abdlalba · 2 days
Aimée Girl On Film Part 2
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Comic by HazmatBat
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abdlalba · 9 days
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PewYew did you go stinky
thats okay sweetie the dentist is used to little babies going poopoo in there nappies.
you just lay your funky pants down and as the dentist is checking you over i will change your nappy
ooopsie daisey looks like we have a cry baby on our hands.
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abdlalba · 15 days
From Boss to Baby Part 2
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Comic by PieceofSoap
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abdlalba · 17 days
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all adult baby and sissy in the house should message me for tasks and session INBOX ME ❤️❤️
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abdlalba · 20 days
From Boss to Baby Part I
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Cómic by PieceofSoap
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abdlalba · 1 month
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The runners regression
Forty year old Liz had been training hard for the annual 7-mile road race in her small town, determined to outpace her peers and claim victory. As an avid and talented runner, she had honed her skills over years of dedicated practice, and on race day, her fitness and determination shone through as she rapidly pulled ahead of the pack. Fueled by the cheers from the sidelines, Liz felt unstoppable, her long legs carrying her swiftly down the winding course as she left the other competitors in the dust. However, just as she neared the finish line, disaster struck - the intense physical exertion had taken a toll, and Liz suddenly found herself in the grips of a gastrointestinal emergency. Despite her best efforts to hold it in, she lost control of her bowels, soiling the pristine white running shorts she had chosen to wear for the occasion. Mortified, Liz tried to push through the final stretch, but the mess and discomfort were too much, and she was forced to abruptly halt her sprint, quickly waddling off the course and into the comforting embrace of her mother Laura. Though Liz was devastated by the humiliating incident, her mother did her best to console her, reassuring the distraught woman that accidents happen. As Liz's mother gingerly hugged her, trying to avoid direct contact with her daughters poopy bottom, she felt a pang of secondhand embarrassment.
As soon as Laura got her daughter home, she immediately unleashed a torrent of anger and frustration. The embarrassment her daughter had caused was clearly weighing heavily on Laura's mind. "I can't believe you actually pooped your pants like a baby!" she exclaimed in disbelief, shaking her head. Laura couldn't fathom how a grown woman could have such a lapse in basic bodily control. "Unbelievable! I have a full-grown baby living in my house," she yelled, her voice dripping with exasperation. Without a moment's hesitation, Laura grabbed her daughter's arm and dragged her into the bathroom, determined to deal with the unsavory situation.
Forcefully, Laura began stripping her daughter down, leaving her in nothing but her soiled panties!”Ugh, you stink!" Laura yelled, her nose wrinkling at the foul odor. Carefully, she peeled the dirty panties down, cringing at the mess, and quickly set about cleaning her daughter's backside with a package of baby wipes. Laura worked diligently, determined to get the task done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Once satisfied that her daughter was cleaned up, Laura plopped her into the bathtub filled with soapy water. "Wash yourself thoroughly, young lady. Mommy will be back soon," she sternly instructed, her tone laced with lingering anger, before storming out and heading to the store, no doubt to get supplies to further deal with her daughter.
As Laura returned home, bags in hand from her shopping trip, she was greeted by the sight of her daughter Liz splashing merrily in the bathtub, completely unaware of her mother's presence. The sound of giggles and the gentle lapping of water filled the air as the woman played, lost in her own world of imagination and delight. Pausing for a moment, Laura couldn't help but smile at the endearing scene before her. "Having fun, princess?" she asked, her voice breaking the peaceful silence and startling the girl from her reverie. Liz looked up, eyes wide, caught in the act of her playful antics. "I was just..." she began, unsure of how to explain herself. "Just what, baby? Playing?" Laura responded, a knowing look in her eyes as she observed her daughter's sheepish expression. "Mommy can see you were playing," she continued, draining the tub and helping Liz out onto the plush bath mat.
As Laura gently dried her daughter off, a more serious tone crept into her voice. "Well, since you seem to enjoy going potty in your pants and playing like a baby instead of taking a proper bath, I think some changes are in order." Liz's face fell, realizing she had been caught in her mischievous behavior. Laura led her daughter into her bedroom, laying her down on the bed and producing a large, Disney princess themed pull-up from the package in the bag. “Mom, please, it was just one accident!" Liz pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "One accident, my ass, young lady!" Laura retorted, her expression stern. "I wash your clothes, and I've seen the state of your panties. So, until further notice, you'll be in pull-ups full-time, and I'll be re-potty training you. If you can prove stay accident free, Mommy will get you some cute, big-girl underwear, not that trashy stuff you've been wearing lately." With a firm tug, Laura secured the pull-up around her daughter's waist, eliciting a pout from the girl. "You can't be serious, Mom?" Liz whined, her protests falling on deaf ears.
Ignoring her daughter's distress, Laura continued, pulling her old Little Mermaid t-shirt over Liz's head which barley reached her belly button and tying her hair into two pigtails. Finally, she popped a large, purple pacifier into the woman’s mouth. Liz stood there, stunned, as her mother ushered her into the living room and commanded her to "go play!" around the array of old, baby toys that had been laid out. A sense of confusion and indignation washed over her - she was a grown woman, not a child, and yet here she was being treated like one. Her mother's next words only compounded Liz's distress, as she announced that she would be calling Liz's boss to let them know she wouldn't be returning, and that she was taking away Liz's Iphone and planning to sell her car. Liz had worked hard to earn and maintain her car and phone , and now her mother was stripping them away without her consent. Liz felt a deep well of anger and humiliation rise up within her. She knew she should be able to handle this situation with poise and maturity, but the regression her mother was forcing upon her was too much. With a final pat on her bottom, as if she were a small child, Liz's mother watched as her daughter's composure shattered. Liz burst into uncontrollable tears, throwing herself to the floor and flailing her limbs in a tantrum, the muffled sobs echoing painfully through the house. It was a visceral, primal reaction - the desperate outburst of an adult who was being treated and dismissed like a child, despite all her efforts to forge her own independent life.
As the weeks passed, Liz's life underwent a profound transformation, one that stripped her of the independence she had once cherished. Her mother, Laura, now wielded unwavering control, subjugating Liz's will through a relentless campaign of domination. Liz fought back ferociously, clawing and biting in a desperate attempt to retain her autonomy, but her mother's steely determination ultimately prevailed. With the sale of Liz's car, a symbolic severing of her ties to the outside world, Laura set about dismantling every vestige of her daughter's adult identity. Liz's belongings, the material embodiment of her independence, were systematically given away until her bedroom stood bare, stripped of all familiarity. Even Liz's king-size bed, a testament to her maturity, was replaced with a large toddler's bed, its childlike decor a jarring contrast to her true age.
As Liz's environment transformed, so too did her attire. Gone were the clothes that had once reflected her sense of self; in their place, Liz was outfitted in toddler-girl fashions, all bright prints and cutesy slogans. The final indignity came when Laura dressed Liz in pants with elastic waistbands, a concession to the mother's ability to easily check her daughter's pull-ups or quickly sit her on the potty. But Liz's potty training proved an exercise in futility, with multiple accidents a day frustrating her mother's efforts. Unwilling to tolerate this lack of progress, Laura made the decision to regress Liz even further, shaving her daughter's genitals and putting her to back in diapers. Liz's anguished pleas fell on deaf ears as Laura firmly assured her that she was "just not ready" for the big-girl potty, taping a large disposable diaper around her waist and dressing her in a snug white cotton onesie to keep it in place.
The transformation was now complete, as Liz found herself thrust into the role of an infant, her mother's unyielding grip tightening with each passing day. The living room had been transformed into the perfect playroom, replete with an oversized playpen, a baby swing and a pink baby walker – the very trappings of a helpless child. Liz's foul mouthed protests were met with a pacifier forcibly shoved into her mouth, a stern warning that "naughty words" would not be tolerated. As Laura deposited her grown daughter into the baby walker and retreated to the kitchen, Liz's wide eyes took in the surreal scene, the realization dawning that her independence had been irrevocably lost, replaced by the harsh reality of her mother's uncompromising dominance.
As Liz sat begrudgingly in her baby walker, she halfheartedly played with the attached rattles and noisemakers, her eyes drawn to the small mirror at the end. Frowning at her reflection, the disgruntled woman quickly popped her pacifier back into her mouth, seeking comfort and soothing. It wasn't long before her mother, Laura, appeared and couldn't help but smile at the sight of her daughter amusing herself. Scooping Liz up, Laura carried her into the kitchen, Liz's eyes immediately landing on the imposing, oversized Graco highchair positioned at the table. Liz knew what was coming as her mother plopped her into the seat and began strapping her in, tying a large, vinyl "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" bib around her neck, complete with little hearts and a crumb-catching pocket. "Who's ready for lunchiepoos?" Laura cooed in a high-pitched, sing-song voice, sliding the tray into place and setting down a large bowl of mushy, greenish vegetable puree. Liz shook her head in defiance, but her pacifier was quickly removed and a spoonful of the unappetizing mush was shoved into her mouth. The toddler gagged and dribbled half of it down her chin, only to have her mother scoop it back up and feed her again. "It's yucky, Mommy!" Liz cried, to which Laura sternly replied, "Well that's too bad, baby, because this is what babies eat! Now open up for Mommy!" Determined to finish the bowl, Laura continued spooning the mushy concoction into Liz's reluctant mouth until the last bite was gone, leaving the woman’s face a complete mess. Delighted by the Kodak moment, Laura whipped out her iPhone and snapped a few photos, quickly posting them to Facebook and Instagram with the caption "Mommy's messy little peanut." Liz's wails of humiliation only grew louder as the notifications of likes and comments began pouring in, the regressed woman soaking her diaper in distress. After cleaning Liz up, Laura handed her a bottle of formula, which the girl eagerly accepted, hoping to wash away the horrid vegetable taste. "Two hands, baby girl!" Laura reminded her as Liz drank, praising her for being such a "good girl" and finishing her "numnums and baba." With the bottle empty, Laura unstrapped Liz and carried her down the hall to the guest room, the door of which was adorned with a sign reading "Baby Liz's Nursery" in flowing pink letters.
As Laura opened the door, Liz cowered in fear, her eyes wide with apprehension as she took in the sights of her new nursery. The room was a serene oasis of pastel pinks and soft, comforting hues, with a delightful baby animal border lining the walls. Liz's gaze was immediately drawn to the large, inviting crib situated beneath a soothing mobile, its gentle spinning elephants and giraffes providing a calming ambiance. Beside the crib stood a tall, matching dresser, no doubt brimming with an array of adorable baby outfits waiting to be discovered. In the corner, a large, wooden rocking chair beckoned, its smooth, white finish exuding an air of maternal comfort.
Liz's moment of wonder was short-lived, however, as her mother gently laid her down on the spacious changing table. Laura's skilled fingers quickly located the elastic leg band of Liz's pamper, confirming her suspicions – her little girl was soaked. With a gentle, practiced motion, Laura unsnapped Liz's onesie and untaped the wet diaper, exposing her daughter's delicate skin. As Liz's eyes darted around the room, her mother's soothing voice cooed, "Such a wet baby!" Laura wasted no time, throwing the heavy diaper in Liz’s diaper pail, grabbing a fresh diaper from the stack beneath the table and unfolding it with one hand as she held Liz's legs high. A thick layer of Desitin and a dusting of baby powder soon enveloped Liz's bottom and genitals, providing a protective barrier against any irritation.
Liz's confusion only grew as her mother carefully selected an adorable outfit, dressing her in a short, light blue and white Hello Kitty dress, complemented by a pair of ruffled white tights and shiny black Mary Jane shoes. Liz's panicked expression betrayed her disorientation, but Laura's gentle coos and reassuring touches soon calmed her as she was carried into the playroom and laid in her cozy playpen. "Mommy just has to get dressed and pack your diaper bag, baby, and then we can go byebyes," Laura explained, her voice dripping with maternal affection, before disappearing into her bedroom, leaving Liz to ponder what was happening as she instinctively sucked her pacifier while cradling her new stuffed friends.
As Liz sat in the playpen, eagerly awaiting her mother's return, the minutes felt like an eternity. But finally, Laura reappeared, carrying a large, soft white nursery print tote bag - a diaper bag with "Baby Liz" embroidered on the front. Placing it on the counter, Laura then added a few bottles of formula, a sign that she was fully prepared for their outing. A warm smile crossed Laura's face as she bent down into the playpen, gently scooping up her daughter and settling her onto her hip. With her child secure, Laura headed for the front door, where an enormous pink and black Graco baby stroller sat waiting.
With practiced ease, Laura placed Liz inside the stroller, quickly buckling the 5-point harness to keep her daughter snug and secure. She then draped the diaper bag over the handlebar, ready to head out. But as they approached the door, a worried "pwease mommy, don't take me outside like this. What if someone sees me?" came from Liz, her pacifier muffling the plea. Laura just smiled and reassured her, "Oh hush, young lady. You were such a good girl today, don't ruin it now. I'm afraid people are going to see baby Liz today and going forward, babykins. All of Mommy's friends already know, and even your former employer."
At that, Liz's eyes grew wide, realizing her mother had been busy making arrangements. "Speaking of which," Laura continued, "I didn't want to ruin the surprise, but Mommy talked to your old boss, and she pulled some strings to get you into the company daycare. We're going in for a tour, and you start on Monday!" With that, Laura pushed the stroller out the door and down the sidewalk, heading into town. As they went, Liz felt a rising sense of humiliation, with passers-by stopping to stare and make snickering comments. The embarrassment was too much, and Liz began to cry, accidentally wetting her diaper in the process.
Sensing her daughter's distress, Laura stopped the stroller and quickly checked Liz's diaper. "No wonder you're such a grumpy girl with all that pee in your pamper!" she cooed. "Don't worry, Mommy will change you as soon as the tour is over, baby." With that, she continued on, finally arriving at the large building that housed the daycare. Wheeling Liz inside, Laura explained the situation to the receptionist, who immediately recognized Liz and struggled to contain her laughter. Within minutes, Liz's former boss, Mrs. Jones, appeared, greeting the pair warmly and assuring them that Liz would fit in perfectly with the other babies. After a thorough tour of the facility, from the lunchroom to the nap room, Laura was more than impressed, and Mrs. Jones promised that everything Liz needed would be provided.
Just as the tour was wrapping up, Liz let out a loud, smelly fart, causing both Laura and Mrs. Jones to exchange amused glances. But the humor was short-lived, as a foul odor suddenly permeated the air, and Liz's face reddened with the strain of releasing a large, mushy bowel movement into her diaper. "Uh oh, it smells like the poopy express has made an early arrival!" Mrs. Jones announced comically. Bending down to take a whiff, Laura cooed, "Pee-yew! Stinky girl!" as Liz wailed in embarrassment.
As Laura explained the urgent need to change her daughter's soiled diaper, Mrs. Jones, a fellow mother, immediately offered her assistance with a warm and understanding tone. Gratefully, Laura laid out a soft, pink changing mat on the floor and gently lowered her little girl from the stroller, taking care to handle her with the utmost tenderness. With practiced efficiency, Laura began the delicate process, first pulling down the woman’s tights and lifting her dress to access the diaper. Mrs. Jones, anticipating the task at hand, quickly retrieved a package of baby wipes and a fresh pamper from the diaper bag, handing them to Laura. Both women braced themselves as Laura carefully untaped the heavily soiled diaper, revealing an impressively large load that had accumulated within. The pungent odor wafted through the air, causing Laura and Mrs. Jones to momentarily hold their breath, but their maternal instincts took over as they worked in tandem to thoroughly clean the baby and replace the foul-smelling diaper with a clean, fresh one. Though the task was unpleasant, their shared experience as mothers allowed them to navigate the situation with empathy, efficiency, and a touch of good humor, ensuring the woman’s comfort were maintained throughout the unpleasant ordeal.
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abdlalba · 1 month
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Cómic by SketchMan-DL
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abdlalba · 2 months
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Bethany’s tumble
Bethany's mother, Susan, confronted her daughter as she held up a large disposable diaper. "Bethany Ann, what on earth is this?" she asked. Bethany tried to come up with a believable lie, but her mother saw right through her. "I can explain. I've been having some accidents, I mean, it's not mine!" Bethany said, flustered.
"God, mom, what were you even doing in my room?" Bethany yelled as she tried to walk away. Grabbing her daughter by the wrist, Susan became infuriated. "First off, this is my house, and I'll do as I please. And second, I was cleaning. God forbid you clean your own bedroom. 38 years old with no job, no initiative, irresponsible and living off mommy. Well, young lady, I'm sick of it. And you know what? I think you like diapers and want to be a baby, don't you?" she angrily asked, pulling down Bethany's pants to reveal a pair of large Disney princess pull-ups.
"No, mom! It's not like that!" Bethany cried as her mother shook her head. "Careful what you wish for, baby, because as of this moment, you are no longer an adult but rather the baby of the house!" Susan explained before she pulled her daughter's pants all the way off and dragged her into the living room, sitting her on the floor. Susan quickly put on Sesame Street on the TV and forced Bethany's thumb into her mouth. "Now suck, and don't move a muscle, young lady! Big Bird should keep you entertained while Mommy makes some calls."
Over the next few days, the once-ordinary guest room was transformed into a whimsical nursery, perfectly tailored to accommodate Bethany's needs. A skilled local home renovation company meticulously outfitted the space, filling it with an array of charming, age-appropriate furnishings and decor. Bethany, clad only in a infantile t-shirt and disposable pink training pants, watched with a growing sense of mortification as the steady stream of male and female workers moved in and out, busily assembling the new furniture and accessories. Her mother, Susan, seemed oblivious to Bethany's discomfort, instead focusing her attention on the practical matters at hand. Determined to humiliate her daughter, Susan had purchased a diminutive pink plastic training potty , which she promptly positioned right in the middle of the room, seating Bethany upon it as the workers continued their tasks around them. "Can you be a big girl and make peepees for Mommy?" Susan cooed encouragingly, seemingly unbothered by the audience of chuckling renovation specialists as they constructed Bethany's new highchair and playpen. Before long, the telltale sound of urine filling the plastic basin echoed through the room, soon followed by an unmistakable plop. "Good girl, and you made a big poopy too!" Susan exclaimed, praising her daughter as she stood her up to tenderly clean her with baby wipes. Pulling Bethany's training pants back into place, Susan then hurried off to empty the potty, leaving the mortified woman alone to bawl uncontrollably on her princess-themed play mat, eventually succumbing to exhaustion and falling into a fitful sleep, her thumb instinctively finding its way to her mouth.
As the final touches were being put in place, the team of hardworking renovation professionals were meticulously baby-proofing the rest of Susan's home, ensuring every nook and cranny was safe and secure for baby Bethany. With great care and attention to detail, they installed the car seat in Susan's brand new minivan, making certain it was properly secured and ready to transport the precious cargo. Meanwhile, the workers assembled Bethany's sleek, modern stroller, testing it out to guarantee a smooth, comfortable ride. As the last of the safety measures were completed, Susan began the task of unboxing the countless packages that had been delivered, eagerly unpacking and arranging all the adorable decor, babytoys and essential supplies to fully stock and personalize Bethany's cozy nursery. The room quickly transformed into a serene oasis, brimming with soft textures, soothing colors, and whimsical accents that radiated warmth and joy. Just as Susan was putting the finishing touches on the nursery, the renovation team efficiently packed up their tools, their mission accomplished. Filled with immense gratitude for their hard work and dedication, Susan happily rewarded them with a generous tip, expressing her heartfelt appreciation. With a beaming smile, she bid them farewell, already planning to enthusiastically recommend their exceptional services to all her family and friends.
Bethany awoke with a start, her eyes flying open as she realized she was no longer in the comfort of the living room. Instead, she found herself in an unfamiliar setting, completely disoriented and vulnerable. To her horror, Bethany discovered that she was lying naked atop an imposing changing table, her mother looming over her with a menacing gaze. Susan's hands were gripping a razor, and with a chilling smile, she began methodically shaving Bethany's most intimate area bare. "Mom, please, not my hair!" Bethany cried out in a panic, her voice laced with anguish and disbelief. But her pleas fell on deaf ears as Susan continued her task, insisting that "Babies don't have hair down there!" in a sing-song tone. Bethany's protests were muffled when her mother suddenly popped an oversized, garish pink pacifier into her mouth, commanding her to keep it in until further notice. "From now on, it's babytalk only! Does baby understand?" Susan asked, her eyes glinting with a twisted delight. Bethany could only manage a muffled "Yeth mommy" as she reluctantly nodded, her body trembling with a mix of fear and confusion. With a triumphant flourish, Susan then grabbed a massive diaper from beneath the changing table and, with a wide, sweeping motion, lifted Bethany's legs high above her head before sliding the oversized pamper beneath her vulnerable, exposed bottom. Bethany was now completely at the mercy of her domineering mother, who seemed intent on stripping her of her dignity and autonomy in the most humiliating way possible.
With Bethany's legs still raised in the air, Susan carefully inserted four suppositories into her daughter's tight, hairless anus, causing the 38-year-old woman to let out a soft whimper. Susan then applied a liberal amount of Desitin ointment, followed by a generous dusting of soothing baby powder, to Bethany's reddened bottom and sensitive vaginal area. Lowering Bethany's legs, Susan taped the thick, absorbent diaper securely around her daughter's waist, ensuring a snug, protective fit. Sitting Bethany up, Susan tied her hair into two pigtails using pristine white ribbons, then slipped Bethany's feet into a pair of light blue, fuzzy booties - the perfect finishing touch to transform the grown woman into a helpless, infantilized state. As Bethany looked up at her mother with pleading, watery eyes, she obediently sucked on her pacifier, the rhythmic motion providing a sense of comfort and reassurance that Susan was doing what was best. "Okay, honey, let's get you settled in”. Susan announced cheerfully. "Mrs. Parker, your ex-fiancé's mother, is on her way over to take your measurements for your new baby clothes." With that, Susan scooped up her docile, diapered daughter and carried her down the hall, ready to continue Bethany's complete regression into an infantilized, dependent state.
Bethany was consumed by anxiety, her inner turmoil manifesting as she soaked her diaper, causing it to droop slightly. She dreaded the thought of Mrs. Parker seeing her in this state. "Mrs. Parker never cared for me, and I'm sure she was thrilled when I broke off the engagement," Bethany fretted. "And as the town's biggest gossip, she'll tell everyone, and my life will be over!"
Just then, the doorbell rang. Susan readjusted the squirming, half-naked Bethany and hurried to the front door, tightening her grip on the babified woman's warm, pampered bottom. Susan opened the door to reveal a tall, beautiful woman with big blue eyes, who struggled to contain her amusement at the sight of Bethany.
"Hi, Susan!" Mrs. Parker greeted. "And hello, little one," she added, her gaze fixed on the embarrassed Bethany. "It's so good to see you both," Mrs. Parker said as Susan ushered her inside.
As Susan gently placed Bethany on the floor, she carefully scattered a few baby toys around the young woman from the corner of the room. Bethany eyed the toys with a mix of reluctance and curiosity, her fingers eventually reaching out to grasp a set of plastic baby keys. Sucking lightly on her pacifier, Bethany halfheartedly shook the keys, the soft jingle barely registering as she sank deeper into her new baby life. Meanwhile, Candace observed Bethany intently, her gaze sweeping over the younger woman's body. Noticing the slight sag and dampness of Bethany's diaper, Candace quickly pulled out her iPhone, snapping a quick picture of the overgrown infant playing on the floor. "Awww, look at the little baby playing in her diapee!" Candace cooed, a teasing lilt in her voice. "Where did the big girl go? Did she go byebyes?" she joked, reveling in Bethany's obvious embarrassment and discomfort.
Just then, Susan returned from the kitchen, a tall glass of fresh lemonade in one hand and a warm bottle of formula in the other. Handing the bottle to the still-seated Bethany, Susan offered the lemonade to Candace, who gratefully accepted it, taking a long sip. Candace then immediately reached into her purse, pulling out a seamstress's tape measure, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Thank you for leaving Bethany in just her diaper," she said, "it will make things much easier!" Approaching the blushing young woman, Candace stood her up and proceeded to take Bethany's measurements, much to the latter's obvious mortification. "All done! You were such a good girl," Candace exclaimed, guiding the overgrown infant back down onto her bottom.
As Bethany sat quietly in the corner, nursing her bottle, Candace and her mom discussed the extensive list of baby clothes Bethany would need. Susan insisted on outfitting the new baby in a wide variety of adorable options, from cozy onesies and adorable Jammie’s to frilly dresses and charming rompers in an array of vibrant colors and playful designs. "That shouldn't be a problem!" Candace assured, confident she could easily make all the essential items to keep Bethany well-dressed. Meanwhile, the babified woman continued sipping her bottle, blissfully unaware of the planning happening around her.
Suddenly, a distinct and unpleasant odor began to permeate the room, emanating from Bethany's direction as she squatted. “I think Bethany's is making a poopy!" Candace announced with a wrinkled nose. Susan immediately turned her attention to her daughter, cooing sympathetically, "Baby, did you make a stinky in your diaper for Mommy?" As she approached Bethany, Susan bent down to take a closer inspection, gently peeling back the back of the waistband of her daughter’s diaper. "Pee-yew! Messy girl!" she proclaimed, lifting Bethany up and settling the squirming baby on her hip. Susan sprang into action, ready to tend to Bethany's poopy diaper and get her freshened up, their earlier discussion of baby clothes temporarily forgotten amidst the pressing need to address this unpleasant situation.
As Bethany's diaper grew increasingly saturated, the babyish woman began wailing loudly, the squishy mess pressing uncomfortably against her delicate skin. "That's my cue to make a quick exit!" Candace joked with a chuckle, knowing all too well the unpleasant situation unfolding. Susan, Bethany's mother, quickly sprang into action, popping the pacifier back into her daughter's mouth in a soothing attempt to calm the crying. "I don't blame you for wanting to make a hasty retreat - I've got one stinky, fussy baby on my hands here, and she's way overdue for her nap!" Susan explained apologetically to Candace as she and Bethany made their way towards the front door to see Candace off.
Candace, eager to avoid the impending diaper change, hurriedly bid her farewells. "I should have the first set of Bethany's new outfits ready by Friday for you to pick up," she mentioned quickly, already halfway out the door. As Candace made her exit, Susan held up Bethany's hand, guiding the baby girl in an enthusiastic wave goodbye to Candace - Bethany's former fiancée's mother. Susan knew she had her hands full, but was grateful for Candace's friendship and understanding and the chance to get her little one down for a much-needed nap.
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abdlalba · 2 months
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Ashley’s second babyhood
Ashley's shrill screams filled the room as her mother, Debbie, forced another spoonful of brown mush into her adult daughter's mouth. Sitting in her brand new highchair, Ashley protested, "I'm not a baby! You can't treat me like this!" her words muffled by the mouthful of baby food.
Clearly agitated by her daughter's outburst, Debbie couldn't help but smirk with a devilish smile as she shoved in another spoonful, while Ashley pounded her fists against the plastic highchair tray. "Ashley Lee! That's quite enough out of you, little miss," Debbie scolded harshly. "You are a baby, and you better start acting like it this minute, unless you want to finish your sentence in jail! Maybe I should let your probation officer know you're being a naughty girl!"
Cowed by her mother's threats, Ashley reluctantly acquiesced, lisping, "Me sowy, mommy. Me be good ," and ate the rest of her baby food like a good girl without incident.
After Debbie gently wiped Ashley's face and hands with baby wipes, she handed her daughter an oversized bottle filled with a special formula for bigger babies. Ashley eagerly took the bottle and began nursing, not wanting to upset her mother again. "Good girl," Debbie cooed, rubbing her daughter's head and giving her a kiss on the cheek before removing the baby dishes from the enormous Graco highchair and happily washing them in the sink.
Soon, Debbie heard the empty plastic bottle fall to the floor. Quickly turning around, she picked it up and caught her daughter lifting her big diapered bottom off the highchair seat, her face reddening as she grunted loudly. Debbie's motherly instincts went into overdrive - she knew her daughter was making a stinky. Ashley's mother watched in amusement as Ashley finished filling her pampers.
“Pee yew! Such a stinky girl!" Debbie exclaimed as she held her nose. “But Mommy's afraid that’s another no-no for Baby Ashley! Babies poop wherever they are, which means if you are sitting in your highchair, you make stinkies sitting down!" Debbie sternly told her daughter as she forced the woman back onto her bottom, squishing the large load against her skin, causing Ashley to wail like an infant and soak her pamper. Just as Debbie was about to remove Ashley’s highchair tray, her phone started buzzing. Debbie saw that it was Linda, whose daughter Tina was also in the new alternative regression program. Debbie eagerly answered the phone as she walked into the living room, leaving Ashley bawling her eyes out in her highchair. The foul odor of Ashley’s dirty diaper lingered in the living room, keeping the conversation short. "Oh, hi Linda! That sounds like a great idea! We'll be over in a half  hour!" Debbie happily told Tina’s mommy before hanging up and reluctantly returning to the kitchen.
Debbie looked on with a mix of exasperation and affection as her 38-year-old daughter Ashley continued to cry loudly, the sound muffled only slightly by the oversized pink pacifier Debbie had popped into her mouth. The pacifier, emblazoned with a sparkly "Mute button" in the center, had surprisingly soothed Ashley's cries, a testament to the powerful effect such comfort objects could have. With a quick, practiced motion, Debbie removed Ashley's bib, leaving her clad only in her disposable diaper that now sagged heavily between her legs. Deftly unbuckling the straps of the highchair, Debbie then scooped up Ashley's tall, lanky frame, hoisting her onto her hip and eliciting a disgruntled whine from the grown woman. The motion only served to smush Ashley's messy, soiled bottom even further, the pungent odor wafting up to Debbie's nose as she carried her daughter down the hall and into the expansive nursery that now occupied Ashley's former bedroom. Laying Ashley down on the sturdy changing table, Debbie tried to brace herself for the unpleasant task ahead, remembering well the stench of her daughter's diapers from when she was a an actual baby. With a quick, efficient motion, Debbie untaped the diaper, tutting sympathetically as she surveyed the extensive mess. "Oh my goodness, such a big poopy from such a wittle girl!" she cooed, lifting Ashley's legs high above her head, wiping most of the poop off with the front of the large pamper.
Debbie grabbed the baby wipes and went to work quickly, cleaning Ashley’s backside and hairless genitals before removing the dirty diaper, throwing it in the large pink diaper pail with "Baby Ashley" stenciled in bright bold letters, and sliding a fresh one under her bottom. Ashley felt much better with a clean bottom, but she desperately missed her big girl panties and adult life as her mother coated her in Desitin and baby powder. Maybe one day she’d be a big girl again, Ashley thought as her mother inserted four suppositories into her bottom, causing her to whimper. “Mommy has to make sure the baby makes lots of poopies, doesn’t she?” Debbie joked as she taped the large white disposable diaper featuring Sesame Streets Big Bird and Elmo under the elastic waistband closed snuggly.
Debbie left Ashley on the changing table as she rummaged through the nursery closet and dresser, carefully selecting the perfect outfit for Ashley's playdate. She settled on a pink and white checkered smocked bubble sunsuit onesie featuring a sandcastle, beach ball, and pail and shovel design across the chest.
When Debbie showed the embarrassing outfit to her daughter and explained that she had arranged a playdate, Ashley protested vehemently. "No, no, no! I can't go out like that, I'll be humiliated. I won't do it!" Ashley yelled, flailing her arms and legs in a toddler-like tantrum.
"Oh yes you will, little girl! You better start listening to Mommy, or so help me God, I'll take you out in just your diaper!" Debbie screamed, turning her daughter over and pulling down the back of her diaper. Before Ashley knew it, her mother was spanking her bare bottom, causing her to wail. "I'll be a good girl, I promise, Mommy!" Ashley pleaded.
Once Debbie was satisfied, she pulled Ashley's diaper back up, turned her over, and quickly dressed her in the humiliating sunsuit onesie. As Debbie pulled on a pair of pink ruffled ankle socks and tied a large white bonnet onto Ashley's head, she placed the pacifier back in her daughter's mouth.
Debbie sat Ashley up, admiring her work, and quickly packed the diaper bag before picking up her daughter and placing her on her hip. "Oh, geez, we're going to be late!" Debbie exclaimed, glancing at the clock. "Baby Tina and her mommy can't wait to meet you! She's only a year older than you, so I'm sure you'll have lots of fun together!" Ashley's mother explained as she carried her daughter down the hall, stopping at the hallway mirror to make herself presentable as Ashley stared at her reflection.
Ashley wanted to die. As she looked at herself, all she saw was a baby; the woman she used to be was long gone. Within a matter of seconds, Ashley started whimpering and crying as her mother tried to soothe her, rocking her on her hip as she was carried outside. Once outside, Debbie realized that their neighborhood block party was today, and she quickly tried to get Ashley in her SUV before anyone saw them. But it was too late. Nancy was the first to see them, and she called Debbie over to a large group of people sitting with their mouths wide open at Ashley. “Hi Debbie, um, hello there, Ashley." Nancy awkwardly greeted the two women. “Hi Nancy, but it’s Baby Ashley now. Ashley is in the regression program now and will be for at least the next 5 years. I’m sorry we have to miss the party, but Ashley has a play date with another baby her age!" Debbie explained as Ashley laid her head on her mother’s shoulder, totally humiliated, wetting her diaper while her mother patted her bottom and rubbed her back. “Yes, I heard about that program, and I must say this new look definitely suits her. She is quite adorable! But I have a ton of questions. Why don’t you stop by after Ashley’s play date? I’m sure my daughter and her friends would love to babysit while the adults catch up" Nancy exclaimed.
Debbie eagerly agreed, held Ashley’s hand up, and waved her hand “bye-byes” to all their neighbors, causing lots of delightful glees and smiles. Before Ashley knew it, she was strapped into her brand new pink car seat, sucking vigorously on her pacifier, while her mother backed out of the driveway for her playdate and a long day of humiliation. After about 10 minutes, a familiar odor filled the car—an odor any mother would instantly recognize. "Baby, did you make Mommy a present?" Debbie nonchalantly asked as she looked in the rear-view mirror at her daughter. Ashley vigorously shook her head as her mother pulled the car into the local grocery store parking lot. “Mommy is going to ask you again, baby. Did you make a stinky? I smell poop." Debbie announced this as Ashley shook her head again. Debbie just rolled her eyes as Ashley got upset; clearly, she would know if she pooped. She was 38 after all. But Debbie wasn’t having it, remembering when Ashley was a toddler and always denying when she went potty in her pull-up. After putting the car in park and cracking the windows, Debbie got out and opened the rear passenger door. She quickly yanked the crotch of her daughter's onesie out and pulled out the elastic legband of her pamper, finding a large wet load inside. “I guess mommy will just have to check on you for now on, huh, stinky!" Debbie told her daughter as she removed her diaper bag and set up her changing pad on top of the tailgate of her SUV before lifting Ashley out and setting her down on top. “No poop, no change here, mommy! People will see, me big girl,” Ashley babbled under her pacifier, much to her mother’s glee. “Oh, stop that right now. I’m sure everyone shopping has seen a baby get their diaper changed,” Debbie explained as she laid Ashley down and started to unsnap the crotch of her onesie.
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abdlalba · 2 months
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Olivia’s restart
Olivia's behavior had clearly reached a breaking point, much to the dismay and frustration of her mother Pamela. The incident at the grocery store, where Olivia had embarrassingly wet herself and thrown a tantrum in front of Pamela's best friend, was simply the latest in a long line of immature and unacceptable actions. Compounding the problem was the revelation that Olivia had in fact lost her job at the bank weeks ago, yet had been deceitfully maintaining the pretense of still being employed. At nearly 40 years old, Pamela felt Olivia's persistent childishness and inability to take responsibility for her own life was wholly unacceptable. As Pamela drove Olivia home, her frustration boiled over into a scathing rebuke, angrily calling Olivia a "bratty" and "overgrown child" who would "never grow up." The sheer exasperation in Pamela's voice made it clear she had reached the end of her rope with her daughter's behavior. Deciding Olivia needed a timeout, Pamela sternly ordered her to pack a suitcase and stay with her sister Marta for the next week, warning that if Olivia remained in her sight any longer, she may do something she'd regret. Olivia, chastened and knowing she had truly pushed her mother to the limit, could only meekly comply as she hurried inside to begin packing. The once-vibrant relationship between mother and daughter had devolved into a toxic dynamic, with Pamela at her wit's end and Olivia facing the consequences of her prolonged immaturity.
As soon as Olivia had departed, Pamela wasted no time in springing into action, determined to swiftly transform her daughter's bedroom into a space more befitting of her own vision. First, Pamela efficiently sold Olivia's car, the proceeds from which would help fund the necessary changes. She then set about clearing out the room, methodically packing up Olivia's belongings and donating the majority of her personal items to Goodwill. Pamela was resolute in her mission to erase the remnants of her adult daughter's old life, wanting a clean slate upon which to build anew. With a renewed sense of purpose, she then set about repainting the walls, carefully selecting a shade that was the complete antithesis of the previous color scheme. The fresh, vibrant hue seemed to symbolize the transformation Pamela sought to enact, a visual representation of the changes to come.
Enlisting the help of her trusted friend Ava, who proved quite adept at assembling furniture, Pamela then set about furnishing the space, unboxing a brand new wardrobe and necessary supplies for her "new" daughter. As the final piece was installed in the backseat of Pamela's sleek minivan, she couldn't help but pause, seeking affirmation from her friend. “Ava, do you think I'm doing the right thing?" she asked, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her voice. Without hesitation, Ava reassured her, "Without a doubt! Olivia and you both need this!" The two women shared a smile, the confidence in Ava's words and the finality of the closed passenger door signifying Pamela's unwavering commitment to this transformative journey.
The next afternoon, Olivia arrived at her mother house. Pamela briefly chatted with her other daughter Marta while Olivia retrieved her suitcase, but Marta was in a hurry so the conversation was cut short. After saying goodbye, Pamela took Olivia by the hand and led her inside.
Olivia's eyes immediately landed on a massive playpen in the middle of the living room, filled with oversized baby toys and stuffed animals. "Mom? What's going on? Are you babysitting?" Olivia asked apprehensively as Pamela guided her over for a closer look.
"Not exactly, honey. This is your new playpen!" Pamela exclaimed excitedly. Olivia shook her head in disbelief. "My playpen? What are you talking about? Have you gone crazy? I'm not a baby!" she shouted, pulling her hand away from her mother.
Pamela smiled and pulled Olivia close. "Oh, but you are. From this moment on, you'll be treated like the baby you really are. Your adult life is over - all your big girl things are gone, and I'll be taking care of your every need now," she explained, swiftly pulling down Olivia's pants to reveal a pair of urine-soaked panties.
Pamela carefully inspected Olivia's wet underwear, shaking her head in disappointment. She turned her daughter around and pulled the back of her underwear outward, peering inside and noticing the skid marks. "Oh Olivia, this is exactly why mommy has to do this. You clearly weren't ready for big girl undies or potty training," Pamela explained sternly.
Without warning, Pamela pulled an oversized pacifier from her pocket and popped it into Olivia's mouth, silencing her protests. "Don't you dare take that binky out, little miss," Pamela warned. Before Olivia could react, Pamela swiftly stripped her daughter naked, right there in the living room.
Pamela gathered up Olivia's adult clothes and threw them in a garbage bag, disposing of them outside in the trash can on the curb. Olivia stood frozen with fear, the front door wide open, terrified that someone might see her naked and sucking on a pacifier.
On her way back Pamela stopped and gossiped with their middle-aged neighbor Liz even about Olivia. Soon after, Olivia's mom reappeared and led Olivia to the bathroom. "Bathtime, babygirl!" Pamela announced as she started filling the tub with baby wash, a large Elmo-themed bath seat, and an array of toys. While waiting for the tub to fill, Pamela applied a generous amount of hair removal cream to Olivia's genitals and bottom. Olivia whimpered under her pacifier, but Pamela ignored her as she wiped off the cream, removing all of Olivia's pubic hair and causing the woman to shed tears. "Hairless as a newborn!" Pamela cooed, prompting Olivia to wail even louder.
Pamela sighed as she helped her daughter Olivia into the bathtub, gently pushing her down into the cushioned bath seat. She could tell Olivia was already in a foul mood, likely upset about having to take a bath against her will. As Pamela began washing Olivia's body, the girl whimpered and pouted like a toddler, clearly displeased with the situation. Sensing her daughter's distress, Pamela tried to lighten the mood by starting to sing the familiar "bath song" from Cocomelon, a favorite of toddlers. She also handed Olivia some of her old beloved Disney-themed light-up bath toys, including the Ariel figurine that had been a fixture in the tub since Olivia was an actual baby. Olivia's face immediately brightened at the sight of the glowing toys, and she seemed to relax a bit as her mother methodically cleaned every nook and cranny. However, Olivia's tranquility was short-lived, as Pamela then stood her up to thoroughly wash her intimate areas. The former woman turned bright red with embarrassment, but Pamela simply carried on, making sure to clean her daughter's hairless genitals and then turning her around to scrub her bottom as well. When Pamela inserted her soapy fingers into Olivia's tight rear, the girl let out a startled scream, pleading with her mother through her pacifier to stop the invasive cleaning. Pamela simply drained the tub and helped her squirming daughter out onto the bath mat, already dreading the next time bath time rolled around.
Pamela carefully wrapped Olivia in a large, plush towel, enveloping her daughter's frame in the soft, hooded fabric. The towel was a soothing blend of pastel pink and crisp white, providing a cozy, comforting embrace as Pamela gently dried Olivia off after her bath. With a deft touch, Pamela combed through Olivia's damp brown hair, styling it into two adorable pigtails secured with matching pink elastic hair bands. "Oh, you look absolutely adorable, baby, and you smell so sweet!" Pamela cooed, gazing at her daughter with pure adoration. Removing the towel Pamela lifted Olivia onto her hip, carrying the former woman down the hall towards her bedroom. As they approached the doorway, Olivia couldn't help but notice the large, colorful text stenciled underneath a charming mural - "Baby Olivia's Nursery," surrounded by whimsical images of baby elephants and giraffes. Olivia sighed heavily, a mixture of disbelief and resignation, as Pamela pushed open the door, revealing a truly impressive space designed just for her. The room was meticulously decorated, with a brand-new changing table positioned on one side , its soft padding practically cloud-like. Behind it stood the magnificent white crib, topped with a delicate pink safari-themed mobile gently swaying overhead. Olivia's eyes then settled on the oversized pink diaper pail situated next to the changing table, her name emblazoned across the front in a glittery, feminine font. The sheer absurdity of the situation was overwhelming, and Olivia couldn't help but feel a wave of nausea as she stared at the trappings of her new, infantilized existence, spitting out her pacifier in a moment of defiance.
Olivia pleaded desperately with her mother, begging her not to go through with this humiliating ordeal. "Mom, please don't do this! I'll do anything!" she cried out, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Pamela was determined to follow through, unmoved by her daughter's distress. Swiftly, she retrieved a large, disposable diaper featuring the cheerful Muppet Babies characters under the waistband from under the changing table and began unfolding it. With a firm grasp, Pamela lifted Olivia's legs high into the air, exposing her vulnerable backside, and slid the thick, crinkly diaper underneath. "Sorry, baby," Pamela said sternly. "You had your chance to be a 'big girl' and you failed miserably, I might add. The quicker you learn your new place, the easier this will be for you."
Olivia's face flushed with embarrassment and humiliation as her mother popped the pacifier back into her mouth, silencing her protests. Pamela then coated Olivia's delicate skin in a generous layer of diaper rash cream, followed by a liberal sprinkling of soothing baby powder. Lifting her daughter's legs once more, Pamela inserted four suppositories into Olivia's squirming bottom, eliciting a wail of discomfort that echoed through the entire neighborhood. Undeterred, Pamela lowered Olivia's legs and swiftly taped the bulky diaper shut, forcing Olivia's legs open in a helpless, infantile position. Olivia could only roll her eyes in resignation as her mother dressed her in a short, pink and white babydress and matching pink booties, completing the humiliating transformation from woman to helpless baby.
Pamela cooed with unbridled delight as she scooped up her daughter, cradling the woman in the crook of her arm. Gazing down at the rosy-cheeked, wide-eyed cherub, Pamela couldn't help but gush over Olivia's sheer adorableness. "Oh my goodness, you are the cutest little baby in the world!" she exclaimed, her voice dripping with affection. Pamela eagerly carried Olivia over to the mirror, eager to show the former woman her transformation . Yet to Pamela's surprise, Olivia let out a distressed cry upon seeing herself, pouting, "I look like a dumb baby, mom!" Pamela was quick to reassure her daughter, tenderly explaining, "Yes, honey, that's because you are a baby - my baby. And from now on, it's 'mommy,' not 'mom.'" Pamela punctuated her words with a gentle pat to Olivia's pampered bottom and a playful pinch of her leg. Olivia's pout melted into a watery, submissive gaze as she murmured, "Yeth, mommy," allowing Pamela to carry her into the living room. With a contented sigh, Pamela plopped Olivia into her new playpen, ready to dote on her precious little girl.
Sitting in her playpen , the boredom was palpable as Olivia stared listlessly at the bottle of formula her mother Pamela had handed her. Begrudgingly, she brought the bottle to her lips, the monotonous task of nursing the thick, chalky liquid doing little to alleviate her tedium. But just as Olivia was resigning herself to an afternoon of mind-numbing inactivity, her restless fidgeting soon found a more engaging outlet. Glancing down, she noticed her baby toys strewn about on the floor, relics of a simpler time when her entertainment needs were far more easily met. Without further hesitation, Olivia reached down and began idly playing with the colorful blocks and rattles, her fingers nimble despite her adult stature. She even went so far as to playfully bat at her own feet, eliciting a chuckle from Pamela as she watched her grown daughter revert to the carefree pastimes of her infancy. Pamela couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her - her decision to provide this regressive care had been the right one. As the doorbell rang, Pamela knew Olivia's playtime was about to be interrupted by the arrival of her friend Ava and Ava's teenage daughter Nicole. With a smile, Pamela rose from the couch and went to greet their guests, eager to see how the afternoon's events would unfold
The scene was filled with a palpable sense of joy and camaraderie as Nicole gratefully expressed her delight to Pamela over the car she had just purchased. "I just wanted to personally thank you for selling me the car! It's perfect!" Nicole said, her voice brimming with genuine appreciation. Pamela waved off the thanks with a warm smile, replying, "Oh no problem at all honey! I'm glad a mature young woman can get some use out of it unlike someone we know." The playful jab elicited a shared laugh from the two women as they turned their attention to Olivia, who was kneeling against her playpen, her face contorted in a petulant pout. "That's my car! It's not fair mommy!" the former woman cried out, her shrill voice cutting through the air. Pamela quickly scooped up her daughter, rocking her gently as she attempted to soothe the overgrown baby. "Shhhhh, calm down baby!" she cooed, popping another pacifier into Olivia's mouth to silence her. "Babies can't drive, grumpy girl! Maybe mommy can get you a toy steering wheel for your car seat," Pamela said in a saccharine tone, lowering the now-pacified Olivia back into the playpen.
As Olivia played, the adults continued their conversation over tea, their voices hushed as they discussed the young girl's enrollment at KinderCare. "Well, we're very excited for Olivia to start tomorrow at daycare, and Nicole will be there helping out after school, so she'll be in great hands between the two of us and the rest of the daycare staff," Ava said, a warm smile spreading across her face as she anticipated Olivia's reaction to the news. Pamela nodded in agreement, her own expression filled with a sense of anticipation, eager to see how her daughter would respond to another new chapter in her life.
As the women were finishing their afternoon tea, a familiar and unmistakable odor suddenly filled the air, one that Pamela hadn't detected in years. All eyes immediately darted towards the playpen, where little Olivia was squatting down, her face scrunched up in concentration and letting out loud, strained grunts. "Livi, are you making a stinky in your pampers?" Pamela asked with a knowing smile as she made her way over to the playpen. Olivia simply shook her head defiantly, attempting to crawl away before her mother intervened, standing her up and gently lifting the hem of her dress. Peering inside the back of Olivia’s diaper, Pamela's face contorted with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Pee-yew! What a stinky girl we have here!" she cooed, forcing the squirming former woman back down onto her bottom, the mess inside squishing and sloshing around as Olivia's cries escalated into a full-blown wail.
Turning to her friends, Pamela apologized for the interruption, explaining that she needed to get "Miss Poopypants" changed and down for a nap. She jokingly offered the others a chance to lend a hand, but Ava politely declined on behalf of Nicole , explaining that Nicole had a date to get ready for. As the two women bid their farewells, Ava assured Olivia that they'd see her at daycare in the morning, urging her to "be a good girl" for her mommy while getting her diaper changed. With that, the friends departed, the sound of Olivia's anguished sobs echoing through the house as Pamela carried the messy, distraught big baby back to her nursery.
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abdlalba · 2 months
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Mary’s baby
Mary looked down at her husband Henry with a mixture of exasperation and amusement as he finished loading his oversized diaper, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Oh, you think this is funny, do you, baby boy?" she chided, shaking her head. Without hesitation, she knelt down and untaped the bulging diaper, bringing the front down to reveal the sizable mess within. "Pee-yew! You little stinker!" Mary exclaimed, her nose wrinkling at the unpleasant odor. "Mommy's going to have to give you fewer veggies for now on," she cooed, her tone shifting to a gentle, maternal one.
Carefully, Mary lifted Henry's legs high above his head, exposing his bottom, and began the process of cleaning him up. With practiced ease, she wiped him clean, eliciting a soft giggle from the regressed man. Once satisfied that he was thoroughly cleaned, Mary wasted no time in sliding a fresh, thick diaper under his backside. She generously applied Desitin and baby powder, ensuring his delicate skin would be protected, and then fastened the new diaper in place with quick, deft movements. Throughout the entire process, Mary maintained a nurturing, affectionate demeanor, treating her husband with the care and tenderness one would expect from a devoted mommy tending to her little one.
Mary beamed with delight as she carefully tended to her husband Henry, treating him with the same level of care and attention one would expect for a newborn baby. After changing his soiled diaper and disposing of it in the trash, Mary returned to scoop up the overgrown infant, hoisting him onto her hip as she retrieved his paw patrol-themed diaper bag. "All fresh and clean!" she cooed, relishing in the opportunity to dote on her dependent spouse. With a playful lilt, Mary asked the infantilized Henry, "Who's ready to go bye-byes and spend the night at Nana's so Mommy can go on her date?" to which the grown man responded with an eager babble, pacifier bobbing in his mouth.
Carrying Henry out to the car, Mary tenderly buckled the adult-sized baby into his car seat, ensuring he was safely secured before heading off to her mother's house. As Mary was about to pull away, her neighbor Becky approached, eagerly inquiring when she'd be able to babysit. "Anytime, Becky!" Mary replied, explaining that now that she had reentered the dating pool, she could certainly use a reliable sitter. The two women quickly arranged for Becky to come over the following evening around 6 pm, Becky's excitement palpable as she reached into the car to playfully blow raspberries on Henry's belly, eliciting delighted laughter from the diapered man-child. With a final coo of "Bye bye, baby!" Becky waved goodbye as Mary drove off, her infantilized husband content in the backseat, ready for his overnight stay at his mother-in-law’s house while his wife enjoyed a much-needed evening out.
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abdlalba · 2 months
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Mikey has a new mommy
Marcia couldn't help but chuckle as she watched her former son-in-law, Mikey, pooping his diaper like a pre potty trained toddler. The once-proud man, who had so desperately pleaded for spousal support from the judge, was now reduced to a hapless infant right before her eyes. Mikey's divorce had left him in a vulnerable state, with no job and no means to support himself. The judge had seen through his attempts to portray himself as a helpless victim, dismissing him as a "cheater" undeserving of sympathy. With no other options, the pathetic man had found himself under Marcia's watchful eye, moving into her home. It didn't take long for the domineering mother-in-law to take charge, fully embracing Mikey's inner child and transforming him into the big baby he had always been at heart. Now, as Mikey struggled to control his bowels, Marcia couldn't resist the urge to tease him, asking if he was making an "uh oh" - a playful jab that only served to amplify Mikey's childlike dependence and her own amusement at his expense. The once-proud Michael had become Mikey, a grown man reduced to the status of a helpless babyboy, completely at the mercy of his mother-in-law's whims in the comfort of her own home.
Mikey let out a muffled grunt from underneath his pacifier as he continued to fill his bulging diaper while wearing the snug onesie that Marcia had dressed him in. The oppressive, stuffy air in the room was soon overtaken by the unmistakable, pungent odor of fresh poopy. "Ew, stinky baby!" Marcia cooed affectionately, quickly getting up from her seat to inspect the messy situation. Unbuttoning Mikey's onesie, she gently pulled back the padded pamper to survey the damage, peeking inside at the sizable load that had accumulated. "My, what big poopies for mommy!" she teased, clucking her tongue as she laid Mikey down on the changing mat, preparing to clean him up once again. Just as Marcia began unfastening the stinky diaper, a sudden knock came at the door. "Come in!" Marcia called out, lifting Mikey's bottom to meticulously wipe away the large mess from his reddened skin. Standing in the doorway, visibly shocked, were Mikey's ex-wife and her new girlfriend, arriving at the most inopportune moment as Mikey began to release a stream of pee onto his new mommy.
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abdlalba · 3 months
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abdlalba · 3 months
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abdlalba · 3 months
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Oh wow stinky stinky girl. looks like you've done an uh oh in your nappy
Wow really stinky. ah here come the waterworks, i guess you should have been kinder to your sister when she wet the bed.
Now she is going to watch as mummy unbuttons your onesie, untappes your nappy and then cleans your bum bum on the kitchen table.
pew yew right. oh and sweetie for the next year you will be sleeping in the same bed as mummy and daddy. you will wear a pepa pig nappy and a paci. i have gotten mr cuddles from the loft and you will cuddle him to sleep
oh you don't want to be a silly baby. well stinky bum, nice girls sleep in there own bed and stinky bullies sleep in mummy and daddies bed.
Now lets change your smelly bottom
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abdlalba · 3 months
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Your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life. You should spend the day dancing and laughing with your friends and family. Sadly, for Chloe, that was not true. On the previous day, her husband had found out the shocking truth that Chloe had cheated on him. He devised a plan and called his childhood crush and asked if she fancied getting married.
On the big day, Chloe arrived for the ceremony. As she approached the cake, her partner informed her that he knows everything and smeared cake all over Chloe's face and dress.
Shocked, Chloe looked for help from her family, but none was given. They were all furious that she had ruined a perfectly good relationship and all agreed she deserved what was to come. All Chloe could do was stand in front of all her guests with the realization that her big day was ruined.
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The new bride-to-be took Chloe by the hand in front of all the guests and brought out a pack of baby wipes. Chloe winced in shame as her breasts and face were cleaned as if she was just a fussy baby. The new bride cooed and mocked Chloe using words like stinky baby.
Already bright red, Chloe tried to bargain her way out of the mess she had created. The new bride simply smirked, took Chloe by the hand, and marched her in front of all the guests.
Chloe gulped as a bib was placed around her waist. The bib said "bedtime at 7pm." Going bright red, Chloe began to beg, but as she begged, her hands were placed behind her back and her bottom was spanked. The guests giggled as the bride's bottom turned bright red
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chole was not allowed at the wedding. she was marched into the corner of the foyer and made to stand with her nose pressed up against the wall.
stood in a wedding dress chole stood facing the wall as all her guests walked into the wedding where they would watch the man of her dreams get married.
after the ceremony chole had to stand and watch the bride and grooms first dance. she was not allowed to hide and had to stand at the front. a paci was placed in her mouth just incase she began to scream
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to add insult to injury choles new position at the wedding was being made more and more clear. she was now nothing more then a fussy baby. the new bride helped establish this fact when she took chole by the hand and sat her down with the babies and children at the front for the wedding photographs
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the wedding dinner was humiliating as chole was not allowed to sit with any of the adults and once again had to sit at the front with the babies and children being bottle fed. chole was not allowed to eat her planned meal and instead was given a warm bottle of milk. chole sucked on the baby bottle as her guests smirked and giggled. as she finished the new bride announced that she had just drunk the same breast milk as the other babies.
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as 7pm approached the mummies announced it was now time for the babies and children to go to beddy byes. this was to much for chole who although was desperate to leave was mortified at the fact she had to leave with all the babies and children. as she began to cry she was outstaged by her now equal as the toddler threw a tantrum. chole went bright red as the mommy took them both out at the same time. using the same infantile tone and telling them both its bath time then beddy bys
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one final photo as she stood Infront of the giggling party and guests and donned a new bib. chole was ready to break down as her bib was spelt wrong and made her feel even sillier.
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As Chloe was brought back to the hotel room by an older lady, she broke down in tears. Chloe was undressed completely, standing stark naked, and then placed into an infant's bath with the water barely raised. She was cleaned and scrubbed and sung to by the older lady, and then taken out. Shivering in her shame, Chloe bit her lip and begged for mercy.
The older lady gave none and demanded Chloe lay down. Crying in hysterics, Chloe lay down and was dressed in her Peppa Pig outfit and drama queen bib. The older lady then raised her legs and placed a nappy over her bottom.
Chloe spent the next two hours in the woman's lap being bounced up and down as they watched Peppa Pig. Chloe had decided not to tell the woman she had gone wee-wee in her nappy. The thought of uttering the words "nappy change" or "wee-wee" to this woman made Chloe blush.
To Chloe's horror, as the night wore on, she was placed on her feet by the smirking woman and brought back to the party for a special surprise. Chloe screamed as s
chole screamed as she was marched over and stood Infront of all the guests. feeling already shamed choles nappy began to leak.
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choles had her pyjamas removed there and then Infront of all the guests as she stood stark naked. the older women used baby wipes. laying chole on the main table she raised her legs and cleaned choles bottom using sudocream. chole could only lay there fully exposed as her vagina and bottom faced the bride and groom. the bride giggled at choles sudocreamed bum and made sure to mention how she loves the smell of a clean baby's bum
as the sun went to set chole was placed in an infantile crib and a new set of jim jams .
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as the party rolled on the groom decided to get one last piece of revenge. he sent a dress down to chole with a note saying show time. chole was dressed in a childish frozen outfit and bought back up to sing let it go Infront of all the guests and curtsey infront of the new bride
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as she finished her song the grooms mother spoke up and asked the guests if we wanted to watch choles first dance. confused chole was passed a teddy bear and informed she had to dance Infront of everyone. the song chole had picked for her actual first dance played as chole stood mortified dancing with a teddy bear
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the new bride suggested we see the real chole and asked chole to show her mean side and wrestle the teddy bear. disgraced chole had no choice. she knelt on top of the bear as the crowd chanted 1,2,3 ring the bell.
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already destoryed choles affair came back up. the groom with a giddy smirk suggested we watch choles moves in action. chole going to beg was cut down like an infant and told to raise her hand if she wanted to talk. blushing like a little girl chole raised her hand and waited her turn as other guests raised theres and pretended to be school children
choles begs were ignored and Infront of her guests she humped the teddy bear.
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as she humped mr teddy chole let out a massive fart shirked and exploded in her nappy. bursting into tears chole dropped the bear closed her eyes pleading to herself to be anywhere but here
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chole stood infront of the guests who could clearly smell her stinky bum. she was once again changed on the main table. poo was smeared all over her vagina and bottom. her legs were raised and once again her bum and vagina were cleaned with baby wipes. the bride watched on with a glass of wine making sure to fan her nose
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after her change the guests lost some interest as they partied and drank, chole was given infantile tasks such as feeding mr bear, burping mr bear, changing mr bears nappy and finally had pretend to breast feed mr bear. chole finally left as she exploded in her nappy once again. the older women regressed chole by suggesting chole had become tired and needed her beddy bys
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awoken in the morning chole was dressed as a dinasour and made to sit at the bride and grooms breakfast table.
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as the guests left for the evening party chole was once again dressed in infantile clothing with a clear message. BRIDEZILLA
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As the cheating womens shame had finally come to an end she was made to attend the evening party as a regular guest. she wore a lovely dress.
nothing could make her or even worse the guests of choles infantile humileation as they watched her attend her own wedding as an infant. they had all seen the women laying in a crib in the parking lot, they had all seen her in a leaky nappy and all seen her laid down and changed like a baby.
chole could only stand there with the fact that every guest had seen her vagina and bum smeared in poo and all had smelt her very babyish state. pew yew giggled the guests behind chole
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for her cheating behaviour a new rule to her life had been put down. anytime chole attends a familly wedding she must attend as baby chole.
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abdlalba · 4 months
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