abswifey · 2 hours
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Austin Butler | The Bikeriders (2024) behind the scenes
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abswifey · 2 hours
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i love this man and his mullet and his broad shoulders and his--
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abswifey · 2 hours
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Austin Butler being interviewed by Richard Wilkins for The Today Show at SFF
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abswifey · 4 hours
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austin butler as 'wilke'
switched at birth (season 1, episode 12)
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abswifey · 24 hours
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abswifey · 1 day
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abswifey · 1 day
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Label Mature 18+
Benny x You One Shot
When Benny decides to take a thrill ride before a thunderstorm, you chastise him about his safety. With his free spirited nature, he flat out dismisses you as “causing trouble,” riding off on his bike and setting off your short temper.
When he returns from his ride cockier than ever, you hurl an insult his way, frustrated by his recklessness. Benny enjoys your fiery and overbearing nature, knowing you can never tame his wild side. He playfully puts you in a chokehold until you submit to his will and carries you to the kitchen to tame the temper right out of you.
❤️‍🔥Passionate Smut❤️‍🔥
manhandling•fiery female•chokehold• male dominance • edging•fingering •dirty talk •pxssy taming•“good girl”•neck pinning•sex over a kitchen counter •overstimulation•simulation orgasm •cream pie•aftercare
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🫦Smut consultant @purejasmine
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Choke Hold
“You’re seriously going to ride out in this weather Benny?” you question, your tone laced with frustration and a hint of anger, as you eye the dark clouds gathering overhead.
“C’mon baby don’t be such a buzzkill,” Benny replies, sliding on his riding gloves, his grin only adding to your irritation. “I’ve ridden in worse.”
“But it’s not just about you,” you argue your voice rising slightly. “What if something happens? What if you get hurt?”
Benny shrugs, seemingly unconcerned by your worries. “Baby your always stirring up trouble relax, I’ll be fine a little rain never hurt anyone.”
You clench your fists, struggling to contain your frustration.
“Fine Benny do what you want. Just don’t come crying to me when you get caught in a downpour and end up stranded somewhere.”
Benny laughs and with a swift motion he kick-starts his Harley, the loud roar of the engine grating on your nerves.
“I’ll be back before you know it, baby. Try not to miss me too much,” he says with a wink.
His casual dismissal only serves to fuel your anger, and you feel the words bubbling up in your throat, ready to spill out in a torrent of frustration. But you bite back the retort swallowing it down with the bitter taste of resentment. You know all too well that once his mind is set, there’s no changing it back.
Benny, seeing your restraint flashes you a cocky grin and revs his engine drowning out any further protest. Then with the flick of his wrist, he rides his motorcycle out of the driveway and speeds off into the distance.
Your frustration mounts as you watched him embark on his thrill ride into the horizon with the ominous storm clouds.
You can’t help but feel a surge of anger rising within you. It was his casual dismissal of your opinion on several recent decisions that ignited your spark of defiance. Benny had a way of underestimating your insights, and though he meant no harm, it grated on you to no end.
A while later after the first crack of thunder, cutting through the air like a warning, you strain your ears and hear the familiar sound of Benny’s bike approaching. The rumble of his Harley growing louder with each passing second until finally he pulls into the driveway and abruptly cuts the engine.
You come to stand in the doorway and lean against the frame, your arms crossed in displeasure as you judge him.
"See? I told you it was fine," Benny quips, his grin unapologetic as he dismounts from his bike.
He approaches you and leans in, planting a kiss on your forehead before walking past you through the front door. Your hidden rage in striking contrast to his relaxed demeanor from the recent ride. With a practiced ease and without a care in the world he hangs up his riding gear.
You watch as heavy droplets of rain begin to patter on the driveway as a streak of lightning fills the sky. A roll of thunder rumbles, shaking the ground beneath your very feet. The storm is going to be severe, Benny barely made it in by the skin of his teeth.
"Your fine Benny ?” you retort closing the door. “You were practically going to ride through a monsoon out there! It’s like you’ve got a death wish or something." You say as the sound of heavy rain suddenly pelts the house.
Benny brushes off your concerns with a casual shrug “Come on, you worry too much” He says nonchalantly.
When he sits in the lounger and pulls off his boots, your frustration boils over, and you can’t hold back any longer. The insult that’s been lingering on the tip of your tongue bursts forth.
“Yeah, well, maybe if you had half a brain to go with all that brawn Benny, you’d actually listen to reason for once!” you snap.
Benny looks up at you and tosses his boot aside rising from the chair. His tall and imposing frame towers over yours as he stands, his muscular build only adding to his presence. His grin widens, mischief dancing in his piercing blue eyes.
“You’ve got a real smart mouth,” he says, his tone laced with amusement as he approaches, each step exuding his confidence and a hint of challenge.
Coming to a stop before you he gazes down, his eyes trailing over your smaller stature.
“But I guess that’s all you’ve got when you’re lacking in the brawn department,” he adds, his tone tinged with a hint of superiority.
Though his authority is infuriating it arouses you, and you find yourself fighting the urge to touch him, to feel the strength of his grip. Even as you resist the idea of giving in, his dominance is overwhelming.
You can’t deny how attractive he looks, especially in muscle tee. The ruggedness of his appearance, combined with the confidence exuding from his every movement makes you crave him deep inside of you.
But this time, you’re not going to let him have his way. You double down on your resolve, determined to make sure he knows you won’t be easily swayed this time.
As you stand in a face off the air is charged with tension. The sound of rain pounds against the house as thunder shakes the foundation. You glare into Bennys eyes, your resolve doubling with each passing second. You choose your words precisely, knowing this is the moment to show him your strength, your words laced with determination as you answer.
“Brains beat brawn any day, Benny, you should kno-,” before you finish, Benny grabs you by surprise.
His grip is strong as he pulls you to him whipping you around in his arms and holding your back to his chest.
“Come on troublemaker, you think you can take me?” Benny chuckles, his voice deep and vibrating against your ear as he wraps his impressive bicep around your throat.
“You’re asking for it, Benny!” you retort in anger as you put up a fight pulling and struggling against his vice-like grip.
His strength is unyielding, every muscle in his arm flexed and tense, holding you firmly in place. As you struggle, you can feel his chest pressed against your back and his breathe warm against your ear.
“Got you good now, don’t I?” Benny murmurs, his voice low and teasing. “Think you can break free?” he asks as his bicep clenches even harder around your throat. The pressure intensifies against your windpipe and a wave of panic sets in.
Your struggle turns into genuine resistance as you realize he is overpowering you with his strength. The air quickly grows thin and your movements become desperate. “Benny..-ease up a bit!” you manage to gasp out your voice strained with effort.
Benny remains calm, his grip firm yet controlled as he exerts his strength. “Don’t worry baby I’ve got you” he says, his tone firm yet reassuring. “Just surrender to it.”
Your vision begins to blur and your body starts to go limp as you cling to his forearm for support. Exhausted and gasping for breath, you reluctantly give in and weakly tap his forearm, signaling your surrender as you see stars.
“Looks like you’ve had enough, huh?” he chuckles as he releases you on your easy submission.
You stumble forward unable to gain your footing and he quickly reaches out grabbing your waist to prevent you from falling and pulls you back to face him.
“Guess brawn did beat brains this time,” he murmurs low and seductive, his eyes locking with yours in a heated gaze.
“You win this time, Benny,” you say, your voice laced with the hint of threat as you glare back at him. “But payback’s coming.”
Benny’s face lights up with a big grin at your threat of revenge.
“You look real adorable when you’re mad, baby,” he admits, his voice laced with charm. His eyes wander over your body, as he takes in your fiery demeanor.
“I’m not here to be adorable, Benny,” you retort, your voice edged with defiance. “I’m here to be respected.”
As you speak, your eyes hold his, conveying your determination to stand your ground.
“Alright then trouble maker” he says and before you can regain your composure, he surprises you by lifting you up over his shoulder with effortless strength and carrying you off.
“Benny where are we going?” you protest, your voice a mixture of surprise and anger.
“To a place where I can calm that temper of yours,” he responds, giving your backside a playful swat.
He carries you to the kitchen with determination his grip firm and unyielding as he sets you down gently in front of the center island. You look up at his intense gaze with a flutter of excitement coursing through your body.
“You know, you’re not as tough as you think,” he teases as he cups your jaw in one hand. When you open your mouth to protest he pulls you into a deep kiss.
Your arousal instantly wins over reason and you find yourself melting into his touch, unable to resist the magnetic pull of his lips on yours.
Your hands instinctively find their way to his chest grabbing his shirt pulling him even closer.
He smiles against your lips at your neediness for him and you feel the soft press of his mouth intensify as it moves against yours in a tender deliberate rhythm. His kiss is gentle, his movements calculated smooth.
You respond eagerly, matching his pace with a hunger of your own. You feel the softness of his lower lip beneath yours, the gentle tug of his teeth as he teases and tantalizes, drawing out every moment with precision.
You arch into his touch, craving more of his kiss as you lose yourself in the intoxicating sensation of his lips on yours.
He presses himself against you, backing you to the edge of the counter and pulls his lips back in anticipation. You are breathless and exhilarated, your heart pounding in your chest as you gaze into his eyes.
“What were you saying about payback?” he murmurs, as you feel his impressive hard on press between your legs as he pins you against the counter’s edge.
You meet his gaze with a mischievous smile, your eyes filled with seduction as you respond, “I think payback can wait.”
Benny chuckles softly, a playful glint dancing in his eyes as he leans in closer.
“Because you know you won’t win against me,” he responds, his voice laced with confidence and a hint of challenge. “Even if you tried, you’d never get your revenge.” He says as his eyes trail seductively down your body “I’m too good at this.” He confirms making your heart race with excitement.
He swiftly grabs your waist, effortlessly turning you around and bending you over the counter. His strong hand presses your chest to the cool tile surface pinning you down in place.
He brushes your hair aside and you feel a surge of excitement coursing through your veins, the anticipation sending shivers down your spine.
With a knowing grin Benny leans in closer, his chest pressing against your back, his voice low and soothing. “Let’s bring down that fiery temper of yours hm?” he murmurs, his breath warm against your ear.
His tongue darts out and traces a tantalizing path along the sensitive skin of your neck, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake. As he sucks gently, his lips create a sweet, tingling sensation. Each movement of his mouth against your skin ignites a fiery passion within your body.
You can’t help but let out a soft sigh of pleasure, completely lost in the sensation of his tender kiss. His hands strong yet gentle trail down your body, caressing every curve with a delicate touch.
He leans back to standing, his grip on your legs firm yet gentle as he guides them apart with ease. With a confident touch he lifts your dress over your back exposing your bare skin to the cool air of the kitchen.
A rush of heat floods between your legs as he slides your panties down, the fabric grazing against your skin before settling just at the folds of your thighs. His fingers, warm and skilled, trace intricate patterns against your heat teasing you mercilessly.
“You’re getting so wet for me, aren’t you, baby” He smiles feeling your arousal on his fingers “It’s like you can’t resist my touch.”he says punctuating his words with gentle strokes.
“You think you can …make me lose control that easily, Benny?” you pant against the tile, trying not to give in. “You haven’t even …done anything yet,” you say, a hint of defiance in your voice as you try to hold your resolve.
Benny chuckles softly “Oh, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his voice dripping with confidence. “I haven’t even begun to show you what I can do.” He glides his fingers over your folds as you become wetter then traces them around your sensitive entrance with increasing pressure until your arousal intensifies under his expert touch.
Then with his fingers fully soaked he trusts them into you coating them fully deep inside as he continues to tease and explore. His fingers move in and out of you with deliberate thrusts to drive you wild with desire.
Your body tenses with effort as you try to resist the intensifying sensation. Every muscle is coiled with anticipation with each passing moment until you give in to the urge and surrender to the pleasure building within you.
Just as you moan in acceptance against the counter, he withdraws his hand, leaving you craving more, your body still tingling with desire. Your anger rises within you once again “Your such a tease Benny” you say to taunt him frustration.
“Just a taste of what’s to come,” he says with a smirk as he takes a step back leaving you wanting more.
You hear the faint sound of his zipper being lowered and feel his hand return reassuringly on your back, as he lines himself up.
He presses his hard tip up to your entrance runs it up and down your folds collecting your arousal for penetration. Your back to arches from the extreme sensation and he gives your backside a playful slap, the sound echoing the kitchen. “Look how quiet and docile you are for me now,” he says with a grin.
“You’re impossible,” you gasp, your voice breathless with desire as you resist the urge to give in completely again.
Benny chuckles huskily, murmuring, “And you love every minute of it.”
With a slow deliberate push he thrusts his large cock into you, the sensation is overwhelming yet undeniably pleasurable as you both lose yourselves in the heat of the moment.
Your body trembles as he presses you firmly against the counter, the cool surface providing a stark contrast to the searing heat of your body.
His strong hands grasp your hips with a primal need, pulling you back as he presses his cock completely into you stretching you full. You moan as he sets a relentless pace thrusting you forward into the counter.
Each movement sends shockwaves of pleasure rippling through your body, the force of his thrusts driving you deeper into ecstasy. Your muscles clench around him with each powerful stroke, your senses consumed by the overwhelming intensity of his plowing cock.
“You’re being such a good girl for me,” Benny teases, his tone playful as he observes your response.
“I am not …a girl… Benny!” you retort firmly. “I am…a woman.”
“Is that right, darlin’?” he asks, his playful demeanor unwavering. You nod as he thrusts into you determined to stand your ground.
Benny responds by placing his large hand on the back of your neck, pinning you in a submissive pose as he guides his movements. With each snap of his hips, he thrusts into you hard with a raw, primal energy that consumes your every thought and sensation.
You moan against the tiles with your face pressed to them as every collision of him against your body thrusts his cock deeper against your cervix. After several aggressive thrusts in a row a deep moan from escapes from you as he breaks down your resolve. Benny revels hearing the sound of your pleasure.
He begins to clap his hips against you, deepening his thrusts until the intensity builds to a fever pitch. You can feel the tension of the coil inside of you winding tighter and tighter, ready to snap at any moment.
Leaning over you he grabs your waist and changes the intensity of his thrusts, driving his movements slower and deeper until you gasp in pleasure as your core throbs from the sensation. His grip on your waist tightens as he leans in to whisper, “You sure are taking my cock like a good girl.”
Overwhelmed by the pleasure he’s giving, all you can do is moan, your body completely surrenders to his will. Benny sits up and pulls your arms back lifting your chest from the counter using them as leverage to bounce you on his hard, thrusting cock.
With each slap of your bodies meeting, your loud moans fill the air as his grunts of exertion echo the kitchen. Your walls begin to flutter around him and you cry out his name like a prayer, he smiles to himself, relishing in the sensation of you fully surrendering to him.
“There’s my good girl,” he says, his voice husky with desire. You let out a guttural moan losing all your anger as the pleasure surges in your core.
And then with one final, explosive thrust, you both orgasm to the overwhelming waves of pleasure. His ropes of cum painting your fluttering walls.
“Benny!” you cry out trembling as he holds you against him standing up. You pant for several moments as he presses his cock deep inside releasing every once of his sperm. He kisses along your neck as he holds your to him savoring your shared connection.
When his cock begins to soften he pulls his hips back grasping his cock at the base as it slides from you and you feel the loss of contact.
He turns you to face him and pulls your lips onto his softly kissing you once more before he leans back to gaze into your eyes.
They are filled with satisfaction and a small smile tugs at the corners of your lips
“You look really pretty when you’re not being a little trouble maker baby” he teases as he caresses your temple.
With a mischievous grin, you respond, “Dont get used to it Benny trouble is my middle name.”
You both share a laugh as he holds you close, his arms wrapped securely around you. The rain outside begins to subside, the soft patter against the windows gradually fading away.
You feel the warmth of his body against yours, a comforting embrace in the aftermath of the storm. As you smile to yourself, a sense of satisfaction washes over you knowing that while he may overpower you physically, you’ll always find a way to turn the tables with wit.
🏷️ Always Tag Me List 💌 @burnthheparaphilia @abswifey @faegoddessog @lindszeppelin @purejasmine @obsessedvibee @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @magicovento @thegabbyh @fallofthedamned @buckysteveloki-me @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @lovereadingfanfic @elvismylove04 @denised916 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @shockercoco @minispice-1 @meetmeatyourworst @rougegenshin @avidreader73 @jkdaddy01 @mamawiggers1980 @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @majestyjade
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abswifey · 2 days
⭐️ Upcoming Finalized Fics ⭐️
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🔗 Chokehold TBA 6.8
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🔗 Strip for Me TBA
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🔗 One Night in Budapest TBA
The Requests 📮 💕
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Chokehold was MULTIPLE DM suggestions to be playfully strangled by Benny so yea lol 😂 let’s go 💪🏼
I’m so shy to release these not sure if you guys like smut or gifs and pics and vids so I’ll just keep posting them all 😇
Baby Sitter 4 is in the works and almost complete 🔗 Series Link🥀
As well all a full four piece Benny story filled with drama violence and smut lots of Benny smut if you read these one shots you’ll understand the level lol...
Update Part 2 I think I just got a request for shower sex w Benny ? If you have a smut request let me know it’s for Benny and I’ll write it in the upcoming Bikeriders multi fic in the description of the chapter 💕
Okay Love you, so happy I’m entertaining you, ttyl
🏷️ Always Tag Me List 💌
@burnthheparaphilia @abswifey @faegoddessog @lindszeppelin @purejasmine @obsessedvibee @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @magicovento @thegabbyh @fallofthedamned @buckysteveloki-me @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @lovereadingfanfic @elvismylove04 @denised916 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @shockercoco @minispice-1 @meetmeatyourworst @rougegenshin @avidreader73 @jkdaddy01 @mamawiggers1980 @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @majestyjade
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abswifey · 2 days
austin butler with a baby <3
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abswifey · 2 days
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abswifey · 2 days
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Austin Butler Behind the Scenes
THE BIKERIDERS dir. Jeff Nichols
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abswifey · 2 days
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it’s these two fucking moments, I would say yes to anything ok?
the face, the hands, the arms, those lips and the fucking puppy dog eyes of faux disappointment 😮‍💨
just know it’s on sight Austin, whatever you like 🤷🏻‍♀️
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abswifey · 2 days
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AUSTIN BUTLER as BENNY THE BIKERIDERS (2024) ↳ Behind the scenes dir. Jeff Nichols
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abswifey · 3 days
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That was *so* naughty……do it again
[his tongue 👅…]
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abswifey · 3 days
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Mind empty Dirty thoughts only
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abswifey · 4 days
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Austin: What is something I think about every day? Is Timothée going to send me a meme today? I hope so. A lot of that.
Timothée: A lot of that?
Austin: Yeah. When is he going to text?
Timothée: (laughs)
IG credit to thisisheart
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abswifey · 4 days
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Why does it look like he wants to tie you up?
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