Fem watches Wimbledon Part 1
The damn stupid polish commentator is making me hate Alcaraz, who seems like a good kid, but apparently the sun is shining from his ass.
*nopeity nopes the fuck away*
Also it seems like me and my friend are gonna adopt Sinner as one of our stupid cute rich athlete tennis boys and there's nothing we can do about it at this point.
Sascha, Stef, you need to play nice and make space for Carota.
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Go get another one, Rafa!
“Crazy dreams take crazy effort”.
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I think it is a little telling of our society that people who don't understand the depp v heard trial decide to go forward and put their two cents to the whole world of the Internet.
This trial was not about deciding on domestic abuse. The jury did not confirm that Johnny Depp abused Amber Heard. What the jury did confirm is that, in their opinion, Adam Waldman, who was Johnny Depp's lawyer, said a false statement about Amber Heard and that statement was defamatory.
So let's look what that statement was:
“Quite simply this was an ambush, a hoax. They set Mr. Depp up by calling the cops, but the first attempt didn’t do the trick. The officers came to the penthouses, thoroughly searched and interviewed, and left after seeing no damage to face or property. So Amber and her friends spilled a little wine and roughed the place up, got their stories straight under the direction of a lawyer and publicist, and then placed a second call to 911."
If you consider the testimony of the police officers and body cam footage, I understand how the jury might have found this statement to be false. We have a body cam footage - that was shown during the trial - of the state of the penthouse when the police was called. And, spoiler alert, it didn't look like a roughed up place.
And just to have a little bit more fun, these are the statements the jury DIDN'T FIND DEFAMATORY:
“​Amber Heard and her friends in the media use fake sexual-violence allegations as both a sword and shield depending on their needs. They have selected some of her sexual-violence hoax ‘facts’ as the sword, inflicting them on the public and Mr. Depp.”
“We have reached the beginning of the end of Ms. Heard’s abuse hoax against Johnny Depp.”
This trial is very much about believing victims of abuse and one specific victim of abuse - Johnny Depp. And that matters. Every victim of abuse matters.
How can you criticize people posting about this trial online by posting about this trial online with a completely uninformed, wrong and based on absolute shit opinion?
Stop posting about things you know shit about. You are factually wrong here.
i think it is a little telling of our society that people are viewing the depp v heard trial as black and white. He was also emotionally abusive towards her. She hit him. She owed him money. He said vial things over text. He joked about raping and killing her. The jury confirmed that he abused her, awarded her 2 million, and then turned around and said that she had defamed him. Which...doesn't make any logical sense. She either abused him or she didn't, defamed him or told the truth.
People are so obsessed with celebrities that no one seems to be able to step back and say: "Wow both of these people suck. We should stop talking about them."
It stopped being about believing male victims when the memes started, when people wanted another Pirates movie, and when people saw the opportunity to make misogynistic comments. Stop defending your faves with so much valor, they don't know you, and would sell you for a bag of weed and a box of goldfish.
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I don't understand people who think Johnny Depp wining this case means victims now can't speak up against their abusers because they'll be accused of defamation.
Like...do you even understand what defamation is? Do you understand what it takes to prove it and how hard that is?
Do you understand that Amber Heard has been proven to be a liar with malicious intent?? That THAT is the reason she lost this case NOT because "she spoke out against her abuser" like ffs you all sound ignorant af
Do you understand that you're the ones whose posts are literally telling victims of abuse to not come forward if they're from a certain gender because they don't fit your narrative??
This case should not be a coat rack for society to hang its problems on so fuck off with your fake concern for victims when you're literally defending an abuser.
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A person lost a lawsuit. And then Tumblr losts its (almost non-existent) mind.
To give it a little bit of context, I have spent over 7 weeks watching this trial and I took yesterday to celebrate this win. Because it's always a good day when a victim gets the win. Lord knows they do deserve it. It doesn't fixes things, it doesn't make the hurt go away, but it helps.
I lost sleep and bent some rules at work, but I saw it all. The recordings, the testimony, the evidence. I came into this somewhat believing the (what I know now) wrong party was an abuser. And then I watched and watched and watched and thought about it and I had to reconsider what was in my head to come to a different conclusion.
The whole Tumblr losing its mind though is bothering me quite a bit. The messages wishing me a very slow and painful death bother me a lot less. But the whole "this verdict is going to fuck up things for all victims of abuse" thing is ridiculous.
Because, well, it will not.
A woman was not punished for coming forward with accusation. A woman was punished for lying.
And that's fair. Regardless of your gender, lying about being a victim of abuse sucks for the whole society. Lying about the abuse is what will fuck up things for victims. Defending yourself from a bullshit accusation will not.
Amber Heard made a mockery out of #metoo movement. I love the sentence in closing statement by Ben Chew (and I think it's a great way to finish this) that was something along the lines "It was a me too without a me too".
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"Tell the world, Johnny, tell them, 'Johnny Depp, I, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence' and see how many people believe or side with you."
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I can admit that, with a heavy heart and some regret, that I did believe Amber Heard. Even that I was happy when we got the news that Johnny Depp was fired from Fantastic Beasts.
But your post shows that you have done no research whatsoever on this case. Yes, both Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are using PR teams and yes, this battle is happening both in the courtroom in Virginia and the courtroom of public opinion.
I can even agree that we see a coordinatied campaign in media. A campaign that still paints Amber Heard as a victim here.
I sat and watched this trial. Hour after hour of testimony, of evidence, of explanations. I watched Amber lie and lie and then lie again. I watched her laugh and smirk when some really, really disturbing audio tapes were being played. I watched her confronted with those lies without blinking, without regret, without any ability of accepting she did anything wrong.
I watched her trying her hardest to look sad and to cry, but she was not able to.
I watched her being proud of the damage she has done to this man.
I read the opinion of a judge that explained point after point why the UK trial was not fair. I compared which evidence was not admitted and why.
If you watched the trial, I hope you wouldn't have written that.
There is no misogyny in being able to accept women can be abusers too. Or that men can be victims of domestic violence. Not believing Amber Heard doesn't mean I'm not a feminist.
Not believing Amber Heard means that I'm standing with all victims of abuse, regardless of their gender.
This Amber Heard debacle is going to be 2020’s version of the Britney Spears Breakdown - we’re all going to look back in a decade and go “how could anyone even imagine being so misogynist? How did anyone find this funny? What made people think this sort of content was memeable? Why did I find this funny?”
It’s fucking rank seeing people treat a domestic violence court case like some entertainment and I am so glad that court cases in the UK are treated like a solemn and serious affair.
Until the case was decided in the UK I was vaguely on Johnny Depp’s side, 90% because his opponent was The Sun newspaper and 10% because the few vague snippets I glanced at online suggested he was some poor old man who got a beating. But man, reading the actual judgement passed by the UK courts, it’s obvious his PR team are magnificent at manipulating the story online.
Like people, it’s scary how totally one sided the blanket opinion seems to be. It’s so obviously manipulated, so obviously coordinated by the same sorts of companies who coordinate political smear campaigns, with the sockpuppets and the new reddit communities and the influencers paid to broadcast a certain line that the fact that so many people are falling in line with Depp’s narrative and the relentless mockery of Heard makes me understand just why the world’s gone as crazy as it has this last half decade. This is propaganda, we are witnessing the power of propaganda in action.
If the current US outcome contradicts the UK court’s judgement I’ll take that as full proof that the US justice system is a circus, even though the UK system is the one with the ritualistic costumes.
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"This is humiliating for any human being to go through"
For the last couple of weeks I can't count how many times I have read something along the lines of "you should believe Amber Heard". In social media. In mainstream media. And today I can finally say that I do believe Amber Heard.
I believe when she says this is humiliating.
I believe when she says she wants to move on.
I believe she wants Johnny to leave her alone.
What I don't believe in, is her story. Not. One. Bit. It was too cinematic and unbelievable, like walking around broken glass and being completely fine the next day. Her "evidence" was more disproving than proving her claims - I look worse after a week of getting close to no sleep than she beaten (repeatedly, I might add), with two black eyes and a broken nose.
We have the issues with the photos that look like they've been edited. Hell, they actually introduced into evidence the same photo for two different incidents! How the hell does that happen? Didn't they look at it?
To believe Amber Heard I would have to believe so many people are lying. Not even counting Johnny Depp (though I did find his testimony to be more believable) there's SO MANY PEOPLE. Isaac Baruch, Kate James, Debbie Lloyd, Ben King, Sean Bett, Travis McGivern, Tara Roberts, the LA police officers, Alejandro Romero, Erin Falati, Starling Jenkins III, Malcolm Connelly, Raquel Pennington, Josh Drew, Whitney Henriquez, Morgan Knight, Kate Moss, Morgan Tremaine... are there all lying?
That list includes Amber Heard's close friends (or ex-friends) and even if I would throw away all of the other witnesses, to believe Amber Heard I would have to believe they are lying. To believe Amber Heard I would have to not believe my own eyes and ears.
She openly and under oath denied facts, situations and conversations that were shown or played to her seconds before. She looked at two pictures that were the same damn pictures and couldn't even admit that. She claims "pledge" and "donate" mean the same thing.
But I do believe her when she says she feels humiliated. Who wouldn't be. It's been six weeks of Johnny Depp's lawyers proving her lies over and over and over and over again. I believe when she says all she wants is to be left alone and that she hates being in court for this trial, because it exposed her manipulation of facts, people and evidence.
She wants to move on from that, who wouldn't.
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Yes, completely normal. It's usually - I don't know about Virginia specifically - called "proffers".
Legal teams go through all of the evidence that was excluded from the trial because of objections sustained by the court (which is why there was so much hearsay) for appeal purposes and so on. From my understanding it was something they usually did on Fridays, when the cameras were not in the court, but something apparently changed today.
And the attorney's name is Adam Nadelhaft, I think, but Legal Bytes broke me and I can't stop calling him Baby Rottenborn.
Why would objection-hearsay guy read all that hearsay testimony after the jury left? Is this normal? (Or maybe he really loves talking about hearsay?) Also if youre going to read it like the terms and conditions portion of an investment ad I'm not sure if anyone's listening? P.S. Could someone please tell me objection-hearsay guy's actual, full name?
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This is exactly what I am thinking.
Everyone who knows me knows that I came into this trial not knowing anything about it. I knew that Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of domestic violence, got a TRO, got a divorce. I knew that his career kind of went off the rails after the op-ed.
Done. That's all I knew before the trial.
But I started watching. And watching. And after a countless hours - thanks to Legal Bytes and all the other lawyers for providing commentary, I would not survive this without them - of watching the trial I don't believe Amber Heard.
I want to. I want to believe her, I want to believe in the world and humanity and that no one would do that to another person. I want to believe no one would be able to go on that stand and LIE ABOUT ALL OF THAT, because it's one of the most evil things I have seen with my own eyes.
But things don't add up. The testimony does not add up. The photos don't add up. Her explanations don't add up. I can't believe her when she says she had a broken nose and two black eyes when she looks better than I after getting 3 hours of sleep and waking up to work the next day. I can't believe her when she says her feet were all cut up and she was penetrated with a bottle and didn't have to go to the doctor.
All of the audios are terrible for her. She's yelling, she's screaming, she's saying she will die if he leaves her, when he wants to go to meet his daughter for a couple of hours.
Her case is weak. It's not the lawyers' fault, I don't believe that, I think they are a good team. I think they have a bad case that barely holds on and hangs on a credibility of Amber Heard. And most of us saw how she looked like on the stand.
She lost me when she was trying to argue that "pledged" and "donated" are the same things for 10 minutes. I don't have much hopes the next 8 hours her team has will come with revelations, though if they do, I'm well prepared to change my mind. Just. Give. Me. Something.
Thank you for this post, @hello-nichya-here, I needed to see it tonight. A reasonable voice and a reasonable opinion.
Do you have any thoughts on the whole Johnny Depp and Amber Heard scandal?
*deep breaths* Aaaaand here we go. I'm finally gonna stick my hand in this wasp nest.
Look, I don't know either of them personally, I don't remember watching anything with Amber in it and I stopped caring about Johnny's works right after the Pirates Of The Caribean movies started sucking, and I am 100% willing to look at the whole thing with an open mind...
But while Johnny is no saint (dude dated a minor despite being a fully grown adult, clearly has a drug/drinking problem, and said some INCREDIBLY DISTURBING shit about Amber), I just can't ignore that:
01) There's literal audio of Amber actually saying the words "I can't promise you that things won't get physical again", calling him a baby for trying to de-escalate fights with her, mocking him for "begging someone to save him", admitting to punching him and throwing pots and pans at him, and even infamously straight up saying "Tell the world, Johnny. Tell them, I, Johnny Depp, male, an a victim of domestic violence. See how many people believe or side with you."
02) She claims to have gone though some horrible shit (violent rape, broken glass at her feet, being hit in the head until passing out, and having her nose broken multiple times) that would probably have left her at the hospital for days and leave scars, yet somehow she healed perfectly without going to a doctor once.
03) She lied about donating the money she won from their divorce after going on and on about how this was proof she wasn't accusing him of domestic violence for money/revenge.
04) Every single one of her witness except for her sister say they never saw Johnny get violent after drinking, while he had plenty of people supporting his claims against her ("He could have bought them off!" So could she, guys, they're both rich. If we're giving her the benift of the doubt until proven otherwise, we gotta do the same for him.)
05) Amber's lawyer straight up lied about a make up pallet she supposedly had used all through their relationship to hide bruises (and that was even accepted as evidence against Johnny) but that had actually only been sold after they had already divorced.
06) She has a previous accusation of domestic violence (though she has not been proven guilty of it) while Johnny has none.
07) Her claim that Johnny had part of his finger (ONE finger, the rest of his hand was fine) cut (CUT, not crushed, broken, or bruised) after hitting her with a phone just does not make as much sense as his claim that it happened after she threw a bottle at him (especially with the recording of her admitting to throwing things at him). Yes, I know he said he hurt it himself previously, but if we are supposed to give Amber the benefit of the doubt and say she could have hidden her own abuse out of shame/fear (which is something many abuse victims do) we need to do the same for Johnny, and again, he has more evidence to back up his claims than she does.
Overall, this far, on this day, 21 of May 2022, from what I've seen, I'm siding with Johnny. Unless there's some major twist that can prove all of his evidence against Amber was somehow faked AND she can actually bring up something solid against him, I don't see this changing. It sucks that I have to say that I think Amber is lying because there's still sadly a ton of women being abused by their partners and this can lead to people just assuming they're lying too because mysogyny is still a thing, but there is just too much pointing in favor of Johnny being the abuse victim in this specific situation.
Now excuse me while I prepare for the shitstorm.
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Oh, I loved that. But my favourite part was this question (and I quote): "But you don't know if it's humans, bots, my cat, doing the searches, correct?"
I take parts of this trial very, very seriously. Because these are very, very serious matters. But there are also many moments like these, when all you can do is laugh.
Also my small brain still can't comprehend that someone can be so inherently and undeniably... evil to lie about accusations like that. Quoting one of the lovely YouTubers that I was able to listen to during this trial, Hoeg Law, "If she just sat in there and did that, that is the face of goddamn evil if she's lying".
People who aren't watching the trial: Don't make jokes about a *DV case Questions at the actual trial:
Elaine: Is Disney aware that Mr Dep has testified under oath that he would not take another Pirates of The Caribbean franchise role for $300 million and a million alpacas? Disney employee: No Elaine: Did Disney entertain paying Mr Depp more than $300 million and provide him with more than *a million alpacas to be able to obtain his services for any future Pirates of The Caribbean role?
Disney employee: No
*It isn't a DV case; it's a defamation case. The defamation centres around DV claims in a paper and the resulting loss of revenue and other damages from those claims. * Mr CC insisted we google how many alpacas exists in the world. It's 3 - 5 million. So this is doable.
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Actually, while yes, the tabloid is liable for what is printing, they based their article and accusation solely on Amber Heard's word. Exactly like Washington Post, all the are posibly liable for, if the accusations are not true, is trusting a person who sold herself in the media as a victim of domestic abuse. Because no one will convince me that the show of leaving the courthouse in Los Angeles (after being granted the temporary restraining order) was not carefully staged. Which actually does not mean it was bad, just that it happened.
I think what we are currently experiencing is that most of the people went one of two routes - they believe Amber Heard or Johnny Depp. There's also a small amount of people like me, who are simply waiting for the evidence to convince them. Neither side is willing to accept alternative explanations or other points of view.
You believe Amber Heard just like they believe Johnny Depp, so I would say it's quite hypocritical for you to point them out.
Their cases can be argued both ways.
On one hand, if Amber is right and she was abused by Johnny, the trial will be triggering for all the female victims of domestic abuse who were not believed, whose experiences were belittled, who were wrong by either the court system or the society.
On the other hand, if Johnny is right and he was not abusive, but Amber was, are you able to consider how triggering this trial is for male victim of domestic abuse? Men who were not believed, simply because of their sex, who were made fun of by the police when they were trying to report it, judged by the society as a whole because they let a woman hurt them.
It honestly works both ways. I hope you can see it.
Especially in the light of the "expert" that currently is on a stand, who seemed to imply that in heterosexual relationships only men are the abusers and women are abused, this can be quite harmful to them, don't you think?
My current standing is that Johnny Depp and his legal team made a good case in front of the court and the public. They have a lot of evidence, some of the recordings are very, very damning to Amber Heard. But at this point, for three weeks they mostly controlled the narration around the case.
Now it's Amber Heard case. And for the sake of my sanity, I'm going to ignore that their first witness is making my blood boil.
“i have been following this trial”
No you have not. You have not been sitting down for 8 hours a day for 7 days. You definitely have not read or watched all of the case documents. 
What you did was read a few posts on tumblr, watched a few tick toks, read some hot takes on twitter and maybe watched a couple of cherry picked most-watched videos on youtube.
and you know how i know that?
Because you all are referencing the same 3 things over and over
1. she pooped in his bed ( :O )
2. “i did not hit you audio”
3. the unnecessarily gore picture of a severed finger (which on it’s own doesn’t prove anything)
Give me one other piece of information about this trial. I dare you.
Do you guys really think they’re spending dozens of hours in court and this is the only thing that has been uncovered?
I don’t personally care about Amber Header. Never seen a movie with her. Never heard of her outside this trial. She might very well be a horrific person. She might very well be an abuser. It doesn’t matter. This trial is about whether Johnny Depp is one.
But you people really need to learn to read for yourselves!!! And look at the evidence and not the sensationalised click-baity titles!!
Otherwise we’re all fucked and trump 2028
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John ‘Abe’ Abraham in every episode ➥ The Code s01e04: Back on the Block
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I was so angry when I heard the news earlier, but it seems the situation is under control now. I hope everyone who needs to cross the Ukrainian-Polish border will be able to do that now.
Good people are there all the time, to provide any refugees with supplies, food, drinks, clothes, and everything you might need.
Most of the places which were collecting food/clothes/supplies were turning people down today due to the amount of things they already have. The help is there. Use it. Get to safety.
dear non-Ukrainians planning to flee from Ukraine 🇺🇦 to Poland 🇵🇱:
informations about Polish border guards not letting non-caucasian refugees into Poland are NOT true:
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to enter Poland, it's good to have a valid ID but you do not need a visa,
according to Polish lawyers who are on the site, the best choice for non-Ukrainians is to head to crossing points in Bytomierz and Dołhobyczów (easier procedures),
any problems with letting non-Ukrainians in are probably caused by Ukrainian side (not blaming them, of course, I assume things can get complicated when your country's at war).
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please remember that borders have two sides. and both Poles and Ukrainians are trying their best but with that much procedural turmoil, there may be mistakes - remember that in just 3 days, Poland accepted over 200.000 refugees. the information about terms of crossing the border may be vital for potential refugees - please don't spread misinformation.
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@blackswaneuroparedux I hope you don't mind me adding to this, but the "Ukraine has always been a part of Russia" made me angry.
So, history lesson.
Ukraine's beginnings can be traced to late 9th to 13th century, to something called Kyivan Rus. It was a big strip of land from the Black Sea up to modern Scandinavia, and to make it even more descriptive, think central-western Ukraine, Belarus, eastern part of Poland and western Russia.
Kyivan Rus was destroyed during the Mongol invasion in the 13th century, including a total destruction of Kyiv in 1240. Another step was a creation of a medieval state called Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia, a sligthtly smaller state, still covering most of modern Ukraine, south-east part of Poland and parts of Belarus.
Southern Ukraine, which means Crimea and surroundings, after the Mongol invasion became Crimea Khanate.
Still nothing about Ukraine being Russia and we're four centuries deep.
14th century - also wars. This time a campaign initiated by king Casmir III of Poland that resulted in creation of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, with a dynastic union between Poland and Lithuania. Some time later, in 1569, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was established, and a lot of modern Ukraine territory was actually a part of Kingdom of Poland.
Then came... more wars. Or actually just one, called "The Ruin", between Russia, Poland, Crimean Khanate, Ottoman Empire and Cossacks. Just some 30 years of blood and fighting.
In 1783 Ukrainians and Russians created something called "Novorossiya" and while Ukrainians and Cossacks were promised a lot of freedoms and autonomy, they basically became part of the Russian Empire. Ukrainian language couldn't be used in print or in public due to a policy of Russification of that region.
The whole Russian Empire came to a big and crushing end in 1917, following the Russian February Revolution. After that the name "Ukraine" appeared, as the modern Ukraine territory belong to a state called the Ukrainian State, which later became Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).
After Germany and Russia invaded Poland, Galicia and Volhynia became part of the Ukraine and for the first time in history the Ukraine had their whole country united. Not independent, but united.
And as we all know, the modern Ukraine territory stayed under the control of Russia during the second world war and the cold war, and then gained independence in 1991.
To sum it up, saying "Ukraine has always been a part of Russian" is a HUGE simplification of a very complicated and long history of wars, uprising, periods of Russification and revival of Ukrainian identity.
Languages are different. Cultures are different. Ukrainian people want to be their own sovereign state. So fuck you for saying that Ukraine has always been a part of Russia, ignoring long centuries of them being separate countries.
/AN: Please know it's an oversimplified version of events and I missed some things, some on purpose and some not.
Anonymous asked: I’m a big fan of your blog but I’m disappointed that you should rush to judge Putin so harshly. Ukraine has always been a part of Russia.
Always? Hmm. Let’s see.
In an historic referendum/presidential election on 1 December 1991, residents of Ukraine overwhelmingly voted for independence and chose Leonid Kravchuk, the chairman of the republic’s Supreme Soviet, as president. Hundreds of neutral electoral observers, foreign observers, and correspondents watched as 84 percent of eligible voters went to the polls. Over 90 percent of participants, including many non-Ukrainians, cast ballots for independence.
On 1 December 1991, more than 92 percent of voters in Ukraine approved the Verkhovna Rada’s August Declaration of Independence, including the Crimea. Mere days later, the Soviet Union dissolved and an independent Ukraine was born.
Ukraine’s emergence as an independent state ended any prospects of salvaging a federated or even confederated USSR. The results of the voting provided the direct impetus for the December 8 agreement among the presidents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to create the Commonwealth of Independent States as the successor entity to the Soviet Union, which they formally declared dead.
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Let me put this another way that less bright people than yourself might understand. Let’s look at the bigger picture that may serve as a helpful guide to clarify the situation of Russia and Western Europe. I hope it proves informative for anyone before they take the leap from understanding geography to doling out a geo-political lesson.
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Thanks for your question.
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What I'm going to miss most about Duskwood when it's over.
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I think my MC might be a little jealous of the way he talks about Hannah... and I might be a little too involved in this game 🙈
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