aboringgay · 6 days
Why does basil smell so fucking amazing
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aboringgay · 6 days
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Dogs have had many jobs throughout history, in this case: Revenge.
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aboringgay · 6 days
I went to the penis doctor and he said you were his favorite patient on account of all your rare and fascinating penis problems
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aboringgay · 6 days
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Her dad spilled
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aboringgay · 6 days
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aboringgay · 6 days
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It's insane that pants were named after a fictional character who wore pants
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aboringgay · 6 days
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this is what all health advice on tiktok looks like
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aboringgay · 9 days
contrary to popular belief not everyone has an innate sense of internal gender or care to have one or seek a name for it, some people go their whole lives without questioning their occupation in one of two gender roles, but for some people, if pressed, they don’t feel that internal sense of ‘i am a woman’ or ‘i am a man’, and in that case i feel the switch over to transgender vs cisgender relies on active identification of a gender other than the one they were assigned. if someone’s like ‘idk dude I just work here’ then that’s valid
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aboringgay · 9 days
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aboringgay · 9 days
as a nonbinary person I shall only be posting my left titty which is my boy titty, and not the right one which is the horrid unclean girl titty, this is as tumblr has decreed
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aboringgay · 9 days
"I could fix him", I say referring to the man driving from Chicago to New York
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aboringgay · 10 days
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aboringgay · 13 days
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community notes are so brutal. tumblr needs to add that feature to escalate our pvp capabilities
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aboringgay · 13 days
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aboringgay · 13 days
I've always thought Margarita would be a beautiful name for a little girl
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aboringgay · 13 days
my brother was making fun of me and our other brother for having the same haircut, and we were immediately like "what the fuck are you talking about? you had this EXACT SAME haircut like a year ago. this is your haircut too. jackass." so we start arguing back and forth until our mom stops us and says "come here." and she brings out her ID from when she was a teenager and... its the same haircut.
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aboringgay · 13 days
As I grow older I feel my capacity to understand that Miss Piggy is not a real person reached a peak in my adolescence and is now on a steady decline. I watched a Wendy Williams interview and there's this part that's like "can we get a ring cam!" and Miss Piggy shows her bling and I'm just like fuck she's so iconic. Miss Piggy who are you wearing? Miss Piggy have you ever considered running for office??
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