acapellafics · 16 days
Too sweet
Everytime I listened to this when I first found it I couldn't shake the mental image of Jade getting a friend to do this and my mind chose Mike
While I no longer support Rowling the mood of this fic was heavily inspired by Harry and Hermione dancing in the tent
Under a cut to save mobile users
Jade smiled happily spending a rainy Saturday at her apartment with the goths and Mike since her partners were at work, she appreciated that the three goths, Firkle, and Mike had offered to visit her because Pete had mentioned her fear of thunder to the others.
The artistic four were scattered about the room with their sketchbooks working in a mutual silence occasionally broken by Jade's tongue-clicking stim or an idle comment, soft music played off the TV giving the apartment a cozy buzz of background noise.
Due to not exactly being a visual artist Michael was on the couch writing some poetry while Jade was sitting between him and Mike working painstakingly on her piece, he occasionally reached down during a rumble of thunder rubbing the redhead gently between the pigtails even though she was unfazed due to having company.
Mike was also more of a writer than an artist so he was merely enjoying the music and the company, he watched the way Jade meticulously worked on her sketch occasionally glancing at the reference photo she had of Firkle. The Vampire fan couldn't believe she'd managed to photograph Firkle and live but here she was a photo on her cell, in it Firkle was lying on his side on her floor his pale cheeks red with laughter as a very blurry Hephaestus licked his face most likely having knocked him over. Jade's sketch was her way of cleaning the photo up, with no blurs leaving both the boy and her dog crisp and clear.
Pete was in a recliner sitting in it sideways sketching mindlessly in his sketchbook, he looked up after a bit lightly cracking his neck before returning to the sketch.
Henrietta looked up from the dress she was designing in her sketchbook to the audible crack in Pete's neck,
“That would be our cue to stretch everyone” she chimed in watching the others steadily stretch one by one before they returned to their work.
Firkle grimaced while working on his sketch of Muffin when a bubbly song came on the TV, he blinked hearing it instantly change, and looked over to see Jade setting the remote down. She was getting better at reading him, even without being able to see his face.
It can't be said I'm an early bird
It's ten o'clock before I say a word
Baby, I can never tell
How do you sleep so well?
Jade smiled lightly bobbing her head along to the music as the song started, she continued working on her piece before noticing some clinking she could barely hear under the music.
You keep telling me to live right
To go to bed before the daylight
But then you wake up for the sunrise
You know you don't gotta pretend, baby, now and then
Beside her, Mike's eyes had shut and he was bobbing his head to the music, the soft clinking she was hearing was caused by him tapping his foot jostling the chain on his pants lightly.
"Hey, Mike?" Jade whispered looking up at the taller teen watching soft green eyes look down at her before he quirked a brow,
"Dance with me? I need a break from sketching and...you're most likely to say yes" she politely requested gesturing to his tapping foot after he looked confused by her 'most likely to say yes' comment.
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake?
Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
But while in this world
Mike thought it over before he carefully got up and held a hand to her,
"Eh, just this once" he couldn't help but smile watching her light up like a kid on Christmas and shut her sketchbook before they went behind the couch and let the music lead them.
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
Jade gently held Mike's hands loosely and encouraged him to dance by pushing and pulling their arms in time to the music, smiling when he got the rhythm, she followed his lead as he coaxed her to rotate quite smoothly in a circle.
Michael smiled to himself as he watched Jade and Mike's little back-and-forth dance, he tapped Henrietta's shoulder making sure not to jostle her then pointed at the duo watching her eyes soften as she tossed a balled-up paper at Pete pointing to the dancers watching Pete smile.
I take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
Jade smiled looking at the goofy smile on Mike's face as they danced, she lightly lifted her hands while holding his hands and giggled childishly when he mimicked her movements turning them like an awkward bridge.
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Firkle looked up from his sketch hearing Jade giggling and looked over to see her dancing with Mike, he shook his head softly returning his focus to a new sketch.
I aim low
I aim true and the ground's where I go
I work late where I'm free from the phone
And the job gets done
But you worry some, I know
Mike chuckled softly, surprised to be enjoying this goofy moment with his friend, he gently released one of her hands to twirl her listening to her giggle again.
But who wants to live forever, babe?
You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate
The rest of you like you're the TSA
I wish I could go along, babe, don't get me wrong
Jade grinned hearing Mike chuckle and managed to turn the tables twirling him before they started the little push-and-pull dance again, she laughed watching him light up over her stunt and butted her head into his sternum playfully.
You know you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain
Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape
If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait
Until that day
Michael snickered to himself recording the little dance while Pete also watched occasionally taking pictures on his phone, he loved that Mike had this ‘secret’ goofy side to him.
I'd rather take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
“This is sickeningly cute” Henrietta whispered playfully to Pete and Firkle, she gave a smile as Pete nodded in agreement while Firkle focused on his sketch.
I take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
Jade laughed lightly hugging Mike with one arm where she held his shoulder while they held hands still dancing, she muffled her happy laughter in his shirt as he jokingly rocked them to the beat as the singer vocalized.
Whoa, oh-oh
Whoa, oh-oh
Whoa, oh-oh
Whoa, oh-oh
Whoa, oh-oh
Whoa, oh-oh
Whoa, oh-oh
Whoa, oh-oh
Pete had heard this song on the radio regularly enough to know it was coming to an end so he opted to pocket his phone and return his focus to his drawing, he relaxed against the arm of the chair listening to the final chorus play.
I take my whiskey neat
My coffee black and my bed at three
You're too sweet for me
You're too sweet for me
Mike chuckled lightly rocking to the beat with Jade again listening to her muffled giggle-fit bubble out against his shoulder,
“This was actually pretty fun,” he told her as they stopped dancing once the song ended.
Jade slowly let Mike out of her embrace and smiled up at him,
“Thanks for dancing with me, that break was nice” She listened to her chirping stim kick in as they sat down and had a few swigs of their hot chocolates.
“Got that energy out?” Michael asked with a quiet chuckle as he watched Jade get back to her sketch of Firkle and Hephaestus,
“That's good,” he nodded, patting her head before returning to his notebook.
Jade relaxed against the couch happily as she finally got around to inking her sketch,
“It was fun” she smiled contentedly as she worked carefully.
The group of six worked in a content silence until Jade's phone chimed with a text informing her that one of her partners had gotten to clock out early, knowing Mandy was on the way the goths and Mike slowly started to pack noticing their hostess seemed groggy they figured she'd most likely fall asleep once her girlfriend arrived and they'd left.
Mandy smiled eventually entering the apartment and spotting the group of five just finishing their goodbyes based on the fact Jade was visibly releasing Pete when she entered,
“Thank you for keeping her company when we couldn't” she thanked Henrietta who assured her it was no big deal before ushering out her boys.
“I'm gonna change” Jade announced, setting her sketchbook aside near a sketch that'd been left behind, she trudged to her room ready for pajamas.
Mandy looked at the sketch curiously and smiled, recognizing the scribbled signature in the bottom corner as Firkle's, it was a sketch of Jade and Mike laughing together while dancing to a song she'd have to ask about later because, for now, she had a redhead to cuddle.
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acapellafics · 3 months
I wanted to say that your angst oneshot was beautiful
Awww thank you, I actually had fun writing it
0 notes
acapellafics · 3 months
Telling the gang
Finally getting around to posting the fic of Elias telling the goth's he's a wolf hybrid/wolf child
No Archive Warnings Apply
Mentions of spousal abuse
Mentions of kidnapping
mentions of human experimentation
Underage Smoking
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acapellafics · 4 months
The day after dawn of the posers
Cw for mentions of kidnapping, Human experimentation, and spousal abuse (if I should tag more please lmk)
Thank God it was Friday night that most of the goths (Firkle, Elias, and Pete), two vamps, and…the ghost of Edgar Allen Poe went to Troubled Acres to rescue Michael from the emo conversion camp, they were all pissed to learn it was just a stupid prank show in the end.
After breaking the news to Henrietta and getting a surprisingly heartfelt apology from Firkle, now that it was Saturday the group of 7 goths had congregated at Henrietta's to smoke and talk about the bullshit they went through.
“I seriously can't believe I fell for that stupid lie” Henrietta huffed, taking a few puffs off her cigarette, she'd trashed every piece of evidence that had to do with her emo phase and was back to wearing all black.
“Don't blame yourself Henni, a lot of people fell for it” Elias offered his attempts at reassurance always optimistic despite being a goth, 
“The good thing is you’re back to yourself again, Firkle is back, and Michael wasn't hurt” he glanced from a now short-haired Firkle over to Michael feeling his mind set off an alarm at the elder goth's posture.
Michael was fairly tense in his spot on the floor, one slightly shaky hand holding his cigarette, and his other hand was wrapped so tightly around his cane that his already pale knuckles nearly glowed white.
“Michael, dude you good?” Elias asked drawing everyone's attention to the oldest goth,
“I know it was just some conformist prank show but you still seem frazzled,” he said sitting next to Michael with a respectful distance.
“You were pretty pale last night and that's saying something for the four of us” Firkle commented, he looked at Michael watching him stub out his barely touched cigarette.
“Not to mention you nearly hurled on the trip home” Pete chimed in,
“You never get carsick” he looked across the pentagram carpet at Michael.
Henrietta looked up hearing that Michael nearly got carsick,
“Mihha?” She sat her cigarette aside in a newly emptied ashtray.
“You poor dear,” Maria said sympathetically watching Lafayette look at Michael with concern,
“Did something happen before they got to you?” She asked.
Michael wanted to curl in on himself and vanish as his six friends turned their attention to him,
“It's stupid, nothing worth worrying over” he tried to wave their concern off gently, never a fan of having the spotlight on himself.
“Mon Ami, something must have happened or been said to you” Lafayette moved to sit by his dark doppelganger so he was now between himself and Elias,
“Michael, you can talk to us,” he assured him.
“Jackdaw's right,” Elias laid a tentative hand on Michael's right knee,
“Nobody here will judge you, especially after what Henni did” he added the second half in a whisper grinning when Michael snorted a weak laugh before yelping when Henrietta's small lilac pillow collided with his head nearly knocking him into Michael. 
Michael brushed his curls from his face as Elias and Lafayette offered words of reassurance, he took a deep breath letting out a sigh on the exhale he knew of the six friends he had that Elias was likely to keep gently pushing.
“I found out that night that…I…faint under heavy stress” he blurted it out like ripping off a bandaid,
“My folks just threw me in the hatchback and drove me right to the building…I must've passed out because one moment we're pulling up to ‘troubled acres’ and then the next thing I know I woke up to the old dude tying me to a chair” he shuddered thinking back on last night.
All six of the other goths were visibly surprised by this, the three that had gone to his rescue last night looked horrified to learn they'd arrived only moments after he regained consciousness.
“Dios mio! You poor thing, I can't blame you for being rattled after an incident like that” Maria cried out hearing that,
“Thank goodness these three got to you when they did” She glanced over her shoulder at Pete as he'd been fussing with her hair.
“Is there anything we can potentially do to help ease how you're feeling?” Elias asked Michael,
“Coffee? A blanket? A listening ear or 14?” He offered watching Michael's mouth twitch into a fleeting smile at the joke.
Michael rubbed Elias on the head with the hand not holding his cane in a vice, he was slightly surprised when the younger teen rubbed his head into the touch which he oddly found comfort in.
“At the risk of sounding like some preppy conformist…can” Michael forced himself to swallow his pride and make a request he'd never normally make,
“Can you or Firkle just lean against me?” He didn't dare specifically ask for a hug so he settled for ‘lean on me’ instead.
Everybody in the room was surprised by that and looked to Firkle who had perked up then gave Elias a very peculiar look, they looked from Firkle to Elias who gave a pensive nod.
Elias’ face softened before he got a determined look and smiled sweetly,
“Here fluffy compression does wonders, just ask Firkle” he took a deep breath before his body seemed to shift into that of a brindle-colored Wolf pup the size of maybe a border collie while still maintaining the boy's signature hair and wearing a striped yellow scarf. He gently laid his warm fluffy chest, front paws, and head on Michael's lap providing the oldest with the warmth and compression one would normally feel when holding their pet,
“I-I don't bite, just try not to pull the fur” the wolf politely requested in Elias’ voice as his black nose nudged Michael's hand encouraging him to release the cane and pet him.
The other 4 goths watched in shock Maria's eyes lit up in adoration at the sight of the wolf puppy that was now halfway in Michael's lap, Firkle on the other hand was grinning at the sight.
Michael looked down at Elias as the pup nudged at his hand again, finally registering the cold snout. He dropped his cane to the carpet and slowly slid his hand into the bridle fur, surprised it was so soft but boy did it help.
“Holy shit, dude” Pete's voice broke the silence as his eyes took in the transformation,
“What are you?” The question flew from his lips before he could stop it.
“Can't be a werewolf it's not a full moon” Lafayette chimed in,
“Rook?” He looked over at the Wolf pup as Michael continued to comb his fingers through the fur.
“My folks and I just call ourselves hybrids” Elias explained before thinking of a better description,
“I know Maria will get this reference, basically my folks and I are like the werewolves in that 2012 movie 'Wolf Children’ like deadass just like them” he offered.
“I can see it” Maria nodded, she watched it often.
“So…is anyone else wondering how Firkle seemed to already know?” Henrietta asked watching the kindergartener sit by Michael and Elias on the floor,
“How come the baby bat got to learn first?” She teased Elias knowing he had a soft spot for the kid.
Elias glanced at Henrietta as he continued acting as an emotional support Wolf for Michael who didn't appear like he'd be releasing him any time soon,
“Well a few months ago I was at Starks Pond visiting that murder of crows I nursed back to health when one of them flew off and eventually returned pulling my hair towards the woods” he explained.
“I followed him into the woods and saw one of the Wolves advancing on Firkle, I recognized the area instantly. He'd wandered too close to where that wolf's den was, so he was defending his pups from a tiny intruder” he told them,
“I got between them still human trying to convince him to let me just take Firkle but he doesn't like humans” his ears drooped.
The other 5 were listening intently while Firkle simply held Elias’ tail similarly to a conformist child holding their blanket, if anyone saw they said nothing.
“You got between a whole-ass wolf and Firkle?” Pete asked looking at Elias,
“And tried reasoning with it?”
“In my defense fight, flight, or freeze kicked in” Elias exclaimed as his ears drooped thinking back to that day,
“But yeah the wolf didn't wanna listen and pounced, pinning me down, with Firkle curled up defensively I chose to fight. I told him to lift his shirt collar and keep his eyes shut, shifted to this form, kicked the wolf off, scruffed Firkle by the shirt, and ran like Hell while the crows distracted the wolf…and then Firkle opened his eyes early and saw me” he wagged his tail so the tip batted Firkle's cheek getting a soft laugh from the boy.
“You're insane Eli,” Henrietta told him fondly,
“I'm so glad you were in the area when you were,” she said softly watching him grab Firkle's belt with his teeth pulling the boy closer without any complaints.
“I would've done that for any of my friends not just the baby bat” Elias smiled his tail wagging until Firkle released it allowing it to happily slap the carpet as he lay there,
“Nobody fucks with my friends but me” he gave a proud little huff before just relaxing.
“Gotta love a friend with built-in scary dog privileges” Lafayette quipped listening to Elias and Maria laugh,
“Glad to know we can count on you Mon Ami” the boy smiled.
“Elias, Sugar if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you tell us sooner?” Maria asked softly, she was surprised he'd kept that to himself so long.
Elias’ ears drooped and his tail slowed,
“Well of my bio parents, my mom was the only hybrid and…due to being kidnapped by the government and experimented on by them she opted not to tell me bio dad” he relayed feeling a tiny hand pet his back.
“When I was born mom had no idea if I'd be like her or not, I turned into a puppy when I was about a month old and my dad flipped…long story short he called us monsters and started to emotionally and physically abuse my mom but never me” he curled up a bit more,
“She left him and brought me here, raised me to embrace the wolf side but be careful with who I shared the info, when she met my step dad she told him about her being a hybrid and learned that he's one too and welp here we are now” he offered a soft shrug.
“Holy shit” Pete whispered surprised someone could see someone with Elias’ biological gift and call them monsters,
“I'm glad she got out of there and that you can embrace this side of you” he reached over to rub the wolf pup’s ear watching his tail start wagging again.
“I'm glad too,” Elias smiled,
“Can't imagine not having all the friends I've made here” he looked at his fellow goths before plopping his head down on his paws.
“How are you feeling Mihha?” He quietly asked looking up at Michael who had been quiet since his transformation, he nudged the elder boy's ribcage with his snout getting his attention.
“Feeling calmer,” Michael said quietly with a faint but grateful smile as he rubbed Elias’ head between the ears,
“You can get up whenever” he shrugged as his hand stilled.
Elias nodded sitting up only to flop on his other side by Firkle,
“Don't think I didn't catch that sigh, I'll stay like this for a bit” he teased as the boy grabbed his sketchbook from nearby and laid against the wolf starting to draw while the others conversed amongst themselves.
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acapellafics · 5 months
Chapter 4 is finally up y'all https://archiveofourown.org/works/55605865
Evidence https://archiveofourown.org/works/55606357
Rating: teens and up audiences
Archive warnings: graphic depictions of death & major character death
Fandoms: South Park & The Magnus archives
Characters: Pete Thelman and Mike 'vampir' Makowski
Additional tags: death mention, mention of suicide & mention of cannibalism
Summary: Pete's finally sitting down to give his statement
Do you like South Park? Do you like The Magnus Archives? Then let me introduce you to the AU my (found family) brother (aka the amazing @digishima ) and I are working on called 'The Thelman Archives' in which Henrietta suggests the Goths and Mike catalogue and archive weird events that happen in their odd little hometown of South Park, this takes place directly after the kids graduate high school and isn't connected to my roleplays with Digi this is different but the bonds between his goths & my muses will remain.
If this sounds interesting to any of you it has its own Ao3 with the very short starter chapter up and I'll work to post every other Thursday there's not a lot yet though it's a 'when I'm motivated' kind of project
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acapellafics · 6 months
Rating: teens and up audiences
Archive warnings: graphic depictions of death, & major character death
Fandoms: South Park & The Magnus archives
Characters: Pete Thelman and Mike 'vampir' Makowski
Additional tags: death mention and mention of suicide
Summary: Pete's had disturbing nightmares like any other kid growing up but after he realized some had come true in his youth he decided it was time to make a statement of his own
Fun fact for y'all this chapter was actually written by @digishima (and was uploaded with his consent) with a line adjusted by me to fix a potential timeline issue but idk I'll have to poke him about it
Do you like South Park? Do you like The Magnus Archives? Then let me introduce you to the AU my (found family) brother (aka the amazing @digishima ) and I are working on called 'The Thelman Archives' in which Henrietta suggests the Goths and Mike catalogue and archive weird events that happen in their odd little hometown of South Park, this takes place directly after the kids graduate high school and isn't connected to my roleplays with Digi this is different but the bonds between his goths & my muses will remain.
If this sounds interesting to any of you it has its own Ao3 with the very short starter chapter up and I'll work to post every other Thursday there's not a lot yet though it's a 'when I'm motivated' kind of project
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acapellafics · 6 months
Chapter 2 is up! Along with the typed out interview and both pieces of evidence
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Fandoms: South Park, The Magnus Archives
Characters: Henrietta Biggle, Mike "Vampir" Makowski, Kenny McCormick
Additional Tags:
Suicide & death mention
2. Case one: The re-cycle of life
The Thelman Archives has its first official case when Henrietta gets a call from a friends sibling
Do you like South Park? Do you like The Magnus Archives? Then let me introduce you to the AU my (found family) brother (aka the amazing @digishima ) and I are working on called 'The Thelman Archives' in which Henrietta suggests the Goths and Mike catalogue and archive weird events that happen in their odd little hometown of South Park, this takes place directly after the kids graduate high school and isn't connected to my roleplays with Digi this is different but the bonds between his goths & my muses will remain.
If this sounds interesting to any of you it has its own Ao3 with the very short starter chapter up and I'll work to post every other Thursday there's not a lot yet though it's a 'when I'm motivated' kind of project
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acapellafics · 6 months
Do you like South Park? Do you like The Magnus Archives? Then let me introduce you to the AU my (found family) brother (aka the amazing @digishima ) and I are working on called 'The Thelman Archives' in which Henrietta suggests the Goths and Mike catalogue and archive weird events that happen in their odd little hometown of South Park, this takes place directly after the kids graduate high school and isn't connected to my roleplays with Digi this is different but the bonds between his goths & my muses will remain.
If this sounds interesting to any of you it has its own Ao3 with the very short starter chapter up and I'll work to post every other Thursday there's not a lot yet though it's a 'when I'm motivated' kind of project
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acapellafics · 7 months
A while back I randomly decided I wanted to write about the first time the goths remembered Jade dying but made it angsty
Tw for teen death, bad descriptions of blood, and bad/inaccurate description of what a tarot reading is like/can mean (mainly because my character wouldn't fully know at the time so it's him guessing)
This takes place between threads 7 and 8 from my Ao3
(SHE'S NOT PREGNANT IN THIS, I wanted angst but I'm not heartless)
Jade stretched softly wandering the town, the young Netherborn teen had nothing to do with all 3 of her partners being at work so she was out taking a walk while Hephaestus was at the house with Eevee.
She'd had her first ever tarot reading with Henrietta recently and Henrietta drew the tower upright,
‘Sudden upheaval, disaster, broken pride’ the meanings of the card rattled around in her brain as her feet senselessly carried her.
Henrietta was giving a few tarot readings today which Firkle used as an excuse to go for a walk, don't get him wrong he loved his little found family but sometimes the teen just wanted to wander.
It was Sunday so naturally he knew Ike would be out in the street practicing hockey so he wanted to sneak a glance or two…or four if Ike was in the zone enough, he stopped by Tweak Bro's for coffee for his usual drink and even got a plain hot chocolate in case Ike spotted him.
Jade looked up from her walk and a small smile lit up her face spotting a familiar figure up ahead of her leaving Tweak Bro's and instantly recognized the all-black ensemble as Firkle, she went to wave only to realize he had headphones on and looked like a tween on a mission so she got herself a hot chocolate from Tweek then left again.
Firkle stretched a little raising his cup to his lips as he started crossing the street towards the park planning to cut through the park to get there a bit easier, seeing a small cluster of bored-looking sixth graders he quickly turned around deciding to just go through town.
Jade looked up seeing Firkle heading toward the other side of the playground and figured there'd been something that sent him that way, deciding she'd go to the second-hand shop and look at what they had she started walking along the sidewalk opposite him.
A loud screech of failing brakes pierced the air and sent Jade running her drink hitting the pavement,
“FIRKLE! Look out!” She hated that he didn't seem to hear her due to his headphones. He seemed off in his little world and completely oblivious to the truck skidding along a patch of black ice,
“God damn it!” Not wanting him to get hurt or worse killed Jade lunged at the boy shoving harshly against his back and watching him flail and collide with Elias who happened to be wandering town and spotted the danger as well before a sharp pain hit and she was suddenly at her ‘cousin’ Damien's palace.
Firkle flailed colliding with Elias’ chest as both of his drinks hit the sidewalk and a loud crashing sound filled the air,
“The fuck?!” He whipped around to see who dared to shove him only for a gruesome sight to greet him instead.
2 cars had collided violently where he had just been standing. What made the teen's blood run cold was the large pool of blood and familiar red hair just barely visible where the cars collided. 
“She heard them before you saw them” Elias explained, seeing Firkle's knees buckle lead him to catch the boy quickly,
“She'll be back in the morning…here, let's go to Henni's I'll…do my best to explain everything” he kept a brotherly arm around Firkle's shoulders and led the boy to Henrietta's house.
“Rook…what the hell do you mean she'll be back in the morning?” Firkle asked his fellow goth in a shaky tone as they approached Henrietta's house,
“Elias” he used the junior's name watching as that seemed to snap him back to reality.
“I need all four of you present because I'll have questions as well as answers” Elias explained before politely grewting Mrs. Biggle and nearly dragging Firkle upstairs where he found the other three who instantly noticed the tension,
“We need to talk, you guys,” he said as he ushered Firkle to sit down.
“Rook what the? Why does Firkle look so rattled?” Michael asked noticing the boy somewhat resembled a frazzled black cat,
“Fuck kid, who died?” He asked, watching in shock as Firkle's green eyes widened.
“Jade, she saw Firkle about to get caught between 2 trucks and shoved him out of the way” Elias explained as his ears manifested and drooped sadly,
“Question…Henni” he looked to Henrietta who had a hand over her heart.
“D'you remember giving her a reading recently?” He watched her nod and grab a tissue to dab at her eyes,
“Do…do you remember what cards you drew?” He asked.
Henrietta had to think for a moment before snapping softly and gesturing to her desk for her book of friends readings which Pete passed to her,
“Th-thank you…when I did her reading it was a three-card draw, I would've drawn more but her face after the first three halted me in my tracks” She flipped through the book to Jade's reading.
“Here it is, all three were upright in her reading” She looked at her handwriting,
“The lovers, that usually symbolizes; Love, an important choice or decision, and heaven sent when drawn upright. Then I drew Death, the name is misleading though it usually symbolizes; the end of something, letting go, or transformation… Her final card was the tower, this card upright usually symbolizes destruction, shock, or sudden and unexpected change” She explained it to Elias since she figured he had no clue how tarot readings worked.
“Not gonna lie I don't know a damn thing about tarot readings, I've never even had one before but…those three cards sound like they literally spelled out 'dying to protect someone you love…unexpectedly’ The baby bat had those clunky ass headphones on and couldn't hear us calling out to him,” Elias said softly,
“I can't help but wonder if…the cards knew this would happen…if that makes any sense” he mused tugging his hoodie softly. 
Henrietta shook her head but decided she'd explain tarot readings to him another time,
“I knew she cared about the brothers but…to die for one” She stroked a hand through Firkle's hair regretting that the only solo time she'd had with Jade was the reading.
Pete simply hugged his knees not caring as his eyeliner ran while Michael held him to his side keeping a fairly strong mask in place, he could feel the breaks in his breathing though, and put one arm around the taller goth.
“She has a habit of dying for those important to her even if they don't notice they're in danger,” Elias told them as he pulled a travel pack of tissues from the fanny pack he wore under his hoodie and passed it to Pete,
“I said this to Firkle but figured I'd say it here and explain it as best I can…she'll be back tomorrow morning” he stated watching Pete toss half the pack of tissues to Henrietta who missed it upon hearing him.
“Explain” Michael's voice shook a bit but he still had the mask up, he gestured for Elias to speak and passed the pack up to Henrietta.
“From what she tells me Jade's been a Netherborn from birth, she says she didn't start dying regularly until her family moved to South Park. She and her twin brother have died daily since we were 8-years-old” Elias’ ears drooped,
“Mortals can't seem to remember though, I only started remembering when we were about 9 nearly 10…Mysterion I think… transferred some of the curse to me or something at Mike's 12th birthday” he was pacing and talking with his hands.
“Wait…that was you and Jade?!?” Henrietta crowed thinking back to Mike's 12th birthday when she teamed up with them and saved little Karen McCormick from being transitioned into a vampire, she watched him nod and even present the very selfie she took with them for Raccoonstagram.
“The point is we're tragically used to dying, sure it sucks and it hurts but we can at least be diligent and work to avoid things that'd normally cause a death” Elias rubbed his head,
“The point is…Virge, don't beat yourself up about this okay? She'll be back in the morning and you four won't even remember anything about her dying once you wake up tomorrow, she'll just be relieved you're okay baby bat” he rubbed the teen's head reassuringly.
“Do you know what causes the memory issues?” Michael asked Elias curiously,
“You said ‘You four won't even remember anything about her dying once you wake up tomorrow’ What did you mean?”
“We have no idea” Elias sighed letting Firkle latch onto his tail and pet it like the younger teen used to do as a kindergartener, 
“We've…honestly given up finding out why, you see, every time we'll die at any point in the day and the next day it's like it never happened” he laid on his back in defeat.
“Never thought I'd hope for an insomnia episode” Michael mused messing up his curls a little,
“I'm curious if I'd remember if I just…don't sleep” 
“Don't do that kind of thing to yourself Mihha” Pete told his boyfriend,
“Granted if an episode hits it can't be helped but don't force yourself to stay awake” he rubbed Michael's hair lovingly.
“Pete's right don't keep yourself up” Henrietta chimed in putting out her cigarette,
“If we remember in the morning we'll go thank her in person” she declared.
“She'll appreciate the visit even if you don't remember” Elias smiled lightly his tail wagging in Firkle's hold,
“One; she loves spending time with y'all, and two; she'll be relieved to see Firkle's okay” he messed up the boy's hair playfully, not fazed when his hand was slapped away.
The group of 5 simply decided to all sleep at Henrietta's that night and when they woke up Elias shot Kendall a text to see if Jade was fully back, the moment the hybrid informed them she was back but still asleep at Mandy's the four goths piled into Henrietta's sedan while Elias simply jogged since it was just about a block away.
Kendall looked up hearing Henrietta's sedan pull up and went to greet them at the door just as Elias rounded the corner,
“Hey y'all, i-is everything okay? Don't think you've ever just popped by for a visit like this normally Jade invites ya over” he asked as he stepped aside to let them in.
“Th-they remember yesterday's events” Elias panted drinking heavily from a bottled water Mandy gave him,
“They wanna thank her for saving Firkle” he rubbed the boy on the head feeling a little surprised he hadn't snatched up Muffin who was circling everyone's feet curiously chirping.
“Wait…you all remember?” Kendall asked with wide eyes as he looked at the goths,
“B-but you've never remembered before…what could've changed?” He tilted his head resembling a confused golden retriever.
“Hen thinks it's because she gave Jade a tarot reading so as a sort of collective we were…involved enough to remember” Michael explained, he glanced down at Firkle watching the boy quickly step out of his shoes before going upstairs.
“Feels weird seeing him so…intent on seeing Jade” Elias admitted as Kendall gestured for the rest of them to feel free to follow Firkle,
“Upstairs second door on the right” he let the goths go ahead and offered Kendall a salute before following them.
Jade whined in her sleep hearing a chorus of whispers in the hall before light flooded into the room as the door opened,
“Wazzumatter? Is it late?” She sat up in a baggy NASCAR shirt that clearly belonged to Ken with her hair wild from sleep.
“Hey Jade, welcome back” Henrietta greeted her with the smallest smile as the redhead seemed to perk up after registering who had woken her up,
“Figured we'd thank you in person for yesterday” She moved to sit at the foot of the Alaskan king bed leading the other four to follow suit.
“Henrietta?” Jade had to shake out her head to wake herself up more listening to weak chuckles from her surprise wake-up committee,
“Oh shit you brought the whole squad” the teen chuckled brushing her hair from her face. She paused getting ready to get up when it finally dawned on her what Henrietta said,
“Wa-wait y'all remembered?!?” She cried out looking at the four of them as Elias got her brush from the bathroom.
“I'm guessing it's because of the tarot reading you got from Hen” Michael explained,
“Not something we expected,” he admitted.
“I'm just glad I was wandering around town when I was,” Jade said softly before laying a hand on Firkle's head not moving it just resting it there,
“I'm so relieved you're okay, I don't know what I would've done if I'd been any slower” She sounded terrified at the idea and Pete due to spending so much time with her could tell she was holding back the urge to collect Firkle up in a hug.
“Hey V,” Pete got his brother's attention easily with the name and a tap to the knee,
“Think you'd be willing to give her a pass on losing both arms?” He asked, watching Firkle suppress a groan but nod.
Firkle gave the others a look, heaving a silent sigh and opting to grab the hand on his head simply tugging Jade closer hoping she'd get the hint, luckily she did and she surprisingly kept her features schooled minus the glow of excitement in her eyes.
“I'll let go the instant you pull back” Jade promised Firkle as she carefully gathered the smallest goth in her embrace like she normally would her brother of the same age, she gently wrapped both arms around his neck while his albeit reluctantly went around her ribs and her right hand came up to cradle the back of his head.
“God I was so scared yesterday Firkle,” she said so quietly that only Firkle and Elias with his heightened senses could hear,
“You have to be more careful, or at least more vigilant” she pleaded with him before feeling him pull back which she allowed even withdrawing her hands and giving a soft thanks to the boy as he smoothed his hair down.
Before Firkle could open his mouth Kendall popped up in the doorway,
“Hope everyone's hungry, there's pancakes and bacon in the kitchen. No ifs, ands, or buts” he grinned leading the group to the dining room where Mandy and Logan had set out some extra chairs.
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acapellafics · 10 months
Finally uploading the story of how Firkle learned that Elias is a wolf hybrid
Elias hummed wandering town with a chocolate tootsie-pop in his mouth since he'd given Pete his last cigarette at school that day, not that he smoked much in general. He fussed with his scarf as he wandered town listening to Bryan Adams’ ‘Here I am’ bobbing his head to the music, he took in a deep breath just enjoying the smell of fresh mountain air considering going to Stark's pond to shift and just meander around the lost woods. 
The young fourth grader stretched until his back popped and made his way toward the church so he could go to Stark's Pond, even if he didn't bother shifting he wanted to be in nature whenever he could. He smiled to himself sitting on a bench that overlooked the pond giving a hum of contentment over the chilly breeze that blew through the area jostling his hair, he sniffed the area noticing the familiar scent of nicotine. 
He looked around curiously before shrugging it off and skipping some flat rocks across the water, he looked down at a small murder of Crows that hopped around near him. This murder tended to follow him whenever he shifted so it didn't surprise him to see them,
“Hey gang” he smiled at the 4 crows pulling a baggy of halved grapes from his bag feeding them to the Crows.
The Crows cawed excitedly and flocked the boy's feet as he tossed offerings to them, as usual the smallest one perched on his foot and hunkered down. The largest one perched on his head while the remaining two each claimed a shoulder, within minutes he was hand feeding them the grapes.
Elias chuckled feeling the Crow in his hair preening his hair like always,
“Pete won't like you messing up his handy work” he told the Crow reaching up for him to step onto his hand where he was placed on his knee.
“You can sit here” he fixed his hair then pet the Crow gently,
“You four are a part of why they let me in, I'm far too bubbly otherwise too much of a conformist” he snorted a laugh blowing his bangs out of his eyes.
A nearby rustling got Elias’ attention and the boy tilted his head, the Crows dispersed at the noise before the largest one came back and cawed loudly pulling at his hair a sign something was wrong.
“What's wrong?” Elias asked getting up and following the Crow before catching the sound of a guttural growl coming from the lost woods,
“Some poor bastard got lost again” he shook his head softly entering the woods following the growls before a familiar voice made him pick up the pace.
“Shoo!” Firkle had tried cutting through the woods to make a short trip to swipe cigarettes when he found himself cornered by a fairly large black wolf, the kindergartener usually didn't branch off from the other goths but if they all went to the store while he was trying to get them cigarettes they'd be too suspicious so he was going alone and of course today he wound up getting lost.
“Go! I don't have any food” Firkle absolutely loved animals so he usually fed strays, he didn't even have any dollar store kibble with him because it'd make noise so he was up shit creek without a paddle unless someone found him.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Elias broke into a run toward the direction he'd heard Firkle's voice coming from,
“Firkle?!?” He called out as the Crow led him toward the commotion.
Firkle looked up hearing a mercifully familiar voice call his name,
“Elias!” He hated sounding like a defenseless weakling but he knew when he was outmatched.
“Get low! I'm almost there!” Elias ordered spotting the other Crows repeatedly diving at the Wolf trying to distract it, after seeing Firkle collapse into a similar position to what the school teaches the kids to do for an earthquake Elias hurdled himself over a downed log putting himself between the wolf and Firkle.
“Are you nuts?!” Firkle crowed watching Elias put himself between the Wolf and himself,
“He'll rip you to shreds,” the kindergoth snapped at the newest goth.
“Back down, he's just a kid passing through” Elias told the Wolf ignoring Firkle's shouts,
“Let me get him away from your den, he didn't know, it's easy to get lost out here” he'd spotted the little nearby cave that most likely had a female and nursing pups inside.
Firkle watched in shock as Elias tried to reason with the Wolf, Green eyes scanned the clearing after hearing the word den leave the older boy's mouth.
The large Wolf snarled as the larger human that reeked of Wolf tried to convince him to take the smaller one, they were intruding on his territory and expected to just get away with it. He gave a more monstrous snarl flexing out his claws and digging them into the soil, if this stranger wouldn't move on his own he'd be moved.
Elias swore recognizing that the Wolf was planning to pounce and quickly braced himself for the impending impact,
“Firkle listen to me closely, raise the back of your shirt collar and cover your face” he called to the smaller boy.
Firkle blinked in confusion but did as he was told,
“If we die, I'm gonna kill you” he hid his face in his arms leaving his shirt collar exposed.
The Wolf coiled his muscles before using strong hind legs to launch himself at the larger child knocking him down while pinning him with his powerful front paws on the kids chest, what he didn't expect was for the feeling of hind paws to dig into his waist harshly and send him tumbling over.
A smoky/sandy colored Wolf in a bright scarf laid where the child once laid and sapphire eyes looked from the Black Wolf to their now shared target, Elias rolled onto his side getting to his paws as fast as he could.
“Firkle, hold still” he called out breaking into a run toward the boy,
“Eyes and mouth shut!” He ordered before snatching him up, scruffing the smaller goth by the shirt collar before running back toward the church while the Crows distracted the Wolf the best they could.
Firkle kept his eyes squeezed shut as he felt himself get jostled around as Elias ran holding him by the shirt collar, after a few minutes of silence from Elias minus heavy breathing Firkle slowly opened his eyes and was shocked at the sight that greeted him. 
A Wolf with Black head fur wearing a bright Yellow scarf was skillfully running through the trees holding his shirt collar in its teeth holding him above the ground like a puppy, what he didn't see was Elias.
“Elias?!?” The cry from the little goth in his hold had Elias skidding to a stop, he looked past his muzzle to see wide green eyes looking up at him. 
Elias’ ears drooped a little and he slowly lowered Firkle to his feet before letting his shirt collar go, he waited for the boy to scream or run but he simply stood there staring at him.
“Y-you weren't supposed to look yet” he slowly lowered himself to his belly as if trying to make himself smaller,
“I-I didn't know how else to get you out of there…p-please don't tell anyone about this” he begged.
“Y-you can talk like this?” Firkle asked barely above a whisper as he realized the head fur was actually Elias’ hair,
“Y-you can become a W-Wolf? And you don't want the others to know?” He tilted his head as his brain tried to comprehend all the knowledge.
Elias nodded with each question the kindergoth hurled his way,
“I was born this, my birth father wasn't like this and my mom is so he was shit and I hid this side of me but now that we're here I can be myself but…I've never told anyone” he admitted slowly sitting up.
“Where's your clothes?” Firkle asked finally finding control of his limbs and slowly starting to approach the Wolf,
“Did you choose to have your hair out? What's with the scarf?” It looked like he was about to drill Elias on this discovery.
Elias couldn't help the fond smile at the way Firkle seemed to just accept it with rapt curiosity,
“I'm technically still wearing them, I'm not too sure how to explain it. No I didn't choose to have my hair out but it comes in handy, the scarf is sorta like my clothes but opposite” he explained his tail wagging nearly tripping Firkle as the boy circled him.
Firkle stumbled a bit as he was nearly leg swept by Elias’ now wagging tail,
“Would anybody be able to hear you talk or is it just me?” He asked, tilting his head curiously.
“Sorry baby bat” Elias chuckled,
“You're not a secret Disney princess, anyone could hear me talk” he admitted letting out a soft yelp when Firkle playfully shoved him over for his ‘Disney princess’ comment then laughed.
“Do you have any smokes on you?” Firkle asked Elias, watching him sit up and shake out his fur, he sighed when he shook his head.
“Sorry man, I gave Pete my last cig at school” Elias apologized nudging the boys shoulder with his muzzle,
“Lemme guess, off to live up to your nickname and snag some cigarettes?” He asked, watching the kindergartener nod.
“Need a look out?” He offered standing up and shifting back to his human self watching Firkle try to comprehend actually seeing the transformation, 
“Let's roll” he walked Firkle out of the woods and to Main Street for cigarettes.
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acapellafics · 10 months
Gonna post this before adding it to my pinned post, I'm starting to upload my threads with @digishima to my Ao3 and plan to eventually start writing my canon divergent story as I write it out. My Ao3 can be found here
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acapellafics · 10 months
Don't test a Netherborn
This was essentially me getting randomly encouraged to write a fic of Jade accessing a bit more of her Netherborn abilities when she finds Firkle being harassed.
(Jade's 17, Angelica is 16, and Firkle is 14)
Content warning for: teens swearing, knife mentions, Transphobic speech, and threats against minors
A routine store run, Firkle did these all the time. Why did today have to be different? Henrietta needed some things and her cramps made moving painful so she sent Firkle with a list, the cash, and the usual 'there and back' comment before curling around a heated fabric pouch of raw rice Jade gave her, it was simple shit too; pads, dark chocolate, and her favorite soda easy enough.
The Fourteen year old goth approached main street wearing his usual backpack and coat, he seized the opportunity to enjoy a cigarette snubbing it once he reached the little mom & pop convenient store. He pulled the list out of his back pocket and wandered the familiar aisles gathering what he needed, after checking over the math to be sure Henrietta gave him enough he checked out and started the trek home deciding to be a bit of a suck up and swing by Tweak Bros to get Henrietta's usual coffee for her.
Now armed with a heavier backpack and 2 hot drinks; like Hell he wasn't getting himself coffee on this cold ass day. Firkle finally started the walk back to Henrietta's occasionally taking swigs from his cup as he walked, he decided to take the somewhat longer way back knowing that Ike practiced street hockey on Sunday's figured he'd risk a peek.
He watched Ike through the curtain his bangs formed as he passed the Broflovski house and continued on his way. He didn't take long to get 'home' to Henrietta and was nearly crushed in a hug once she had her coffee. 
"I've been holding you captive all weekend, go baby bat go be free" Henrietta drank heavily from her coffee as she waited for the microwave to reheat the rice bag,
"Enjoy some freedom and try not to cause any fires or subtract from the town population" she was partly joking but they did often worry about him somehow getting into trouble.
"God I'm not gonna cause trouble…that much" Firkle assured her adding the last bit with a playful smirk earning a weak swat to his shoulder,
"No worries mother Morticia, I'm just gonna burn some junk mail at this barrel thing that the other one showed me by the elementary school" he told her, grabbing the Wal-Mart bag of junk mail and his lighter.
"The other one? You gotta be a bit more specific" Henrietta rolled her ice blue eyes not long after asking because she remembered Pete mentioning an incident by the school the night Jade agreed to batsit last minute,
"You're still not gonna just call her by her name are you?" She raised an eyebrow.
"I don't do names" Firkle reminded her as he put the bag of junk mail into his backpack,
"I'll be back in maybe an hour, text me if you want me back earlier" he offered before finally heading to the burn pit Jade showed him.
Henrietta shook her head softly retreating to her nest with the groceries and her warmed up bag,
"Whatever will we do with him?" She jokingly asked aloud to her empty room.
Mercifully Henrietta lived close to the elementary school so Firkle didn't have to walk too far to the burn pit where he lit an envelope on fire and used that to start the base of his controlled burn, he sat on the log Lafayette had recently dragged over and watched the flames lick at the papers as he added them to the fire.
"Well well well if it ain't Virginia" a snide voice startled Firkle who as usual was in his element when around fire,
"Still pretending you're a guy?" A girl at least two years older than Firkle approached the boy confidently from the path that led to Stark's pond. 
Firkle's nose wrinkled as he scowled, of course Angelica would find him the one day he was out alone.
"You know that's not my name and that I'm not pretending" the goth teen growled out feeding another letter to the flames,
"Just fuck off you conformist bitch, I told you years ago if you won't accept me for me I want nothing to do with you" his voice held a warning.
Angelica huffed snatching one of the letters from Firkle effortlessly as his emotions distracted him,
"Virgil? Seriously Ginny? You couldn't at least pick a more creative boy name?" She scoffed spying the name 'Virgil Smith' on the envelope before lazily dropping it in the fire.
"Don't fucking call me that!" Firkle snapped standing up fast enough that the log rolled back two times,
"Just shut the fuck up, do you really have nothing better to do with your life?" He growled up at her.
"Now Ginny, is that anyway to talk to an old friend?" Angelica sneered down at Firkle, back when Firkle was in preschool and up until he realized he was transgender the two had been pretty good friends before the younger embraced the Goth lifestyle even chopping his long reddish brown hair and started dying it black with Pete's help. Angelica had refused to accept Firkle and continued to deadname the boy and misgender him on purpose, Firkle eventually cut her off and acted like she didn't exist.
"Shut the fuck up you whore!" Firkle roared drawing his newest knife from his waistband flipping the blade out in a defensive warning, 
"Get the fuck away from me" the shorter teen growled out.
"Oh so now that you think you're a boy I'm a whore?" Angelica snarled snatching Firkle by a large fistful of his hair,
"I'm not afraid of you and your stupid pocket knife" her other hand grabbed his wrist giving it a violent twist until he swore as the action made him drop the knife.
Firkle worked to keep his breathing under control while working to free himself, going so far as to claw up her arms, he swore, feeling her jerk him around by the hair until he stopped scratching.
"Stop struggling Ginny I'm just trying to help you cut your hair" Angelica sneered,
"It's a bit long for a boy don'tcha think?" She gave Firkle a grin that made his stomach churn as she picked up his knife looking at the freshly sharpened blade.
"Get off of me!" Firkle shouted swinging his feet at her after she lifted him off the ground by his hair,
"I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" He felt the anger and fear induced flare up coming but was more focused on trying to get free than getting his inhaler from his backpack.
Angelica swore feeling the toe of Firkle's boot collide painfully with her knee,
"That hurt you little bitch" she didn't even need to look to know she was bleeding.
"I was just gonna take a few inches off the ends but now" the blonde eyed the scrawny 14-year-old at her mercy,
"I saw we start lower" she pressed the blade to his neck just below the chin.
Firkle's green eyes went wide and he squeezed them shut tight a he felt the cold steel of his knife press against his neck until a few pearls of blood rolled toward the hilt, a nearby rustling caught his attention so the boy did the first thing he thought of and screamed at the top of his lungs before letting out an indignant yelp when Angelica dropped him to cover her ears.
"The hell is going on?" Jade had been taking Hephaestus for a walk around Stark's pond when a loud scream pierced the air, she jumped through the tree line with her pitbull on her heels both skidding along the dirt before seeing the cause of the commotion. A blonde girl about a year younger than her stood with her arms clamped over her ears, and at her feet looking dangerously close to a full on asthma attack with a hand on his throat was Firkle.
Never in his life did Firkle think he'd ever be relieved to see Jade, he grabbed his knife with his free hand closing it and after shoving it in his pocket unearthed his inhaler taking a puff of the medication to fight off the approaching attack.
"Firkle?!?" Jade and Hephaestus swerved around the blonde and the redhead dropped to her knees next to Firkle resting a light hand on his back, she pulled a bottle of water from her bag watching him drink roughly half of it with one hand.
"Firkle, bud?" She looked at his hand tucked just under his chin his palm flush against his jaw,
"What happened? Why're you holding your neck?" She slowly reached to touch his cheek feeling her heart sink when he recoiled.
"That…fucking cunt cut me" Firkle croaked out, he looked up at Jade watching the Red-head stand up her hands curled into fists at her sides.
"Firkle…take Hephaestus and go into the bathrooms" Jade instructed feeling a powerful rage bubbling inside her, 
"Now Firkle, don't argue with me right now" she didn't even need to look at her best friend's little brother to know he was considering arguing so she barked out the order and listened to the boy get escorted into the dilapidated bathrooms by her dog.
"This doesn't concern you" Angelica told Jade as the ringing in her ears faded,
"What's it matter to you, what two old friends do at a bonfire?" She huffed, crossing her arms keeping most of her weight off her newly injured knee.
Jade scoffed with a dry humorless laugh,
"Old friends my ass! I've never heard Firkle scream like that you're clearly no friend to him" the Red-head growled out between clenched teeth.
"Who the fuck cuts a 14-year-old boy on the fucking neck?!" She was visibly seething as she hurled the question at Angelica,
"It matters because he's important to me! That's my best friends younger brother, you fuck with him. You fuck with me" 
"Oh please" Angelica rolled her eyes at the junior before her, 
"I was just going to trim a few inches off the little shits hair and a boot to the knee, plus a migraine from shrill screaming is the thanks I get" she blew her bangs out of her eyes.
Jade's Emerald green eyes scanned the girl noticing the angry scratches along her arms,
"Judging from how he scratched you up he clearly didn't care for your attempts, and lemme guess you slipped and accidentally cut his neck" she rolled her eyes.
"Oh please I'd make that shit stain look ten times better than now" Angelica flipped her curtain of blonde hair over her shoulder,
"Butt out, I got work to do" she sidestepped Jade approaching the bathrooms where the girl's pitbull growled at her standing in front of her target.
A feral snarl that clearly didn't belong to an animal made Angelica freeze in her tracks and regret exposing her back to the girl, an odd somewhat grotesque ripping sound broke the air making her blood run cold.
"You're not gonna touch Firkle" Jade snarled softly surprisingly unfazed by the stretching pain of what she could best describe as her tattoo of Cthulhu's wings seemingly ripping free from her back as actual wings that spread to their full wingspan behind her, 
"If you so much as lay a finger on my baby bat, I'll rip your arm off and beat you with it" Jade growled out feeling her Grim fate come into effect.
Angelica whipped around feeling an unnatural chill that had nothing to do with it being winter sweep over the area, she gave a shrill horrified scream at what greeted her.
The older teen had sprouted brownish green wings with a tail to match and even some horns that stuck out drastically against her hair, Amber red eyes with pupils like a lizard or a cat glared down at her as the winged teenager loomed over her like a protective mother bear putting herself between Angelica and the bathrooms guarding Firkle like a wounded cub hunching over her hands curled like claws ready to defend the boy with everything she had.
"What the fuck are you?!?" Angelica cried out backing away from Jade until she tripped over the log managing not to fall into the bonfire, she whimpered faintly as the eldritch creature lumbered toward her.
"I'll be your worst fucking nightmare if you ever so much as look at him again" Jade warned her getting in the girls face,
"Do you understand me?" A growl bubbled up in her chest until Angelica nodded frantically and bolted running down the street like a cross country runner.
Firkle looked up in the middle of his asthma attack to Jade kneeling next to him looking no different than when he last saw her, he worked on deep breaths not even bothering to swat her hand away when she gently took his chin in her hand tilting his head up to treat and bandage the cut.
"Anyway, that I can help?" Jade asked him in a soft voice, when he made a grabbing gesture she passed him the water bottle again watching him take a few hearty swigs before his hand felt the wall trying to get up. 
"Here" she got up and held a hand to him helping the boy out of building where he sat on the log,
"Think you need a clinic trip?" She asked, feeling relieved when he shook his head and took another puff off his inhaler while petting Hephaestus.
Firkle didn't feel up to talking not trusting his lungs so he gestured to her torn shirt and pants watching her shed her hoodie and tie it around her waist, he tilted his head to emphasize he was trying to ask a question.
"Umm…Netherborn shit I think" Jade mused sitting next to him,
"You remember back when we were kids and Cthulhu rampaged after the BP oil spill?" She asked, watching him think then nod.
"Apparently since Netherborns draw our power from the ancient city of R'lyeh we can sort of take on bits of his appearance" she felt as crazy as she probably sounded,
"My tattoo manifested into real wings, I even got horns and a tail…. she kept threatening you and I couldn't stand by and let her potentially hurt you more" she touched her back around the shoulders surprised there weren't any scars or wounds.
Firkle looked at Jade like she'd grown a second head as she explained what happened, he looked at her back noticing the tattooed Cthulhu wings which partially solidified her statement.
"Pete's or Hen's?" Jade checked with him after his breathing finally returned to normal,
"We're walking you home, whether you like it or not" she was relieved when he gave a sigh of defeat but nodded.
"Bror's at work so I'm keeping Henrietta company" Firkle explained as they got up and Hephaestus walked at his side,
"She's gonna have a conniption about this" he groaned rubbing his face with one hand.
"At least it's just a shallow cut, sadly I can't take any blame for this or I'd tell her" Jade offered listening to him huff out a laugh through his nose,
"You Thelman boys are a handful, welp here's your destination bud…good luck breaking the news to the mama bird" she lightly pat him on the shoulder waiting for him to enter the house before going home. By the time she reached her apartment she had a single text from Henrietta,
'Thanks for getting him home in one piece'
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acapellafics · 10 months
Second place medal
I'm steadily infecting my friends YouTube feed with dsmp content and he heard the famous 'Hitting on 16' audio and all I could see was Mysterion and the Raccoon so I threw a one shot together of the boys as teens.
Another quiet night of patrolling South Park with select members of the Freedom Pals, Mysterion had recently branched off from Raccoon and friends with a few other heroes that were getting sick of his favoritism.
Tonight Mysterion was hopping from rooftop to rooftop as usual listening for Chaos or even civilian criminals, sure enough he stopped a few of Chaos' minions from dumping 'lava' in front of businesses and homes.
Feeling the phone Tupperware gave him buzz against his thigh made the vigilante duck into the shadows to answer the text, he groaned seeing that it was from the Raccoon.
'We need to talk Kenny' of course he wouldn't care about identities because to the others they were just pretending,
'You can pick the location but it has to be tonight 🦝'
Mysterion rolled his eyes checking his surroundings, his legs had carried him to the rooftop of city hall as usual. He'd done his normal parameter check and then wove through the sleepy town stopping Chaos minions as he went, he decided he could spare a few minutes.
'Fine Raccoon'
'Meet me in the alley that leads to Raisins in 5 minutes' he put his cell away and braced his legs before using trees and rooftops to return to Main Street where he waited perched on a street lamp for the portly 'Superhero' to meet him at their rendezvous point.
"Stupid Kenny making me come to this shithole alley" The Raccoon grumbled as he approached the designated rendezvous point failing to notice the vigilante on his perch,
"I'm here, come on out so we can talk!" He called out, arms crossed.
Mysterion rolled his eyes hopping down as lithe as ever watching the other boy jump hearing his combat boots hit the sidewalk,
"A serious hero would have checked their surroundings before entering a dark alley" he reprimanded his old 'leader' as he entered the alley looking down at the shorter boy.
"I'm totally a serious hero Kenny" the Raccoon growled out, the vigilante's expression made him take at least half a step back and his tail slid between his legs.
"If you were as serious as you say you are you wouldn't throw around my identity like it means nothing" Mysterion growled looming over the Raccoon watching him cower back a little,
"You'd treat me like an equal not an underling"
"I didn't treat you like an underling Ke-Mysterion" the Raccoon hissed his ears pointing back,
"I'm the leader of Raccoon and friends. I seriously treated you all fair, you're just butthurt you didn't have as many movies or shows as some of the others but it has to be that way" he argued defensively.
"You treated everyone like they're below you, you know that my powers are real and you act like it's just a fucking game but it's not" Mysterion growled out feeling his cape angrily billow in the wind,
"You talk down to all of us and throw slurs at Human Kite on the daily. Do you know why he decided to stay with your group?" He asked.
"Because he knows the Freedom Pals is fucking lame" the Raccoon stated smugly crossing his arms,
"And our franchise plan makes way better sense" he smirked.
"No it's because of a very specific phrase I drilled into him before you chased half of us out" Mysterion growled lowly not fond of hearing the Raccoon shit talk his new team,
"Keep your friends close…and your enemies closer he's not stupid and knows exactly the kind of bullshit you'd pull if he left, he could have joined us and left you with just Fast pass, Mosquito, Captain Diabetes, and Super Craig but he knew damn well you'd personally make his life Hell so he stayed" he knew he was right and so did the Raccoon but he sure as Hell didn't want to admit it.
"God damn it Kenny! This is just a fucking game!" The Raccoon's shout reverberated around the cluttered alley,
"Come on you poor piece of crap! Do you want your share of the money from the franchise or not?! God! Kenny you forget yourself, you're not a hero, you're just some poor kid from the ghetto" his rage at being abandoned by his best friend boiled over and he lightly jabbed the vigilante's chest with a clawed finger.
Mysterion glared daggers at the fat boy in the Raccoon costume and smacked his hand away with a fast flick of his wrist listening to the plastic claws fall off and click on the sidewalk, he watched surprise flash through heterochromic eyes as the Raccoon backed away from him.
"Oh yeah 'Kenny you forget yourself'" Mysterion dropped the lower voice using a higher pitch to mock the Raccoon,
"Eric you forget where you stand next to me, you are in my shadow act like it." He loomed over the quivering 'hero' as he stepped around him getting ready to head back to the freedom pals school for the gifted and talented,
"Maybe it's no coincidence that every single idea you've had has failed under your guidance, you're a walking second place medal." A thick silence enveloped the two before Mysterion continued back to report his patrol findings.
The Raccoon stood there shocked to his very core as Mysterion's words sank in and cut him deeper than any weapon,
'You're a walking second place medal.' Mysterion's voice bounced around his mind as he trudged home not even acknowledging his mom's greeting as he went to his room changing mindlessly into his pajamas and crawling into bed.
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