abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
The best part about weight loss is feeling it, finally, after being uncomfortable for so long. It’s running your hands over your hip bones, feeling your collarbone and sharp shoulders, the space between you and your clothing when you move. It’s sitting down without your stomach bulging. It’s walking without your thighs slamming together. It’s placing your hand to the side of your face and feeling that delicate cheekbone in your palm. Looking thin is great, but feeling thin is amazing.
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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6 Exercises for Leaner Inner Thighs…VIDEO
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
Get a jar
Fill it to the brim with different pieces of coloured paper. On red paper write meanspo, On blue paper write sweetspo, On green paper write why you should be skinny, On white paper write why you shouldn’t binge, Etc etc. Fit to your needs. I think this is a good idea when you’re losing hope.
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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Chest bones thinspo ☠️💕
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
more meanspo
Honestly you just keep eating and eating, will you ever fucking stop? You won’t get a thigh gap and flat stomach if you pig out whenever you get a chance. Absolutely fucking pathetic. You tell yourself that you’re strong enough to go without food then you binge whenever you get a chance. How can you even say you have an eating disorder when you’re so fucking fat? Imagine walking at the mall or walking into school and feeling like people are staring at you not because you’re fat but because they envy your thin body. You’ll never get there if you keep letting food control you, pig. You count calories but can’t control yourself enough to keep the number low. You do pitiful little exercises but it’s not near enough. Work harder or you’ll never be skinny. Work harder or you’ll never be beautiful. Stop making fucking excuses and get yourself under control before you gain even more weight. Fast, restrict, exercise until you feel sick, do whatever you need to do to get rid of all the fat that makes you look like a goddamn whale.
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
Fact: You can only purge up to 80% of calories consumed. Tip: Avoid high caloric binges, instead eat things with a greater mass and less calories. Fruits and veggies are always a good choice. Fact: Carbohydrate digestion starts in your mouth. Our salivary glands secrete amylase, which is a digestive enzyme that begins the break down of carbs. Tip:Avoid eating carbohydrates at the beginning of the meal, because you’ll absorb more calories. Save the carbs for desert. Fact: Fat is digested in the small intestines and therefore you feel fuller after eating a high-fat meal. Tip: Eat the fat first because it takes a long time to digest, therefore you’ll absorb less calories than eating carbs first. Beware, fat has twice as many kcals as carbs and proteins. Fact: Laxatives do not affect calorie absorbtion. Most food and calories are digested and absorbed in the small intestines and laxatives only affect the large intestines. Yes, you’ll lose weight, but the weight lost is from water and fecal matter. Tip: Only use laxatives after a large meal that you did not purge afterwards, this way you’ll see the real amount of weight gained instead of the fecal matter gained.
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
PRO ANA LIFESTYLE ( how to Eat less)
Load yourself with water. Keep your stomach totally full of water at all times! There is less room for food… obviously!
Become a vegetarian! Meat is fat and disgusting!
Fat free chocolate milk is good for sweet cravings.
Set yourself some rules! If you’re a true Ana, you won’t have any problem following them. Ana girls are strong!!
Diet pills, they may be dangerous, but you’re not dieting to be healthy. Being thin is more important than anything!
When you get the urge to snack, clean something, and use lots of chemicals. The smell will curb your appetite
Chew sugar-free gum. It will make you more hungry at first, but later you’ll get nausea.
Don’t ever eat out!
Don’t eat anything you don’t know the nutritional values of!
Tea helps to calm a hungry belly. It soothes and fills you up.
Chew your food untill it dissolves
Drink sparkling water or Crystal Clear, it fills you up more!
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
purging tips
- please don’t purge. you will get addicted, and in my opinion, purging is almost more detrimental to your long term health than restricting
- if you’re going to purge, for the love of god wash your hands and make sure your nails are clipped before you start
- pull back your hair and make sure your clothes will absolutely not be in the way (it’s gross when you get vomit in your hair or clothes!!!)
- don’t squat at the toilet, bend at the waist (food will come up much easier)
- you’re going to have to get over how gross touching the vomit is because the best way to be successful while purging is to not remove your fingers from your mouth after you throw up or to not spit to clear your mouth if you have to remove your fingers (by this i mean once you get something to come up, don’t let that flap close again: get right back in there and you can get 3-4 huge spurts in a row)
- if you see bright blood spattered throughout your vomit while purging, don’t be nervous. it’s just from a broken blood vessel or a scratch and as long as it isn’t so much that it is visible in all of your vomit or you can taste it even after you are done purging, it will sort itself out
- if you see dark, clumpy blood (it will look like coffee grounds) in your vomit while purging, stop purging and call an ambulance immediately. you’re bleeding internally and need medical attention asap
- if you’re having trouble getting anything to come up, try moving your fingers differently (i.e. wiggling, pressing down, spreading them out, pushing farther back, etc)
- another solution for nothing coming up is taking a small break to drink some water (the vomit will be mostly water but it will carry up some food and will likely help loosen things up)
- if neither of those work, don’t push it. go work out instead if you really need to feel calories leaving your body (some days it just doesn’t work)
- relating to those days, sometimes you need to take a break from purging for a few hours or usually days to reset your gag reflex (it becomes acclimated to the stimulus of your fingers and effectively stops responding to it)
- yes, chocolate will burn when you purge it, so just avoid it (spicy foods will burn too)
- keep track of what foods are hard for you to purge. make note of the foods that stick in your stomach and avoid them
- water/vomit will probably splash into your face and spit will get all over your chin; just leave it until you’re done, then wash it off with water
- when you’re done purging, wipe the toilet (there will likely be splashes/chunks on the seat and inside the bowl that flushing will not get rid of)
- wash your hands again when you’re done and use hot, soapy water (you will badly fuck up your fingers and fingernails if you ignore this step)
- consider brushing your teeth or at least drinking some water to wash away the acid that will stick to your teeth
- drink more water after you purge as you will be extremely dehydrated afterwards
that’s all i can think of at the moment, feel free to add more! share to help others out, stay strong my lovelies xoxo
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
A month from now you'll wish you had started today.
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abbiekeys22-blog · 7 years
Pro ana tips
- I find that eating foods which mainly consist of water, such as watermelon and cucumbers, to be filling. - Miracle noodles are a life saver, I found some miracle spaghetti which can be paired well with low cal pasta sauce and garlic salt. Make sure that you have breakfast or you’ll be dizzy and won’t have energy. - Have 3 meals and if you’re craving something in between you can have some low cal rice crackers/thins. - I personally find it easier to weigh all the food I’m eating so I know the exact amount of calories in it. - Always weigh yourself first thing in the morning instead of at night because the water you drink throughout the day will make you seem heavier. - Finally never eat anything in which you don’t know the calories. It all adds up.
Hopefully this helps some of you lovelies xx
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