abdullayevfha · 4 years
Hər gün danışdığın biriylə indi bir kəlmə kəsməmək...💔
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Storive baxarkən ekrana basılı tutub on saat şəklivə baxdığımı bilməsəndə olar.
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Eyni şəhərdə olub, bu qədər uzaq olmağı da biz bacardıq.
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Ən çox yağış yağanda sevirəm bu şəhəri. <3
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Rainy is my favorite.. 🌧
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Yaşadığım yerdəki insanların 90%-indən zəhləm gedir.
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Zirveye taşıyalım!
Real History!!!
don't ignore them anymore!
Armenians are fooling you! Wake up!
1990 - 20 January!
Don't you really know what day is January 20? Did these Armenian murderers fool you so easily?
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On the night of January 19-20, 1990, Soviet troops entered Baku and several regions of Azerbaijan without declaring a state of emergency, detained civilians, killed hundreds, wounded and went missing. The occupation of Baku by a large contingent of Soviet troops, special forces and internal troops was accompanied by special brutality and unprecedented atrocities. Before the state of emergency was declared, the military brutally killed 82 people and wounded 20 others. After the declaration of a state of emergency, 21 people were killed in Baku on January 20 and in the following days. Eight more people were killed in the regions where the state of emergency was not declared - on January 25 in Neftchala and on January 26 in Lankaran. Thus, as a result of the illegal infiltration of troops, 131 people were killed, 744 were injured and 841 were illegally arrested in Baku and the regions of the country. 200 houses and apartments, 80 cars, including ambulances, incendiary bullets were destroyed by the military as a result of the fire. The dead included women, children and the elderly, as well as paramedics and police. The Constitution of the USSR, the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR were grossly violated, the sovereign rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan were violated. This premeditated act of aggression was aimed at stifling the struggle of the Azerbaijani people for democracy and national liberation, insulting the people and inflicting a moral blow on them. Do you think it's over? Just come to your senses and learn how it started.
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At a time when the USSR was collapsing, they moved on, relying on their patrons and their long-standing preparation. One of the reasons for the enemy's success was the lack of a serious start in army building in Azerbaijan. Volunteers from the population and the Azerbaijani militia (former name of the police) had to respond to the armed provocations committed by the Armenians. The pressure of the existing democratic forces in Azerbaijan resulted in the establishment of the Ministry of Defense on September 5, 1991, and the adoption of the Law on the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 9, 1991. On November 19, it was decided to establish self-defense battalions in 22 districts and cities. However, it was very difficult to fight these groups against a well-armed and well-trained enemy. The first years of the war. Attacks by Armenians on Azerbaijani settlements in Karabakh have expanded. At the beginning of 1992, Karkijahan settlement, Geybali, Malibeyli, Ashagi Gushchular and Yukhari Gushchular candies were occupied. In late January, the Azerbaijani army conducted Operation Dashalti to break the siege of Shusha. However, the operation failed due to improper communication. In mid-February, the enemy captured the village of Garadagli. Kandin's defenders and civilians were brutally beaten. At the end of February, the Khojaly genocide was committed.
Khojaly February 26, 1992
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The Azerbaijani state has raised the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at the CSCE. Although the Minsk Group was established to resolve the conflict, the territories in Nagorno-Karabakh were occupied by Armenians one after another. On May 8, 1992, with the capture of Shusha, Armenia occupied almost the entire territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. A few days later, with the occupation of the Lachin region, direct contact was established between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.
Xankəndi, xocalı, Şuşa, Laçın, Xocəvənd, Kəlbəcər, Ağdərə, Ağdam, Cəbrayıl, Füzuli, Qubadlı, zəngilan
No matter how much I write here, you will continue to deny it, but we Turkish people will never give up!
Let's come to 2020.
So, on September 27, at around 6 am, Armenia again violated the ceasefire in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani Armed Forces counterattacked the enemy.
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You see these people, aren't you? The painful expression on their faces? Do you all see the pain in your eyes? Look around these people no longer have a home! Throughout history, the Armenian organization did not get enough, instead of fighting the soldiers, they cowardly targeted civilians, and tiny children were martyred. Look, you are not blind, you see them all, they are child killers!
they are trying to get rid of this by slandering us! Follow Pashinyan's answers in the news Why can't he make two sentences properly?
Because Pasinyan lying!
Follow the news in a report said that pasiyan got scared. armenian solder said: and ran away. and left us If he was really thinking about you, he wouldn't shoot at Ganja again until 11 hours after we sat down at the table.
If after all you still believe armenian fake news and think we lied you are really ignorant because I am giving you evidence because he is doing all this for himself, he doesn't care that you die, all He wants to shed blood, all he cares about is himself.
We will not be afraid and run away like you, if necessary, we will be martyred, but we will never give up!
We two nations are a state!
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@gizgibi @fearless-man @paradoxadam @zirvedecamasirasangenc @tavsansizhavuc @visnelikapkekim @kendimlesavaslarim @raziyeez @havucsuztavsan @playwithmom @sigaray @dengesizim @notadelisii @bosgezeninbosgulugu @aspendoos @tozlurafdakikitap @cizgilinevresim @pardonkendim @saydamyaralar @haftasonualarmkuranmal @aalyesska @yoruldumanlatmaktan @iyiyimlaben @kutuptakiseftali @asureblogum @jupiterdenseslenenkizz @tuzluciikolata @alihan-1
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Döyüşməlidir, yaraşmaz ki yata Türk!
Bir yanım Rəsulzadə, bir yanım Atatürk.🇦🇿💙🇹🇷
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Səssizcə qeyd edin ad günlərinizi, Şəhid balaları atasız qalıb. Səssizcə qeyd edin toy günlərinizi, Şəhid xanımları yoldaşsız qalıb..Səssizcə qeyd edin şad günlərinizi, Şəhid analarının ürəyi param parçadır... Özəl günlərinizi, gözəl günlərinizi qeyd etməyi biraz ərtələyin. Gözü yaşlı olanlar var, gözü qapıda olanlar var. Mümkünsə uzun müddət qeyd etməyin! Çünki bizlər üçün can verənlər var. (c)
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
“Görəsən harda iti azıb gözəl günlərin, heç gəlib eləmir bizi tərəflərə” 🖤
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Eyni anda həm xoşbəxt həm də üzgün ola bilirəm.
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Yaşadığım yerdəki insanların 90%-indən zəhləm gedir.
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Şu anda isterdim ki; bir sahilde oturayım, denizi izlerken yalnız başıma hıçkıra hıçkıra ağlayayım. Ağlarken oracıkta uyuya kalayım. 
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Səni anlayıram mən. Ətrafındakı insanlar tərəfindən anlaşılmadığını bilirəm. Gecələr göz yaşları ilə yuxuya getmisən, bəzənsə yaşanmışlıqlar üzündən yuxu getməyib gözlərinə. Dəyər verdiyin insanlardan, dəyər görməmisən. Qurduğun xəyallara çatacağ qədər güclü olmadığını düşünürsən. Bilirəm... Amma unutma həyatda çox şey yaşayan insan bir yerdən sonra hər şeyə alışır və nə qədər yaralansa da o yaralar bir gün qabıq bağlayır. Küsmə həyata. Səni sevənlər üçün, güclü ol. Sən nələrin üstəsindən gəlmisən, xatırlayırsan? Bunları da bacaracaqsan. Qalx ayağa, və xəyalların üçün savaş. Mən sənə inanıram, bacaracağını bilirəm.
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Bir saniyə belə məni tək qoymadığı üçün telefonuma öz təşəkkürlərimi bildirirəm.
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
Yatsaq yuxular yalan,oyansaq insanlar.
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abdullayevfha · 4 years
incinmədim, sadəcə drama etməyi sevirəm
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