abhipedia · 2 years
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abhipedia · 2 years
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abhipedia · 2 years
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abhipedia · 2 years
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abhipedia · 3 years
EmendStudios is the India based Top class Photo editing, retouching ,background removal and many more service provider related to picture. Our professional team has more than10+ years experience in photoshop. To know more please visit our website.
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abhipedia · 3 years
EmendStudios is the India based Top class Photo editing, retouching ,background removal and many more service provider related to picture. Our professional team has more than10+ years experience in photoshop. To know more please visit our website. 
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abhipedia · 3 years
programmes of non cooperation movement
Background The background to the movements was provided by the impact of the First World War, the Rowlatt Act, the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and the Montagu- Chelmsford Reforms. i) During the post First World War period the prices of daily commodities increased sharply and the worst sufferers were the common people. The volume of imports which declined during the First World War again increased towards the end of the war. As a result the Indian industries suffered, production fell, many factories were closed and the workers became its natural victims.
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abhipedia · 3 years
Practice questions, live seasons, pdf for all courses will be available for you.Best Online Coaching center for State Govt exams. We are here to provide you with all exam-related material,English Language, General studies, quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning.
shadow banking upsc
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abhipedia · 3 years
THE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS OF INDIA What is Drainage System? A drainage system is the pattern formed by the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin. A drainage basin is an extent or an area of land where surface water from rain and melting snow or ice converges to a single point or where the waters join another water body, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea, or ocean. The basin can be closed basin or open Basin. In open basin, the water body is hydro-logically toward the sea. The rivers which drain to oceans and seas have open basins. In closed drainage basins the water converges to a single point inside the basin, known as a sink, which may be a permanent lake, dry lake, or a point where surface water is lost underground.
river system in india upsc
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abhipedia · 3 years
Abhipedia is one of the popular online coaching centers for all BANK/SSC/GOVt exams. We provide best quality live classes and study resources for aspirants.
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abhipedia · 3 years
Practice questions, live seasons, pdf for all courses will be available for you.Best Online Coaching center for State Govt exams. We are here to provide you with all exam-related material,English Language, General studies, quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning.
ghadar party upsc
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abhipedia · 3 years
The second Anglo-Sikh War was fought in 1848-49 when Lord Dalhouise was the Governor-General of India and Maharaja Dalip Singh was the minor ruler of Lahore. The following battles were fought between the British and the Sikhs : The Battle of Ramnagar, November 22, 1848 AD. : The army of Sher Singh Attariwala encamped on the right side of river Chenab. On November 6, 1848 A.D. the British army crossed the river Ravi. Under the leadership of Lord Gough On November 22, a clash took place between both the armies at Ramnagar.
annexation of punjab
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abhipedia · 3 years
the council of ministers is collectively responsible to
Practice questions, live seasons, pdf for all courses will be available for you.Best Online Coaching center for State Govt exams. We are here to provide you with all exam-related material,English Language, General studies, quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning.
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abhipedia · 3 years
Reasons why Dhamma had come into existence:- Economical conditions which led to dhamma:- The use of iron resulted in surplus production, and the economy changed from being a simple, rural economyto a pattern of economy in which urban centres became important. The use of Punch-marked silver coins and some other varieties of coins, the conscious intervention of the State to safeguard trade routes and the rise of urban centers point to a structural change in the economy, requiring adjustments in the society. The commercial classes had come to the forefront of society.
ashoka's policy of dhamma
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abhipedia · 3 years
Introduction Floods have been recurrent phenomenon in many parts of India, causing loss of lives and public property and bringing untold misery to the people, especially those in the rural areas. There is also a larger economic impact, as they derail economic activities, thus affecting growth. Indian continent has peculiar climatic conditions since it has floods in some parts whereas drought in other parts. Over the years, several expert Committees have studied the problems caused by floods and suggested various measures for their management to the Government. However, despite the various steps undertaken over the last five decades, the trend of increasing damage and devastation brought by floods has posed a challenge to the Government as well as to the people.
flood upsc
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abhipedia · 3 years
Winds are dominantly horizontal air motions on the earth’s surface. Wind is the air, which move in any direction parallel to the surface of the Earth. Pressure Belts: Two factors leading to the formation of high and low pressure are thermal and dynamic. A study of the distribution of air pressure reveals that the air pressure is not uniformly distributed over the Earth’s surface. In order to destroy this uneven distribution of pressure, winds are caused. In other words, winds are caused due to uneven distribution of pressure. Winds move from high to low pressure areas. Thermal Control: The sunrays make different angles at different latitudes. Where the rays are more vertical, the amount of insolations received is more, i.e., the place with more vertical rays is heated more than that where the sunrays are less vertical. Such a place, which is hot, heats the air with the result that the air pressure decreases. In this way many belts of high and low pressures are produced. Dynamic Control: The Earth is rotating about its axis. Due to this rotation the pressure belts shift from their ideal positions. For example, the winds at poles shift towards equator. DIRECTION OF WINDS Had the Earth not been rotating about its axis the winds would have blown in the direction of pressure gradient. The earth on account of its rotation produces a force known as Coriolis force after the name of the Mathematician Coriole. The force displaces the winds from the direction of wind(or pressure gradient. Ferrel formulated a law to deduce the direction of winds in the northern and southern hemispheres. It is known as Ferrel’s law. According to Ferrel’s law, if we stand with our faces in the direction in which the wind is blowing the wind will turn towards our right hand in the northern hemisphere and towards our left hand in the southern hemisphere. Buys Ballot’s Law: It relates the wind direction to the position of air pressure areas.
types of planetary winds
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abhipedia · 3 years
Padayani festival was recently celebrated in Kerala. About Padayani Dance Padayani dance is one of the popular traditional folk dances of Kerala state of India. Generally, padayani dance is associated with the festivals of certain temples in southern Kerala like Alappuzha, Kollam, Pathanamthitta and Kottayam district. It is performed in Bhagavati temples in honour of Bhadrakaali. Padayani means a 'row of warriors'. This dance form is an amalgamation of music, dance, theatre, satire, facial masks, and paintings. .
pvtgs upsc
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