abiramibyju · 6 years
Travel MUSTS for women !!!
Pampering oneself is a right and TRAVEL is one of the best gifts you could give yourself. But for some travel is a pain solely because some, specially women and girls are not aware what to take and what to avoid taking(P.S.I’m still one of them). In this post, I give you tips from my few years of travelling. 
1. Most important of all, is to travel the lightest which of course is quite difficult for a girl of my age, as there are so many “Ifs” (What if there is a party during a trek, What if my things get stolen, What if i happen to meet “the one” during the trip) that makes me want to pack more and more. But trust me if you really want to enjoy you have to pack light and leave out on a majority of your luxuries.
2. Something I always make sure I carry for my skin is the aloe vera gel. I usually apply it twice on the face once after bath and once before sleep. Keeps my face fresh and smooth throughout as I dont apply makeup often. Make sure you choose a gel which is not too green and doesn’t have too much of essence as they may contain chemicals more than required.
3. A travel kit which contains a mini of the following things: soap,shampoo,conditioners,toothpaste,toothbrush,deodorant and face wash(Important) would make your bag feel lighter. Very convenient and you don’t have to spend too much of your time searching for things in your huge bag.
4. Phone chargers, plug, portable chargers are a must of course. These are things you cannot avoid at any cost (DUH !).
5. Sunscreens don’t really work on my skin so I don’t prefer taking them but I instead carry a small umbrella and a shawl/scarf and sunglasses/hat of course to protect myself from the sun. Carrying an umbrella seems to be a bit of pain but trust me a mini one is a must.
6.Make sure you carry a small bottle of moisturizer(cocoa butter- smells nice and is good for the skin) and vaseline(my magic product). These are important if you specially have a very dry skin like mine. Apply it once and your body is moisturized for an entire day. 
7. Cuts,wounds,pimple breakouts are quite common. Boro plus cream for pimples and mosquito bites and a couple of band aids for the cuts along with a few tablets for migraine,cold etc are wise to carry along too.
8. Pack the most comfortable footwear. Converse and shoes with dresses is the trend now so don’t bother about not looking too glam or sassy. Footwear is what makes your travel even more enjoyable. There are times when I have seen girls trek in heels (LiKe ReALLy??).
9. And of course what’s a girls life without the menstruation cycle which can change its course of plan as an when it wants. Hence girls n women make sure you carry at least one pack of pads or tampons(which consist of the tiny sanitary bags to dispose them) .
10. Do carry a book or a journal with you. Trust me there will be times when you will have to wait in long queues and you will curse the entire world due to boredom and that’s when my dear ladies a book or a sudoku book or a puzzle would help you. I would prefer a book than a kindle as the less expensive items you take the less you have to worry about.
11. Keep a small cute cloth bag to keep things like lipstick,balm,tiny comb or eyeliners etc which you might need for touch ups and to look lovely. Travelling light doesn’t mean you don’t have to look your best. But again carry just one and not more of the mentioned items.
12. And MOST IMPORTANTLY for a person like me who loves to click pictures , a CAMERAAAA! and again a small but good one instead of heavy dslrs is what I personally would prefer. 
And the conclusion being that you bring along with all the above mentioned things your most beautiful smile and laughter  for the trip coz trust me more than anything its your priceless laughter and smile that will make your trip the most memorable one . On this note I shall end this post with a beautiful :) 
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abiramibyju · 6 years
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There is a gnawing hole in my heart knowing i would not see you again or get to touch you again.
Eyes are blurred not just with tears but with memories of all the five years as a flashback from the night i saw you secretly through the glass window till the day i walked away from you forever.
My ears yearn to hear your fast racing heartbeat everytime i lie on your chest, my hands yearn to hold your hands tightly and to ruffle through your hair. My soul yearns to see your notorious laugh and your smile and to hear you make fun of me. Worst of all I yearn to hold you in my arms and hug you so tight and kiss your eyes and your lips.
You taught me love can be the most beautiful thing ever and yet the most ugliest. You made me realize if I could ever love something more than me it would be you.
My love for you made me realize i was capable of giving all the love in this world and i thank you for bringing that side of me.
When you are gone half of me is gone.. Coz u were the missing half of my life.
It’s too late to fix things this time and i know we have both lost each other forever. But you will always be that special one in my life forever.
Don’t know if I want to or if I can fall in love with anyone else coz maybe I’m scared of losing the only memories i have of you…
If there is one thing i regret now is i wish i had looked back once to see your face.. If only i could have said a bye to you for once.. If only you would have stopped me from going away.. If only you would have called me and asked me to come back.. Just once..
I love you my everything.. Always and forever ❤️
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abiramibyju · 6 years
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