academiaregalia · 5 months
chickens domt have breasts... idiont... they lay ecgs...
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academiaregalia · 5 months
Everyday exercising my brains. So many thoughds... what if the atlantic... wasn't am ocean... what if it was an... chinease... a chinese man...
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academiaregalia · 5 months
keep you're hands off my FUCKImg body woman. I am neider man nor women... am asexual being... i possess no sex... my mind devoated to the art... of sciense
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academiaregalia · 5 months
hope you're doing well
My reserches have progressed. fuckimg bich. cumt
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academiaregalia · 5 months
The bixh woman barista (femeil) has am asamstrial asymetrical* eyebrow. stromgly indicates she is has a cancer of the buttocks. WHORE!!
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academiaregalia · 5 months
My dear.. yes the exmaniation may feel stramge... toching you're breasts... but I am an expert off the body. a scientist of womans bodies.
I said all this words to her and she still says she'll will call the police men.. ?
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academiaregalia · 2 years
Ladies... If you whish to be my girlfr iend you must allow me to test your stool... I must conform you have healthy bowels..
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academiaregalia · 2 years
Any doctors appointament where the doctor doesn't check ur stool is a waist of time. Idiocy!
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academiaregalia · 2 years
Sciense is my greatest freind... And greatest weakness... Woman know sciense is my only true love
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academiaregalia · 3 years
She claims too have a penous... Should I cansel the date??
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academiaregalia · 3 years
I know theretically that woman has only hole, no member... But how does she make sexx?
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academiaregalia · 3 years
I hafe studied kam kardasheins big old butt. Is it a reel but. Is it a bragzilian glupp lift. I dont know
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academiaregalia · 3 years
Human is ether smartest or most dumbest animel I forgt. Problably smartist
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academiaregalia · 3 years
Differemce btween man and women. woman has hole in there pinis!!
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academiaregalia · 3 years
Difwrence btween man and women. Some have pinis some have pusse. It is not random my freind!
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academiaregalia · 3 years
Chinaman with the.. did u know I'm a big china expert.. knowing the cuntry like I know my owm back of my own hand.. great cuntry
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academiaregalia · 3 years
You where underwhere to hide your to hide you're nuts.. but why where pants
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