aceofc3 · 5 years
Send me a number and I shall count through my icons and write a starter with the icon that has this number.
Remember to specify muse.
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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      Yikes, this guy’s a teeny bit scary when he gets going, ain’t he? “That stuff took my Ray’s arm, ain’t nothing and not a thing about it that’s enjoyable. ‘s more like bastardized sunlight, ya get me? Real sunlight’s good and gentle-like, it ain’t no weapon.”
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♫–    ❝ But they came back right? So no harm done! Think of it like a really intense tan, ha ha ha! <3 ❞ 
     Luckily Tsurugi has no desire to actually go through with any of this. Too much effort, and far more importantly he’s not being paid to.
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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     “Whaaaaat? Of course the sun is really that great and great!” There is a genuine note of distress in his voice, and it has nothing to do with Tsurugi for company. “Ray an’ me might be vampires, pal, but we’re still Veneziani through and through! Lovin’ the sun’s in our blood!”
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♫–    ❝ Wait--so then when we hit you with our weapons which emit the sun’s light, did that still hurt you... or did you actually enjoy it? That’s what Yumi-chan calls... masochistic? Masochism? Should I ask Tinker-chan to make more weapons for you guys? We can put them all over you then. ❞ 
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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     “Sometimes I miss feelin’ the sun on my skin, an’ watchin’ the sunrise. But then I look at Ray an’ suddenly I don’t really miss and miss the sun at all. The sun’s rays got nothin’ on myyyy Ray.”
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♫–    ❝ Eh~? Is the sun really so great? I wouldn’t know much myself either, ha ha! ❞ ah, Tsurugi. You know... the exact person every vampire wants to run into when they’re having a private moment.
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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「 ♫ 」 Licht failed to understand what was so funny, but perhaps he simply wasn’t one for humour to begin with; his attitude often remained on the border between apathy and annoyance, some people bringing out more of one side than the other. Lawless—-well, that was obvious. Most of the others leaned further into the former. Nonetheless, he didn’t see the point in responding to the question when the answer was so obvious.
“I figured I’d ask,” he murmured, mostly to himself. The audiences he was used to generally had no say in the songs he played. ( Given the hundreds and thousands of people he performed for, organising such a thing would be chaotic. Besides, everything he played was beautiful, so everyone left happy no matter what. ) “I’ll play Chopin. It’s classic, so you should hear it. It’ll purify your soul.”
His hands lingered in place, however, as he contemplated the words. Traveling was such a normal occurrence for him that it slipped his mind that most people stayed in the same place most of the time. Or all of the time, in some cases. That thought—-and that he still didn’t understand the joke—-led him to reach into his pocket, pull out a few coins, and toss them over to Tsurugi.
That was his name, right? “I like playing in Austria the most.” It was his home, after all, and it had a special place in his heart. “Japan is nice because I can get crepes. France too.”
♫–    Tsurugi was quite used to dealing with Licht’s type, so it didn’t bother him the least whether Licht understood or laughed with him at all. He was just happy if he wasn’t hit for it. What ungodly low standards... but that was the kind of person...thing he was. Hey, he thought of himself as a person for a single thought--that’s quite an improvement!
     When Licht mentioned that he’d chosen to ask Tsurugi was a bit surprised. It’s not like he wasn’t used to being asked things, but it was usually for someone else’s benefit. Not for his own. Being asked his opinion on something was... rare to say the least. It humbled him a bit, but it strangely made him feel as if he may have done something wrong somewhere to earn such a question. Ah... he really wasn’t good at being treated like a person. Things were easier if he could be treated like a dog instead. Less complications.
      ❝ Purify my soul~? ❞ Tsurugi let out a single chuckle. Must be a long song. Well, even if it didn’t purify him, since nothing really could, it would be nice music to listen to. 
     Seeing the Eve’s hands hesitate a moment, Tsurugi tilted his head to the side curiously. Did the other forget something? Or did he remember that Tsurugi was something beyond saving and perhaps wanted to change his choice of song? Being tossed a few coins after a moment’s silence though--Tsurugi certainly wouldn’t have expected that as the answer as he flung himself outward to catch them.
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     ❝ Aaahh! I’ve been blessed by an angel~! <3 So wonderful~ I’ll cheer for your piano every day if you pay me <3 ❞ Tsurugi swooned while holding what had to be little more than pocket change, ❝ I love sweets as well. Strawberry is the best though <3 The holiday sweets around Christmas are the best! ❞
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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「 ♫ 」 Fortunately, it hadn’t taken long to convince Sendagaya that Licht needed a piano; after all, if he didn’t practice every day, then how would he maintain his brilliant melody? The sound of the archangels required hours upon hours of hard work and dedication, and Licht was nothing if not determined to improve his craft. Otherwise, what kind of pianist would he be?
Having slipped away from the crowd hours before, he didn’t expect an audience, but the arrival of one came as no surprise. Of course his heavenly music would draw the attention of those blessed enough to hear it, and anyone in their right mind would desire to listen.
“I have far more grace than that stupid hedgehog.” Though he heard the comment mid-song, he waited until the closing bars to respond, fingers resting on the keys as his brow twitched in annoyance. Any mention of Lawless tended to have that effect. ( It failed to occur to him that perhaps Tsurugi was referring to Licht’s own violent nature. )  He glanced over his shoulder, then back at the piano. “Do you have any requests?”
♫–    Tsurugi couldn’t help laughing at the Eve’s distaste for his Servamp and rocked back on his heals. That’s right, this was the Eve that always fought with their Servamp. He’d forgotten which one was which, but then again he rarely kept track of the details of his targets in the past. They were just a means of a paycheck for him. Now though... he was trying to see things more clearly.
       ❝ That’s right~ You don’t like him do you? ❞ he cocked a cheeky grin before tipping his head back in thought. A request huh?  ❝ Hmm...~ I don’t know a lot of fancy music really. So how about this instead, you can play whatever your want and pay me to listen! I’ll be a really good audience and cheer for every song, ha ha~! ❞ Tsurugi’s social skills still needed a horrible amount of work but he was trying.
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     Before the other lashed out at him though, Tsurugi gave up the charade and raised his hands innocently in defense, ❝ I’m joking, I’m joking~ ❞ unless? ❝ You can play whatever you like, I don’t mind. I’ve never seen live music before so it’s interesting to me. You’ve traveled all over the world playing didn’t you? I’m envious! ❞
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aceofc3 · 5 years
@praesidii - Yumikage { @praevari​ it was having issues with tagging the side-blog }
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♫–    ❝ Yumi-chan~! Where are we going today? Is it a mission? Are we going to get paid overtime? You know I don’t do anything for cheap! I hope you got us a good mission, ha ha~! ❞
     Tsurugi had heard the code ‘Balder’ over the intercom and been summoned from his dwellings. He was pleased to see Yumikage waiting for him at the main interest. Missions were always more enjoyable when working with people he liked. Jun was still on paternity leave since... the incident, but Tsurugi had made it a point to put on the mask of ignorance and pretend nothing had happened... when he could. Yumikage didn’t seem to buy it, and Tsurugi didn’t blame him for that. He just... couldn’t let Yumikage know the truth. He’d never be forgiven, not that Tsurugi would ever forgive himself for what happened that night.
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aceofc3 · 5 years
@karamiiatta​ - The Mother
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♫–    While staying at the hospital, there were many times Tsurugi had moments to himself. Moments to think, to regret, to apologize... The Servamp of Wrath, her room had been one Tsurugi had for the longest while been too remorseful to approach--to say what he needed to say to her. He could only approach when he believed she was at rest, in the dead of night. Normally this was the time for vampires to be awake, but this was also the time when visiting hours had passed and the dog of C3 could be certain no one would see him apologizing to a vampire.
     Sitting in her room quietly, Tsurugi watched as the pale moonlight washed over her skin. He hoped, in secret, that she would hear him during these private conversations... that she could find it in her heart to forgive his weakness.
     ❝ I’m sorry... I was too weak to protect anyone. I caused you, everyone... so much pain from that weakness. I don’t think... something like me... would’ve been strong enough to be your eve. I’m happy you found someone stronger. ❞
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aceofc3 · 5 years
@florabled​ - Muse: Licht
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♫–    With Mahiru currently gone and the situation in Tokyo being what it was, it’s not like the others could follow after them right away. So along with everyone else being left behind, Tsurugi needed a place to stay with the base of C3′s Tokyo branch being destroyed. Naturally, it defaulted to where pretty much everyone involved with Kuro and Mahiru were staying--Sendagaya’s Onsen.
     Being under medical restrictions though, Tsurugi wasn’t able to visit the hot springs, which left him with a void of boredom he was unable to satisfy. In an effort to fill that void, he followed a trail of music that could be heard dancing through the halls one day. At its source; the Eve of Greed.
     Tsurugi was quiet as he entered the room for all of about 10 seconds, sitting down on the floor to enjoy a private concert, ❝ Eh~? I didn’t know the Eve of Greed was capable of making something so gentle, ❞ it must be nice to be skilled at something valuable.
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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  { this is a starter call from your friendly neighbourhood dumpster fire! Give this a like if you’d be interested in starting a thread. For multi-muse blogs just let me know who which muse you’d like to have me interact with. }
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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             Independent Kamiya Tsurugi RP/Ask Blog                                                                                   ••● Servamp
                                                       Home Base  ●  Ask  ●  Rules
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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♫–    ❝ Booo~! No working today. It’s all papers and boring. Make Jun-chan do it. ❞
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aceofc3 · 5 years
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              Independent Kamiya Tsurugi RP/Ask Blog                                                                                    ••● Servamp
                                                        Home Base  ●  Ask  ●  Rules
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aceofc3 · 8 years
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          “Nothing wrong with carrying around a doll… Of course I take good care of her. Who do you think I am? You?”
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♫–     ❝ No, no, you’re definitely not me. I’d take reeeeaaaaalllly good care of her <3 ❞
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aceofc3 · 8 years
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          “I think you need to get your head checked, Tsurugi-san… you’re spouting nonsense…”
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♫–     ❝ Says the one who carries around a doll wherever he goes <3 How is lovely Abel-chan. You’re taking good care of her right, Kuni-chan~? ❞
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aceofc3 · 8 years
Character strengths from: here
Bold the ones that apply to your character:
adaptable | adventurous | affectionate | ambitious | artistic | athletic | assertive | beautiful | brave| charming | clever | compassionate | confident | considerate | cooperative | courteous | creative | curious | decisive | dependable | determined | diplomatic | easy-going | enthusiastic | fair | fashionable | forgiving | friendly | fun-loving | funny (he likes to think he is) | generous | gentle | hard-working | heroic | honest | hopeful | humble | imaginative | incorruptible | intelligent | intuitive | inventive | jocular | leader | lively | loving | loyal | merciful | musical | observant | open-minded | optimistic | organized | outgoing | passionate | patient | playful | polite | popular | practical | resourceful | self-assured | selfless | sensible | sincere | strong | studious | thoughtful | tough | versatile | warm-hearted | well-intentioned | wise | witty
Character flaws from: here
Bold the ones that apply to your character:
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | bigmouth | bigot | blindly obedient (-coughs-) | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving (JFC x10000) | moody | naive | nervous | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-martyr | shallow | sociopathic | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | nonathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
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aceofc3 · 8 years
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          “Those are the consequences of falling asleep when you should have been doing your work.”
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♫–     ❝ I’M SORRY!!!! I was tired from playing with Takuto-kun!! ❞
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