acemerrillsboo · 2 years
Gordie and Chris's story
In a small town called castle rock, two boys grew up, Chris Chambers and Gordie LaChance. Gordie was rich, and his family had money. He lived in a 2-story house with his two parents and his brother Denny.  Denny died in April from a car accident and it’s been hard on Gordie and his folks ever since.  Gordie had become “the invisible boy” at home ever since then.  His friend Chris lived on the other side of town, over the railroad tracks.  He was poor and he lived in a small house with his alcoholic father, and his older brother Eyeball.  People like Chris and Gordie aren’t really supposed to hang out together, Gordie’s father hated Chris.  He didn’t want the two of them hanging out together.  Gordie’s father wanted him to go to college.  They were seniors, time to decide what to do the rest of their lives

This is the story of the last time they really hung out together.
They were hanging out at the treehouse in Gordie’s backyard talking about stuff. Gordie asked “Hey Chris, do you want to go on a hike?” Gordie then went silent for few moments.  Chris said, “Sure! Wait a minute
. why did you go silent when you said it and avoided eye contact with me?”  Gordie was fighting the urge to say what was on his mind but eventually, after staring at each other, Gordie spoke up. “Do you want to go find an abandoned statue?”  Chris went silent, knowing what he meant and said, “you mean that statue no one has found in centuries?” , as Gordie nodded his head and said “yep”. Chris was shocked, just shook his head and blurted “but no one has found it! There’s no way we would be able to!”  Gordie covered his mouth and said “yes we can Chris, we just got to believe in ourselves!”  Chris nodded “when are we
well when is this happening?” Gordie said “right now let’s go!”  They set off at that minute on the adventure of a lifetime!
After at least twenty minutes of hiking, they made it to the train tracks.  “If we follow these tracks we can be there by sundown.  There has got to be a resting spot somewhere in the woods,” said Chris. They both started walking down the tracks.  “Good thinking Chris, but what do we use for protection?  There could be bears” replied Gordie as he followed Chris.  Chris turned around, facing Gordie and pulled out a pistol. “Woah!  Where did you get it?” questioned Gordie.  “I took it from my old man’s room” Chris said as Gordie pointed at a trash can that was a couple feet away.  “You got any shells for it?” Gordie said while clicking the gun. “I stole the last of what my dad had.  He will just think he used the rest for shooting glass jars.” Chris said.  Gordie started making gun sounds with his mouth and pulling the trigger.  The gun suddenly went off. “JESUS!!” they both said, as they ran down the tracks.  “That was a mean trick!  You knew it was loaded you dillweed!” Gordie said in an upset tone.  Chris went Infront of him and said “look Gordie I didn’t know it was loaded!”  Gordie replied “pinky swear?”. “Yea pinky swear” Chris replied, “on your moms name even if she goes to hell because you lied?” said Gordie sounding calmer than he did a moment ago.  “Yes Gordie!” Chris said as he followed Gordie.  That was not the only frightening thing that happened that day!
After following the tracks for hours and hours, it was getting to sundown and Chris spots a open area in the woods.   “Hey Gordie, lets stay here for the night” Chris said as he started gathering wood for a fire. Gordie nods and starts setting up sleeping bags. After hours of chatting  and telling stories then eventually both fell asleep. The next morning, Gordie woke up and Chris was already up guarding the area. “Chris?” Gordie said, mumbling while rubbing his eyes. “Over here Gordie” Chris replied, walking over to him. Gordie and Chris gathered up their things, “let’s get going.  I bet once we get there, the statue wont even be there anymore!” Chris said, laughing as they walked onto the tracks. After thirty minutes of walking, “Is this Back Baller Road?” asked Chris. ‘’Yea, the statue should be around here somewhere.  Let’s split up. I’ll go on the left side of the tracks and you go ahead on the right” replied Gordie.  He started walking down the tracks. After a few minutes of walking and looking, Chris blurted out “I see it look!! I found the statue!” he said as he pointed near the water. “No way let me see” Gordie said as he walked to Chris and looked to where he was pointing. At that moment, Chris and Gordie couldn’t believe their eyes!  They both froze in shock and started walking down to the water where the statue was. “Wow
. we actually found it...” said Gordie as he sat down next to it.  “Yea, but what are we going to do with it?” asked Chris.  He sat down with Gordie, both staring at the statue.  After 10 whole minutes of talking and deciding what they were going to do with the statue, Gordie decided and said “why don’t we just leave it here.  Someone else can find it.” Chris agreed and stood up with Gordie. They both headed back onto the tracks and started making their journey back home.  All that excitement, washed away in the matter of minutes.
 While walking on the tracks, Gordie blurted “Are we ever going to see each other again?” as he walked next to Chris.   “What do you mean by that?” Chris asked.  “Like,  if my parents do make me go to college, what’s going to happen between us?” Gordie replied, while Chris gripped onto his shoulder and said “Gordie you don’t need to worry. Just do what you want to do and don’t let me get in the way.”  After a few minutes of arguing over what Gordie should do, Gordie agreed about going to college and doing what he loves. They both eventually got back into town and walked up to the top of a hill to see the view of the town.  Both knowing this was the last time there going to hand out together. “Well, this is it,” Chris said looking at the view. “Yea it was nice while it lasted right?” asked Gordie. “It was nice while it lasted” Chris replied as he smiled.  “See ya” Gordie said as he looked at Chris. “Not if I see you first” Chris said as he hugged Gordie before walking off. Chris and Gordie took a last glimpse at each other and walked off in opposite directions.
The rest of the school year went on.  Nothing happened that was as exciting as finding the statue.  Gordie didn’t really see much of Chris the rest of the school year.  Gordie’s parents were very happy about that.  Gordie did decide to go to college and after his senior year didn’t think about Chris much until he finished college and went home.  He was reading the newspaper one day, and saw an article about the statue in the woods.  A bunch of kids camping out found it and told their parents.  That brought back the memories of that night with Chris.  He missed his old buddy and decided to try to find him.
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