absolutedestiny · 6 years
American Gods - Buffalo Stance by Neneh Cherry
“What’s he like, anyway?!”
Luminosity & sisabet = Lumabet, a deadly two-headed vidding creature that creates stuff neither one of us could do alone.
Pretty vid/downloads available at lumsvids.com
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absolutedestiny · 6 years
Vid: Undead
Music: Bela Lugosi’s Dead, Nouvelle Vague
Fandom: Nosferatu
Ships: Ellen/Hutter, Ellen/Orlok
Summary: F. W. Murnau’s dead. Made for @absolutedestiny for Spring Equinox 2018.
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absolutedestiny · 6 years
May I Suggest | Absolute Destiny | Up
Just like the movie, this one lifts your spirits, and also tears your heart out. May I suggest these are the best times of your life.
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absolutedestiny · 7 years
me searching: that one scene from Coco google: did you mean
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absolutedestiny · 7 years
Tumblr: *rolls out “best stuff first”*
My blog:
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absolutedestiny · 7 years
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absolutedestiny · 7 years
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absolutedestiny · 7 years
Is there anything that’s worth more than peace and love on the planet Earth?
Clean Light
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absolutedestiny · 7 years
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absolutedestiny · 8 years
uk side of tumblr are u ok
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absolutedestiny · 8 years
Join us at VividCon 2016 in Chicago (or from home)!
Do you like vids? Of course you do, if you follow this community! What a coincidence! At VividCon, the annual vidding convention in Chicago, Illinois that’s coming up on August 12-14, 2016, we like vids, too! We maybe even love them! Perhaps you would like to come party, party, join us, join us! by attending this year’s VividCon? For the latest news on attending member registration, see the post Attending memberships available at the best price through July 1! If you cannot make it in person, please consider a supporting membership, which can literally bring all of the VividCon 2016 vidshows to a TV or computer near you! See Grab a supporting membership to VividCon 2016! for more information. One way or another, we invite you to enjoy the creativity, artistry, and fannish joie de vivre embodied in the vids and vidshows available to you as a member of VividCon 2016!
For more information, please go to our website, and feel free to reach out to the VividCon staff on Twitter, Tumblr, or through our contact form.
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absolutedestiny · 8 years
Ok for some god awful reason YouTube recommend this to me.
It’s a surprisingly well edited fan video shipping Jim from Treasure Planet with… I guess both Ariel and her daughter Melody???
The video starts off like it’s Jim x Melody but then the prince cheats on Ariel with Princess Odette from tge Swan Princess???and then he goes to. Brothel made up of Jasmine and Esmeralda and bangs Jessica Rabbit bc she looks like Ariel?????? Then prince Eric murders his wife and child the end.
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absolutedestiny · 8 years
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absolutedestiny · 8 years
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Via harlequin19bee
My sister asked if the events of “The Labyrinth” are meant to be Sarah dreaming, or are they real? Although my primary reaction was that she shouldn’t put that much thought into any children’s movie (or any instance of David Bowie in tight pants), I’d like to take this opportunity to put so much though into this children’s movie, that it’ll blow your mind. 
So why is David Bowie kidnapping a child from an underage Jennifer Connelly?  In a time long long ago a sorcerer named Jareth fell in love with a girl named Sarah. Sarah’s father and step-mother would not let her marry Jareth because they wanted to keep her as a servant, to care for their other child. In a fit of rage Jareth kidnapped this other child and spirited it away to the fairy world. In this new world Jareth built a place for his Sarah. He turned the spoiled child into a goblin, and kept it to be a servant.  Many stories of the fairy would tell us that time moves differently there than in our world. (Rip Van Winkle for one) In the time it took for Jareth to build his kingdom, which he may have though was little more than a few years, Sarah grew old and died.  Overcome by grief and addled by a lifetime spent in a strange world filled with monsters, Jareth goes mad. He refuses to believe that he has lost his love. He searches the mortal world from his castle, looking for her. 
Sarah is a  Hebrew name. So, it’s common, and has been in use for thousands of years. It does not take long (for him) to fina a dark haired girl named Sarah, who has a younger sibling, and who feels that she is treated unfairly by her step mother. In a fit of rage he kidnaps this other child and spirits it away to the fairy world. Perhaps this new Sarah dies in the quest to find the child, perhaps she wins her sibling back and flees. 
This is how Jareth becomes the goblin king. Every goblin in the goblin city is a child Jareth has stolen, who was not recovered by a Sarah. (he told the current Sarah that Toby would become a goblin if she did not find him in time) This is why he builds the maze. The magic bog, the junk yard of useless treasures, all tricks to slow Sara down. Because if he can only have his Sarah for the time it takes for her to regain the stolen child, he will make it take as long as possible, keep her long as possible.  This is why there exists in our world a book containing the story. Because it has happened before. So many times. At some point some lucky Sarah must have returned to our world to tell the story.  This is why when the most recent Sarah first meets Hoggle at the start of the labyrinth, and introduces herself; “I’m Sarah”, Hoggle responds “That’s what I figured"  Because of course she’s Sarah.  They were all Sarah.
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absolutedestiny · 8 years
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im posting this just to put it in my laugh rule tag because it was killing me eariler
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absolutedestiny · 8 years
Attending registration is OPEN!!
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absolutedestiny · 9 years
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It Follows (2014)
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