abbylynch · 2 months
reblog if you like women
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abbylynch · 5 months
Do you have any opinions or headcannons (romantic too!) About the dollmaker. He's not very popular unfortunately :(
a/n: thoughts! not a lot, really. i won't lie i kinda forgot he existed for a bit but!! he seems really interesting and i have no sense of self-control so i'm sorta inspecting him under a microscope and taking little notes. because of that, i don't have any general headcanons for him yet but here are some romantic ones for you, reagan! sorry it took so long to get to this fhdjfk
the doll maker headcanons.
warnings: gn reader, night terrors, i can't think of anything else uhm yeah.
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He's not at all well-versed in the realm of romance. It's not even something that crosses his mind, to be honest. So, he is certainly surprised when he finds himself developing feelings for you.
You, who never asks him questions about his past. You just accept him as he is, and he finds that to be really strange. Not even one question? I mean, come on, surely you're curious about the glass doll eye, right?
But even if you are, you never cross the boundary. The respect you hold for him is enough to make him pause. If he had any plans on turning you into a doll, then he's a bit more hesitant to enact them now.
He's too confused by you to really stop you from visiting him often, which he finds that he doesn't really have a problem with. It just... makes his doll-making hobby a bit difficult, that's all.
Absolutely does not want you to find out about his human doll collection please for the love of god do not go into the back room. He'll get uncomfortable if you even walk near the back room, doing anything to direct your attention away from it. Just... don't go in there. Even if he's in there, just stay in the front.
He's not particularly insecure about his appearance anymore. He's grown to accept the scars on his face and whatnot, but he can't deny that he gets all happy and flustered whenever you call him handsome.
He likes to admire you. He finds you to be pretty distracting when he's working on, you know... plastic or porcelain dolls. Not that he thinks that's a bad thing, of course. It's... nice, looking up from his work to see you studying one of his many creations with genuine interest.
Definitely seems like the type to want to make a doll of you, if you're comfortable with that.
He's not the best when it comes to taking care of himself, so you always have to remind him of when to take breaks and when to eat.
Very uncomfortable with physical touch when he doesn't realize it's coming, so you need to make sure you get his attention before touching him. Maybe ask for permission as well, depending on the situation.
That situation being his severe insomnia and sleep terrors, of course.
It's not something he's open about. Honestly, he's a bit ashamed of it. He didn't want you to find out about them, but unfortunately, it's not really something he can hide.
You find out about it when you decide to pay him a visit a bit earlier in the morning than usual. Vine had probably gone maybe three days without sleeping before his body basically forced him to sleep.
That situation ended with him putting a pair of scissors to your throat, and a damn near inconsolable Vine as he profusely apologized.
He definitely calls you endearing names in Russian. He defaults and calls you 'doll', but I think he also uses 'my love' and 'sunshine'.
He also definitely seems like the type to give you random compliments and little gifts.
Overall pretty hesitant and awkward at the beginning of a relationship, but he'll definitely gradually become comfortable and open up a bit more the longer you're together. He probably won't talk about his past though, not for a good long while, so even if you were to ask him about it, he'd probably change the topic.
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abbylynch · 5 months
Lucifer: Is everyone done eating?
His brothers: Yes.
Lucifer: Good. *glancing at MC*
The brothers: ...
Asmo: Lucifer, I think it's my turn now to take care of MC.
Levi: No. Your turn was yesterday. It's my turn today.
Asmo: Oh.
Lucifer: Levi, try to make sure that MC will be comfortable.
Levi: Yes.
Levi: *walks in silently to his room while carrying MC's soulless body*
Levi: I know it's a little bit messy. But I promise to clean up after.
MC: ...
Levi: ...
Levi: MC... Will you never come back to us?
Levi: Lucifer said that you were just resting somewhere.
Levi: To be honest, I know you're not here anymore.
Levi: *smiles bitterly* But we don't understand why your body remains.
Levi: You don't smell like a corpse and your eyes will close when it's nighttime. So... We're really hoping that there's still a chance.
Simeon: Luke, do you not want to visit MC in the House Of Lamentation?
Luke: What for? They're gone.
Simeon: Luke—
Luke: Even if I see them, MC will never smile to me like before. They will never call my name.
Luke: They will never know that I miss them.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Luke, I know how you feel. Just... Please find in your heart to forgive Lucifer and his brothers.
Luke: ...
Luke: I can't do that, Simeon. I'm sorry.
Solomon: You have been placing some heavy curses in your cave, Thirteen.
Thirteen: Because a certain someone keeps in getting in.
Solomon: *chuckles* Well, I'm desperate.
Solomon: If you would only allow me to have a glimpse of MC's soul—
Thirteen: No. I have nothing to show you.
Solomon: Thirteen, I'm not the only one trying to get them back. Lucifer and his brothers, Diavolo, and even Michael.
Thirteen: ...
Thirteen: Ha! And you think they'll be safe if I hand their soul to you.
Solomon: I am responsible to what happened to them. I want to make things right.
Thirteen: ...
Thirteen: It's too late now. And I expect that since a human too, Solomon, that you would understand.
Thirteen: MC is dead. A soul unwilling to be revived.
Solomon: ...
Michael: *watching MC (an angel) that has a blank expression*
Michael: Do you recognize me?
MC: ...
MC: Yes.
Michael: Hm. You did well, Raphael. This one knows how to respond.
Raphael: We only need to obtain their soul from the reaper and their rebirth will be complete.
Michael: I see. MC?
MC: Yes.
Michael: Do you know why you're here?
MC: Yes.
Michael: ...
MC: I was too arrogant. And I tried to escape my punishment.
Michael: That's right. But we won't punish you for now.
Michael: You have to be completely conscious when we do so.
MC: Yes.
Michael: *smiles in satisfaction* Now, go back to your room. We don't want anyone recognizing you.
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abbylynch · 5 months
why is no one talking about the shark bait dating sim!
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