abrosexuallearning · 3 years
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abro + peppermint
abro: attraction is fluid or fluctuates. an aspec identity that’s usually used on its own (abrosexual, abroromantic, etc)
happy 20noneteen!
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
Abro message board or group
@abrosexuality @abro-what @abrofriend Have any of you seen or heard of a abro friendly or specific message board or group?
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
If i feel like lesbian during pride would it be hypocrite if i wore the lesbian flag to pride? Sorry if im disturbing or anything, thanks! ❤️❤️
Not disturbing at all, and no, that wouldn’t be hypocritical. If that’s how you want to identify, they rock it!
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
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Abro positivity
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
...well, I certainly changed a LOT yesterday then XD had me a BIG slice of watermelon
Abrosexuals can only change sexuality if they eat enough watermelon 🍉 beforehand 
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
Given that there's no official meaning given for the colors on the abro flag, I'd like to share my personal thoughts on what the colors could mean: Green represents a queer attraction, the fade to white is for the in between stage of attraction shifting, and pink is for the actual shift itself. Also, the colors match that of watermelon, which could be a fun pun on the /fluidity/ of our orientation.
Actually, this is a pretty good description, I could get behind this. lol, I’m down with the pun XD
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
I go through bouts of extreme romantic attraction. I’ll hyperfocus on my attraction toward an enby friend for maybe a few months and suddenly just stop having feelings for them for months again. Or, in worse cases, I’ll be dating and lose feelings for my girlfriend suddenly. This is consistent and has never not happened to me. Nothing changes in my relationships, I’ll just suddenly lose feelings. Is this abroromantic?
Yeah, I’d say it is. From what you described this sounds like you have fluid feelings. Now, fluid is something that can take time with abrosexuality so months is totally normal.
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
How do you identify when you Flux, and how do you deal with it? Recently I started identifying as Abro, as I have fluxed in the past but never thought anything of it... but I feel like its just made everything so much more confusing... I also have no clue on how im meant to hold down a relationship if my romantic and sexual attraction will change during said relationship..
Hmm...I’m not sure everyone has the exact same tells when they flux as others. For me, sometimes I don’t know and I’ll be out doing whatever and something calls out to me more than it did before about people. Other times I don’t even notice. I’m sure that isn’t any less confusing. What I would suggest is you could try and keep a flux journal and just make a quick note when you notice the change, after a week read back and see if there’s anything telling that you can use to identify.
As for the relationship...that’s something that can be hard to maintain. Dating someone who understands what abro is will help a LOT as they’ll already have a much better understanding of what you are going through this way they won’t be mad or something when your attraction changes.
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
Can I still ID as abro if my orientation changes but I’m always sexually attracted to my partner(s) no matter what orientation I happen to be? ;; I’m confused now because I see people saying they’re not attracted to their partners during those times;;
Yep, the thing with humans is that every one is different when it comes to things like sexuality. Even identical twins would be different at some level on this. So if you’re still sexually attracted to your partner but your orientation changes, then by all means embrace being abro if that’s what you want.
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
is it still abrosexual if some parts of my attraction stay mostly static??? like when i experience sexual attraction im almost always attracted to men on some level but my attraction to women changes a lot from finding them gross some days liking them more than men others. same goes with how im usually fairly aromantic but sometimes i still get romantic attraction
Yep! While abrosexual is quite the umbrella term, I don’t think it’s an all or nothing type thing. Parts can be static while others are fluid.
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
So, I'm abrosexual and I haven't had my period in a long time (2 months ish). Idk what to do and keep thinking it has to do with my sexuality (idk why).
Hmm...I think it can if you’re stressed about it. I know a lot of things can cause periods not to happen and stress is one of the bigger ones. If you’re worried about your sexuality having a large influence on you that might do it. However, if you’re feeling at all stressed, take a personal day. Do what you love for a day and just ignore the rest of the world. It might cause your period to happen or it might not, but ultimately you should feel better which is the point.
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
when i was about 12 i realized im pan. now that im 15 and i see more people around me who are in relationships, i started to question my orientation. im still attracted to every gender, but on some days i feel like i would never want to date or have sex. so its mainly between ace and pan. i am confuse
It’s normal to be confused (I’m in my 30′s and it still happens). But this is where the abrosexual label is helpful as it sounds like it still fluctuates for you and fluctuation between pan and ace would still be abrosexual (it’s a very wide umbrella lol).
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
My friend was reading 'The ABC's of LGBT+' and came across Abrosexuality, then showed it to me. They said it reminded them a lot of my struggles with finding a label that suited me, since my sexuality seemed to fluctuate so much. I was freaking out at first, because how could I ever live that way? How could I have a relationship or explain it? But then I found this blog, and scrolling through it has made me feel so much better about myself and my situation. Thank you so, so much for that
Awww, I’m glad I was able to help! I also hope you’re doing much better with your struggles.
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
Hey! I'm not sure if you're active or not but i'm just going to say this anyway because why not. Anyway... tonight I found out what abrosexuality is and to be honesty im so happy to finally have found my identity. Basically what I want to say is thank you for providing an outlet for people to be themselves and not feel pressured to be gay or straight or bi or any other more known sexuality and to just be their fluid abro self.
I was having some trouble getting the authentication to work after I got a new cell. But, I’m back and this is awesome to hear! I’m glad you found it and you’re welcome. My biggest hope is that I can help anyone who is either scared or confused about their sexuality to figure themselves out!
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
Is it normal to have my sexuality change by the minute? Not like every minute, but sometimes I'm bi and literally the next minute, straight. I feel bad about this
Yes actually, mine has done exactly this. It can be confusing, but you shouldn’t feel bad as it’s totally natural. When that happens to me, I’ve taken the thought process of “Hmm...ok, well, this changed, what else do I like here” and try to identify what else might be good and use it to make myself happy.
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abrosexuallearning · 5 years
I’m Abro but I don’t feel like I should be. my sexuality fluctuates all the time (today im Ace) but I haven’t had any ‘LGBT+ experiences’. Like I’ve never felt like I couldn’t come out if I want and I didn’t question for very long (I’m out as Bi to a few friends and have since discovered I’m Abro) I feel uncomfortable in LGBT+ spaces because I didn’t have a tough experience figuring out my sexuality. I know I’m Abro, I just can’t picture going to pride and being able to feel comfortable. Advice?
Hmm...that’s tough feeling uncomfortable in spaces. However, I don’t think everyone has to have a tough experience figuring out their sexuality. Some it can be extremely easy. For myself it was more just delving into human sexuality and finding out more about it by reading and that’s when I found abro. So if you’re having a hard time because you think you *have* to have a tough time I would wonder why or what is creating that thought for you. This definitely isn’t something I can answer as I certainly don’t know you personally nor would I want to dictate who you are as a person. What I would offer is taking a look and see where that thought has come from and see if it’s something you’ve gotten from some of the more toxic elements of this world towards sexuality, or something more internalized. Once you’ve figured that out (and it may take a while) it should help on how you feel in LGBT+ spaces.
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