abeeinhive · 6 years
A Nonpartisan Look at The Very Stupid Straw Ban - SOME MORE NEWS
FUCK BANNING STRAWS. A. watched this the other day while I was playing video games and I started fist bumping so hard bc this guy KNOWS WHAT’S UP
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abeeinhive · 6 years
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Strike your fancy, Ravi Zupa & Arna Miller (because)
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abeeinhive · 7 years
Life is beautiful
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abeeinhive · 7 years
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abeeinhive · 7 years
i saw goody proctor cracking open a cold one with the devil
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abeeinhive · 9 years
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Mike Sacks -- Photos of TV
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abeeinhive · 10 years
This is How We Walk on the Moon
This is How We Walk on the Moon from deepseadiving on 8tracks Radio.
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abeeinhive · 10 years
More and more often, women today are asking themselves the important question: have I already had children? If so, when? Where are they?
The most important issue facing modern feminists in today’s Easy-Squeeze, public bathroom, instant timer world is whether or not women have already had...
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abeeinhive · 10 years
Let's Make Fun Of: Anthropologie Furniture
I love to hate Anthropologie furniture. In particular, the way they stage it for their website. There’s this gross fantasy they’ve created of an art student who can afford to spend thousands of dollars on a paint-splattered flea market find. It’s like all their customers are aspiring to be Charlotte in Tiny Furniture (a loft-dwelling trust fund dilettante).
They’ve gone off the deep end with the juxtaposition. You know those fashion editorials every fall where models lasagned in Prada swing around street signs in Red Hook? It’s like that, but on acid. The settings are more deteriorated and the designs are more design-y. It’s like shopping from deep within Fuck Your Noguchi Coffee Table.
If you choose to purchase a piece of Anthropologie furniture, it will only really look right in one of three settings:
1. An alternative gallery space six weeks from opening
2. An urban cabin with faulty electrical wiring
3. A crumbling Southern plantation (soon to be deemed “the new loft” by the NYTimes)
Let’s take a stroll through the Anthropologie furniture section together. What’s for sale today?
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abeeinhive · 10 years
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Martin Prince, is his finest and truest self, is un-put-downable. He will always hand Nelson another invitation to his birthday party. He will always bake another batch of Raisin Roundies for Mrs. Krabappel after she feeds them to Bart’s dog. He will dress up like the muse of poetry for Halloween, knowing full well it’s going to earn him a beating, every time. And you can kick him, and you can punch him, and you can break his face, but you can’t change the way he feels.
You can’t keep a good man down. 
"An Ode To Martin Prince, The Queen of Summer"
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abeeinhive · 10 years
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Joshua Tree, July 6, 2014.
photo #2: my dad climbing up boulders in flip flops
my new favorite place
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abeeinhive · 10 years
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shanghai jun. 30, 2014
found a new artist to love today. 
(last photo from jr's instagram)
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abeeinhive · 10 years
last days, goodbyes
friday-sun june 27-30 2014
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干杯 & 谢谢!  ^^last milk tea^^
it was my last day in the office today, and though i've been waiting for this day to come, i was totally unaware of how emotional i would be about leaving. 
i guess i expected to feel the way i felt when i left which was pretty much nothing. i remember everyone feeling so excited for me and talking about it with me weeks in advance, but i just couldn't picture it. i was just putting one foot in front of the other, packing a couple bags, and getting on the plane. i wasn't excited or even really scared because i just couldn't imagine it. but this was different.
realizing that i won't be seeing my seniors tomorrow or next week, 5-8 people with whom i have laughed, debated, played soccer in the rain, analyzed books and poems and movies… it was strange. stranger than saying goodbye to last year's seniors, because i had the opportunity of having such a tiny senior class. although i will be just as likely to see some of these kids (and teachers) as i am to see last year's since a few are attending UC schools, things still seem a lot more final since it would take a lot more than a 5 hour drive to visit this place.
i also remember thinking at the beginning of the year that i would never have the same connection with these students that i had with my students from last year. even a few months in i felt like i just didn't really KNOW them yet. but here i am 10 months later in tears.
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(^^^^ from my seniors' farewell dinner a week ago ^^^^)
our school held a farewell party for us today and it was a pretty surreal experience because coworkers and my students just stood in a circle taking turns crying and talking about what we learned from each other and how much we would miss each other and wishing each other the best in the future. i felt so spoiled since i have never had so many students thank me for my effort in teaching their class, much less cry while doing it.
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i played trains for the last time with my canadian soul mates and played a losing game of pool amongst my favorite north american people. i stayed up all night packing, my best chinese friend saw me off to the train station. i slept 14 hours straight.
and today i am in shanghai, my last full day in china. 
再见, 中国. 你好, 美国.
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abeeinhive · 10 years
Watching the game on Univision and can't tell if it is my low Spanish proficiency/unfamiliarity with Ghana's players, but it sounds like Captain Baby Jack has had some close shots.
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abeeinhive · 10 years
the guy at the milk tea window complimented my new haircut. does that mean i go there too often?
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abeeinhive · 10 years
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repping china with my chanel nail art.
you can't see in this lighting, but my nails are NEON orange. my *prize* for losing at a year long tournament of bananagrams. but at least my friend didn't make me get "loser" painted across my nails like originally planned.
other things that happened this weekend: 
3 hr + karaoke-- for some reason they gave us 500 kwai free stuff (that is insane knowing the hourly rate the workers were probably getting paid -- 10-15 kwai) from their convenience store and fruit plates, and when we came out to pay for more time, they said we could sing as long as we want without paying… (???)
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abeeinhive · 10 years
love is
waiting patiently while your loved one goes through all of their liked tumblr posts.
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