abbeyo91 · 4 years
Boy and horses ,he just has this amazing bond with horses it's like they have there own language 🐴🐎
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abbeyo91 · 4 years
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One of tylers favourite things to do is explore! He loves nature .. he loves to watch the ducks on the lake , the droplets and ripples on the water , he loves to play with leaves and branches. On 25.9.20 we went to tilgate . We walked around the lake, in the middle he ran up the stairs and down the hill 15 times on repeat. I honestly dont know where he gets his energy from, we then walked some more ,climbed trees , sat in the rain and watched the ducks and had a lovely day doing what tyler likes best .
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abbeyo91 · 4 years
Life with autism
I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant with you ,I was going through a really tough time .my best friend had just died and you gave me something to look forward too . I knew you was a boy I just felt it . I envisioned all the timings we’d do together .. I had hopes and dreams of what you’d be .
I really wanted you to take part in football, karate, and other clubs . We even tried a football session once but it wasn’t easy for you as you couldn’t understand the instructions being spoken to you. This just made me feel guilty that’s I’d put you in that position . So we left and didn’t go back . I had thought about all the amazing crafty things you’d bring home form nursery but you wasn’t interested in these things. I was so ready to have the wonderful conversations about how much you’d enjoyed your day at school. Now I have to read a note in a book , because you lost your voice . Autism stole these moments from us .
Now things are different you are nearly 7 ! We have been living with for 7 years now and we have learnt that things are going to be different / harder than we’d ever imagined. But I wouldn’t change you for the world , you are perfect in every way , things other parents take for granted are so special to me . I waited 5 years to her you say “I love you” . The sweetest voice il ever hear.
I have learnt to be so much more than a mum . I’m a voice, a speech therapist, a teacher, a physiotherapist, a interpreter, a pecs user, a sign language user. I’ve looked at things in ways I’d never of done without you . I’ve taken up courses and learned all about autism and disabilities gaining 7 qualifications , I become a disability support worker , i abseiled down a building (conquering my fear of heights to make money for an autism charity.
30.9.20 today you read your first book ! I was told you’d never speak , everyday you surprise me with how amazing you are. Some awesome moments recently
* fully potty trained
* speech is coming on
* learning your vegetables including aubergine and capsicum
* Matching colours to object ie red cherries, red apples and I’m so proud of you ! .
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