aceresources · 3 years
Red Dog Evil Dead MC Book 6- Memes Part Two
“She wanted to go to Albuquerque. What the fuck’s in Albuquerque, ___?” “Fuck if I know.” “You gonna fix it?” “I’m gonna fix it.” “You got my word, ___.” “I know how to drive, ___.” “And where the hell did she want to go?” “Did she seem sad to you?” “No. Just pissed. Why?” “Don’t worry, ___. I got this.” “She likes you, huh?” “What are you doing here?” “How did you find me?” “Told you before, she likes me better than you.” “___, don’t be giving her the evil eye. None of this is her fault.” “I’ve got nothing to say to you.” “Don’t you dare leave.” “Only coward I see is you.” “You wait until I’m so far away I can’t do shit?” “Was that your plan?” “Well, how’d that work out for you?” “You’re one to talk.” “I love you. You know that, don’t you?” “I can’t fix it, if I don’t know what I did.” “You know what you did.” “Don’t play the innocent with me.” “Don’t start that ‘you know what you did’ bullshit.” “The woman I know is a fighter.” “Maybe, I’ve had enough.” “I only want you.” “After all we’ve been through, you’re gonna sit there and tell me it’s the end?” “You are my world, my life. You’re everything to me.” “It’s you I love.” “Knew the day I laid eyes on you, you were the one for me.” “Do you still love me?” “I’d stop breathing if I didn’t have you anymore.” “I just can’t lose you.” “I’m sorry I put you through all this.” “Come on. Let’s go home. We’ve got some makeup sex to get to.” “___! Put me down.” “Hey, ___, did the boy sufficiently grovel enough?” “You good to hang here a few?” “Make him earn it, ___!” “What are you smiling at?” “Just thinking about how awesome that sex was.” “___, you lookin’ to play matchmaker with those two?”
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aceresources · 3 years
Red Dog Evil Dead MC Book 6- Memes Part One
“You sure this is the spot?” “We’re in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere.” “Sure are a fuck-of-a-lot of stars out here.” “It’s fucking quite out here, isn’t it?” “What the fuck are you so jumpy for, ___?” “You scared of the dark?” “Sorry, we’re late.” “She’s dressed for pickin’ up men and one more drink, she’ll be dancin’ on a fuckin’ table.” “What do you want me to do? “If you’re asking if there’s a guy, don’t see one.” “She’s definitely attracting attention.” “Get her the hell out of there and take her back home.” “You do realize that requires me puttin’ her on the back of my bike, right?” “You fuckin’ touch her, you’re dead.” “___, I may have to carry her out of here, that’s gonna require some touchin’.” “Just fuckin’ get her home.” “Trouble in paradise?” “Wasn’t all its cracked up to be.” “I’m sure she felt the same way about you, ___.” “Maybe we should stop off and get you a mouth-guard.”   “Wouldn’t want her to mess up all that dental work again.” “Let it go, ___. He won’t stop ‘till you do.” “He’ll stop quick enough with my fist in his mouth.” “Gotta catch me first, ___.” “You lookin’ for a date, sugar?” “___. What are you doing here?” “Seems I could ask you the same question.” “I’m having a drink. Is that against the law.” “I really don’t care.” “You ever done this before?” “What made you do it this time?” “I guess I just had enough, ___.” “What is my business is having my brother’s back.” “Please don’t call ___.” “Sorry, babe, call’s already been made.” “___, don’t make this difficult.” “I think you heard the lady. She doesn’t want to leave with you.” “Stay outta this, ___. Only warning you’re gonna get.” “Don’t start trouble. Please.” “The lady is staying here.” “Looks like she packed her shit up and left you, ___.” “What the hell did you do this time?” “He’s dealing with a problem in the back.” “Drinks are on the house.” “Sorry to keep you waiting.” “I hate when she does that.” “I’ve told her repeatedly that’s not safe to do at night.” “You had problems here?” “You’re here to protect them. That is your fucking job.” “I make sure he doesn’t approach or follow her out of the parking lot.” “Guess I better go have a talk with him.” “Get the fuck out of the car.” “He got away. He’s going after her.” “Where the hell does she live?” “Don’t get out of her, ___. You got a tail.” “You do, it’ll be the last fucking thing you ever do.” “Let’s get you inside.” “You look like you could use a drink, ___.” “There’s a bottle of wine in the fridge.” “Got any liquor?” “I suppose I should thank you, but I don’t even know your name.” “I’ll be limping for a couple days, but I’ll survive.” “How well do you know him?” “You want me to call anyone for you?” “I can assure you I’ve had stalkers before. It comes with the job.” “You don’t seriously keep your money in that, do you?” “Yeah, I really care.” “You won’t laugh?” “Why would I laugh?” “I’m saving up to open a dance studio.” “I thought you looked like you had real dance training.” “I’ve never seen you come around before.” “Not my usual gig.” “When did you start working for ___?” “I have a name.” “You’re not scared of me, are you?” “Maybe you should take off your wet clothes.” “You’re the one with the feathers next to your bed, not me.” “Whatever the lady wants.” “Where would she go, ___? Think.” “What the fuck does that mean?” “He’s starting to go off the rails.” “I’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo.” “I’ve got to go out of town for about a week.” “Maybe if you play your cards right, I’ll still be here when you get back.” “Where’s your daughter?” “Think I can take it from here.” “And miss seeing you grovel? No way in hell.” “Did you bring donuts?” “Are you fucking serious right now?” “Serious as a heart attack, ___.” “He fucking hung up on me.” “The motherfucker wants me to bring him donuts.” “I could go for a donut.” “Run down the street and get a fucking dozen, then get your ass back here pronto.” “You need to calm down before you talk to her.” “Help yourself, why don’t ya?” “Thanks, don’t mind if I do.” “Breakfast of champions.” “Your boy is smart. Wouldn’t let her drive.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Ghost Evil Dead MC Book 5- Memes Part Six
“Apparently, I’m not always the sharpest tool in the shed.” “Tool being the operative word.” “Just something I did years ago comin’ around to bite me in the ass.” “Was there a point to this visit?” “Thanks for the ride. And for letting me stay with you.” “Maybe I’ll see you tonight, after you get off work?” “He’s not here, darlin’.” “Do you know where he is?” “Maybe I don’t like whiskey.” “Thought you ran off?” “As long as ___ will have me, I guess.” “What makes you think ___ wants you back?” “What makes you think he doesn’t?” “Heard you were a feisty thing.” “What he needs is a woman who’s not gonna lie to him.” “He lied to me, too.” “It just took me some time to come to terms with what he did.” “Can’t a person realize they fucked up?” “Can’t a person change?” “You grow up all of a sudden? “I guess you could say that.” “And what’d you learn?” “I guess I realized that there are consequences.” “You in love with him, honey?” “He went to kill ___… because ___ is trying to kill you.” “Why are you telling me all that?” “Bottoms up, darlin’. Looks like you could use this.” “What? I like dogs, shoot me.” “You know who the fuck I am?” “Maybe you need to worry about what I know.” “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” “I was so scared I’d lose you.” “We do this, there’s no more running.” “This really the kind of life you want?” “If trouble comes, we’ll face it together.” “I changed my mind.” “Little late for that, ___.” “I’m not kidding, ___.” “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts.” “Your son is at it again.” “How come when he’s done something wrong, he’s my son, and when he’s being an angel, he’s your son?” “What’s he done this time?” “No way. He’s forbidden to go over there anymore.” “Come on, babe, that takes talent.” “Don’t tell your mom.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Ghost Evil Dead MC Book 5- Memes Part Five
“Fuck. That hurts like a bitch.” “Yeah. I’ll be fine. We need to get out of here and find a phone.” “I could go make a call.” “You remember that number I made you memorize?” “I don’t want to leave you here.” “You have to hurry, ___. They realize we’re gone, they’re gonna double back.” “I need to use your phone. It’s an emergency.” “___ is hurt. We need help.” “Who the fuck is this?” “You scared the shit outta me, ___.” “Get us the fuck out of here, before they come back.” “You don’t feel safe, I can call them back.” “Is it, ___? ‘Cause tonight changed everything.” “They know you’re here. They came for you. It’s a whole new ball game now.” “You think they’ll come here?” “Why is this hidden out here?” “We get separated and you make it out, you come here, get the gun and run.” “If you can’t run, you shoot the shit out of whatever come after you.” “Not sayin’ this shit to panic you.” “Couple more days, and this’ll all be over.” “What, is it picture day or something?” “I’m gonna marry ___.” “Damn, when’d you do all this?” “Just shut up and stand here with me.” “You sure you want to do this?” “Last chance to run for the hills.” “Call me old fashioned, but what’s wrong with living in sin?” “Remind me later today that you said that.” “Maybe there’s a very small chance you aren’t about to make the biggest mistake of your life.”   “You’re right. I change my mind.” “Dude, I was just giving you hell.” “Close your mouth, ___.” “You know about this, asshole?” “Found out about fifteen minutes ago.” “Just breathe, ___. You got this.” “You look gorgeous, ___.” “Gorgeous enough to marry me, ___.” “Only one acceptable answer to that, ___.” “It’s you who’s beautiful tonight, ___.” “You two work everything out?” “Which part’s not worked out yet?” “If you don’t tell her, it’ll all go to shit.” “Is that what this is about? That you don’t think she has what it takes?” “Then what are you afraid of?” “There’s something from my past. Something she doesn’t know about.” “Once I tell her... I’m afraid she’ll never look at me the same.” “But you owe it to her to come clean.” “When did you get so smart?” “I had a good mentor.” “Promise me you’ll tell her.” “Hey, you tryin’ to steal my woman again?” “You are a beautiful bride.” “___ is a good man.” “Hear him out before you make any snap decisions.” “Now it’s time for me to go find my husband and take him home to bed.” “I’m sure it won’t take too much convincing on your part.” “Did I tell you how beautiful you are tonight?” “I think you could do anything you put your mind to, ___.” “You sleep okay?” “You didn’t let me sleep.” “She’s got a hot date tonight.” “So, ___’s got a hot date, huh? With who?” “Bet I could get it out of you.” “I’d feel a responsibility to tell my brother, and then the shit would hit the fan.” “I’m in too good a mood to fuck it all up by trying to keep ___ from killing some guy.” “Shit, I was hoping I’d have you all to myself today.” “Finish your coffee, and we’ll work out this deal in bed.” “A little undercover negotiations? I’m up for that.” “Anything moves, shoot the shit out of it.” “Stay the fuck down, ___!” “Guess they’ve moved on from the capture plan to the kill plan.” “You’re bleeding.” “Just a knick. I’m good.” “There’s a first-aid kit in the closet.” “When that blast went off today, I thought I’d lost you.” “Never been so scared in my life.” “I’m so grateful no one was hurt.” “I’m to blame for all of this.” “You did nothing to start any of this.” “Still, I feel like maybe I shouldn’t have come here.” “I wanted to find you, but I’ve been nothing but trouble.” “I’m glad you came. Glad you found me.” “We’re gonna take care of this.” “I just wish I’d told you everything right away.” “Maybe things would have been different.” “Maybe none of this would have happened.” “There’s something I need to tell you.” “Something I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time.” “___. I’ve been lyin’ to you about something, and I need to come clean.” “Shit, it’s so hard for me to tell you this.” “You just hung him out to dry.” “He needed to take the right path. I made sure he did.” “I thought I was protecting him.” “You could have saved him.” “If you had been there with him, you could have saved him.” “I can’t even bear to look at you.” “You’re thinking of leaving, aren’t you?” “You know I’ll always be there for you.” “If that isn’t for me, then you must be expecting trouble.” “Here, you look like you could use this.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Ghost Evil Dead MC Book 5- Memes Part Four
“You’re turning me over to them?” “I’m part of a deal?” Let me go. I’m not going anywhere with you. Go to hell.” “Shut up, and listen to me for one goddamned minute!” “You’re just using me.” “How could you?” “I came to you for help.” “God, I never should have trusted you!” “I cuffed her to the bed.” “She scares the shit out of me.” “Guess it sucks to be him.” “I heard you were raisin’ all kinds of hell. Thought I’d come see for myself.” “I’ve known lots of pissed off women.” “If had something. I’d throw it at you.” “If it’s stress relief you need...” “I thought she was supposed to be on lockdown.” “Will you get in trouble for bringing me here?” “Relax. I do shit like this all the time.” “___, kiss her neck. Women love when you kiss their necks.” “Why you gotta be the worm in my tequila?” “Ignore him. He ate paint ships when he was little.” “I stopped listening, why haven’t you stopped talking?” “Competitive bitch, aren’t you?” “I just find it hard to be nice to her. And I’m a nice person.” “Yeah, well, some people suck the nice right out of you.” “Why are you being nice to me?” “Please, ___. Don’t handcuff me. I promise I won’t go anywhere.” “I left you with one fucking task! Keep an eye on her, and you fucked that up!” “We’ll turn this fucking city upside down.” “We’ll find her, ___. I promise you.” “Don’t you know the fucking hell you’ve put me through these last few hours?” “I turned the fucking city upside down looking for you!” “I was worried sick about you.” “I want to believe you.”   “You didn’t hear me complaining.”   “I think you like bad boys.” “You don’t fuckin’ touch her.” “Has everything you’ve told me been a pack of lies?” “Was any of it fucking true?” “Can I even trust anything you say?” “I don’t have to do shit.” “Don’t think you can fuckin’ play me, ___.” “I went to bat for you, stuck my neck out for you, and this is how you repay me?” “I didn’t lie to you.” “No? What would you call it then?” “I’m trying, if you’d shut up a minute and let me tell you!” “Don’t push me, ___. I’m not in the mood.” “How the fuck did that happen?” “If you calm down and stop yelling at me, I’ll tell you!” “He wasn’t done playing with you.” “Why didn’t you tell me all this shit before?” “He beat you?” “Not promising you shit on that one.” “Thought you could trust this bitch?” “Where do I even start? It’s such a mess.” “I was having a fantastic dream.” “So, are you in love with him?” “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?” “I want the dirty details!” “Is he good in bed?” “I’ve seen his package, so I know he’s got to be good.” “What? You’ve seen ___ naked?” “Only once, just for a brief second, but what I saw was amazing.” “Can I trust you both not to say a word?” “My God, you’re going to have beautiful babies.” “Why haven’t you told ___ yet?” “But you know he wants to marry you, right?” “You know he loves you right?” “Just pretend you’re asleep. Maybe he’ll leave you alone.” “You’re in my sun.” “You’ve had enough sun from the looks of it.” “You won’t be touching my ass, or any other part of me for that matter.” “I remember the last time you said that to me.” “And how long did that last?” “Bite me.” “Don’t tempt me.” “Yeah you better run. You little brat!” “Your ass is mine when I catch you!” “Hide me, quick!” “Babe, you pushed him in the lake?” “It was an accident.” “Quick, lock the doors. He’s coming up the hill!” “I was wrong. I never should have doubted you. I was afraid.” “Afraid to be vulnerable. Afraid to be hurt.” “Why can’t you trust me, ___?” “What do I gotta do to prove it to you?” “You have nothing to prove to me.” “I want you to trust me, ___.” “What can I do to get your trust back?” “What’s so funny?” “You’re up to something.” “Who wants burgers on the grill?” “My head feels like someone took a baseball bat to it.” “We’re going to get out of this, right?” “You’ve got to slow your breathing.” “I’d rather imagine your tongue lapping at my body.” “Baby, we’re going to get out of here.” “Dislocated my shoulder when I fell.” “We need to get you to a hospital.” “Have you done this before?”
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aceresources · 3 years
Ghost Evil Dead MC Book 5- Memes Part Three
“I could help you with that too, if you want.” “Been wonderin’ all damn day.” “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” “Not a good idea to give out a challenge like that, not to a man like me.” “You better think long and hard on what the hell it is you want from me, ___.” “You need my protection you got it.” “This doesn't have to be part of the deal.”   “You don’t bater your body with me.” “Fuck, you don’t barter your body with any man. You understand me?” “I’m not a whore.” “I don’t want you wantin’ me ‘cause you’re grateful or some shit.” “I take what I want.” “I get what I want.” “And right now, I fuckin’ want you.” “And tomorrow? If this all goes to shit, you gonna be okay with that?” “You’re already so sure it won’t last.” “I should have taken more time with you.” “Wrap your legs around me.” “Just fucking listen to em a minute, will you?” “You said you’d be okay with this. You said you could handle this.” “That’s because I didn’t think you’d be regretting having sex with me before the sheets were even cold!’ “What the hell am I supposed to think?” “That was the best fuck of my life, sweetheart. Off the charts amazing.” “Sex is a whole different ball game when it’s with someone you care about.” “Challenge accepted, big boy.” “Food’s great. Want a bite?” “Okay enough flirting, ___.” “Behave? Not on your life, lover boy.” “What do you mean I’m off limits?” “Would you stop doing that?” “What? That’s a damn fine ass, my man. Be a crime not to look.” “Shut the fuck up, and keep your eyes on your own paper.” “You’re a bit cranky this morning. Something happen?” “Not your business.” “Somebody needs to get laid.” “That true, ___? You hit that?” “You owe me ten bucks, ___!” “You both bet on this shit?” “Easiest ten bucks I ever made.” “Shoulda known Romeo here couldn’t keep it in his pants.” “You just cost me twenty bucks, sweet cheeks.” “Don’t I get a hug?” “And you two know each other how?” “He picked up a souvenir in Sturgis.” “Don’t even go there, ___.” “What? I didn’t say a word.” “Not your concern.” “That’s ___. Nobody for you to worry about.” “No, and don’t start, ___. I was in a good mood.” “Jealous you might have some competition for your new boyfriend?” “You know that was all just fun.” “She said she missed you. That’s not nothing, ___.” “Good. Then we can stop talking about her.” “Well, what do you want me to say? It’s not fine?” “You wake up to that view every morning?” “Tell me why you ran away.” “Something happened before that, didn’t it?” “It’s getting kind of chilly out here.” “You were gone. Is that what you wanted to hear?” “I started hanging with the wrong people.” “It broke my heart when you stopped coming around.” “It was like you cut me out of your life.” “Never meant to do that, ___. Never meant to hurt you like that.” “You didn’t understand why I left, did you?” “I needed you.” “I thought things were good.” “What do you want me to say?” “Say it. I need you to say it.” “I wanted you. But I couldn’t have you, ___.”   “Leaving was the best thing I could do for you.” “And what do you do? Run off with that little fucker, following him clear across the country.” “You fucked up. You! Don’t put that on me.” “I didn’t ask you about this shit to start a fight.” “Hell if you were going to throw it all away, you could've done that with me.” “Was be better for you than I would have been?” “You left Seattle with no car, no bags, barely any money. What happened?” “What aren’t you tellin’ me, ___.” “He hurt you?” “___, tell me. Say the word, and I’m on my bike headed to fucking Seattle to beat that motherfucker’s ass.” “Not necessary. No assbeating required. I promise.” “Someday you’re gonna tell me all of it. That’s a promise.” “To a man, the smell of bacon cookin’ is better than any alarm clock.” “I forgot how good you could cook.” “Funniest thing I ever saw.” "Couldn’t let you go down for our crime.” “What the fuck do you want?” “Well come on in and make yourself at home, why dontcha?” “You sayin’ she can cook like this, looks like she does, and gives backrubs, too?” “Hell, you don’t marry her, I will, ___.” “You ain’t touchin’ her, ___.” “Well don’t just stand there, ___, go put some clothes on.” “Sometimes you really kill my joy, you know that?” “Karama has no expiration date.” “Didn’t you already lose enough money already on this trip, ___.” “You stay outta this, this doesn’t concern you.” “You’re gonna fit right in.” “Here’s a little hint, ‘cause I like ya.” “You want me to add a little something to that, darlin’?” “You don’t like me, do you?” “You got a problem with this, you better say so right now.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Ghost Evil Dead MC Book 5- Memes Part Two
“What is it with women and cowboys?” “Bikers are better.” “We’re not holding up a hundred bikes while you take your girl shopping.” “Why are they staring at me?” “You worried about getting beat up?” “Don’t let him fool you, darlin’.” “Hey, when you got it you got it.” “Well five bucks says she’ll change her mind about you in the morning.” “Bet I stopped listening before you did.” “Stop givin’ her booze, she’s a lightweight.” “You’re hurt. Just stay down.” “Do you want me to call 911?” “It’s just a scrape.” “___, are you hurt worse than you’re lettin’ on?” “I’m okay, just banged up a bit. That’s all, I swear.” “I’m okay. Just got it hung up under the boke. I’m fine.” “I know you’ve had a lot to drink, but stay with me, okay?” “This may sting a little, sweetheart.” “Is this some type of rite of passage?” “I’d have never forgiven myself if something had happened to you.” “I’m gonna take a shower. Wash some of this road grime off.” “Don’t look at me like that, ___.” “I’m not a child anymore, ___.” “That’s part of the problem.” “As much as I’m enjoyin’ the sight of you in nothin’ but a towel, we need to get a move on.” “Maybe you’ll feel better with some food in your stomach.” “Heard you had some new pussy. This her?” “Is that all you got, pussycat?” “I like a woman with spunk and sass.” “Sorry, sweetness. No offense meant.” “What? Chivalry isn’t dead.” “Guys just get tired of ungrateful bitches.” “That’s code for ‘say thank you’, sweetheart.” “I’m not an ungrateful bitch.” “You know my motto: two blondes are better than one.” “Were they twins?” “You workin’ through some kind of sexual bucket list?” “Had twins, never triplets, though. That’s the holy grail.” “You got that list all printed up and everything, ___?” “You’re not right in the head, dude.” “It’s an interesting list. I’ve seen it.” “You missed all the fun last night. Cops came and everything.” “Well, hell, it ain’t a party till there’s gunfire, right?” “___ gave me the third degree last night about who the new girl was.” “A jealous woman does better research than the FBI, man.” “Fellas, learn how to fix shit. It will get you blowjobs.” “No way. I couldn’t eat all that.” “That pancake is the size of my face.” “Shh. There’s not enough for everybody.” “Normal is a destination you ain’t ever gonna reach, ___.” “Ask me if I give a fuck.” “Menu has all the good stuff.” “This is our go-to place the morning after a night of general debauchery.” “Nothing fancy about the place, just good comfort food.” “Home-style on the cheap, ___.” “Food’s nothing to complain about.” “You always got something to complain about, ___.” “It’s as if some wizard cast a spell and created a singularly awesome breakfast.” “Don’t mind him. He’s stoned.” “You need to eat. We got a long day of riding ahead of us.” “And I seem to recall you love strawberries.” “I like strawberries. What of it?” “She's a feisty one, ain’t she?” “Did she just say ‘supper yummy’?” “Bullshit. You’re hungover, scraped, and your ass is sore.” “Why’s her ass sore?” “Yeah, what’s you do to her last night?” “Shut the fuck up.” “Ooo, the ‘woman huff’. Which, in my experience, is never a good thing.” “Don’t give me any lip.” “Ooo, that’s even worse. When a chick says ‘fine’, ain’t nobody gonna be fine.” “Please don’t make me ride with him again.” “You need more convincing than this?” “Thought you’d see it my way.” “Do you always get your way?” “And don’t you forget it, pretty girl.”   “Oww. You sadist!” “Anyone tries to come through that door, they have to go through me to get to you.” “Like mother, like daughter, huh?” “What a mouth you have on you now.” “Lotta shit about me has changed.” “I’ve done a lot of shit, ___. Things you’d never understand.” “You lookin’ to start a fight?” “Didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just tired.” “Fuck my back hurts.” “Maybe I can help you feel better.” “Well, it is what I do for a living.” “You make men feel good for a living?” “No! Jesus, ___, get your head out of the gutter!” “What the hell did you just mean?” “You get paid to do what exactly?” “Just shut up before you dig a deeper hole.” “Good fucking advice.” “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.” “Take off your shirt. I’ll get my oil.” “Take slow, even breaths. Try to relax.” “Harder would be good.” “No. Don’t stop. It feels fucking fantastic.” “Damn this feels good.” “Just relax and enjoy it.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Ghost Evil Dead MC Book 5- Memes Part One
“Surprised to hear from me?” “Honey, why you callin’ me so late?” “___, I really can’t talk right now.” “___, why you cryin’? Is everything okay?” “You still with him?” “Does he know you’re talkin’ to me? This gonna start a fight?” “Who the fuck you talkin to?” “Think you can relax now, darlin’?” “I’m in trouble, ___. If they find me...” “Take off your shirt.” “We gotta make this look good. Tiem to show me your acting skills, darlin’.” “Don’t call me that. I’m not your sweetheart.” “Time for that talk.” “I hear some things I wasn’t supposed to hear.” “How about you start at the last time I saw you.” “I’m in a bit of trouble, ___.” “No shit. Explain it to me.” “Right. So you dropped out of school and followed him all over the fucking country?” “Let me guess. You worked and he played.” “You finally wake up and figure out he was using you?” “You are shitting me right?” “All right, it was a stupid plan.” “You don’t have to rub it in and be a dick about it.”   “Don’t you know how dangerous that is?” “I overheard something I wasn’t supposed to.”   “I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, okay?” “I know, ___. I know those are dangerous men.” “They’ll kill you.” “I’m sorry I dragged you into this.” “I understand if you don’t want any part of it, if you don't want to get involved.” “Christ, ___, you really think I’d walk away from this?” “This story. Are you telling me the truth?” “Why don’t you sit over here? Isn’t it cold over by the door?” “Maybe our body heat would help keep each other warm.” “I have a problem with small spaces.” “Is that why you always took the stairs instead of the elevator?” “We had some fun times, didn’t we?” “You still have the bracelet I made you.” “Of course I kept it. You made it for me.” “I can’t believe... all this time you’ve kept it?” “I’m not a rat.”   “I used to love watching you get all riled up.” “You used to pester the fuck out of us.” “You were trying to get attention. Mine, specifically.” “I eventually got your attention, though, didn’t I?” “That was a mistake. It should never have happened. I told you that.” “Is that how you remembered it?” “Is that all it was to you?” “Let me see your mugshot.” “Is that so? Well, then maybe you should look again.” “Maybe you’d like what you see.” “That’s a game you don’t want to play, little girl.” “I can feel your heartbeat.” “You’re scaring me.” “This was a mistake. Best we forget it.” “I crossed a line I never should have crossed.” “Thought we both agreed to forget that day ever happened.” “You mean forget that kiss ever happened?” “I guess relationship longevity doesn’t run on either side of this fucked up family.” “___ you really think I’d leave you here?” “You wanted to fuck me, didn’t you?” “Yeah, I wanted to fuck you. That what you wanted to hear?” “Let’s go before your friends roll out of bed and come lookin’ for you again.” “Why the fuck is she here?” “She’s in some trouble.” “Since when did you grow a heart?” “She’s got some information you’re gonna wanna hear.” “I’m tired and dirty and hungry.” “Well look at what the car dragged in.” “Just don’t start shit, ___.” “Not everybody appreciates your mouth like I do.” “That came out wrong.” “Take a shower. I’ll make sure nobody comes in.” “Hey, this ain’t the Hilton. There’s no towel service out here.” “Why thank you, sugar. Aren’t you just sweet as pie.” “Darlin’, sweet is the last thing I am.” “And you’re welcome, you little smartass.” “Can we quit with the juvenile fucking jokes now?” “You lose your fuckin’ phone?” “It’s a long story.” “Then why don’t you fuckin’ start at the beginning?” “Wrong place at the right time.” “Or wrong place at the wrong time for her.” “How do you want to handle this?” “Not sure she’s tellin’ me everything, but I believe the information she’s givin’ us is true.” “She wouldn’t lie about that.” “You want to tell me about her?” “What the hell? I thought I knew you.” “We had a moment. Once. A long fuckin’ time ago.” “And before you say anything, it wasn’t much more than a kiss.” “I didn’t say a word.” “Yeah, but you were thinkin’ it.” “I see you’ve noticed.” “I take it you’re putting her off limits.” “Not a morning person?” “Good, then we won’t have any trouble, will we?” “You always this agreeable in the morning?” “No, but you brought me coffee, so I’m being nice.” “Keep your hands to yourself, ___, you hear me?” “You like cowboys?”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Ten
“The other girls have got nothing on you, babe.” “I’m not saying no. I just... I just need time to figure some shit out.” “Didn’t you already do enough damage?” “You’re a little spitfire, aren’t you?” “You motherfucker. Why don’t you come over here and show me what a tough guy you are?” “Not so much of a tough guy now are you?” “You do whatever you have to do.” “And when you get free you run.” “I’m not leaving you.” “Don’t ask me to leave you.” “He’s gonna kill me. But don’t ask me to watch him kill you too.” “Christ, there’s so much shit I am sorry for.” “Don’t let him see you cry, ___. He feeds off that shit.” “I’m not leaving you. We’re getting out of this together.” “Oh, God. There’s so much blood. You have to help him.” “We need to get him to the hospital.” “Jesus Christ. Look at all this blood.” “He can’t die, ___.” “Please tell me he’ll be okay, ___.” “He’s a fighter. He’ll push through this, ___.” “How are the kids?” “She finally passed out about twenty minutes ago.” “Yeah, and my patience is about shot, so just fucking tell me.” “Where the hell did you find these?” “You dumb fuck, don’t try to move. You’ll tear your stitches.” “You guys mind leavin’? I’m kind of tired and my head’s foggy.” “By the way you lucked out with some hot nurses. I’d insist on a sponge bath first chance you get.” “Before the law comes in for your statement, let’s get your story straight.” “___ told ‘em it was a botched robbery attempt. One guy in a ski mask.” “Gee, thanks for making me look like a pussy.” “Wouldn’t that leave a blood trail?” “What the fuck do you mean he wasn’t there?” “Wasn’t hard to find, just followed the blood trail.” “Fuck that hurts. Don’t make me laugh.” “We faced a lot of shit, haven’t we?” “I think that was the closest I ever came to checking out.” “I didn’t think I was getting outta there alive.” “If it wasn’t for her, I’d be dead.” “That’s not the way she tells it.” “I wanted her to go, save herself. But she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t leave me.” “You know she was never going to leave you.” “What goes around, comes around, ___.” “Well, I did take a blow to the head, so maybe I’m a little slow.” “I’m not going anywhere until you’re released.” “He’d give her a good life, ___.” “Kick a man when he’s down, why don’t you?” “Don’t fuck up any chance at happiness she has. It’s cruel to jerk her around like this.” “She deserves a hell of a lot better.” “What she deserves is to be loved.” “She deserves a man who’s got the guts to give her that.” “If you haven’t figured that out about her, you’re dumber than I thought.” “I was wondering when you’d show up.” “I think you know exactly why I’m fucking here.” “None of your fucking business.” “I’m making it my business.” “You’ve done nothing but cause her pain. What’s different now?” “You think you know what she wants?” “That’s pretty funny, when you’re the one that’s always making her cry. You’ve been the biggest cause of her tears.” “You’re not gonna keep me from her. You and I both know that.” “I can protect her, keep her safe.” “You both barely escaped with your lives.” “I just rode 1200 miles to see you, and that’s all you’ve got for me?” “I came to see you.” “You drove 1200 miles for nothing then. I’ve got a great guy in there. One who won’t hurt me.” “Then why are you standing out here in the rain with me?” “So here I am, asking you to give me one more shot.” “It’s why I always come back to you. You are home to me.” “I’m afraid of being hurt again.” “If you want me to leave, I will. And I won’t bother you again.” “If you ever try to run again, I won’t let you.” “That scar just makes you look even more badass and sexy.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Nine
“Loyalty means I’ve got your back, ___, whether you’re right or wrong.” “You tell me you love me, and I’ll know your lights out, you drunk motherfucker.” “Our brotherhood is built on a solid foundation of alcoholism, sarcasm, inappropriateness, and shenanigans. And don’t you forget it.” “You let that go? Were you fucking high?” “I’m not sayin’ you’re stupid, but man, you make some really bad decisions, ___.” “Rub it in, why don’t you?” “I don’t have to. She’s doing a damn fine job of that all on her own.” “Why the hell did we have to pick this bar?” “Sorry, ___, but you don’t get to choose off the Karma Menu, you just get what’s coming to you.” “Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear.” “Followed closely by a spectacular push-up bra. Which that is, I might add.” “Saw you dancin’ up there. Way to shake your money-maker.” “Yeah, I know Doesn’t mean you had to run off like you did. Doesn't mean the rest of us don’t miss you.” “Bet this is pissing him off big time.” “Gotta admit, it feels good not to take his shit anymore.” “You were in a fight?” “You’re still hung up on him, aren’t you?” “That right there is a girl on a mission.” “Yeah, a mission to show ___ what a fool he is.” “I get the picture, I’m an idiot.” “So the question is, what are you gonna do about it?” “If you had any balls, you’d go over there and cut in on that dance.” “You gonna just stand here like a pussy?” “Time to step up to the plate there, A-Rod.”   “Gangway. Dead man walking.” “Please don’t fight.” “My days of backing down to ___ are over, ___.” “I’ve waited a long fucking time for this day, ___.” “I guess I should have seen this coming.” “Playing with fire. Seems we’ve both got a thing for that.” “Maybe we’re just asking for trouble.” “I asked myself that same question.” “Am I wrong? Am I the only one who can’t let go?” “I’ll keep her safe while you get it.” “One minute she’s cuddled on your lap, the next you’re letting her walk out the door.” “Am I missing something?” “What you saw in the back hallway was a connection that time hasn’t broken.” “What choice did I have?” “Who the hell are you?” “How’s that gonna win her back, genius?” “So you did nothing?” “First time you’ve seen her n how long?” “___, you didn’t even walk her outside.” “I fucked up?” “Yeah, you fucked up, ___. And don’t play dumb with me.” “You knew what you were doing. I don’t buy this crap for a minute, so cut the bullshit.” “Do what you want. I came to get drunk, not to play your damn therapist.” “I’m getting another beer.” “I got no problem playin’ your therapist.” “You need a woman in your life, ___.” “I never lived up to anyone’s expectations, ___. What if I can’t live up to hers?” “What if I destroy everything that’s good about her?” “This more baggage your piece-of-shit father left you with?” “But what if I’m not what she needs?” “That scares you, doesn’t it?” “You’re wearing my shirt.” “Tell me I’m wrong.” “Doesn’t matter I’m fine.” “We need to talk.” “You want something, sweetheart?” “I hated the way you left me at that damn motel.” “Come here, ___. I want to cuddle with you.” “You hate cuddling.” “I do not. I love to cuddle.” “Remember that first night we slept together?” “You mean when you taught me the meaning of the word ‘negotiate’?” “I don’t do cuddling, ___. I told you that.” “That’s got to give you problems with the ladies, ___.” “___, that’s like telling a man, no blow jobs, ever.” “___, you’re spending time with the wrong women.” “Well, that just breaks my heart.” “Every time I’d hear someone say your name. I’d feel the sting.” “I thought maybe you’d forget about me.” “Impossible. With the way you make me feel, it’d take a fool to forget.” “Like you’re the only one who gets me.” “Been that way since the beginning.” “I remember the first time I saw you.” “Damn, baby, you knocked me off my feet.” “I remember you were intimidating as hell... and then you smiled at me.” “I did think you were a dream.” “And now that you can ride, you’re a biker’s wet dream.” “You looked hot as hell on that bike.” “Wouldn’t be Sturgis if it didn’t rain at least part of the week.” “This rain is sucking the fun out of the day I had planned.” “She gonna be good with us showing up here?” “___ used to run the bar at our clubhouse.” “Ma’am. Pleased to meet you.” “Think you can relax now, darlin’?” “You’re acting like you don’t know me. Like we’re strangers.” “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” “But, damn, girl, I get around you and the last thing I want to do is talk.” “I’ve been with a lot of women. ___.” “That’s nothing new, ___.” “You never asked me for anything, ___. Not a damn thing.” “Those other women, all the did was want shit. Expensive shit.” “But they never had a fucking problem asking. Always wanting shit.” “But you? You never did. Not once.” “You know what I want. You. All I ever wanted was to be with you, to know you love me.” “I never needed all that other material stuff, or empty promises. I never needed any of it.” “I just needed you.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Eight
“Can’t we have a damn conversation?” “Take off your clothes. You wanted to get to it, let’s get to it.” “But don’t expect sweet from me right now, ___.” “That’s not what you’re gonna get. That’s not the way I want it right now.” “It was hell, these last few months. Not being able to see you, touch you.” “You think one night was gonna be enough to make up for all those months?” “I’ve never been a patient man, ___,” “And you’ve definitely pushed me way past my limits.” “Before this is over, you’re going to tell me why.” “But “You gonna fight me on this?” “___, why are you crying? What aren’t you telling me?” “You know she didn’t mean shit to me. Hell, I ran her ass off that night. She hasn’t been back, I swear.” “___, damn it, hold still. I can’t loosen this if you keep fighting me.” “Don’t pity me. Don’t you dare!” “If you can’t talk to me, hell ___, who can you talk to?” “___, I don’t run, and I don’t scare easily.” “Your secrets are my secrets. Your demons are my demons.” “Tell me, and you’ll never have to fight them alone. I promise you that.” “Didn’t see that one coming, did you?” “You went off and had my baby, and never fucking thought to tell me?” “Where is it? You leave our kid with your mom? Your sister?” “Where’s my baby, ___?” “I wish I could take away your pain.” “I wish I could say something to make this all better, but I just don’t have the words. I don’t know how.” “Please, ___, if you had any feelings for me at all, you’ll let me go.” “You can always call me. For anything. You know that, right?” “You want a beer?” “Did you know ___ was carrying my baby when she left?” “Sit the fuck down, ___.” “Do you want to try to make a go of it with her?” “Doesn’t matter what I want.”   “What the hell does that mean?”   “She told me if I cared anything for her, I’d let her go.”   “I have to. I have to think about what’s best for her.”   “And what about you? You gonna survive this?” “Don’t bother arguing, honey, you know ___’s rules about someone escorting you to your car at night.” “Can I talk to you a minute?” “___. I’m going to shoot straight with you because that’s the kind of guy I am.” “Is that an order boss?” “It’s complicated.” “How complicated?” “Did he hurt you?” “The light has gone out of your eyes again. Just like before.” “You know, tattoos can cover up some pretty nasty scars. They actually do a damn fine job of it.” “You sure you want to do this tonight?” “You don’t want to talk, that’s fine. But if you ever do, I’m here.” “___ finally working his shit out?” “He’s doing better. It’s just gonna take some time.” “You see what I’m seeing?” “Goddamn it. Call a meeting.” “What do we know?” “I talked with ___. He’s had no problems. He’s got no clue.” “That’s the third hit on a business that has a direct line to our income.” “I’m not buying that it’s a coincidence.” “Who the fuck is doing this?” “I don’t know, but when we catch them, they’re going to wish they were dead.” “It’s so beautiful up here.” “If you hadn’t joined the MC, what would you have done?” “You mean what did I want to be when I grew up?” “Do you ever miss your family?” “You need back up, just say the word.” “You offering to be my back up, ___?” “I’ll always be your back up, darlin’. Anytime. Anyplace.” “Sometimes people just need to be reminded of shit and put in their place.” “Hey, darlin’, want to go for a ride?” “Our hours are eleven to nine in case you forgot.” “It needs a little work, but it’s a good bike.” “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll fix it, but you’ve got to learn to ride it.” “It’s not up for negotiation.” “I’m not camping out in some campground with a bunch of men.” “I need a bed and a hot shower.” “High maintenance, isn’t she, boss?” “I never met a woman who wasn’t.” “I’m not sharing. Just so we’re clear.” “Babe, you seen my long sleeve shirt?” “You know I have to go. It’s a mandatory run.” “Sturgis is national. There’ll be Chapters from all over the country.” “I know. How long will you be gone?” “You know how a woman like that likes to be fucked, ___?” “You bend her over, pull her hair whisper dirty things in her ear, and fuck her like you mean it.” “Here, ___. I want a shot waiting on me when I get inside.” “Five bucks doesn’t go very far in this town, ___.” “Check out the chick riding the bobtail chopper.” “There’s gonna be half a million bikers here. I’ll probably never run into her again.” What in the hell are you doing?” “Makin’ s’mores. Want one?” “What are you twelve?” “S’mores are fucking fantastic. Don’t gotta be twelve to enjoy one.” “Is that what you had in the bag from the quick-rip mini-mart earlier?” “When I die, I want one of you to go to my funeral dressed like the grim reaper.” “Don’t say anything. Just stand there.” “Is he high?” “Everyone at my funeral gets a stun-gun. The last one standing gets all my stuff.” “So far, my only accomplishment in life has been not having kids.” “Yeah, ___, and society is really grateful.” “Let me give you you some advice on dealing with a pregnant woman.” “Unless you are physically dying, and I mean shot six times and about to pass out from blood loss, do not, I repeat, do not complain about any of your ailments.” “Any gripes you have about being tired or achy will not be met with sympathy, ___.” “And keep your place stocked with lots of alcohol.”   “And when she gets to the third trimester, just resign yourself to letting her have control over everything. The TV remote, the car radio, the bank account-”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Seven
“This how it’s gonna be?” “Why’d you leave?” “Why didn’t you say goodbye?” “Why wouldn’t you pick up my Goddamn phone calls?” “Take your pick, ___. Where do you want to start?” “Do we really need to do this? What’s done is done.” “What would be the point?” “You’re seriously standin’ there askin’ me that?” “Don’t you think maybe I should have been included in this decision of yours?” “You think maybe we should have talked about it before you just up and left?” “What would that have changed?” “You wouldn’t have been leaving town, that’s for sure. That’s what would have changed!” “Did you ever think that maybe I needed to leave?”   “That I couldn’t take it anymore?” “Did you really expect me to stay and continue as we were?” “Look, I didn’t come up here to argue.” “Fine. Leave.” “___, stop. Can’t we just talk?” “We are talking. This is you and me talking.” “So say what you need to say.” “If I had come and told you goodbye, what would you have said to me?” “That would have been pretty selfish of you, wouldn’t it?” “It’s done. We can’t go back. Too much has happened.” “It’s not done. Not for me.” “Don’t do this. Please. I can’t take it.” “God, how I missed you, baby.” “Tell me you missed me, too.” “Shut up and kiss me, ___.” “I’m not going anywhere. I just don’t want to crush you.” “You get your note?” “Leave it to ___ to make a statement.” “Where the hell are they? You see ‘em anywhere?” “Fuck, this place is packed.” “I thought you were going to deck that bouncer.” “Do I look worried? I just hate when you have to be nice to someone you really want to throw through a window.” “You having a good time, birthday girl?” “I think somebody’s about to rock your world.” “Can I get the birthday girl a drink?” “___, you’re being all mysterious.” “___, you dog. You and ___ tying the knot?” “Have you lost your mind?” “No. I took one look at you in that sparkly white dress and the idea just came to me”   “You look like a bride. We’re here in Vegas. Let’s do this.” “And did my running off to Vegas without your permission have anything to do with this sudden idea of yours?” “Oh and is that supposed to make me feel better about this?” “Just look how those marriages turned out.” “Do you want to marry me, ___? Yes or no? I ain’t gonna stand here and beg you.” “Wait, I’ve got to get a picture of this.” “___, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” “I love you, ___, with all my heart.” “Now, you gonna marry me or not?” “I want you naked.” “___, please, I need you.” “What are we doing, ___?” “I’m showing you how I feel about you, ___.” “Payback is gonna be a bitch, sweetheart.” “Wait? That really happened?” “A little fuzzy, are we?” “I don’t even remember coming back to the hotel last night.” “Gone? What do you mean, gone?” “I mean she’s gone. Her. All her stuff. Woke up and the room was empty.” “She say anything? Tell you she was leaving?” “I’m going after her. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t give her a heads-up on that.” “Did you two have a fight?” “How much of a head start she got on you?” “What the hell are you doing?” “Going somewhere, sweetheart?” “Bullshit. You’re runnin’ again.” “Don’t lie to me, ___. Don’t you dare sit there and lie to me.” “You’re going to follow me to this exit.” “I’m not going anywhere with you, ___.” “We’re getting a room and working through this shit, or would you rather do it on the side of the fucking highway, ___?” “Do not make me chase you down this road again, babe.” “I agreed to talk to you, nothing more.” “What is your problem?” “My problem? My problem is I woke up alone in an empty hotel suite.” “My problem is you have a habit of forgetting to say goodbye.” “My problem is I’ve got a woman who seems to think any of that is gonna fly with me.” “I’m not your woman, ___.” “Keep tellin’ yourself that, babe.” “God, you’re so infuriating.” “We had a night together. Why are you trying to make it into something it wasn’t?” “___, nothing’s changed.” “Everything’s changed. I thought I proved that to you last night.” “We had sex. That proves nothing.” “That wasn’t just sex, ___, and you know it. You fucking know it.” “Don’t tempt me, ___. I’m not in the best of moods right now.” “I would have thought after last night that you’d wake up in a great mood this morning.” “Yeah, babe. I did wake up in a really, really great mood.” “It lasted all of about two seconds until I rolled over to reach for you and you weren’t there!” “I gotta spell it out? Why’d you run out on me this morning?” “Oh honestly, ___. You’re acting like I deserted you. It’s not a big deal.” “In case you hadn’t noticed, I just chased you down an interstate halfway across ___, so clue in—it’s a big deal to me.” “You want to cut the smartass mouth?” “We’ve been apart all this time.” “We run into each other in Vegas, and yeah, we had a night for old time’s sake. It’s over. Let it go.” “Old time’s sake? Is that all it was to you?” “Are you really standing here tellin’ me this shit?” “You’re scared. That’s what this is about.”   “You’re scared I’m gonna jerk you around again. That’s what this is about, isn’t it?”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Six
“Oh God, don’t bring that up.” “Sorry kid. It doesn’t work that way.” “So, anyway, we’ve decided a girl’s weekend is in order.” “You’re coming here?” “No. We were thinking bigger.” “Vegas, baby.” “I appreciate the thought, but I can’t.” “I have to work this weekend. Pretty much every weekend.” “No excuses. You’re coming.” “Pack your bags, sugar. He just said yes.” “I hate you.” “You love me.” “Where you gonna tell me?” “Was she the last call I put through to you?” “She used a Texas accent, that little fraud.” “Don’t change the subject.” “No, of course not. You haven’t lost your sex appeal.” “Maybe this isn’t an appropriate conversation to have with your boss.” “The hell you can’t.” “You’re still here in an hour, you’re fired.” “Let me bum a smoke.” “He says it’s definitely arson.” “So, they think we burned our own Goddamn business down?” “For what? Insurance money?” “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just telling you what he’s thinking.” “Does he know where it started?” “I thought we had security cameras?” “I thought we had dogs. What happened to the two Dobermans you kept out back?” “And you didn’t hear that shit?” “Look, everything happened so fast.” “People were panicking, and we were just trying to get everyone out.” “You do a good job, man.” “I’m not trying to blame you. I’m just fucking pissed.” “What’s the next step? You planning to rebuild?” “Give us a minute.” “They recover the safe?” “If somebody wants to fuck with us, they’re doing a damn fine job of it.” “So who does that leave?” “Oh look. Here comes Peter Cottontail.” “I stepped on a motherfucking nail!” “You dumbass.” “Speak for yourself.” “I’m not telling ___ a thing. How stupid do I look?” “If we’re going down for this, at least we’ll go down together.” “Why can’t we just tell them when we get home?” “I wouldn’t underestimate them.” “The only thing we’ve got going for us is that they don’t know where we are.” “Exactly, so why are we texting them?” “I can’t lie to ___.” “I have to tell him.” “Oh, all right. But don’t say I didn’t warn you if this all blows up in our faces.” “Five bucks says our phones all go off before the elevator doors open.” “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we all turn them off and go get drunk?” “Get away from me or I’ll shoot your junk off!” “We’re soul mates! The sooner you figure that out the less creepy I’ll seem.” “I think her aura was a bright shade of ‘fuck off and leave me alone’.” “I think she liked me.” “I’m no expert, but when a woman threatens to shoot your dick off, I’m pretty sure it’s time to back the fuck off.” “Let it go, bro.” “Your behavior is completely embarrassing, but highly entertaining at the same time. So keep it up.” “Screw this, I’m goin’ inside and getting me some snacks.” “Get me a pack of smokes and a water, will you?” “Better give him a list or he’ll end up in the booze aisle.” “Shit like this makes my eye twitch! Leave me alone.” “You sure she didn’t say painting the town this weekend?” “They don’t lie better, they just lie so much bigger.” “You didn’t really think this little trip of yours was going to fly did you?” “Don’t worry about __. __ can take care of her.” “It’s you that you need to be worried about right now.” “You’re such a little exhibitionist.” “Since you met me in a strip club, I guess you already knew that.” “Even back then, when you were dancing, I don’t think you ever realized how stunning you are.” “You are such a party pooper.” “Don’t give me any of your sass. You’re in a shitload of trouble, ___.” “She likes me better than you.” “She does not. She’s terrified of you.” “She sold me out for a fried dumpling?” “Whose idea was this?” “I’m gonna cut you some slack here, seeing as how I know how upset you were before I left.” “I’ve got no problem with that. But you and the girls loose in Vegas? I’ve got a big problem with that.” “I mean it. Do not pull this shit again.” “Maybe I should get in trouble more often.” “Baby, I’m beginning to realize troublemaker is your middle name.” “You tryin’ to give me heart failure?” “No, I’m not trying to give you heart failure. Honestly, you are so dramatic.” “You think I’ve got time to drop everything and chase you across Nevada?” “Okay, I can see you’re angry.” “Angry? Woman, angry doesn’t begin to cover it. Try livid.” “I don’t see why this is a big deal.” “It took you long enough to get here.” “You forget how easily a drink can be dosed? Huh, Mama?” “Only takes your back to be turned for a second for something to be slipped into your glass.” “You forget that happened to you? You forget where I found you?” “I’m not makin’ this point to bring up bad memories. I’m makin’ this point to make you understand.” “I’m not going anywhere with you.” “We need to talk. Don’t think you want me sayin’ what I’ve got to say to you, here.” “We have nothing to talk about.” “You’re blocking my sun.” “You got a room to yourself?” “You gonna look at me?”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Five
“You’re the one who strung her along all this fucking time, so don’t think you can come here and put the guilt on ___ or anyone else.” “It’s nobody’s fault but yours.” “She didn’t talk to you before she left?” “I got shit to tell you, ___.” “Please, ___. She didn’t even say goodbye. I can’t just let her go like this.” “But you did let her go in every other sense of the word, didn’t you?” “You don’t understand.” “Tell me the truth Did ___ run her off?” “No, ___, he didn’t. I was here when she came by. This was her choice.” “You’re a lucky man.” “You’re right. And I don’t need you to tell me that, because I know it.” “I told you to either step up or cut her loose. What’d you do? Neither.” “You’re gonna tell me you weren’t still seeing her?”   “You gonna look me in the fucking eye and lie to your brother?” “And how’s that gonna play out now?” “I don’t fucking know. I can’t believe she’s gone.” “___ wanted more, ___. You can’t blame her for that.” “You had something with ___. Maybe more than you want to admit.” “You don’t want to talk about it fine. You do, I’m here for you.” “But I ain’t Dear Abby. You’re a grown ass man, make a fucking decision.” “You either want her or you don’t. You either step up or shut up.”   “Maybe you just need to give her some time and space.” “What happened to your face?” “He always had a soft spot for ___.” “You may get the same thing from ___ when he sees you.” “Go home, ___.” “I need to ask you something. And I need you to not be a dick about it.” “Not making any promises on that one, ___.” “Did I fuck up?” “Go home, ___. Drink a bottle of Jack and sleep it off.” “Either shake her off or you don’t. Only time is gonna tell.” “I’m letting you off easy. That should have been a punch.” “They were found shot dead at the drop.” “You want to tell me what happened?” “I don’t know what the fuck happened. They were all alive when I left.” “Humor me. Let’s go over it.” “You saw no one else? No one pulling in? No one pass you on the road?” “We got a plan? Any suspects?” “___ got his money. It’s possible his men came back to get the drugs, but it would fuck up a long-standing relationship and for what?” “Doesn’t make sense.” “Random hit?” “Someone could have been following ___’s men. Decided the two in the bar were better target than the four in the car.” “You got any other possible scenarios?” “I got nothin’ to do with this, ___. I swear to you.” “Just got word. The Pony burned to the ground.” “You’re shittin’ me. When?” “Anybody hurt? Are all the girls, okay?” “Yeah, we’re damn lucky to have him.” “So, what’s the plan?” “We got a shit-ton of stuff to deal with.” “Christ. Do they know what started it?” “Great. How many enemies do we have this week?” “Too many to count, ___.” “Everything’s fine, sweetheart. Go back to sleep.” “It’s been six months, ___.” “I’m okay. We’ll just keep trying.” “I’m not complaining about that part, am I?” “They can wait a couple of minutes.” “You gonna miss me while I’m gone?” “You know I am. When will you be back?” “Yeah. Probably shouldn’t have told you that, but I don’t want you worrying.” “I’m not fragile, ___. Not like I used to be.” “I’ll be a good mother.” “I’m not worried about the kind of mother you’ll make.” “Will you miss it?” “Hell yeah, I’m gonna miss it” “But you give me a beautiful daughter, and I’ll forgive you.” “And if it’s a boy?” “Guess we keep tryin’.” “And if we keep having boys?” “Sucks for you then, ‘cause we keep tryin’, babe. I want a girl.” “I thought you had to leave.” “I miss her. It’s hard when she’s so far away.” “The boys are out of town this weekend. ___ said they’d be gone at least three days.” “You’re getting that look in your eyes. What are you planning?” “I’m thinking Vegas.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re forgetting one important roadblock. The guys will kill us.” “They won’t be here. They don’t ever have to know.” “We just won’t tell them until we get there.” “Don’t you want to cheer up ___ for her birthday?” “Okay fine. But what if she says no?” “You are so devious.” “Not devious. Just good at removing roadblocks.” “Um hmm. What about that big two-hundred-pound roadblock you call a husband?” “What are you going to do when he flips his freaking lid over this?” “You know what they say. Better to apologize later than to ask permission first.” “Oh, is that what they say?” “Come on. You know they’ll never let us go. We have to just do it and beg for mercy later.” “Where’s your sense of adventurer?” “It’s overshadowed by my sense of self preservation. And by the way, mercy isn’t going to be high on those boys’ lists when they get a hold of us.” “Come on. Those boys live for adventure. We deserve a little ourselves.” “Nothing like really good make up sex. Am I right?” “Make up sex is pretty good.” “Of course we might get our asses spanked first.” “Please tell me you remember.” “Sounds cool. Now if we only knew his name.” “Hey, ___. Can I get you a beer?” “How did you know?” “I have my ways.” “God, it’s so good to hear from you.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Four
“I mean it, ___. You want to take her out, have at her. But it won’t be goin’ down on ___ fucking property. We clear?” “You and I need to have a talk.” “Let her go.” “You want to say that again?” “Let me talk to her a minute, ___.” “A cat fight, ___? Really? What the hell’s gotten into you?” “Leave me alone. Let me go.” “Don’t do that again.” “Then let me go.” “We’re not done. So just settle down.” “Congratulations on your ability to create drama out of absolutely nothing.” “You've seen me with women before, and you’ve never gone off like this. What’s so different about ___?” “Why is she any different?” “You’ve never gone back for more before. You’re usually done with them by now.” “I told you, they don’t mean anything to me.” “And do I mean anything to you?” “You’re reading too much into this. I’ve got to throw the guys off track, don’t I?” “I can’t let them know about you and me.” “Answer the question. Do I?” “Baby, you know I care about you.” “Then prove it.” “I shouldn’t have to prove it.” “Prove it or I’m gone.” “You know men like me don’t do ultimatums.” “Yes, that, I do know.” “Bro, do something with ___. She’s one drenched, pissed off bitch.” “Can you get her out of here for me? Take her home?” “God, you’re pathetic when you beg.” “You’re gonna owe me for this one.” “This shit’s got to stop.” “Swear to Christ, ___. I’m done with this shit.” “Sorry? That all you’ve got to say?” “___, what the hell do you want me to say?” “I want you to fucking grow a pair and handle this. I told you to cut her loose. But you didn’t did you?” “It’s not that easy.” “Yeah. I know. So I’m gonna make it real easy for you.” “What are you talking about?” “You know how she feels about you, and yet you keep rubbing her nose in shit like this.” “Apparently, ___’s a major trigger for her in a way other girls you’ve been with have never been. Not sure why the hell she’s any different.” “Okay, I won’t bring ___ around anymore.” “It’s gone too far for that, ___.” “I saw this coming. Shit, I didn’t want to see it go this far. But one of you has to go.” “And we both know it’s not gonna be you.” “What the fuck are you saying?” “___’s done. He’s gonna hate to let her go, but he’s gonna find someone else to run the bar.” “No. I can’t be the reason for that.” “___, don’t do this. Please.” “It ain’t up to me. You want to try to talk to ___ out of it, good luck, ___.” “I just spent ten minutes trying, and I can’t get him to budge.” “You promise you can stay away from her, then prove it.” “Don’t go running over there tonight like I know you want to.” “Yeah. I know you. You think I don’t?” “Damn right, I do.” “You stay away from her, and maybe I’ll let her stay.” “Get the fuck out. I’m gonna have a chat with ___.” “As entertaining as all that was, we’re not going to have any more little displays like that, are we?” “Why don’t you take the rest of the night off? In fact, take the rest of the week off. Get your head on straight.” “Send ___ somewhere for a few days.” “This is the last time I’m dealing with this shit.” “I just got this beer. Give me a minute.” “Guess we’re gonna hang out here ‘for a minute.” “Guess I’ll head on back.” “Must be some hot pussy back in ___ waitin’ on him.” “What the fuck man?” “She’s gone. Because of you!” “It wasn’t enough you treated her like shit, but you had to drive her away too?” “What the hell are you talking about?” “And get the fuck out of my face, motherfucker.” “Don’t play fucking dumb with me, asshole. ___! That’s what I’m talking about. Like you don’t fucking know.” “___? What do you mean she left?” “She ain’t here is she? She’s gone. Because of you!”   “So, tell me, ___, is this the part where you’re gonna stand there and pretend you don’t give a shit?” “Let me get back to you.” “Who the do you think you are coming in here like that?” “You ran her off? After you gave me your fucking word if I left her alone, you’d let it ride, you’d let her stay.” “Sit the fuck down!” “I see you’ve heard.” “Did you run her off or not?” “No, I didn’t fucking run her off. I made you a Goddamned deal, didn’t I?” “You keep your end of it?” “Yes, I fucking kept it. You sent me out of town to make sure of that, didn’t you?” “Did you ever think of the possibility that she left on her own?” “You sure about that?” “You put her in a bad spot ___.” “You know women better than any of my guys, yet how are you so blind when it comes to ___?” “How are you the last to see it when it comes to her?” “You drag a woman through the dirt long enough, she’s going to eventually wise up and realize your ass isn’t worth it, no matter how much she loves you.” “Did she talk to you? Did she tell you she was leaving?” “___’s on his way, and he’s not in a good place.” “Right. I’ll deal with it.” “You want a piece of me, let’s go outside.” “We take this outside and one of us ain’t comin’ back.” “What about you? You got something to say?” “You made your own hell. I ain’t got to add to it.” “___, please. I know she was here.” “I know how tight you girls are, there’s no way you’d let her leave without knowing shit about her plans. She had to have told you where she was going.” “Back off, ___, She told you she doesn’t know.” “I can’t believe you just let her go.” “Don’t you dare put this on ___. It’s your fucking fault she’s gone.” “You’re the one who never made her your ol’ lady.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Three
“Give it to me baby.” “You’re being quiet. Was it too much?” “I would have stopped you if it was.” “You gave up my name way too easy, ___.” “You ready for round two already?” “I need sleep.” “___, you’re squishing me.” “Shh, go to sleep, baby doll.” “Love you, babe.” “Morning doll. What are you up to?” “Working my way through the first cup of coffee.” “Since the boys left at the crack of dawn this morning, the girls decided to get together for some Bloody Marys.” “Get your butt over here, now.” “You know with three kids I rarely get out.” “Is she coming over?” “Good morning sunshine.” “What’s so good about it?” “Did someone wake up all cranky this morning?” “I hate you.” “Hate me? Why?” “Because you look like a movie star at ten in the morning.” “Yeah, you’re a real dog with your thick, glossy dark hair and those big gorgeous eyes. I really feel for you, girl.” “Come on, let’s go to the roof top with these drinks.” “Wow. Nice upgrade.” “You ain’t lyin.” “You look tired.” “I didn’t get much sleep last night.” “Oh, really? What’s his name?” “Right away it’s a guy?” “I’m just saying...” “No. Actually ___ told me to steer clear of him.” “Let me see. How did he put it? I believe his words were ‘I could have at him’.” “So, if it wasn’t ___, what or who kept you up all night?” “It was ___ wasn’t it?” “Oh, all right. He was at my place when I got home.” “You mean waiting out front for you?” “No. I mean he was waiting inside for me.” “Sitting in the dark in my bedroom.” “Woah. Wait. Is that creepy or sexy?” “Have you lost your mind? Of course it was sexy. This is ___ we’re talking about.” “Just sayin’. It would kind of freak me out.” “You are so bad.” “Was he good?” “___ is always good.” “So then why are you so in the dumps this morning?” “That’s not the problem.” “___ ordered ___ to stay away from ___.” “Why did he do that? And why am I just now finding out about all this?” “Well, this has been fun, ladies, but I can’t stay. I have a nail appointment.” “You can’t go. I baked a breakfast casserole!” “Speaking of casseroles, do you smell something?” “Hey every bride burns a meal or two.” “Yeah, but eating burnt remains is supposed to eb the groom’s job.” “Ta-ta, ladies. Enjoy your meal.” “Chicken shit!” “Mama ___ didn’t raise a stupid daughter, honey.” “Mama ___ raised a chicken shit!” “I’ll tell her you said that.” “Mama ___ loves me. She knows I'm right.” “Well, come on. Let’s go see if it’s salvageable. But you’re not off the hook.” “I still want the full story on you and ___.” “I don’t know. I just suddenly felt nauseous.” “That’s just how I was when I was pregnant with ___.” “___… you’re not pregnant, are you?” “What? No. Hell no. I can’t be. I’m on the pill.” “You keep these in stock?” “___ and I have been trying.” “I think I need to sit down.” “So who’s the father?” “I haven’t been with ___.” “A couple of months ago. Once. But not since then. It can’t be his. There’s just been...” “What am I going to do?” “You should tell him.” “No I can’t. He’ll be so pissed.” “He doesn’t want a kid.” “How do you know that? Have you asked him?” “Men don’t know that they want until you give it to them.” “Oh really? Is that how it goes?” “Are you afraid ___ won’t step up?” “I don’t want him if it’s that way.” “Promise me this is between us. You can’t tell ___ or ___. Promise me.” “Take some time to get used to the idea yourself.” “You don’t have to share the news with him right away, or decide anything yet, but no matter what you decide, he needs to know.” “___, you know how things went down with ___ and me. He was so upset that I’d kept it from him. And now look how happy we are.” “He’s always been so adamant, right from the start, that he wasn’t' looking for an ol’ lady.” “You think ___ didn’t say the same thing to me?” “I think ___ may have said about the same thing to me, too.” “Does a bear piss in the woods?” “Don’t even concern yourself, ___. She’s ain’t worth it. He's just trying to make a point.” “And what is that point, ___?” “That he can’t be caught. Can’t be tied down.” “Yeah. I think I’ve had my nose rubbed in that ‘point’ before.” “Then fucking do something about it.” “You’re right, ___. I should do something about it.” “Would you like a beer?” “Aw, that’s too bad because I’ve got a cold one right here just for you.” “You little bitch!” “That’s enough, ___. Goddamn it.” “Don’t suppose I even have to ask, but what the fuck babe?” “You know better than this. This shit does not fly.”
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aceresources · 3 years
Wolf Evil Dead MC Book 4- Memes Part Two
“___ told me to tell you you’re still welcome anytime, darlin’.” “Tonight’s fight night. I’ll pick you up.” “You got a problem with that?” “Does the winner get a kiss?” “In the flesh.” “What are you doing here? You scared the crap out of me.” “Got your blood pumping though, didn’t I?” “I can see your pulse pounding in your throat.” “You’re not supposed to be here. ___ said so.” “I know what he said. I don’t need you to tell me.” “Then why are you still here?” “Because I can’t fucking stay away from you, ___. And you know it.” “We can’t.” “You feel it, too. Don’t try to deny it.” “There’s my baby.” “___. Please just go.” “Love your mouth. Always have.” “They told you to stay away.” “I can’t babe. You know I can’t.” “Face the wall, Miss ___.” “Hands up.” “Spread your legs, Miss.” “Are we playing good cop/bad cop?” “What do you think?” “I think there aren’t any good cops.” “I guess that makes me a bad cop. But I get the feeling you like bad boys, Miss. ___.” “In fact I think you hang out with a bunch of bad boys. One in particular, and I aim to find out his name.” “I’ll never tell you anything, Officer ___.” “Oh, we’re about to get real friendly. I’ll need to search you for concealed weapons, ma’am.”   “What do we have here? Feels like you’re packing some big guns.” “And how big a weapon do you have, Officer?” “Maybe if you’re a really good girl and cooperate fully, I’ll let you find out.” “I am cooperating.” “Then maybe you should keep your hands where I told you.” “Yes, sir.” “Let’s see what other deadly weapons you’ve got on you.” “Could be deadly. Could be used against a man.” “Behave or I’ll have to get nasty.” “Now this Miss. ___ could definitely kill a man.” “At least bring a man to his knees.” “Very cooperative, now, aren’t you?” “You had a question for me?” “Are you...ATF?” “ATF are pussies. I’m, DEA. Lady. And I fully intend to get all the information out of you that I came for.” “W-what information?” “The man you’re involved with, the one that pays you all those late night visits.” “How do you know about that?” “I’ve been watching you.” “Um humm. What’s his name. Miss. ___?” “I’ll never tell you.” “Oh, I think you will.” “On the bed.” “Going somewhere?” “Go ahead. Fight me, Miss. ___.” “Get off me.” “I’m not going anywhere, so fight all you want, lady.” “Cooperate, and I’ll go easy on you.” “Lie, back.” “Arms above your head.” “What are you going to do?” “I’m going to get what I came for. I’m going to get all the information out of you I want.” “I’m going to have you twisting with need until you tell me every single thing you know.” “I’ll never tell you a damn thing.” “Assaulting a police officer will get you three-to-five, Miss ___.” “Three-to-five years? I highly doubt it.” “Three-to-five hours, Miss. ___. In this bed. At my mercy.” “But go ahead and fight me.” “I like it that way.” “I bet you do too.” “I’ll let you in on a little secret.” “Tell me about him. Tell me about this man that visits you at night.” “He knows what a woman likes, he knows how to get inside my head and make me forget everything but him.” “Really. Is that so? What else?” “He’s an amazing kisser.” “When he kisses me, I forget everything. I forget where I am. I feel like I’m the only person in the world he cares about.” “Say his name.” “Oh, I think you will.” “Was that really necessary?” “You bet it was, baby doll.” “I can play nice. Or not. It’s all up to you.” “Keep your eyes on me.” “Do you understand?” “You can stop it all with a name. Sweetheart.” “Give him up, and all the torment stops.” “I can’t. You know I can’t.” “Can’t or won’t?” “You can and you will, Miss. ___.” “How far do I have to take this?” “How much more can you take, pretty lady?” “I can keep at it all night.” “Not funny, ___.” “Never. I’ll never tell you a thing.” “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Miss. ___.” “You want this?” “Baby, you are definitely in need, aren’t you?” “Tell me, and I’ll be gentle.” “Rough it is then.” “Don't think you can control this, control me.” “Tell me, and this torment stops for both of us.” “___. His name is ___.”
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