ace-aro-agender · 4 hours
today for the first time in uni i got asked "are you one of those weird people that thinks they're a dog?" and i said yes but in a funny tone (regional meme). like. yeah so what. what are you going to do about it. do you love it. and they reacted negatively, but because we were in a big group with some of my closest friends they knew better than to say anything else.
later while we were taking the subway, we were chatting about therapy and i got into the topic of my alterhumanity again. i told them about my life experience and all the things that brought me to the identity i hold today. i didnt have to sugarcoat anything, i explained to them how i felt different from other children ever since i can remember and how i made excuses for feeling so weird and lonely, and how that affects my life up to this day even after i dont feel lonely anymore (i feel weird but this time it's /pos lmao). they were very reassuring and agreed with my reasoning, then moved on to talk about other therapy stories.
the first day someone from my "adult life" teases me about my therianthropy is also the first day people from my adult life stop and understand it for how important it is to me. for every 1 terrible interaction you will have you will have a thousand positive ones & you deserve to be surrounded by people that love you because of how weird /pos you are
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ace-aro-agender · 4 hours
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Gays rule
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ace-aro-agender · 4 hours
Danny doesn't just lose his parents. No, he loses his world.
The GIW tried to nuke the Infinite Realms, only to tear open a hole in reality so great that there was nothing Danny or the other ghosts could do to save it.
His world was devoured.
Everyone on it was turned into full ghosts if they weren't already halfas.
Said halfas can't stay on their now ghost-world; their human halves wouldn't survive it. They need to branch out to other worlds and fine a place to settle down.
Danny, in his desperation not to become Dan (even though Dan is reformed, stop talking about him like he's some unfortunate fate fuck he already apologized), takes to popping into other dimensions to help.
Vlad, Dan, and Dani settled in one particular world that they keep egging Danny on to take a chance with, to just sit down and take a breather. It's a world with other heroes that step in, so that the halfas can just do what they want without having to play hero.
Which like. That does sound pretty nice.
Danny cannot do that. If he stops moving, he thinks about what he lost. If he thinks about that, he'll grieve. If he grieves, he'll turn into Evil Dan.
He continues to travel, dimension to dimension, in the name of helping people. So he can put off realizing what losing an entire world means for just a few more seconds.
But he does visit the world the Masters set up shop in. He visits it a lot.
Just....not always to see them.
There's a farm, to the west of where they've settled. There's a real nice older couple on it, too.
He likes to go see if they need help.
They tell him they have a son, but he's never able to be around at the same time their son is. Which is fine, he's not sure how awkward that would be.
He just likes how...how calm it is. He finds himself spilling some of his worries, which shouldn't make sense to normal people. Except that this couple not only seem to understand where he's coming from, but when he mentions losing his entire planet, literally, they become particularly insistent on him meeting their son for some reason.
Which, alright. Fine. He'll go.
He just needs to go help a few more people, after he visits some family.
Danny's flight to Vlad's stupid mansion is wobbly at best, drunken at worst.
He collapses in the road just outside of Vlad's gates.
Vlad, who settled in a lovely place called Gotham, where he can do all the shady business deals he likes and, provided they aren't overtly evil, the local vigilante won't care, is thriving.
He bought the mansion next to local playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne, settled in with Dani (he's still trying to buy her forgiveness) and Dan (who has decided he's Dani's protector). He swindled his way back into billions.
He steers clear of Bruce Wayne's fortunes, though, because possessing the lover of Batman is a very bad idea.
He's trying, per his promise to Maddie and Jack, to get Daniel to settle down and pick up normal life again.
The boy is going to wear himself into the ground and become a true, full ghost if he does not take care of his human half.
Sure enough, upon one visit, the idiot passes out in Vlad's driveway. Well, not passes out. He's still in ghost form, still at least partially awake.
But still, rude.
In front of the neighbors, too!
Vlad laughs it off, picks Daniel off of the ground, waves at the guileless expression on Wayne's face as the idiot watches from some fancy car, and takes Daniel inside.
He's going to ensure the little idiot survives, whether he wants to or not.
Clark gets a call from his parents; the malnourished kid, the one that they're sure is an alien, hasn't been seen in weeks.
This is unusual.
Clark knows of this kid, of course. He's seen the news; Phantom is a superhero. A teenager.
His skillset, or what he's showed so far that has been documented via the news, is almost exactly what Clark's is.
But Ma and Pa have one more thing to say, one that ramps Clark's concern to paranoia.
The kid, Phantom, had mentioned his world being "destroyed". Had mentioned that there were "no survivors".
Had said that his family were in the "Zone", but that he couldn't stay there. That he had to leave the "Zone" and go find another place to live.
The last thing he'd told them was that he had to go visit family.
Clark feels like his heart is slowing down in his chest.
Like it's trying to stop.
This can't be another Chris situation.
But why would Ursa and Zod stop with just one child?
What if Chris was the second attempt?
What if Phantom was the first?
What if there's a portal opened, permanently, to the Phantom Zone? That would be beyond disastrous.
But Clark has no idea where Phantom went. No idea where to start looking; the kid had gone beyond the clouds before picking a direction, and Ma and Pa have no idea where he could have been heading. On top of that, it's been weeks, and there's not been a single Phantom sighting in the news, from any country.
He needs to find that portal, he needs to find Phantom, he needs...he needs Batman.
If anyone can find a needle in a haystack, when the needle is made of wood and the haystack is as big as a barn, it's him.
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ace-aro-agender · 4 hours
guy i have a crush on looks exactly like this
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ace-aro-agender · 4 hours
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cant stop thinking abt this bit from a psa about activated charcoal flushing your medications from your system
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ace-aro-agender · 4 hours
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ace-aro-agender · 4 hours
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
This is so fucking funny
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
Late term abortions should be available and legal. That is always the anti-abortion gotcha, “Irresponsible indecisive lazy women are getting abortions at 8 and a half months pregnant.” they’re not. The people getting late term abortions aren’t doing it because they suddenly don’t want to be pregnant, even if they were, I would not fucking care. That is not a valid reason to take away abortion access in the third trimester and kill and permanently disable the people who desperately need them. That is not a reason to force people to carry nonviable pregnancies to term and have to watch their baby struggle to breathe and die in their arms minutes after birth. The people who get late term abortions are not monsters but you are, you are a fucking monster for wishing that on someone.
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
Is there any petty sorrow more infuriating than finding a fic on AO3 that sits at the exact intersection of your most obscure ship and your most oddball kink, checking the author's profile to see what else they've done, and discovering that the piece you've just read is the sole outlier in a solid wall of Harry Potter fanfic?
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
Doctor, suggesting a replacement because it looks like insurance won’t cover seeing them “I referred many patients to XYZ and never heard from them again.”
Me, stunned “I don’t think that’s the endorsement you think it is. You know how many awful fairy tales have the line ‘and they were never heard from again’ in them, right?”
Doctor, trying not to lose Professional Voice and failing “Ha hahaha *cough* I didn’t mean it like that. You have such a great sense of humor! Ha ha ha ha.”
Me, patiently “Did you ever see or hear from any of these people after referring them? As opposed to other places? A “Thank You” or a request for files or need for a consult or asking you to fill in while the new one is on vacation or anything at all?”
Doctor “No. Wait, let me think. No.”
Me “Is that normal?”
Doctor “No.”
Me “Can you see my concern?”
Doctor, sounding quiet “Yes, I’m sure they’re fine, but now that you asked, I’ll check my records for other care providers.”
Me “Fairy tales are cautionary tales. I’m concerned for the patients you referred to this other Doctor. Their chances seem grim.”
Doctor, not laughing “I understand.”
Me “If you can’t find anyone you’ve referred, you might want to check nearby ditches.”
Doctor makes choking noise “I want to laugh at that, but you’ve got me worried.”
Me “Yeah, well.”
Doctor “I’m going to check on a few people I referred to them.”
Me “Yep.”
— two weeks later —
Doctor “I won’t be referring anyone to that provider again.”
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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ace-aro-agender · 7 hours
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We asked you not to catcall.
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