academicaerynsun · 11 years
I just can't not reblog this...
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Brought to you by the letters F-L-O-T-U-S.
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
This is amazing
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
This is a difficult situation. As academics, our careers are based on our ability to publish in high ranking journals, while university presses and journals are financially struggling and cannot afford to be entirely free. That being said, I firmly agree that we must find a way to make high quality research and data more available to the general public; Wikipedia can only do so much...
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This week is Open Access Week. Open Access is the free, immediate, online access to the results of scholarly research. Typically resulting scholarly articles are only available through an expensive journal and research data isn’t openly shared. Movements calling for public access to these articles and for open data are gaining traction and momentum.
NASA has a strong track record of archiving and providing universal access to scientific data that result from its mission and programs. NASA makes datasets, tools, widgets, and catalogs openly available on data.gov (http://1.usa.gov/HiJrtn). Some of NASA’s data products include the NASA World Wind and Planetary Data System. NASA World Wind is a web service and open source project that allows people to zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth.  The Planetary Data System (PDS), which was originally developed in the 1990s, provides access to data from more than 50 years of missions.
However, NASA hasn’t been perfect in its openness. The first series of papers based on data from the Mars Curiosity rover were published in Science, a prestigious and expensive subscription journal, and were not made openly accessible to the public. Biologist and Open Access advocate Michael Eisen recently called NASA out on this and “set free” the articles by posting them on his blog. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has now posted openly accessible links to these articles on its website.
If you want NASA to continue its important research and gather more data about Earth and space, then ask Congress to give a Penny4NASA.
Learn more about NASA and open data access.
Learn more about Open Access. 
View a quick video from PhDComics explaining Open Access.
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.
William Gibson (via cyberpunkquotes)
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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After watching his father regularly beat his mother growing up, Patrick Stewart became an outspoken advocate of the need for men to become involved in ending domestic violence.
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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The first four female Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan have their own portrait! Check it out the next time you’re in Washington, D.C. It’s in the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.  Read more via The Huffington Post.
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
I don’t think the goal of anti-trans radfems is to actually win arguments with us anyways. On the contrary, I think their goal is just to reduce the entire conversation to the lowest common denominator possible. Then outside observers are left with the impression of two warring factions, both of whom are utterly unrelatable, and hence they just give up entirely on trying to make sense of it. That helps anti-trans activists maintain the status quo in which cissexism and trans-misogyny are considered socially acceptable.
Savannah via Autostraddle — Anti-Trans Radical Feminists Team Up With Conservatives to Harass Colorado Trans Teen (via autostraddle)
There are many self-identified "radfems" who are inclusive of trans women and who understand that eliminating cisgender privilege must be part of the intersectional feminist agenda. However, that strain of "radfems" who do demonstrate transphobia and who actively work to define "women" in narrow terms are doing a great disservice to both the transcommunity and the entire community of feminist social justice activists who are working to eliminate all forms of oppression.
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
Despite what you’ve read, your sadness is not beautiful. No one will see you in the bookstore, curled up with your Bukowski, and want to save you. Stop waiting for a salvation that will not come from the grey-eyed boy looking for an annotated copy of Shakespeare, for an end to your sadness in Keats. He coughed up his lungs at 25, and flowery words cannot conceal a life barely lived. Your life is fragile, just beginning, teetering on the violent edge of the world. Your sadness will bury you alive, and you are the only one who can shovel your way out with hardened hands and ragged fingernails, bleeding your despair into the unforgiving earth. Darling, you see, no heroes are coming for you. Grab your sword, and don your own armor.
(via starredsoul)
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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At first glance, comparing a 36-year-old, one-ton spacecraft hurtling through interstellar space at about 37,075 miles per hour to the realities of planning for our long-term care needs seems … odd. But the more we thought about it, the more it made sense.
Learn what the Voyager program can teach you about your future.
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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Valentina Tereshkova, the pilot of Vostok 6 and the first woman in space
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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Tate Britain, London
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
MORE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1224865/Cosmic-latte-The-average-colour-Universe-beige.html
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academicaerynsun · 11 years
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Halloween Icons Part 1 -
Disney women as their men,
feel free to use :)
(but follow the rules of my blog please <3)
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