abrokenwitch · 2 years
Okay, I think for the time being it would be better if I temporarily move Lizzie to my multi muse >> @faeryworlds << Because my mental health hasn’t been the best lately and for now it would be better if I have all my muses on one page. 
The drafts that I have, I will reply on there on my multi. I already added Lizzie to my muse list on there. 
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abrokenwitch · 2 years
The urge to temporarily move Lizzie to my multi muse is huge but I just don’t know. 
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abrokenwitch · 2 years
❝ No matter how it happened, I’m thankful I got too. ❞ Would she have rathered raise the twins but she’d learned long ago to not fret on things you couldn’t change. It was understandable that Lizzie would have questions about the gemini merge, she wasn’t sure what Ric had told them after she had returned to peace. Jo took Lizzie’s hands and gave them a soft squeeze.  ❝ There are two options, the first is one twin lives in a prison world. That’s how I escaped mine. Your uncle.. It didn’t do him any favours. The second, is one of you lose your connection with magic, you would be viewed as an unsuitable leader for the coven. ❞
“Oh no, been to the prison world. Not really a joyful thing. So that’s off that table for sure.“ She sighed as she doesn’t know what she can tell her birth mom. Yes Jo is her birth mom but still she is also in a way a stranger to the blonde. Lizzie doesn’t know her, does she want to get to know her? Definitely. “You mean Kai? Yeah, he’s a psychopath I’ve noticed that.” Not really she never actually met him. Josie did but Lizzie was back then busy with Sebastian who tried to turn her into a vampire by feeding her vampire blood. Shaking her head to the second option. “I am not going to lose my connection with magic. That is just not going to happen.” Why was this so damn hard, maybe becoming a heretic doesn’t sound strange at all. 
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abrokenwitch · 2 years
Okay, Hayley’s come at me. Because I suddenly came up with an idea and I just need a Hayley for it. Just like this and I’ll message you.
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abrokenwitch · 2 years
Hayley could understand that. She’d never speak poorly about someone’s parent in front of them, but the hybrid wasn’t crazy about Alaric. She didn’t exactly love the way he treated some aspects of the supernatural world and he certainly didn’t appreciate how the man constantly had something negative to say about her family and Klaus especially in front of Hope. It wasn’t right. “It’s understandable to be scared or to not think they’ll understand.” The hybrid didn’t mind talking with Lizzie, she didn’t mind being there because she knew what it was like to feel like you had no one to turn to that would listen. Hayley knew what it was alike to be scared and alone. “Um I’m not entirely sure to be honest, but I think that’s right. Your mom was probably around your age when she turned. But from what I heard I believe that wasn’t exactly her choice. I wasn’t here around that time and they don’t talk about it too often.” Hayley admitted. “I think,” she paused, “What’s important is looking over all of your choices, weighing the pros and cons and then doing what you think will make you happy. Does that make sense? The whole Gemini thing…you have some time right? It’s not until you guys are a bit older?” At least that’s what Hayley had gathered. “Use the time you have to weigh you options and make the choice you think is right for you.”
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“Yes, I still have time but before you know it Josie and I are twenty-two and the merge has to happen. We’re seventeen now.“ This whole Gemini thing was just weighing too much onto her shoulders at this point. Like she was spending lots of time thinking about what the outcome could be. Especially when they sort of did the merge when they turned seventeen and Josie was dark Josie. If it wasn’t for Hope she wouldn’t have been dead. She sighed as she tilted her head to a side. Yes her becoming a heretic truly has been on her mind ever since her seventeenth birthday. To think she almost became one when Sebastian fed her his blood back in the prison world. “I know, I should think about it and I also know that my mom is doing her best to find a way for the merge to not happen. I just can’t stop thinking about it. And well, my dad isn’t really someone I could go to about these kind of things” Yes her father wants the best and yet something didn’t felt right if she would bring up being a heretic. 
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abrokenwitch · 2 years
Seriously now Heretic Lizzie is canon. Gimme some thread where Lizzie is a heretic. Give me a Hope, Josie, Caroline just name it. pleaseee
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abrokenwitch · 2 years
Okay, I have so much muse now because of last nights episode.
Like this for a last nights based starter. If you’re a multi muse please tell me a specific muse of yours.
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abrokenwitch · 2 years
I’ll try to reply to my drafts today. Can’t promise anything because it’s my birthday today and just having a birthday weekend. But going to try to get to my drafts. same counts for my Multi muse blog.
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
Jo knew deep down that they would never be a happy family like she had wanted all those years ago when she had told Ric that she was pregnant but this was a shot at getting as close to that as she could.  ❝ It was a lot to take in, it was your birthday and suddenly I was here. I don’t carry any ill will over it. Do you have any questions or anything I can answer for you? ❞
Crossing her legs over each other as she started to think if she had any questions but at this point she couldn’t really think of something. Tilting her head to a side. “Not really no. I am sure you didn’t picture this either. Meeting your teenage daughters.” But then she came up with something she wanted to ask. “Is it possible in a way to not do the merge?” The siphoner then asked because she had to know. Knowing that her mom is still out there finding a way to stop the merge from happening. “I know, Josie is stronger. So if the time is there I just know I will lose.”
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
It was as strange for her to be back as anybody else, naturally Alaric thought something along the lines of a monster once again, but he was much more forgiving to listening to the truth this time around. She was sure she had magic but she wasn’t tempted to try it. Entering the room when Lizzie answered her, Jo closed the door behind her and sat on the end of the bed.  ❝ I wanted to know if you were ready to talk. ❞ She spoke smoothly, blue eyes looking tenderly at her blonde daughter.  ❝ It’s alright if you aren’t. ❞
She looked up from her magazine that she was reading as she looked at Jo. Pulling up her legs as she wrapped her arms around it before she had laid down the magazine. “I am ready to talk. I know last year I was a pain in the ass and so mean to you.” Lizzie said as she truly was sorry for her behaviour and how she acted towards her birth mother. Yet Josie is just more like Jo and she’s literally more like Caroline. She can’t avoid her forever right so maybe now is the right time to just talk to Jo. About whatever the woman wanted to talk about. 
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
closed starter for @abrokenwitch​
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Despite her better judgement this was a poorly planned idea. She was still unsure why she was alive again. Was this her reward for being selfless and allowing herself to be siphoned and sent back to the other side waiting for her family to join her one day? She had been in the boarding school all night, unable to leave because the entire town thinks that she, Dr. Josette Laughlin was dead and had been that way for seventeen years. Luckily Caroline had a closet with some clothes she could wear. Her run in with Lizzie the day before had left her aching to comfort her but she knew it would take time. Knocking on Lizzie’s bedroom door she stepped back and waited.
Was it weird to see her birth mom again? Yes it certainly was especially when she thought she and Josie siphoned her away so she could have her peace. Someone she was brought back to life. Maybe this was an opportunity to maybe be nice to her. Yes the last time she saw her was on her sixteenth birthday not she’s seventeen and her birth mom is back. Not that her seventeenth birthday was the best one. When your twin her dark side forces the merge on you and if it wasn’t for Hope she would have been dead. Lizzie was in her room as she heard someone knock on the door. “Come in.” The blonde said while she was going through some magazines she was reading. 
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
Since last nights episode has lots of feels and angst.
Like this for a starter based on last nights episode.
(If you’re a multi muse please specify a muse)
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
                                STARTER   CALL!
Hey, hi, hello. AP here. Just to letting you all know this is a permanent starter call. I’ll just list below what it all means when you like & reply to this post.
● Please if you’re a multi muse yourself please specify a muse of yours as well. So if you like the post please also reply. If you only like the post I won’t send out a starter. 
● If you want to have a starter for more than ONE muse of yours that is totally okay. I am always down to have multiple threads.
● Don’t be scared to IM me first if you want to plot beforehand. I am in to hear your ideas.
● All fandoms are welcome, I love to have crossovers they always can be really interesting. If it is a fandom I don’t know anything about I will just IM you first to just ask the basics about it. So I can write a proper starter that makes sense for the both of us. 
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
I went to make a playlist of songs that remind me of Lizzie on either Spotify or Apple Music. Please comment below songs that remind you of Lizzie.
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
Like this for a starter. 
If you’re a multi muse please specify a muse of yours.
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
I’ll try to reply to my drafts soon. I miss you all, hope you all are doing well.
If anyone is interested to write on discord just let me know. I miss writing my babe. Just mental health hasn’t been the greatest.
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abrokenwitch · 3 years
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To be fair?  Hope hadn’t expected this to be any different.  Her step by step plan was simple   1) research monster                   2) find the soft spot                                           3)  kill it. The things that she wants won’t happen as smoothly this time.  Locking down the school and working on getting the high school and lower levels safe was the option.  The college was just attached to the school by a field.  It was on the other end of the property that her girlfriend of a year was fighting for her life. It takes Josie longer to get there to tell her that the monster broke through and that it was something WEIRDER than they were expecting.  That it wasn’t just ONE THING but several.  The tears in the siphon’s eyes tells the 21 year old all that she needs to know. Setting off in the direction of the college with her very new vampire speed.  Hope had planned on using SPRING BREAK to go hunt down the portal to malivore with a jar full of rich blood and HOPE that this would be the end.  Sadly,  that was still three weeks away.  It was needed to be during a break when studying was halted.  She regrets waiting something fierce.
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Anytime Lizzie had a HANGOVER or a common cold?  Hope was there with blood.  She doesn’t blink because whatever gets the job down AND it means that whatever happens?  Lizzie could come back to her.  Finding her girlfriend on the floor,  blood on the floor that is more than enough to kill a human. VEINS GROWING and mouth waters at the sight.  She  can’t move.  Doesn’t want to move in risk that she would HURT someone.  She has great control when she wants to be there.  She also knows that deep down?  She could destroy a city with the streets raining red with blood.     ❝  Lizzie !  ❞      her name gets caught in the throat.  The last THUMP of a heart that gives out is what sends her over the edge.  The building shaking,  Everyone leaves her in the end.  It doesn’t really matter on the how much it still stings.  Her family with their lives elsewhere,  her father that picked death over her,  her mother who had fought like hell until the end,  and now a blonde.  It isn’t fair! The way her lungs ache with each breath of air that she pulls into them as she watches Josie FALL to the ground,  unaware that her sister would make it.  FEEL NOTHING!  BUT SHE FEELS EVERYTHING!  Static in the brain as everything blurs into one.  The lights SNAP,  the body gets lifted up by Josie in a weak attempt to bring her twin back,  and Alaric comes a running in taking control just barely.
TIME MUDDLES TOGETHER.  She vaguely remembers events like moving Lizzie’s body to her room,  of telling Josie that she’d come back and the siphon finding it in her to find clothes that are JUST RIGHT for her twin,  of Emma cleaning blood from the floor, and Hope just swimming around like a goldfish in a bowl.  Hours pass and any feeling of HOPE is slowly circling the drain.  UNTIL that steady bump is back again.  She’s away from the others,  giving space to FAMILY because above all that is important.  The full tribrid is sitting at the vanity staring at herself  (and the bed where her girl lays)  the whole time.    ❝  Lizzie …  ❞    the words drawn out with relief.  A whole body turning around then with shoulders tensed.                                           ❝  Please wake up.  ❞
The blonde had just no idea what had been going on. All she knew is that the monster or monsters was too strong and she was way too stubborn to give that it killed her. totally forgetting that she has Hope her blood in her system that it was only a matter of time that she would wake up as a heretic. Not knowing what was happening more likely her sister freaking out same for her father and the fact that Hope would probably just be worried too. Just as always the tribrid was when it came down to the siphoner. When her heart beated for the last time she was just laying the lifeless. It was just a weird feeling laying there dead and not being able to do anything. Yes her body was probably progressing of becoming a heretic that was going to be a hell for her. Lizzie was just aware her magic would be so out of control. Like she was dead so she just was on the other side or how the hell you can call it.
Where she was just seeing people who were dead and even somehow came across her birth mom who was in shock to see her daughter dead when Lizzie tried explaining things to her and just not really know of what to do. Especially telling Jo that she was going to be heretic and she was scared for it. Scared what might happen and scared that she will for sure lose control of her magic. The way she had a whole conversation with her birth mom was just beyond her and just telling her how sorry she was when she first met her on her sixteenth birthday. 
How was the HAPPENING. This just can’t be true. At least she isn’t actually dead but she will come back. She felt even now that Josie wasn’t okay.. Just a twin THING as you can call it. Before the blonde even knew it she got pulled back into her body. As she then shot up onto the bed catching her breathe as she was looking around in the room. where she saw Josie and her father being relieved that she was awake. everything felt weird, she was hungry she somehow just needed blood right this instant. The way her eyes went up to Hope hoping she knows that she was starving at this point. Of course she needed blood to transition to become fully a heretic. Looking at her sister and father as she was losing it. 
“I-I can’t be here. I just can’t.”  Lizzie stood up and ran out of the room no idea where she was going to go but she went outside she needed a breather she just needed not to be around Josie and her dad. 
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