abominablexstilinski · 10 years
Barnes addressing him as sir barely had Stiles barely forcing back a wince. There had been some progress but it seemed like his denial of Barnes' freedom had been a small set back. While that wasn't what he wanted Stiles still stood by what he stated. There was no safe was for Barnes to leave the safety of the compound yet. They had to give it time, for those looking for Barnes to lose the trail or give up and for those who remembered him to forget.
"We'll let you go out with Rogers and Derek as soon as it's safe. You have my word," Stiles promised while glancing at the two mentioned men. While he knew that Barnes was still dangerous in his current state he did want the man to have his freedom-- he deserved it after all they'd put him him through, all he had put him through. 
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The other's words had him taking pause, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "This is the only safe room we have for you," Stiles stated softly, glancing over to Derek and back to Barnes, "Derek is more than happy to stay with you if that's okay with you... You remember how he always used to comfort you? He always kept the bad men away didn't he? Will you let him do that again?"
Winter's Come (Closed)
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
Break Me Down || Stiles & Bucky
Since rescuing Barnes it felt like Stiles was hanging by a thread, a thread that slowly kept bending under the weight of everything until it was near snapping. Explaining to Rogers the process Barnes had gone through was like opening his closet full of skeletons, awakening one ghost at a time. The more questions Rogers asked the more weight was put on the thread, the more ghost were awoken.
It was easier not to think about it while he was awake. Stiles could disassociate himself with the process, not think about how the only reason he knew what Barnes went through was because he himself had been on both sides of the equation. He could explain how the serum felt like ice water being injected into warm tissue only for the coldness to be replaced by an unbearable heat akin only to hell only because he'd been the first to go through it-- well the first after Shmidt. He could talk about both the process and results of wiping someone's memory and trying to get it back because he'd been there to do it and to receive it, to forget everything he'd ever known about himself and having to learn from scratch.
It was when he went to sleep that the defenses he'd built up-- to differentiate between the him of now and the him of then-- came crashing down as though they'd never existed. His mind was like a sieve, making sure only to collect the memories with the most impact. Unfortunately those memories were those that pained him the most. He couldn't fight them in his sleep, it was like he was back strapped to that table with needles sliding into his skin as he screamed.
"Stoppen! Stoppen! Es tut weh!"
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
Of all the reactions Stiles had predicted-- shock, panic, and anger to name a few-- a smile on Barnes face wasn't anywhere in the list. It threw him off kilter for a moment, leaving him staring at Barnes blankly for a few moments as Derek draped his jacket over the other's shoulders. His gaze shifted them to look both at Derek and Rogers as he contemplated the request.
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"I don't believe that would be advisable at this time," he moved to look into Barnes' eyes once more, speaking directly to the man, "There are still too many variables at the moment. We'll start small, introduce you to people in stages before letting you out into a large group. There's also the fact that there are still members of Hydra out there looking for you. We can't take the chance of you being captured again. People will recognize you Barnes... from your recent exploits. You're more than welcome to speak to Rogers, however, if that is what you wish."
Winter's Come (Closed)
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
With a sigh Stiles put his phone back in his pocket and wandered back up the stairs. He paused briefly by Sydney's door, wondering if he should knock or not, but then decided he should probably take Derek's advice-- the guy had been around her longer than him.
Continuing to his room he sat at the desk and opened his laptop. The rest of the afternoon was spent doing what he did best-- researching. His fingers were nearly cramping and he typed away at the keyboard and clicked on link after link as he tried to learn all he could about vampires and their behaviors. He believed Derek and Sydney when they said he could have always ended up with someone worse. He was determined not to let that happen. Besides he doubted it would be good for his dad if he was taken back. He had that to think about-- anything he went through was secondary.
The Old Ball and Chain
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
It was a small surprise when Barnes seemed to take the news of his new lodgings so well, even more so when the man walked over to stand before Stiles. But the other's next words spoke of the reason. It only made sense that Barnes would come to Stiles for his 'mission' parameters.
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His gaze found Derek's before he forced himself to meet Barnes' gaze. "And if I told you there was no mission?" It was risky considering how the other had been trained, to focus only on his mission. Without a mission it was like handing a child a loaded gun-- dangerous and unpredictable. But Stiles wanted to see how the other would react to not having a sole focus.
Winter's Come (Closed)
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
He sighed as Derek held Barnes in his arms, soothing the other with not only his touch but the very sound of him. It was something only Derek was ever able to do, not only to comfort the other but to get him to cooperate. Taking several deep breaths as his eyes slipped close Stiles pinched the bridge of his nose as he felt a headache forming behind his eyes.
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"Yeah it's the truth Barnes," Stiles murmured, unable to meet the vulnerable glance of the other. It was too much, too much to bear and too much like old times. He could feel the pressure of all three gazes on him and they were like weights on him-- he needed to get out of here and soon.
Taking a deep breath he stood up straighter. "You'll be kept in this room until you're deemed secure. Recovering your memories is not something that can be altered in any way so you must do it naturally. There will be occurrences you remember which will be taxing and may cause you to regress. We can't afford to have you roaming about freely. If you act violently you may be restrained to reduce injury to yourself and others. At times you may be medicated. Derek will assist you if necessary and Rogers will also be available. I will interfere only when necessary. Do you agree to these terms?"
Winter's Come (Closed)
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
Stiles was a patient person despite what people thought about him. He could do this for hours, has done this for hours, without a problem. While he admired Barnes' tenacity in the beginning right now it was a hindrance and an annoyance. And judging from the looks he was receiving from both Derek and Rogers it was also a danger to his health if this dragged out for too much longer.
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"The more you resist giving me an answer mal'chik the more you are making that a reality," Stiles murmured despite Derek's earlier warnings-- he needed their answer.
As soon as Barnes answered his question he loosened his grip, watching as the other moved quickly toward Derek. His gaze rose to Derek's with a raise of his brows, asking if Barnes was indeed telling the truth about why he didn't want his memories wiped again.
Winter's Come (Closed)
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
His fingers tightened against the back of Barnes' neck as soon as the door opened, narrowed eyes cutting toward the entrance and focusing on Derek. "Stop," he told Barnes, his hand tightening on further on the other's neck as he made to move toward Derek.
He was pissed that Derek interfered when he explicitly told the other to stay out of it until he was needed. Derek was acting as though he was being ruthless without a purpose but he needed to hear Barnes say it, needed to hear the reason why Barnes wasn't his puppet and why he didn't want his memories removed. It would probably be the best route but Derek and Rogers have been completely against it so Stiles was working with the options left to him. Neither of the two understood just what Stiles had done to himself and Barnes while they were 'training' at Hydra-- intimidation and threats were the only tactics that worked.
"Answer me and I'll let you go to him," Stiles all but growled, his nails biting into the other's skin as he stared down Derek.
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Winter's Come (Closed)
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
With a barely repressed curse Stiles released his grip and dropped to a crouch to avoid the swing of Barnes' arm, feeling the breeze of the movement ruffling his hair. He stood to meet the other's gaze though the other still towered above him slightly. "Why?" Stiles questioned evenly, for once not trying to feed the other answers, "Why won't you be my puppet anymore 107JBB?"
He crossed his arm over his chest as Barnes stalked over to the one-way glass. They'd specially created this room specifically to hold the other man so he knew there was no way the other would get through it. Even on the small chance he did that was one of the other reason's Derek was on the other side of the glass.
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Taking a deep breath as the other started begging for Derek, for the man who used to comfort him, Stiles once more walked toward the other man. He stopped behind Barnes, resting his hand on the wall by the kneeling man he muttered as he looked through the glass, "Derek can't help you now. There's no sense calling for him when you know he won't come. It's just you and me." Moving his other hand to the back of Barnes' neck he demanded, "Now tell me why or I swear to God I will remove everything and put you back in cryo."
Winter's Come (Closed)
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
"Yeah I've kinda gotten that impression... Maybe I'll just gag myself... That'd probably work better," he muttered with a soft laugh. Raising his hand he gave Derek a small wave as the other departed, glancing around the kitchen before pulling out his cell phone and calling his dad.
"Hey dad... Yeah things are going great!" Stiles told his dad, barely managing not to wince, "No, they're all being really nice to me so don't worry okay? I'll be home before you know it... Sydney, yeah she's the one who picked me, said I could come visit sometime. Yeah she's super nice dad. Jeez stop worrying so much. You know it's not good for your blood pressure... Well I'm gonna head to bed so try not to stay up too late and make sure to eat healthy! Yeah I love you too dad... Bye." Hanging up his phone he stared down at it before burying his face in his hands and sighing. "C'mon, just shut up and get with the program Stilinski."
The Old Ball and Chain
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
Stiles tilted his head to the in curiosity but he felt like he was prying too much into a guy's life that he'd just met. While that normally didn't stop him he was grateful to Derek for even taking the time to talk to him. "I guess that makes sense then..."
Sighing softly he set his bottle of water on the counter and pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on. "I know that," he snapped slightly, wincing at his own tone, pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes, "I don't hate it here, not really... Sydney lets me have some freedoms I just wish she would stop making it seem like it's a honor to be here... That she'd actually listen to me and maybe... I don't know, work with me. I've never done this before," he practically whined, slumping against the counter.
The Old Ball and Chain
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
Ducking in behind Derek he grabbed a bottle of water too though he'd give anything for an energy drink right about then. He twisted the cap back and forth on the bottle as he contemplated how to answer. "If I signed up for the program the bill collectors would forgive my father's debt as long as I stayed in the program for at least a year... Otherwise they were going to take everything and my dad could have gone to jail." Taking a sip from the water his eyes widened as he looked up at Derek. "Can I ask why?"
The Old Ball and Chain
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
Stiles shrugs a little. "Probably... A little more than a little," he states with a touch of guilt in his tone, "This isn't exactly what I wanted. And nothing against vampires but blood isn't really my thing. I... I almost threw up the first time she... you know," he gestured vaguely toward his wrist as they made it down the stair and headed toward the kitchen. "Was it you decision to be a companion?" Stiles asked, unsure if it was insensitive to ask or not.
The Old Ball and Chain
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
"She said I was grateful she wasn't sending me back so she's already thinking about it... It's only a matter of time," he murmurs regretfully though resigned.
Stiles gave the other a forced smile as he nodded, "Sure... Maybe you can tell me more about living here?"
The Old Ball and Chain
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
He glanced up as Derek spoke while coming to a stop before him. What the other was saying made sense. "It seems that's all I'm good at," Stiles said with a rueful quirk of his lips, heaving a silent sigh, "I just... wish I knew what to do." His gaze moved between Derek's hand and his eyes before hesitantly excepting the other's aid and was quickly pulled to his feet. "I'm Stiles... I guess I'm Sydney's companion? If she still wants to keep me."
The Old Ball and Chain
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
While he should have expected it, especially after Sydney had more than made her opinion of humans known, the harsh jerk of her wrist from his grasp and her sharp words had him flinching backward. Losing his balance he let out a small cry as his ass met the floor. "Sorry I... Sorry," he mumbled, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment as he glanced away to the side.
The other male voice in the hallway had him looking up, confused as to who the older looking male was and why he was coming to Stiles' defense. He opened his mouth to say something when Sydney put her hands up and declared herself done, his heart nearly skipping a beat hoping she didn't mean she was entirely done with him as her companion.
He was surprised when other male, Derek as Sydney called him, came to a stop before him. "It really was my fault so don't blame her," Stiles told Derek, "I shouldn't have talked back or tried to touch her and I'm clumsy on a normal day so really me tripping over thin air shouldn't be that surprising or anything so please don't be mad at her," he spoke quickly, as he scrambled to his feet. "Thanks for, you know, sticking up for me but I gotta," he pointed down the hallway before rushing passed Derek and in the direction of Sydney's room.
Stiles raised his hand to knock but he hesitated before dropping it back to his side with a resigned sigh. He doubted she really wanted to see him after all that if at all ever again. Turning he pressed his back to the door and slid down to sit on the floor before pulling his knees to his chest. He'd talk to her when she was ready.
The Old Ball and Chain
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abominablexstilinski · 10 years
"Dude you can totally get whatever you want. Remember, it's on me," Stiles offered with a grin, flicking her menu. He was honestly up for anything at this point, his stomach metaphorically on the verge of eating itself out of hunger since he'd skipped breakfast for lacrosse practice. "What were you thinking of getting? Seriously, hit me with anything," he quickly held his hands up, "Not literally of course! I'll get plenty of that later!"
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"Bruschetta sounds delicious. Now you’re making me second guess which plate I want. It’s definitely a pasta night." Sookie could have been drooling over the menu with how good everything looked. Even things that she never had an appetite for before. "Oh, yeah, we should do that." She grinned at the lovely idea. A mix of everything was better than just settling for one thing.
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