accioedgar · 5 years
if edgar said he wasn’t slightly suspicious of the witch, he would be lying. a woman with a penchant for spilling gossip to the masses being a member of a secret order fighting to protect the sanctity of the wizarding world as they knew it? that was strange at best, and gossip-worthy in and of itself. still, he refused to let this pessimism ruin his impression of the witch, or allow himself to treat her with the cold shoulder some of the other members had. 
he’d missed this particular meeting as he was out taking care of some of his patients and grabbing some supplies of his own. potion ingredients, medical supplies and the like. not enough to be suspicious, but enough to help them build up a stockpile at the headquarters. the war wasn’t nearly over yet, and he’d rather them be prepared for the worst rather be caught off guard by it all. whenever he made it back, he was on his way to store the supplies away whenever he noticed the precarious situation the infamous witch had found her in while seemingly doing a supply run of her own. setting his own supplies down and surveying the mess, he pulled out his wand and approached.
flicking his wand, and pointing it at the mess, the bones uttered a quick “scourgify .” the charm worked, well, like a charm ( no pun intended ) as the spilled flour was eradicated from the floor in a clean sweep. with one mess cleaned up, he approached the witch and offered his hand to the columnist. “would you like some help?” 
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date  &  time  :  august  18th  ,  9 : 30  am  .  located  :  hq  .
        despite  her  knack  for  always  appearing  in  the  right  place  at  the  right  time  ,  rita  was  starting  to  think  that  ALL  she  did  was  stumble  upon  something  wrong  within  the  order  .  she  had  been  ordered  out  of  a  meeting  ,  humiliation  turning  her  cheeks  pink  .  go  fetch  some  supplies  ,  they  said  !  it  would  be  easy  ,  they  said  !  this  merlin  forsaken  bag  of  food  and  supplies  weighed  forty  pounds  .  they  didn't  trust  her  .  that  was  fine  .  but  she  didn't  think  she  deserved  to  be  doing  their  grunt  work  .  (  would  she  be  complaining  about  her  penance  when  the  nightmares  came  tonight  ?  )  
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        sweat  adheres  to  her  brow  ,  she  lugs  the  bag  of  bricks  into  the  foyer  ,  snapped  heel  floating  behind  her  ,  footing  uneven  . her  muggle  pretense  dropping  as  soon  as  she  had  slammed  the  door  behind  her  .  she  is  greeted  by  silence  .  brow  set  ,  a  heavy  breath  :  she  heaves  the  bag  further  inside  .  some  prospective  onlookers  might  wonder  why  she  isn't  using  magic  to  levitate  it  into  the  kitchen  .  but  rita  is  so  angry  ,  hot  ,  tired  ,  and  humiliated  that  the  thought  hadn't  even  occurred  .  spitefully  ,  she  kicks  the  bag  ,  flour  puffing  onto  the  bottom  of  her  designer  skirt  .  ‘  you  stupid  sack  ,  '  baleful  ,  she  tries  again  to  haul  it  into  the  kitchen  .  defeat  is  imminent  .  and  since  she  thinks  she's  alone  ,  rita  flops  onto  the  ground  ,  attempting  to  catch  her  breath  .
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accioedgar · 5 years
when: five p.m. , august twentieth, 1980 where: outside the three broomsticks, hogsmeade who: clara bones @barestbcnes​​ said :   ღ ( for my muse to express verbal affection for yours )
while the order was still reeling from the reappearance of four of their own, edgar bones had to leave the hq. while there were questions and concerns abound about where they had been taken, and what had happened to them, he still had a duty to his patients. checking on their progress, and treating some minor magic maladies to help those that were dealing with the influx of patients given the status of the world as they knew it, the bones quickly lost time of it, and hell, what day it was, and when he finally left, the man was completely and utterly exhausted.
rather than heading back to the headquarters to catch a few hours of sleep before heading back to his flat, he stopped at the three broomsticks to get a butterbeer as well as to see if madam rosmerta had any information to share while he was there. as it turns out, there was no new information, and the while the butterbeer was satisfying, it only served to way him down, and he paid his tab and left intending on heading back now, but then he saw an all too familiar face, and he couldn’t help but spare her a moment ( or however much time she wanted ).
“now what did i do to earn the honor of being in the presence of the best photographer of our generation?” he teased, a wide smile on his lips as he shared a very genuine compliment for his youngest sister. although the youngest bones may not have been infamous for her photography ( yet ), to her brother, she would always be his favorite, and nothing would ever change it. “how are you, clara?”
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accioedgar · 5 years
Send a symbol for the following:
™ - for my muse to become jealous of the attention your muse is giving someone else ✔ - for my muse to respond to praise from yours ✗ - for my muse to respond to being scolded or punished by yours ♠ - for my muse to forcibly restrain yours ♢ - for my muse to introduce yours to a family member ♖ - for my muse to submit to or obey your muse’s orders Ұ - for my muse to comfort yours after witnessing an emotional meltdown ✺ - for my muse to help yours get through a frightening situation ✤ - for my muse to wake yours from a nightmare ✞ - for my muse to talk about somebody’s death ✉ - for my muse to write a letter/send an email to yours ✂ - for my muse to rescue yours from danger ¿ - for my muse to ask yours a personal or uncomfortable question ♥ - for my muse to express physical affection to yours ღ - for my muse to express verbal affection for yours ♬ - for my muse to hum or sing to calm yours down
Add ‘reverse’ to switch our muses’ positions. e.g. send ‘✤ reverse’ for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare, or ‘¿ reverse’ plus a question to ask it of my muse.
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accioedgar · 5 years
accio introduction
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name: edgar bones
nickname: ed, bones, bonesy
age: twenty-seven
species: wizard
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
occupation: healer
quick personality
+ charismatic, sanguine, and flirtatious
-  conceited, impulsive, and self-sacrificing
father: papa bones
mother: mama bones
older sister: amelia bones
younger sister: clara bones
short history
being the second child, and only son, in the bones family, no one quite knew what to expect of the little bundle of joy.
within a few years, it became evident that the boy was everything his sister wasn’t. where amelia was more serious, he was more light-hearted. where she was colder, he was wamer. the two played out the balancing act very well, and although they were two entirely different people, it never prevented him from absolutely adoring amelia. he watched her as if she made the world turn with her every move, and he was lucky to be in her presence. she was the sun, and he was the moon, and he was more than happy to bask in her light.
edgar is five when his family is completed by the arrival of another sister, clara. he’s taken with her immediately, she was so small, so perfect, and he found his room in his already full heart for her. as time went by, edgar couldn’t imagine his life without his little sister, and he swore to protect her, and to protect amelia, no matter what came there way.
there was a photo taken on the three bones siblings taken at some point during their childhood. amelia on the left, edgar in the middle, and last but not least, clara on the right. edgar had his arms wrapped around his sisters, a bright smile on his face. clara is giggling, and even amelia has a smile on her face as they stare at the lens. the only son has stared at the photo for so long, he swears he has it memorized by now, but that doesn’t mean
at the age of ten, whenever amelia left for hogwarts, edgar, the warm and happy boy that he was, cried for the first few days she was gone. he never told her that though, in fact, he never spoke of anything, but when she came home for the first time, he savored every moment he could get.
at the age of eleven, whenever edgar and the bones family were on the way to kings  cross, he was beyond excited to start his first year at hogwarts. he had his wand, his supplies, his owl, and this time, he’d get to go with amelia. though, it was only whenever it came time to go that he realized he’d be leaving clara behind, and tears stung at his eyes again. he savored their last hug, drawing it out as he tried his hardest to hold back the tears. then he had to go, and he sat at the window, watching his family disappear as the train pulled out of the station, offering them a gentle wave as they left. 
as much as he missed clara, he tried to keep his head up. whenever he went home, he’d have all sorts of stories to tell clara, and one day, they’d all be in hogwarts together, and it would all be okay. whenever the sorting ceremony took place, he was practically vibrating with excitement. would he be in slytherin with his sister? or gyffindor? ravenclaw? so many questions were buzzing through his mind when he sat in the chair that he almost didn’t hear when the hat loudly announced HUFFLEPUFF and he was ushered toward his new house, and a new family.
over the next seven years, edgar bones earned himself quite the reputation. the vivacious hufflepuff grew into himself in the hall of hogwarts. he excelled in his studies, never quite besting some, but what he did do was make friends and connections across the years. in his third year, he joined the quidditch team, finding his place as a chaser on the quidditch pitch.
there were murmurs of what his future could hold. for mr. congenialty, the world was his oyster, and his options were vast and wide. he could follow a career in quidditch, live a life of fame and glory. or go into the political arena, where his smile and his charm could help him work his way up the ladder. in the end though, it wasn’t fame, or fortune the bones was looking for. edgar wanted a purpose, and he found that on a cool spring afternoon when a third year beater on his own team accidentally shot a bludger in his direction and knocked him off his broomstick and down to the ground below. he doesn’t remember much after the initial impact, he was falling, and the next thing he knew he was in the hospital wing. the care the healer gave him, the kind words, it stirred something inside of him. while he was able to finish out the season, and his year, things had changed, and he had a dream, and nothing was going to stop him.
he pays his dues studying in the medical field. it takes years of training,, and long hours spent studying seemingly every textbook in existence (he exaggerates, but it certainly felt that way, but he’s never been prouder in himself than whenever he became a full-fledged healer.
life was good for awhile, though trouble brewed under the surface, and when war finally broke out, edgar stepped up. the order would need healers, as well as fighters. his job was to do no harm, to help people, and the only way he could do that would be to protect them the only way he knew how.
although things look bleak, he is steadfast in his belief that at the end of the day, the light will always outweigh the dark. good always will win out in the end, and he refuses to think otherwise.
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accioedgar · 5 years
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accioedgar · 5 years
accio tag drop !!!
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