the pain making it the only thing she could focus on in the moment, but she still cherished him and his care. 
Their baby, however, seemed more than a little eager, now that the head had been introduced to the world. 
“Ah - oh, fuck!” Eirian cried, grunting and pushing down as she felt the baby shift in her body again, the shoulders rubbing against her entrance. Her noises got louder as she strained and bore down with all of her might. Her husband offered soft cheers of encouragement but she was far too lost in her own world. 
As the more pushes she did, Eirian’s strength began to fade quickly. Her last push was almost half-hearted, the grunts turning into whines again, the pain and the pressure making everything that wasn’t the baby - hard to focus on. 
Rhesh tried to ground her, and her body continued its natural urges to push, but Eirian sobbed and shook her head. “I c- I can’t…” She whimpered, eyes wide and directed at her husband, the look of fear crossing her features made him wish he could take this from her. “Rhesh,” she begged, “please…don’t make me…”
“You must.” Rhesh returned firmly, the hand next to hers near the babe’s head brushed their fingers together,  just slightly in comfort. “You know you must, Eirian. The babe is almost here, feel…” 
He guided her hand to fully cup the head of their child, it barely fit in the palm of her hand, the head huge and impossibly wide. Her breath caught in her throat, realizing that they were so close to meeting their child and that she had already pushed out something so massive. Their eyes met and she continued to cry, but nodded barely, once. 
Grinning, he nodded back at her, pride bursting from his chest as she readied herself to push again. Eirian’s hand still rested on the baby’s head, supporting it as she leaned her body forward towards the edge of the chair to push with as much of her might she could still muster. 
The first one was painful, Eirian screaming as she pushed. The only payoff being a slight gush of amniotic fluid dribbling around the head, spilling out of her straining womanhood, and around their fingers. As she took a breath and began to push again, her entire body shifted. Several things happened at once. Her body lurched as far forward in the chair it could, her knees coming up as close to her shoulders as she could bring them, and then one of the baby’s shoulders slipped free. 
Rhesh cheered, urging her to push one last time, their child almost free of her body. 
Eirian didn’t hear him, her entire focus now on her final push. Her cries went silent, her mouth just open and eyes screwed shut. Her pussy was pink, pulled tight around the huge half-orc baby that hung out of her. The weight of it put more pressure around her entrance as it pulled downward into Rhesh’s other hand. With her own hand, she felt the shoulder that popped out, and reached down to wrap her fingers under it’s armpit. As she began to lose steam at the end of her push, Eirian kept going, her hand now helping her as she pulled and pushed the huge child out of her.
A splatter of fluid gushed out of her as the babe came out, and Rhesh helped keep the child in their arms in the mess, guiding the child to rest on Eirian’s chest. 
Instinctively, she rubbed the child’s back - a girl, Rhesh said - and cooed, tears spilling over her cheeks as she stared at the little one in her arms. 
The cry that errupted from their daughter’s lungs was shrill and it made both of them laugh in relief and pride. Rhesh came up closer to the two of them now, rubbing the head of their little girl. 
“She’s loud and looks healthy,” Rhesh mumbled without attempting to hide his proud tone, “mama did a wonderful job.”
Eirian still cried, but sniffed, unable to take her eyes off the babe, her fingers trailing over her daughter’s features. Every part of the girl was perfect to her already, the pale green skin, the wide doe-eyes, and the obvious Elven ears. A beautiful combination of both parents. She would be beautiful and strong. 
A sudden stake of fear pierced her heart, coming back to the reality that their first born was a girl. Both of their people needed a male heir to secure the alliance for the foreseeable future, meaning she would have to go through this again. At least twice. 
Eirian swallowed, glancing back down at her perfect daughter, Rhesh’s hands caressing both her and the child lovingly. The worry of the future still nagged at her but she smiled, reaching out to cup his cheek - fully intent on cherishing this moment as long as she could.
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abbeolivia · 28 days
Xena's Unexpected Desire - Part 2/2
(Part 1)
In the following hours, Xena’s labor progressed quickly. Now we are almost in the doggy position. She is on her hands and knees, gently moving her hips from side to side.
  “Here comes another one.” She says. I feel her pain in her words. Then, her breaths become stronger, mixed with low guttural sounds and she moves her hips with desperation, trying to ease the pain. I’m right behind her, doing my best not to get excited watching her movements and hearing her sounds. I’m applying pressure on her lower back, as she asked me to do but I can’t resist lowering one of my hands from time to time to feel how tight her belly gets during a contraction.
“I feel the baby getting lower with each contraction.” Xena informs me once the contraction is over. “I can feel it right in my bones. Please, check my progress.” I step back to see her pussy.
“I can’t see any changes down here” 
“Haha! No Dan. I know the baby is not coming out yet.” She is laughing at my ignorance. “I need you to tell me how dilated I am. Put two fingers in me and find how much of the baby you can feel, right?” After saying this, she changes her position, now touching the grass with her head and shoulders, better exposing her pussy to me.
“Oh! Ok. I get it.” I lick two of my fingers before inserting them in Xena’s pussy. I immediately feel that there was no need in doing it as she is so wet. I keep driving my fingers deeper and deeper. She makes some moans of discomfort. 
“Quickly. Aahh. Another contraction.” I can’t do it fast. I need some time to figure out what I am touching. Then, I feel how her pussy becomes even tighter around my fingers as she is contracting. I already know, or suppose to know, how dilated she is. However, I keep my fingers in her until the contraction ended, enjoying that marvelous tightness.
“If I’m not wrong, you are about this much dilated.” She is panting, with her head still on the grass and turned to the left, looking at my wet fingers. 
“Right. Soon I will be pushing it out.” She says with determination.
  I lay on her side, facing her, and I notice how she is sweating. I gently start rubbing her back.
  “Xena, how did you check your progress being alone in your first birth?” 
“Oh. I didn’t. Actually there’s no real need, I’ll feel the urge to push anyway. But, these last contractions were strong, I’m quite nervous and I just wanted to know. Luckily for me, now I have you here.” Of course, I feel I’m even luckier. “Can you help me stand up and walk a bit?”
  She gets on her knees as I stand up. I help her stand up.
  “Your belly is lower.” I notice now I can see it clearly. I touch it with both my hands. “Oh, and so tight.”
“Yeah” She puts her hands over mine, still on her belly. “I’m not joking when I say I’ll be pushing in no time.” She starts pacing around the fire, moving with difficulty, with her legs more spread than normal. “Ahhh. DAN COME! Ooooooh. Contraction!” She screams.
  I rush and stand behind her. Putting my arms under her shoulders I am able to support her weight while rubbing her belly. She is making low guttural sounds and moving her hips while feeling the pain. Her hands are again over mine. Then, as the contraction fades away, I can feel her belly change shape. She doesn’t remove her hands and doesn’t stop moving her hips, so we are kind of dancing just hearing the fire cracking. 
  About a minute later, she turns around. She is smiling, with tears in her eyes and, without saying a thing, she kisses me, placing her hands on my neck. I don’t need words to understand she is thankful, she is experiencing pain to extents I can’t even imagine and values my aid. Suddenly, she hangs her weight off my neck, spreads her legs and a flush of water falls to the grass, near my feet.
  “Ooooghh goood. My water Dan. Ooohhhh. Water broke. Aaaaahhh gotta push! Gotta PUSH! Ah ah oh. Help me to the wall. Aaaagghh.” With her legs spread, she is able to make some steps until reaching the nearest corner, where two on the low walls meet. She positions herself resting on the corner. Her back is upright, her body is low, as if she was sitting in an imaginary chair. She spreads her legs until each one touches the walls,  forming a right angle as the walls do. “NNGGGGHH.” As she pushes, her hands grab her knees tightly, her chin goes deep between her breasts and her face turns red. “Ah. It hurts!”
“Come on Xena! Keep pushing!” I encourage her, feeling I have never seen a woman in such powerful look. Seeing her squeezing her big belly and seeing her tight pussy, is when I fully realize, fully understand, the hard and unbelievable job she’s got ahead. I start getting concerned about it but I have to remind myself that as there’s not much I can do to help her with her efforts, the least I can do is keep encouraging her. “Push! Push! You can do it.”
“Hof, hof, hof, hof…” She pants heavily before pushing again. “I’m pushing. UUNNGGGGHHHH. I can feel it. UUNNGGGGHHHH. Moving down. UUNNGGGGHHHH. Hurts!” When she stops pushing to pant, her head falls back to the wall and her hands move to her belly. She realizes I’m just standing, looking at her, with nothing to do. “Dan, come here. Do you wanna feel it coming down? Come quickly.” I kneel in front of her. As I get two fingers close to her pussy, she looks at me and nods. “Ah, aaah. OOOOOOOOH! Can you feel?”
“Yes Xena. It’s coming down!” I feel my hand being squeezed by the contraction and pushed out by a mass that’s making its way through. “It’s coming fast! Keep pushing!”
“UUNNGGGGHHHH Should be faster! Ah, aaah AAAAAGGGHHH. I feel somthing wrong!”
“Come on Xena, don’t give up! It’s coming. Just push!” I don’t give much credit to her words as I understand she is in so much pain and can’t think properly. With her next push I realize that her pussy is beginning to be stretched wide apart. “OH! Xena! I can see it! You are so close. Keep pushing!”
“UUNNGGHHH….   UUNNNGHHH…. Oh I feel it! HURTS! It’s ripping me!” Xena starts losing control. I can see the baby making her tight pussy open in a teardrop shape. “AAAAAHH…   AAAAAHH… Something is wrong! Something feels wrong! Could it be…  AAAAAAHH…  Dan Oh Dan. Tell me, does it have hair?”
“Eh? No…. it’s bald” I’m quite confused for the question until…
“FUCK! It’s breach Dan! AAAAAAAHH… It’s fucking breach! That’s why it feels so strange, so hard” Xena seems to be in control again. “Can you see the legs or the butt coming out first?”
“I’m pretty sure it’s the butt. Xena, is everything right?” I don’t fully understand what’s happening.
“AAAAAAH…  Hof, hof, hof. Well, it could be better. Babies usually are born head first. That’s, let’s say, easier. Ah ah AAAAGGH. This is just making me suffer a bit more.” She explains between pushes as her pussy is expanded to a growing full circle. “OOOOOOHH…  It burns!”
“It’s coming out! Come on push!”
“OOOOOOOHH… I’m pushing FUCK! OOOOOOOGH…Dan, don’t touch it until the shoulders are about to come out, then grab it while I push the… OOOOOOOGGGH…  head out.” With each push, the baby moves slowly out. Xena is screaming in agony as it starts to emerge. “AAAAAAAAAH… NNNNNNNNNGGH… Come on!” Now, almost half of the baby is out. The legs are bent backwards and the feet are still trapped inside Xena. That makes it look like a rigid block of bones and skin.
“It’s half way out. PUSH!”
“NNNNGGGGHHHH….” With this push the legs become free. “Grab it!” She says before pushing again amb bringing all the baby’s body out.
“Xena, come on, just the head and it will be over”
“AAAAAAAAGGH… AAAAAAAAAAGGGHH…. AAAAAAAOOOhhhhh” She pushes the head out and falls to the grown, exhausted, and I give her the baby. “It’s a girl. Oh a precious girl” She says. She is now sitting on the grown and I notice her legs shaking a bit. “Dan, please, bring me a piece of rope and a knife. I’ll cut the umbilical cord”
    I do as she says. Once she's done with the cord, she places the baby girl to rest on her chest and a smile appears on her face. She is semi-lying, the sweat that covers all her body makes her hair look messy, and she keeps her legs quite spread. 
    “Do you want to hold her?” She asks.
“Oh, me, eh… of course I do.” I get on my knees to grab the baby. 
“Just hold her head.” She says.
“Do you know what name you are gonna give her?” 
“Yes, Mel, as my mother.”
“I’m gonna give her back to you, I’m sure she wants to be with her momma.” I return Mel to Xena and I sit on her side. “I have to admit that she looks smaller than I had expected judging by your size.”
“Well you’re right I suppose. But I’d say that I’ve been quite lucky. I don’t think I could have endured a breach birth with a bigger baby.” She looks at me. “And I’m sure this birth would have been worse without having you here.”
“Xena, I’ve almost done nothing! It’s just you that are marvelous.”
“No Dan.” She insists. “You’ve seen how vulnerable I looked pushing this baby out of me.”
“I would say powerful, not vulnerable.”
“Well, anyway I felt vulnerable. And your kind support made it easier to find the strength I needed.”
“Xena.” I smile. “Considering how this birth started, I think it’s too much to consider it a kind support.”
“I see you insist on not accepting your merits, but I must thank you anyway.” She says smiling and caressing my face. Then she feels pain. “Ah, ounch!”
“Are you alright Xena?” I ask her.
“Yes, don’t worry. I have to deliver the afterbirth.” She says with one hand on her belly while the other supports the newborn. “Aaah... AAAAAH…   OOOOOHHH…   Fuck!” 
“Is it supposed to hurt that much, Xena?” I ask her.
“Sure I remember it to be less painful. Maybe it hurts more when you just had a hard birth.” She looks a bit concerned. “Oh, here comes again. OOH… OOOOOHHHH… AAAAAAAAGGGHHH… Ahh, ahh, ahhh. Dan, It feels wrong! AAAAGGGGGHHH” She starts massaging her not so tight belly until… “DAN! It’s another baby! I can feel it!” She grabs one of my hands and put it on her lower belly, near her pussy. “Can you feel it? I WAS CARRYING TWINS!” I can feel a strange bulge just above her hips.
“Are you sure it’s not the placenta?”
“Of course I am. The placenta is not made of bones! AAAAAAAHHHH… Hof hof hof… ”
“Alright. Can you push in this position?” She is semi-reclined. “Shall I hold Mel?” I position myself on my knees in front of her.
“I’ll just push and see what happens.” She sits herself up a bit more and spreads her legs once again. “And I’ll hold Mel. I need you with both hands free. Here it comes. Ah, ah, ah, PUSHHHHAAAAGGHHHH…  AAAGGGGHHHHH…” I keep her knees apart as she pushes. “It’s working! It’s moving down!”
“Then keep pushing!”
“AAAAAAAGGGHHHHH…  AAAAAGGGGHHHH… ah, ah, ah… It’s faster this time.” She is right. With just two pushes a slippery black mass starts opening her pussy in a teardrop shape.
“Xena. I can see it! And it’s a head!”
“Hof, hof. Yeahh. Oh oh OOOOOOOHHH… AAAAAAAAAAHHH… Burns! It’s too big!”
“Come on! You’re almost there!”
“AAAAAAAGGGGHH… AAAAAAaaahhh…” The head reaches a full crown and she reaches one hand to feel it.
“It’s almost out, Xena! Push!”
“AAAAAAHHHH…  AAAAHHH…” The head comes out followed by some fluids.
“The head is out! Come on, one last effort!”
“Hof, hof, hof, hof NNHGGG… Hof hof hof NNNGGGHH…” She gives small pushes as I can see the baby rotate. Then she pushes hard again. “AAAAAAAGGGHHHH… AAAAHHH…” Nothing happens. “AAAAAGGGGHHHH… OOOOOOHHH… It’s stuck! I need to give it more room” With her free hand, she grabs one of her legs under the knee and pulls it as far back as possible. “Help me open up more.” I push her other leg back as much as I can. Now, considering her lower body, she looks like a turkey about to be stuffed. Both her legs are kept spread, her belly has a strange sharp look and there’s a head hanging out her pussy.
“Push now Xena. PUSH!”
“Keep Pushing! Keep Pushing!”
“NO! AAAAAAHHHH… IT’S ON MY BONE! Ah, ah… The shoulder is stuck. Hof, hof… You have to get it free! Hof, hof…Help me on my hands and knees. AAAHH, hof, hof…” She says between heavy breaths. “Quickly! I must not push until you release it. Grab Mel.” She gives the little baby to me. “AAHH. Make sure the head is safe while I turn” Then, keeping her legs spread, she begins rotating to one side until she rests on her hands and knees. “Give Mel back to me and get behind me!” I pass her the baby, she puts it on the grass in front of her, and I get behind her on my knees.
“Alright, what should I do?”
“I’ll arc my back, you have to put two fingers in my pussy, find one of the shoulders and gently make it pass my bone.” I put two fingers on her pussy following the baby’s neck. “AAAAAAHHHH…” She screams in response. I push the shoulder back in and down. “AAAAAAAHHHH… you son of a bitch!”
“It’s free, now push.”
“AAAAAGGGHHHH… AAAAAOOOOOHHHH… OHHH, OHHH, OHHH…” The baby’s shoulders are pushed out and now make her pussy be as stretched as it was with the breach. “AAAAAGGGHHHH… AAAAAAAOOoohhh…” With two more pushes the baby comes out to my hands.
“You did it again! It’s a boy, Xena, you have a son!”
“Oh, a boy…”
  She sits on the grass, and grabs the two newborns. She cuts the baby boy’s cord with the tools she had used before, which are still by her side.
  “I’m gonna name him Dan, so as to never forget this night and all your help.”
“Xena, you’re so kind.”
  Thirty minutes later, Xena is delivering the placenta. As she had said, it looks like an easy process and Xena only makes some faces of discomfort and a couple of groans. Both babies learn quickly to suck milk from her breasts and, once they are satisfied, they fall asleep.
  The sun is rising when Xena too falls asleep. She is fully naked, lying on her side with the two babies in front of her. I cover her up with one of the blankets we have and I let her rest. 
  We spend the rest of the day doing almost nothing in our little secret place. The following day, we resume our journey, each of us carrying one baby. There’s only one thought that keeps coming to my mind. I’m fully aware that my situation with Xena will not get past the friendship. Even considering the amazing intimate moments we have shared these past days, I know she doesn't want to be in a relationship with anybody. However, witnessing her delivering the babies has been a really exciting experience, it really turned me on. So, I can’t wait to meet a woman who I can marry, get her pregnant several times and be her only helper in the births.
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abbeolivia · 1 month
Hi, i hope you don't mind if i request to combine 2 prompts in one scenario.
8. "There's so much pressure..."
12. "Come on, you'll be fine. First labour's take ages.
Scenario: a pregnant woman got kidnapped by her obsessive ex-boyfriend, went into labor and begged him to take her to the hospital because she can't be having the baby in his basement, but he refused. Go as wild and dark as you want.
Thanks 💌
Thanks for the request anon, this was delicious to write. Only prompt no.8 has been included as the other didn’t naturally fit in to wherever the hell this story went. I swear I have no control, these stories take on a life of their own. You said go wild and dark, so… 😈 Trigger warnings; kidnapping, vomit, blood, violence, mental instability, death (not mum or bubs dw), oh and of course fpreg & birth. Hope you like it
Libby’s eyes fluttered open. It took a moment for her vision to focus but when it did she realised nothing was familiar. The room was dimly lit, no natural light source, only a singular light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Dark grey bricks formed each of the four walls and the floor below was concrete and rough. She was lying down, on old discoloured bedding on a rickety metal bed. Where the hell was she?! She tried to push herself upright, but she discovered one arm could not be moved. It was handcuffed to the bed!
“What the hell…” Libby muttered.
“Ah… you’re awake.” Came a voice from the shadows.
Stepping into the light Libby saw a man walk towards her. It was Scott, her ex boyfriend. He looked awful. She’d not seen him since they broke up 18 months ago. His hair had grown, now matted and unkept, dark circles hung beneath his eyes and his usually clean shaven chin now sported a severe and dishelved five o’clock shadow.
“…Scott? Where… where am I?” She asked confused and still a little bit groggy.
“You’re at home darling. I rescued you.”
Libby’s brain whirled into overdrive. She remembered going to a midwife appointment, it was her final check up before her due date, she finished the appointment and headed back to her car. She had stopped just before opening the door, hearing something behind her, and then…. everything went black.
“Rescued me?! From what?” Libby asked, managing to push herself to a sitting position with her one free hand.
“From making a mistake. Did you really think you could keep me away from my baby?” Scott drawled, his eyes staring hungrily at her pregnant stomach.
“What the fuck are you talking about? We broke up, I moved on. This isn’t your baby!”
Libby’s outburst was rewarded by a forceful smack across the face. The distinctive metallic taste of blood soon filled her mouth. She was shocked into silence.
“We were great together! We were happy; we were going to get married, have a family, and then… Brendon came along. Poisoning our relationship, turning you against me, stealing you for himself. No! I won’t let him take this away. I’ve brought you home baby… so we can be together.” Scott’s hand touched her bump and his eyes widened in glee. “Where we can be a family.”
This man was insane, Libby thought, realising the true danger of this situation. It was one thing having an ex that still held a candle towards you, but this was way beyond that. She knew Scott hadn’t taken the break up well, but since the split he’d clearly disappeared into a realm of utter delusion. The baby in her womb shifted, feeling the fear of its mother. Scott’s mouth twitched into an uncomfortable grin, feeling the child move. Libby daren’t say anything, it was clear he was unstable and there was no telling what might set him off.
“Rest up sweetie. I’ll get you some food, you must be hungry. Eating for two and all that.” Scott said cheerfully, removing his hand from her stomach and disappearing upstairs.
Libby looked down at her stomach and her handcuffed wrist. She didn’t feel hungry at all. Only nauseous.
Scott returned and brought her food. Libby didn’t say anything, didn’t move, too scared of accidentally provoking him. He left the tray of sandwiches and crisps on the side table next to the bed and disappeared upstairs, offering a firm “Eat” before he went.
Her memories had returned as she gradually came around from whatever drug Scott had administered. Brendon and Libby had decided to have a little trip away this weekend before the baby came. A baby-moon as they say. They’d told all their friends and family they’d be out of town and without signal for a few days, but this morning Brendon called to say he had a work emergency and they’d have to cancel. That was fine, Libby would just go visit her parents instead. Only she never got a chance to call her parents after the midwife appointment. Everyone thought her and Brendon were away, and Brendon thought she was at her parents - no one would realise she’d been kidnapped.
Her stomach rolled with fear. She needed to think, find a way out of here. Wherever “here” was…. Where the fuck had Scott taken her? She didn’t recognise the room, it could be anywhere. She looked over at the plate of food and her heart sank. She recognised the crockery - this was his family’s cabin, in the middle of the woods.
Days. She’d been there days. Her family and Brendon would hopefully know she was missing by now. But they’d never find her here.
Scott continued to visit, to bring her food, to talk the baby in her womb. He’d offered to bathe her once, disgusted by the thought she refused. When he tried to get more forceful, hitting her again, she faked practice labour pains and he thankfully left her alone to rest.
She barely spoke to him anymore, too fearful to say the wrong thing again, of which she had learnt the hard way. She tried once to play along with his delusion, that he had “rescued” her from Brendon and now they could be a family. Believing her, Scott eventually unlocked the handcuffs, but when she made a break for it towards the stairs of the basement Scott went ballistic. They got into a fight; she kicked and screamed and hit, but he was stronger and in the carnage she fell forward against the wooden stairs she was trying to climb.
Scott was stricter with the handcuffs after that. Libby swore to herself not to try it again for fear of what might happen to the baby if she fell again.
She had been feeling cramps ever since the fall. They weren’t too bad or debilitating, thankfully she wasn’t bleeding which Libby hoped was a good sign and that her baby was okay. The fall was a brutal reminder of the precious cargo she was carrying and she had to be careful.
The next night Libby was awoken by a forceful cramp rolling through her middle, much worse than any of the others she had felt. Curling round her stomach she breathed heavily through the wave until it passed, and she promptly fell back asleep.
It happened again shortly after, pulling her from her slumber and waking every cell of her body as it peaked, like a coil twisting tighter and tighter. She pushed herself up to sit on the bed. The room was pitch black - Scott controlled the lights and was the only way she knew if it was day or night. She rubbed the aching cramp rolling across her tightened belly with one hand, the other remaining chained to the bedpost. She wished she could move, to walk it off, but with the handcuffs and the darkness she had little options. Instead she got on her hands and knees and rocked steadily through the pain.
“Please be practice contractions…” she whispered to herself. “You can’t come now baby, you’re safe in there. Wait until we get outta here okay?”
The cramp eventually eased and after a few minutes waiting for the next, Libby let herself sink sideways back onto the bed. The baby had got the message, it was just practice pains, she thought to herself as she drifted back off to sleep.
The light to the basement flickered to life followed by the familiar stomping of feet on wooden steps.
“Morning sweetheart. How’s the mother of my child today?” Scott said in such a cheerful caring tone it caused a shiver to roll up Libby’s spine.
She glared at him from the bed, lying down under the covers half asleep and curled around her bump.
“Still not talking to me eh? Oh well. It won’t be long before I have a son or daughter to talk to.” Scott drawled, as he placed a cup of water and slice of toast onto the bedside table.
Another cramp squeezed her belly and Libby sucked in a breath, hissing through her teeth. She could feel her stomach hardening beneath her fingers as the practice contraction squeezed.
“Honey, are you alright?” Scott’s eyes pinched in cautious concern.
“Just a kick.” Libby said, schooling her face back to a neutral expression.
“Excited to meet their daddy no doubt.” He gleefully said making Libby feel sick.
This baby is NOT yours! She cried in her head.
“Get up and have some breakfast. I’ve got some things to show you today.” Scott said, offering a hand to help her up.
Libby ignored his hand and pushed herself upright. “What things?”
“All in good time my dear. It’s a surprise.” And with that he disappeared back upstairs with a gallop.
She could hear banging and thumping above her and wondered what on earth he was doing. Her stomach growled and she reluctantly nibbled on the toast that was provided. After eating she was left solely with her thoughts and the noises from upstairs. Plus the occasional cramps that continued to plague her. Sitting down became too frustrating and she managed to get herself to standing right beside the bed. Her arm was pulled uncomfortably far forward by the handcuffs, but at least it relieved the pressure in her hips.
The baby felt so low, like it was grinding on her pelvis. But she did feel like her breathing was better now. Libby tried to focus only on the positives and did not dwell enough to realise this meant the baby had dropped into position for birth.
She stayed standing as long as she could beside the bed, riding out the braxton hicks and swaying her hips side to side, but eventually her legs ached from the awkward position so she return to sit on the bed.
The practice contractions continued to wash over her whilst Scott was banging away upstairs. Libby was starting to get hot and sweaty and could barely sit still through them. She found herself biting her lips and humming through them, trying to keep the noise to a minimum. She didn’t want to attract Scott’s attention. She ended up back on all fours on the bed, one hand awkwardly attached to the bed while she rocked forwards and back through the rising waves. It was getting harder and harder to stay silent through these pains and it was getting more and more difficult to convince herself these were only practice contractions.
“Ohhhh… we had a deal baby. You have to s-stay in there…. It’s not s-safe…” Libby moaned quietly to her child, the pressure in her hips mounting with every contraction.
The sounds of movement from above made her panic. Scott was coming. Quickly, she moved from all fours and returned to her sitting position on the bed. Sitting down made everything worse - the heavily feeling of the baby so so low caused the pressure to spike. So much so she nearly threw up, gaging slightly at the same time Scott opened the basement door.
She could hear him huffing and puffing as he stomped every step, he was clearly struggling with something, and she saw the “surprise” before she saw him. It was a crib! Oh hell no, she thought to herself. There is no way my baby is being born here and it will never go in that thing.
“Darling…” he cooed as he got down to the basement “I got you something. Well, I got our baby something - a crib!” He said proudly as he placed it at the foot of the bed.
Libby didn’t say anything; saying something negative could earn her a slap, saying something positive he’d think she was up to something.
“Well?” He asked, clearly getting frustrated with her silence.
“It’s… nice.” She said timidly, he didn’t seem any calmer so she added “thank you.”
With that Scott broke into an unhinged smile. “Only the best for my baby. Made it myself!”
Libby felt the familiar tightening of another contraction approaching. Breathing steadily through her nose, she tried to keep any pain showing on her face.
“What do you think of the design?” He urged, unaware of the struggle happening inside Libby’s womb.
“Great.” She gritted out as calmly as she could.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” Scott rushed upstairs leaving Libby alone for a minute.
The second he was out of sight her eyes scrunched and she panted erratically. Her hips were on fire, the baby sinking lower and lower. This was no false alarm, Libby finally admitted to herself.
Scott came bounding downstairs with a pile of baby clothes and blankets. “I also got these. I wasn’t sure if we were having a boy or a girl so got a selection of different clothes. And lots of blankets and toys. Everything we could possibly need.”
Libby couldn’t help it but she groaned loudly and curled over her contracting stomach.
“They’re not that bad!” Scott said, referring to the pile of clothes he’d now dumped into the crib.
“Ooooooh Scott….” Libby whimpered, the pain still barrelling through her body.
“Lib? What is it? What’s wrong?” He crouched down in front of her and placed a hand on her knee.
“I think… hooooo- I think I’m in labour. You have to take me to the hospital.” Libby pleaded.
“What? Oh no, you’re not fooling me again.” Scott recoiled away from her, and started pacing. “You- you tried that before remember. And then you tried to run away, to take my baby away! You were going to leave me Lib! No!! I’m not letting you out of my sight again. No way. No one else can have you. You and that baby are mine!”
“Scott… please. I’m having contractions… I need help… I need doctors…”
“No… I can’t. You’re just going to leave me again. I can’t lose you.” Scott shook his head, like he was trying to reorganise the thoughts inside. “You’re just pretending again, you’re not really having the baby, you’re just trying to escape. Well you can’t trick me twice. Nuh-uh. I’ll come back when you’ve stopped the act.”
“No! Scott!” Libby cried but the door slammed before she could say anything else.
Libby shouted and pleaded for 10 minutes straight after Scott went upstairs, but he never came back down. She stopped when her voice started to crack and when she thought she heard the front door slam.
This baby was coming and she was trapped - handcuffed to a bed in a basement in the middle of nowhere, the only person for miles was her crazy ex boyfriend who was convinced the baby was his.
Despite her wishful thinking, the contractions just kept on coming. It was as if accepting they were real had made them more frequent and stronger. There was no clock down here, she had no clue how often they struck, but Libby was aware of the gaps in between getting shorter.
Being in labour was bad enough but the fact she couldn’t move due to her restraints made everything a thousand time’s worse. In desperation she tried to squeeze her hand out the metal handcuff, twisting and pulling, but when it started to peel the skin off the back of her hand she screamed and gave up.
She couldn’t sit down anymore, the pain in her hips too great. All fours was bearable but her arms ached after too long. She tried squatting and kneeling against the headboard, standing and swaying beside the bed. Nothing helped. She felt like a caged animal; frustrated, angry, scared. All the while every contraction brought the baby closer and closer to being born, a fate she was trying desperately to avoid. She feared something might go wrong, and she was scared what would happen the moments after she delivered. Scott was clearly unstable, would he leave her here chained to the bed bleeding out and take away her baby?! She needed medical help, not only for the birth but for her best shot at escaping.
When Scott returned he found her on her knees beside the bed, slumped over the mattress and groaning heavily.
“You can stop this charade Libby! I’m not taking you anywhere!” Scott shouted from the steps of the basement.
“Mnnnghhh! It’s not a charade Scott! Oh god…. So much pressure….” Libby whimpered into the mattress, her knees widening instinctually.
“Come off it. You put on a good show but I know you’re faking it.”
Libby could only grunt, roaring against the building pressure between her thighs. An unmistakable splashing sound hit the concrete floor and she cried out. “My waters…. Hooo- I’m not - faking - it…” she panted and turned around to face him.
Scott’s face had paled and his eyebrows shot up. “Y-you really are in labour?”
“Yes,” Libby breathed, turning around awkwardly with the handcuffs and her large bump, sitting down heavily on the now-wet floor “please please take me to the hospital now.”
He didn’t say anything, instead he disappeared quickly back upstairs.
“Scott!!!” She cried out, worried he would just leave her there forever.
He returned a moment later carrying a plastic box. “It’s happening! Don’t worry darling, I have everything we need for our baby to be born.”
It’s not your baby!!!! Libby shouted in her head.
Sitting on the floor, one arm slung up over a shoulder stuck in the handcuffs, she rubbed her low and heavy stomach with the other as Scott began to unpack the box onto the table opposite.
“Towels. Gloves. Scissors. Clamps. Ooh more towels. Little sucker thing. Wow it’s got everything we need in here. Great Amazon find.” Scott commented as he rattled off everything inside the box.
Holy shit! He wants to deliver the baby here! Libby stopped breathing for a moment, panic squeezing at her heart. He was never going to let her go. She was never going to get her baby out of here before it was born.
“Scott… you can’t… be serious…” Libby said with strained breath.
“Shhhhh. It’s okay sweetie. I’ve done all the research, watched loads of videos. I know exactly what I’m doing and I will deliver our baby here.”
“But Scott I need a hospital, with nurses and medication.”
“No you don’t. Women birth babies every day. I’ve had months to prepare for this. It’s going to be fine, it’s going to be perfect.” Scott’s sinister smile chilled her resolve and another contraction struck before she could continue arguing.
He checked his watched and frowned. “You shouldn’t be having another contraction just yet.”
“I can’t hooooo control it!” Libby snipped.
“Oooo is this the part where you get all angry at me for doing this to you?” Scott joked with glee.
“You didn’t do this to me! This isn’t your baby Scott, please just let me go.”
“Don’t lie!!!!!” Scott shouted, an angry fire flashed briefly in his eyes and his fists clenched tight, but a second later the ire quickly disappeared. “You’re just scared, but it’s okay sweetie, I’m here and our baby will be fine.”
“Ohhh god…..” Libby grunted, the baby slipping lower and pressing against her cervix. She had to move, this position was unbearable, but her legs were useless during the raging contraction. She tried to push herself up, yanking her hands forward but the handcuff rattled and left her arm twisted backwards. “Mnnhhh- handcuffs…. Please undo the handcuffs…”
“You know I can’t do that Lib.” Scott said reluctantly.
“Please…. Mnghhhhh the baby…. I need to move. Can’t stay like this Scott…” Libby groaned and whimpered as the contraction peaked and gradually faded.
“I’m sorry honey, I can’t risk it. But let’s get you back onto the bed shall we, you’ll be much more comfortable there.”
The contraction had left her winded, Libby didn’t have the strength to argue anymore. But when Scott approached and went to help her up she managed to grit “Don’t touch me!” batting his advancing hands away.
“That’s gonna be difficult when I’m delivering our child.” Scott sarcastically replied.
Libby’s stomach rolled, not from a contraction but at the disgusting thought of Scott between her legs. Nausea bubbled inside, rising up her throat. She retched. “I think I’m gonna be sick…”
Scott jumped back as she dry heaved. “Erm…. I’ll get a bucket. Hang on.”
Libby struggled up to her knees, clinging sideways to the bed, and vomited all over the floor. The force of her stomach expelling its contents pushed the baby against her dilating cervix and towards the birth canal. She couldn’t stop herself from bearing down at the same time.
No no no… don’t push. Her brain cried but it wasn’t something she had control over.
By the time Scott returned with a bucket Libby had crawled back into the bed, leaving behind a puddle of amniotic fluid and vomit on the floor.
“Jeeze Libby, you’ve made a right mess. I’m glad we’re down here now, that would have been a nightmare to clean the carpets upstairs.”
“…water…” Libby panted, curled up on the bed and holding her hardened stomach, too exhausted to do anything other than bear through the labour pains tearing apart her body.
“Okay, sure.” Scott picked up the glass from the table and gently poured it into Libby’s dry mouth. “Everything will be okay Libby, our baby is nearly here.” He whispered, placing a grimy hand onto her bump and feeling the swell, his eyes hungrily lighting up as his fingers caressed the curve.
She was dying. This was how it would end; trapped in the dirty basement of her crazy ex boyfriend. She never got to meet her baby, or get married, never got to buy her own home, or travel the world. The pain was so much she could barely see. Curled up on the bed Libby groaned into the pillow as the latest contraction squeezed her body in on itself. She was vaguely aware of Scott flapping around the room, he was talking but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. The only thing she could focus on was the mass of the baby’s head sitting right behind her opening, and she was doing everything she could not to push.
The last few hours had been torture. She’d thrashed around the bed, screaming and begging to be freed, to be taken to the hospital. When transition hit she was brought back onto all fours, grunting and pushing without any semblance of control. Scott rubbed her back and encouraged her through it. She didn’t have the strength to bat him off but she did manage to aim her next round of vomiting onto his feet. And all the while Scott refused to unlock the handcuffs and she remained chained to the bed.
Now she was lying on her side over the covers, exhausted, her body completely and utterly drained. Her knees were curled up as much as she could, her bump squashed between her thighs and her breasts. The contractions were right on top of each other and she panted heavily through each one.
Don’t push! Don’t push! Don’t push! she told herself again and again.
“Right, the waters boiled, everything’s disinfected. Clamps and scissors ready. Towel, check. All we need now… is the baby…” Scott muttered, organising and reorganising the equipment.
Ever since the well-timed vomit, he had kept a grateful distance from Libby. He looked through all the toys and clothes in the crib, talking about all the things he would do with his child, trips they’d make, sports they’d play. He was in his own little world, Libby was just a background character.
Relentless contractions kept hitting her one after the other, she breathed as quietly as she could, tears leaking past her lashes from the effort it was taking not to push. She could feel the baby start to stretch her lips, the head inching further and further even without her active pushing. He’d removed her underwear not long after her waters had broken but her dress remained on her sweaty body, thankfully covering her lower half as she laid on the bed. Libby’s legs slightly parted of their own accord as the baby slipped lower. Still curled up on her side, the baby had a clear exit from its mother, but she couldn’t bring herself to move. Scott was ignoring her when she was lying like this and it was the only position that didn’t make her scream. And yet it also proved to be aiding her delivery.
When the next contraction barrelled straight after its predecessor Libby found herself holding her breath and it was only when the burning feeling started that she realised she was pushing. But she couldn’t stop. Gasping another breath she pushed once more, the baby stretching her wider and wider. An involuntary grunt escaped the labouring mother and alerted Scott to her actions.
“Are you…. Libby - are you pushing?! Is it time?” Scott jumped and rushed over to the bed.
Libby curled further over, her face burying into the pillow, squashing her bump and raising her backside. She groaned long and deep as she pushed the baby further out.
“Oh babe, you can’t push like that! You need to get in the correction position for delivery.” Scott said assuredly with all the delusional confidence his “research” had given him.
He took her bent leg, rolling her over onto her back and she screamed. “Scott! No!” The pain was excruciating, her spine was being stabbed, the fire burning between her thighs. She needed to push but she couldn’t when he kept moving her body.
“You need to be in the right position. Come on now, I know what I’m doing.”
“Stop… I can’t… I need to push…” Libby grunted.
“Wait a minute darling, you’re not ready just yet.”
Scott pulled her up to a sitting position and pushed her back against the headboard, pointlessly fluffing the limp old pillows behind her. Her legs were dragged apart and knees were bent and he jumped onto the foot of the bed and looked up her dress.
“Oh my gosh I can see the head!!!” He squealed. He threw her dress up higher, creasing the fabric just below her baby bump, fully exposing Libby’s vagina and the oval shaped crown of the head.
“Push Libby! You can push now!” He urged.
“I’m not-having a contraction-” Libby panted, furious she had been moved into this ridiculous and torturous position. Nothing about it felt right to her body, she wanted to go back on her side, to kneel, squat, anything but this.
“Oh… erm… well on the next one then. Push. No wait, I forgot the equipment.” Scott bounced off the bed and collected all the sterilised equipment he’d been preparing in readiness. “Ha! All that excitement, nearly forgot these.” He placed the items next to him, by her feet. The metal scissors glinted as they caught the light.
A desperate idea began to form in her head, but a contraction soon swept over her and pulled her focus to the burning ring between her thighs.
“Yes!!! Go on Libby! Push!!!” Scott cried.
Curling forward Libby pushed, her body squeezing the baby lower, its head stretching her wider. She grabbed her thighs, gulped another breath, and pushed. The scissors caught the light again with the movement on the bed. If she could just grab them…
“It’s coming, keep it going honey!” Scott yelled and she could feel his trembling hand between her legs.
Libby huffed releasing the push. It was too much, it was too big…
“Come on baby, go again, you’re so close.” Scott urged.
“Hooo-hoooo- okay…. Here it comes….!!!!” Libby threw herself forward curling over her bump once more. With Scott’s focus on the crowning baby she quickly grabbed the scissors and hid them in the gathered fabric of her dress. She screamed as the baby reached a full crown. Panting frantically her body twitched as the baby stretched her so wide she thought she’d be torn in two. Then it slipped further and with a sudden wail the baby’s head was delivered.
“Wow! The heads out, my baby’s head is born.” Scott awed.
Leaning closer his hands trembled towards the newly born head sitting between her thighs. No! You are not touching my baby! Libby thought, and she grabbed the hidden scissors and plunged them straight into Scott’s neck as she released an animalistic maternal wail.
Scott’s eyes bulged out, roaring in agony as the sharp scissors pierced deep into his muscles. He jumped back, standing for the briefest second staring in horror at her, before collapsing to his knees. A drowning choked sound gargled his throat and when he pulled the scissors from his neck the jets of blood sprayed across the room.
Libby watched, in shock at what she’d just done, as Scott clutched his neck, choking and bleeding. After a few strangled seconds he collapsed face first on the ground.
“Oh my god… oh my god….” Libby trembled, adrenaline and fear pumping through every cell in her body. She had to get out of there.
Twisting awkwardly around, she held the handcuff steady with her free hand and pulled her other through the tiny gap. The skin ripped from her hand, the metal scraping bone, she yelled out in pain but didn’t stop pulling until her bloodied hand was free.
It was as if she had left her physical body, the pain a dull echo compared to the survival instinct to get out of this basement. “I’m gonna get you outta here…” she panted, putting a gentle hand over the baby’s head between her legs. She scrambled off the bed, legs bowed as she cupped the head, and rushed toward the stairs of the basement.
Libby was careful, her previous encounter with this wooden staircase not ending well, climbing wide legged step after step towards freedom. She barely made it halfway when she was struck by another contraction. Holding the head with one hand and gripping the bannister tight with the other, her body squatted as it tried to push.
“Mnghhhhhhh! Oohhhhhh hang on baby…. Mnghhhhhh…. Not yet.” She could feel herself pushing hard, the shoulders starting to press against her, itching to come out, but with a firm hand and heavy panting she made it through the contraction.
When she reached upstairs she was surprised how familiar it all was, Scott had taken her here once when they were dating. It wasn’t much, the furniture and decor were dated, but it was a nice family holiday home in a nice rural location. She shuddered when she thought of the secret prison that was hidden below her feet.
Being familiar with the property made her escape easier, she knew the layout and of course where he kept the keys - in the side dish by the fridge. Grabbing the car keys Libby headed for the door and threw it open. But the baby didn’t want to wait any longer.
She hung on to the doorframe for dear life as the raging contraction took hold. “No no no!!!! We’re so close mnnnnnghhhhhh!!!!” Her legs widened as she squatted, pushing uncontrollably against the wall of her hand that held the baby’s head. The shoulders were slipping through… she could feel them stretching… “Ohhh fuck!” She cried, desperately pushing and holding the baby in at the same time.
When the near constant contraction let up just the tiniest bit, Libby made a break for it and ran to the car, both hands between her legs cupping the emerging baby. Unlocking the car with the press of the button she threw open the back door and clambered inside. She quickly locked the door, scared that Scott would somehow still be coming after her, and when she heard the reassuring click of the locks she huffed an exhausted cry.
But the baby was coming, and it was coming now. On her hands and knees in the back seat Libby finally gave in to nature and pushed in earnest, grunting long and deep as the shoulders stretched and slipped out. Lifting up onto her knees to catch the infant she released a primal roar with the final push and the baby slipped into her bloodied hands.
“Ohhhhhh hey baby, it’s okay it’s okay. I’ve got you.” Libby cried, pulling the little boy to her chest. Wiping his face clear he gave a little cough and started crying, soon matched with the tears of his mother.
“We did baby, we got out.” Libby panted and cried, safe with her baby inside the locked car. After a few minutes she wrapped the baby up against her chest with the towel, umbilical cord still connecting mother and child, and she hesitantly opened the door and got into the drivers seat. Starting the engine, Libby drove herself and her new baby to safety.
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abbeolivia · 1 month
7 for the prompts, maybe a car birth?
I love a car birth, it’s such a good trope! Thanks for the request. Apparently my brain isn’t capable of simply writing a regular car birth, had to add a little twist- it’s not technically a car. Enjoy :) [3k words, fpreg, clothing birth] Prompt: “I don’t think the baby is gonna wait that long…”
We All Scream For Ice Cream
My contractions had started this morning and after three kids perhaps I should have known better. Yes they were consistent but they weren’t strong and were completely manageable. I’d called my parents to tell them my labour had started and they came to collect the kids so I didn’t have to worry about watching over them as I laboured. I spent the morning pottering around the house doing laundry and some cleaning, working through the steady waves whenever they washed over me. But after a while I started getting frustrated being inside the same four walls; I needed some air and space. It was the height of the summer holidays and you were up and out early for work to maximise our income during your busiest time of year. I knew you’d only taken the ice cream truck to the local park, you stopped going too far afield as I got closer to the end of this pregnancy - you wanted to be close in case I needed you to come home. I decided a nice walk through the park would do me good and would help with the contractions. Plus it gave me a chance to see you and let you know baby number four was on the way.
The breeze felt wonderful on my hot and clammy skin as I waddled my way down the residential streets cupping the underside of my heavy baby bump. If I pressed into the stretched skin just above my pubic bone I could feel the head of the baby sitting extremely low, perfectly in position and ready to be born. I was excited to tell you I was in labour again, maybe you could finish work early today and come help me through it this afternoon when it would inevitably ramp up.
I suffered a couple of contractions on my way to the park but they didn’t phase me - after three births I was all too familiar with the tightening and contracting of my muscles. I simply stopped, bracing my hands against a neighbours fence or a nearby street lamp, and swayed and hummed my way through them, letting the waves wash over me.
By the time I reached the park I was getting pretty hot and sweaty, but it was a warm day in the middle of summer and I was 9 months pregnant. Overheating was just par for the course. I saw your truck parked on the opposite side of the field next to the kids play area. I never thought this park was very big but right now, with my labouring belly, the journey across the green seemed a mile long. I sat on a bench to catch my breath before making the journey, watching you hand ice creams to all the kids and families that filled the park. You had such a sparkle in your eye as you handed the ice cream to its recipient, seeing the glee and excitement in each and every child’s face when they got their summery treat.
A contraction tore me away from watching you, its sharp and insistent pain coursing through my hips and legs. “Hoooooo… take it easy there…” I softly said, rubbing the large circumference of my belly as the baby kicked and shifted even lower.
A stranger walking by asked if I was okay, but with the look of panic in their face I told them it was just a kick. I didn’t get the feeling they’d handle it well if they knew a labouring mother was out here on her own in the park. After the contraction was over I awkwardly pushed myself up, cupping my low belly, and started walking over the luscious green grass. A long queue had formed for ice cream, you were busy rushing around the truck getting lolly’s out of freezers or adding sprinkles to soft whips. You didn’t have the time to notice my approach.
I thankfully didn't have a contraction as I waddled across the park but I could feel one coming as I approached the truck. I hurried past the line and nipped behind the vehicle, only just managing to make it away from the crowd before the intensity peaked. I quickly planted both palms against the truck and leaned into the contraction, taking deep long breaths, in and out, bracing through the pain and breathing the baby down. My hips were circling instinctively and I was glad no one was on this side of the ice cream truck as it would be very obvious I was in labour.
I waited for the line of customers to go down, riding out a few contractions during that time, before I rounded the corner and stood in front of the window.
“What can I get- Honey! What are you doing here?” Your eyes lit up and you broke into a wide smile, surprised but happy to see me.
“I thought I’d come and say hi.” I said, one hand rubbing my tight stomach.
“Where are the kids?” You asked, seeing that I was alone.
“With my parents.” I answered with a knowing smile, waiting to see if you’d put the pieces together.
“With your…. Wait, are you-?” Your eyebrows raised and eyes widened as you looked directly to my very pregnant belly.
“Yup, I’m in labour. Contractions started this… this m-morning…. Hoooooo” Another wave creeps up on me and I’m forced to grab on to the little shelf at the bottom of the window, hands gripping tight as the pain lances through my body.
You jumped out the back door of the van and were standing behind me in an instant. You held my hips and squeezed hard, pressing into the pressure points that would ease the pain, knowing exactly what I needed from our previous births. I let out a soft and grateful moan as I relaxed back into you.
“Oh honey, you could have just called, you know.” You laughed and kissed the back of my neck.
“I like seeing your reaction… hoooo…. when I tell you I’m in labour.” I manage to say, though the pains were starting to make it difficult to speak.
“What, so you can see me panic?! You’re evil, you know that.” You joked affectionately.
When the contraction faded you released your grip and I turned around, your arms quickly wrapping around me.
“Baby number four eh. So what was your plan after coming to tell me?” You said in my ear, giving me a squeeze.
“I figured I’d go back home, and then call you when things get more serious.”
“How long do you reckon for this one then?”
“I dunno. It’s definitely progressing faster than the others.”
“How fast?” You arched an eyebrow and looked down at me with concern.
Before I could answer, another contraction struck. My hands laced around your neck and I buried my face in your chest, unable to contain the groan from my throat.
“Jeeze, hun, that was quick. It's okay I’ve got you.” You added, feeling my knees dip slightly. “Just ride the wave, deep breaths.”
I couldn’t speak, consumed by the heavy weight that was sinking lower and lower and lower…. My hips circled and bounced, my fingers tightly gripping each wrist as I practically hung off your sturdy frame. Your hands were on my ribs holding me steady. Groaning rumbled my throat, getting deeper as the pressure in my pelvis skyrocketed, and the noise ended with a grunt.
“Fuck, babe - was that a push?” You asked with panic, surprised at just how deep into labour I was.
“No…. I don’t think so but- hoooooo- there’s so much pressure. Baby feels really low-oooohhhhh!” I whimpered.
“Have your waters broken?” You asked and I shook my head against you in response.
“I don’t think this labour is going to last as long as you think, judging by those sounds.” You warned, your thumbs affectionately rubbing my ribs while you held me steady.
“Hooooo…. I swear it wasn’t this b-bad when I left the house…. Feels like it’s come out of nowhere.” I say, feeling the pain dull enough for me to stand on my own and release my arms from your neck.
“Well they do say it gets quicker with each birth. Right, I think we need to get you back home. Then we can pick up the hospital bag, jump in the car and drive over there.”
“I… I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk back home…” I admit, holding my bump with both hands, the weight and pressure felt constant even without a contraction.
“Okay… erm… I’ll take us back in the truck?” You suggest hesitantly.
“What? No way. There’s only a driver's seat - what am I supposed to do - get in the back with the soft serve?” I gripe with a roll of my eyes.
“It’s only a few minutes back to our house. You got any better ideas?”
Another contraction steals any response I could make and I’m suddenly hunched over, hand bracing my thighs, and groaning behind closed lips. You offer your arms as support but I wave them away, the combination of heat & pressure overwhelming, I didn’t want to be touched. Instead you jumped in the truck and I could hear you banging around, closing freezer drawers and locking cabinets, but it was all background noise to me. My heartbeat thumped in my ears, the pressure between my thighs was worsening making me grunt. My fingers gripped my legs and I pushed my hips backwards, my body acting solely on instinct. Before the wave of this contraction was over I felt something give, my legs squatting, and a puddle started to form at my feet.
“Ooooohhhhh honey- my waters have broken…” I grunt out. Gosh, I could feel the baby’s head on my cervix and I really started to worry about how long we actually had before our fourth child made their appearance.
“We need to get going, babe.” You said jumping out the van and coming over to support me. We waited for the contraction to fade and you then helped me crawl into the truck. I was glad to be wearing my maternity leggings and a thin top; it made manoeuvring into the vehicle much easier than if I was in one of my summer dresses.
“Right, I’ve locked everything away so it all should stay put on the drive, you won’t get covered in ice cream don’t worry.” You try to joke as I huff and puff my way into the cramped truck. “Why don’t we get you sitting down on the floor..?” You suggest, climbing in after me to try to help me get comfortable.
“Ooohhhh no… can’t sit down. Baby too low… fuck.” Crawling on my hands and knees I settle near the large rectangular freezer that was directly under the window booth. Staying on my knees I sit back on my heels and rest my arms on my legs, my bump sitting between my widened thighs. “I’ll just… stay like this. Drive carefully though…”
“Of course I will, precious cargo.” You said with a smile before giving me a kiss.
You shut the back doors of the ice cream truck behind you when you left, ran around to the driver’s seat and quickly started the engine. “Hold on sweetie, we’ll be home soon.” You said, putting it into gear and setting off.
We barely made it out of the park and onto the tarmac road before the next contraction struck, and without my waters it soon became apparent just how close this baby was to being born. Leaning forward and grasping the top ridge of the freezer in front of me, I tried to breath through the building pressure that was pulling and squeezing my insides. My moaning was instinctual at this point, my body’s way of riding the crashing waves of pain. Whether it was the motion of the truck or my kneeling position, but something triggered a need to push. At the end of each groan I could feel my body bearing down.
“H-how long to get to the h-hospital once we get h-home?” I stutter.
“Hospital is about 35 minutes from our house. Why?”
“I don’t think the baby is going to wait that long…. Hooooo…” I breathe, hips lifting and rocking in circles just above my feet. “Go straight to hospital, don’t go via home….”
“But we don’t have any of the stuff, for you or the baby?” You question, but still follow the instruction immediately altering our journey.
“Doesn’t-matter-nnngghhhhhh!” I gruff out before lowing deeply, bearing down again, my knuckles turning white with my grip on the freezer.
“Are you pushing??!!!” You shout.
“Shall I pull over?” You panic at hearing the familiar sounds of me pushing a baby down.
“No! Just- hospital- now!” My head dips as the wave ends and I try to catch my breath in between contractions.
We were still navigating the residential streets so thankfully weren’t going fast, but that meant we were still a way off from the hospital outside of town. My knees wide on the floor and arms stretching up gripping the fridge were the only thing keeping my body and my mind grounded. I closed my eyes, taking long deep breaths and disappeared into myself. Stay calm, you've done this before, I told myself.
“How we doing?” You asked nervously after a few minutes of silence.
“Just… drive…” I exhaled heavily, preparing myself for the next wave to hit.
And hit it did; suddenly every part of my being squeezed and screamed at me to push and I had no choice but to comply. My legs widened as far as they’d go, I pulled my body closer towards the fridge, lifting myself up and hanging off the ridge with my forearms. The head was starting to peek through, I could feel it, and there was no way I could hold off from bearing down. My hips tilted backward and I pushed with everything I had. A long and guttural moan sang from my lungs as I pushed, the head slowly crowning into my underwear. We weren’t going to make it!
“Stop!!!!” I screamed. “Pull over!”
“The head-is-coming out…. Pull over now!”
The truck rocked and shuddered as you brought it to a halt. You sprang from the driver’s seat and on your way accidentally switched on the jingle sounds of the ice cream truck, the tune ringing from the speakers on the roof.
I barely noticed the doors to the truck being opened and closed, or you climbing inside - all my energy was focused solely on getting this baby out of me.
“What can I do?” You frantically asked, but only got more guttural noises in reply as I continued to bear down.
Releasing the push with a huff, I panted quickly saying “I think it’s crowning… hoooo…”
“We need to get those leggings off babe. Are you able to move? If you can get on all fours I should be able to roll them down.” You were as white as a sheet but you squashed your fears, knowing I’d need assurance and confidence right now.
Following your instructions I moved to all fours, and I soon felt your hands around my waist pulling at the tight fabric trying to roll it over the large bump and down my thighs. We had to stop part way for another contraction and another round of pushing. The baby’s head was stretching me so wide and I could tell it must be showing through the fabric when I heard you gasp.
“Oh my god, the head is coming out!” You exclaimed.
“I know that! I can feel it.” I snipped sarcastically.
“Sorry honey. You’re doing amazing. But I still need to get these leggings off you…”
I grunt, bearing down once more with the contraction, and I can feel the resistance of the baby hitting the wall of my stretched leggings. When the push was over I cried out “Go! Do it now!” and you scrambled at the waistband of my clothing and rolled the elasticated fabric down my damp thighs.
“Do you want me to take them completely off?” You asked but I could barely think, the next wave was already here and all I could do was push.
I wanted to widen my knees, to open up my burning hips to make the required space for the baby to pass through, but the tight fabric of the leggings pulled around my knees was preventing any further movement. I whimpered in my struggle; I needed to open my body wider and push but I simply couldn’t. In my desperation I went from my hands down to my elbows, my forehead touching the floor, my backside raised to the sky and I pushed with everything I had. I needed to get the head out and I had to get it out now.
“Easy babe,” you said softly, and I could feel your hand over the baby’s emerging head. “Take it steady, it’s crowning. Try and pant if you can, let it come on its own.”
“Hooohooo- oh fuck- I need to get it out…. Can’t hold off- oh I need to push!” I screamed.
Before you could tell me otherwise my body jerked as the head popped out and I groaned at the relief. Lifting my head slightly I bring a trembling hand down my body and between my thighs to feel - your hands were there too, cupping the newly born head of our child. You moved, letting me feel - the ears the nose, the hair - our baby. Your fingers then gently stroked the back of my hand, no words were said as our hands entwined, squeezing each other. The love, encouragement and support all conveyed within that squeeze.
We were suddenly startled by a gentle knocking on the window booth.
“Hey mister, can I have an ice cream please?” The excited voice of a child said from outside the truck.
With the delirium and exhaustion of childbirth I couldn’t help but laugh. You heard my hitched breathing, worried I was crying, and asked “Babe, what is it? Are you okay?”
My laughs got a bit more distinguished as I raised back up onto my hands and twisted to look at you. “This is one hell of a birth story…” I giggled.
“Ha. Maybe this one will take over the family business.” You joke, relieved to see me smiling during this eventful and inconvenient birth. “Sorry kid, no ice cream today.” You shouted through the walls of the truck.
“Oooo- hoooo- babe… mnggghhhh… it’s coming….” I shift and grunt, bracing both hands on the floor and surrendering to the contraction once more. “Fuck… why didn’t we take my leggings off!?”
“Keep going babe, the shoulders are coming. You can do it. Yes!… one shoulder…”
“Grrrrhhhhhhhh!!!!” I groaned loud and long, pushing through the excruciating stretch of the shoulders.
“…two shoulders… and again push honey push!!!!”
“Mnnnghhhh- catch it!!!” I screamed, and a second later the baby fell into your waiting hands and instantly cried.
Tears sprang from my eyes at the sound and I immediately twisted my body and legs around so you could hand me the babe.
“It’s a girl.” You said proudly, putting the slippery newborn against my chest.
“Hi baby… hi.” I cooed, lifting my thin t-shirt and placing her against my chest. “You were in a hurry weren’t you.”
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abbeolivia · 1 month
Anniversary To Remember
RP / story written with @tbgblr2 Thanks for taking on the challenge of this idea and my attempt to find an inconvenient birth location that hadn’t been written before. (9.5k words)
“Wha… NO!” you snapped as you looked at the sign in front of us.
“Please?” I asked, with my best doe eyed expression. “I booked it specially for us last year… I know things have changed, but it's perfectly safe.”
“I’ll fall through.” You groan, admittedly giggling at the thought.
“No you won't, they’re not like the old days with wicker baskets, they’re proper, metal structures designed to hold 10 times our combined weight.” I retorted.
It was our second wedding anniversary today. When we discussed it last year, the day after our one year anniversary, it sounded like a great way to celebrate our second. We were going on a hot air balloon ride over the city into the countryside and staying for a romantic meal together with a night in a log cabin to follow.
Only our desires got the better of us, and here we were looking at the sign for the balloon place with you holding your hands under your blossoming belly – 9 months of it.
You had forgotten all about it with all the baby commotion, but when I pulled up to the venue near the airport, it all came flooding back.
“The doctor said you weren’t due for another week, and this will be the last chance we can do something crazy like this before the baby comes. It makes lots of sense to do it now and cross it off our bucket list… plus I can’t get a refund.” I tried to reason with logic.
You shook your head. “I think my belly is almost the size of that balloon the way I feel.” Despite your protest you’re clearly thinking about it and, warming up to the idea, you eventually smile at me.
“That’s my girl” I grin “Don’t worry, it’s only 3 hours”
I roll my eyes but my lips pull into a smile. “Okay, let’s do it. Here’s hoping we can both fit in there.” I joke, rubbing the swell of my heavy stomach.
Leaving the house was the last thing I wanted to do today, and taking a romantic hot air balloon ride? Complete madness. But you were just so excited, this was something you’d always wanted to do for as long as I’d known you. And those doe eyes, I really couldn’t say no.
As we stood and waited for the stewards to set up the balloons, I grimaced at the twinge flaring in my back.
“Oof-” I huff out, and attempt to hold up my bump that’s weighing heavy on my hips and cramping my spine.
“Baby kicking you in the ribs again?” You ask, noticing my expression.
“No… it’s just really heavy. Hoooo- I’ll be glad when this pregnancy is over.”
“Not long left to go sweetie. Here, let me try something.” You stand behind me, arms snaking my waist, and you lift up the large bump containing our baby. My head falls back against you with relief. “That feels wonderful.” I murmur, enjoying the momentary feeling.
After a couple of minutes of respite, you gently let go and the weight returns to my pelvis and I groan softly.
“Are you sure this is safe?” I ask, taking another deep breath, rubbing my belly subconsciously. “I’m not sure I’m up for this…”
“It’s the safest thing in the world” came the voice across the way. One of the representatives of the balloon company came striding up and shook my hand. “How can I help?”
I picked up my phone and scrolled through to our online voucher. “I’m here for our booking?” I asked, showing the details to the man who approached.
“Ahh!” came the reply. “You’re here to fly. Got your transport right over here. Flying it myself today. Names Jimmy. I couldn’t help but overhear the discussion earlier, let me tell you, kids are the best thing in the world, and once you’re up in the air, you’re going to have stories to tell them to get them to sleep for years to come. Just checking…” he sounded slightly unsure “are you safe to fly in your condition?”
“I have the medical certificate here, got it last week.” I announced. Jimmy looked it over.
“Good all seems to be in order, if you’ll follow me… our chariot awaits!” Jimmy was enthusiastic, I’ll certainly give him that.
I was glad when Jimmy directed us further across the field, I needed the opportunity to walk off the cramp rippling my stomach. The braxton hicks had been happening on and off today, which wasn’t particularly unusual, but I didn’t want to tell you as I knew you’d only worry. I didn’t want to ruin this once in a lifetime experience for you.
My eyes widened when I saw the basket we’d be riding in; it was huge and a lot taller than I anticipated. It was higher than my waist.
“Erm… how am I going to get in that?” I ask uncertainly.
Jimmy produced a stepping stool, presumably he was used to getting people in and out the large basket but perhaps never someone quite this pregnant before.
It took a few false starts, with you stepping on, trying to get your leg over the top, giving up, repositioning, trying again and again, but eventually you were able to use my shoulder as support as I lifted you up over the edge of the basket. “Maybe I should have gotten in first and lifted you over?” I suggested, as I scrambled in behind you.
You huffed out a breath as you smiled “I am in no condition to be lifted thank you!”
It was quite roomy all things considered. There was a small cabin to one side where the pilot could sit and do his thing without directly interfering with us. I looked over and saw the laptop computer affixed to a small tray against the wall.
Our area was open sided, exposed to the elements, but thankfully it was a nice day and aside from higher winds when we got up to a decent height, we were expecting clear views and plenty of lasting memories.
We cuddled together as Jimmy announced he was lighting the burners – the whoosh of the gas and the heat of the flames announced we were getting ready to go. I hugged you from behind and as there was a quick lurch from the balloon lifting off the ground I felt your usually soft belly harden under my fingers. “What was that?” I whispered to you.
“What was what?” I reply casually, keeping my eyes forward at the ground that was slowly disappearing beneath us.
You say my name with a hint of a scolding, knowing I knew exactly what you were referring to. My belly was still contracting under your fingers and I could see in your eyes that you could feel it too.
“It’s nothing, just another braxton hicks that’s all. Don’t worry. Look at this amazing view” I try to distract you “we’re already so high.”
I calm a little as I feel the tension ease around your middle. Taking your hand in mine we walked over to the edge of the basket. We spend a good 5 minutes with the wind ruffling our hair as we stare out over the city. “There's our house!” I excitedly point out into the distance. “There’s your parent’s place. Oh and mine.” I’m lost in the giddy enjoyment of this, holding your hand tight and don’t notice your grip tightening and tightening more on mine as the next contraction starts to grip your middle.
“If we need to get down, how do we do that?” you asked Jimmy.
“Sorry, nothing much we can do now until we’re outside the city. Nowhere clear to land. Figure we need about 2 hours minimum with this wind speed. Afraid we can’t just turn these things around and head home.” He was smiling but didn’t even look up at you as he responded, he was too focused on twisting the knobs on the gas bottles to get the mixture right and tapping his route onto the laptop to let air traffic control know where we were heading.
I turn back around and grasp you around the waist – your bump pressed in tight against me as I cuddle you close to me. I don’t notice the strained tension that had gripped it a few moments before. Kissing you I whisper “Happy anniversary. Here’s to lots of years and lots of babies!”
“Lots of babies eh? Let’s see how we get on with this one first before you start planning for a whole football team.” I shift my hips subtly side to side, trying to not think about just how low the baby felt in my pelvis.
“You were right; it is really magical up here. You can see the whole city.” I say wandering as much as I can in the small space, needing to move, looking out at every angle towards the horizon. The sun was shining brightly illuminating the tiny buildings below, clouds littered the perfectly blue sky, but it was the silence that made the experience otherworldly. It was so quiet up here. Just the sounds of the breeze and the occasional whoosh of the gas canisters keeping our balloon in the air.
I ended up leaning against the adjacent wall of the basket to you, each of us looking out at the impressive scenery, but I’m pulled out of the experience but a forceful contraction squeezing and tightening my belly. My breath hitches, pain pressing more urgently now through my body. I try to steady my breathing, long deep breathes through the pain, that’s what they say don’t they? My fingers grip the padded railing and my head dips slightly. Stay calm, just breathe, I tell myself. This might not be labour.
You suddenly feel my hand rubbing your back. “You ok?” I ask, concern in my voice looking at your white knuckles gripping the side. Your eyes dart between my face and what I’m looking at, suddenly releasing your grip.
“Yeah, fine. Just baby’s really low. Probably just the change in gravity because we’re so high.”
I caught my laugh, sniggering through my lips. “No, you’re just very, very pregnant.” My hands grip either side of your hips and press, the moan escaping your lips echoed out across the wide open air.
I lean in close and whisper so only you can hear “Just breathe through it, we’ll be on the ground in a couple of hours.”
“You know?” I whisper my reply, turning my head slightly to find you nodding, a grin twitching your lips. “Damn, I thought I’d been more- hooo-subtle.”
Slowly, I turn around to face you, holding on to your biceps as I find myself needing both the physical and emotional support.
“Ooohhhh- why now?” I quietly moan against your chest.
“Shhhhhh it’s okay.” You whisper into my hair, rubbing my back before pressing deep into my hips again. “How long do you think you’ve been in labour for?” You ask.
“Mmmm- I’m not sure. My body’s always aching and cramping these days, I- I didn’t think anything of it….” I reply softly, my breath hitching again with another contraction. My heavy rounded belly is squashed between us and I’m almost certain you’d be able to feel it through your shirt, tensing and contracting against your stomach.
The next contraction builds without warning as you grab hold of me tight, your fingers digging into my shoulders as you press your forehead into my chest, desperately resisting the urge to scream, knowing it would likely cause chaos with our pilot. My hands grip into the small of your back and you press back into them, you’re suddenly bent at the waist, your feet spread, hips swaying side to side as you groan quietly into me.
My forehead rests against you and to the outside world - or specifically Jimmy at this moment - it just looks like we’re embracing and enjoying the moment.
Suddenly there’s a splash between your legs and you find your dress is sticking to your legs. You go wide eyed. There’s no mistaking it now…
“Oh my god…” my voice is barely a whisper as I stare up at you in shock. Your expression mirrors my own.
“Erm… is everything alright guys?” Jimmy asks in an upbeat tone that feels alien to the both of us right now.
“Not really no…” I say to our bewildered pilot, before turning back to you. “Honey, I think I need to sit down.”
Your hand is around my waist as you walk me over to the small cushioned bench sitting one end of the hot air balloon basket, you steady me as I awkwardly lower myself down.
“Are you okay here for a minute while I update our pilot on what’s happening?” You ask quietly, one hand affectionately rubbing my stomach.
“Mmmm- yeah… I think so. Thanks.” I reply and watch you walk over to Jimmy to presumably tell him that I’m in labour.
Everything feels different now I’m sat down; my hips ache, my pelvis feels full and my stomach seems to sit further out forcing itself to sit between my thighs. The baby had definitely dropped and was making its arrival known.
Why now… why here… I thought to myself, this baby has a really warped sense of timing. I closed my eyes and rubbed slow circles around my stomach. I tried to stay calm and reassure myself that everything would be okay, but my broken waters continuing to leak from me served as a constant reminder of my advancing labour. My heart raced and it felt like I couldn’t quite catch my breath through the rising panic…
I look Jimmy straight in the eyes. “We need to get down. Now… if not sooner.”
He shook his head “I wasn’t lying when I said we couldn’t. You guys knew the issues before you got on. I’ll put an SOS out so the medical facilities will meet us when we land, but it’s going to be around 2 hours.”
“Shit” I cursed under my breath, as you groaned loudly, the first vocalisation of a rapidly accelerating labour.
I dashed to you and skidded down to my knees, inadvertently sliding through your amniotic fluid in the process, cursing all the way. I grasp your hands as you grip mine - hard - as your eyes look at me pleading, struggling to catch your breath.
I talk you down, calming whispering tones as you catch your breath and groan through the rest of the contraction.
Jimmy struggles putting 2 and 2 together as he asks “what’s happening?”
“We might well be pushing out a baby at 2000 feet if you can’t get this thing on the ground” I summarise.
“Fuck” came the blunt reply from our pilot.
We stay in that position for the next few contractions - offering me your hands to hold or shoulders to squeeze. Meanwhile, Jimmy is nervously pressing buttons on his map and contacting the base on the ground, trying to find any nearby suitable location to land - his laidback persona starting to fray at the edges.
“Hooo- the baby feels so low…” I huff out after a particularly fierce contraction. “I don’t think… I can sit anymore. Feels like I’m sitting on their head. Need to- oof- stand. Help me up?” I ask holding out my arms.
Your large hands hook under my arms and slowly aid me to standing. My balance is thrown off, the baby even lower, and I stumble a little but you’re quick to react and hold me steady.
“How are you doing love?” You ask me with concerned eyes.
“Okay… as well as I can b-be in the circumstances.” I attempt to joke, motioning to the basket and the open skies around us and the ridiculous situation we’ve found ourselves in.
“I guess of all places to labour, this has definitely got the best views.” You tuck a sweaty strand of hair behind my ear. You’re barely even looking at where we are - eyes focussed solely on me.
“I’m sorry… I ruined this experience for you.” I murmur quietly to you, feeling guilty that you were now missing out on enjoying this bucket-list activity.
“What? Don’t be silly. You’re having my baby, there is literally nothing more important to me than the two of you.” You kiss my forehead and pull me closer.
Before I can respond another contraction steals any words I could say and I’m left with only deep groans coming from my mouth.
The pain and pressure rages through my very core, my hands scramble to hook themselves around your neck as my hips sway and my knees bounce, pulling myself downwards against your sturdy frame, releasing a low moan against your chest.
When the contraction fades and my ability to speak returns I ask “do you think we should maybe start… hoooo… timing them?”
“Let’s give it a go” I say, glancing at my watch. At this point I’m just playing along as I’d been timing them since I first realised you’d been having contractions. We focus on each other through the course of the next few minutes not even staring out at the view at this point - you’re deep breathing, head buried in my chest and my hands roaming your body trying to rub - anywhere - to make the pain go away.
As the next contraction builds bringing you back into your previous position, hanging low off me and moaning loud through the worst of it, I’m counting in my head. The numbers reach high enough that I just give up as you finally come out the other end and look at me.
“So you know in the birthing class when they say come in when they’re less than 5 minutes apart and last longer than a minute?”
You nod, signalling me to go on.
“I think we should have been there for quite some time now. That was 3 minutes from the last one and lasted at least a minute - lost count after 50 seconds”
Jimmys face, watching all this from afar went white.
I turned and noticed. “Hey you said you’d had babies before. Any tips for this bit? All my knowledge is from videos at this point?”
He shook his head. “No. I couldn’t handle it. Seen my wife in stirrups, seen her bulge as the head came out and I passed out. Came to as she had a baby to her chest and 2 nurses fanning me looking on concerned”
I shook my head. “Great…” I wasn’t sure how much of that you had took on in you slight state of delirium, but either way, the next contraction was building and you held on tight.
On learning that we should already be at the hospital by now with how close together the contractions were coming, I wiggled out of your hold and moved away. Needing space… to process, to not be touched.
“No…. That can’t- can’t be right. Hoooo-“ I breathed heavily, hands gripping the edge of the basket in the absence of you. Unsure if it was the increasing pressure or the very real possibility that I was going to have this baby in a damn hot air balloon, my brain went into complete denial.
“Babe, I’m sorry. We can time some more to be sure, but this baby is definitely coming, sooner than we want.” You stand next to me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder which I shrug off with a gruff. I know this isn’t your fault, just a case of really unfortunate timing, but the constant pressure and pain has me taking my frustrations out at you.
“Fuck… ohhhh my back….” I whimper, leaning over the railing and jutting my hips backwards. The baby must be pressing on a nerve that has my spine screaming.
Despite snapping at you and shrugging off any contact, your hands grasp my hips and you press your thumbs deep into pressure points in my lower back. The relief is instant, pain reducing to a level that didn’t make me want to vomit, and I exhale a moan into my elbows.
“Did we- find anywhere- else to- land?” I pant out.
You turn to Jimmy, who also heard my laboured question.
“Yes I did, it’s sooner than our original landing spot, but with the wind speed and direction we’re travelling… erm it’s still going to be at least another hour and half…” Jimmy admitted to us.
“I don’t think she’s going to last an hour and a half!” I rant at Jimmy while rubbing your back. He looks at me with an apologetic look in his eyes but didn’t say anything.
“Is there anything in here that we could use? A first aid kit at least?” I ask.
Jimmy digs under the shelf where his laptop sits and pulls out a tiny first aid kit. Leaving you for just a moment I take the first aid kit from Jimmy and open it - inside a small roll of gauze, some tape and a pair of round ended scissors.
“No idea if these will even be sharp enough to cut the cord… not that we could tie it off properly if we could.” I at least sounded like I knew what I was talking about though inside I was panicking at this point.
“Quick…” you groan as the next contraction builds and I rush over to hold your hand, feeling you squeeze tight.
I take your hand, gripping hard, and twist around towards you curling into your embrace. I hang on to you as the contraction takes hold, the pain sharp and the pressure constant. You notice the sounds I’m making with each contraction are getting deeper, now lowing instinctually with every peak.
A minute slowly passes but the contraction doesn’t fade. I’m still shifting and groaning in your arms.
“Hoooooo- No…. Oh no no no…” I suddenly whimper, panting erratically.
“What is it?” You ask worriedly.
I lift my head up, seeing the apprehension in your eyes. “I- hooohooohoo- no…. not now….”
“Baby, talk to me. I need to know so I can help you.” You plead, cupping my face.
“I think… ooohh- I think I need to push…” I say as I bite my bottom lip, breathing heavily through my nose.
It was my turn for my face to go white. “Now? No! God, no… not now!” I pleaded to the open air around us. You weren’t listening, or at least not responding, deep breaths being sucked in and puffed out to try and regain a moment of calm before the contractions happen all over again.
“You can’t push. No one has checked you… are you dilated? You might injure yourself. You have to wait until we land!” I’m rambling at this point. Instinctively I know there’s nothing we can do to stop it and it happens when it happens but the only thing going through my head is ‘we’re all alone up here.’
“Please baby do your best. You can’t push… please” I plead.
The contraction eventually begins to fade, and taking with it the urge to push. I can’t help the smile that pulls my lips hearing your string of panicked questions and your flustered demeanour. Placing a hand to your chest, I calmly say “Honey, breathe.” Echoing the words you’ve previously said to me. “It’s okay, it’s passed now.”
“Oh god, you scared the life out of me.” You pull me closer, wrapping your arms around my waist. “So… you’re doing okay now?”
“Yes, I’m okay now, we both are.” I reassure you, holding the swell of my stomach that’s nestled between us.
You crouch right down so you’re eyelevel with the bump, both your hands splayed wide across its surface. Looking up at me over the swell you mutter “Can’t believe we’re going to meet our baby.”
I giggle, placing my hands over yours. “I know, hopefully not too soon though.” My breath suddenly hitches with a sharp inhale. “Oooohhhh here comes another one. Quick, hold me-” I manage to spit out before the contraction steals my speech and buckles my knees.
You sink down to your knees, your head nestling into the crook of my neck as you flop your arms over either of my shoulders and leave them draped down my back. I feel your fists clench and release through the bouncing of your forearms as you let out a groan, muffled by the fabric of my tee shirt.
I whisper close to your ears “You’re doing great, keep on doing that, resist that urge to push.”
I feel your head bobbing into me, nodding as much as you could, not able to give me a verbal response.
Your knees are spread wide and I can only hope at this time that your stance being wide doesn’t foreshadow anything happening between them.
I glance to the side to see Jimmy moving towards us to push past my back. He was fiddling with a few ballast bags on the side of the basket, pulling them in and pushing them to the opposite side of the basket.
He didn’t say anything, but after shoving the bags over the other side, re-securing their fixings and letting them out over the edge he went back to the gas controls.
Suddenly we felt the unmistakable feeling of descent, the slight jump in the pit of our stomachs.
“Are we nearly there?” You asked. The contraction was ebbing away and your voice was croaky, only barely loud enough to hear.
“Sorry” came Jimmy, and once more he sounded genuinely apologetic. “We need to drop down a bit to catch a different wind current to get to the new destination. Still got an hour or so.”
Your head dug back into my shoulder. That wasn’t what you wanted to hear.
“An hour?! Hooooo- I don’t know if the baby is going to wait that long…” I whisper quietly in your ear, not wanting to admit it too loudly as that would make it real.
“Shhhh, it’ll be okay baby.” You quietly reply as you rub my back. “You’re doing great, keep resisting the urge. It’s not time to push yet…. It can’t be” you added so quietly, whispering to yourself. Hoping.
“The baby feels so so low…ughhh… even without a contraction the pressure… so much pressure.”
“I know darling, but you’ve got this. We’ll be back on the ground before we know it. Just hold on a little bit longer.” You look skyward, pleading to the universe. You really didn’t want to have to deliver this baby at 2,000 feet.
As the balloon dropped to its new level, the basket got caught on a rogue strong gust of wind, jolting everything and everyone inside as it swayed abruptly. With our arms wrapped around each other, we nearly toppled over but managed to stay upright as we both instinctually widened our knees for balance.
“Are you okay?” You ask me, our hearts thumping in shock.
I could only nod as another contraction started not long after the basket steadied itself.
“Jeeze, Jimmy what the hell was that?!” You shout towards our pilot.
“Sorry guys, that was a bit of a rough one.” He joked, readjusting his equipment that had dislodged
Meanwhile the contraction raged through me, every muscle seemingly tense and solid. My hips were screaming, forced apart by the large head barrelling towards my cervix. The pressure… it was too much. My knees were too wide. I couldn’t hold off any longer, I had to push…my body deciding to act of its own accord. Bearing down, a long and low grunt suddenly rattles from my throat against your neck.
I’d been paying careful attention to your grunts and moans over the past hour or so as concern grew and grew, but the new noises you were making were different. I looked at your face and saw your scrunched up eyes, the blown out cheeks and I suddenly realised.
“No!” I snapped. You didn’t respond. “Don’t push, baby, you can’t. You need to be checked. You know you can’t push until you’re fully dilated. Please… don’t want you to get injured.”
The end of the push came, you opened your eyes. There were tears there, frustration, pain, panic… who knows but all you could answer in response was “I have to push right now!” Soon you’re at it again.
“Can’t- help- it…mnghhhhhh!” My hands claw at your shoulders, using you to balance as my hips sink lower and my body pushes hard. “Oooohh… I can feel it… baby is moving…down!”
“Shit. Okay, okay.” You try and rationalise and plan, working out what the hell we were going to do now. “Baby, is this it? Is this really happening now?” You ask me.
“Ughhh! I think so… feels very real to me hooo!”
“Then we’ve got to take your panties off. We need to see if you’re fully dilated, if you should even be pushing right now.” Your brows furrow with concern and sympathy with every hitch of breath and groan of pain, knowing this was about to escalate very quickly.
Your hands disappear under my dress and find the dampened fabric of my underwear from my broken waters. You roll them down my thighs but keep them hidden from view beneath my knee-length dress, not wanting to alert Jimmy to what was happening. It was just you and me right now.
“Tell me when this contraction is over, then I can try and see if I can work out how dilated you are.” You say softly, trying to keep me calm and reassured in this far-from-ideal situation.
I nod in understanding, grunting once more in an uncontrollable push before gasping for breath at its end. “Hoooo-hoooo I think it’s passed…” I croak quietly to you.
I look up to check and see Jimmy occupying himself with his duties, not looking at us. Blowing out my own breath to calm myself I lower you down, so you’re on your hands and knees in front of me.
I stand up and move around behind you. Lifting the back of your dress up, I roll it up to expose your ass, your wide opened legs stretching your panties around your knees.
I let out an involuntary gasp. It’s not lost on you.
“What is it” you gasp. I describe the scene in front of me. Whilst your lips hadn’t yet parted, the baby’s head was definitely bulging, sitting just inside of you. I’d no medical training, but could only presume that we were at the stage where each push had the head begin to show and retreat as you stopped the effort. I explained to you that we were well past the point of needing to check your dilation, and right now we need to get you more comfortable to push… first task will be to get those panties off you so you could open up freely.
I looked up and that’s when I saw Jimmy looking straight at us, wide eyed like a deer caught in the headlights.
“I hope you’ve got some blankets or something up here Jimmy, cos this baby is going to be born before we reach the ground.” You warn him sternly, snapping him out of his panicked staring.
Ignoring our pilot, you focus your attention back to me - shifting and squirming on hands and knees, the dress still lifted showing just how close the baby was to this world.
“How are you holding up darling?” You ask quietly to me.
“Mhhhh- like there’s a bowling ball stuck in my vagina-” I snap with a gruff.
“Right let’s get those panties off before the next contraction so you’re free to move.”
My hands and knees were planted so heavily on the floor of the basket, I couldn’t move. The idea of raising either of my knees to free my underwear seemed too Herculean a task. You had to manoeuvre around me, holding me steady and pulled the garment free from my legs.
As soon as I was free my knees automatically spread opening up my hips further to ease the unbearable pressure in my pelvis. I know you wanted to move me for the next contraction, but I could already feel it approaching. Pressure was building and building, the baby pushing against my opening. With my ass still on full display I went down to my elbows, my forehead almost kissing the floor with my hips up pointing to the sky, and I succumbed to my instincts and pushed.
You held me steady as I pushed, watching in fascination as the bulge got bigger. The sounds I was making had turned primal, instinctual, and you could tell I had mentally retreated into myself and on the job I had to do.
“Oh my god… I think I can see the head!” You cried out after a forceful push showed the smallest sliver of the baby’s head appear just behind my lips.
My exclamation caused you to lose your focus, immediately stoping pushing and causing the sliver of the head to slide back in. Biology won out though as you were forced to push again only a few moments later and once more the first glimpse of our baby was clear to see again.
You grunt with relief as the contraction finally passed - with the head slipping back out of view again - but you were buoyed by my enthusiasm.
Jimmy, taking a moment to interrupt with a cough managed “sorry no towels or anything… it’s not intended to be used for ferrying the sick, wounded or I guess labouring mothers to be”
“Help me up” you gasp as you pull on my arms. I move around to grab you under the armpits and heave you up, you dress slipping back down your legs covering your modesty again.
“Here it comes” you grunt as you echo the position you’d been in only a moment ago, your arms under my armpits, one hand holding the other wrist, the other gripping tight to my tee shirt in a balled fist. You planted your legs wide and almost growled with effort as the next contraction ramped up.
My body trembled against you as I pushed, my arms so tight around you grasping at your clothes. Your frame the only thing keeping me upright, the smell of your aftershave the only thing keeping me from panicking. It was an effort to get up but I needed the gravity, something telling me to stand up, to bring the baby down.
“Oh god…” I moaned out heavily against your neck “I can f-feel the head…” my knees squatting slightly during the push, opening up for the baby to peak through.
But when the contraction was over, and the pushing stopped, the head slipped backwards and I whimpered a sob on your shoulder.
The effort of pushing had dampened the back of my neck and hair with sweat, and beads of it glistened on my forehead. Though it was early evening the sun was still bright and warm in the sky, making my temperature soar. Every pore of my skin seemed to tingle, aggravated by the fabric of my dress. My entire being was overheating. I felt like I couldn’t quite catch my breath; the air too hot, my skin too tacky.
I shifted in your arms, uncomfortable, frustrated. I needed to do something but couldn’t find the words. You noticed me pulling at the hem of my dress and knew what my subconscious was trying to do. Still holding me upright, your hands roamed my back and found the zip of my dress, pulling down, helping to free me from the cotton prison.
Your eyes opened as I reached down and grabbed the base of your dress, suddenly realising what I was doing. You stretched your arms out, hands placed lightly on my shoulders as my body raised up, pulling the dress with me as I went.
The first thing I noticed was the bump stopped the dress from coming up. I had to tug it a little to get it unstuck. I pulled it up over your breasts and over your head, then releasing it from one arm to the other until it hung loosely from my fist, draping on the floor.
The sigh of satisfaction as you felt the cool breeze rush over your exposed, overheated skin, instantly cooling you was palpable. You were now naked except for your sports bra you had put on this morning for comfort.
You gripped hard on my shoulders again, the next contraction building as you managed to grunt out “that feels so nice… but don’t you dare lose that dress. I need it to get home.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You whispered back to me with a laugh.
I held on tight to you as the contraction took hold; my body pushing, squeezing, opening for the baby.
“Keep going baby, you’re doing wonderfully.” You offered words of encouragement against the moaning I was making in your ear.
“I don’t feel like I’m making any- mnghhh- progress.” I say releasing the push with a huff.
When the contraction had waned I shifted out of your hold a bit. Holding the underside of my low bump I swayed gently, facing outwards towards the stunning horizon, letting the cool breeze wash over my skin in the break I was given.
“How long til we land now?” I dared to ask our pilot, who’d been giving us a wide birth since I started openly pushing.
“We’re getting closer, I’d say just under 45 minutes.” Jimmy answered simply, completely avoiding looking in my direction.
“Do you reckon - hoooo… we’ve got any hope of making it to land before this baby c-comes?” I ask in vain, taking one hand off my bump to hold the side of the basket, my hips shifting round in wide circles.
Your hesitation gives me all the answers I need. Still you reply “Whatever happens babe, you can do this. And I’ll be right by your side.”
“Well you’re not exactly going to go anywhere.” I joke before a contraction suddenly strikes and I hiss through my teeth.
Standing in the a corner of the basket I grasp the padded railing with both hands, gripping the cushioning so hard my knuckles whiten. The baby presses lower and lower and I rock, and groan and push alongside its efforts. My hips jut backwards towards you, my back flat as I lean into the baskets edge, nearly wailing with the efforts of the push.
“Can- can you see… ohhhh…. Is it coming out now? Mghhhhh!!!” I cry out mid-push.
“I can see it baby, I can see it!” Even against all of my natural instincts to panic I’m getting invested in your progress and can’t help but get excited as things show progress. The bulge between your legs was now significantly bigger than when I had first noticed it, and whenever you were pushing, the head was forming into a genuine teardrop shape, though still not holding its place when you stopped.
“Shit” came the voice from Jimmy. Panicking, expecting to get some bad news, my eyes shoot over to him just to see him staring straight at you, focused clearly on the dark patch between your legs.
“Don’t you dare freak out or feint… there’s 4 of us in this basket relying on you to get us safely on the ground” I admonished. Jimmy in turn shook his head and thanked me, breaking his reverie and focusing back on the laptop.
Focusing back on you, you grunt as you push again. “You’re doing so good baby. I can see the head a lot when you push. Keep focused… if you want, you can reach down when you push and feel it yourself”
I tentatively release one hand's grip on the barrier, the excitement in your voice making me desperate to feel the baby. But I can’t seem to let go, the effort of pushing is too consuming and I’m scared to let go of the support. I give a loud grunt with a big push, feeling my lips starting to burn with the stretch.
But then it’s over, contraction faded, and I bring myself back up to standing. Feeling more confident without a contraction to let go of the support, I place one of my hands between my thighs and I can feel it; just behind my slightly parted lips is our baby.
“Oh my- wow!” I exclaim, making first contact with our child. “I can feel them, that’s our baby.”
“I know, and you’re doing wonderfully darling. We’ll be meeting them soon” You say, grinning ear to ear and stepping towards me.
“It’s got hair!”
“That’s not surprising, considering the amount you’ve got.” You joke and stroke the thick locks of hair that cascade past my shoulders, tucking wayward strands behind my ear.
“Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?” I ask, my fingers still delicately stroking the bit of head that’s peaking out.
“I’ve told you I don’t mind. As long as they are healthy and happy.”
“I know, I know…. I’m kinda hoping for a girl though…” I admit.
I feel the next contraction brewing, but I don’t want to remove my hand from my crotch. Instead I back into the corner of the basket, keeping one hand on my baby and the other flying out towards you for support.
My body sinks into a squat when the contraction hits and everything squeezes downwards. I take a big gulp of air and push… hard, feeling the baby’s head inch forward into my palm.
My hand reaches out to you, your hand on my shoulder and my hand in turn resting just under where your bra strap rests. As you sink down I follow you, ultimately ending on my haunches so I’m eye level with you. Whilst you’re desperate to close your eyes during the push you fight to keep them open and look into my eyes, my smiling demeanour giving you a level of comfort in this trying time. Suddenly I lean forward and place my second hand over yours so we are both cupping your lips. I feel the roundness of your hand as it envelops the bulge there and get in close. “Push!” I urge.
There’s no stopping you, your cheeks are puffed out and your brow is furrowed but you keep your eyes on me. Your mouth is wide and groaning as you make the effort but still we keep that connection.
My hand is pressed outwards as is yours as your lips part and your fingers rub the slick, surprisingly spongy mass slowly making its way out from between your legs.
You suck in your breath as you need a moment to get your strength as I say “again?” and you’re back at it, groaning loud and low, the hand on my shoulder grasping hard.
It was just you and me at that moment, the rest of the world completely shut out. You and me, together bringing our baby into the world.
My chest heaves with every rasped breath, my breasts resting atop the large pregnant swell that hung between my open thighs. My boobs had gotten bigger as I approached the end of this pregnancy and this bra was the only one that didn’t pinch.
Your eyes light up as we both feel the head sliding forwards into our hands. But the pain is astronomical and I’d lose myself entirely to it if you weren’t beside me right now. The baby fills even more of my palm and I can’t help but cry out “…Hurts…. Burning…” in between my laboured breaths.
The contraction starts to ebb away but I don’t want to lose this progress. It’s almost too much to bear if the baby slides back again now. I give a final long grunt, pushing as hard as I could while the contraction was still present, huffing as I release the push and hoping the baby stays put.
I watch in awe as I see you put incredible effort into a push, your face both incredibly contorted and at the same time, focused on it’s one task. Your hand moves away from between your legs, batting mine back at the same time. It twists and grabs my fingers, as my eyes sink down to the area that was previously covered.
Your hand squeezes my fingers as you let out a roaring sound, unlike any I’d heard so far. The hand on my shoulder digs in to the point where I’m certain your nails will leave embedded marks, but still my eyes focus between your legs.
In front of my eyes I see your lips spread around the head moving out, red, firey skin moulding outwards, spreading like a petal on a flower. The teardrop shape of the head, expanding outwards.
You gasp. “Burning… burning… burning, hurts” it’s almost incoherent babbling at this time, but whatever you were doing had some positive effect, as once I see your shoulders sag, right there between your legs was the most perfect oval of darkened, matted, soggy hair that I had ever seen.
“You did it baby!” I yell in triumph. That’s when I realised that you weren’t paying attention. It’s clear that at this point, there’s nothing you can do but focus on the ring of fire between your legs. It’s all consuming at this point, your knees are quivering trying not to lose control, your hands are squeezing and digging nonstop. Your eyes are closed and scrunched hard.
Youre gasping “Pull it out! Help me!” There’s nothing I can do at this point but sympathise as you struggle at this most gruelling stage of the process.
I can’t think, I can’t speak, I can’t move. I’m entirely lost in this moment; blinded by the pain of being stretched far beyond anything I thought possible. But it was more than just the spreading of my sensitive lips - my hips were wrenched apart, the baby shoved against my pelvis, the nauseating feeling of being so… full. I couldn’t take it.
My body started to tremble, you could feel it beneath the hold you had on my ribs and you could see me shaking in front of your eyes.
“I can’t do this!” I wailed, eyes scrunched and tears leaking past my lashes. “It’s too big! Uhhhh- fuck. Help me.”
“Oh baby…” you whispered, your heart breaking at seeing me in so much pain. “I know, but you are so close. You can do this.”
“I c-can’t!” I sobbed.
“Yes, you can. You are the strongest, bravest woman I have ever met. You can do anything, and you can do this. Just a little bit longer, I promise. Then when the next contraction comes, you push with everything you’ve got, okay? The head is almost here…”
I nod. That’s all I can manage. My head lolls forward, both my hands clawing at your shoulders, my entire body trembling, and we wait. We wait through agonising second after agonising second for the next contraction.
Soon it’s upon you. “It’s coming” you manage, before gripping me tightly again and dropping your chin down, closing your eyes and giving it all you’ve got.
I watch the oval shape between your legs quiver and a few seconds later start to move. You gasp, taking a breath and start again, still in mid contraction. More movement.
“Go! Go! Go!” I’m chanting, it seems to help. Finally your lips turn white, all blood drained from around them as they are stretched to their widest point.
You gasp and start panting, something primal in your memories from videos we have watched telling you to pant out the last push, and suddenly there’s a rush. You jump. There’s a gush of more fluid. My eyes go wide, and teary, what I’m seeing seems both the most natural thing in the world and at the same time the most unreal thing ever.
Deep in your squat, dangling between your legs, is the back of a baby’s head.
Your hand lets go of mine and reaches down to hold it. You’re bewildered, somewhat exhausted and sore, but you’ve accomplished a major milestone.
Gasping, my fingers delicately roam the whole circumference of the head that’s now outside of me. “Oh… hi baby.” I say softly to our child.
I look up at you and see the tears in your eyes. “Oh my god… oh my god…” I sob through my smile, not quite able to form any other words through the relief and awe of what’s just happened.
Your hand joins mine, cupping the head together as you lean forward to kiss me. It’s salty with my sweat and tears. “You, are incredible.” You whisper, our foreheads pressed together.
In no time at all, the respite is over and I’m squirming and shifting again in your arms from an approaching contraction. Letting go of our baby’s head my hands brace against my thighs.
“Hooooo- babe, need to move…” I groan, my legs and ankles suddenly protesting against the deep squatting position.
“Do whatever you need to do, where do you want to be?” You ask, trying to second guess what I’d want but also knowing I was acting entirely on natural instinct.
I couldn’t speak, instead my hands used your torso as a ladder - lifting myself up and getting down onto my knees, my feet pointed behind me in a v-shape. I felt instantly more stable, more in, kneeling so close to the floor.
The baby was on its way, its arrival immanent, I could sense it. Some primal instinct in my very DNA unlocked. I needed less physical support while on my knees so my hands released you, instead reaching behind to unclasp my bra. In my haste to remove my final layer of clothing, I forgot where we were for a moment and it was only on seeing your raised eyebrows I realise I’d whipped my bra off and casually thrown it overboard.
I couldn’t help it. I knew instinctively that I should be looking at you, but something made me follow the trajectory of your discarded underwear as I watched it soar over the side. My eyes followed it over the edge and as I lifted myself up off my haunches back to standing, I noticed the ground was very much closer than what I had expected.
“Jimmy… what’s happening?” I bellow out to our pilot. My brain went ‘he’s fainted, we’re going to crash’ and my natural instinct was to panic, but my eyes were drawn back to you, kneeling on the ground, hands back between your legs supporting the head of our baby. I couldn’t turn and look for him. Thankfully he returned the question with his own shouted answer.
“We’re nearly there. School field is just over there.” Relieved at his response, I briefly turned my head to look at him, to look at where his hand was pointing. I followed the direction and I saw blue lights in the distance. I saw a wide open area, which was the football and athletic fields of a school. I didn’t recognise it, but I knew we were nearly down. Your bra had landed in some unfortunate persons back garden. Might be some explaining to do for the occupants later.
I heard you grunt as my attention was drawn back to you. You looked radiant, like some sort of primal goddess, nude and backlit by the sun. I saw the baby had turned and you had started to push. Your grunts were audible as you pushed your hips forward, opening up the passage for the baby, your hands gently cupping its head.
Another grunt, and the first shoulder was free. A second grunt and the second shoulder. I dashed forward and skidded to the ground, stopping just in front of you with my hands skimming the ground between your legs, and more importantly directly under the baby which was out to its torso.
And with a triumphant yell from you, it flopped down into my hands, slick, covered in vernix, remnants of blood, and flooding my hands with yet more amniotic fluid.
“You did it baby…” I’m almost shocked thinking it’s all over.
Pure relief flooded through my entire body as the baby slipped into both of our awaiting hands. My mouth was dry, my brain in shock, and I’m only able to mumble “baby… baby…” over and over as I pick up the slippery newborn and immediately bring them to my bare chest. The need to see, to hold, to nurture was completely overpowering.
When the baby made its first gurgling cry against me I thought my heart may explode. I sagged back into the floor, exhaustion taking hold, and stared at the baby in my arms. Their little scrunched up face as they cried, their tiny hands with ten little fingers, their small feet with ten tiny toes. I had to see every inch of our baby, to check they were okay, and when I readjusted them against the curves of my body I announced “It’s a girl!”
You knelt next to me in the corner of the basket, looking over my shoulder totally transfixed and enamoured with our newborn. “You did it baby, I’m so proud of you!” You cupped my head and kissed the side of my face, my cheek, my shoulder, and eventually my lips. You couldn’t stop the emotional wave washing over you at the sight of your wife and newborn daughter beside you, wrapped in your arms.
I couldn’t quite believe it was over - the baby was here. Born in the basket of a hot air balloon. I stared down at our daughter and giggled to myself.
“What is it?” You asked, not able to wipe the beaming smile off your face.
“I can’t believe she’s here. That that just happened. That I just gave birth in a bloody hot air balloon!” The stress from the situation and relief that we were all alright had turned to exhausted hysteria, I simply couldn’t help the laughter.
“I guess she just wanted to make a grand entrance into this world.” You cooed, looking down at the infant already nuzzled against my breast.
“I think she might be a little troublemaker.”
“Just like her mother then.” You teased, kissing me again.
“Hang on tight” comes a call from Jimmy giving us a few seconds of warning where I grabbed hold of you as the balloon finally touched the ground with a thump. I threw your dress over you to cover your modesty as I got up to walk over and thank Jimmy for how well he had done in outrageous circumstances.
As I saw 2 paramedics dash towards the balloon as the gas valves were cut and the balloon itself started sinking to the ground behind us, I heard you give another groan.
“Baby?” I turn and look at you.
“I don’t know… another contraction.” You replied.
I dashed over. “No, can’t be. We had scans… there was only one baby in there.”
As the first paramedic threw their bag over the side of the basket at vaulted over the top I looked at them pleading.
“I don’t know what’s happening. The baby is born but she’s still having contractions. Is something wrong?”
“Let’s take a look see and figure this out, I’m sure it’s fine” came the professional sounding reply as his partner came on board.
They knelt down and looked you over, checking over the baby and declaring that everything was ok. They took a moment to clamp the baby’s cord, and rubbed your belly a little.
“Ok my dear… this looks good. Give me a good strong push” they instructed.
I gasped “is there another in there? We didn’t know.” The stress of the day was getting to me.
“No sir. Your wife is just ready to pass the afterbirth.” As he said it, he collected the placenta from between your legs and checked it over for completeness. “Well done, looks like this is about as close to a textbook delivery as can be… you know except for flying through the air whilst doing it.”
To say I breathed a sigh of relief would be an understatement.
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abbeolivia · 1 month
Tony's Surprise
Another story written with the help of @shhhsecretsideblog
Lets hope you enjoy it :)
Captain Tony Joplins, member of the Royal Marines - and first-time father-to-be was actually giddy with excitement. He stared at the calendar on his desk in the barracks - it had 3 dates ringed. First was the due date of the baby - over a week ago now. The next was the expected completion date of his tour of duty - 2 weeks after the due date of his baby. And today, another date that had been circled. Today was a special day. Today was the day he was going home.
The peacekeeping mission had been a success, his team was handling the handover of power to the local militia, and they were working on demobilisation now. He was granted special permission to return home to see his wife.
If it was through sheer dumb luck, willpower or the obstinate attitude of the mother and baby he didn’t know, but a week past her due date, she still hadn’t delivered.
She always said she would wait until he got back… but never in his wildest dreams did Tony think he would make it back in time for the birth.
He held the phone to his head talking casually to his wife.
“Uh huh. Really… you don’t say. So, how’s the bump? No sign of anything happening ? I honestly can’t believe it too baby. I mean you must be grumpy and aching.”
The call went on for 10 minutes more with the couple catching up on the days news. Sarah, Tony’s wife had no idea he was planning an early trip home, and he wanted to keep the surprise as long as he could.
“Ok baby I’ve got to go. Speak to you tomorrow, get some rest it must be getting late there. Put the phone on your belly so I can say goodnight to our little munchkin. Goodnight dumpling”. He signed off with a kiss down the phone and wished his wife goodnight.
The second he hung up the phone, he picked up his travel bag, turned out the light to the barracks office and signalled the crew driver to take him to the airport. He was on his way home.
Sarah hung up the phone and put it back on charge beside the bed. Getting to speak to Tony was always the highlight of the day; she missed him dearly. But she understood his career, why he’d enlisted with the Royal Marines, how much it meant to him to do what he does. It was one of the reasons she fell in love with him - his selflessness.
Being an independent person, it never bothered Sarah to have a husband frequently away on duty. She was happy running the house, going to work, getting to watch whatever she wanted of an evening. And whenever Tony was home, they would more than make up for the time apart by spending days holed up in bed together. Which is how she’d gotten to be the size of a house right now.
Her hand rubbed over the large swell of her pregnant belly that was sitting heavily atop her thighs. A week overdue and she felt… huge. Her ankles were swollen, her breasts were spilling out of all her maternity bras, and her stomach was stretched so far she often found herself cupping her hands underneath to physically hold it up.
But Sarah wouldn’t have it any other way. Tony was going to be home in a week and she was certain both her and the baby could wait that long. The midwife had mentioned an induction to her earlier that day during her routine checkup, given she was a week overdue with still no sign of baby, but Sarah was quick to shut that suggestion down. The baby would come when they were good and ready, and Sarah was sure they were holding out for dad’s return.
Taking a few deep breaths to prepare herself Sarah hauled her body up off the bed, where she’d been resting during her call with Tony, and started getting ready for bed. It was late and her body was exhausted. The one good thing about being this heavily pregnant while your husband was on tour was that she had the whole bed to herself. Well, plus the giant pregnancy pillow.
Tony approached the military airfield and hopped on the waiting aeroplane. He turned off his phone with a sigh of contentment. He had to get to the more publicly accessible airport first which involved a quick hop over to the civilian airfields, quick change into his civvies and then a 4 hour flight back home. In around 5 hours he could surprise his wife who would hopefully be sleeping soundly in bed at the time - if she wasn’t up for the dozenth time in the night to pee he recited in his head, the same mantra given to him by Sarah for weeks now.
The military aircraft hop was uneventful, check in at the civilian airport went as expected and as the pilot announced the plane was ready to take off, all was good in the world.
Back at home though, Sarah had struggled to sleep. She couldn’t get comfortable. The Braxton hicks contractions were worse than ever, though she was timing them, expecting things to get progressively worse, they were very erratic.
Rubbing her distended stomach, she asked her little passenger to calm down, to let mummy sleep, but for whatever reason, solely known to her subconscious and her baby, it would never settle.
“Did you want anything to drink sir?” The air steward asked Tony.
“Yes please.” Replied Tony as he put down his book and looked over the options available on the trolly.
“What would you like?”
He was technically on leave now, he told himself looking at all the alcoholic options atop the trolley. It had been a long day, getting everything finished before his departure and the multiple flights, he could really use a drink. But his thoughts drifted to Sarah, he wanted to get home as soon as possible and didn’t want to turn up with beer on his breath.
“I’ll just have a splash of water thanks.”
The bed was wet. Sarah woke up groaning into her pillow and feeling damp sheets beneath her thighs.
“Oh… oh no baby. You were doing so well, waiting for your dad to come home.” Sarah grumbled as the twisting cramp pulling her further away from sleep.
Curling around her belly, she breathed through the wave that seemed more intense than before she’d gone to sleep. The baby wiggled and kicked inside, clearly they were also disgruntled and disturbed by the change of events.
When the contraction passed Sarah pushed herself up, swinging her legs off the bed and rubbing her heavy stomach. “Hooo- so you’ve decided to come out now then have you?” She asked her unborn babe, talking to the baby was something she frequently did. “Well if I’m not going to be able to sleep, might as well get up and change the bedding. Put the washing on, can’t have these sheets staying like this.”
Sarah bundled up the sheets into a pile on the bed as she stopped, one hand on the bare mattress, one on her belly, a rogue contraction catching her off guard. She groaned through the pain, surprised at the urges her body was going through.
“I wonder if Joss is awake…” she mumbled to herself, something to take her mind off her predicament.
Joss, or Jocelyn to use her full name was Sarah’s midwife, and whilst she knew she was on risk of call at any time considering the late stage of her pregnancy, getting a call at 1am is never fun… especially if she could be potentially in labour for several hours.
As the contraction ebbed away, she grabbed the sheets and walked with the bundle rested on top of her bump as she waddled downstairs into the kitchen, dumped the sheets on the floor, pulled open the washer door and after putting in the load, set the machine away.
She thought of her options. She could contact Joss, but preferred not to this early, and considered trying to contact Tony, but she had no way to contact his military sat phone, only his personal mobile which he may not have access to on patrol - then considered that perhaps she didn’t want to worry him with no way for him to get back home.
The thoughts were racing through her head when the next contraction snuck up on her. She felt suddenly doubtful and unprepared, though she knew she had researched this countless times and knew exactly what to expect. It just suddenly got real though.
With hands braced against the kitchen countertop, Sarah took deep, slow breaths. In and out, in and out. Allowing the long exhales to both aid with the contraction but also to steady and calm her mind.
No amount of research could truly prepare her for the experience of birth. The contractions were sharper and more intense than she’d expected early labour to be, and knowing this was just the start made her teeter toward the panicked uncertainty. Regulating her breathing helped, as did having the task of putting on the wash.
Deciding to wait to call Joss, until things were a bit more established and when she’d actually need the support, Sarah slowly pottered around the kitchen finding tasks to do to distract her. She wiped down all the work surfaces, reorganised all the kitchen cupboards, threw away out of date cans and cleaned behind infrequently used glassware. Unloading the dishwasher proved difficult, unable to bend down with the size of her pregnant belly and forcing her to squat down to get the items in the bottom drawer. It was of course during this task when another contraction struck. With her heavy bump hanging low between her thighs, Sarah grasped up and held fast to the edge of the counter as the contraction tore through her body, squeezing and twisting the muscles, working the baby down towards its exit. A long moan escaped her as it peaked and when it was over she hauled herself back to standing, breathing heavily.
“That was tough” she spoke out loud, vocalising her thoughts to no one in particular. She boiled her kettle and pulled a puppy pad from her birth supplies walking into her living room and placing it on her sofa to give her somewhere to sit.
Feeling another contraction come along as she walked back into her kitchen she paused - hands resting on her counter top again - as the waves took her breath away. She found herself closing her eyes and humming to herself as the wave crested and finally subsided, all the while her thoughts were drifting to suggestions such as ‘this hurts a lot more than I expected’ and ‘it’s happening fast.’
She plodded back into the living room and placed her hot tea on the desk next to the sofa, and in turn, slowly lowered herself down onto the pad she had placed earlier - the squelch and feeling of wetness on her thighs and ass an immediate reminder that she hadn’t changed out of her wet clothes from her water having broken.
She groaned to herself, as much out of frustration as anything else with having to get out of the seat again so early, but the dampness didn’t feel comfortable at all. A waddling trudge to the bedroom later and she had managed to change her pyjamas to a fresh pair and felt much more comfortable.
As she pulled up the damp pad to replace it with another, her body decided it was time for the next contraction and she grabbed hard into the back of her sofa, fingers digging into the leather like upholstery.
The pain left her panting and groaning, once more this contraction had been noticeably worse than the previous one, and she shook her head with it passing, deciding it was time to seek Joss’s support.
The midwife answered after only a few rings. Sarah habitually apologised for the calling at such a late hour, but to Joss it was all part of the job. After informing Joss of her broken waters and the frequency of the contractions, Sarah was relieved to hear the midwife was on her way over.
Over the next while, the intensity of the contractions really started to chip away at Sarah’s resolve. Her confidence in her strength was fading with every wave and Sarah felt herself wanting, and needing, support. Having Joss on her way helped, but it also made it very, very real. And she missed Tony. Her loving husband and father to this child should be here… she really didn’t want to do this without him. She looked up at the ceiling to try and stop the tears from gathering enough to roll down her cheeks.  
Without even realising, Sarah unlocked her phone and called Tony’s mobile. It went to voicemail but she wasn’t surprised. Hearing his automated voicemail message brought a lump to her throat but she quickly swallowed it away before the sound of the beep.
“Hey honey, it’s me. Um….You’re probably out on patrol with no access to your phone. I know you’re busy saving the world, but um…. I guess I just wanted to hear your voice. Hoooo…” her breath hitched as the start of a contraction rolled towards her. “I…errrr also wanted to let you know that -hooooo- it’s baby time. Mmnnn, hang on-” she moved the phone away from her head slightly, humming her way through the latest peak. “Sorry, contraction. I’m okay, don’t worry. I’ve called Joss, she’s on her way over now. I just miss you, babe. I’ll try and keep you updated, though I don’t know when you’ll get these messages. Maybe next time we speak, we’ll be parents.” The smile on Sarah’s face could be heard through the tone of her voice. “I love you.”
Sarah hung up the phone and a minute later she heard the sound of Joss knocking at her front door.
Sarah grunted as she made her waddling way to the front door, one hand jammed heavily into her back, the pressure helped alleviate… something… with the whole process but she was just pleased with the temporary respite.
As the latch clicked on the door and the 2 ladies suddenly looked face to face with each other, it was Joss who spoke first.
“Baby kicking your ass real good?” She asked. Sarah could only nod. “Good, well I’ve got something that’s going to take the edge off.”
It was then Sarah noticed that Joss was carrying a bag slung over her shoulder and saw the gas bottle stored inside.
“Oh my hero… come on in” offered Sarah as she stepped back from the door and allowed Joss to come in behind her, closing the door as she entered.
“So little bubba finally making an appearance?” Asked Joss.
“Sure looks…” as Sarah suddenly grunted “and feels like it” she offered by way of reply.
Joss swung the bag onto the floor with a clunk and dug into it to pull out a regulator and mouthpiece. “Don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours dearie… Joss is going to make it all better.”
Sarah took a liking to Joss in the early days of her pregnancy. She liked her amiable nature and her no fuss attitude. As Joss screwed on the regulator to the bottle she asked a few background info checks and finally handed the mouthpiece to Sarah.
“Just in time” she groaned as she put the tube into her mouth and sucked hard. She clenched the tube between her teeth and spoke around it “another one starting.”
Joss nodded and let her take her time before continuing with the admin.
At 30,000 feet, Tony lay back in his chair, headphones on and watched a movie. He couldn’t concentrate on it though, all his focus was on getting back to his wife. He looked at his watch. About 3 hours of flight time to go before he lands. He felt like a kid at Christmas.
The stewardess walked past and offered him a snack. He took the sandwich and smiled. By way of conversation the stewardess asked what he was travelling for when he revealed he was heading home for the birth of his first child. The stewardess congratulated him and popped back to the hold, bringing out a plush teddy bear with her. “Hope this brings back good memories of this flight when you get to see the baby.”
“I wasn’t expecting things to h-hurt so much so soon…” Sarah panted out and quickly returned the tube of gas to her mouth.
Kneeling on the floor in her living room, elbows resting on the sofa and puppy pad under her knees, Sarah worked through the latest contraction while Joss sat behind her kneading her lower back.
“Childbirth is no joke sweetie, they don’t call it ‘labour’ for nothing.” Joss chuckled to herself mainly, Sarah too busy inhaling the gas to pay much attention. “We’ll get you through this one and then I’ll check to see how far you’ve progressed. You’re doing brilliant dearie.”
Sarah grumbled and groaned through the latest wave, rocking her hips round in circles. When it was over she pulled the mouthpiece away and sat back on her heels, making sure the gas stayed within arms reach at all times.
“That was a rough one eh?” Joss asked, checking her watch and noting the time in her notebook.
“Hooo- yeah. They’re really ramping up now. It’s getting harder to talk through them.”
“Well that’s a good sign, means you’re progressing nicely. Now, shall we see how far you’ve progressed?” Joss asked, grabbing her gloves.
Sarah nodded and got back up to her knees, resting over the sofa cushions. Joss’s expert hands were soon uncomfortably inside her and she grunted.
“Sorry lovely, I’ll be quick.” Joss quipped. “Looking good. Just over 6cm dilated. You’ll be hitting transition soon, that’s where the fun really starts.”
“Can’t wait.” Sarah joked back.
“Are you happy labouring here for the time being? Some mums like to have a bath or shower at this time?” Joss asked.
“Shower would be nice. Might help alleviate some of this back pain.” Sarah said with a groan, stretching awkwardly side to side trying to ease the tense muscles raging across her lower spine.
“Lead the way” offered Joss, giving Sarah a hand to her feet.
“You coming with me?” Asked Sarah, huffing out her breath as she managed to get to her feet.
“Where else do you think I should be… my patient will be in the shower, I’ll be there in case my patient needs me.” Came the matter of fact reply.
“But… but I’ll be naked!” Came Sarah’s exasperated reply.
“In case you aren’t aware, I’ve just seen between your legs only a few minutes ago… and I’ll dare say as things get hot and heavy, you’ll be more than willing to strip for me again, Mrwar” she made a cat like noise whilst wiggling her eyebrows, which in turn sent Sarah into fits of giggles.
“You know what I never thought of it like that… I mean I know I’d need my knickers off but I thought I’d push in my dressing gown.” Answered Sarah.
“If that’s what you want to do, I’ll not stop you” Joss said “but if you want some advice… you’ll get damned hot putting in all the effort. Wear something light, an old tee shirt you don’t mind getting messy… or many mothers prefer nothing at all.”
Sarah had walked over to the base of her stairs during the conversation, has stopped with her foot on the first step, her hand on the banister as the conversation played out. By the end, the contraction had started again.
Joss took her position behind Sarah as she groaned through the pain, Joss’s hand snaking under her pyjamas and finding bare skin to press and knead.
“Do you want the gas and air?” Joss asked.
“No… no… let me see how I manage this, the massage is helping. When I get in the shower, can you put the water jets on my back if I need it?” Asked Sarah.
“Of course babe! Though maybe let’s put some towels down in case of splash back!” Joss sniggered. That in turn set Sarah off and she actually laughed through a contraction, though admittedly at its peak, the laugh warped into a moan.
Finally, after a few moments of respite, the two continued their trek up to the bathroom for Sarah to jump into the shower. She leaned in, set the water to warm, and felt so at ease with Joss she dropped her clothes into a pile at her feet, hands laying on her belly as she gave the shower a few moment to warm ready to step into it. Joss in turn bundled the clothes up and placed them on top of the closed toilet lid.
Stepping into the warm shower was bliss. Sarah hadn’t realised just how tight and tense her back had gotten as she’d worked through each of the contractions. But now, standing under the waterfall, the pressure hitting her spine, she exhaled a moan of relief.
“Told you a shower was a good idea.” Joss sniggered, perching on the edge of the toilet seat and looking around at Sarah and Tony’s bathroom. She always enjoyed this part of her job, getting to see inside her patients homes gave her a great sense of who they were as people.
In this bathroom you could see mainly Sarah’s toiletries littered about the place, very little evidence of Tony, which was expected given he was currently away on tour. But there was still two hand towels on the railing by the sink, two spaces for toothbrushes, and an empty spot beside the sink which was obviously the home of Tony’s wash bag whenever he was back.
Sarah started to grumble when she felt the next contraction began twisting.
“Are you okay in there?” Joss called out over the sounds of the shower.
“Mmmmmm yeah…. Hooo- I’m fine. It’s much better in here with the warmth of the water. But… oooooh could you put the jets on my back now? It’s really starting to pinch…” Sarah planted her palms against the opposite side of the shower to the water, swaying her hips side to side through the wave.
Joss jumped up and changed the setting on the shower so the water came out the jets in the wall instead of the shower head above.
“Better?” Asked Joss
Sarah nodded, silently working through the wave and just letting the powerful jets push the hot water into her aching back.
They stayed in comfortable silence, Sarah shifting and swaying under the glorious streams of warm water, letting the temperature ease the contracting muscles throughout her body.
After a few more contractions Joss offered the suggestion of moving, but Sarah was having none of it. “Mmmm no… happy here…” she breathed, her body swaying beneath the jets her fingers lightly touching the tiles for that bit of stability.
“That’s fine with me, you can stay wherever you’re happiest.”
Then out of no where Sarah’s moaning turned more frantic. “Oooooo no… Joss! I can’t…. Arghhhhh…” Sarah’s hands reached forward, gripping the air, trying to find something to hold and squeeze but there was nothing but tiles. A shooting electricity of pressure and pain shot up the entire length of her back. Knees trembling, hips dipping, Sarah had disappeared outside her body losing all control.
Joss jumped up the second her groaning changed. The sudden change in demeanour signalled the obvious move into transition. Sarah was struggling, with nothing to hold on to her legs were seconds away from buckling. Joss did the only thing she could - she jumped fully clothed into the shower, grabbing Sarah tightly under each armpit and stopped her knees from crashing into the tiled floor.
“It’s okay Sarah, just breathe. I’ve got you.” Joss reassured, the water now splashing her own back as she held Sarah up under the arms.
“I can’t do this!” Sarah cried
“You’re doing brilliant dearie, amazing. Let’s get you down on your knees, get you grounded through this bit.” Joss lowered Sarah gently and the mother-to-be shifted, knees on the floor and her arms out in front.
When Joss was confident Sarah had gotten herself in the position she wanted, she sat down in front of the labouring mother, offering her shoulders to lean on or hands to squeeze.
“ I don’t want to do this anymore. I need a hospital… drugs…” Sarah groaned, grasping Joss’s shoulders and pulling the fabric of her tee shirt into her tight fist.
“You are doing fine my lovely. Just perfect. You are exactly where you need to be, your body is doing exactly what it needs to do.” Joss could feel the water soaking her back and bottom half as she sat on the shower floor. They were no where near the controls to turn the shower off, so until Sarah got through transition, they were stuck there.
“The captain has put on the fasten your seatbelts sign, so please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts, we are approaching some turbulence”. It was a message heard all too often in a flight environment, and for Tony he thought nothing of it, clipping his belt shut as the cabin crew went seat to seat to check on things. What he didn’t realise was at the same time his wife was working through turbulence of her own. As the plane rattled and shook through the air, Tony glanced at his watch. An hour and a half. They’ll be beginning the descent in a little bit. Nearly home.
Sarah howled, unable to focus on anything else but the arcing pains going through her. There was no more gradual ramp up, groaning, swaying… this was almost torture. She was aware of Joss grabbing her tight but aside from that she was entirely self absorbed. She lost track of time, it may have been moments, it may have been hours. Either way the pain didn’t relent. Each contraction was practically on top of each other…
“I can’t do it make it stop” Sarah gasped out, “it hurts too much I want it to stop.”
“Just relax and breathe through it. You’re in transition.” Joss knew that Sarah may only be part taking her advice in, but she felt her grip slightly relax as her breathing slowed and started back to normality rather than tensing up and fighting it.
“Good, good, that’s it, relax… big deep healing breaths.”
Of course it was easier said than done when the relentless press of her body was in control.
Slowly, too slowly in Sarah’s view, the intensity of transition began to fade. She was loathed to move, scared of provoking another contraction, so remained steady and still, taking long and slow deep breaths.
“You’re doing wonderfully my lovely.” Joss encouraged, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze.
When she was sure she was through the other side, Sarah’s hands fell limp at her sides and she slumped back on her heels. “Woah… that’s was pretty rough…”
Joss shuffled over to the other wall and finally turned off the shower, leaving the two of them dripping wet on the shower floor. “Yeah transition is pretty intense. But you handled it like a boss.” Joss said as she pulled her hair over her shoulder and squeezed out the water.
“Oh Joss, I’m so sorry, you’re absolutely soaking!” Sarah said feeling guilty, realising now that her full clothed midwife had jumped into the shower with her.
“Oh don’t you worry about me love, I’ve been covered in worse things than water.” Joss joked.
“Did you bring a change of clothes with you?” Sarah asked as she heaved herself back to standing.
“Sadly I didn’t. But I’ll be fine.” Joss pulled a towel from the rail and passed it to Sarah to cover up and dry off.
“You can’t stay in your wet clothes, you’ll get sick. Look, take my dressing gown. You were right, I’m way too hot to be wearing it, so you take it.” Sarah suggested. “I’ll just put on a nighty or stay in the towel for the time being.”
“I can’t wear your clothes Sarah-”
“Why not? It’s just a dressing gown. Get out those wet clothes and then come to the bedroom.” Sarah insisted, heading for the bathroom door.
“If you’re sure…?”
“Yes, now get changed before I have another contraction and change my mind.” Sarah joked.
Joss shrugged. Sarah was right of course, but she admitted this wasn’t quite how she expected things to go.
Following behind Sarah to the bedroom she undid the fastenings to her blouse top, leaving it gaping open as Sarah dug into her wardrobe and pulled out the fluffy robe.
“You sure you don’t mind?” Asked Joss.
“No…. Go right… ahead” the next contraction had started and Sarah was spread eagle in front of her open closet, towel forgotten and dropped to the floor, her feet braced and her hands gripping the doorframe.
Making “hoo hoo” noises as she breathed through the contraction Joss stepped towards her to help only to be waved away. Sarah had started to dance a slow hip wiggle using the door for support moving up and down side to side.
Joss took the opportunity to strip down to her underwear, unbuttoning her trousers and kicking them off whilst keeping one eye on Sarah who, in turn was focused on her body, quietly moaning through a contraction.
Whilst her underwear was also damp as a result of the soaking, she felt that would be way too inappropriate considering the situation.
After pulling the robe over her shoulders, she tied it in the middle as Sarah was coming out the other end of her contraction.
“Phew, that was feeling like I needed to push” came the announcement from the mother to be.
“Yeah you’re reaching the big stretch… I’d have said home stretch, but it’s a bigger deal than that.” Both women at least managed to smile at that quip.
“Where do you want to push?” Asked Joss.
“I want to be on the bed but I never got the covers back on after my waters breaking soaked them earlier.”
“Don’t worry about that let me sort it. Where do you keep the bedclothes.”
“Cupboard in the next room… there’s a tarp there as well to keep the bed dry…”
“Ok let me go look… you wait there, and yell if you feel any more urgent need to push! Can I dry these?”
Sarah nodded as she braced herself again. The next contraction building. “Machines downstairs” as she groaned through. “Can you put the bedclothes in from the washer?”
Joss promised to be right back as she dashed around. First downstairs to load the dryer with the clothes and bedding, then back upstairs, her movements accompanied by loud moans from Sarah.
She popped her head in the bedroom on the way back to find Sarah had moved to a kneeling position as if she was praying by the side of her bed, elbows on the mattress and her head in her hands.
She grabbed the waterproof cover and bedsheet as she walked back in, placing a hand on Sarah's shoulder as a sign she was back.
Sarah looked back at Joss as her hand moved down to cradle her belly, rubbing side to side.
“I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this” she groaned.  
“Don’t worry, baby’s on its way.   Let me get this sheet on and you can hopefully get more comfortable.” Joss replied as she rubbed Sarahs shoulder in a comforting manner.
Joss didn’t like fighting with bedsheets, it was probably one of her least favourite things to do with housework, but ironically when she did house calls, it was something she ended up doing practically every time to swap out stained sheets with fresh ones after the mother got cleaned up. 
She went around the side of the bed opposite to where Sarah was labouring as she looked at her gripping the mattress hard, moving one knee up so one sole was flat on the floor, the other kneeling on the floor, subconsciously opening her pelvis wider.   Joss knew she didn’t have much time.
Stuffing the tarp on the bed first, she hastily squashed the sides under the mattress and let the waterproof sheet flop over Sarahs hands as she breathed through the contraction she was currently dealing with.   It took a long time, so much so that Sarah’s contraction had finished, and she was shuffling off to the side of the room to give Joss some room to work when the next one started.   Sarah was positioned still on her knees with her head to the ground resting on her hands, ass in the air as if she was praying to some sort of deity.   Her groans had become louder, higher pitched and more pronounced as each had happened in the bedroom.
Joss threw on the top sheet after securing the waterproof one, and once more the time taken to fix it into place resulted in Sarah reaching the end of her contraction and asking Joss to check her.  She could feel something moving, coming down… descending.
“We’re beginning our descent.   Please fasten your seatbelts, return your seats to their upright position, open your window blinds, and put your tray table away.  The cabin crew will make a final inspection through the cabin, but we should be on land in 20 minutes.   There will be an approximate 10 minute taxi to the terminal.  If this is your ultimate destination, welcome home, and if you are transferring through this airport, please check the boards upon your arrival for your onward flight. I would like to thank you all for flying with us today.”
The tannoy speaker caused the cabin to rumble into motion.   People were shuffling around putting things in bags in the overhead bins, resetting their seats, and all other activities associated with coming in to land.   All Tony could think of was “nearly home.”
Sarah had managed to get up onto the bed aided by Joss who in turn had two fingers buried deep between her legs and was checking her progress.   She nodded and confirmed that Sarah was 9cm dilated, so would likely feel incredible urges to push, but she should still try and breathe through them rather than actively push, let her body stretch to let the final bit of lip move out of the way.
Sarah could only nod as Joss withdrew her fingers and pulled off the glove she wore.
“Help me to my hands and knees?” Sarah managed as Joss helped her first lift up off the bed, turn 180 degrees and climb back up.   The contraction that soon followed had Sarah grab hold tight to her pillow, burying her head in the material as she yelled out, loud and screaming.   The noise was very much muffled though.
“Good girl, good job, not much more time left.   Soon be pushing!” came the voice of Joss from behind her, rubbing her back.
“Go fetch my phone please.” Sarah gasped as the contraction faded.  “I want to see if Tony has replied to my earlier message.”   She realised it had been several hours now.  Perhaps whatever he was doing had finished, and perhaps he had rung her a dozen times trying to find out any updates.
Joss headed back downstairs to grab the phone from the armrest of the sofa and brought it back up.  She saw there were no missed call notifications on the screen when she picked it up, but didn’t want to announce that to Sarah, would let her discover that for herself.
As Sarah got the screen and found the same, she opened the phone, set it on speaker mode and dialled Tony’s number again, once more a voicemail prompt greeted her from the other side of the call.
She only called to update him. She knew she would be giving birth to their baby without him, she’d prepared for it, planned for it. Tony was devastated that he’d likely not be there for the birth of their child and so despite their geographical distance Sarah was keen to try and keep Tony in the loop as much as she could throughout this process, even if he couldn’t be here. But the second the voicemail prompt played the recording of her husband’s voice, Sarah’s resolve immediately shattered. She was in too much pain, too exhausted, too uncomfortable, too hot, too thirsty…. Everything was wrong and suddenly she couldn’t imagine doing this without him.
“Tony…” she whimpered towards the phone on her pillow, her body shifting on hands and knees atop the bed. “…hoooo…. The baby’s nearly h-here…” she sobbed. “Joss is with me, don’t worry…”
“Hi Tony” Joss chimed in from the background. “Sarah is doing amazing, everything is going perfectly. You’ll be a dad soon.”
“-hooo….Joss says I’m at 9cm… I can feel the baby, our baby… they’re almost here. Ooohhh honey I wish you w-were here… I don’t want to have to do this without you. I can’t do it without… ohhhh… Hooohooo… oh Joss!!… I-need-to-push-I-need-to-push!!” Sarah cried out with a deep groan and shifted on the bed, and in the movement her hand brushed against her phone abruptly hanging up the call.
“It’s okay lovely, don’t panic.” Joss instructed calmly. “You’re doing wonderfully. If you can, try and pant through it. But only if you can, if your body gives a slight push don’t worry, it knows what it’s doing. And once this contraction is finished I’ll have a quick check to see if we’ve made it to ten. Okay?” Joss perched on the bed beside Sarah, her hand rubbing up and down the labouring woman’s flat back as she rocked and panted and whimpered through this latest contraction. Sarah could only nod her head in response to confirm she’d heard and understood.
In a cruel twist of irony, As Sarah was making that call, Tony was queued in passport control still not bothering to turn on his phone. It was after 3am local time and the airport was practically empty. The first batch of passengers for the next batch of red eye flights were milling around but aside from the relatively short queue at passport control from this flight there were almost no staff on site. He gritted his teeth at the two processing staff on the desks as he knew they wouldn’t have opened every desk for this time of the day… he just wanted to be home.
As he finally stepped through the other side with a stamped passport in hand, he turned on the phone as he walked towards baggage reclaim. Some 30 seconds later he was surprised by a chime on his phone and notification of both 2 missed calls and 2 voicemails. He looked down and he seen they were from Sarah.
His heartbeat picked up a pace as he dialled into his messenger. What he heard relayed through the phone speakers felt like his blood had turned to ice.
He might be too late. He checked the time of the last call, it was only a few minutes ago. He frantically dialled Sarah’s number.
Sarah in turn was wailing. It was getting too much. She wanted the baby out, she wanted to push, she wanted Tony to be there. The alien sound of the music playing from the phone on the pillow shocked both her and Joss into momentary silence.
Sarah managed a moment of focus and gasped “Tony” as she realised the name on the screen and forgetting she was currently mid contraction her hand frantically reached for the phone. Half a second to answer the call, another fraction of a second to switch to speaker and finally… “Tony is that you?” She gasped, the pain and shakiness in her voice more than evident.
“Yes baby it’s me. Have I missed it? Do we have our baby.” He sounded frantic himself.
“No Tony, where are you? Can you stay on the call, I need you, I need to push!” She groaned through the contraction.
“Baby…. I’m… Baby… Surprise I’m back home.” Tony managed to blurt out. “I’m at the airport. I’ve gotten special leave. I was going to shock you at home but it seems you got me instead. I’m jumping in a taxi now and I��ll be home soon. Please if you can, hold on.”
Tony could hear the grunting and moaning of his wife through the earpiece of the phone. It took a few moments for her to compose herself until Sarah managed a reply,
“Hurry. I’ll try not to push but it’s harder and harder with each minute. I can feel the head. It’s bulging between my legs.”
Joss was witness to that statement. She had watched Sarah huff and puff her way through several contractions trying not to push but her own body couldn’t be stopped. She knew the head was moving past her pubic bone and she would soon be pushing, no attempt to prevent pushing would likely work now. She leaned over to whisper into Sarah’s ear,
“Just pant when you feel the urge. We can try and hold off as long as we can.” Speaking a little louder for Tony’s benefit “she’s doing great, but you better find a taxi driver willing to put his foot down!”
Forgetting any thoughts of collecting his luggage, Tony rushed through baggage claim and headed straight for the doors beneath the sign “Nothing to declare” and he burst frantically into arrivals. All the while the sounds of Sarah panting and groaning played in his ear through the phone he was gripping tightly at his head.
“You’re doing wonderful sweetie, keep breathing.” Tony tried to encourage, his own breath laboured as he ran through arrivals, out the exit, and into the cold night air.
It was the middle of the night, the airport was quiet and when he got outside he saw there were no taxi’s parked by the doors. His stomach plummeted; Sarah was literally giving birth right now, he was so close to home, so close to making it for the arrival of his child. Why the hell were there no taxi’s!?!
His hand ran through his dishevelled hair as he looked up and down the road, heart thumping in his chest. Meanwhile Sarah could be heard grunting down the phone followed by a panicked cry of “Oh no! I’m pushing!”
“You looking for the taxi rank mate?” Someone asked, Tony turned to find an airport staff employee on his left who’d come out for a smoke.
“Yes, where are the taxis?” Tony asked desperately.
“Just up there ‘round the corner. They moved it few weeks back.” The stranger instructed.
Tony immediately set off in a run up the pavement, shouting a “Thank you!” back at the man.
“Hold on honey I’m on my way!” Tony breathed heavily down the phone as he jogged and saw the glorious sight of 6 taxi’s parked by the other airport exit.
Sarah’s face was buried in the pillow, backside in the air, as her body involuntarily pushed. Her hands pulled and squeezed the feather pillow while her groaning had turned primal. She lifted her head gasping for breath and fearfully asked Joss “is the baby coming out??”
“Not yet dearie, don’t worry. But it’s coming down, I can see the very top of its head when you push.” Joss said from her position behind Sarah, sat on the bed in her patient’s dressing gown.
“I don’t want to push… Tony needs to be here…” Sarah whimpered.
“Oh honey, you’re not going to be able to prevent your body from pushing when it needs to. But it’s okay, baby is only just starting to appear. It’ll take a bit before they’re crowning so we have time.” Joss tried to keep Sarah calm, knowing how important it was for both parents to be here. But she also knew that Mother Nature could not be controlled, and the baby would come when they were good and ready. “Pant through the ones you can, and if your body starts to push just stay calm and ride it out. Okay?”
Tony stopped short at the taxi at the front of the lot, the driver not even noticing.  He tapped on the window, the driver suddenly jumping to attention and unlocking the door.
“I need a favour; I need you to go really fast… my wife is having a baby.” Tonys words were frantic.
“I’ll do whatever I can without killing us…” came the reply from the taxi driver as Tony dived into the back seat, still listening to his wife’s grunting moans from the other side of the call.   He buckled the seatbelt, and after confirming the address, they were off, narrowly avoiding screeching tires in the process.
“I’ve had to rush a mother to hospital once, but never rushed a dad back to the mum.” The taxi driver tried to say conversationally, but Tony didn’t respond, he was too busy listening to the headset at his ear and speaking words of assurance to Sarah at the other end.
“I need to see you” announced Tony as he pulled the phone away from his ear and swapped it to video mode.   Sarah managed to swap the phone modes over and in front of Tony’s eyes was his exhausted looking wife’s face, her hair bedraggled and sweaty, her face red and looking like she’d just finished running a marathon.
“Darling, you look beautiful” came Tony’s response.  Sarah managed a guffaw as the next contraction started up, filling the car with the sounds of her moaning and screaming efforts.
“I’m on my way” he announced. 
“I can’t hold on, I need to push!” came the wailing reply
“I can see the baby’s hair!” a third voice of Joss joined the conversation.
Sarah had completely lost any sort of control and was working purely on an instinctual need to deliver this baby. She had tried so hard to keep the baby inside her - not to spread her knees, not to push - desperately wanting to delay the birth long enough for Tony to make it back from the airport. However, as the baby’s head crept lower and lower, filling the birth canal, it became too overwhelming and there was absolutely nothing Sarah could do to stop her body from trying to birth the babe.
Just an hour ago Sarah had wanted nothing more than a quick and straight forward delivery, but discovering Tony was not only on his way home but already back in the country - at their nearest airport no less - had changed everything. After that, everything had changed so fast it left her spinning. Suddenly she was fighting her body’s cue’s instead of listening to them.
Rocking forward and back on all fours Sarah had endured wave after wave of agonising contractions, and every one of them pushed and squeezed of their own accord, the baby inching closer towards its exit. Joss had tried to keep her calm, help her pant through the incessant demands of her body to push, but all too soon she was bearing down without permission. She had cried out, announcing it to both Joss and Tony, and she could hear the panic in Tony’s voice as he made his way towards their family home.
Hearing her husband’s voice was her anchor, his reassuring encouragement echoing out the phone was a lifeline in the storm. And when it switched to video gave her the comfort she never knew she needed. But the contractions were too strong, her labour way too advanced for her to truly appreciate seeing him on the tiny screen. Suddenly she couldn’t hold back any more, the head felt like it was barrelling through her at speed and there was absolutely no stopping it - she had to make room, she had to widen her hips, she had to push.
Sarah suddenly announced that she was in too much pain, and flopped out of view of the camera.  “What’s happened, where are you?” came Tony’s pleading cry.
Falling on her side and grabbing her leg behind the knee, Sarah finally gave up and followed her body’s cues and gave it everything she had. The distant sounds of her husband’s voice echoed from somewhere on the bed. She didn’t know what had happened to the phone, she didn’t know how far away Tony was, all she knew was that this baby was coming and it was coming now. With senses overwhelmed, the pressure building, Sarah narrowed her world right down to just her and the baby.
Joss took the initiative and grabbed the phone from the pillow, holding it up in the direction of Sarah, who had given up trying to hold the baby in place, and had put her chin to her chest, pulled her leg back and was pushing with all her might.   Her face was scrunched up, her breath was held, and with the angle that Joss had put the phone at, Tony could see directly between Sarahs legs.   He saw the bulging skin surrounding her vagina, the parting of her lips to see the darkened spot between as the head slowly started to emerge.
“Hurry!” shouted Tony to the driver, who in turn put his foot down a little more, any pretence of sticking to the speed limits lost at this time.  He weaved in between cars doing both overtaking and undertaking to keep the pace down the motorway getting ever closer to their ultimate destination.
Joss moved back into position between Sarah’s legs and kept one hand on the phone, the other rubbed Sarahs knee as she finally gave up on the push, the head slipping back into the bulging area.   “Good girl, keep on going like that and you’ll see your baby soon.”
Sarah was wailing at this point with every push.   Tony’s heart ached each time she shouted, knowing he was only 10, maybe 15 minutes away from her.   He shouted what he could into the handset, hoping it was coming through loud enough at the other side so that Sarah could hear him over her own strained shouts.  She could feel the comforting touch of Joss’s hand on her leg, the faint words of encouragement from both her midwife and her husband as she pushed, but her focus was on the baby crowning between her legs.
“You’re doing great baby.   Another push like that.   Give it all you can, I’m here as best I can.  I’ll be back soon.  Push baby, push!”
“Tony, I need to put the phone down now” came the voice from Joss, “I need both my hands to make sure that she stretches properly.”
“Of course… do what you need to do.”  Tony was heartbroken he couldn’t see anymore, just in case his baby was born without him being able to see, but he knew that Joss had said the most sensible thing.   Suddenly his view shifted to the bedroom ceiling.
His focus instead moved to the road ahead of him.   He knew the route, he knew how long it took, he knew he was 10 minutes from home at the sort of speeds the driver was doing.   He was just thankful for early morning traffic being all but non existent.   He continued to shout encouragement down the line taking Joss’s lead as she announced when Sarah was pushing by chanting her on herself.
Finally, the taxi pulled up in front of his house.   Taking a wad of notes from his wallet, the driver was given what must have been 5 times the fair as Tony thanked him and announced “Baby, I’m here” before charging into the house and hanging up the phone.
Tony shoved the door closed behind him as he flew up the stairs two at a time, the roaring sound of Sarah’s effort ringing around the house.
He burst through the bedroom door to be met with the following scene:
Sarah had her leg pulled back and clearly visible between them was the round, bulbous shape of a baby’s head, well on its way to being born.
Between Sarah’s legs, pressing gently on her parting lips and supporting the head as it slowly emerged was Joss… though why she was dressed in a dressing gown - Sarah’s dressing gown at that - was a complete mystery.
Sarah’s eyes flew open and acknowledged Tony’s arrival with a pleading glance whilst mouthing the word ‘help’ - she didn’t manage to actually make a sound she was so exhausted and focused on the push.
Sarah suddenly closed her eyes again and once more put her chin to her chest, vocalising all the effort she was putting by yelling loudly, as Tony raced around to the other side of the bed and practically vaulted up to it on his knees, grabbing Sarah’s suddenly offered hand. This in turn caused her to let go of the leg she was holding up, so Sarah’s foot found purchase on Tony’s trousers to press against.
“Sarah you’re doing it, you’re doing so well” Tony yelled, his voice loud and proud at that moment.
“Almost there, take a breath and back at it girl” came the voice of Joss, as Sarah gasped a lung full of air and did it again.
Tony watched in fascination as the head of his child slipped further and further out until Sarah gave a grunt, and the head was finally born to the baby’s chin.
Joss worked fast as she tugged and loosened the baby’s cord, then jumped up off the bed to grab a spare towel to press around the fluid pooling between Sarahs legs and spreading over the bed - the waterproof sheet doing what it was meant to do, but the thin top sheet having nowhere near the absorbency needed.
All the while Tony was staring into Sarah’s exhausted eyes as she did the same in return, the two of them exchanging shocked babble between them;
“You did it.”
“There’s a head… I pushed out a head”
“You did so well darling”
“I’m so glad you made it, why didn’t you tell me”
“I thought you liked surprises…”
Joss cleared her throat as the other two looked her over. She was muttering to herself. “Looks like I’ll need to put this in the wash too” she said looking at the soaked dressing gown which had caught a gush of amniotic fluid as the head was pushed out.
“Actually, I’d been meaning to ask about that” Tony asked, finally having a moment to breathe and assess the situation.
“Later…” grunted Sarah as she gripped tight against his hand and closed her eyes again. “Baby’s coming”
Sarah’s leg shook as she dived into the next push. She could feel the baby’s shoulders, pressing and stretching, feeling like it was pulling her apart. Without her hand to hold up her leg the trembling limb started to lower, legs drifting towards each other in an unconscious attempt to lessen the pain.
“No… Sarah keep them open. Your baby’s almost here.” Joss instructed, then turned to Tony “Support her leg, keep it raised.”
Tony kept one hand for Sarah to squeeze and used the other to support her shaking leg as the baby turned and inched its way in to the world. “I can see their face! You’re doing amazing honey, keep going!”
Releasing a primal wail at the end of a big but unproductive push Sarah suddenly flopped her head down on the pillow. “Hooo- why won’t it come out?” She whimpered through gasped breath.
“It’s okay Sarah, you are doing brilliantly. I can see the shoulders, you’re so, so close.” Joss gave Sarah’s thigh a comforting pat, her hands poised above the baby’s head ready to help their exit if required. “I think they’ll be here on the next one if you give us a really big push dearie. Now did mum or dad want to deliver the baby?” Joss asked the soon-to-be-parents.
“No…. Don’t… don’t touch…” Sarah grumbled waving a hand in the space between her legs to deter anyone getting too close. Her eyes were closed and she was focussed on her deep breaths, gathering her strength for the final hurdle.
“That’s okay, we’ll do whatever you want hun.” Joss assured and moved her hands up in surrender, but stayed close by.
Sarah growled and grunted as she pushed, swept away by the contraction and the primal need to deliver the baby. Pushing hard and with everything she had, the labouring mother shook from head to toe, the physical strain showing her monumental effort
The bedroom held a collective breath, feeling like time had stopped. Sarah had gone eerily quiet as her face reddened and knuckles whitened, and then with a gasp of sheer relief the baby slid from its mother onto the towels.
“Oh my god oh my god… my baby…” Sarah incoherently babbled, eyes flying open and hands reaching.
Tony watched the birth of his baby… his son in mute amazement. Suddenly lying there in between Sarah’s legs was this wriggling thing that looked so messy but equally so perfect. He suddenly realised he had tears in his eyes - this big strong burly man who killed for a living suddenly having this other being he would give his life for to protect.
All those thoughts shot through his mind in an instant as only a few seconds later, before either he or Joss could react to Sarah reaching between her legs for the baby, it let out a loud cry.
Joss proceeded to lift the baby up to Sarah’s hands as she in turn lifted the baby to her chest, exhausted pants signalling the end of her ordeal.
As the baby settled into the warmth of his mother’s chest, it still didn’t help calm the yowls of crying he was determined to release.
Tony leaned in and kissed both his wife and his son in turn, wrapping his arms in an embrace around them both… though of course refusing to squeeze too hard just in case.
Over the course of the next 30 minutes Joss oversaw the delivery of the placenta and cut the umbilical cord, whilst Sarah provided the baby’s first feed.
As the sun rose on a new day, the baby’s vitals were taken as Tony helped Sarah get cleaned up.
All that was going through his mind during that time was to thank his luck that he managed to make it back in time.
181 notes · View notes
abbeolivia · 2 months
475 notes · View notes
abbeolivia · 2 months
Hm. Imagine having a cryptic pregnancy while you're wishing you were pregnant.
For the past few months you've had some pretty bad indigestion and bloating, *apparently*. But when you're alone you look in the mirror cupping your slightly bulging abdomen, imagining it's your womb swelling around a baby.
You lie in bed and stuff a pillow in your shirt, pretending that occasional churning, grumbly feeling in your gut is the feeling of your baby kicking and shifting.
Your period has been so irregular for a while it's not entirely a surprise when the cramps return in force. You wake up in the morning and call in to work, turning back to bed and trying to sleep through the pain. Though secretly, just like always, you revel in pretending it's the pangs of progressing labour.
Throughout the day the cramps get more and more intense, but you refuse to grab painkillers, instead taking the opportunity to fantasize, imagining the growing pressure is your baby's head sinking into your cervix.
By that night, the cramps are excruciating. You can't even think about sleeping - just curled up in bed with a hot water bottle wondering if this is as bad as real labour. You can't help but shift and writhe against the pressure, as the constant pain batters your fortitude. But the commitment to your fantasy carries you through.
You start to think that if this was real labour, you'd be pushing soon. An idea strikes and in the short break between cramps you cleverly grab a couple of towels to lay out on the bed to soak up any blood, and slip your underwear off.
You spread your legs and breathe through the pain. You imagine each contraction squeezing your baby down into your vagina, causing such an intense pressure. It's all so vivid that as the next contraction peaks you grip your thighs and start to push. It feels so right, so good. You keep on pushing and pushing, you never expected you'd get to experience such a perfect simulation of your fantasy.
You stop and breathe. The contraction stirs again, and you decide to sit this one out and rest. You intend to turn and grab a sip of water but as you do, you realize you can't stop pushing at all. It's reflexive now. For a half second you doubt yourself - but you don't even have time anymore. There is no time anymore- you have to keep pushing, this uncontainable urge has you gripped tight. Lost in the fantasy, you ride it as hard as you can.
You recover from the cramp, and take a sip of water. The pain and pressure is still so intense. The next one comes and the urge returns. You imagine the feeling of your baby's big head cramming through your tight hips as you bear down. Just as the thought crosses through, you feel something huge shift down for real. Dread saturates your mind as you approach the realization.
There's no way- you're not even pregnant. Of course it's nothing. But just in case, you slip your searching fingers between your legs and up into your vagina. Lo and behold, deep within you, you find what you were seeking; a hard, domed mass contained within a slippery bag, the indisputable proof that all is not as it seems. This isn't a fantasy anymore. You're actually giving birth to a baby.
You pull your fingers out and look at them - there's blood on them, as expected - but it's thin and fresh, not like menstrual fluid, but a symptom of your stretching and crushed birth canal splitting wide around the head from the inside out.
Though in shock, you have no time to contemplate what or how. You can only hope that your instincts and textbook knowledge of birth are enough to carry it out of you.
The next agonizing contraction wrings your womb and you strain to push into it. Now very aware of it, you can feel the baby's big head descend outward with your efforts.
As you come to terms with it all, you realized nothing's changed for the worse. Your fantasy is coming true, and you decide to enjoy it for all it's worth.
It's harder work than you ever dreamed. The baby stubbornly seems to defy your efforts, not in any hurry to be born. You rock your hips and roll your thighs, moving with the rhythm of the contraction. You can't help but moan as you push. This contraction is long and intense, and you breathe through your teeth as you labour.
Suddenly you feel a release and your water breaks around the head, releasing a squirt of amniotic fluid onto the towels you cleverly left on the bed. The baby squirms freely inside you, and you quickly catch your breath before bearing down again, feeling the head move down with almost startling ease.
It's time. You prop yourself up so you can look over your quaint and unsuspecting bump to where your baby is about to emerge between your legs.
You bear down, at first controlled and testing, and then harder as the reflex to birth overtakes you. The head begins to peek through your folds, and then retreats as you recover.
You bear down again, the head beginning to come in earnest, as you catch a glimpse of slick hair.
The baby moves through your birth canal inch by inch, stretching you all the way, filling you for the last time as your labia stretches around the big head.
You grip your thighs and puuuush, watching your pussy split open around the crown as you reach the most intense part of labour.
Suddenly, the head spills free of the stretch, and you keep pushing, the shoulders and body following through behind.
You're ready to collapse with exhaustion but you remain mesmerized looking between your legs at your newborn baby.
Slowly you pick up your new daughter and rub her shoulders and back, awestruck and dumbfounded. She gurgles out her first cry and you take a moment to simply appreciate such a miracle.
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abbeolivia · 3 months
🤰🏽, 3️⃣, baby 1: 🏠, baby 2: 🚗, baby 3: 🩺, baby2 is 🩲, baby 3 is 🦶, 💦⌛️. The mother unexpectedly goes into labour and soon gives birth to the first baby at home, they quickly begin to make their way to the birthing centre but end up being stuck in traffic causing the mother to birth baby 2 in the car with her underwear still on. Baby 3 is breach and mom starts to push just as they make it into the room at the birthing centre. All three babies are on the larger side making it slightly difficult to push out but it is very pleasurable for mom at the same time.
• female, triplets, orgasmic, overdue, larger babies
Lucy was estimated to be 50 weeks pregnant and very uncomfortable! She wanted to go as long as she could without being induced, she wanted these babies to come out naturally, even if that included being severely uncomfortable for a lengthy amount of time — maybe her womb was just that comfortable for her triplets. 
Her eyes slowly opened as she peered over at her husband, soundlessly sleeping, she sighed with content as she knew her life would soon change and for the better. This was her new family and she was excited to get it started. 
“Good morning, sleepy head…” she glanced over at her husband who was groggily waking up. He draped his arm around his wife’s neck, pulling her into his side, his thick ‘manhood’ pressing into his wife’s plump ass. “Good morning, sexy.” He kissed the side of her neck and wrapped his free arm around her very plump and protruding belly, he quickly laid his wife on her back and opened her legs, smoothly climbing in the middle of them; leaving light trail of kisses along her very pregnant body. 
This earned a moan from Lucy, her hips bucking forward as all she wanted was her husband inside her, his cock twitching in excitement as he watched his wife writher beneath. “I want you, baby…” she whined out then suddenly gripped her stomach and groaned. “Oh!” She gasped and looked between her legs, fluid clearly soaking into the bedsheets. “Is it— time?” She sat up and leaned over the edge of the bed, panting and grunting. 
Her husband quickly came to her aid after covering up, he kneeled on the floor and propped her legs on to his shoulders. He grabbed the vibrator, knowing how worked up she was and wanted to relieve some stress. 
He flicked the device on and sat it on her clit, his hand slowly moving the device along her folds. This only made her throw her head back and moan in ecstasy, one of her hands rubbing her overly stretched belly and the other back on the bed to catch herself. “Honey — if you feel like pushing, we need to get these babies out of you.” Lucy nodded at the instructions, solely focusing on the pleasure that was being handed to her. 
“Oh f-fuck.” She panted out and bucked her hips, practically fucking the device that was inside her. She felt each and every contraction that was turned into pleasure with this little device. “I can feel them moving!” She grunted and opened her legs wider, the first baby shifting down the birth canal. Preparing to brace herself, she grabbed the sheet that was beneath her fingers and tightened her legs. “He’s coming!” She began to push and with the vibrations sitting perfectly on her clit, she orgasmed around the device and pushed her first babies crowning head out of her leaking cunt, her folds ever so slowly stretching out to match the size of the head. “Ohhhh!” She screeched out as her husband slowly pulled the first baby out.
Lucy and Stephen cut the cord to their first baby boy, they bunched him into a blanket and secure car seat. Their plan was to finish birthing these babies at their nearest birthing center. Lucy draped her nightgown over her still heavily pregnant body and stepped into her panties, securing them around her widened hips. She rubbed her belly and sighed, hurriedly waddling her way to the car with her husband behind her. “Just two more babies.” She adjusted her seat back as he secured the baby into position. 
He started the car and they took off to the nearest center that was expecting them. A 25-minute drive can’t be that bad, right? 
He rested one hand on her bump and rubbed her belly through the fabric. “You’re doing so good, honey.” He tried to positively encourage his wife, not knowing what could possibly be going on in her mind right now. As they were driving along the expressway he groaned as he hit the breaks from traffic that had not moved. 
He sighed, not realizing this was rush hour traffic and they could be here for an extended period of time. “Are we—are we going to move?!” Lucy spoke in a frantic voice, the thought of giving birth in their vehicle was a not ideal situation for her! And she had hoped this traffic was going to move one way or another. All the lanes were blocked, it’s not like they could cut the line or get out of the middle of this jam. 
“Just breathe with me, sweetie.” Stephen cooed at his more than anxious and terrified wife, he mimicked breathing for her to copy as she followed along. She groaned and took her seatbelt off, arching her back from the pain these new contractions were causing her. “I’m with you, I got you.” He soothingly stroked his wife’s hair, wanting nothing more than to be at the hospital for the remaining births, but sadly that was not reality for them. 
Stephen lifted Lucy’s nightgown and slipped his hand into her tight panties she managed to get on. His fingers ever so slowly rubbing the folds of her cunt that was just stretched out. Lucy gripped the door handle and grunted as she placed her legs up on the dash. This next baby was about to present itself. 
“I can’t give birth in a car!” She moaned and groaned, trying to fight off the urge to push as her husband was playing with her now laboring cunt. Of course, she didn’t last — between the pain and pleasure of it all, she was waiting for the next head to descend down the canal and she was waiting for the moment to push. 
“You’re going to give birth where they tell you to, we already did this in the bed.” He slipped his hand out of her panties as the traffic finally began to move again. They both sighed with relief as he glanced over at his still very pregnant wife. He took his free hand and cupped her panties, the bulge already protruding. “You’re almost done, sweetheart.” 
As he picked up some speed, she grunted and arched her back again. The next baby filling her canal more than the first one did. “This is gonna be a big one.” She groaned loudly as the head shifted down, the urge to push was there and strong. Pushing into her husband’s hand, she screeched and began to feel her panties expand, moving further away from her skin. “Oh, God. Stephen! It burns! The head is so big!” With her feet on the dash, she put her head in the middle of her legs and screeched as she pushed, the head steadily stretching out her folds and achy hole; she reached down and slowly pulled the head as the rest of the baby flopped on to her lap. Both parents sighing with relief as they head the newborn cry. 
20-minutes had gone by and they finally pulled into the birthing center parking lot. Stephen parked and squeezed his wife’s knee. “I’m going to get a wheelchair — you stay here.” He hurriedly made his way into the building, checking in for them and grabbing a wheelchair so he could bring his wife and babies inside. 
Grabbing the car seat and pushing his wife that had their second newborn, he pushed them along the hallway and into the room where the staff was already on-hand. They grabbed both babies and took them away to get checked while he finally had a moment with his wife. 
He stood Lucy up and lifted her nightgown above her head, his hands softly resting on her extended hips. “Just…one…more.” He slowly kissed at her neck, leaving light trails. He laid her on the bed that was provided to them and rubbed at her thighs, earning a gasp and small moan. She was so vulnerable at this time and just wanted her husband. 
He walked to the front of hospital bed and spread her legs, his fingers grazing at her delicate and soft skin; he loved everything about this woman. Even the fact that she waited 50-whole weeks to birth these babies on her own. 
“Honey—.” Lucy groaned and grabbed her stomach, parting her legs as her throbbing cunt contracted in and out. “I think it’s time!” She groaned as her husband came to her side, his fingers back inside her tightening folds. His fingers eased up the tension as he pulled them in and out, making sure she was extra wet on the inside. 
“Just one more, sweetie.” He whispered in her ear as his fingers moved faster, bringing her closer to the edge. She could feel a shift on the inside of her body, her panting and moaning, bracing herself for the final crowning. “I’m gonna come! I’m going to come!” She panted out and squeezed her eyes shut. 
Just as she orgasmed, she started pushing and grunting; her legs shakily spread. “Okay honey, this one is looking breech. I need you to push harder.” He encouraged his wife and stroke her thigh, watching this new mother slowly but surely expand her dripping cunt. He reached between her legs and started to help pull between each push. “We just need a few more big pushes.” The size of this baby was bigger than the others, overly stretching each part of her fold and what once was a tight hole. 
“She’s stretching me out so much!” She grunted and braced herself again, between each push and pull, they finally got their last baby girl out with three big pushes and an overly drenched cunt. 
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