abysel · 1 year
knocks on the glass
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abysel · 1 year
knocks on the glass
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abysel · 1 year
anyways like this post to show interest in possibly being followed on my very very very very private / low activity return to this shitshow
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abysel · 1 year
anyways like this post to show interest in possibly being followed on my very very very very private / low activity return to this shitshow
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abysel · 1 year
anyways like this post to show interest in possibly being followed on my very very very very private / low activity return to this shitshow
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abysel · 1 year
anyways like this post to show interest in possibly being followed on my very very very very private / low activity return to this shitshow
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abysel · 1 year
fun fact; translating baba yaga as the boogeyman is the funniest fucking thing in the whole john wick franchise
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abysel · 1 year
[john wick voice] yeah i'm thinking i'm back!
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abysel · 1 year
hey tweek
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abysel · 2 years
A MESSAGE:  so, as many of you might've already gathered, i've decided to step away from the rpc as a whole for the foreseeable future. all i'm doing right now, is putting thought to paper and letting you all now that this is not a goodbye, but a see you later. this blog will stay up, and i will still occasionally swing by whenever the thought pops into my head, or if i ever feel like writing publicly again. tumblr just isn't awesome sauce at all, and hasn't been great, for what feels like a really long while. being away from here has greatly improved my mental health and i'm just not really feeling a grand return as of yet.
so for now-- consider this blog on a permanent hiatus. thank y'all so much for the patience!
on the same topic, and to piggyback off of everything, i will still be writing all of your favorite scrimblos on discord. or at least, attempting to! so, reach out to me if you're interested in keeping in contact that way! my ims on here will stay open to y'all, so feel free to ask me for my discord on there!
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abysel · 2 years
“you’d be surprised at the tasks we get paid to do.” there’s been quite the share of quacks and otherwise crazies coming through. they even said a man in jester clothes came on through one day— skjor pummeled him for 'being a nuisance', and sent him on his way, however, before farkas could even take a gander at the buffoon. “not all of them brawn, no.” was it as surprising as she made it out to be? there’s a pause, and farkas’ polishing comes to a halt, setting the blade off to his side with a clank. if she needed his help, then he might as well try to make a good impression on the lady. hand runs through tufts of hair, straightening them back, cleaning up at his smudged cheeks.
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“aye, that we are.” guess she was right, after all. clearing his throat, the man speaks up once more, determined. “doubt you’re here to taste the mead,” he bites his tongue. this wasn’t a tit-for-tat with your brother, focus. “can i help you?”
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an  very  odd  way  thing  to  imply  of  himself..    though  he  may  just  wish  to  be  rid  of  her.    and  of  course  that  makes  her  plant  herself  in  front  of  him  instead,    leaning  into  the  wooden  posts  for  the  porch  and  folding  her  arms  over  her  stomach,    looking  thoroughly  out  of  place.    "do  people  often  come  to  the  companions  for  more  than  brawn?"    it  seems  logical  to  her  that  if  one  wanted  strategem  and  subtlety,    they  would  seek  the  dark  brotherhood  or  the  thieves  guild.    but  maybe  not  everybody  is  so  dishonorable  as  she.
"you're  all  warriors,    i  thought.    no  rogues  or  mages."    even  the  skinny  little  elf  tearing  apart  bread  in  the  corner  has  a  mean  sort  of  look  on  his  face.    "and  this  implies  muscle."
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abysel · 2 years
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his head tilts curiously. its not done out of malice, or with the intent to prod at some dormant insecurity beating within the ribcage of the woman on the countertop ( he knows better, ) like a faux-heart, giving her courage. oh, no, she intrigued him. the entity refused to deal with her, the little lambs seemed to coast her presence. not truly here, not truly there… the laugh that slips past the ghostface’s mask is muffled, but laughter nonetheless. click— flash. smile for the camera. “you camera shy?”
“come on, ya might be a spooky lookin’ fella…"   in the darkness of the room, only ishtar’s white teeth reflect the light.   her smile grows a little bit larger before she kicks her legs against the countertop she’s sitting on.   ”but all this larkin’ ain’t my cup of booze.  cut it out.“  yes, the snicker belongs to the girl. 
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abysel · 2 years
the weapon at his side brought him more comfort than the holiness he clutched around his neck. maybe it was the title that loomed over his head that had gotten too tight, or maybe it was this sprawling city that was getting the best of him. his only solace laying within the hearts and souls of his family, those closest to him. his dear viola, his girls… a pleasant sight, a peaceful remembrance in times of need, such as this one.
the girl calls him father— not gascoigne, father. it earns her a cock of his brow, and a gruff yet surprised response. “about as familiar as any other man of my cloth,” he begins, his voice low, and gruff, strained by the arduous night behind him.
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“byrgenwerths have dubbed it ‘the nameless moon presence.’ hm.” the mere thought made him wince— age caught up with him, or so he thought, an excuse given to his aching joints and troublesome headaches. “seems far-fetched.”
in  as  many  ways  as  he  seemed  to  slot  so  perfectly  into  the  church's  carefully  managed  ecosystem,    so  many  other  facets  of  him  shrieked  their  difference.    for  as  much  as  he  looked  like  a  yharnamite,    walked  like  a  yharnamite,    he  spoke  like  a  foreigner.    bore  a  foreign  title.    father.    
it's  a  small    (    irrational    )    comfort : this feeling of camerarerie.  that  she  was  not  the  only  outsider  behind  the  city's  walls.    shedding  blood  on  her  behalf.    watching  as  she  ate  away  at  herself  from  the  inside  out.    (    blood  for  blood.    )
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❛    are  you  familiar  with  paleblood , @abysel ?   ❜     do  you  seek  it  too  ?    watching  him,    every  inch  a  perfect  impression  of  casual  conversation,    she  leans  on  folded  arms  along  the  iron  railing.
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abysel · 2 years
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abysel · 2 years
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[august walker. thirty-three. ex-hitman.]
real name unknown. the lazarus project’s pride and joy. a killer with equal. a murderer, who after years of service, decides to quit under the guise of retirement, his gun had become too heavy in his hand. a retirement that was not taken in kind by his superiors, who decide to terminate him. he knew too much. but how do you kill the unkillable? how do you take down a legend of his caliber? that’s simple. you send the world after him.
main inspirations: the hitman game series / mr. & mrs. smith (2005) / the accountant (2016) / polar: by victor santos (2012). av. verses: canon verse / assassin's creed / dc & marvel / cyberpunk / any apoc. verse / mass effect / metal gear / overwatch / star wars.
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abysel · 2 years
𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚂 𝙴𝙵𝙵𝙴𝙲𝚃 𝟷 𝚂𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂.    feel free to change pronouns/tenses/anything to suit scenarios, etc.
your captain will be pleased.
i hate that guy.
[name] gave you a compliment… so you hate him?
you have the right to remain silent. i wish to god you’d exercise it.
spectres are trouble.
next time we go out, let’s try not to park in a colony of mutant zombies. just thinking out loud here.
i don’t like having him on board— call me paranoid.
they have a right to send someone to keep an eye on their investment.
yeah, that is the official story— but only an idiot believes the official story.
so there’s more going on here than the captain’s letting on?
he sounds angry. something must have gone wrong with the mission.
the galaxy can be a very dangerous place.
i figured there was something you weren’t telling us.
there must be a reason you didn’t tell me about this.
the last time humanity made a discovery like this, it jumped our technology forward two hundred years.
obviously, this goes beyond mere human interests.
humans don’t have the best reputation.
you showed a remarkable will to live— a particularly useful talent.
sorry, but there’s no award for most times shot.
why would a turian want a human in the spectres?
i only care that you can do the job.
eden prime will be the first of several missions together.
what do you know about the protheans?
we all owe the protheans a great debt.
why is this beacon so important?
we are under attack! taking heavy casualties— i repeat: heavy casualties!
everything cuts out after that. no comm traffic at all— just goes dead.
this mission just got a lot more complicated.
grab your gear and meet us in the cargo hold.
your team’s the muscle in this operation, [name]. 
what about survivors?
i move faster on my own.
humanity needs a hero, and well, you’re the best we’ve got.
i’ll stand behind you. you’re a damned hero in my books.
and you wonder why i hate politicians.
sneaking up on me like that nearly got you killed!
you’ve made your decision— i won’t waste my breath.
can we trust him?
honestly? this isn’t how i pictured my career coming to an end.
your words are as empty as your feature.
i know how to look after myself, but i appreciate the help. thank you.
you’d kill a thousand innocent civilians to end a war without a second thought.
why is it when someone says ‘with all due respect’, they really mean ‘kiss my ass’?
i can see why this place is so popular. it’s got quite the… view.
surrender, or don’t. that would be more fun.
how about this— you pretend you didn’t see me, i’ll pretend i didn’t see you.
this wasn’t covered in my training manuals.
why do people keep asking you to do something incredibly dangerous for them?
i know we’ll all be court-martialed if this doesn’t work out, but part of me loves this!
you can’t bludgeon your way through bureaucracy. 
just because i like you doesn’t mean i won’t kill you.
your species must know its place.
in case you hadn’t noticed, this whole place is falling apart!
i’m pleased that the imminent destruction of all organic life has improved your career opportunities.
smells like smoke and death.
you the one in charge here?
where’s the rest of your squad?
you couldn’t have done anything to save them.
we could use your help, [name].
it’s time for payback.
describe what happened leading up to the attack.
not sure i’d be able to tell if one was a spectre, anyway.
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abysel · 2 years
everything everywhere all at once.
dialogue prompts from everything everywhere all at once (2022).
that's not a very good joke.
you need to eat better.
you'll know when it's time to fight.
i'm not ready to fight.
whatever you're about to do, don't do it.
were you not paying attention before?
nobody trusts their neighbor anymore.
i'm not trying to hurt you.
unless it's an emergency, whenever i try to talk to you, you always get pulled away.
we can make our own way. okay?
what can be worse than death?
explain it all to me. now.
the universe is so much bigger than you realize.
don't make me fight you. i'm really good.
why are you treating me like this?
one minute you're so warm, then one minute you're cold and awful.
let me help you open up your mind.
i got bored one day and i put everything on a bagel. everything.
you're living your worst you.
you're capable of anything because you're so bad at everything.
'right' is a tiny box made by people who feel afraid.
you're young, and your mind is always changing.
i was just looking for someone who could see what i see. feel what i feel.
you don't matter. nothing matters.
whatever i did, i'm sorry.
please don't give me any false hope.
i've always hated this place.
you can just sit here and everything feels really far away.
i'm joking. that was a joke.
you think i'm weak, don't you?
when i choose to see the bright side of things, i'm not being naïve. it's strategic and necessary.
all i know is that we have to be kind.
in another life, i would have really enjoyed just doing laundry and taxes with you.
i don't want to hurt you.
don't stop playing. play something for me.
you are not unlovable.
there is always something to love.
we are all useless alone.
it's a good thing you're not alone.
he who loves the most regrets the most.
let's not live in a fantasy.
it's okay if you can't be proud of me.
i don't want to hurt anymore.
for some reason, when i'm with you, it just hurts the both of us.
let's go our separate ways, okay? just let me go.
i will always, always want to be here with you.
so what? are we just gonna ignore everything else?
this is awkward, right?
please give us a chance.
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