abrushwithvictory · 4 years
[Stonework HCs] Citrine Focus: Are they able to multi-task or do they prefer to keep at one thing at a time?
i think ignatz works better if he focuses on one thing at time -- the poor boy has enough anxiety as is, so if he tried to do too many things at once, it’d overwhelm his brain. he likes to be rather organized as well, so it lends well to him to do one task at a time. this way, he gives it his full attention and is able to bring out the best in what he’s working on, whether it be related to his studies or a painting.
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
Susano - Carpe Diem! Does your character like to live life to the fullest, and take advantage of everything the world has to offer? Describe what they would do if they knew they only had another 24 hours to live.
it’s kind of wild how this would vary between pre/post timeskip ignatz, actually... so i’ll answer for them both, since i can’t pick who i’d answer for.
pre timeskip: to sum it up in a single phrase, he would be terrified. not only has he spent most of his life living up to the title of second son, ignatz wouldn’t have any of his dreams realized. he’ll die with the guilt of bearing the death of raphael’s parents, living a life he never wanted to, never having to seen more of the world... those 24 hours wouldn’t be ones spent to read every tome of art history or study the works in the monastery, it’d be full of regret.
post timeskip: he would still wish to see more of the world, but he’d still die without less regrets. he’d see it as a natural cause, almost, as a facet of the war. i think he’d spend his 24 hours helping his friends, trying to make the time they’ll have after him ones worth spending. i don’t think ignatz would want to make a big deal of the last day of his life, and would want to reassure his friends he’s not dying with regrets. 
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
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A series of headcanon asks to delve more in-depth with what makes the muses tick! Questions range from the obscure to the obvious so as to dig further into a muse’s life and habits.
Be sure to specify muses for multi-muse blogs!
Coral Fragments: How well does your muse deal with stress? Do they do anything in particular to help them deal with it, and if so what do they do? 
Rosy Fog: What are their immediate views on romantic love?
Rosy Haze: Do they react well when they develop feelings for someone and if not why?
Rosy Touch: How do they show affection nonverbally? Are they likely to show affection with their words as well?
Apatite Chatter: Are they the friendly sort or do they prefer to let others start off interactions with them?
Apatite Tic: Does your muse have any sort of verbal tics or impediments?
Garnet Shadows: Is your muse apt to stab someone in the back in any way? If so, would they admit to doing so or would they lie to cover it up?
Garnet Shine: How devoted are they to their loved ones? Would this devotion delve into the obsessive side?
Garnet Core: What sorts of things would they be willing to do for friends? For family? For their significant other(s)?
Amethyst Terrors: Are their nights plagued with past memories or nightmares in general? What do they usually entail if so?
Amethyst Calm: How do they usually sleep, in what position? Do they like plenty of pillows, blankets and/or plush toys?
Makeshift Stone: What does their internet search history usually include? Are there any parts of their searches that they’re embarrassed by?
Cracked Cement: Are they adept at using technology of any kind or do they typically need help with it?
Brickwork Shadows: Is your muse good with their hands, or do they tend to be fairly clumsy?
Sapphire Depths: Do they prefer to think ahead or to leap right in and wing things?
Sapphire Beacon: What kinds of things inspire your muse and does your muse tend to inspire others?
Selenite Pillars: Does your muse think they’re mentally or physically strong? Is this belief true or only something the muse believes to be true?
Aventurine Calling: Do they believe in luck? If so, would they consider themselves lucky or unlucky?
Fluorite Cloud: If they had the opportunity, would they prefer to know what’s going to happen in the future or not? Why?
Fluorite Bearings: How strongly do they listen to their intuition? Is their intuition usually correct or incorrect?
Peridot Ghosts: What kind of things get them frazzled or anxious? Do they tend to handle them well or get swept up in the moment?
Moonstone Luster: Are there are any items they own that have sentimental value to them?
Diamond Kiss: What kind of clothing and accessories do they prefer to wear? Are there are any particular reasons outside of general comfort that they like wearing these?
Coal Dust: Can they withstand manual labor? Do they avoid manual labor as much as possible, and if so, why?
Prehnite Memory: How good is their memory? Has it always been like this or did something happen to make it this way?
Bismuth Hue: Are they sickly or get sick often?
Bismuth Aid: What sort of medication, if any do they have to take, if any? Do they refuse to take it, forget to take it, or do they prefer to keep on it?
Quartz Cluster: What kind of textures (e.g. silky, rough, slick, etc) do they prefer?
Jade Ambition: How ambitious is your muse and what are their current goals? To what ends will they go to to make those wishes a reality?
Jade Gain: How well do they manage their money?
Amazonite Comfort: What sorts of things bring your muse comfort in trying times? Are there any habits they have when things get difficult to help cope?
Amazonite Shade: Are they pessimistic, optimistic or somewhere in the middle? Was there anything that happened to them in their life that caused them to think in this way?
Topaz Storm: Is your muse the creative type in any way? How do they usually express their creativity?
Topaz Tears: Do they have any sort of outlet they use as a means to cope (e.g. writing, drawing, playing music, etc.)? How’d they get into it if they do?
Topaz Calling: Do they have anything that they have natural talent in? If so do they enjoy doing it or is it something they tend to forget about?
Ruby Craze: Are they a passionate person or do they tend to be more down-to-earth?
Ruby Light: Are they the sort to wear their heart on the sleeve? If not, why?
Citrine Focus: Are they able to multi-task or do they prefer to keep at one thing at a time?
Opal Wonder: How big is their imagination? Do they tend to share these ideas or keep them to themselves?
Opal Sky: Do they tend to get lost in their own thoughts/daydreams?
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
“Oh, no -- certainly no one would want to hang anything I’ve created in such a grand home...” Ignatz gives a small shake of his head. “While I would love to have a permanent memory of the ball, the painting itself will probably never leave my room.” For Lorenz to praise his skills so often... truly, were they that worthy of the eyes of high society? Him? It just doesn’t add up.
“But to answer your question, I do sketch when I am able. However, you must be aware my studies come first. If I’m to be a knight, I cannot shirk my duties.”
It'd be rather odd -- and rude, honestly -- for him to ignore Lorenz's request for a dance at the ball. Ignatz figured the rest of his class would enjoy a dance with him (even if he would step on their feet, he's still not much of a dancer). Lorenz did help fix his somewhat poor dancing ability, and did help, alongside Hilda, in picking out an outfit. A friendly smile, accompanied by a hand is outstretched. "May I have this dance?"
Lorenz was used to prowling- no, no that was aggressive, scanning the dance floor for a partner on his own, and was surprised that someone was asking him first. He looked down only to realize he’d in fact almost walked into the requester. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, pleased to see him coming out of his shell.
“Certainly.” Lorenz defaulting to leading, given that he had almost walked into Ignatz. He lead them out onto the dance floor. “I would be honored. I assume you know your steps? Ah, we can stamp cards too, of course.”
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
timeskip - unfamiliar tides [ignatz & linhardt]
[starter for @linhcrdt]
Often is it notated by warm hues, magnificent oranges and pinks blending together, harmonizing, calming. Each one carries them closer to the new dawn that’s been promised, been breathed into the warm air. Each sunset brings them closer to the conflict’s end, for it all to stop, for crimson tides of war that have been staining Fodlan to ebb away no longer paint it with blood (and his hands are tinted red as well, hands that were meant to paint with anything but such a viscous substance). 
One day more, closer it comes -- that is the mantra repeated, among the soft count of the arrows in his quiver.
Were Edelgard’s banner not thrust into the air, perhaps he would have found have found himself at the Millennium Festival, partaking in history he longed to have reveled in. To live throughout history, to put upon canvas, that was the only dream he had wished (aside from meeting the Goddess, but her kind graces feel absent). 
The flicker of sun reflects off the tip of an arrow, which Ignatz rolls between his fingers. Pride is something to have under his watchful eye, a steeled gaze that follows each release of his bow, his target nothing more than prey. Five years ago, his stomach would have turned at how easy his fingers draw back the bowstring, how easy it is to think of nothing but the enemy in front of him.
It’s not to say he craves the thrill of battle, the rush of adrenaline it gives; often does it fill him with a void, a feeling that cannot be put into words. But it’s his life, the life of his friends, of Claude, of the Alliance that rests on upon his hands, threadbare and worn gloves covering them, callouses and nicks prickling once smooth skin.
He is only glad that no one he holds dear is fighting for the Empire. Ignatz in unsure what regrets would soar past his arrow as it would fly towards a familiar face, one he once regarded a close friend. 
A grotesque definition of justice.
But such is the nature of war. 
To argue against it would make him a fool, and he’s long cast his childish notions aside, which have no place upon the battlefield.
The scenery around him goes unnoticed. This is not a place he wishes to keep in his mind; it is not worth painting. It’s just yet another military checkpoint alongside yet another march.
It’s the first sunset Igantz wills himself not to see.
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
hotheadhero replied to your post: Now flip that question around: If Ignatz could...
Nobody said you can’t make a waterproof bag, Ignatz >w>
((LOL he’ll get on that and then go become one with the ocean))
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
I keep getting ideas for you, lmao: Sephirot - Does your muse feel more at home indoors, or do they prefer to be out in nature? (Since I started diverging into this in my own answer, does Ignatz prefer urban or rural settings?) Are they any reasons behind this preference?
i feel it depends on said location, honestly! ignatz loves the cathedral and libraries, or places to admire the architecture and the like, so in situations such as those, he’s to prefer the indoors if there’s something more interesting to offer than say, his bedroom or the dining hall. of course, given ignatz’s aesthetic eye, he may find something to appreciate in such a location. beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course, and ignatz cannot help but find it in most of the world.
and to say he loves nature is obvious enough, as he’ll paint about any landscape. the more he can learn from his surroundings, the better, and can learn about the stories it can tell him. a picture is worth a thousand words, of course, and ignatz wishes to memorize and learn every one of them. if he doesn’t understand the story of where he is, then he can’t get a full grasp of the location, and he can’t show it through his art.
as for urban vs. rural, i feel as if it sort of loops back to my previous points. ignatz would find interest in urban locations and all the life and culture and just everything he’d see and find, but would perhaps be disappointed at the lack of a gorgeous night sky to see due to light pollution. rural areas would give him endless scenery and starry skies to view, but i don’t think he’d ever outright say one’s better than the other. if he can make himself happy where he is, does it truly matter?
as long as he can create art, art that matters, ignatz will go anywhere.
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
Now flip that question around: If Ignatz could swim anywhere, would he (1) prefer that mode of transportation over walking or riding; or (2) presuming Atlantean underwater cities or even just natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef existed, where/would Ignatz go?
i think he’d appreciate equal parts walking/swimming -- he’d hate to miss out on any insights walking through a forest/pathway/marketplace could offer him, and he’d hate to have any art supplies on his person get wet, especially considering he makes his own! it’d be a shame to put all that hard work to waste.
but if any natural wonders like that existed, he would hardly hesitate to see them. before he can even capture them on canvas, the wonder, the awe he would feel upon seeing these sights that were hardly known to man before, to think he could be so lucky -- and it’s him! he’s seeing sights unknown to man! ignatz would have to pinch himself and wonder whether he was dreaming or not before taking time to just inspect every detail of the vista he’s going to be painting and writing about for years to come in the travel journal he would be penning alongside this all!
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
Shiva - Does your character often find themselves thinking about the past, or being weighted down by memories? If so, give a little insight as to what these memories are and why they have this effect on them.
ignatz doesn’t necessarily enjoy focusing on the past -- not only does he find himself rather plain and uninteresting when recalling his childhood, the day raphael’s parents died rings in his mind much too often, especially when he spots the man he used to call his best friend.
it’s one of the memories he’ll focus on the most, and it’s the little things that will stir it up, like leaves rustling in the wind, dead and skittering across cobblestone. he’ll hear raphael speak of how he’s supporting maya by becoming a knight, sending her home whatever gold he can or letters that he’s doing well, or perhaps a gift he’s made for her with help from hilda.
and he can’t just help to remember hearing the news that they had joined the goddess, and the week that followed, and it’s his fault, those were his parents that were supposed to go -- but of course, he hardly wishes for the death of his parents, and is stuck in an endless cycle that does nothing but tear at his heart.
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
Bismarck - If your character could fly (on their own an without a mount), what would they do? Where would they go, and why?
given ignatz’s fear of heights, you’d have to do some heavy convincing to get him airborne! he would probably keep himself grounded to avoid any discomfort or panic of literally having the ground swept away from him, so he’d never use his newfound ability to fly. even could be convinced the view would be spectacular, to have a bird’s eye view of the monastery or certain vistas he loves to paint, it’d be war with the ridiculous anxiety it would give him. 
however, if he had no fear of flying, he would do just that - he would use his wings (metaphorical or not!) to seek out new areas to paint or just take in the scenery as well. the new perspectives offered would mean a lot to his worldview, and would further his idea of the slightest change, the little new angle... it could change how one sees the entire world. 
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
There’s plenty of locations Ignatz loves in the monastery. The sweeping meadows outside come to mind, or perhaps the gentle smell of the greenhouse with its many blooms, painting upon the soil as if it were a canvas. There lies the cathedral as well, with the colors refracted upon its blessed floors as sunlight does nothing but add to the beauty of the goddess, her visage honored in the stained glass that surrounds the building in her loving, watchful embrace. No matter where his feet travel, he muses, he sees beauty in each location. 
Often do his trails lead to the workshop, a spacious place for fellow artists, an atelier to offer them asylum from studies and training. He’s done enough drills today to satisfy himself, to not shirk his duties before setting them aside for eager fingers to brush upon canvas, brush in hand. It’s a safe place, one he’s not reluctant to be caught in to continue polishing his skills -- well, his hobby. Ignatz still isn’t sure if he should label himself as skilled or talented at this moment.
To see the workshop occupied isn’t rare, no, not at all. But to see such bright armor, for the glint of gold to catch his eye to draw it to the ornate armor he sees from across the room. 
What a spectacle -- he’s never seen armor been crafted before in such a manner, and without much thought, he’s to approach the student who is engaged in his craft. Ignatz leans closer to appreciate the details, the finesse, each movement of the sculptor’s hands speaking their own language. Silence follows his eyes as they travel upon each spike and plate, wondering what story lies behind such an impressive work of art.
Igantz hopes he isn’t being intrusive, however, given how he’s hovering over the other as he continues to admire his work.
Arts and Dafts
(starter for @abrushwithvictory)
Though it was something that was sometimes buried under his other traits, Owain considered himself to be just a bit of an artist. It was something that came off of two great loves of his: theatrics, and weapon maintenance. For the former, of course, it was a terribly useful boost to his typical displays; color and shape were wonderfully useful tools to catch the eye and keep it. For the latter, well… if he could put weapons and armor back together, by Naga, then he could put things that were much less sturdy and precise together, couldn’t he? All it took was a little creativity, and he had that in droves.
Right now, he was hard at work assembling a costume. Standing in a section of the monastery dedicated to its artistic pursuits (often frequented by monks more than students), Owain was piecing together mock plate armor. He had already put together a great quantity of papier-mâché for that purpose, and he had shaped it into each individual plate, which had been a process that had taken days, as well as adding some semi-menacing spikes to the whole ensemble. Now, he was painting these plates of armor, and that was a painstaking process as well, if perhaps a little bit easier on account of mostly just being uniformly gold-colored. He wouldn’t even be done after this, as he had to find some oil to waterproof the stuff with, and then he had to figure out what to wear with it, but for the show he was making this costume for, he wasn’t going to settle for anything less than the best.
He was so consumed in the creation of this increasingly golden, spiky, rather dramatic piece that he actually stopped noticing the world around him for a while, just focused on brush strokes and tweaks and careful application of a knife to round out edges he found himself unsatisfied with. He didn’t notice the monks around the place, and he certainly didn’t notice another student enter the workshop.
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
Eikonic Asks
(Can be answered IC'ly or OOC'ly per the mun’s choice!)
Garuda - How does your character react when they are angry? Do they have a temper? Describe what would happen if they were to lash out.
Titan - Is your muse protective? If so, who are they protective of and why? How do they go about protecting others?
Ifrit - What are your muse’s feelings regarding the manipulation or control of others? Do they endorse this tactic, or are they against it?
Ramuh - What gives your muse peace of mind? Do they find tranquility and harmony in nature?
Leviathan - Is your muse vindictive? Are they the type to seek revenge? If so, how would they go about obtaining revenge? Would they be willing to resort to murder, or do they tend to stick with milder methods such as social humiliation and backstabbing?
Shiva - Does your character often find themselves thinking about the past, or being weighted down by memories? If so, give a little insight as to what these memories are and why they have this effect on them.
Good King Moggle Mog XII - Would your muse prefer to go into battle by themselves, or would they do better to rally around their friends and allies? 
Ravana - Does your character enjoy asserting their dominance over things? Are they type to talk over others and forcibly take charge of a situation? Are there elements in their past that have shaped their personality this way? If so, elaborate.
Bismarck - If your character could fly (on their own an without a mount), what would they do? Where would they go, and why?
King Thordan - Does your character have a strong sense of how things should be, and are they willing to go to whatever end in order to make their vision a reality? Describe their vision for the world.
Sophia - How does your character cope with loss and defeat? Do they wallow in despair, or rise up and attempt to change things, or do they simply try and make the best of their situation?
Sephirot - Does your muse feel more at home indoors, or do they prefer to be out in nature? Are they any reasons behind this preference? 
Zurvan - How would your muse define justice? Would they go to the utmost of ends to obtain justice for themselves, or for a loved one?
Shinryu - Does your character live for the heat of a challenge? Are they the kind of person that savors every moment of a fight? If so, explain why.
Susano - Carpe Diem! Does your character like to live life to the fullest, and take advantage of everything the world has to offer? Describe what they would do if they knew they only had another 24 hours to live.
Sri Lakshmi - How would your muse define true beauty? What do they find most attractive in others? Do they see beauty as something that comes from within, or is it all in how the present’s wrapping?
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
Sketchy Arts [Ignatz & Eirika]
starter for @eiridetic
At first, he’s drawn to the garish flyer due to its vivid colors, standing out on the bulletin board like spring’s first bloom among the expanse of green. It’s not say an artist’s eye goes for vivacity, but more so for someone to draw attention to themselves in such a way, a reason must carry behind it. 
Ignatz takes the flyer in his hands for closer inspection, careful eyes studying the words. The moniker is known to him, as he’s heard the name whisper across several families throughout the Alliance (for better or for worse, as the reputation that follows it). He’s never quite paid attention to her books, even with his love of history, as reading of lies and stolen tales would be an insult to those who actually lived through such events.
Thus, further inspection would follow his suspicions -- that is, could he work up the courage to go in on his lonesome. Even under the guise of wishing to polish his swordplay, Ignatz knows he won’t be attending for honest reasons. That alone is enough to deter his steps, fingers gripping the flyer with increased worry, not wishing to be obvious in his doubts. Was it unlike him to mistrust others, and thus the unfamiliarity made him uncomfortable? Or is it his usual lack of courage that keep his feet planted upon the ground?
Careful eyes scan over the nearby students, trepidation prickling his bones. Perhaps were he to ask another, it would take away a layer of nerves, some of the anxiety that’s crawling through his system like insects skittering upon a pond.
“H-Hello, um,” he turns to the first student he sees, a young woman with a river of blue hair that cascades down her back, “I was wondering if you were also planning to attend the seminar?”
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
It's a bit daunting, they think. Speaking with others was never something they had considered themselves particularly adept at, though they know that is the point of celebrations like this. Of the card held tightly in their own hand. Gaze lowers, the songstress's child swallows as they cautiously approaches jade and, with a feather-light touch, taps their shoulder. Digits carefully tuck loose hair behind their ear. "Ah, I—" The words falter. Their grip on the card tightens.
The smile offered is patient, still as the night sky as Ignatz offers out his own card to the stranger before him. Shyness is a burden he understands well, and knows not to judge when others must face it as well. “Would you like me to stamp your card?” He holds out his own as well, hoping it’ll ease the air between them in some shape or form. “My name is Ignatz, by the way,” he softly says as he waits for the exchange, “may I ask yours?”
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
“I really only know what you taught me. You know I’m not much of a dancer.” And given how tall Lorenz is, Ignatz does feel a little intimidated in all this now. Asking him was easy enough, somehow, but... he just hopes to not mess this up, is all. “We can stamp our cards after this. I would hate to keep you after a single dance, Lorenz.” He’s sure there’s more than enough people who wish to dance with Lorenz, regardless, and he’s just eating up their time.
It'd be rather odd -- and rude, honestly -- for him to ignore Lorenz's request for a dance at the ball. Ignatz figured the rest of his class would enjoy a dance with him (even if he would step on their feet, he's still not much of a dancer). Lorenz did help fix his somewhat poor dancing ability, and did help, alongside Hilda, in picking out an outfit. A friendly smile, accompanied by a hand is outstretched. "May I have this dance?"
Lorenz was used to prowling- no, no that was aggressive, scanning the dance floor for a partner on his own, and was surprised that someone was asking him first. He looked down only to realize he’d in fact almost walked into the requester. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, pleased to see him coming out of his shell.
“Certainly.” Lorenz defaulting to leading, given that he had almost walked into Ignatz. He lead them out onto the dance floor. “I would be honored. I assume you know your steps? Ah, we can stamp cards too, of course.”
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
With a swift stroke of his wrist, Ignatz’s stamp and signature now decorate Leonie’s card. Seeing her this happy only furthers his grin, and he laughs softly with a flush at her words.
“Oh, I’m only being honest. And I’d argue I really don’t stand out any more than usual.” Which is to say, in his case, hardly at all. However, Leonie’s always sharp eyes have always seemed to find him, and that’s something that he appreciates. What a wonderful friend she is to have. 
“I was a little late, yes, but I’m enjoying my night so far.” And tonight is rather special as well, if only he can manage a visit to the Goddess Tower. What if he is to bask in her radiance there?
"Leonie!" Familiar faces continue to be abound, and while not surprised to see her at the ball among classmates, Ignatz smiles nonetheless as he approaches her. "You look absolutely wonderful tonight; may I ask how you're enjoying the ball so far?" He fetches his card as well, but knows he's happy to remain and talk regardless.
Leonie gave a wide smile to her bespectacled classmate, her card out and ready so that she may receive a signature. She may not understand the social nuance behind these cards, but if there was a prize to be won at the end she didn’t want to be left behind.
“Aw, thanks! Since when did you become such a sweet talker? You look quite handsome yourself!” She gave Ignatz a friendly pat on his shoulder. In reality it hadn’t been long since the last time the two saw each other, but for some reason it felt like it had been forever. Regardless to say, she was happy to see him at the ball tonight.
“It’s been good so far! Can’t really complain.”
She paused a moment to watch some of the dancers on the floor.
“How about you? Did you just get here? I haven’t seen you all night!”
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abrushwithvictory · 4 years
“Hello small man!” Izana smiled and approached Ignatz, a couple of mints in his hand. “You know what boosts confidence? Minty freshness! Also dance moves that make your hips wiggle, but let’s start with the mints. Oh- stamp?”
A whirlwind of expressions work their away across Ignatz’s face as he tries to digest the appearance and words of this stranger. Cautiously, he accepts the mint before pressing a stamp to his card, presenting his as well. Small man? ...Was he truly that short? Oh, goddess... “Um, I... my name is Ignatz.” How is he to respond to this? 
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