abstinere · 8 years
Hi. I assume that if you’re in the Perks tag you like the book or movie. And I’ve seen people doing this before but I couldn’t get in touch with anybody to do this.
I want to share my email with someone so we can send each other letters like Charlie does with his anonymous friend in the book and movie, talking about our lives and sharing.
If you feel like doing this, read below the cut...
If you want to send me letters, talk to me in the chat. Say you want to read my letters and I’ll send you my email. We can exchange emails if you wanna do both (send and receive letters).
If you want me to send you letters, send me your email through chat or askbox. Just send me your email and I’ll understand. Don’t worry about me stalking you, I won’t visit your profile, I’ll just send the letters without looking into who you are. Again, we can exchange emails if you wanna do both, send and receive letters.
Thank you dear friends <3
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abstinere · 8 years
Dear friend,
I kinda have a boyfriend now. He’s nice, I love him and he loves me too. His parents won’t let us be together, tho. Because of that, we broke up twice in two months. I’m thanfull that we were able to get back together.
It’s 4am, my chest hurts, I have school tomorrow but I don’t feel so okay and I don’t wanna go to sleep.
I don’t know what to feel.
Love always, Liz.
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abstinere · 9 years
Dear Friend,
I’m worried and scared. Soon my classes will start and if it wasn’t scary enough, I don’t think I’ll be able to talk to him during the week. By the time he usually talks to me, it’s already bed time, and I’m on vacation, so it never was a problem. The thing is, soon I won’t be able to go to sleep at 4am because we were talking.
I need to talk to him about it as soon as I can, althought I don’t want to. I want things to keep going well.
Not that everything was ever so well.
                                                             Love, Liz.
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abstinere · 9 years
Dear Friend,
I slept all day and had an awful nightmare, but now I feel good.
We are talking and he’s being so nice to me. It cheers me up. Besides, I’m watching tv shows. That makes me feel confortable.
My house is a war zone, but I’m hoping everything will be fine soon.
I just hope this night will be awesome.
                                                               Love, Liz.
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abstinere · 9 years
Dear Friend,
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My sister was here with my nephew, niece and her husband. They had lunch in here. I played Need For Speed with my nephew hahah I kinda forgot about my problems for a bit. Althought I wasn’t great, I had a good time, playing and talking shit.
I decided not talk to my nephew today, he told my parents I was an atheist when I told him NOT TO talk about this with ANYBODY. It hurted my feelings. The way he talked about such important thing with my sister and parents. He betrayed my trust. But I won’t talk about this today, I wasn’t feeling so bad and didn’t wanned to ruin that.
I already have a lot to worry about.
                                                   Love always, Liz.
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abstinere · 9 years
Dear Friend,
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Thank you for being here in the first place. I don’t know how you found my letters, but I appreciate the fact that you’re taking a bit of your time to listen to me. Well... read me.
I don’t like how I’m feeling lately. I’m always having the sensation that I only exist to please others, no one ever cares if I need something or if I’m feeling well, althought it’s my duty to check on everybody to make sure they are feeling good and give them the proper attention they need.
I mean, I love the people around me, but couldn’t they stop using me and actually start feeling happy for my presence for who I am? This is hurtfull.
But I guess I’ll be fine. I always end up being fine. In the possible way.
The sun is rising and I’m not asleep yet... This bothers me. I wish I could fix my “bed time”, but it’s difficult.
Thank you for existing, friend.
                                                                                    Love, Liz.
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