abc-superfam · 1 year
This is a super rough draft
Adam comes home to see a lively Beth cooking in the kitchen. He goes to walk past her, heading for the stairs. She whips her head around and reaches for the belt loops of his jeans. Beth grabs ahold and tugs harshly, pulling Adam closer to her. He yelps and turns to face her when he sees it.
Her eyes grow darker, there’s a specific look in them that Adam can’t quite find the words for, but knows full well what it means. He cusps her jaw, caressing her soft skin with his thumb. He stares intently at her lips, seeing her fangs poke her lower lip slightly.
She smells of apple and jasmine - a weird combination - but one that distinctly belongs to her. Adam is now fully aware of the woman standing before him and every detail his heightened senses can pick up on. Beth chuckles and leans forward, eyes fluttering shut. Adam leans in, feeling his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
The feeling of electricity flows through Adam’s body as their lips connect. It’s almost too much for him, making his brain go fuzzy and his body eager. His hand moves from her cheek to the back of her neck, ushering her body closer to him. Beth hums contently and trails her hands gently up his arms towards his shoulders. She settles her hands on his back and scratches lightly at the skin beneath his shirt, pulling the material up with her hands.
Adam separates from her, still requiring breath. He quickly tugs the shirt over his head and immediately lands his mouth back against Beth’s own. She settles her hands on his chest this time, pushing him in the direction of the stairs without breaking the kiss.
Adam jolts awake, tugging the blanket closer to his chest. Beth immediately appears upstairs, looking around worriedly.
“What happened? You look sickly?” Her head cocks to the side, hand on her hip.
“I…well I-,” the man nervously starts. He looks at the ginger in front of him and furrows his brows.
“Nothing, just a weird dream. Nothing to be concerned with, I promise.”
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abc-superfam · 1 year
There’s a scene in my head that I like to think of, which is hard to put into words but the best way I can describe is as such:
Beth is covered in the blood of her old cult/clan. They came to get Charlie since there’s an inheritance in her name that only she has access to, they need her for the money. Beth is like “I’ll be damned if y’all take her from me, she’s mine until my last breath”. Fight ensues. What’s done is done and she’s hungry, losing energy FAST and is about to pass out in the woods while trying to go home.
Meanwhile Adam woke up in the middle of the night and noticed Beth gone. He packs up Charlie and takes his car to go find her, fearful. He takes a shirt of hers and tries to follow her scent and ends up at the foot of the woods not to far from their shared home. He looks out with a flashlight and sees Beth on the ground, dry heaving and coughing. He calls out her name worriedly, and she doesn’t respond, forcing him to leave the car. His last concern is the blood she’s covered in and who’s it may be, as long as it’s not Charlie’s he doesn’t give a damn.
He leaves Charlie in the car (windows down, passenger door opened) and rushes to Beth’s aid. He goes behind her and tucks his arms underneath her armpits and lifts her up. She grumbles and leans her weight against him and hisses in pain as Adam brushes his knuckles over a stab wound she received. Adam’s never seen a wound on Beth that’s lasted longer than a few moments. He’s growing more worrisome by the second as he wraps his arms around her and carries her to the car, putting her gently in the passenger seat.
“Easy now,” He tells her in a hushed voice, pushing her hair behind her ear and going the buckle up her seatbelt.
“Backseat,” is all she manages to say, and Adam looks to the backseat and then back at Beth. He sighs and proceeds to place her in the backseat next to Charlie. Beth looks over at Charlie, blood smeared on her face. The baby girl pays no mind to this and giggles at her mother while Adam drives the three of them back home. He checks the rear view mirror every now and again to see Beth talking to Charlie in a whisper, and hears her mumble to their shared daughter;
“My little angel baby, aren’t we so lucky to have found each other. I’d destroy everything in this life and the next to keep you beside me. Always.”
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abc-superfam · 1 year
What’s your favorite meme Frfr?!
Tumblr media
(Idk how much more to say on this)
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abc-superfam · 1 year
Do you guys like board games?
Adam: I like board games in large groups. More chaos ensues and it’s livelier.
Beth: I never really played board games besides my friends. I haven’t really touched one in years
Adam: we can play sometime if you want? We can find something for two people to play. We can incorporate so Charlie will wanna play too.
Beth: :3
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abc-superfam · 1 year
Not a question, but it’s be cute if Charlie just became a witch bc of tiktok and her parents are just like 🤨🤨
LMAO that would be so funny. Imagine just a house full of supernatural beings
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abc-superfam · 1 year
Where would you guys say you fall in terms of poor middle or rich
Beth: technically I’m rich but I refuse to use that money. I only really use it in situations where it’s need. I have it all in emergency funds for the three of us.
Adam: I’m middle class. My family grew up on the poorer side, but I’ve worked hard to get to where I am today.
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abc-superfam · 1 year
What will you do when the people in Charlie’s life notice you don’t age?
Beth: I’m actually… very afraid of that. I’ve thought of one possible solution. First one is that I use makeup to look older. I’m not sure how far that will go though. I’m not sure what to do about it. It scares me to think about. I might have to send her to a boarding school or something so I hardly have to interact with her teachers.
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abc-superfam · 1 year
Adam how hairy are you 😭
Beth: Extremely. He leaves his fur or hair or whatever you call it everywhere in the bathroom. It drives me crazy.
Adam: you know I offered to use the downstairs bathroom so you don’t have to deal with it.
Beth: you can also just clean it up. Bum
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abc-superfam · 1 year
Any recent thoughts that occupy your mind?
Beth: I’m stressed out about how I’m gonna introduce myself to my people in Adam’s life. It’s scary, because I’m never going to age.
Adam: I’m also concerned with that, but mostly about how to explain the random child I’ve accumulated. That’ll be a story for the staff meetings
Beth: Adam-
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abc-superfam · 1 year
Where’s the coolest place you guys have been?
Beth: I've been to Australia. I think that was a pretty damn cool place. Or maybe Thailand!
Adam: you had all sorts of adventures I take it.
Beth: well naturally. I grew up fairly comfortable financially. My fiancé and his family were well off. I robbed aristocrats for 3 decades with my old cult. I lived loose.
Adam: jeez, think the coolest trip l've been on is my high school trip to Washington DC.
Beth: hey that's still cool!! No shame in that!
Adam: where would you like to go
Beth: huh?
Adam: as a… as a family. Where do you think we should take Charlie?
Beth: Oh! I think- *rambles for 15 minutes because Charlie is her entire existence*
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abc-superfam · 1 year
What’s your clothing styles?
Adam: Beth dresses like a suburb mom. If that makes sense
Beth: I’m comfy and boujie looking.
Adam: boujie? Never say that again. Hated hearing that from from you.
Beth: boo, hater. You dress like Dean Winchester from supernatural you fucking nerd. All broody and shit.
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abc-superfam · 1 year
What are some perks to being supernatural that isn’t exactly mainstream or obvious?
Beth: I wouldn’t say this is a perk necessarily. More like… an ability that isn’t super mainstream. When a vampire drinks another vampires blood, it acts as a steroid for said vampire. But it’s quickly addicting as well, so much that vampires will go on a rampage for more.
Adam: Vampires are already pretty damn strong on their own… y’all can get stronger?
Beth: yep! Our irises color takes up the entire eye and everything is so much more heightened.
Adam: how do you know this?
Beth: my old gang… experimented with what would happen. There were only ever rumors, we wanted to see the limits.
Adam: how long ago was that?
Beth: about 14 years ago today.
(Nothing special about Adam ngl. I guess the perk would be that he doesn’t actually change into an animal)
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abc-superfam · 1 year
What are your guys Astro signs?
Beth: I was born April 24th so I’m an Aires. I’m not super into all that astrology stuff but I know that for sure. People always made the comparison between my hair and my zodiac sign.
Adam: I’m a Capricorn. Born December 30th. There’s.. not much else to say to that. Charlie’s a Virgo though, born September 14th.
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abc-superfam · 1 year
If you could, would you guys choose to go human?
Adam: I mean, being human wouldn’t change much truthfully. I’m one of the lucky supernatural breeds where I practically am a human with some quirks.
Beth: I would. In a heartbeat. I never wanted to be this, be, be who I am. I was supposed to get married in a big wedding with all my family and friends. I was supposed to have a big family with a lot of babies. I love Charlie and want to grow with her.
Adam: *places hand on Beth’s knee* I’m sorry sweetheart. You always have Charlie and me. Besides, I age slowly. You and I are kinda in the same boat.
Beth: 🥹
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abc-superfam · 1 year
Do oh guys have any friends you guys hangout with?
Beth: I have a little mommy and me park group I’m apart of on Facebook. Charlie loves going and seeing her little buddies.
Adam: I have staff members that I’m friendly with. But they have no idea about Beth and Charlie because they would be very confused about how I got a wife and child overnight.
Beth: wife??? *looks at left hand*
Adam: uhh… baby momma?? Surrogate mom? I’m not sure what they would refer to you as. I was just getting ahead of myself.
Beth: hmm 🤨
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abc-superfam · 1 year
What’s one activity you guys enjoy as a family?!
Adam: probably gardening. Considering we both are very into growing our own crops. She likes to help out. Got lil overalls and everything for her
Beth: yeah, she loves helping pops and momma with the gardening. Before she could crawl we used to sit in the garden and give her tummy time in the grass or soil. She loved it.
Adam: she was so cute back then
Beth: she’s still cute 🥲
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abc-superfam · 1 year
I Heard that food can taste bad as a vampire? Is this true? If so how does gardening help with that?
Beth: not really. I still have the ability to taste food normally like I could in my old life. It’s more like… I crave only blood. Like you know how you crave something specific so every other food option is eh. Like you can still eat it but you just don’t want it. That’s how it is for me. It’s bland simply because I don’t want it. I usually don’t eat human food due to this but I’ll indulge if offered ya know.
Adam: really? It’s bland? You always eat my cooking when I make something.
Beth: well yeah. You’re so proud of yourself and put so much care into meals so… I mean… of course I would.
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