acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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Congratulations to all muses who have passed this week’s activity check! Activity Checks are weekly checks on who are active, the minimum post needed to be considered active is ONE post per week of the following: reply, solo or meme(s). Edits do not count as activity.
Jang Manwol (Lee Jieun) Heo Elliot (Lee Mark) Park Heon (Kim Dongheon)
Lee Lianna - Untill October 31st Kim Xavier - Untill October 28th Min Yoongi - Untill October 28th Jung Matthew - Untill October 31st Jung Owen - Untill October 31st Park Ashley - Untill October 31st Park Antonio - Untill November 1st Kravitz Micah - Untill November 1st
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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Congratulations to all muses who have passed this week’s activity check! Activity Checks are weekly checks on who are active, the minimum post needed to be considered active is ONE post per week of the following: reply, solo or meme(s). Edits do not count as activity.
Jung Matthew - Untill October 31st Lee Lianna - Untill October 31st Jung Owen - Untill October 31st Park Ashley - Untill October 31st Park Antonio - Untill November 1st
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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Hello Accio! 
Due to very sad events within the past week, we have decide to not hold an activity check on the 21st of October, however acceptance will happen as per usual. We understand that everyone grieves in different ways and that it is okay to take all the time you may need to process everything. 
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Choi Minjoon We hope Year 13 is a pleasant one and Ravenclaw treats you well. 
Choi Minjoon came from an affluent pureblood family. The Chois were one of the richest and most affluent pureblooded families in South Korea, yet somehow managed to live a relatively peaceful life during the Wizarding War, owing to the fact that they had stayed off the grid during that time. After all, the Chois were not known to be Death Eater sympathisers; they were merely lucky in the gene pool. But besides being affluent, they were also known to be one of the most intelligent families and it manifested in Minjoon.
But that wasn’t the only manifestation in the young man.
In his fifth year, he had started seeing things that he was sure hasn’t happened yet. The young Choi predicted events that would happen and he was afraid. He was afraid of the power he may have actually wielded. For Minjoon, he didn’t want the additional responsibility of quite literally holding the future in his hands. And yet he couldn’t keep it a secret any longer from his parents.
It was then that he found out a rare genetic makeup from his own family: Choi Minjoon was a Seer.
No one in their immediate family had been a Seer. He was told that the last Seer their family had was his great-great grandmother. In a time when she had been used by whoever was in power for their personal gain, she had not wished upon the gift of being a Seer on her family. Yet somehow, somewhere along the way, it made its way to the young Choi heir. Already pressuring himself to maintain that intelligence that the Chois were known for, Minjoon now had to figure out how to balance that out and figure out a way to make sure that his Seer abilities were kept a secret and prevent himself from being used by someone who held too much power.
Choi Minjoon needed to make sure that it stops with him.
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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Congratulations to all muses who have passed this week’s activity check! Activity Checks are weekly checks on who are active, the minimum post needed to be considered active is ONE post per week of the following: reply, solo or meme(s). Edits do not count as activity.
Kim Theo (Yoo Kihyun) Homhuan Alderic (Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul) Han Jinwoo (Kim Kangmin) Choi Taeyeon (Lee Siyeon)
Choi Dohee - Until October 15th Lee Lianna - Untill October 31st Kim Xavier - Untill October 28th Min Yoongi - Untill October 28th Jung Matthew - Untill October 31st Jung Owen - Untill October 31st Park Ashley - Untill October 31st Park Antonio - Untill November 1st
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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(912) - Kim Namjoon (BTS)  - Untill October 13th
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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Congratulations to all muses who have passed this week’s activity check! Activity Checks are weekly checks on who are active, the minimum post needed to be considered active is ONE post per week of the following: reply, solo or meme(s). Edits do not count as activity.
Minamoto Miyu (Minatozaki Sana)
Choi Dohee - Until October 15th Kim Xavier - Untill October 28th
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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(253) - Han Seungwoo (VICTON)  - Untill October 6th (403) - Kim Wooseok (UP10TION) - Untill October 6th
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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(253) - Han Seungwoo (VICTON)  - Untill October 6th (403) - Kim Wooseok (UP10TION) - Untill October 6th
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
would it be possible to sort the mlist by year as well? It's just hard to see how many people are in each year
Hi and thank you for the question! This was actually our original idea, to sort the masterlist into both year and house, however it got confusing as we did it, and we couldn’t find a convenient way to do it. I’ll try working on the masterlist again and see if I can find some way to do it ^^ Thank you!
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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Hello Accio! We are happy to announce that we will start doing the promised bi-weekly meme posts!  
This is a sentence starter meme and with that being said, you can reblog this meme until October 14th.  Remember to reblog this post if you would like to receive a meme, and send some to those who have reblogged it too!
“ stop it! we’re going to get in trouble! “ “ we’re not allowed to be here! “ “ you lied to me! you told me i was going to meet harry potter! “ “ are you sure this is safe? “ “ what if somebody sees us?! “ “ it’s leviOsa, not levioSA  ” “ who’s owl is that? “ “ who sent you a letter? “ “ do you want to duel? “ “ you’re not allowed to say that name! “ “ how did you do that?! “ “ why do you want my name? what are you going to use it for?! “ “ you tricked me! “ “ you’re a liar! “ “ teach me how to do that?! “ “ where did they go? “ “ how do you know me? “ “ i don’t even know you! “ “ what did you say?! “ “ show me the way “ “ i won’t teach you anything “ “ please teach me how to do that “ “ are you giving up? “ “ we’re almost there “ “ don’t chicken out now! “ “ i’m scared “ “ stop holding my hand! “ “ this is our secret “ “ you’re dead if you tell anybody about this “ “ just trust me! “ “ i don’t trust you “ “ well that was unexpected “ “ i’ve never seen you before, why? “
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
how active is it here? i really wanna join but i'm afraid of coming in with a dead dash :(
Hello there anon!! I’d say the role-play is pretty active, a solid 6 out of 10. I personally wish it was more active, but I do understand that a lot of people have started going to university or school, me included. However, I really hope soon enough its going to be more active!! Please do consider joining!
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Jung Matthew. We hope Year 10 is a pleasant one and Slytherin treats you well.
Out of everything, ending up in Slytherin was the biggest plot twist Matthew had even seen in his life. Never, ever, in his life did he think he will sit under the Hogwart’s sorting hat, and hear the words:
“Slytherin is where you’re meant to be.��
And see his twin brother’s face looking at him from the Gryffindor tables. The words still haunt him to this day, really. With a family filled with pureblood Gryffindors, he and a few other were sorted out in different houses, but for the love of Merlin… Ravenclaw would have been best. He can’t bear the looks on his parents faces the first time they go back for Christmas. He can’t bring himself to see the disappointment is his mothers eyes and the skeptical look his father gives him. If anything, he expected Owen to be the black sheep of the family. He thought his older twin would fuck up and end up somewhere else, but he guessed he was the black sheep of the Jung family now.
It still haunts him to this day, really. Matthew’s not gotten over it but he tends to not show it. its not like he is showing more of his Slytherin side, it’s more about him accepting the fact that he is a part of the snake den. Sometimes, his words show it, sometimes just the way he walks down the big halls of Hogwarts, its in his step, its in the way the green uniform sways with him. Matthew knows it, the hat wasn’t wrong, however, he can’t seem to stop himself from thinking, where did he go wrong, and where did his jackass twin went right.
It makes him sigh, loud and clear as he hears Owen’s voice echo from somewhere near him. Guess he’ll never know what’s the huge difference between them two .
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Miss Jang Manwol. We hope teaching Potions is a pleasant one this year.
Once upon a time on 15th June 1971 a girl with black ebony hair and big dark brown eyes were born into a pureblood family. A family filled with riches & wealthy living in central london, the family who only care about climbing the social ladder and power not able anyone else. The girl was given two names one was her korean name which was Manwol then her english name Matlida. The girl was the last child to be born into the family before her mother was not able to bear no children, she was the last hope to the Jang’s family on gaining more social status, so her life consists of being stuck in the library being taught everything about the magical world. Manwol was a good student forever curious about everything especially the morbid things in this world. She had taste for the dark arts but also how dark the muggles were too. She became fantasise by the muggle world on how human hurt each other with weapons, not spells however her parents did not approve of her curiosity about the muggles making her black sheep among the family. The little witch would learn about them in secret while showing her skills in magical subjects to satisfy the parents need for good little witch.
Matilda gains a little taste for the finer things in life since she always surrounded by people with money and power. She likes rich ladies and handsome men but only to use and play with since in their social circle most of them did not have any depth. People would name her Manwol The Magpie since she always like shiny things, it was cute it didn’t bother her so much as she keeps her shiny items she won’t care. The little witch fell in love with music too even learnt how to play the guitar and piano to entertain the guests at fancy parties. It was the only muggle thing her parents approve so her learning since it amuses their clients and gain connections in this magical world. Due to the environment, she learnt how to be sweet as a kitten but be wary of her claws as she isn’t afraid to claw someone eyes out when she is threatened. Pure-blood elitism that what it was, they didn’t care about the outside world, they would drink and laugh while muggles would fight in wars. It would boil the witches blood watching how selfish other people could be but all she could do was stay quiet and watch the world go by.
Hogwarts was a safe haven for Manwol she was able to study peacefully do her own thing without no one questions her motives. The little witch thrived in the environment even became Slytherin’s prefect to keep this place in order as this was her home and she wanted to protect it. Some students were scared of her due to her fiery temper when people do not listen to what she said, thanks to always being ignored by her family as a child. Once people get to know the girl she is quite passionate and loving character under all the crazy behaviour. Among of the students who was scared by her unique nature, there was a boy who loved her craziness despite their first meeting she throws a book at him to get him to leave him alone yet he was persistent and handsome. Matilda had someone to give all her love to, rage as well even end up marrying him, his name is Junghwan. Bonus points, that her parents approved due to his family background but honestly she couldn’t care any less about what they thought about him.
Fast-forward to the current time, she’s become Hogwart’s professor since all her favourite memories were in this school so now she wants to be a good influence in students life even though she underestimated how frustrating students can be and tend to throw things at her students when they don’t pay attention to her lectures. For goodness sake, please listen to Ms Jang unless they wish to have toad foot thrown straight in their cheek….  
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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Congratulations to all muses who have passed this week’s activity check! Activity Checks are weekly checks on who are active, the minimum post needed to be considered active is ONE post per week of the following: reply, solo or meme(s). Edits do not count as activity.
Ryu Daehyun (Na Jaemin) Suzuki Sora (Nakamoto Yuta) Choi Alexander (Choi Seungcheol) Jung Kian (Kim Dongyoung)
Choi Dohee - Until October 15th
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