abjectundoing · 12 years
Metal muse fuel. Hell yeah.
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abjectundoing · 12 years
Claiid dashed through the collection of hives, his boots hitting the ground and emitting a dull thud with each stride. His left leg still bled, and the missing muscle tissue impeded his progress far more than he was happy with. The troll was all too happy to fight, even in this condition, though he did rather prefer a more balanced playing field.
There was no point in hiding, now. The injuries he had bled enough to leave a trail that anyone who had even a small deal of tracking experience would be able to follow. So he forged forward, grunting every time he put his weight on the wounded limb. If he could get out of the city, it wouldn't be hard to find a place to bandage his wounds and rest...
...and suddenly, that goal became just a little further from his reach. He had followed the trail away from the communal hives, and nearly stumbled upon a whole group of the gibbering highbloods. He came to a halt just before coming into their field of view, having heard their wild calls. Well, this was shaping up to be an exciting trip.
With the 9" blade clutched in his hand, Claiid took a moment to assess the situation. He could attempt to sneak past them- and likely fail, ending up as a pulped pile of flesh- or he could do what he felt he was made to do, and maybe cause them enough pain to discourage any further pursuit.
The latter it was.
The yellowblood stepped out into the open, still bleeding, and still splattered with a small bit of purple blood from his last encounter.
"Move." he demands, standing about thirty feet away from the group.
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abjectundoing · 12 years
((We could always do it through a memo on Pesterchum, if it would help.))
((i got a lot of questions about my open rp! and yes, everyone is free to reply! whether or not we make this a group thing is up to you guys, though. i think it’d be fun!))
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abjectundoing · 12 years
Not too far away, a certain yellowblood was reveling in the crescendo of combat. With his /k/ube-given Obrez in one hand, combat knife in the other, and an intense grin stretching across his face, he fought a highblood who had chosen to target him. His opponent was wielding a wicked spiked chain that had taken several large chunks of flesh out of his left leg, spilling fair amounts of yellow liquid about the area. Every time he tried to line up a shot, the clown ripped the chain in his direction, forcing him to move out of its way or sustain even worse injuries.
For most trolls, this would be a rather unpleasant situation. For a worshiper of the Murder/k/ube like Claiid, though, this was ecstasy  He'd fight this foe till the sun was about to rise, if he had to. Alas, it was never meant to last so long. The battle-cultist feinted a stab with his knife, which his opponent predictably brought a hand up to catch- only to give the yellowblood time to level his Obrez.
A single shot rang out, and the sound of a casing hitting the ground as the weapon's action was worked was heard. The highblood was dead, a fist-sized hole torn through both his hand and skull.
"——÷ AVE NEX ALEA!" the victor cried, praising his deity. Unfortunately, that was the last of his ammunition. With a grunt of disappointment, the zealot captchalogued the Obrez. It would sound no more unless he could get back to his hive and refresh his supply.
He turned, and made for the city gates, knife still in-hand.
Boots pounded against the dirt like a symphony of war drums. A horde of dark clowns poured into the streets, weapons poised to kill. It was already much too late for any stragglers of the lowblood curfew, just hours before the dawn.
One of the many trolls in facepaint loitered around the city...
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abjectundoing · 12 years
reblog if its okay to blackflirt with you
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abjectundoing · 12 years
——÷ Fairly well. I'm expecting the Imperial Dr¤nes t¤ happen by my hive ¤ne ¤f these days t¤ acquire genetic material and draft me int¤ the fleet.
——÷ ...perhaps I sh¤uldn't anticipate that s¤ much, c¤nsidering my quadrants are empty.
——÷ And what ¤f y¤urself? Have y¤u any p¤tentially fatal events l¤¤ming just ¤ver y¤ur life's h¤riz¤n?
abjectundoing started following you
and a warm welcome to you too! My name is Alhani. What is yours?
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abjectundoing · 12 years
——÷ If I may ma/k/e a suggesti¤n? Ta/k/e s¤me ¤f the mess, pile it ¤utside y¤ur hive. Rig up s¤me h¤memade expl¤sives and det¤nate the pile. There's n¤ better stress relief that watching the s¤urce ¤f y¤ur tr¤ubles engulfed in a fireball.
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Motherf☊cking. Why is everything so o☊t of place? WHAT THE F☊CK!
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abjectundoing · 12 years
y¤u seem perturbed, highbl¤¤d. What seems t¤ be the matter?
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Motherf☊cking. Why is everything so o☊t of place? WHAT THE F☊CK!
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abjectundoing · 12 years
——÷ I am Claiid Arshin, at y¤ur service. H¤w are y¤u t¤day, Alhani?
abjectundoing started following you
and a warm welcome to you too! My name is Alhani. What is yours?
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abjectundoing · 12 years
Lights and Lava
It was not rare for Claiid to venture hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of miles away from his hive. The /k/ube demanded that its followers seek conflict in all its forms, and word had reached the troll's ears of a seemingly derelict city a fair distance away where the lights never went out. Whether the source of this phenomenon was hostile or not, it'd be an interesting trip; journeying through and to new lands was always an enjoyable experience. The moons were almost always where he needed them to be to provide optimum light (to be fair, he normally planned his trips in advance to revolve around the moons' position), there were always new sights to see, and another party would occasionally pick a fight with him. What's not to like?
His first real view of the city came when the yellowblood crested a hill a few miles away from it. He was too far away to tell if the purported lights were shining in its empty buildings, but its structures were silhouetted by the moon behind it, as well as the mountain- scratch that, volcano- behind it. Perfect. Claiid kept his form lowered as he stalked towards the ruins, attempting to keep a minimal profile in the event that anything within the city was hostile.
And man, did he hope he'd run into something hostile.
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abjectundoing · 12 years
Let's see if I can make that happen.
I am in a mood for Anoxia today
She needs more friends. She’ll talk to anyone online btw she’s a sweetheart
And also she’s my favorite troll so you should get to know her wink wink
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abjectundoing · 12 years
——÷ ¤f c¤urse. Assisting ¤thers in their em¤ti¤nal tr¤ubles is s¤mething that all wh¤ serve the /k/ube must c¤me t¤ gunderstand. Left gunchec/k/ed, they are a tr¤ll's greatest wea/k/ness. /k/ept gunder c¤ntr¤l, they are ¤ur m¤st significant asset.
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abjectundoing · 12 years
((Let's do this.))
>>Initiate Mun Monday
Send me a symbol and I’ll respond accordingly;;
♫ - Show your face ♣ - Sexuality ♦ - Relationship Status ↕ - State/Country you’re from φ - Post your Tumblr Crushes ≡ - Most recent game played. ∞ - How did you get into Tumblr? Ω - Got any Tumblr “Senpai’s” and if so who? ♥ - Top Celebrity crush ☻ - Favorite Blog I follow/Rp with ◘ - Random Fact about Mun • - Random Fact about Muse ► - Asker gives a question
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abjectundoing · 12 years
——÷ Then wade thr¤ugh the jer/k/s guntil y¤u find the pr¤verbial gem in the sn¤rting h¤¤fbeast tr¤ugh. D¤ n¤t be misled int¤ thin/k/ing y¤u are al¤ne.
——÷ And y¤u w¤uld be surprised h¤w many jer/k/s are simply being defensive. A great many ¤f us are br¤/k/en fr¤m early ¤n t¤ n¤t let anything but the m¤st ruthless ¤r cruel em¤ti¤ns sh¤w, th¤ugh y¤u can find any¤ne's real pers¤nality with a bit ¤f time.
——÷ Because y¤u are a tr¤ll. Li/k/e it ¤r n¤t, we are s¤cial creatures. If y¤u shun the s¤cial aspect ¤f y¤ur pers¤nality, y¤u squander much ¤f y¤ur p¤tential.
——÷ I am n¤t saying y¤u need t¤ c¤nstantly be am¤ng ¤thers. Just use tr¤llian t¤ see/k/ ¤ut ¤thers and spea/k/ with them ¤ccasi¤nally. It will d¤ w¤nders f¤r y¤ur health, in every way.
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abjectundoing · 12 years
——÷ Because y¤u are a tr¤ll. Li/k/e it ¤r n¤t, we are s¤cial creatures. If y¤u shun the s¤cial aspect ¤f y¤ur pers¤nality, y¤u squander much ¤f y¤ur p¤tential.
——÷ I am n¤t saying y¤u need t¤ c¤nstantly be am¤ng ¤thers. Just use tr¤llian t¤ see/k/ ¤ut ¤thers and spea/k/ with them ¤ccasi¤nally. It will d¤ w¤nders f¤r y¤ur health, in every way.
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Mycastebeingbrutallymassacuredbyhighbloodsdoesnotmakemeamutant. Itmakemeasurvivorofanawfultimeinhistory.Itdoesn’ttakemyrightawayasatroll. Andiwillnotbecalledawfulnamesbecauseofit. Imightbeaminoritynow,butiamstillatrollwithemotionsandrights.
.: why dO i even Try aT all TO Talk TO peOple :.
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abjectundoing · 12 years
Them's the pesterchums
((Gonna be on abjectUndoing for much of tonight. If you feel like bothering this troll, feel free!))
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abjectundoing · 12 years
——÷ If I may as/k/, h¤w did y¤u injure y¤ur an/k/le? Are y¤u in need ¤f further medical assistance?
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>o<h aha m>o<re, well hi, hi there. i’m >o<diane, wh>o< might y>o<u be?
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