abecreed · 4 months
I literally love being at home! In my own space! Comfortable! Not surrounded by people!
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abecreed · 4 months
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abecreed · 4 months
lying in bed for an hour and a half after waking up should not pass time in my opinion
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abecreed · 4 months
I just want it to matter! I want the lives of the people that die on this planet, the people who are killed through violence and apathy and cruelty, to matter. And I know they matter to like, people with hearts and eyes and good sense, people who know how to love this world, but it feels like literally nobody with any power to make immediate change cares. Whatever. I care, you care. We care.
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abecreed · 4 months
nice things will happen but first you have to lose all hope and die 45 times
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abecreed · 5 months
children existing in public spaces is genuinely like. necessary for the continuation of society. it doesnt have to be your kids you dont have to volunteer at a daycare or whatever but you need to be able to tolerate the presence of someone who is learning how to exist as a human and interact with people
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abecreed · 5 months
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abecreed · 5 months
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haunted house uquiz by streetlighthalo
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abecreed · 5 months
this too shall pass
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abecreed · 5 months
You can really tell I was neglected as a child
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abecreed · 5 months
now that i am a real adult i am starting to realise. media lied to me about the availability of rooftops to go hang out on. every day i wish i could be hanging out on a rooftop somewhere looking cool as fuck
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abecreed · 5 months
legitimately so scary that i just made a doctors appointment for 2025. you mean the far distant sci fi future 2025? you mean the pacific rim 2025? you mean i have to go to the doctor while giant robots are fighting the fucking kaiju? fuck all the way offfffffff
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abecreed · 5 months
The sexual tension between a girl and not feeling real every time her birthday comes around
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abecreed · 5 months
i dont “have ptsd” that’s all just the wizard’s curse
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abecreed · 5 months
something so healing about a hot cup of tea
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abecreed · 5 months
I’m violently assaulted by flashbacks from my past every 30 - 40 minutes on a daily basis but other than that I’m fine
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abecreed · 5 months
having thoughts.. thinking about things intensely
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