access-praxis · 10 years
Partners In Crime Celebrate with Mortville Installation Showcase
Our partners in crime Neo Chicago Art Space are holding an ~end of indiegogo benefit show/party~ on MAY 10TH! SAVE THE DATE!
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  Come and join us in in·e·bri·a·tion as the space is turned into a Mortvillianesque installation! More information here: http://newchiplace.tumblr.com/ http://newchiplace.tumblr.com/ http://newchiplace.tumblr.com/
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access-praxis · 10 years
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A/P would like to remind you that we are still looking for more button design submissions to be put on 1.25" pins and passed out at our events! All original artwork. Does not need to have our name on it. We are doing this to highlight local artists as well as our organization, and to just have more original buttons and pins local to Chicago. Here are a few designs that have been turned into pins by artists, Mez Twentyforty, Mony Nunez, and Jorge Vargas.
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access-praxis · 10 years
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Access/Praxis is teaming up with Benton House Sunday, April 27th and hosting an ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT PANCAKE BREAKFAST from 10:30AM-1:30PM. This is a dual fundraiser for both organizations as well as a place were punks and neighbors can meet and bond over an all vegan lazy sunday breakfast. We will be screening footage from Up The Punx Film's upcoming documentary centering around queer acceptance within the punk community. Interviews and performances by: Closet Burner, Dowsing, The World is a Beautiful Place & I am No Longer Afraid to Die, High Dive, RVIVR as well as Iron Chic, War On Women, QUEEN BEEF, Toby Foster, and Eric Ayotte. $5-10 sliding scale. FAMILY & NON-PUNK FRIENDLY. (The two addresses on each flyer are next door to each other, so feel free to Google Map whichever, you will either be right or have to walk a building down if you are wrong.)
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access-praxis · 11 years
Hey all,
Access/Praxis is having a button design contest. I have attached design templates and instructions stolen from Busy Beaver Buttons, as well as our logo. Please post, re-post, and tell as many people as you can! Feel free to use your own description, etc. I will also be adding this info to our website.
Introducing the amazing everlasting Access/Praxis button design contest! We want to promote the creation of art in our community, so we thought it would make sense to open up our quest for awesome button ideas to the greater community!
Rules: There really aren't any rules. We'd prefer that you work our name and/or logo into any design you do, but if an awesome design is submitted that isn't about Access/Praxis, we will probably still make buttons with it. The buttons are 1.25" so keep that in mind as you plan yours out. Read our short mission statement at www.access-praxis.org or check out our Facebook page for inspiration!
Deadline: Designs for the first round of buttons are due by 5pm Thursday 11/21/13. The collective will pick our favorites and will make buttons of them which will be for sale at our swap meet 11/27 and at future A/P events. The contest will be ongoing - any designs submitted after 5pm 11/21 will be voted on sometime around the end of the year and sold at events in 2014.
Prize: Prestige! Instant celebrity! The joy of seeing your artwork in button form! Also you'll have our everlasting gratitude and we'll give you 5-10 free buttons with your design (or others, if you want).
Technical expertise is helpful but not required. Though we prefer digital submissions that use the attached templates, we will accept just about anything. For example, you could submit a drawing on paper that we at A/P would then scan and reduce/crop to fit on a button. However, the final product might not turn out exactly as you had envisioned. Also, we might not have time to get 'em done by our next swap meet.
Submit all button designs to: [email protected] (or give to one of the collective members in person)
<3 <3 <3 <3
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access-praxis · 11 years
check it out, Chicago! DIY event Calendar brought to you by Access/Praxis!
sorry it's a little late!
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access-praxis · 11 years
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ACCESS/PRAXIS' monthly SWAP! this was the 2nd swap put on by a few of A/P's core members. above are some blurry images of some of the tables where folks browsed seeking to trade their old items for someone else's. People brought their record and zine filled distros, their old clothes and shoes, their handmade/home-made t-shirts, patches, stickers, magnets. I did see a few board games, TONS of books, records, tapes and a rather large VHS collection. There were Tarot readings by a magical queerdo and relaxing Massages were offered for trade or for $1 a minute! there was delicious vegan food hot and ready a the event was ALL AGES! I DEFINITELY traded some cool magic rocks with a 5 year old for a massage. and a show followed directly after the swap, right in the basement! a great time was had by everyone. i took home some magnets, some artwork, a bottle of wine and a faux leather studded choker. AND I got rid of some of my shit that was just laying around my house!
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access-praxis · 11 years
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1st FLYER EVER with our mission statement. we passed these out at Chicago's CLITFEST (which was organized by a group including some of A/P's board members!)
where Chris, of A/P, did sound for all three days, we sold cupcakes and cookies and created a sign up sheet for our newly active organization.
C.L.I.T. FEST is an annual 3 day music festival dedicated to DIY punk and Combating Latent Inequality Together. The fest is usually held in a different city every year and it is filled with punk music featuring and highlighting the talents of the under-served, underestimated, under recognized underdogs of DIY. This 9 year old fest is dedicated to giving voice to the marginalized people of society including women, trans*, queer, differently abled and hosting workshops on a wide variety of helpful topics such as oppression and resistance, DIY skill-shares, sex ed, body positivity...etc.
the  mission posted on their website reads:
"C.L.I.T. Fest (Combating Latent Inequality Together Fest) in an annual three day   DIY punk/alternative music and workshop festival organized by and celebrating womyn, trans, genderqueer, youth, and people of color of all shapes and sizes in the punk scene. This fest encourages all marginalized folx and their allies to come together to combat latent inequalities in our scene and in the world at large!
What does “combating latent inequality together” mean? In punk and radical spaces, folx often think that racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia and other forms of discrimination are absent, because punk is an alternative to mainstream society.
However, these forces are present in our scene and need to be fought against to maintain healthy outlets for all people to express themselves. We aim to collectively build empowering relationships, smash long held silences, showcase our diverse talents and cultures, and fund-raise to support organizations that help our communities thrive!
Despite the name, this is not a body-centered event. We encourage ALL people to join us as allies in raging against oppression."
here are some articles written about the fest! check it out. http://noisey.vice.com/blog/vive-les-differences
http://theclustermag.com/current-issue/ (issue #4: PARTIES)
CLITFEST is a project ACCESS/PRAXIS fully supports!
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access-praxis · 11 years
Access/Praxis goes TUMBLR!
Just another way to connect with and reach out to other folks interested in DIY. LOOK OUT for our sweet art contests, show calendars and DIY events and projects. If you have a DIY project in Chicago and you're not into oppressive behaviors, let us know! we'd love to support you!
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