acelez · 24 days
Thank you dear supporters for all the help you are offering the people of Gaza in this dire time. I am a father of four tender babies who are paying much of their childhood and innocence in this unfair war. Please do whatever you can to help me save my family till the war ends.
Despite the suffering and hardships of this fierce war , your support and assistance ease us and grant us power and patience. Your contribution keeps a whole family safe, that is why i am asking you to donate whatever you can of at least share my link so that other donors can know about my tragedy and pain.
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acelez · 5 months
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hey! i'm val, i'm a trans woman, DJ, and a writer living in the UK and im reaching out bc i need to raise money to stock up on hormones!
i've been out of hormones for a few weeks now and i'm trying to raise £200 to buy 2 vials of estrogen and a blocker for emergencies
I currently can't afford to pay for it myself as i'm currently on benefits and haven't been getting much DJing work lately (though it should be picking up soon i hope!) anyways, if you could help out and/or share this i'd really really appreciate it, thank you for reading! ☣️ payp*l: paypal.me/vmclaren368 ☣️
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acelez · 6 months
If you vote, please be sure to reblog and say which choice you voted for! 🤗
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acelez · 8 months
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Vintage greeting card
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acelez · 11 months
round these parts we respect non binary and ace lesbians
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acelez · 1 year
Be careful of Asexuals y'all, I heard they aren't fucking around
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acelez · 1 year
The fact that this website still continuously operates as a space where people who are not thin or white are made to feel ugly because they are not praised in the same was as thin white people is disappointing but not surprising. The fact that people who never or rarely reblog pictures of non-white or fat people but do reblog text posts in support of non-white or fat people is disappointing but not surprising. The fact that when people are upset about these things other people act like they’re insane or mean is also disappointing and not surprising. The fact that I follow a lot of people with a lot of different body types and yet I mostly see thin white people on my dash is, you guessed it! Disappointing but not surprising. It won’t ever change no matter how many times people bring this up, people who are not thin and white will be nervous about posting because they get less notes and thin white people will continue to get 1000s of notes and no one’s mental health will be good regardless because trying to get validation from strangers in tumblr will never satisfy any of us.
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acelez · 1 year
sorry that i’ve just found jobs that didn’t require customer service
if you’d worked customer service maybe you wouldn’t be the type of person who sends guilt tripping anons idk
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acelez · 1 year
thank you for the explanation!
hii so im kind of confused about the general inner workings of transmisogyny as an extension of transphobia and was hoping you could clarify. basically, transphobes & terfs in particular say that trans women are men, however they treat trans women differently than men, dehumanizing them on the basis of their gender. i always interpreted this as a form of gender discrimination that aims to define trans women as a lower or subhuman class, a third gender of “not quite men but undeserving of the title of woman”. does this conflict with the concept of bioessentialism, i.e. that trans women are fundamentally men? i see people say that “transphobes see trans women as men” but from experience that’s not quite true. men receive privilege and rewards for being men that trans women don’t. sorry if this is incoherent im just trying to get a better understanding of it
your understanding is pretty good to be honest. trans women are a separate gender class - an underclass to be specific - and transmisogynists are aware of this, even if they claim to see us as men. does this conflict with bioessentialism? not necessarily, but in some ways it does.
the thing is, though, logical consistency doesn't particularly matter to bigots. that's why basically all of the laws designed to oppress trans women, despite all of the fearmongering about how some technicality in how they're worded will result in them targeting cis women and other tme people, are ultimately only going to be enforced to the fullest extent against trans women. for example, tme people would rightfully be furious if a teenage cis girl was subjected to a genital examination due to the suspicion that she's trans and playing in a high school girls' sport. this would unambiguously be sexual assault, after all. but ultimately, she would be allowed to continue playing (not that she'd likely want to after something so traumatizing, but I digress), and she would probably (not certainly though) have some kind of recourse available to her due to the backlash this incident would cause. if this happened to a teenage trans girl, though, would anyone care? would there be outrage about this? she would have gone through the exact same kind of sexual assault, but the law in that scenario would be functioning exactly as intended. no form of recourse would be available to her. sure, you could make the case that a cis girl might not be able to sue the school district due to financial or other barriers, but a trans girl would have no ground to stand on, legally speaking; she would have broken the law, no matter how unjust and discriminatory the law is.
so violence against trans women broadly isn't recognized as violence against women because we aren't viewed as women. but we're not viewed as men, either. for another example, let's work through the lens of sexual assault again. if a tme person of any gender accuses a trans woman of sexual assault, there is little to no doubt that she will be viewed as guilty automatically, both by other tme people and by the law (the trans panic defense is still legally admissible in many places). in the best case, this will lead to her ostracization and isolation, putting her at higher risk for instability and suicide. in the worst case, this will lead to her imprisonment or death - REGARDLESS of if the accusation is actually true or not. the justification for this is that trans women are secretly perverted men who are trying to prey on innocent cishet people, but the basic idea underlying that premise isn't even something tme people truly believe! if they actually viewed trans women as men, then her guilt wouldn't be quite so certain. men can commit sexual assault every day and face no consequences for it, even when brought to trial with clear and damning evidence, because patriarchy ensures that men won't be held accountable for their actions. of course, this isn't always the case, marginalized men often do face intense scrutiny, many times involving violence. but even adjusting this analysis to account for additional factors such as racism, trans women still receive absolutely none of the same solidarity, leniency, or respect that men of the same demographics as them do.
fundamentally, trans women aren't treated like women or men in society. we're treated as a disposable and undesirable underclass of women that everyone else is free to abuse without consequence. any claims by transmisogynists about what gender they see us as is posturing. we are treated in unique ways as a result of our status as transfeminine. that's exactly what we mean when we talk about how transmisogyny is a unique form of oppression. bioessentialism certainly plays a part, but it's contradictions are so obvious that it can only be understood as one piece of a much larger puzzle.
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acelez · 1 year
Can I just give a random shoutout to lesbians?
The lesbian community has been so important and welcoming for me in my journey of discovering my aroace-ness.
Two lesbian classmates were the first people I ever came out to at age 16 and their immediate acceptance and inclusion and understanding was so pivotal for me at that time (never having said anything aloud to anyone before).
Now, some of my best friends are lesbian, and the talks we have about heteronormativity and the sheer loneliness of growing up as a girl who doesn’t crush on boys, and the freedom that comes with forcefully carving out a place for yourself, defining yourself by other standards… those conversations have been some of the most meaningful, healing conversations I’ve ever had.
There are so many overlapping experiences in our communities, and I’m so grateful to have these people in my life.
Lesbian 🤝 Aroace solidarity is beautiful.
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acelez · 1 year
sometimes when i reblog sorta ~inflammatory~ posts about lesbophobia i feel bad because i almost always see an immediate drop in my follower count, like people really don’t want to confront lesbophobia or hear us talk about it. but then i’m reminded that i don’t want those people following me anyway so it’s sort of a win-lose sitch. i just wish tumblr users weren’t so shamelessly careless about us. it’s the lgbt site but they seem to have dropped the first letter :/
yeah like… if you unfollow me because i’m taking about lesbophobia then thanks for taking out the trash for me i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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acelez · 1 year
lesbophobia has become such a cornerstone of disk horse on this site it’s to the point where i’m like 95% certain any post complaining about labels being too strict and confining and sexuality being inherently fluid is about lesbians being too rigid for not liking men
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acelez · 1 year
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acelez · 1 year
being a lesbian kicks ass but it was so scary when I was first approaching it. It was like "wait I can just. girls only? only? no men? girls?? really???" and for a while it terrified me because I'd been spending years trying on other identities. And none of them worked until I realized damn! I can just forget dudes and Be A Lesbian and I'm so grateful that I was able to figure that out about myself
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acelez · 1 year
i used to get self-conscious over the smallest things but friends let me tell you that today i had to smuggle a furious 8ft python onto the bus during the school rush and not a single person noticed. not one. if people don’t care enough to notice a shopping bag writhing and seething with barely-contained reptilian hatred then i promise you that no-one will pay any attention to that blemish you’re fretting about or how you’ve done your hair
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acelez · 2 years
Confession, I am a lesbian on the aroace spectrum. And I want to have a relationship of some kind, whether it's dating or queerplatonic. But I am terrible at talking to people, let alone trying to figure out how to woo someone. I'm kinda of hoping that I attract someone with my funky vibes, like I'll just be doing something chaotic and they'll go 'yep I want that one'
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acelez · 2 years
no piece of supernatural commentary will ever be as impactful as ‘what happened to all the pussy on supernatural’
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