acestired · 9 hours
Thoughts on the Brilliant Minds pilot
cinematic-ass opening montage-thing
so they're basically trying to make him be House
and now I'm crying
and now he's singing and I'm very much feeling what they're saying about the music
faceblindness, hmm...autistic???
so he's a fusion of House and Max Goodwin
when one door closes a Call To Adventure opens
nice house, needs a turret though
looks like more plants per square feet than Botany Manor from the game of the same name
badass female lead as usual
So that was Andre De Shields
tragic backstory unlocked
cue the ensemble
*Veggietales narrator voice* "shocked and slightly embarrassed by the sight of their attending in a towel"
I think I've heard about this condition somewhere I just don't know where
So unlike House he is gay, he just needs a Wilson (and we're not doing the guy-girl slowburn shit you'd otherwise expect from characters like this on a show like this)
houston we have a dick
let's meet the interns and now I'm getting reminded of Scorpion and The Librarians (and I wonder if, like on Scorpion, the one with the anxiety will end up becoming my favorite)
and he's taking someone else's drugs
there was an attempt at empathy
screw your protocol
as I myself have said mental illness is still illness
what the psychic vision just happened with that flashback
so it is what I thought it was, Capgras Syndrome (and isn't even a fourth-wall break, no set here)
exactly what mom thought they were going to do just mom thought they were going to blindfold her not turn the TV around
who gave her a backless chair!?
expected dark night of the soul
she would have been fine if they talked to her when she wasn't facing them
let's go chase a patient (and I'm going to have to look up that needle drop)
better attempt at connection let's see if it works
there's the blindfold mom was expecting...and it works
I hate chalk noises even on TV
nice going through the play-by-play of her plan
expectedly unexpected twist hammers home the whole "find your way back home" motif
In conclusion if you love House, New Amsterdam or Scorpion you should totally check Brilliant Minds out, I hate to judge based one (really good) episode but this show not only deserves to go on for years but it deserves a fandom as big as House's
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acestired · 2 days
"It was so long ago". Bro my grandmother was born in 1937, I can literally ring her and ask her what her experience was during the Shoah. My dad was born in 1947. My friend's grandfather was in Auschwitz and I had dinner with him. Like we are not even talking about great grandparents here. The primary sources are still around and alive???
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acestired · 2 days
I've remarked in the past that one of the problems with Dungeons & Dragons under Hasbro is that they want to downplay a lot of the uncomfortably horny elements which have historically characterised the game's implicit milieu, but certain key parts of the game's brand identity are tied up with those horny bits, and they're not willing to give that brand identity up, so they end up doing daft shit like keeping dragon-blooded sorcerers as a core class while acting like "one of your parents fucked a dragon" is the least likely explanation for how you got to be that way, resulting in a text with a strangely coy tone.
The 2024 Player's Handbook carries this policy – and the resulting tonal incoherence – forward. This is how it describes draconic sorcery:
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As we can see, it even walks back the 2014 Player's Handbook's oft-mocked discussion of "bargaining" with dragons for power, in favour of proposing scenarios involving accidental exposure to draconic magic – as though a draconic sorcerer is some sort of dragon-themed Spider-Man – while grudgingly acknowledging the possibility of actual dragon-fucking almost as an afterthought.
And then it uses this image to illustrate the Draconic Sorcery subclass:
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acestired · 3 days
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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acestired · 3 days
The thought that Brucie Wayne and Batman being two completely separate entities that Bruce can code switch between has consumed me especially with the idea that he mixes the two together on occasion to fuck with people
*Batman and Superman searching a dressing room*
Superman: What about this thing, it looks suspicious?
Batman *full Batman voice*: That’s an eyelash curler darling
*OG JLA revealing identities to newbies*
Green Arrow: Your turn Bats, who are you?
Batman having decided to fuck with him walking up to him cocking his hip putting one hand on his chest and in full Brucie Wayne mode: C’mon Ollie-Dollie you know who I am. We dated 💕
Green Arrow (internally): Modem noise
Recently revealed identities with Clark and Brucie being at the same party
Brucie: oh howdy 🤠 cowboy, fancy meeting you at this shindig
Clark *flustered* (internally): he can’t be Batman he can’t be Batman he can’t be Batman…
*Bruce getting a call during a JLA meeting*
Brucie: Oh! hello dear, yes of course I’m coming to your party I’ll see you later 😘
Batman: Our security measures need to be increased due to the number of criminals currently attempting to follow heroes to their base of operations
JLA *experiencing whiplash*: what.
*undercover Brucie and members of the JLA at a party*
Bruce *pretending to be drunk wandering over to the flash*: excuse moi but can I get your attention for just a momento😊
Flash *completely disconnecting Bruce and bats*: yeah uh sure sir are you alright
Batman *quiet but deep Batman voice*: there’s an assassin in the rafters
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acestired · 3 days
house is a girl you have to take care of her
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acestired · 4 days
walked into a burger place to pick up my order and the girl behind the counter looked at my shirt funny so I look down and the shirt is a picture of a girl excited about eating a hamburger and fries. i'm such a fucking cartoon character right now. this is the shirt
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acestired · 4 days
The Tanach writing Moses as having a bad stutter from burning his mouth as a baby and needing his brother Aaron to come with him to talk to the Pharaoh and still not being questioned once as God's prophet has done more for Jewish disability rep than 95% of current media.
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acestired · 4 days
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Dutch artist, Redmer Hoekstra.
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acestired · 4 days
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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acestired · 5 days
Reading a book about slavery in the middle-ages, and as the author sorts through different source materials from different eras, I am starting to understand why so many completely fantastical accounts of "faraway lands" went without as much as a shrug. The world is such a weird place that you can either refuse to believe any of it or just go "yeah that might as well happen" and carry on with your day.
There was this 10th century arab traveller who wrote into an account that the fine trade furs come from a land where the night only lasts one hour in the summer and the sun doesn't rise at all in the winter, people use dogs to travel, and where children have white hair. I don't think I'd believe something like that either if I didn't live here.
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acestired · 5 days
i think people who complain about paragraphs being too long should just read/write screenplays instead. some of us actually enjoy reading
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acestired · 8 days
so being jewish, i know that antisemitism primary hurts jews. it's us. we live with the most threats from it.
but no one seems to notice how many terrorists, school shooters, bombers, hate groups, harassment campaigns, hate ideology: sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, fuck pretty much all of the worst brain worms you can get or be effected by: are powerfully charged, explained, accepted because of and linked through jew hatred.
the dyke march hates jews, but so do trad cath men's rights groups. black hebrew israelites hate jews, but so do flat earther, Qanon, and the KKK. so do incels. so do the anti israel leftist. both the far right and far left have vast theories about how jews are involved in world affairs. so do pretty much any color or creed of goyim that has fallen down the rabbit hole into la la land where violence becomes a political solution.
all the big hate group networks use jews as a uniting big tent to find common ground to work together. no joke. brown and black christian nationalist and islamist pro terrorist speakers are routinely used by white supremesists online and at in person conferences.
no one seems to acknowledge that the jew hate is the core principal behind conspiracy narratives globally and that conspiracy narratives are the destabilizing force that lets a person go from "i want to change the world for the better!" into "things can only get better by mass violence!"
and everyone kinda ... ignores it. not even that it's a warning sign but like... that it's pretty critical to convince someone that they need to cause mass death? i just feel so crazy sometimes.
i'm not even just worried for jews, i'm trying to warn goyim that antisemitism is why schools and concerts aren't safe FOR THEM, and it's like... crickets. no idea.
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acestired · 30 days
For the By the Angel Bingo @malecdiscordserver
I wanted to be creative with this prompt and became obsessed with this audio so why not combine the two? I make Alec "the gun" aka the one both Maryse and Magnus want to reach for, influencing him to their side (Maryse also symbolizes the Clave and its rule-abiding stifling society and Magnus is the opposite of that).
It's fun to notice and put all these Maryse-Magnus parallel, especially in terms of the way they act with Alec. And Alec is the gun they want and rely on, seeking him for comfort. Maryse and Magnus differ in all sorts of things, but they both love Alec, albeit in different ways
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acestired · 1 month
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Andre Braugher as Captain Raymond Holt in Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Season 5)
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acestired · 1 month
“the millenium falcon would wipe out the enterprise in seconds” lmao the enterprise is just an innocent science class floating thru space…. all they wanna do is look at some rocks… kiss an alien…. find some space plants….. why would you fight that its not a battleship theyre just nerds…… leave them olone 
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acestired · 1 month
Sometimes the technology conspires against me to make me sound crazy in my text messages.
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